Index ¶
- Constants
- type AlarmFilter
- type AlarmResult
- type AlarmType
- type AlreadyDone
- type AlreadyDoneFault
- type ArrayOfBackingStoragePool
- type ArrayOfDatastoreBackingPoolMapping
- type ArrayOfDatastorePair
- type ArrayOfDeviceId
- type ArrayOfFaultDomainProviderMapping
- type ArrayOfGroupOperationResult
- type ArrayOfNameValuePair
- type ArrayOfPointInTimeReplicaInfo
- type ArrayOfPolicyAssociation
- type ArrayOfQueryReplicationPeerResult
- type ArrayOfRecoveredDevice
- type ArrayOfRecoveredDiskInfo
- type ArrayOfRelatedStorageArray
- type ArrayOfReplicaIntervalQueryResult
- type ArrayOfReplicationGroupData
- type ArrayOfReplicationTargetInfo
- type ArrayOfSmsProviderInfo
- type ArrayOfSourceGroupMemberInfo
- type ArrayOfStorageAlarm
- type ArrayOfStorageArray
- type ArrayOfStorageContainer
- type ArrayOfStorageFileSystem
- type ArrayOfStorageFileSystemInfo
- type ArrayOfStorageLun
- type ArrayOfStoragePort
- type ArrayOfStorageProcessor
- type ArrayOfSupportedVendorModelMapping
- type ArrayOfTargetDeviceId
- type ArrayOfTargetGroupMemberInfo
- type AuthConnectionFailed
- type AuthConnectionFailedFault
- type BackingConfig
- type BackingStoragePool
- type BackingStoragePoolType
- type BaseDeviceId
- type BaseFailoverParam
- type BaseGroupInfo
- type BaseGroupOperationResult
- type BaseProviderRegistrationFault
- type BaseProviderSyncFailed
- type BaseQueryExecutionFault
- type BaseSmsProviderInfo
- type BaseSmsProviderSpec
- type BaseSmsReplicationFault
- type BaseStoragePort
- type BaseTargetGroupMemberInfo
- type BaseVirtualMachineId
- type BlockDeviceInterface
- type CertificateAuthorityFault
- type CertificateAuthorityFaultFault
- type CertificateNotImported
- type CertificateNotImportedFault
- type CertificateNotTrusted
- type CertificateNotTrustedFault
- type CertificateRefreshFailed
- type CertificateRefreshFailedFault
- type CertificateRevocationFailed
- type CertificateRevocationFailedFault
- type DatastoreBackingPoolMapping
- type DatastorePair
- type DeviceId
- type DrsMigrationCapabilityResult
- type DuplicateEntry
- type DuplicateEntryFault
- type EntityReference
- type EntityReferenceEntityType
- type FailoverParam
- type FailoverReplicationGroupRequestType
- type FailoverReplicationGroup_Task
- type FailoverReplicationGroup_TaskResponse
- type FailoverSuccessResult
- type FaultDomainFilter
- type FaultDomainInfo
- type FaultDomainProviderMapping
- type FcStoragePort
- type FcoeStoragePort
- type FileSystemInterface
- type FileSystemInterfaceVersion
- type GroupErrorResult
- type GroupInfo
- type GroupOperationResult
- type InactiveProvider
- type InactiveProviderFault
- type IncorrectUsernamePassword
- type IncorrectUsernamePasswordFault
- type InvalidCertificate
- type InvalidCertificateFault
- type InvalidFunctionTarget
- type InvalidFunctionTargetFault
- type InvalidProfile
- type InvalidProfileFault
- type InvalidReplicationState
- type InvalidReplicationStateFault
- type InvalidSession
- type InvalidSessionFault
- type InvalidUrl
- type InvalidUrlFault
- type IscsiStoragePort
- type LunHbaAssociation
- type MultipleSortSpecsNotSupported
- type MultipleSortSpecsNotSupportedFault
- type NameValuePair
- type NoCommonProviderForAllBackings
- type NoCommonProviderForAllBackingsFault
- type NoReplicationTarget
- type NoReplicationTargetFault
- type NoValidReplica
- type NoValidReplicaFault
- type NotSupportedByProvider
- type NotSupportedByProviderFault
- type PeerNotReachable
- type PeerNotReachableFault
- type PointInTimeReplicaId
- type PointInTimeReplicaInfo
- type PolicyAssociation
- type PrepareFailoverReplicationGroupRequestType
- type PrepareFailoverReplicationGroup_Task
- type PrepareFailoverReplicationGroup_TaskResponse
- type PromoteParam
- type PromoteReplicationGroupRequestType
- type PromoteReplicationGroup_Task
- type PromoteReplicationGroup_TaskResponse
- type ProviderBusy
- type ProviderBusyFault
- type ProviderConnectionFailed
- type ProviderConnectionFailedFault
- type ProviderNotFound
- type ProviderNotFoundFault
- type ProviderOutOfProvisioningResource
- type ProviderOutOfProvisioningResourceFault
- type ProviderOutOfResource
- type ProviderOutOfResourceFault
- type ProviderProfile
- type ProviderRegistrationFault
- type ProviderRegistrationFaultFault
- type ProviderSyncFailed
- type ProviderSyncFailedFault
- type ProviderUnavailable
- type ProviderUnavailableFault
- type ProviderUnregistrationFault
- type ProviderUnregistrationFaultFault
- type ProxyRegistrationFailed
- type ProxyRegistrationFailedFault
- type QueryAboutInfo
- type QueryAboutInfoRequestType
- type QueryAboutInfoResponse
- type QueryActiveAlarm
- type QueryActiveAlarmRequestType
- type QueryActiveAlarmResponse
- type QueryArray
- type QueryArrayAssociatedWithLun
- type QueryArrayAssociatedWithLunRequestType
- type QueryArrayAssociatedWithLunResponse
- type QueryArrayRequestType
- type QueryArrayResponse
- type QueryAssociatedBackingStoragePool
- type QueryAssociatedBackingStoragePoolRequestType
- type QueryAssociatedBackingStoragePoolResponse
- type QueryDatastoreBackingPoolMapping
- type QueryDatastoreBackingPoolMappingRequestType
- type QueryDatastoreBackingPoolMappingResponse
- type QueryDatastoreCapability
- type QueryDatastoreCapabilityRequestType
- type QueryDatastoreCapabilityResponse
- type QueryDrsMigrationCapabilityForPerformance
- type QueryDrsMigrationCapabilityForPerformanceEx
- type QueryDrsMigrationCapabilityForPerformanceExRequestType
- type QueryDrsMigrationCapabilityForPerformanceExResponse
- type QueryDrsMigrationCapabilityForPerformanceRequestType
- type QueryDrsMigrationCapabilityForPerformanceResponse
- type QueryExecutionFault
- type QueryExecutionFaultFault
- type QueryFaultDomain
- type QueryFaultDomainRequestType
- type QueryFaultDomainResponse
- type QueryFileSystemAssociatedWithArray
- type QueryFileSystemAssociatedWithArrayRequestType
- type QueryFileSystemAssociatedWithArrayResponse
- type QueryHostAssociatedWithLun
- type QueryHostAssociatedWithLunRequestType
- type QueryHostAssociatedWithLunResponse
- type QueryLunAssociatedWithArray
- type QueryLunAssociatedWithArrayRequestType
- type QueryLunAssociatedWithArrayResponse
- type QueryLunAssociatedWithPort
- type QueryLunAssociatedWithPortRequestType
- type QueryLunAssociatedWithPortResponse
- type QueryNfsDatastoreAssociatedWithFileSystem
- type QueryNfsDatastoreAssociatedWithFileSystemRequestType
- type QueryNfsDatastoreAssociatedWithFileSystemResponse
- type QueryNotSupported
- type QueryNotSupportedFault
- type QueryPointInTimeReplica
- type QueryPointInTimeReplicaParam
- type QueryPointInTimeReplicaRequestType
- type QueryPointInTimeReplicaResponse
- type QueryPointInTimeReplicaSuccessResult
- type QueryPointInTimeReplicaSummaryResult
- type QueryPortAssociatedWithArray
- type QueryPortAssociatedWithArrayRequestType
- type QueryPortAssociatedWithArrayResponse
- type QueryPortAssociatedWithLun
- type QueryPortAssociatedWithLunRequestType
- type QueryPortAssociatedWithLunResponse
- type QueryPortAssociatedWithProcessor
- type QueryPortAssociatedWithProcessorRequestType
- type QueryPortAssociatedWithProcessorResponse
- type QueryProcessorAssociatedWithArray
- type QueryProcessorAssociatedWithArrayRequestType
- type QueryProcessorAssociatedWithArrayResponse
- type QueryProvider
- type QueryProviderInfo
- type QueryProviderInfoRequestType
- type QueryProviderInfoResponse
- type QueryProviderRequestType
- type QueryProviderResponse
- type QueryReplicationGroup
- type QueryReplicationGroupInfo
- type QueryReplicationGroupInfoRequestType
- type QueryReplicationGroupInfoResponse
- type QueryReplicationGroupRequestType
- type QueryReplicationGroupResponse
- type QueryReplicationGroupSuccessResult
- type QueryReplicationPeer
- type QueryReplicationPeerRequestType
- type QueryReplicationPeerResponse
- type QueryReplicationPeerResult
- type QuerySessionManager
- type QuerySessionManagerRequestType
- type QuerySessionManagerResponse
- type QuerySmsTaskInfo
- type QuerySmsTaskInfoRequestType
- type QuerySmsTaskInfoResponse
- type QuerySmsTaskResult
- type QuerySmsTaskResultRequestType
- type QuerySmsTaskResultResponse
- type QueryStorageContainer
- type QueryStorageContainerRequestType
- type QueryStorageContainerResponse
- type QueryStorageManager
- type QueryStorageManagerRequestType
- type QueryStorageManagerResponse
- type QueryVmfsDatastoreAssociatedWithLun
- type QueryVmfsDatastoreAssociatedWithLunRequestType
- type QueryVmfsDatastoreAssociatedWithLunResponse
- type RecoveredDevice
- type RecoveredDiskInfo
- type RecoveredTargetGroupMemberInfo
- type RegisterProviderRequestType
- type RegisterProvider_Task
- type RegisterProvider_TaskResponse
- type RelatedStorageArray
- type ReplicaId
- type ReplicaIntervalQueryResult
- type ReplicaQueryIntervalParam
- type ReplicationGroupData
- type ReplicationGroupFilter
- type ReplicationReplicationState
- type ReplicationTargetInfo
- type ReverseReplicateGroupRequestType
- type ReverseReplicateGroup_Task
- type ReverseReplicateGroup_TaskResponse
- type ReverseReplicationSuccessResult
- type ServiceNotInitialized
- type ServiceNotInitializedFault
- type SmsAboutInfo
- type SmsAlarmStatus
- type SmsEntityType
- type SmsInvalidLogin
- type SmsInvalidLoginFault
- type SmsProviderInfo
- type SmsProviderSpec
- type SmsRefreshCACertificatesAndCRLsRequestType
- type SmsRefreshCACertificatesAndCRLs_Task
- type SmsRefreshCACertificatesAndCRLs_TaskResponse
- type SmsReplicationFault
- type SmsReplicationFaultFault
- type SmsResourceInUse
- type SmsResourceInUseFault
- type SmsTaskInfo
- type SmsTaskState
- type SourceGroupInfo
- type SourceGroupMemberInfo
- type StorageAlarm
- type StorageArray
- type StorageCapability
- type StorageContainer
- type StorageContainerResult
- type StorageContainerSpec
- type StorageContainerVvolContainerTypeEnum
- type StorageFileSystem
- type StorageFileSystemInfo
- type StorageLun
- type StoragePort
- type StorageProcessor
- type SupportedVendorModelMapping
- type SyncInProgress
- type SyncInProgressFault
- type SyncOngoing
- type SyncOngoingFault
- type SyncReplicationGroupRequestType
- type SyncReplicationGroupSuccessResult
- type SyncReplicationGroup_Task
- type SyncReplicationGroup_TaskResponse
- type TargetDeviceId
- type TargetGroupInfo
- type TargetGroupMemberInfo
- type TargetToSourceInfo
- type TestFailoverParam
- type TestFailoverReplicationGroupStartRequestType
- type TestFailoverReplicationGroupStart_Task
- type TestFailoverReplicationGroupStart_TaskResponse
- type TestFailoverReplicationGroupStopRequestType
- type TestFailoverReplicationGroupStop_Task
- type TestFailoverReplicationGroupStop_TaskResponse
- type ThinProvisioningStatus
- type TooMany
- type TooManyFault
- type UnregisterProviderRequestType
- type UnregisterProvider_Task
- type UnregisterProvider_TaskResponse
- type VVolId
- type VasaAuthenticationType
- type VasaProfile
- type VasaProviderCertificateStatus
- type VasaProviderInfo
- type VasaProviderProfile
- type VasaProviderReconnectRequestType
- type VasaProviderReconnect_Task
- type VasaProviderReconnect_TaskResponse
- type VasaProviderRefreshCertificateRequestType
- type VasaProviderRefreshCertificate_Task
- type VasaProviderRefreshCertificate_TaskResponse
- type VasaProviderRevokeCertificateRequestType
- type VasaProviderRevokeCertificate_Task
- type VasaProviderRevokeCertificate_TaskResponse
- type VasaProviderSpec
- type VasaProviderStatus
- type VasaProviderSyncRequestType
- type VasaProviderSync_Task
- type VasaProviderSync_TaskResponse
- type VasaVirtualDiskId
- type VersionURI
- type VirtualDiskKey
- type VirtualDiskMoId
- type VirtualMachineFilePath
- type VirtualMachineId
- type VirtualMachineMoId
- type VirtualMachineUUID
- type VpCategory
- type VpType
Constants ¶
const ( AlarmTypeSpaceCapacityAlarm = AlarmType("SpaceCapacityAlarm") AlarmTypeCapabilityAlarm = AlarmType("CapabilityAlarm") AlarmTypeStorageObjectAlarm = AlarmType("StorageObjectAlarm") AlarmTypeObjectAlarm = AlarmType("ObjectAlarm") AlarmTypeComplianceAlarm = AlarmType("ComplianceAlarm") AlarmTypeManageabilityAlarm = AlarmType("ManageabilityAlarm") AlarmTypeReplicationAlarm = AlarmType("ReplicationAlarm") AlarmTypeCertificateAlarm = AlarmType("CertificateAlarm") )
const ( BackingStoragePoolTypeThinProvisioningPool = BackingStoragePoolType("thinProvisioningPool") BackingStoragePoolTypeDeduplicationPool = BackingStoragePoolType("deduplicationPool") BackingStoragePoolTypeThinAndDeduplicationCombinedPool = BackingStoragePoolType("thinAndDeduplicationCombinedPool") )
const ( BlockDeviceInterfaceFc = BlockDeviceInterface("fc") BlockDeviceInterfaceIscsi = BlockDeviceInterface("iscsi") BlockDeviceInterfaceFcoe = BlockDeviceInterface("fcoe") BlockDeviceInterfaceOtherBlock = BlockDeviceInterface("otherBlock") )
const ( EntityReferenceEntityTypeDatacenter = EntityReferenceEntityType("datacenter") EntityReferenceEntityTypeResourcePool = EntityReferenceEntityType("resourcePool") EntityReferenceEntityTypeStoragePod = EntityReferenceEntityType("storagePod") EntityReferenceEntityTypeCluster = EntityReferenceEntityType("cluster") EntityReferenceEntityTypeVm = EntityReferenceEntityType("vm") EntityReferenceEntityTypeDatastore = EntityReferenceEntityType("datastore") EntityReferenceEntityTypeHost = EntityReferenceEntityType("host") EntityReferenceEntityTypeVmFile = EntityReferenceEntityType("vmFile") EntityReferenceEntityTypeScsiPath = EntityReferenceEntityType("scsiPath") EntityReferenceEntityTypeScsiTarget = EntityReferenceEntityType("scsiTarget") EntityReferenceEntityTypeScsiVolume = EntityReferenceEntityType("scsiVolume") EntityReferenceEntityTypeScsiAdapter = EntityReferenceEntityType("scsiAdapter") EntityReferenceEntityTypeNasMount = EntityReferenceEntityType("nasMount") )
const ( FileSystemInterfaceNfs = FileSystemInterface("nfs") FileSystemInterfaceOtherFileSystem = FileSystemInterface("otherFileSystem") )
const ( // PBM profile ProviderProfileProfileBasedManagement = ProviderProfile("ProfileBasedManagement") // Replication profile ProviderProfileReplication = ProviderProfile("Replication") )
const ( // Replication Source ReplicationReplicationStateSOURCE = ReplicationReplicationState("SOURCE") // Replication target ReplicationReplicationStateTARGET = ReplicationReplicationState("TARGET") // The group failed over at this site of the query. // // It has not yet been made // as a source of replication. ReplicationReplicationStateFAILEDOVER = ReplicationReplicationState("FAILEDOVER") // The group is InTest. // // The testFailover devices list will be available from // the `TargetGroupMemberInfo` ReplicationReplicationStateINTEST = ReplicationReplicationState("INTEST") // Remote group was failed over, and this site is neither the source nor the // target. ReplicationReplicationStateREMOTE_FAILEDOVER = ReplicationReplicationState("REMOTE_FAILEDOVER") )
const ( SmsAlarmStatusRed = SmsAlarmStatus("Red") SmsAlarmStatusGreen = SmsAlarmStatus("Green") SmsAlarmStatusYellow = SmsAlarmStatus("Yellow") )
const ( SmsEntityTypeStorageArrayEntity = SmsEntityType("StorageArrayEntity") SmsEntityTypeStorageProcessorEntity = SmsEntityType("StorageProcessorEntity") SmsEntityTypeStoragePortEntity = SmsEntityType("StoragePortEntity") SmsEntityTypeStorageLunEntity = SmsEntityType("StorageLunEntity") SmsEntityTypeStorageFileSystemEntity = SmsEntityType("StorageFileSystemEntity") SmsEntityTypeStorageCapabilityEntity = SmsEntityType("StorageCapabilityEntity") SmsEntityTypeCapabilitySchemaEntity = SmsEntityType("CapabilitySchemaEntity") SmsEntityTypeCapabilityProfileEntity = SmsEntityType("CapabilityProfileEntity") SmsEntityTypeDefaultProfileEntity = SmsEntityType("DefaultProfileEntity") SmsEntityTypeResourceAssociationEntity = SmsEntityType("ResourceAssociationEntity") SmsEntityTypeStorageContainerEntity = SmsEntityType("StorageContainerEntity") SmsEntityTypeStorageObjectEntity = SmsEntityType("StorageObjectEntity") SmsEntityTypeMessageCatalogEntity = SmsEntityType("MessageCatalogEntity") SmsEntityTypeProtocolEndpointEntity = SmsEntityType("ProtocolEndpointEntity") SmsEntityTypeVirtualVolumeInfoEntity = SmsEntityType("VirtualVolumeInfoEntity") SmsEntityTypeBackingStoragePoolEntity = SmsEntityType("BackingStoragePoolEntity") SmsEntityTypeFaultDomainEntity = SmsEntityType("FaultDomainEntity") SmsEntityTypeReplicationGroupEntity = SmsEntityType("ReplicationGroupEntity") )
const ( // Task is put in the queue. SmsTaskStateQueued = SmsTaskState("queued") // Task is currently running. SmsTaskStateRunning = SmsTaskState("running") // Task has completed. SmsTaskStateSuccess = SmsTaskState("success") // Task has encountered an error or has been canceled. SmsTaskStateError = SmsTaskState("error") )
const ( StorageContainerVvolContainerTypeEnumNFS = StorageContainerVvolContainerTypeEnum("NFS") StorageContainerVvolContainerTypeEnumNFS4x = StorageContainerVvolContainerTypeEnum("NFS4x") StorageContainerVvolContainerTypeEnumSCSI = StorageContainerVvolContainerTypeEnum("SCSI") StorageContainerVvolContainerTypeEnumNVMe = StorageContainerVvolContainerTypeEnum("NVMe") )
const ( ThinProvisioningStatusRED = ThinProvisioningStatus("RED") ThinProvisioningStatusYELLOW = ThinProvisioningStatus("YELLOW") ThinProvisioningStatusGREEN = ThinProvisioningStatus("GREEN") )
const ( // Login using SAML token. VasaAuthenticationTypeLoginByToken = VasaAuthenticationType("LoginByToken") // Use id of an existing session that has logged-in from somewhere else. VasaAuthenticationTypeUseSessionId = VasaAuthenticationType("UseSessionId") )
const ( // Block device profile VasaProfileBlockDevice = VasaProfile("blockDevice") // File system profile VasaProfileFileSystem = VasaProfile("fileSystem") // Storage capability profile VasaProfileCapability = VasaProfile("capability") // Policy profile VasaProfilePolicy = VasaProfile("policy") // Object based storage profile VasaProfileObject = VasaProfile("object") // IO Statistics profile VasaProfileStatistics = VasaProfile("statistics") // Storage DRS specific block device profile VasaProfileStorageDrsBlockDevice = VasaProfile("storageDrsBlockDevice") // Storage DRS specific file system profile VasaProfileStorageDrsFileSystem = VasaProfile("storageDrsFileSystem") )
const ( // Provider certificate is valid. VasaProviderCertificateStatusValid = VasaProviderCertificateStatus("valid") // Provider certificate is within the soft limit threshold. VasaProviderCertificateStatusExpirySoftLimitReached = VasaProviderCertificateStatus("expirySoftLimitReached") // Provider certificate is within the hard limit threshold. VasaProviderCertificateStatusExpiryHardLimitReached = VasaProviderCertificateStatus("expiryHardLimitReached") // Provider certificate has expired. VasaProviderCertificateStatusExpired = VasaProviderCertificateStatus("expired") // Provider certificate is revoked, malformed or missing. VasaProviderCertificateStatusInvalid = VasaProviderCertificateStatus("invalid") )
const ( // Block device profile VasaProviderProfileBlockDevice = VasaProviderProfile("blockDevice") // File system profile VasaProviderProfileFileSystem = VasaProviderProfile("fileSystem") // Storage capability profile VasaProviderProfileCapability = VasaProviderProfile("capability") )
const ( // VASA Provider is operating correctly. VasaProviderStatusOnline = VasaProviderStatus("online") // VASA Provider is not responding, e.g. // // communication error due to temporary // network outage. SMS keeps polling the provider in this state. VasaProviderStatusOffline = VasaProviderStatus("offline") // VASA Provider is connected, but sync operation failed. VasaProviderStatusSyncError = VasaProviderStatus("syncError") // Deprecated as of SMS API 4.0, this status is deprecated. // // VASA Provider is unreachable. VasaProviderStatusUnknown = VasaProviderStatus("unknown") // VASA Provider is connected, but has not triggered sync operation. VasaProviderStatusConnected = VasaProviderStatus("connected") // VASA Provider is disconnected, e.g. // // failed to establish a valid // SSL connection to the provider. SMS stops communication with the // provider in this state. The user can reconnect to the provider by invoking // `VasaProvider.VasaProviderReconnect_Task`. VasaProviderStatusDisconnected = VasaProviderStatus("disconnected") )
const ( // An internal provider category indicates the set of providers such as IOFILTERS and VSAN. VpCategoryInternal = VpCategory("internal") // An external provider category indicates the set of providers are external and not belong // to say either of IOFILTERS or VSAN category. VpCategoryExternal = VpCategory("external") )
const ( // Persistence provider. VpTypePERSISTENCE = VpType("PERSISTENCE") // DataService provider. // // No storage supported for this type of provider. VpTypeDATASERVICE = VpType("DATASERVICE") // Type is unknown. // // VASA provider type can be UNKNOWN when it is undergoing sync operation. VpTypeUNKNOWN = VpType("UNKNOWN") )
const (
FileSystemInterfaceVersionNFSV3_0 = FileSystemInterfaceVersion("NFSV3_0")
Variables ¶
This section is empty.
Functions ¶
This section is empty.
Types ¶
type AlarmFilter ¶
type AlarmFilter struct { types.DynamicData // The status of the alarm to search for. // // Should be one of // `SmsAlarmStatus_enum`. If not specified, all status values // should be considered. AlarmStatus string `xml:"alarmStatus,omitempty" json:"alarmStatus,omitempty"` // The status of the alarm to search for. // // Should be one of // `AlarmType_enum`. If not specified, all alarm types // should be considered. AlarmType string `xml:"alarmType,omitempty" json:"alarmType,omitempty"` // The entityType of interest, VASA provider should // return all active alarms of this type when `AlarmFilter.entityId` // is not set. // // See `SmsEntityType_enum`. EntityType string `xml:"entityType,omitempty" json:"entityType,omitempty"` // The identifiers of the entities of interest. // // If set, all entities must be // of the same `SmsEntityType_enum` and it should be set in // `AlarmFilter.entityType`. VASA provider can skip listing the missing entities. EntityId []types.AnyType `xml:"entityId,omitempty,typeattr" json:"entityId,omitempty"` // The page marker used for query pagination. // // This is an opaque string that // will be set based on the value returned by the VASA provider - see // `AlarmResult.pageMarker`. For initial request this should be set to // null, indicating request for the first page. PageMarker string `xml:"pageMarker,omitempty" json:"pageMarker,omitempty"` }
This spec contains information needed for queryActiveAlarm API to filter the result.
This structure may be used only with operations rendered under `/sms`.
type AlarmResult ¶
type AlarmResult struct { types.DynamicData // Resulting storage alarms. StorageAlarm []StorageAlarm `xml:"storageAlarm,omitempty" json:"storageAlarm,omitempty"` // The page marker used for query pagination. // // This is an opaque string that // will be set by the VASA provider. The client will set the same value in // `AlarmFilter.pageMarker` to query the next page. VP should unset // this value to indicate the end of page. PageMarker string `xml:"pageMarker,omitempty" json:"pageMarker,omitempty"` }
Contains result for queryActiveAlarm API.
This structure may be used only with operations rendered under `/sms`.
type AlreadyDone ¶
type AlreadyDone struct {
Thrown if the object is already at the desired state.
This is always a warning.
This structure may be used only with operations rendered under `/sms`.
type AlreadyDoneFault ¶
type AlreadyDoneFault AlreadyDone
type ArrayOfBackingStoragePool ¶
type ArrayOfBackingStoragePool struct {
BackingStoragePool []BackingStoragePool `xml:"BackingStoragePool,omitempty" json:"_value"`
A boxed array of `BackingStoragePool`. To be used in `Any` placeholders.
This structure may be used only with operations rendered under `/sms`.
type ArrayOfDatastoreBackingPoolMapping ¶
type ArrayOfDatastoreBackingPoolMapping struct {
DatastoreBackingPoolMapping []DatastoreBackingPoolMapping `xml:"DatastoreBackingPoolMapping,omitempty" json:"_value"`
A boxed array of `DatastoreBackingPoolMapping`. To be used in `Any` placeholders.
This structure may be used only with operations rendered under `/sms`.
type ArrayOfDatastorePair ¶
type ArrayOfDatastorePair struct {
DatastorePair []DatastorePair `xml:"DatastorePair,omitempty" json:"_value"`
A boxed array of `DatastorePair`. To be used in `Any` placeholders.
This structure may be used only with operations rendered under `/sms`.
type ArrayOfDeviceId ¶
type ArrayOfDeviceId struct {
DeviceId []BaseDeviceId `xml:"DeviceId,omitempty,typeattr" json:"_value"`
A boxed array of `DeviceId`. To be used in `Any` placeholders.
This structure may be used only with operations rendered under `/sms`.
type ArrayOfFaultDomainProviderMapping ¶
type ArrayOfFaultDomainProviderMapping struct {
FaultDomainProviderMapping []FaultDomainProviderMapping `xml:"FaultDomainProviderMapping,omitempty" json:"_value"`
A boxed array of `FaultDomainProviderMapping`. To be used in `Any` placeholders.
This structure may be used only with operations rendered under `/sms`.
type ArrayOfGroupOperationResult ¶
type ArrayOfGroupOperationResult struct {
GroupOperationResult []BaseGroupOperationResult `xml:"GroupOperationResult,omitempty,typeattr" json:"_value"`
A boxed array of `GroupOperationResult`. To be used in `Any` placeholders.
This structure may be used only with operations rendered under `/sms`.
type ArrayOfNameValuePair ¶
type ArrayOfNameValuePair struct {
NameValuePair []NameValuePair `xml:"NameValuePair,omitempty" json:"_value"`
A boxed array of `NameValuePair`. To be used in `Any` placeholders.
This structure may be used only with operations rendered under `/sms`.
type ArrayOfPointInTimeReplicaInfo ¶
type ArrayOfPointInTimeReplicaInfo struct {
PointInTimeReplicaInfo []PointInTimeReplicaInfo `xml:"PointInTimeReplicaInfo,omitempty" json:"_value"`
A boxed array of `PointInTimeReplicaInfo`. To be used in `Any` placeholders.
This structure may be used only with operations rendered under `/sms`.
type ArrayOfPolicyAssociation ¶
type ArrayOfPolicyAssociation struct {
PolicyAssociation []PolicyAssociation `xml:"PolicyAssociation,omitempty" json:"_value"`
A boxed array of `PolicyAssociation`. To be used in `Any` placeholders.
This structure may be used only with operations rendered under `/sms`.
type ArrayOfQueryReplicationPeerResult ¶
type ArrayOfQueryReplicationPeerResult struct {
QueryReplicationPeerResult []QueryReplicationPeerResult `xml:"QueryReplicationPeerResult,omitempty" json:"_value"`
A boxed array of `QueryReplicationPeerResult`. To be used in `Any` placeholders.
This structure may be used only with operations rendered under `/sms`.
type ArrayOfRecoveredDevice ¶
type ArrayOfRecoveredDevice struct {
RecoveredDevice []RecoveredDevice `xml:"RecoveredDevice,omitempty" json:"_value"`
A boxed array of `RecoveredDevice`. To be used in `Any` placeholders.
This structure may be used only with operations rendered under `/sms`.
type ArrayOfRecoveredDiskInfo ¶
type ArrayOfRecoveredDiskInfo struct {
RecoveredDiskInfo []RecoveredDiskInfo `xml:"RecoveredDiskInfo,omitempty" json:"_value"`
A boxed array of `RecoveredDiskInfo`. To be used in `Any` placeholders.
This structure may be used only with operations rendered under `/sms`.
type ArrayOfRelatedStorageArray ¶
type ArrayOfRelatedStorageArray struct {
RelatedStorageArray []RelatedStorageArray `xml:"RelatedStorageArray,omitempty" json:"_value"`
A boxed array of `RelatedStorageArray`. To be used in `Any` placeholders.
This structure may be used only with operations rendered under `/sms`.
type ArrayOfReplicaIntervalQueryResult ¶
type ArrayOfReplicaIntervalQueryResult struct {
ReplicaIntervalQueryResult []ReplicaIntervalQueryResult `xml:"ReplicaIntervalQueryResult,omitempty" json:"_value"`
A boxed array of `ReplicaIntervalQueryResult`. To be used in `Any` placeholders.
This structure may be used only with operations rendered under `/sms`.
type ArrayOfReplicationGroupData ¶
type ArrayOfReplicationGroupData struct {
ReplicationGroupData []ReplicationGroupData `xml:"ReplicationGroupData,omitempty" json:"_value"`
A boxed array of `ReplicationGroupData`. To be used in `Any` placeholders.
This structure may be used only with operations rendered under `/sms`.
type ArrayOfReplicationTargetInfo ¶
type ArrayOfReplicationTargetInfo struct {
ReplicationTargetInfo []ReplicationTargetInfo `xml:"ReplicationTargetInfo,omitempty" json:"_value"`
A boxed array of `ReplicationTargetInfo`. To be used in `Any` placeholders.
This structure may be used only with operations rendered under `/sms`.
type ArrayOfSmsProviderInfo ¶
type ArrayOfSmsProviderInfo struct {
SmsProviderInfo []BaseSmsProviderInfo `xml:"SmsProviderInfo,omitempty,typeattr" json:"_value"`
A boxed array of `SmsProviderInfo`. To be used in `Any` placeholders.
This structure may be used only with operations rendered under `/sms`.
type ArrayOfSourceGroupMemberInfo ¶
type ArrayOfSourceGroupMemberInfo struct {
SourceGroupMemberInfo []SourceGroupMemberInfo `xml:"SourceGroupMemberInfo,omitempty" json:"_value"`
A boxed array of `SourceGroupMemberInfo`. To be used in `Any` placeholders.
This structure may be used only with operations rendered under `/sms`.
type ArrayOfStorageAlarm ¶
type ArrayOfStorageAlarm struct {
StorageAlarm []StorageAlarm `xml:"StorageAlarm,omitempty" json:"_value"`
A boxed array of `StorageAlarm`. To be used in `Any` placeholders.
This structure may be used only with operations rendered under `/sms`.
type ArrayOfStorageArray ¶
type ArrayOfStorageArray struct {
StorageArray []StorageArray `xml:"StorageArray,omitempty" json:"_value"`
A boxed array of `StorageArray`. To be used in `Any` placeholders.
This structure may be used only with operations rendered under `/sms`.
type ArrayOfStorageContainer ¶
type ArrayOfStorageContainer struct {
StorageContainer []StorageContainer `xml:"StorageContainer,omitempty" json:"_value"`
A boxed array of `StorageContainer`. To be used in `Any` placeholders.
This structure may be used only with operations rendered under `/sms`.
type ArrayOfStorageFileSystem ¶
type ArrayOfStorageFileSystem struct {
StorageFileSystem []StorageFileSystem `xml:"StorageFileSystem,omitempty" json:"_value"`
A boxed array of `StorageFileSystem`. To be used in `Any` placeholders.
This structure may be used only with operations rendered under `/sms`.
type ArrayOfStorageFileSystemInfo ¶
type ArrayOfStorageFileSystemInfo struct {
StorageFileSystemInfo []StorageFileSystemInfo `xml:"StorageFileSystemInfo,omitempty" json:"_value"`
A boxed array of `StorageFileSystemInfo`. To be used in `Any` placeholders.
This structure may be used only with operations rendered under `/sms`.
type ArrayOfStorageLun ¶
type ArrayOfStorageLun struct {
StorageLun []StorageLun `xml:"StorageLun,omitempty" json:"_value"`
A boxed array of `StorageLun`. To be used in `Any` placeholders.
This structure may be used only with operations rendered under `/sms`.
type ArrayOfStoragePort ¶
type ArrayOfStoragePort struct {
StoragePort []BaseStoragePort `xml:"StoragePort,omitempty,typeattr" json:"_value"`
A boxed array of `StoragePort`. To be used in `Any` placeholders.
This structure may be used only with operations rendered under `/sms`.
type ArrayOfStorageProcessor ¶
type ArrayOfStorageProcessor struct {
StorageProcessor []StorageProcessor `xml:"StorageProcessor,omitempty" json:"_value"`
A boxed array of `StorageProcessor`. To be used in `Any` placeholders.
This structure may be used only with operations rendered under `/sms`.
type ArrayOfSupportedVendorModelMapping ¶
type ArrayOfSupportedVendorModelMapping struct {
SupportedVendorModelMapping []SupportedVendorModelMapping `xml:"SupportedVendorModelMapping,omitempty" json:"_value"`
A boxed array of `SupportedVendorModelMapping`. To be used in `Any` placeholders.
This structure may be used only with operations rendered under `/sms`.
type ArrayOfTargetDeviceId ¶
type ArrayOfTargetDeviceId struct {
TargetDeviceId []TargetDeviceId `xml:"TargetDeviceId,omitempty" json:"_value"`
A boxed array of `TargetDeviceId`. To be used in `Any` placeholders.
This structure may be used only with operations rendered under `/sms`.
type ArrayOfTargetGroupMemberInfo ¶
type ArrayOfTargetGroupMemberInfo struct {
TargetGroupMemberInfo []BaseTargetGroupMemberInfo `xml:"TargetGroupMemberInfo,omitempty,typeattr" json:"_value"`
A boxed array of `TargetGroupMemberInfo`. To be used in `Any` placeholders.
This structure may be used only with operations rendered under `/sms`.
type AuthConnectionFailed ¶
type AuthConnectionFailed struct {
This exception is thrown when an error occurs while connecting to the vpxd service to validate the user credentials
This structure may be used only with operations rendered under `/sms`.
type AuthConnectionFailedFault ¶
type AuthConnectionFailedFault AuthConnectionFailed
type BackingConfig ¶
type BackingConfig struct { types.DynamicData // Identifier for the backing pool for thin provisioning ThinProvisionBackingIdentifier string `xml:"thinProvisionBackingIdentifier,omitempty" json:"thinProvisionBackingIdentifier,omitempty"` // Identifier for the backing pool for deduplication DeduplicationBackingIdentifier string `xml:"deduplicationBackingIdentifier,omitempty" json:"deduplicationBackingIdentifier,omitempty"` // Flag to indicate whether auto-tiering optimizations are active AutoTieringEnabled *bool `xml:"autoTieringEnabled" json:"autoTieringEnabled,omitempty"` // Aggregate indication of space savings efficiency in the shared // deduplication pool. // // The value is between 0 and 100, higher values // indicating better efficiency. DeduplicationEfficiency int64 `xml:"deduplicationEfficiency,omitempty" json:"deduplicationEfficiency,omitempty"` // Frequency in seconds at which interval auto-tiering optimizations // are applied. // // A value of 0 indicates continuous optimization. PerformanceOptimizationInterval int64 `xml:"performanceOptimizationInterval,omitempty" json:"performanceOptimizationInterval,omitempty"` }
This data object represents SDRS related data associated with block device or file system.
This structure may be used only with operations rendered under `/sms`.
type BackingStoragePool ¶
type BackingStoragePool struct { types.DynamicData // Unique identifier Uuid string `xml:"uuid" json:"uuid"` Type string `xml:"type" json:"type"` // Upper bound of the available capacity in the backing storage pool. CapacityInMB int64 `xml:"capacityInMB" json:"capacityInMB"` // Aggregate used space in the backing storage pool. UsedSpaceInMB int64 `xml:"usedSpaceInMB" json:"usedSpaceInMB"` }
This data object represents the backing storage pool information of block device or file system.
This structure may be used only with operations rendered under `/sms`.
type BackingStoragePoolType ¶
type BackingStoragePoolType string
List of possible BackingStoragePool types
func (BackingStoragePoolType) Strings ¶
func (e BackingStoragePoolType) Strings() []string
func (BackingStoragePoolType) Values ¶
func (e BackingStoragePoolType) Values() []BackingStoragePoolType
type BaseDeviceId ¶
type BaseDeviceId interface {
GetDeviceId() *DeviceId
type BaseFailoverParam ¶
type BaseFailoverParam interface {
GetFailoverParam() *FailoverParam
type BaseGroupInfo ¶
type BaseGroupInfo interface {
GetGroupInfo() *GroupInfo
type BaseGroupOperationResult ¶
type BaseGroupOperationResult interface {
GetGroupOperationResult() *GroupOperationResult
type BaseProviderRegistrationFault ¶
type BaseProviderRegistrationFault interface {
GetProviderRegistrationFault() *ProviderRegistrationFault
type BaseProviderSyncFailed ¶
type BaseProviderSyncFailed interface {
GetProviderSyncFailed() *ProviderSyncFailed
type BaseQueryExecutionFault ¶
type BaseQueryExecutionFault interface {
GetQueryExecutionFault() *QueryExecutionFault
type BaseSmsProviderInfo ¶
type BaseSmsProviderInfo interface {
GetSmsProviderInfo() *SmsProviderInfo
type BaseSmsProviderSpec ¶
type BaseSmsProviderSpec interface {
GetSmsProviderSpec() *SmsProviderSpec
type BaseSmsReplicationFault ¶
type BaseSmsReplicationFault interface {
GetSmsReplicationFault() *SmsReplicationFault
type BaseStoragePort ¶
type BaseStoragePort interface {
GetStoragePort() *StoragePort
type BaseTargetGroupMemberInfo ¶
type BaseTargetGroupMemberInfo interface {
GetTargetGroupMemberInfo() *TargetGroupMemberInfo
type BaseVirtualMachineId ¶
type BaseVirtualMachineId interface {
GetVirtualMachineId() *VirtualMachineId
type BlockDeviceInterface ¶
type BlockDeviceInterface string
List of possible block device interfaces
func (BlockDeviceInterface) Strings ¶
func (e BlockDeviceInterface) Strings() []string
func (BlockDeviceInterface) Values ¶
func (e BlockDeviceInterface) Values() []BlockDeviceInterface
type CertificateAuthorityFault ¶
type CertificateAuthorityFault struct { ProviderRegistrationFault // Fault code returned by certificate authority. FaultCode int32 `xml:"faultCode" json:"faultCode"` }
This exception is thrown if there is a problem with calls to the CertificateAuthority.
This structure may be used only with operations rendered under `/sms`.
type CertificateAuthorityFaultFault ¶
type CertificateAuthorityFaultFault CertificateAuthorityFault
type CertificateNotImported ¶
type CertificateNotImported struct {
This exception is thrown if `VasaProviderInfo.retainVasaProviderCertificate` is true and the provider uses a certificate issued by a Certificate Authority, but the root certificate of the Certificate Authority is not imported to VECS truststore before attempting the provider registration.
This structure may be used only with operations rendered under `/sms`.
type CertificateNotImportedFault ¶
type CertificateNotImportedFault CertificateNotImported
type CertificateNotTrusted ¶
type CertificateNotTrusted struct { ProviderRegistrationFault // Certificate Certificate string `xml:"certificate" json:"certificate"` }
This exception is thrown if the certificate provided by the provider is not trusted.
This structure may be used only with operations rendered under `/sms`.
type CertificateNotTrustedFault ¶
type CertificateNotTrustedFault CertificateNotTrusted
An CertificateNotTrusted fault is thrown when an Agency's configuration contains OVF package URL or VIB URL for that vSphere ESX Agent Manager is not able to make successful SSL trust verification of the server's certificate.
Reasons for this might be that the certificate provided via the API `AgentConfigInfo.ovfSslTrust` and `AgentConfigInfo.vibSslTrust` or via the script /usr/lib/vmware-eam/bin/
- is invalid.
- does not match the server's certificate.
If there is no provided certificate, the fault is thrown when the server's certificate is not trusted by the system or is invalid - @see `AgentConfigInfo.ovfSslTrust` and `AgentConfigInfo.vibSslTrust`. To enable Agency creation 1) provide a valid certificate used by the server hosting the `AgentConfigInfo.ovfPackageUrl` or `AgentConfigInfo.vibUrl` or 2) ensure the server's certificate is signed by a CA trusted by the system. Then retry the operation, vSphere ESX Agent Manager will retry the SSL trust verification and proceed with reaching the desired state.
This structure may be used only with operations rendered under `/eam`.
`**Since:**` vEAM API 8.2
type CertificateRefreshFailed ¶
type CertificateRefreshFailed struct { types.MethodFault ProviderId []string `xml:"providerId,omitempty" json:"providerId,omitempty"` }
This exception is thrown if SMS failed to refresh a CA signed certificate for the provider (or) push the latest CA root certificates and CRLs to the provider.
This structure may be used only with operations rendered under `/sms`.
type CertificateRefreshFailedFault ¶
type CertificateRefreshFailedFault CertificateRefreshFailed
type CertificateRevocationFailed ¶
type CertificateRevocationFailed struct {
This exception is thrown if SMS failed to revoke CA signed certificate of the provider.
This structure may be used only with operations rendered under `/sms`.
type CertificateRevocationFailedFault ¶
type CertificateRevocationFailedFault CertificateRevocationFailed
type DatastoreBackingPoolMapping ¶
type DatastoreBackingPoolMapping struct { types.DynamicData // Refers instances of `Datastore`. Datastore []types.ManagedObjectReference `xml:"datastore" json:"datastore"` BackingStoragePool []BackingStoragePool `xml:"backingStoragePool,omitempty" json:"backingStoragePool,omitempty"` }
This data object represents the result of queryDatastoreBackingPoolMapping API.
More than one datastore can map to the same set of BackingStoragePool.
This structure may be used only with operations rendered under `/sms`.
type DatastorePair ¶
type DatastorePair struct { types.DynamicData // Refers instance of `Datastore`. Datastore1 types.ManagedObjectReference `xml:"datastore1" json:"datastore1"` // Refers instance of `Datastore`. Datastore2 types.ManagedObjectReference `xml:"datastore2" json:"datastore2"` }
Deprecated as of SMS API 5.0.
Datastore pair that is returned as a result of queryDrsMigrationCapabilityForPerformanceEx API.
This structure may be used only with operations rendered under `/sms`.
type DeviceId ¶
type DeviceId struct {
Base class that represents a replicated device.
This structure may be used only with operations rendered under `/sms`.
func (*DeviceId) GetDeviceId ¶
type DrsMigrationCapabilityResult ¶
type DrsMigrationCapabilityResult struct { types.DynamicData RecommendedDatastorePair []DatastorePair `xml:"recommendedDatastorePair,omitempty" json:"recommendedDatastorePair,omitempty"` NonRecommendedDatastorePair []DatastorePair `xml:"nonRecommendedDatastorePair,omitempty" json:"nonRecommendedDatastorePair,omitempty"` }
Deprecated as of SMS API 5.0.
This data object represents the result of queryDrsMigrationCapabilityForPerformanceEx API.
This structure may be used only with operations rendered under `/sms`.
type DuplicateEntry ¶
type DuplicateEntry struct {
This exception indicates there are duplicate entries in the input argument.
This structure may be used only with operations rendered under `/sms`.
type DuplicateEntryFault ¶
type DuplicateEntryFault DuplicateEntry
type EntityReference ¶
type EntityReference struct { types.DynamicData // Unique identifier for the entity of a given type in the // system. // // A VirtualCenter managed object ID can be supplied // here, in which case the type may be unset. Otherwise, the // type must be set. Id string `xml:"id" json:"id"` // Type of the entity. Type EntityReferenceEntityType `xml:"type,omitempty" json:"type,omitempty"` }
Deprecated as of SMS API 4.0.
Unique identifier of a given entity with the storage management service.
It is similar to the VirtualCenter ManagedObjectReference but also identifies certain non-managed objects.
This structure may be used only with operations rendered under `/sms`.
type EntityReferenceEntityType ¶
type EntityReferenceEntityType string
Types of entities supported by the service.
func (EntityReferenceEntityType) Strings ¶
func (e EntityReferenceEntityType) Strings() []string
func (EntityReferenceEntityType) Values ¶
func (e EntityReferenceEntityType) Values() []EntityReferenceEntityType
type FailoverParam ¶
type FailoverParam struct { types.DynamicData // Whether the failover is a planned failover or not. // // Note that testFailover // can also be executed in an unplanned mode. When this flag is // set to false, the recovery VASA provider must not try to connect // to the primary VASA provider during the failover. IsPlanned bool `xml:"isPlanned" json:"isPlanned"` // Do not execute the (test) failover but check if the configuration // is correct to execute the (test) failover. // // If set to <code>true</code>, the (test)failover result is an array where // each element is either `GroupOperationResult` or `GroupErrorResult`. // // If set to <code>false</code>, the (test)failover result is an array where // each element is either `FailoverSuccessResult` or `GroupErrorResult`. CheckOnly bool `xml:"checkOnly" json:"checkOnly"` // The replication groups to failover. // // It is OK for the VASA // provider to successfully failover only some groups. The // groups that did not complete will be retried. ReplicationGroupsToFailover []ReplicationGroupData `xml:"replicationGroupsToFailover,omitempty" json:"replicationGroupsToFailover,omitempty"` // Storage policies for the devices after (test)failover. // // Failover should be done even if policies cannot be associated. // Test failover, however, should fail if policies cannot be associated. // // If policies cannot be associated, VASA provider can notify the client by // doing either or both of these: // 1\. Set the warning in the result for a replication group to indicate // such a failure to set the policy. // 2\. Raise a compliance alarm after the failover is done. // // If not specified, the default policies are used. Callers may reassign // policy later. PolicyAssociations []PolicyAssociation `xml:"policyAssociations,omitempty" json:"policyAssociations,omitempty"` }
Input to the failover or testFailover methods.
This structure may be used only with operations rendered under `/sms`.
func (*FailoverParam) GetFailoverParam ¶
func (b *FailoverParam) GetFailoverParam() *FailoverParam
type FailoverReplicationGroupRequestType ¶
type FailoverReplicationGroupRequestType struct { This types.ManagedObjectReference `xml:"_this" json:"_this"` // Settings for the failover. FailoverParam BaseFailoverParam `xml:"failoverParam,typeattr" json:"failoverParam"` }
The parameters of `VasaProvider.FailoverReplicationGroup_Task`.
This structure may be used only with operations rendered under `/sms`.
type FailoverReplicationGroup_Task ¶
type FailoverReplicationGroup_Task FailoverReplicationGroupRequestType
type FailoverReplicationGroup_TaskResponse ¶
type FailoverReplicationGroup_TaskResponse struct {
Returnval types.ManagedObjectReference `xml:"returnval" json:"returnval"`
type FailoverSuccessResult ¶
type FailoverSuccessResult struct { GroupOperationResult // Some replicators may automatically reverse replication on failover. // // Such // replicators must move the replication status to // `SOURCE` // In other cases, it can remain as `FAILEDOVER`. NewState string `xml:"newState" json:"newState"` // Id of the Point in Time snapshot used during failover. // // If not present, // latest PIT was used. PitId *PointInTimeReplicaId `xml:"pitId,omitempty" json:"pitId,omitempty"` // Optional id of the Point in Time snapshot that was automatically created before // failing over. // // This is recommended so users can revert back to this // snapshot to avoid data loss. This can be removed after the reverse // replication call succeeds. PitIdBeforeFailover *PointInTimeReplicaId `xml:"pitIdBeforeFailover,omitempty" json:"pitIdBeforeFailover,omitempty"` // Recovered Devices. // // This is optional because in some corner cases the // replication groups on the target site may not have any virtual volumes. RecoveredDeviceInfo []RecoveredDevice `xml:"recoveredDeviceInfo,omitempty" json:"recoveredDeviceInfo,omitempty"` // Time stamp of recovery. TimeStamp *time.Time `xml:"timeStamp" json:"timeStamp,omitempty"` }
Results of a successful failover operation.
The target fault domain Id, and the device group id are inherited.
This structure may be used only with operations rendered under `/sms`.
type FaultDomainFilter ¶
type FaultDomainFilter struct { types.DynamicData // If specified, query for this specific provider only; else query for all // providers. ProviderId string `xml:"providerId,omitempty" json:"providerId,omitempty"` }
This spec contains information needed for `SmsStorageManager.QueryFaultDomain` API to filter the result.
This structure may be used only with operations rendered under `/sms`.
type FaultDomainInfo ¶
type FaultDomainInfo struct { types.FaultDomainId // Name of the fault domain, if not specified, the id will be used in place // of the name. // // Name need not be unique. Name string `xml:"name,omitempty" json:"name,omitempty"` // Description - could be a localized string. Description string `xml:"description,omitempty" json:"description,omitempty"` // Identifier of the Storage Array that this Fault Domain belongs to. // // A Fault // Domain and all its children should report same `FaultDomainInfo.storageArrayId`. It // can be left unspecified. If not specified, vSphere will not support High // Availability feature for this Fault Domain. When specified, vSphere will // treat the the currently active VASA provider for `StorageArray` as // the active VASA provider for this Fault Domain and its children. // Changing High Availability support choice for a Fault Domain // intermittently, by sometimes specifying the storageArrayId and sometimes // not, will cause unexpected result and might cause VP to be in 'syncError' // state in vSphere. StorageArrayId string `xml:"storageArrayId,omitempty" json:"storageArrayId,omitempty"` // List of children, the entries in the array should always be // `FaultDomainId` and not `FaultDomainInfo`. // // The 2016 vSphere release will not support nested Fault Domains. The field // FaultDomainInfo#children is ignored by vSphere 2016 release. Children []types.FaultDomainId `xml:"children,omitempty" json:"children,omitempty"` // VASA provider that is actively managing this fault domain // // Refers instance of `SmsProvider`. Provider *types.ManagedObjectReference `xml:"provider,omitempty" json:"provider,omitempty"` }
Information about a Fault Domain.
This structure may be used only with operations rendered under `/sms`.
type FaultDomainProviderMapping ¶
type FaultDomainProviderMapping struct { types.DynamicData // Active provider managing the fault domains // // Refers instance of `SmsProvider`. ActiveProvider types.ManagedObjectReference `xml:"activeProvider" json:"activeProvider"` // Fault domains being managed by the provider FaultDomainId []types.FaultDomainId `xml:"faultDomainId,omitempty" json:"faultDomainId,omitempty"` }
This mapping will be set in InactiveProvider fault to notify clients the current active provider for the specified fault domains.
This structure may be used only with operations rendered under `/sms`.
type FcStoragePort ¶
type FcStoragePort struct { StoragePort // World Wide Name for the Port PortWwn string `xml:"portWwn" json:"portWwn"` // World Wide Name for the Node NodeWwn string `xml:"nodeWwn" json:"nodeWwn"` }
This data object represents the FC storage port.
This structure may be used only with operations rendered under `/sms`.
type FcoeStoragePort ¶
type FcoeStoragePort struct { StoragePort // World Wide Name for the Port PortWwn string `xml:"portWwn" json:"portWwn"` // World Wide Name for the Node NodeWwn string `xml:"nodeWwn" json:"nodeWwn"` }
This data object represents the FCoE storage port.
This structure may be used only with operations rendered under `/sms`.
type FileSystemInterface ¶
type FileSystemInterface string
List of possible file system interfaces
func (FileSystemInterface) Strings ¶
func (e FileSystemInterface) Strings() []string
func (FileSystemInterface) Values ¶
func (e FileSystemInterface) Values() []FileSystemInterface
type FileSystemInterfaceVersion ¶
type FileSystemInterfaceVersion string
func (FileSystemInterfaceVersion) Strings ¶
func (e FileSystemInterfaceVersion) Strings() []string
func (FileSystemInterfaceVersion) Values ¶
func (e FileSystemInterfaceVersion) Values() []FileSystemInterfaceVersion
type GroupErrorResult ¶
type GroupErrorResult struct { GroupOperationResult // Error array, must contain at least one entry. Error []types.LocalizedMethodFault `xml:"error" json:"error"` }
Error result.
This structure may be used only with operations rendered under `/sms`.
type GroupInfo ¶
type GroupInfo struct { types.DynamicData // Identifier of the group + fault domain id. GroupId types.ReplicationGroupId `xml:"groupId" json:"groupId"` }
Replication group information.
May be either a `SourceGroupInfo` or `TargetGroupInfo`.
This structure may be used only with operations rendered under `/sms`.
func (*GroupInfo) GetGroupInfo ¶
type GroupOperationResult ¶
type GroupOperationResult struct { types.DynamicData // Replication group Id. GroupId types.ReplicationGroupId `xml:"groupId" json:"groupId"` Warning []types.LocalizedMethodFault `xml:"warning,omitempty" json:"warning,omitempty"` }
The base class for any operation on a replication group.
Usually, there is an operation specific <Operation>SuccessResult
This structure may be used only with operations rendered under `/sms`.
func (*GroupOperationResult) GetGroupOperationResult ¶
func (b *GroupOperationResult) GetGroupOperationResult() *GroupOperationResult
type InactiveProvider ¶
type InactiveProvider struct { types.MethodFault // Mapping between VASA provider and the fault domains Mapping []FaultDomainProviderMapping `xml:"mapping,omitempty" json:"mapping,omitempty"` }
Thrown if the VASA Provider on which the call is made is currently not active.
If the client maintains a cache of the topology of fault domains and replication groups, it's expected to update the cache based on the mapping information set in this fault.
This structure may be used only with operations rendered under `/sms`.
type InactiveProviderFault ¶
type InactiveProviderFault InactiveProvider
type IncorrectUsernamePassword ¶
type IncorrectUsernamePassword struct {
This fault is thrown if failed to register provider due to incorrect credentials.
This structure may be used only with operations rendered under `/sms`.
type IncorrectUsernamePasswordFault ¶
type IncorrectUsernamePasswordFault IncorrectUsernamePassword
type InvalidCertificate ¶
type InvalidCertificate struct { ProviderRegistrationFault // Provider certificate Certificate string `xml:"certificate" json:"certificate"` }
This exception is thrown if the provider certificate is empty, malformed, expired, not yet valid, revoked or fails host name verification.
This structure may be used only with operations rendered under `/sms`.
type InvalidCertificateFault ¶
type InvalidCertificateFault InvalidCertificate
type InvalidFunctionTarget ¶
type InvalidFunctionTarget struct {
Thrown if the function is called at the wrong end of the replication (i.e.
the failing function should be tried at the opposite end of replication).
This structure may be used only with operations rendered under `/sms`.
type InvalidFunctionTargetFault ¶
type InvalidFunctionTargetFault InvalidFunctionTarget
type InvalidProfile ¶
type InvalidProfile struct {
This exception is thrown if the specified storage profile is invalid.
This structure may be used only with operations rendered under `/sms`.
type InvalidProfileFault ¶
type InvalidProfileFault InvalidProfile
type InvalidReplicationState ¶
type InvalidReplicationState struct { SmsReplicationFault // States where the operation would have been successful. DesiredState []string `xml:"desiredState,omitempty" json:"desiredState,omitempty"` // Current state. CurrentState string `xml:"currentState" json:"currentState"` }
Thrown if the replication group is not in the correct state.
This structure may be used only with operations rendered under `/sms`.
type InvalidReplicationStateFault ¶
type InvalidReplicationStateFault InvalidReplicationState
type InvalidSession ¶
type InvalidSession struct { types.NoPermission // VirtualCenter session cookie that is invalid. SessionCookie string `xml:"sessionCookie" json:"sessionCookie"` }
This exception is thrown if a specified session is invalid.
This can occur if the VirtualCenter session referred to by the cookie has timed out or has been closed.
This structure may be used only with operations rendered under `/sms`.
type InvalidSessionFault ¶
type InvalidSessionFault InvalidSession
type InvalidUrl ¶
type InvalidUrl struct { ProviderRegistrationFault // Provider `VasaProviderSpec.url` Url string `xml:"url" json:"url"` }
This exception is thrown if `VasaProviderSpec.url` is malformed.
This structure may be used only with operations rendered under `/sms`.
type InvalidUrlFault ¶
type InvalidUrlFault InvalidUrl
type IscsiStoragePort ¶
type IscsiStoragePort struct { StoragePort // IQN or EQI identifier Identifier string `xml:"identifier" json:"identifier"` }
This data object represents the iSCSI storage port.
This structure may be used only with operations rendered under `/sms`.
type LunHbaAssociation ¶
type LunHbaAssociation struct { types.DynamicData CanonicalName string `xml:"canonicalName" json:"canonicalName"` Hba []types.HostHostBusAdapter `xml:"hba" json:"hba"` }
This data object represents the lun, HBA association for synchronous replication.
This structure may be used only with operations rendered under `/sms`.
type MultipleSortSpecsNotSupported ¶
type MultipleSortSpecsNotSupported struct {
This exception is thrown if more than one sort spec is specified in a list query.
This structure may be used only with operations rendered under `/sms`.
type MultipleSortSpecsNotSupportedFault ¶
type MultipleSortSpecsNotSupportedFault MultipleSortSpecsNotSupported
type NameValuePair ¶
type NameValuePair struct { types.DynamicData // Name of the paramter ParameterName string `xml:"parameterName" json:"parameterName"` // Value of the parameter ParameterValue string `xml:"parameterValue" json:"parameterValue"` }
This data object represents a name value pair.
This structure may be used only with operations rendered under `/sms`.
type NoCommonProviderForAllBackings ¶
type NoCommonProviderForAllBackings struct {
This fault is thrown when backings (@link @link of the specified datastores refer to different VASA providers.
This structure may be used only with operations rendered under `/sms`.
type NoCommonProviderForAllBackingsFault ¶
type NoCommonProviderForAllBackingsFault NoCommonProviderForAllBackings
type NoReplicationTarget ¶
type NoReplicationTarget struct {
This exception is set if the replication target is not yet available.
This structure may be used only with operations rendered under `/sms`.
type NoReplicationTargetFault ¶
type NoReplicationTargetFault NoReplicationTarget
type NoValidReplica ¶
type NoValidReplica struct { SmsReplicationFault // Identifier of the device which does not have a valid // replica. // // This is the identifier on the target site. // This may not be set if the ReplicationGroup does not // have even a single valid replica. DeviceId BaseDeviceId `xml:"deviceId,omitempty,typeattr" json:"deviceId,omitempty"` }
This exception is thrown when there is no valid replica to be used in recovery.
This may happen when a Virtual Volume is created on the source domain, but the replica is yet to be copied to the target.
This structure may be used only with operations rendered under `/sms`.
type NoValidReplicaFault ¶
type NoValidReplicaFault NoValidReplica
type NotSupportedByProvider ¶
type NotSupportedByProvider struct {
This exception is thrown if the VASA Provider on which the call is made does not support this operation.
This structure may be used only with operations rendered under `/sms`.
type NotSupportedByProviderFault ¶
type NotSupportedByProviderFault NotSupportedByProvider
type PeerNotReachable ¶
type PeerNotReachable struct {
This exception is set if the replication peer is not reachable.
For prepareFailover, it is the target that is not reachable. For other functions, it is the source that is not reachable.
This structure may be used only with operations rendered under `/sms`.
type PeerNotReachableFault ¶
type PeerNotReachableFault PeerNotReachable
type PointInTimeReplicaId ¶
type PointInTimeReplicaId struct { types.DynamicData // ID of the Point In Time replica. Id string `xml:"id" json:"id"` }
Identity of the Point in Time Replica object.
This structure may be used only with operations rendered under `/sms`.
type PointInTimeReplicaInfo ¶
type PointInTimeReplicaInfo struct { types.DynamicData // Id of the PIT replica. // // Note that this id is always used // in combination with the `ReplicationGroupId`, hence must be // unique to the `ReplicationGroupId`. Id PointInTimeReplicaId `xml:"id" json:"id"` // Name of the PIT replica. // // This may be a localized string // in a language as chosen by the VASA provider. PitName string `xml:"pitName" json:"pitName"` // Time when the snapshot was taken. // // Time stamps are maintained by // the Replication provider, note that this carries time zone information // as well. TimeStamp time.Time `xml:"timeStamp" json:"timeStamp"` // VASA provider managed tags associated with the replica. Tags []string `xml:"tags,omitempty" json:"tags,omitempty"` }
This structure may be used only with operations rendered under `/sms`.
type PolicyAssociation ¶
type PolicyAssociation struct { types.DynamicData // The source device id. // // The corresponding recovered device // gets the specified <code>policyId</code>. Id BaseDeviceId `xml:"id,typeattr" json:"id"` // Policy id. PolicyId string `xml:"policyId" json:"policyId"` // Datastore object. // // Refers instance of `Datastore`. Datastore types.ManagedObjectReference `xml:"datastore" json:"datastore"` }
Describes the policy association object.
This structure may be used only with operations rendered under `/sms`.
type PrepareFailoverReplicationGroupRequestType ¶
type PrepareFailoverReplicationGroupRequestType struct { This types.ManagedObjectReference `xml:"_this" json:"_this"` // List of replication group IDs. GroupId []types.ReplicationGroupId `xml:"groupId,omitempty" json:"groupId,omitempty"` }
The parameters of `VasaProvider.PrepareFailoverReplicationGroup_Task`.
This structure may be used only with operations rendered under `/sms`.
type PrepareFailoverReplicationGroup_Task ¶
type PrepareFailoverReplicationGroup_Task PrepareFailoverReplicationGroupRequestType
type PrepareFailoverReplicationGroup_TaskResponse ¶
type PrepareFailoverReplicationGroup_TaskResponse struct {
Returnval types.ManagedObjectReference `xml:"returnval" json:"returnval"`
type PromoteParam ¶
type PromoteParam struct { types.DynamicData // Specifies whether the promote operation is a planned one. // // When this flag is set to false, the recovery VASA provider must not // try to connect to the primary VASA provider during promote. IsPlanned bool `xml:"isPlanned" json:"isPlanned"` // The replication groups to promote. // // It is legal for the VASA // provider to successfully promote only some groups. The // groups that did not succeed will be retried. // // The identifiers of the Virtual Volumes do not change after the // promote operation. ReplicationGroupsToPromote []types.ReplicationGroupId `xml:"replicationGroupsToPromote,omitempty" json:"replicationGroupsToPromote,omitempty"` }
Input to the promoteReplicationGroup method.
This structure may be used only with operations rendered under `/sms`.
type PromoteReplicationGroupRequestType ¶
type PromoteReplicationGroupRequestType struct { This types.ManagedObjectReference `xml:"_this" json:"_this"` // Specifies an array of replication group IDs whose // in-test devices (`INTEST`) need to be // promoted to failover `FAILEDOVER` state. PromoteParam PromoteParam `xml:"promoteParam" json:"promoteParam"` }
The parameters of `VasaProvider.PromoteReplicationGroup_Task`.
This structure may be used only with operations rendered under `/sms`.
type PromoteReplicationGroup_Task ¶
type PromoteReplicationGroup_Task PromoteReplicationGroupRequestType
type PromoteReplicationGroup_TaskResponse ¶
type PromoteReplicationGroup_TaskResponse struct {
Returnval types.ManagedObjectReference `xml:"returnval" json:"returnval"`
type ProviderBusy ¶
type ProviderBusy struct {
This exception is thrown if the VASA Provider on which the call is made is currently busy.
This structure may be used only with operations rendered under `/sms`.
type ProviderBusyFault ¶
type ProviderBusyFault ProviderBusy
type ProviderConnectionFailed ¶
type ProviderConnectionFailed struct {
This fault is thrown if the Storage Monitoring Service failed to connect to the VASA provider.
This structure may be used only with operations rendered under `/sms`.
type ProviderConnectionFailedFault ¶
type ProviderConnectionFailedFault ProviderConnectionFailed
type ProviderNotFound ¶
type ProviderNotFound struct {
This fault is thrown when a VASA provider cannot be found for the specified entities.
This structure may be used only with operations rendered under `/sms`.
type ProviderNotFoundFault ¶
type ProviderNotFoundFault ProviderNotFound
type ProviderOutOfProvisioningResource ¶
type ProviderOutOfProvisioningResource struct { types.MethodFault // Identifier of the provisioning resource. ProvisioningResourceId string `xml:"provisioningResourceId" json:"provisioningResourceId"` // Currently available. AvailableBefore int64 `xml:"availableBefore,omitempty" json:"availableBefore,omitempty"` // Necessary for provisioning. AvailableAfter int64 `xml:"availableAfter,omitempty" json:"availableAfter,omitempty"` // Total amount (free + used). Total int64 `xml:"total,omitempty" json:"total,omitempty"` // This resource limitation is transient, i.e. // // the resource // will be available after some time. IsTransient *bool `xml:"isTransient" json:"isTransient,omitempty"` }
This exception is thrown if the VASA Provider is out of resource to satisfy a provisioning request.
This structure may be used only with operations rendered under `/sms`.
type ProviderOutOfProvisioningResourceFault ¶
type ProviderOutOfProvisioningResourceFault ProviderOutOfProvisioningResource
type ProviderOutOfResource ¶
type ProviderOutOfResource struct {
This exception is thrown if the VASA Provider on which the call is made is out of resource.
This structure may be used only with operations rendered under `/sms`.
type ProviderOutOfResourceFault ¶
type ProviderOutOfResourceFault ProviderOutOfResource
type ProviderProfile ¶
type ProviderProfile string
Profiles supported by VASA Provider.
func (ProviderProfile) Strings ¶
func (e ProviderProfile) Strings() []string
func (ProviderProfile) Values ¶
func (e ProviderProfile) Values() []ProviderProfile
type ProviderRegistrationFault ¶
type ProviderRegistrationFault struct {
This fault is thrown if failed to register provider to storage management service.
This structure may be used only with operations rendered under `/sms`.
func (*ProviderRegistrationFault) GetProviderRegistrationFault ¶
func (b *ProviderRegistrationFault) GetProviderRegistrationFault() *ProviderRegistrationFault
type ProviderRegistrationFaultFault ¶
type ProviderRegistrationFaultFault BaseProviderRegistrationFault
type ProviderSyncFailed ¶
type ProviderSyncFailed struct {
Thrown if a failure occurs when synchronizing the service cache with provider information.
This structure may be used only with operations rendered under `/sms`.
func (*ProviderSyncFailed) GetProviderSyncFailed ¶
func (b *ProviderSyncFailed) GetProviderSyncFailed() *ProviderSyncFailed
type ProviderSyncFailedFault ¶
type ProviderSyncFailedFault BaseProviderSyncFailed
type ProviderUnavailable ¶
type ProviderUnavailable struct {
}This exception is thrown if the VASA Provider on which the call is made is currently not available, e.g.
VASA Provider is in offline state. This error usually means the provider is temporarily unavailable due to network outage, etc. The client is expected to wait for some time and retry the same call.
This structure may be used only with operations rendered under `/sms`.
type ProviderUnavailableFault ¶
type ProviderUnavailableFault ProviderUnavailable
type ProviderUnregistrationFault ¶
type ProviderUnregistrationFault struct {
This fault is thrown if failed to unregister provider from storage management service.
This structure may be used only with operations rendered under `/sms`.
type ProviderUnregistrationFaultFault ¶
type ProviderUnregistrationFaultFault ProviderUnregistrationFault
type ProxyRegistrationFailed ¶
type ProxyRegistrationFailed struct {
This exception is thrown if the storage management service fails to register with the VirtualCenter proxy during initialization.
This structure may be used only with operations rendered under `/sms`.
type ProxyRegistrationFailedFault ¶
type ProxyRegistrationFailedFault ProxyRegistrationFailed
type QueryAboutInfo ¶
type QueryAboutInfo QueryAboutInfoRequestType
type QueryAboutInfoRequestType ¶
type QueryAboutInfoRequestType struct {
This types.ManagedObjectReference `xml:"_this" json:"_this"`
type QueryAboutInfoResponse ¶
type QueryAboutInfoResponse struct {
Returnval SmsAboutInfo `xml:"returnval" json:"returnval"`
type QueryActiveAlarm ¶
type QueryActiveAlarm QueryActiveAlarmRequestType
type QueryActiveAlarmRequestType ¶
type QueryActiveAlarmRequestType struct { This types.ManagedObjectReference `xml:"_this" json:"_this"` // Filter criteria for the alarm state. AlarmFilter *AlarmFilter `xml:"alarmFilter,omitempty" json:"alarmFilter,omitempty"` }
The parameters of `VasaProvider.QueryActiveAlarm`.
This structure may be used only with operations rendered under `/sms`.
type QueryActiveAlarmResponse ¶
type QueryActiveAlarmResponse struct {
Returnval *AlarmResult `xml:"returnval,omitempty" json:"returnval,omitempty"`
type QueryArray ¶
type QueryArray QueryArrayRequestType
type QueryArrayAssociatedWithLun ¶
type QueryArrayAssociatedWithLun QueryArrayAssociatedWithLunRequestType
type QueryArrayAssociatedWithLunRequestType ¶
type QueryArrayAssociatedWithLunRequestType struct { This types.ManagedObjectReference `xml:"_this" json:"_this"` // `ScsiLun.canonicalName` // of ScsiLun CanonicalName string `xml:"canonicalName" json:"canonicalName"` }
The parameters of `SmsStorageManager.QueryArrayAssociatedWithLun`.
This structure may be used only with operations rendered under `/sms`.
type QueryArrayAssociatedWithLunResponse ¶
type QueryArrayAssociatedWithLunResponse struct {
Returnval *StorageArray `xml:"returnval,omitempty" json:"returnval,omitempty"`
type QueryArrayRequestType ¶
type QueryArrayRequestType struct { This types.ManagedObjectReference `xml:"_this" json:"_this"` // List of `SmsProviderInfo.uid` for the VASA // provider objects. ProviderId []string `xml:"providerId,omitempty" json:"providerId,omitempty"` }
The parameters of `SmsStorageManager.QueryArray`.
This structure may be used only with operations rendered under `/sms`.
type QueryArrayResponse ¶
type QueryArrayResponse struct {
Returnval []StorageArray `xml:"returnval,omitempty" json:"returnval,omitempty"`
type QueryAssociatedBackingStoragePool ¶
type QueryAssociatedBackingStoragePool QueryAssociatedBackingStoragePoolRequestType
type QueryAssociatedBackingStoragePoolRequestType ¶
type QueryAssociatedBackingStoragePoolRequestType struct { This types.ManagedObjectReference `xml:"_this" json:"_this"` // Unique identifier of a StorageLun or StorageFileSystem. EntityId string `xml:"entityId,omitempty" json:"entityId,omitempty"` // Entity type of the entity specified using entityId. This can be either // StorageLun or StorageFileSystem. EntityType string `xml:"entityType,omitempty" json:"entityType,omitempty"` }
The parameters of `SmsStorageManager.QueryAssociatedBackingStoragePool`.
This structure may be used only with operations rendered under `/sms`.
type QueryAssociatedBackingStoragePoolResponse ¶
type QueryAssociatedBackingStoragePoolResponse struct {
Returnval []BackingStoragePool `xml:"returnval,omitempty" json:"returnval,omitempty"`
type QueryDatastoreBackingPoolMapping ¶
type QueryDatastoreBackingPoolMapping QueryDatastoreBackingPoolMappingRequestType
type QueryDatastoreBackingPoolMappingRequestType ¶
type QueryDatastoreBackingPoolMappingRequestType struct { This types.ManagedObjectReference `xml:"_this" json:"_this"` // Array containing references to `Datastore` objects. // // Refers instances of `Datastore`. Datastore []types.ManagedObjectReference `xml:"datastore" json:"datastore"` }
The parameters of `SmsStorageManager.QueryDatastoreBackingPoolMapping`.
This structure may be used only with operations rendered under `/sms`.
type QueryDatastoreBackingPoolMappingResponse ¶
type QueryDatastoreBackingPoolMappingResponse struct {
Returnval []DatastoreBackingPoolMapping `xml:"returnval" json:"returnval"`
type QueryDatastoreCapability ¶
type QueryDatastoreCapability QueryDatastoreCapabilityRequestType
type QueryDatastoreCapabilityRequestType ¶
type QueryDatastoreCapabilityRequestType struct { This types.ManagedObjectReference `xml:"_this" json:"_this"` // reference to `Datastore` // // Refers instance of `Datastore`. Datastore types.ManagedObjectReference `xml:"datastore" json:"datastore"` }
The parameters of `SmsStorageManager.QueryDatastoreCapability`.
This structure may be used only with operations rendered under `/sms`.
type QueryDatastoreCapabilityResponse ¶
type QueryDatastoreCapabilityResponse struct {
Returnval *StorageCapability `xml:"returnval,omitempty" json:"returnval,omitempty"`
type QueryDrsMigrationCapabilityForPerformance ¶
type QueryDrsMigrationCapabilityForPerformance QueryDrsMigrationCapabilityForPerformanceRequestType
type QueryDrsMigrationCapabilityForPerformanceEx ¶
type QueryDrsMigrationCapabilityForPerformanceEx QueryDrsMigrationCapabilityForPerformanceExRequestType
type QueryDrsMigrationCapabilityForPerformanceExRequestType ¶
type QueryDrsMigrationCapabilityForPerformanceExRequestType struct { This types.ManagedObjectReference `xml:"_this" json:"_this"` // Array containing references to `Datastore` objects. // // Refers instances of `Datastore`. Datastore []types.ManagedObjectReference `xml:"datastore" json:"datastore"` }
The parameters of `SmsStorageManager.QueryDrsMigrationCapabilityForPerformanceEx`.
This structure may be used only with operations rendered under `/sms`.
type QueryDrsMigrationCapabilityForPerformanceExResponse ¶
type QueryDrsMigrationCapabilityForPerformanceExResponse struct {
Returnval DrsMigrationCapabilityResult `xml:"returnval" json:"returnval"`
type QueryDrsMigrationCapabilityForPerformanceRequestType ¶
type QueryDrsMigrationCapabilityForPerformanceRequestType struct { This types.ManagedObjectReference `xml:"_this" json:"_this"` // Reference to the source `Datastore` // // Refers instance of `Datastore`. SrcDatastore types.ManagedObjectReference `xml:"srcDatastore" json:"srcDatastore"` // Reference to the destination `Datastore` // // Refers instance of `Datastore`. DstDatastore types.ManagedObjectReference `xml:"dstDatastore" json:"dstDatastore"` }
The parameters of `SmsStorageManager.QueryDrsMigrationCapabilityForPerformance`.
This structure may be used only with operations rendered under `/sms`.
type QueryDrsMigrationCapabilityForPerformanceResponse ¶
type QueryDrsMigrationCapabilityForPerformanceResponse struct {
Returnval bool `xml:"returnval" json:"returnval"`
type QueryExecutionFault ¶
type QueryExecutionFault struct {
This exception is thrown if a failure occurs while processing a query request.
This structure may be used only with operations rendered under `/sms`.
func (*QueryExecutionFault) GetQueryExecutionFault ¶
func (b *QueryExecutionFault) GetQueryExecutionFault() *QueryExecutionFault
type QueryExecutionFaultFault ¶
type QueryExecutionFaultFault BaseQueryExecutionFault
type QueryFaultDomain ¶
type QueryFaultDomain QueryFaultDomainRequestType
type QueryFaultDomainRequestType ¶
type QueryFaultDomainRequestType struct { This types.ManagedObjectReference `xml:"_this" json:"_this"` // spec for the query operation. Filter *FaultDomainFilter `xml:"filter,omitempty" json:"filter,omitempty"` }
The parameters of `SmsStorageManager.QueryFaultDomain`.
This structure may be used only with operations rendered under `/sms`.
type QueryFaultDomainResponse ¶
type QueryFaultDomainResponse struct {
Returnval []types.FaultDomainId `xml:"returnval,omitempty" json:"returnval,omitempty"`
type QueryFileSystemAssociatedWithArray ¶
type QueryFileSystemAssociatedWithArray QueryFileSystemAssociatedWithArrayRequestType
type QueryFileSystemAssociatedWithArrayRequestType ¶
type QueryFileSystemAssociatedWithArrayRequestType struct { This types.ManagedObjectReference `xml:"_this" json:"_this"` // `StorageArray.uuid` for the StorageArray // object. ArrayId string `xml:"arrayId" json:"arrayId"` }
The parameters of `SmsStorageManager.QueryFileSystemAssociatedWithArray`.
This structure may be used only with operations rendered under `/sms`.
type QueryFileSystemAssociatedWithArrayResponse ¶
type QueryFileSystemAssociatedWithArrayResponse struct {
Returnval []StorageFileSystem `xml:"returnval,omitempty" json:"returnval,omitempty"`
type QueryHostAssociatedWithLun ¶
type QueryHostAssociatedWithLun QueryHostAssociatedWithLunRequestType
type QueryHostAssociatedWithLunRequestType ¶
type QueryHostAssociatedWithLunRequestType struct { This types.ManagedObjectReference `xml:"_this" json:"_this"` // `StorageLun.uuid` for the StorageLun // object. Scsi3Id string `xml:"scsi3Id" json:"scsi3Id"` // `StorageArray.uuid` for the StorageArray // object. ArrayId string `xml:"arrayId" json:"arrayId"` }
The parameters of `SmsStorageManager.QueryHostAssociatedWithLun`.
This structure may be used only with operations rendered under `/sms`.
type QueryHostAssociatedWithLunResponse ¶
type QueryHostAssociatedWithLunResponse struct {
Returnval []types.ManagedObjectReference `xml:"returnval,omitempty" json:"returnval,omitempty"`
type QueryLunAssociatedWithArray ¶
type QueryLunAssociatedWithArray QueryLunAssociatedWithArrayRequestType
type QueryLunAssociatedWithArrayRequestType ¶
type QueryLunAssociatedWithArrayRequestType struct { This types.ManagedObjectReference `xml:"_this" json:"_this"` // `StorageArray.uuid` for the StorageArray // object. ArrayId string `xml:"arrayId" json:"arrayId"` }
The parameters of `SmsStorageManager.QueryLunAssociatedWithArray`.
This structure may be used only with operations rendered under `/sms`.
type QueryLunAssociatedWithArrayResponse ¶
type QueryLunAssociatedWithArrayResponse struct {
Returnval []StorageLun `xml:"returnval,omitempty" json:"returnval,omitempty"`
type QueryLunAssociatedWithPort ¶
type QueryLunAssociatedWithPort QueryLunAssociatedWithPortRequestType
type QueryLunAssociatedWithPortRequestType ¶
type QueryLunAssociatedWithPortRequestType struct { This types.ManagedObjectReference `xml:"_this" json:"_this"` // `StoragePort.uuid` for the StoragePort // object. PortId string `xml:"portId" json:"portId"` // `StorageArray.uuid` for the StorageArray // object. ArrayId string `xml:"arrayId" json:"arrayId"` }
The parameters of `SmsStorageManager.QueryLunAssociatedWithPort`.
This structure may be used only with operations rendered under `/sms`.
type QueryLunAssociatedWithPortResponse ¶
type QueryLunAssociatedWithPortResponse struct {
Returnval []StorageLun `xml:"returnval,omitempty" json:"returnval,omitempty"`
type QueryNfsDatastoreAssociatedWithFileSystem ¶
type QueryNfsDatastoreAssociatedWithFileSystem QueryNfsDatastoreAssociatedWithFileSystemRequestType
type QueryNfsDatastoreAssociatedWithFileSystemRequestType ¶
type QueryNfsDatastoreAssociatedWithFileSystemRequestType struct { This types.ManagedObjectReference `xml:"_this" json:"_this"` // `StorageFileSystem.uuid` for the // StorageFileSystem object FileSystemId string `xml:"fileSystemId" json:"fileSystemId"` // `StorageArray.uuid` for the StorageArray // object. ArrayId string `xml:"arrayId" json:"arrayId"` }
The parameters of `SmsStorageManager.QueryNfsDatastoreAssociatedWithFileSystem`.
This structure may be used only with operations rendered under `/sms`.
type QueryNfsDatastoreAssociatedWithFileSystemResponse ¶
type QueryNfsDatastoreAssociatedWithFileSystemResponse struct {
Returnval *types.ManagedObjectReference `xml:"returnval,omitempty" json:"returnval,omitempty"`
type QueryNotSupported ¶
type QueryNotSupported struct { types.InvalidArgument // Entity type. EntityType EntityReferenceEntityType `xml:"entityType,omitempty" json:"entityType,omitempty"` // Related entity type. RelatedEntityType EntityReferenceEntityType `xml:"relatedEntityType" json:"relatedEntityType"` }
This exception is thrown if the specified entity and related entity type combination for a list query is not supported.
This structure may be used only with operations rendered under `/sms`.
type QueryNotSupportedFault ¶
type QueryNotSupportedFault QueryNotSupported
type QueryPointInTimeReplica ¶
type QueryPointInTimeReplica QueryPointInTimeReplicaRequestType
type QueryPointInTimeReplicaParam ¶
type QueryPointInTimeReplicaParam struct { types.DynamicData // Specifies the replica time span that vSphere is interested in. ReplicaTimeQueryParam *ReplicaQueryIntervalParam `xml:"replicaTimeQueryParam,omitempty" json:"replicaTimeQueryParam,omitempty"` // Only the replicas that match the given name are requested. // // A regexp according to PitName string `xml:"pitName,omitempty" json:"pitName,omitempty"` // Only the replicas with tags that match the given tag(s) are requested. // // Each entry may be a regexp according to Tags []string `xml:"tags,omitempty" json:"tags,omitempty"` // This field is hint for the preferred type of return results. // // It can be either true for `QueryPointInTimeReplicaSuccessResult` or // false for `QueryPointInTimeReplicaSummaryResult`. // If not set, VP may choose the appropriate type, as described in // <code>ReplicaQueryIntervalParam</code>. PreferDetails *bool `xml:"preferDetails" json:"preferDetails,omitempty"` }
Describes the search criteria for the PiT query.
If none of the fields is set, or if the number of PiT replicas is too large, VASA provider can return `QueryPointInTimeReplicaSummaryResult`.
This structure may be used only with operations rendered under `/sms`.
type QueryPointInTimeReplicaRequestType ¶
type QueryPointInTimeReplicaRequestType struct { This types.ManagedObjectReference `xml:"_this" json:"_this"` // List of replication group IDs. GroupId []types.ReplicationGroupId `xml:"groupId,omitempty" json:"groupId,omitempty"` // Search criteria specification for all the groups. QueryParam *QueryPointInTimeReplicaParam `xml:"queryParam,omitempty" json:"queryParam,omitempty"` }
The parameters of `VasaProvider.QueryPointInTimeReplica`.
This structure may be used only with operations rendered under `/sms`.
type QueryPointInTimeReplicaResponse ¶
type QueryPointInTimeReplicaResponse struct {
Returnval []BaseGroupOperationResult `xml:"returnval,omitempty,typeattr" json:"returnval,omitempty"`
type QueryPointInTimeReplicaSuccessResult ¶
type QueryPointInTimeReplicaSuccessResult struct { GroupOperationResult // Information about the available replicas. ReplicaInfo []PointInTimeReplicaInfo `xml:"replicaInfo,omitempty" json:"replicaInfo,omitempty"` }
Return type for successful `VasaProvider.QueryPointInTimeReplica` operation.
If the VASA provider decides that there are too many to return, it could set the result of some of the groups to `TooMany` fault or `QueryPointInTimeReplicaSummaryResult`.
vSphere will then query for these groups separately.
This structure may be used only with operations rendered under `/sms`.
type QueryPointInTimeReplicaSummaryResult ¶
type QueryPointInTimeReplicaSummaryResult struct { GroupOperationResult // A series of query results. // // No special ordering is assumed by vSphere. IntervalResults []ReplicaIntervalQueryResult `xml:"intervalResults,omitempty" json:"intervalResults,omitempty"` }
Summary of the available replicas.
Mostly useful for CDP type replicators.
This structure may be used only with operations rendered under `/sms`.
type QueryPortAssociatedWithArray ¶
type QueryPortAssociatedWithArray QueryPortAssociatedWithArrayRequestType
type QueryPortAssociatedWithArrayRequestType ¶
type QueryPortAssociatedWithArrayRequestType struct { This types.ManagedObjectReference `xml:"_this" json:"_this"` // `StorageArray.uuid` for the StorageArray // object. ArrayId string `xml:"arrayId" json:"arrayId"` }
The parameters of `SmsStorageManager.QueryPortAssociatedWithArray`.
This structure may be used only with operations rendered under `/sms`.
type QueryPortAssociatedWithArrayResponse ¶
type QueryPortAssociatedWithArrayResponse struct {
Returnval []BaseStoragePort `xml:"returnval,omitempty,typeattr" json:"returnval,omitempty"`
type QueryPortAssociatedWithLun ¶
type QueryPortAssociatedWithLun QueryPortAssociatedWithLunRequestType
type QueryPortAssociatedWithLunRequestType ¶
type QueryPortAssociatedWithLunRequestType struct { This types.ManagedObjectReference `xml:"_this" json:"_this"` // `StorageLun.uuid` for the StorageLun // object. Scsi3Id string `xml:"scsi3Id" json:"scsi3Id"` // `StorageArray.uuid` for the StorageArray // object. ArrayId string `xml:"arrayId" json:"arrayId"` }
The parameters of `SmsStorageManager.QueryPortAssociatedWithLun`.
This structure may be used only with operations rendered under `/sms`.
type QueryPortAssociatedWithLunResponse ¶
type QueryPortAssociatedWithLunResponse struct {
Returnval BaseStoragePort `xml:"returnval,omitempty,typeattr" json:"returnval,omitempty"`
type QueryPortAssociatedWithProcessor ¶
type QueryPortAssociatedWithProcessor QueryPortAssociatedWithProcessorRequestType
type QueryPortAssociatedWithProcessorRequestType ¶
type QueryPortAssociatedWithProcessorRequestType struct { This types.ManagedObjectReference `xml:"_this" json:"_this"` // `StorageProcessor.uuid` for the // StorageProcessor object. ProcessorId string `xml:"processorId" json:"processorId"` // `StorageArray.uuid` for the StorageArray // object. ArrayId string `xml:"arrayId" json:"arrayId"` }
The parameters of `SmsStorageManager.QueryPortAssociatedWithProcessor`.
This structure may be used only with operations rendered under `/sms`.
type QueryPortAssociatedWithProcessorResponse ¶
type QueryPortAssociatedWithProcessorResponse struct {
Returnval []BaseStoragePort `xml:"returnval,omitempty,typeattr" json:"returnval,omitempty"`
type QueryProcessorAssociatedWithArray ¶
type QueryProcessorAssociatedWithArray QueryProcessorAssociatedWithArrayRequestType
type QueryProcessorAssociatedWithArrayRequestType ¶
type QueryProcessorAssociatedWithArrayRequestType struct { This types.ManagedObjectReference `xml:"_this" json:"_this"` // `StorageArray.uuid` for the StorageArray // object. ArrayId string `xml:"arrayId" json:"arrayId"` }
The parameters of `SmsStorageManager.QueryProcessorAssociatedWithArray`.
This structure may be used only with operations rendered under `/sms`.
type QueryProcessorAssociatedWithArrayResponse ¶
type QueryProcessorAssociatedWithArrayResponse struct {
Returnval []StorageProcessor `xml:"returnval,omitempty" json:"returnval,omitempty"`
type QueryProvider ¶
type QueryProvider QueryProviderRequestType
type QueryProviderInfo ¶
type QueryProviderInfo QueryProviderInfoRequestType
type QueryProviderInfoRequestType ¶
type QueryProviderInfoRequestType struct {
This types.ManagedObjectReference `xml:"_this" json:"_this"`
type QueryProviderInfoResponse ¶
type QueryProviderInfoResponse struct {
Returnval BaseSmsProviderInfo `xml:"returnval,typeattr" json:"returnval"`
type QueryProviderRequestType ¶
type QueryProviderRequestType struct {
This types.ManagedObjectReference `xml:"_this" json:"_this"`
type QueryProviderResponse ¶
type QueryProviderResponse struct {
Returnval []types.ManagedObjectReference `xml:"returnval,omitempty" json:"returnval,omitempty"`
type QueryReplicationGroup ¶
type QueryReplicationGroup QueryReplicationGroupRequestType
type QueryReplicationGroupInfo ¶
type QueryReplicationGroupInfo QueryReplicationGroupInfoRequestType
type QueryReplicationGroupInfoRequestType ¶
type QueryReplicationGroupInfoRequestType struct { This types.ManagedObjectReference `xml:"_this" json:"_this"` RgFilter ReplicationGroupFilter `xml:"rgFilter" json:"rgFilter"` }
The parameters of `SmsStorageManager.QueryReplicationGroupInfo`.
This structure may be used only with operations rendered under `/sms`.
type QueryReplicationGroupInfoResponse ¶
type QueryReplicationGroupInfoResponse struct {
Returnval []BaseGroupOperationResult `xml:"returnval,omitempty,typeattr" json:"returnval,omitempty"`
type QueryReplicationGroupRequestType ¶
type QueryReplicationGroupRequestType struct { This types.ManagedObjectReference `xml:"_this" json:"_this"` // List of replication group IDs. GroupId []types.ReplicationGroupId `xml:"groupId,omitempty" json:"groupId,omitempty"` }
The parameters of `VasaProvider.QueryReplicationGroup`.
This structure may be used only with operations rendered under `/sms`.
type QueryReplicationGroupResponse ¶
type QueryReplicationGroupResponse struct {
Returnval []BaseGroupOperationResult `xml:"returnval,omitempty,typeattr" json:"returnval,omitempty"`
type QueryReplicationGroupSuccessResult ¶
type QueryReplicationGroupSuccessResult struct { GroupOperationResult // Information about the replication group. // // May be either // `SourceGroupInfo` or `TargetGroupInfo`. RgInfo BaseGroupInfo `xml:"rgInfo,typeattr" json:"rgInfo"` }
Information about the replication groups.
Information about both the source groups and the target groups is returned.
This structure may be used only with operations rendered under `/sms`.
type QueryReplicationPeer ¶
type QueryReplicationPeer QueryReplicationPeerRequestType
type QueryReplicationPeerRequestType ¶
type QueryReplicationPeerRequestType struct { This types.ManagedObjectReference `xml:"_this" json:"_this"` // An optional list of source fault domain ID. FaultDomainId []types.FaultDomainId `xml:"faultDomainId,omitempty" json:"faultDomainId,omitempty"` }
The parameters of `VasaProvider.QueryReplicationPeer`.
This structure may be used only with operations rendered under `/sms`.
type QueryReplicationPeerResponse ¶
type QueryReplicationPeerResponse struct {
Returnval []QueryReplicationPeerResult `xml:"returnval,omitempty" json:"returnval,omitempty"`
type QueryReplicationPeerResult ¶
type QueryReplicationPeerResult struct { types.DynamicData // Source fault domain id, must correspond to an id from the input. SourceDomain types.FaultDomainId `xml:"sourceDomain" json:"sourceDomain"` // Target fault domains for the given source, fault domain ID's are globally // unique. // // There can be one or more target domains for a given source. TargetDomain []types.FaultDomainId `xml:"targetDomain,omitempty" json:"targetDomain,omitempty"` // Error must be set when targetDomain field is not set. Error []types.LocalizedMethodFault `xml:"error,omitempty" json:"error,omitempty"` // Optional warning messages. Warning []types.LocalizedMethodFault `xml:"warning,omitempty" json:"warning,omitempty"` }
Information about the replication peers of a VASA provider.
This structure may be used only with operations rendered under `/sms`.
type QuerySessionManager ¶
type QuerySessionManager QuerySessionManagerRequestType
type QuerySessionManagerRequestType ¶
type QuerySessionManagerRequestType struct {
This types.ManagedObjectReference `xml:"_this" json:"_this"`
type QuerySessionManagerResponse ¶
type QuerySessionManagerResponse struct {
Returnval types.ManagedObjectReference `xml:"returnval" json:"returnval"`
type QuerySmsTaskInfo ¶
type QuerySmsTaskInfo QuerySmsTaskInfoRequestType
type QuerySmsTaskInfoRequestType ¶
type QuerySmsTaskInfoRequestType struct {
This types.ManagedObjectReference `xml:"_this" json:"_this"`
type QuerySmsTaskInfoResponse ¶
type QuerySmsTaskInfoResponse struct {
Returnval SmsTaskInfo `xml:"returnval" json:"returnval"`
type QuerySmsTaskResult ¶
type QuerySmsTaskResult QuerySmsTaskResultRequestType
type QuerySmsTaskResultRequestType ¶
type QuerySmsTaskResultRequestType struct {
This types.ManagedObjectReference `xml:"_this" json:"_this"`
type QueryStorageContainer ¶
type QueryStorageContainer QueryStorageContainerRequestType
type QueryStorageContainerRequestType ¶
type QueryStorageContainerRequestType struct { This types.ManagedObjectReference `xml:"_this" json:"_this"` // `StorageContainerSpec` ContainerSpec *StorageContainerSpec `xml:"containerSpec,omitempty" json:"containerSpec,omitempty"` }
The parameters of `SmsStorageManager.QueryStorageContainer`.
This structure may be used only with operations rendered under `/sms`.
type QueryStorageContainerResponse ¶
type QueryStorageContainerResponse struct {
Returnval *StorageContainerResult `xml:"returnval,omitempty" json:"returnval,omitempty"`
type QueryStorageManager ¶
type QueryStorageManager QueryStorageManagerRequestType
type QueryStorageManagerRequestType ¶
type QueryStorageManagerRequestType struct {
This types.ManagedObjectReference `xml:"_this" json:"_this"`
type QueryStorageManagerResponse ¶
type QueryStorageManagerResponse struct {
Returnval types.ManagedObjectReference `xml:"returnval" json:"returnval"`
type QueryVmfsDatastoreAssociatedWithLun ¶
type QueryVmfsDatastoreAssociatedWithLun QueryVmfsDatastoreAssociatedWithLunRequestType
type QueryVmfsDatastoreAssociatedWithLunRequestType ¶
type QueryVmfsDatastoreAssociatedWithLunRequestType struct { This types.ManagedObjectReference `xml:"_this" json:"_this"` // `StorageLun.uuid` for the StorageLun object Scsi3Id string `xml:"scsi3Id" json:"scsi3Id"` // `StorageArray.uuid` for the StorageArray // object. ArrayId string `xml:"arrayId" json:"arrayId"` }
The parameters of `SmsStorageManager.QueryVmfsDatastoreAssociatedWithLun`.
This structure may be used only with operations rendered under `/sms`.
type QueryVmfsDatastoreAssociatedWithLunResponse ¶
type QueryVmfsDatastoreAssociatedWithLunResponse struct {
Returnval *types.ManagedObjectReference `xml:"returnval,omitempty" json:"returnval,omitempty"`
type RecoveredDevice ¶
type RecoveredDevice struct { types.DynamicData // Identifier of the device which was the target of replication before // failover. TargetDeviceId *ReplicaId `xml:"targetDeviceId,omitempty" json:"targetDeviceId,omitempty"` // Identifier of the target device after test or failover. RecoveredDeviceId BaseDeviceId `xml:"recoveredDeviceId,omitempty,typeattr" json:"recoveredDeviceId,omitempty"` // Identifier of the source of the replication data before the failover // stopped the replication. SourceDeviceId BaseDeviceId `xml:"sourceDeviceId,typeattr" json:"sourceDeviceId"` // Informational messages. Info []string `xml:"info,omitempty" json:"info,omitempty"` // Datastore for the newly surfaced device. // // Refers instance of `Datastore`. Datastore types.ManagedObjectReference `xml:"datastore" json:"datastore"` // Only to be filled in if the `RecoveredDevice.recoveredDeviceId` is `VirtualMachineId`. RecoveredDiskInfo []RecoveredDiskInfo `xml:"recoveredDiskInfo,omitempty" json:"recoveredDiskInfo,omitempty"` // Virtual Volume specific recovery error. // // This should be rare. Error *types.LocalizedMethodFault `xml:"error,omitempty" json:"error,omitempty"` // Warnings. Warnings []types.LocalizedMethodFault `xml:"warnings,omitempty" json:"warnings,omitempty"` }
Represents the device after the failover.
Even though many of the fields in this structure are marked optional, it is important for VASA provider to make sure that the recovery of the entire ReplicationGroup succeeds atomically. The only valid scenario when there is a device specific recovery failure is when there is no valid replica for the Virtual Volume (e.g. Virtual Volume was just added to the ReplicationGroup).
This structure may be used only with operations rendered under `/sms`.
type RecoveredDiskInfo ¶
type RecoveredDiskInfo struct { types.DynamicData // Virtual disk key. // // Note that disk device // keys must not change after recovery - in other words, the device // key is the same on both the source and target sites. // // For example, if a VMDK d1 is being replicated to d1', and d1 is attached as device // 2001 to the source VM, the recovered VM should have d1' attached // as 2001. DeviceKey int32 `xml:"deviceKey" json:"deviceKey"` // URL of the datastore that disk was recovered to. DsUrl string `xml:"dsUrl" json:"dsUrl"` // Full pathname of the disk. DiskPath string `xml:"diskPath" json:"diskPath"` }
Describes the recovered disks for a given virtual machine.
Only applicable for VAIO based replicators. Upon recovery, all the replicated disks must be attached to the virtual machine, i.e. the VMX file must refer to the correct file paths. Device keys must be preserved and non-replicated disks can refer to non-existent file names. Array based replicators can ignore this class.
This structure may be used only with operations rendered under `/sms`.
type RecoveredTargetGroupMemberInfo ¶
type RecoveredTargetGroupMemberInfo struct { TargetGroupMemberInfo // Identifier of the target device after test or failover. RecoveredDeviceId BaseDeviceId `xml:"recoveredDeviceId,omitempty,typeattr" json:"recoveredDeviceId,omitempty"` }
Information about member virtual volumes in a ReplicationGroup on the target after failover or testFailoverStart.
This must include information about all the vSphere managed snapshots in the ReplicationGroup.
This structure may be used only with operations rendered under `/sms`.
type RegisterProviderRequestType ¶
type RegisterProviderRequestType struct { This types.ManagedObjectReference `xml:"_this" json:"_this"` // `SmsProviderSpec` // containing parameters needed to register the // provider ProviderSpec BaseSmsProviderSpec `xml:"providerSpec,typeattr" json:"providerSpec"` }
The parameters of `SmsStorageManager.RegisterProvider_Task`.
This structure may be used only with operations rendered under `/sms`.
type RegisterProvider_Task ¶
type RegisterProvider_Task RegisterProviderRequestType
type RegisterProvider_TaskResponse ¶
type RegisterProvider_TaskResponse struct {
Returnval types.ManagedObjectReference `xml:"returnval" json:"returnval"`
type RelatedStorageArray ¶
type RelatedStorageArray struct { types.DynamicData // `StorageArray.uuid` of StorageArray ArrayId string `xml:"arrayId" json:"arrayId"` // This field indicates whether the provider is currently serving data for the StorageArray Active bool `xml:"active" json:"active"` // Manageability status of StorageArray on VASA provider, if true it is manageable. Manageable bool `xml:"manageable" json:"manageable"` // Deprecated as of SMS API 6.0, replaced by `VasaProviderInfo.priority`. // // `StorageArray.priority` of StorageArray // For VASA 1.0 providers, this field is set to -1. Priority int32 `xml:"priority" json:"priority"` }
Indicates whether the provider has been marked as active for the given array for the session context.
SMS uses `StorageArray.priority` value to mark a provider as active among the ones that are registered with SMS and manage this array.
This structure may be used only with operations rendered under `/sms`.
type ReplicaId ¶
type ReplicaId struct { types.DynamicData Id string `xml:"id" json:"id"` }
Identifier of the replication target device.
For Virtual Volumes, this could be the same as a Virtual Volume Id, for VMDK's this could be an FCD uuid, or some other ID made up by the replicator. This identifier is opaque to vSphere and hence does not have any distinguishing type. This can be used to identify the replica without the accompanying source device id (though there are no such uses in the current API).
Since this an opaque type, the recovered device id at `RecoveredTargetGroupMemberInfo.recoveredDeviceId` should be filled in even if the values are the same.
This structure may be used only with operations rendered under `/sms`.
type ReplicaIntervalQueryResult ¶
type ReplicaIntervalQueryResult struct { types.DynamicData // Beginning of interval (inclusive). FromDate time.Time `xml:"fromDate" json:"fromDate"` // End of interval (exclusive). ToDate time.Time `xml:"toDate" json:"toDate"` // Number of Point in Time replicas available for recovery. // // TODO: Do we want to have also ask for number of 'special' // PiTs e.g. those that are consistent? Number int32 `xml:"number" json:"number"` }
Summarizes the collection of replicas in one time interval.
This structure may be used only with operations rendered under `/sms`.
type ReplicaQueryIntervalParam ¶
type ReplicaQueryIntervalParam struct { types.DynamicData // Return all PiTs including and later than <code>fromDate</code>. FromDate *time.Time `xml:"fromDate" json:"fromDate,omitempty"` // Return all PiTs earlier than <code>toDate</code>. ToDate *time.Time `xml:"toDate" json:"toDate,omitempty"` // Return information for only <code>number</code> entries. Number int32 `xml:"number,omitempty" json:"number,omitempty"` }
Defines the parameters for a Point In Time replica (PiT) query.
vSphere will not set all the three fields.
In other words, the following combinations of fields are allowed:
- All the three fields are omitted.
- `ReplicaQueryIntervalParam.fromDate` and `ReplicaQueryIntervalParam.toDate` are set.
- `ReplicaQueryIntervalParam.fromDate` and `ReplicaQueryIntervalParam.number` are set.
- `ReplicaQueryIntervalParam.toDate` and `ReplicaQueryIntervalParam.number` are set.
When all the fields are omitted, VASA provider should return `QueryPointInTimeReplicaSummaryResult`. But, returned result can be either `QueryPointInTimeReplicaSuccessResult` or `QueryPointInTimeReplicaSummaryResult` based on value i.e true or false respectively for field `QueryPointInTimeReplicaParam.preferDetails`.
This structure may be used only with operations rendered under `/sms`.
type ReplicationGroupData ¶
type ReplicationGroupData struct { types.DynamicData // Replication group to failover. GroupId types.ReplicationGroupId `xml:"groupId" json:"groupId"` // The PIT that should be used for (test)Failover. // // Use the latest if not specified. PitId *PointInTimeReplicaId `xml:"pitId,omitempty" json:"pitId,omitempty"` }
Describes one Replication Group's data.
This structure may be used only with operations rendered under `/sms`.
type ReplicationGroupFilter ¶
type ReplicationGroupFilter struct { types.DynamicData // Query for the given replication groups from their associated providers. // // The groupId cannot be null or empty. GroupId []types.ReplicationGroupId `xml:"groupId,omitempty" json:"groupId,omitempty"` }
This spec contains information needed for `SmsStorageManager.QueryReplicationGroupInfo` API to filter the result.
This structure may be used only with operations rendered under `/sms`.
type ReplicationReplicationState ¶
type ReplicationReplicationState string
State of the replication group at the site of the query.
A replication group may be in different states at the source site and each of the target sites. Note that this state does not capture the health of the replication link. If necessary, that can be an additional attribute.
func (ReplicationReplicationState) Strings ¶
func (e ReplicationReplicationState) Strings() []string
func (ReplicationReplicationState) Values ¶
func (e ReplicationReplicationState) Values() []ReplicationReplicationState
type ReplicationTargetInfo ¶
type ReplicationTargetInfo struct { types.DynamicData // Id of the target replication group (including the fault domain ID). TargetGroupId types.ReplicationGroupId `xml:"targetGroupId" json:"targetGroupId"` // Description of the replication agreement. // // This could be used to describe the characteristics of the replication // relationship between the source and the target (e.g. RPO, Replication // Mode, and other such properties). It is expected that VASA provider // will localize the string before sending to vSphere. ReplicationAgreementDescription string `xml:"replicationAgreementDescription,omitempty" json:"replicationAgreementDescription,omitempty"` }
Information about each replication target.
This structure may be used only with operations rendered under `/sms`.
type ReverseReplicateGroupRequestType ¶
type ReverseReplicateGroupRequestType struct { This types.ManagedObjectReference `xml:"_this" json:"_this"` // Array of replication groups (currently in // `FAILEDOVER` state) that need to be reversed. GroupId []types.ReplicationGroupId `xml:"groupId,omitempty" json:"groupId,omitempty"` }
The parameters of `VasaProvider.ReverseReplicateGroup_Task`.
This structure may be used only with operations rendered under `/sms`.
type ReverseReplicateGroup_Task ¶
type ReverseReplicateGroup_Task ReverseReplicateGroupRequestType
type ReverseReplicateGroup_TaskResponse ¶
type ReverseReplicateGroup_TaskResponse struct {
Returnval types.ManagedObjectReference `xml:"returnval" json:"returnval"`
type ReverseReplicationSuccessResult ¶
type ReverseReplicationSuccessResult struct { GroupOperationResult // The replication group ID of the newly created source group. // // FaultDomainId // must remain the same. NewGroupId types.DeviceGroupId `xml:"newGroupId" json:"newGroupId"` }
Represents the result of a successful reverse replication action.
The newly established replication relation might have a different source group ID and different set of target group IDs. This means that the replication topology will need to be discovered again by the DR orchestration programs (SRM/CAM). However, we assume that after the reverse replication, the new source fault domain id remains the same as the old (i.e. before failover) fault domain id.
This structure may be used only with operations rendered under `/sms`.
type ServiceNotInitialized ¶
type ServiceNotInitialized struct {
This exception is thrown if the storage management service has not yet been initialized successfully and therefore is not ready to process requests.
This structure may be used only with operations rendered under `/sms`.
type ServiceNotInitializedFault ¶
type ServiceNotInitializedFault ServiceNotInitialized
type SmsAboutInfo ¶
type SmsAboutInfo struct { types.DynamicData Name string `xml:"name" json:"name"` FullName string `xml:"fullName" json:"fullName"` Vendor string `xml:"vendor" json:"vendor"` ApiVersion string `xml:"apiVersion" json:"apiVersion"` InstanceUuid string `xml:"instanceUuid" json:"instanceUuid"` VasaApiVersion string `xml:"vasaApiVersion,omitempty" json:"vasaApiVersion,omitempty"` }
This data object type describes system information.
This structure may be used only with operations rendered under `/sms`.
type SmsAlarmStatus ¶
type SmsAlarmStatus string
Enumeration of the supported Alarm Status values
func (SmsAlarmStatus) Strings ¶
func (e SmsAlarmStatus) Strings() []string
func (SmsAlarmStatus) Values ¶
func (e SmsAlarmStatus) Values() []SmsAlarmStatus
type SmsEntityType ¶
type SmsEntityType string
Enumeration of the supported Entity Type values.
func (SmsEntityType) Strings ¶
func (e SmsEntityType) Strings() []string
func (SmsEntityType) Values ¶
func (e SmsEntityType) Values() []SmsEntityType
type SmsInvalidLogin ¶
type SmsInvalidLogin struct {
Thrown when login fails due to token not provided or token could not be validated.
This structure may be used only with operations rendered under `/sms`.
type SmsInvalidLoginFault ¶
type SmsInvalidLoginFault SmsInvalidLogin
type SmsProviderInfo ¶
type SmsProviderInfo struct { types.DynamicData // Unique identifier Uid string `xml:"uid" json:"uid"` // Name Name string `xml:"name" json:"name"` // Description of the provider Description string `xml:"description,omitempty" json:"description,omitempty"` // Version of the provider Version string `xml:"version,omitempty" json:"version,omitempty"` }
Information about Storage Monitoring Service (SMS) providers.
This structure may be used only with operations rendered under `/sms`.
func (*SmsProviderInfo) GetSmsProviderInfo ¶
func (b *SmsProviderInfo) GetSmsProviderInfo() *SmsProviderInfo
type SmsProviderSpec ¶
type SmsProviderSpec struct { types.DynamicData // Name // The maximum length of the name is 275 characters. Name string `xml:"name" json:"name"` // Description of the provider Description string `xml:"description,omitempty" json:"description,omitempty"` }
Specification for Storage Monitoring Service (SMS) providers.
This structure may be used only with operations rendered under `/sms`.
func (*SmsProviderSpec) GetSmsProviderSpec ¶
func (b *SmsProviderSpec) GetSmsProviderSpec() *SmsProviderSpec
type SmsRefreshCACertificatesAndCRLsRequestType ¶
type SmsRefreshCACertificatesAndCRLsRequestType struct { This types.ManagedObjectReference `xml:"_this" json:"_this"` // `SmsProviderInfo.uid` for providers ProviderId []string `xml:"providerId,omitempty" json:"providerId,omitempty"` }
The parameters of `SmsStorageManager.SmsRefreshCACertificatesAndCRLs_Task`.
This structure may be used only with operations rendered under `/sms`.
type SmsRefreshCACertificatesAndCRLs_Task ¶
type SmsRefreshCACertificatesAndCRLs_Task SmsRefreshCACertificatesAndCRLsRequestType
type SmsRefreshCACertificatesAndCRLs_TaskResponse ¶
type SmsRefreshCACertificatesAndCRLs_TaskResponse struct {
Returnval types.ManagedObjectReference `xml:"returnval" json:"returnval"`
type SmsReplicationFault ¶
type SmsReplicationFault struct {
Base class for all Replication faults.
This structure may be used only with operations rendered under `/sms`.
func (*SmsReplicationFault) GetSmsReplicationFault ¶
func (b *SmsReplicationFault) GetSmsReplicationFault() *SmsReplicationFault
type SmsReplicationFaultFault ¶
type SmsReplicationFaultFault BaseSmsReplicationFault
type SmsResourceInUse ¶
type SmsResourceInUse struct { types.ResourceInUse // The list of device Ids that are in use. DeviceIds []BaseDeviceId `xml:"deviceIds,omitempty,typeattr" json:"deviceIds,omitempty"` }
A ResourceInUse fault indicating that some error has occurred because some resources are in use.
Information about the devices that are in use may be supplied.
This structure may be used only with operations rendered under `/sms`.
type SmsResourceInUseFault ¶
type SmsResourceInUseFault SmsResourceInUse
type SmsTaskInfo ¶
type SmsTaskInfo struct { types.DynamicData // The unique key for the task. Key string `xml:"key" json:"key"` // The managed object that represents this task. // // Refers instance of `SmsTask`. Task types.ManagedObjectReference `xml:"task" json:"task"` // Managed Object to which the operation applies. Object *types.ManagedObjectReference `xml:"object,omitempty" json:"object,omitempty"` // If the task state is "error", then this property contains the fault code. Error *types.LocalizedMethodFault `xml:"error,omitempty" json:"error,omitempty"` // If the task state is "success", then this property may be used // to hold a return value. Result types.AnyType `xml:"result,omitempty,typeattr" json:"result,omitempty"` // Time stamp when the task started running. StartTime *time.Time `xml:"startTime" json:"startTime,omitempty"` // Time stamp when the task was completed (whether success or failure). CompletionTime *time.Time `xml:"completionTime" json:"completionTime,omitempty"` // Runtime status of the task. // // Possible values are `SmsTaskState_enum` State string `xml:"state" json:"state"` // If the task state is "running", then this property contains a // progress measurement, expressed as percentage completed, from 0 to 100. // // If this property is not set, then the command does not report progress. Progress int32 `xml:"progress,omitempty" json:"progress,omitempty"` }
This data object type contains all information about a task.
This structure may be used only with operations rendered under `/sms`.
type SmsTaskState ¶
type SmsTaskState string
List of possible states of a task.
func (SmsTaskState) Strings ¶
func (e SmsTaskState) Strings() []string
func (SmsTaskState) Values ¶
func (e SmsTaskState) Values() []SmsTaskState
type SourceGroupInfo ¶
type SourceGroupInfo struct { GroupInfo // Name of the replication group, may be edited after creating the // Replication Group, not unique. // // May be a localized string. Some vendors may // choose to use name as the group id, to support this, vSphere will not // allow the name to be modified - even if vSphere creates/manages the // Replication Group. Name string `xml:"name,omitempty" json:"name,omitempty"` // Description the Replication Group, may be edited after creating the // Replication Group. // // May be a localized string. Description string `xml:"description,omitempty" json:"description,omitempty"` // State of the replication group on the source. State string `xml:"state" json:"state"` // Information about the target Replication Groups. Replica []ReplicationTargetInfo `xml:"replica,omitempty" json:"replica,omitempty"` // Information about the member virtual volumes and their replicas. MemberInfo []SourceGroupMemberInfo `xml:"memberInfo,omitempty" json:"memberInfo,omitempty"` }
Replication group details on the source.
We do not assume the same Replication Group id on all the sites. This is returned as answer to queryReplicationGroup.
This structure may be used only with operations rendered under `/sms`.
type SourceGroupMemberInfo ¶
type SourceGroupMemberInfo struct { types.DynamicData // Identifier of the source device. // // May be a Virtual Volume, a Virtual Disk or a Virtual Machine DeviceId BaseDeviceId `xml:"deviceId,typeattr" json:"deviceId"` // Target devices, key'ed by the fault domain id. // // TODO: It is not clear if we // really need this information, since the target side query can return the // target -> source relation information. TargetId []TargetDeviceId `xml:"targetId,omitempty" json:"targetId,omitempty"` }
Represents a member virtual volume of a replication group on the source end of the replication arrow.
This structure may be used only with operations rendered under `/sms`.
type StorageAlarm ¶
type StorageAlarm struct { types.DynamicData // Monotonically increasing sequence number which // VP will maintain. AlarmId int64 `xml:"alarmId" json:"alarmId"` // The type of Alarm. // // Must be one of the string values from // `AlarmType_enum` // Note that for VMODL VP implemenation this field must be populated with one // of the values from `` AlarmType string `xml:"alarmType" json:"alarmType"` // Container identifier ContainerId string `xml:"containerId,omitempty" json:"containerId,omitempty"` // The unique identifier of the object impacted by the Alarm. // // From VASA version 3 onwards, a non-null `StorageAlarm.alarmObject` // will override this member. // This field is made optional from VASA3. Either this or // `StorageAlarm.alarmObject` must be set. ObjectId string `xml:"objectId,omitempty" json:"objectId,omitempty"` // The type of object impacted by the Alarm. // // Must be one of the string values // from `SmsEntityType_enum` // Note that for VMODL VP implemenation this field must be populated with one // of the values from `` ObjectType string `xml:"objectType" json:"objectType"` // Current status of the object. // // Must be one of the string values from // `SmsAlarmStatus_enum` Status string `xml:"status" json:"status"` // Time-stamp when the alarm occurred in VP context AlarmTimeStamp time.Time `xml:"alarmTimeStamp" json:"alarmTimeStamp"` // Pre-defined message for system-defined event MessageId string `xml:"messageId" json:"messageId"` // List of parameters (name/value) to be passed as input for message ParameterList []NameValuePair `xml:"parameterList,omitempty" json:"parameterList,omitempty"` // The ID of the object on which the alarm is raised; this is an object, // since ID's may not always be strings. // // vSphere will first use // `StorageAlarm.alarmObject` if set, and if not uses `StorageAlarm.objectId`. AlarmObject types.AnyType `xml:"alarmObject,omitempty,typeattr" json:"alarmObject,omitempty"` }
This data object represents the storage alarm.
This structure may be used only with operations rendered under `/sms`.
type StorageArray ¶
type StorageArray struct { types.DynamicData // Name Name string `xml:"name" json:"name"` // Unique identifier Uuid string `xml:"uuid" json:"uuid"` // Storage array Vendor Id VendorId string `xml:"vendorId" json:"vendorId"` // Model Id ModelId string `xml:"modelId" json:"modelId"` // Storage array firmware Firmware string `xml:"firmware,omitempty" json:"firmware,omitempty"` // List of alternate storage array names AlternateName []string `xml:"alternateName,omitempty" json:"alternateName,omitempty"` // Supported block-device interfaces SupportedBlockInterface []string `xml:"supportedBlockInterface,omitempty" json:"supportedBlockInterface,omitempty"` // Supported file-system interfaces SupportedFileSystemInterface []string `xml:"supportedFileSystemInterface,omitempty" json:"supportedFileSystemInterface,omitempty"` // List of supported profiles SupportedProfile []string `xml:"supportedProfile,omitempty" json:"supportedProfile,omitempty"` // Deprecated as of SMS API 6.0, replaced by `VasaProviderInfo.priority`. // // Priority level of the provider for the given array within the session context. // // SMS will use this value to pick a provider among the ones that are registered // with SMS and manage this array. Once the provider is chosen, SMS will communicate // with it to get the data related to this array. // Valid range: 0 to 255. Priority int32 `xml:"priority,omitempty" json:"priority,omitempty"` // Required for NVMe-oF arrays and optional otherwise. // // Transport information to address the array's discovery service. DiscoverySvc []types.VASAStorageArrayDiscoverySvcInfo `xml:"discoverySvc,omitempty" json:"discoverySvc,omitempty"` }
This data object represents the storage array.
This structure may be used only with operations rendered under `/sms`.
type StorageCapability ¶
type StorageCapability struct { types.DynamicData Uuid string `xml:"uuid" json:"uuid"` Name string `xml:"name" json:"name"` Description string `xml:"description" json:"description"` }
This data object represents the storage capability.
This structure may be used only with operations rendered under `/sms`.
type StorageContainer ¶
type StorageContainer struct { types.DynamicData // Unique identifier Uuid string `xml:"uuid" json:"uuid"` // Name of the container Name string `xml:"name" json:"name"` // Maximum allowed capacity of the Virtual Volume in MBs MaxVvolSizeInMB int64 `xml:"maxVvolSizeInMB" json:"maxVvolSizeInMB"` // `SmsProviderInfo.uid` for providers that reports the storage container. ProviderId []string `xml:"providerId" json:"providerId"` ArrayId []string `xml:"arrayId" json:"arrayId"` // Represents type of VVOL container, the supported values are listed in // `StorageContainerVvolContainerTypeEnum_enum`. // // If the storage array is not capable of supporting mixed PEs for a storage container, // the VVOL VASA provider sets this property to the supported endpoint type VvolContainerType string `xml:"vvolContainerType,omitempty" json:"vvolContainerType,omitempty"` // Indicates if this storage container is stretched Stretched *bool `xml:"stretched" json:"stretched,omitempty"` }
This data object represents the storage container.
This structure may be used only with operations rendered under `/sms`.
type StorageContainerResult ¶
type StorageContainerResult struct { types.DynamicData // `StorageContainer` objects StorageContainer []StorageContainer `xml:"storageContainer,omitempty" json:"storageContainer,omitempty"` // `SmsProviderInfo` corresponding to providers that // report these storage containers ProviderInfo []BaseSmsProviderInfo `xml:"providerInfo,omitempty,typeattr" json:"providerInfo,omitempty"` }
This data object represents information about storage containers and related providers.
This structure may be used only with operations rendered under `/sms`.
type StorageContainerSpec ¶
type StorageContainerSpec struct { types.DynamicData ContainerId []string `xml:"containerId,omitempty" json:"containerId,omitempty"` }
This data object represents the specification to query storage containers retrieved from VASA providers.
This structure may be used only with operations rendered under `/sms`.
type StorageContainerVvolContainerTypeEnum ¶
type StorageContainerVvolContainerTypeEnum string
List of supported VVOL Container types
func (StorageContainerVvolContainerTypeEnum) Strings ¶
func (e StorageContainerVvolContainerTypeEnum) Strings() []string
func (StorageContainerVvolContainerTypeEnum) Values ¶
func (e StorageContainerVvolContainerTypeEnum) Values() []StorageContainerVvolContainerTypeEnum
type StorageFileSystem ¶
type StorageFileSystem struct { types.DynamicData // Unique identifier Uuid string `xml:"uuid" json:"uuid"` // Information about the file system Info []StorageFileSystemInfo `xml:"info" json:"info"` NativeSnapshotSupported bool `xml:"nativeSnapshotSupported" json:"nativeSnapshotSupported"` ThinProvisioningStatus string `xml:"thinProvisioningStatus" json:"thinProvisioningStatus"` Type string `xml:"type" json:"type"` Version string `xml:"version" json:"version"` // Backing config information BackingConfig *BackingConfig `xml:"backingConfig,omitempty" json:"backingConfig,omitempty"` }
This data object represents the storage file-system.
This structure may be used only with operations rendered under `/sms`.
type StorageFileSystemInfo ¶
type StorageFileSystemInfo struct { types.DynamicData // Server Name FileServerName string `xml:"fileServerName" json:"fileServerName"` // File Path FileSystemPath string `xml:"fileSystemPath" json:"fileSystemPath"` // IP address IpAddress string `xml:"ipAddress,omitempty" json:"ipAddress,omitempty"` }
This data object represents information about the storage file-system.
This structure may be used only with operations rendered under `/sms`.
type StorageLun ¶
type StorageLun struct { types.DynamicData // Unique Indentfier Uuid string `xml:"uuid" json:"uuid"` // Identifer reported by vSphere(ESX) for this LUN VSphereLunIdentifier string `xml:"vSphereLunIdentifier" json:"vSphereLunIdentifier"` // Display Name which appears in storage array management // console VendorDisplayName string `xml:"vendorDisplayName" json:"vendorDisplayName"` // Capacity In MB CapacityInMB int64 `xml:"capacityInMB" json:"capacityInMB"` // Used space in MB for a thin provisioned LUN UsedSpaceInMB int64 `xml:"usedSpaceInMB" json:"usedSpaceInMB"` // Indicates whether the LUN is thin provisioned LunThinProvisioned bool `xml:"lunThinProvisioned" json:"lunThinProvisioned"` // Alternate identifiers associated with the LUN AlternateIdentifier []string `xml:"alternateIdentifier,omitempty" json:"alternateIdentifier,omitempty"` // Indicates whether Storage DRS is permitted to manage // performance between this LUN and other LUNs from the same // array. DrsManagementPermitted bool `xml:"drsManagementPermitted" json:"drsManagementPermitted"` ThinProvisioningStatus string `xml:"thinProvisioningStatus" json:"thinProvisioningStatus"` // Backing config information BackingConfig *BackingConfig `xml:"backingConfig,omitempty" json:"backingConfig,omitempty"` }
This data object represents the storage lun.
This structure may be used only with operations rendered under `/sms`.
type StoragePort ¶
type StoragePort struct { types.DynamicData // Unique identifier Uuid string `xml:"uuid" json:"uuid"` // Storage Port Type Type string `xml:"type" json:"type"` // Other identifiers which can help identify storage port AlternateName []string `xml:"alternateName,omitempty" json:"alternateName,omitempty"` }
This data object represents the storage port.
This structure may be used only with operations rendered under `/sms`.
func (*StoragePort) GetStoragePort ¶
func (b *StoragePort) GetStoragePort() *StoragePort
type StorageProcessor ¶
type StorageProcessor struct { types.DynamicData // Unique Identifier Uuid string `xml:"uuid" json:"uuid"` // List of alternate identifiers AlternateIdentifer []string `xml:"alternateIdentifer,omitempty" json:"alternateIdentifer,omitempty"` }
This data object represents the storage processor.
This structure may be used only with operations rendered under `/sms`.
type SupportedVendorModelMapping ¶
type SupportedVendorModelMapping struct { types.DynamicData // SCSI Vendor ID VendorId string `xml:"vendorId,omitempty" json:"vendorId,omitempty"` // SCSI Model ID ModelId string `xml:"modelId,omitempty" json:"modelId,omitempty"` }
Mapping between the supported vendorID and corresponding modelID
This structure may be used only with operations rendered under `/sms`.
type SyncInProgress ¶
type SyncInProgress struct {
This exception is thrown if a sync operation is invoked while another sync invocation is in progress.
This structure may be used only with operations rendered under `/sms`.
type SyncInProgressFault ¶
type SyncInProgressFault SyncInProgress
type SyncOngoing ¶
type SyncOngoing struct { SmsReplicationFault // Task identifier of the ongoing sync (@see sms.TaskInfo#key). // // Refers instance of `SmsTask`. Task types.ManagedObjectReference `xml:"task" json:"task"` }
Throw if an synchronization is ongoing.
This structure may be used only with operations rendered under `/sms`.
type SyncOngoingFault ¶
type SyncOngoingFault SyncOngoing
type SyncReplicationGroupRequestType ¶
type SyncReplicationGroupRequestType struct { This types.ManagedObjectReference `xml:"_this" json:"_this"` // List of replication group IDs. GroupId []types.ReplicationGroupId `xml:"groupId,omitempty" json:"groupId,omitempty"` // Localized name for the point-in-time snapshot created. PitName string `xml:"pitName" json:"pitName"` }
The parameters of `VasaProvider.SyncReplicationGroup_Task`.
This structure may be used only with operations rendered under `/sms`.
type SyncReplicationGroupSuccessResult ¶
type SyncReplicationGroupSuccessResult struct { GroupOperationResult // Creation time of the PIT TimeStamp time.Time `xml:"timeStamp" json:"timeStamp"` // PIT id. // // If the VASA provider does not support PIT, this can be // left unset. // // A PIT created as a result of the <code>syncReplicationGroup</code> // may or may not have the same retention policy as other PITs. A VASA provider // can choose to delete such a PIT after a successful <code>testFailoverStop</code> PitId *PointInTimeReplicaId `xml:"pitId,omitempty" json:"pitId,omitempty"` PitName string `xml:"pitName,omitempty" json:"pitName,omitempty"` }
Result object for a replication group that was successfully synchronized.
This structure may be used only with operations rendered under `/sms`.
type SyncReplicationGroup_Task ¶
type SyncReplicationGroup_Task SyncReplicationGroupRequestType
type SyncReplicationGroup_TaskResponse ¶
type SyncReplicationGroup_TaskResponse struct {
Returnval types.ManagedObjectReference `xml:"returnval" json:"returnval"`
type TargetDeviceId ¶
type TargetDeviceId struct { types.DynamicData // ID of the fault domain. DomainId types.FaultDomainId `xml:"domainId" json:"domainId"` // ID of the target device. DeviceId ReplicaId `xml:"deviceId" json:"deviceId"` }
Represents a replication target device, since the replication group id can be the same in all the domains, this is keyed by the fault domain id.
This structure may be used only with operations rendered under `/sms`.
type TargetGroupInfo ¶
type TargetGroupInfo struct { GroupInfo // Replication source information. SourceInfo TargetToSourceInfo `xml:"sourceInfo" json:"sourceInfo"` // Replication state of the group on the replication target. State string `xml:"state" json:"state"` // Member device information. // // When the ReplicationGroup is either in `FAILEDOVER` // or `INTEST`, this // should be `RecoveredTargetGroupMemberInfo`. // Otherwise, this should be `TargetGroupMemberInfo` Devices []BaseTargetGroupMemberInfo `xml:"devices,omitempty,typeattr" json:"devices,omitempty"` // Whether the VASA provider is capable of executing // `VasaProvider.PromoteReplicationGroup_Task` for this // ReplicationGroup. // // False if not set. Note that this setting is per // ReplicationGroup per Target domain. IsPromoteCapable *bool `xml:"isPromoteCapable" json:"isPromoteCapable,omitempty"` // Name of Replication Group. Name string `xml:"name,omitempty" json:"name,omitempty"` }
Information about the replication target group.
This is returned as answer to queryReplicationGroup before failover or testFailoverStart.
This does not have to include the snapshot objects in the ReplicationGroup, however, see also `RecoveredTargetGroupMemberInfo`.
This structure may be used only with operations rendered under `/sms`.
type TargetGroupMemberInfo ¶
type TargetGroupMemberInfo struct { types.DynamicData // Identifier of the replica device. ReplicaId ReplicaId `xml:"replicaId" json:"replicaId"` // Source device, since the device id can be the same in all the domains, // this needs to supplemented with the domain id to identify the device. SourceId BaseDeviceId `xml:"sourceId,typeattr" json:"sourceId"` // Datastore of the target device. // // This may be used by CAM/SRM // to notify the administrators to setup access paths for the hosts // to access the recovered devices. // // Refers instance of `Datastore`. TargetDatastore types.ManagedObjectReference `xml:"targetDatastore" json:"targetDatastore"` }
Information about member virtual volumes in a ReplicationGroup on the target when the state is `TARGET`.
This need not include information about all the snapshots in the ReplicationGroup.
This structure may be used only with operations rendered under `/sms`.
func (*TargetGroupMemberInfo) GetTargetGroupMemberInfo ¶
func (b *TargetGroupMemberInfo) GetTargetGroupMemberInfo() *TargetGroupMemberInfo
type TargetToSourceInfo ¶
type TargetToSourceInfo struct { types.DynamicData // Id of the source CG id (including the fault domain ID). SourceGroupId types.ReplicationGroupId `xml:"sourceGroupId" json:"sourceGroupId"` // Description of the replication agreement. // // This could be used to describe the characteristics of the replication // relationship between the source and the target (e.g. RPO, Replication // Mode, and other such properties). It is expected that VASA provider // will localize the string before sending to vSphere. ReplicationAgreementDescription string `xml:"replicationAgreementDescription,omitempty" json:"replicationAgreementDescription,omitempty"` }
Information about each replication target.
This structure may be used only with operations rendered under `/sms`.
type TestFailoverParam ¶
type TestFailoverParam struct {
Input to testFailover method.
This structure may be used only with operations rendered under `/sms`.
type TestFailoverReplicationGroupStartRequestType ¶
type TestFailoverReplicationGroupStartRequestType struct { This types.ManagedObjectReference `xml:"_this" json:"_this"` // Settings for the failover. TestFailoverParam TestFailoverParam `xml:"testFailoverParam" json:"testFailoverParam"` }
The parameters of `VasaProvider.TestFailoverReplicationGroupStart_Task`.
This structure may be used only with operations rendered under `/sms`.
type TestFailoverReplicationGroupStart_Task ¶
type TestFailoverReplicationGroupStart_Task TestFailoverReplicationGroupStartRequestType
type TestFailoverReplicationGroupStart_TaskResponse ¶
type TestFailoverReplicationGroupStart_TaskResponse struct {
Returnval types.ManagedObjectReference `xml:"returnval" json:"returnval"`
type TestFailoverReplicationGroupStopRequestType ¶
type TestFailoverReplicationGroupStopRequestType struct { This types.ManagedObjectReference `xml:"_this" json:"_this"` // Array of replication groups that need to stop test. GroupId []types.ReplicationGroupId `xml:"groupId,omitempty" json:"groupId,omitempty"` // \- if true, VP should force-unbind all Virtual Volumes // and move the RG from INTEST to TARGET state. If false, VP will report all the // Virtual Volumes which need to be cleaned up before a failover operation // can be triggered. The default value will be false. Force bool `xml:"force" json:"force"` }
The parameters of `VasaProvider.TestFailoverReplicationGroupStop_Task`.
This structure may be used only with operations rendered under `/sms`.
type TestFailoverReplicationGroupStop_Task ¶
type TestFailoverReplicationGroupStop_Task TestFailoverReplicationGroupStopRequestType
type TestFailoverReplicationGroupStop_TaskResponse ¶
type TestFailoverReplicationGroupStop_TaskResponse struct {
Returnval types.ManagedObjectReference `xml:"returnval" json:"returnval"`
type ThinProvisioningStatus ¶
type ThinProvisioningStatus string
List of possible values for thin provisioning status alarm.
func (ThinProvisioningStatus) Strings ¶
func (e ThinProvisioningStatus) Strings() []string
func (ThinProvisioningStatus) Values ¶
func (e ThinProvisioningStatus) Values() []ThinProvisioningStatus
type TooMany ¶
type TooMany struct { types.MethodFault // Maximum number of elements in batch that the VASA Provider can support // for the specific API. // // If the value is not specified (zero) or invalid // (negative), client will assume the default value is 1. MaxBatchSize int64 `xml:"maxBatchSize,omitempty" json:"maxBatchSize,omitempty"` }
This exception is thrown if the request exceeds the maximum number of elements in batch that the VASA Provider can support for the specific API.
This structure may be used only with operations rendered under `/sms`.
type TooManyFault ¶
type TooManyFault TooMany
type UnregisterProviderRequestType ¶
type UnregisterProviderRequestType struct { This types.ManagedObjectReference `xml:"_this" json:"_this"` // `SmsProviderInfo.uid` for // the provider ProviderId string `xml:"providerId" json:"providerId"` }
The parameters of `SmsStorageManager.UnregisterProvider_Task`.
This structure may be used only with operations rendered under `/sms`.
type UnregisterProvider_Task ¶
type UnregisterProvider_Task UnregisterProviderRequestType
type UnregisterProvider_TaskResponse ¶
type UnregisterProvider_TaskResponse struct {
Returnval types.ManagedObjectReference `xml:"returnval" json:"returnval"`
type VVolId ¶
Identity of a virtual volume for policy API purposes.
For the sake of brevity, let us use VVolId. This works because the class is defined as a part of the policy package.
WSDL names do not have this feature, but WSDL names are usually prefixed with the package name any way.
This structure may be used only with operations rendered under `/sms`.
type VasaAuthenticationType ¶
type VasaAuthenticationType string
VASA provider authentication type.
func (VasaAuthenticationType) Strings ¶
func (e VasaAuthenticationType) Strings() []string
func (VasaAuthenticationType) Values ¶
func (e VasaAuthenticationType) Values() []VasaAuthenticationType
type VasaProfile ¶
type VasaProfile string
List of possible VASA profiles supported by Storage Array
func (VasaProfile) Strings ¶
func (e VasaProfile) Strings() []string
func (VasaProfile) Values ¶
func (e VasaProfile) Values() []VasaProfile
type VasaProviderCertificateStatus ¶
type VasaProviderCertificateStatus string
The status of the provider certificate
func (VasaProviderCertificateStatus) Strings ¶
func (e VasaProviderCertificateStatus) Strings() []string
func (VasaProviderCertificateStatus) Values ¶
func (e VasaProviderCertificateStatus) Values() []VasaProviderCertificateStatus
type VasaProviderInfo ¶
type VasaProviderInfo struct { SmsProviderInfo // Provider URL Url string `xml:"url" json:"url"` // Provider certificate Certificate string `xml:"certificate,omitempty" json:"certificate,omitempty"` // The operational state of VASA Provider. Status string `xml:"status,omitempty" json:"status,omitempty"` // A fault that describes the cause of the current operational status. StatusFault *types.LocalizedMethodFault `xml:"statusFault,omitempty" json:"statusFault,omitempty"` // Supported VASA(vStorage APIs for Storage Awareness) version VasaVersion string `xml:"vasaVersion,omitempty" json:"vasaVersion,omitempty"` // Namespace to categorize storage capabilities provided by // arrays managed by the provider Namespace string `xml:"namespace,omitempty" json:"namespace,omitempty"` // Time stamp to indicate when last sync operation was completed // successfully. LastSyncTime string `xml:"lastSyncTime,omitempty" json:"lastSyncTime,omitempty"` // List containing mapping between the supported vendorID and // corresponding modelID SupportedVendorModelMapping []SupportedVendorModelMapping `xml:"supportedVendorModelMapping,omitempty" json:"supportedVendorModelMapping,omitempty"` // Deprecated as of SMS API 3.0, use `StorageArray.supportedProfile`. // // List of supported profiles SupportedProfile []string `xml:"supportedProfile,omitempty" json:"supportedProfile,omitempty"` // List of supported profiles at provider level. // // Must be one of the string // values from `ProviderProfile_enum`. SupportedProviderProfile []string `xml:"supportedProviderProfile,omitempty" json:"supportedProviderProfile,omitempty"` // List containing mapping between storage arrays reported by the provider // and information such as whether the provider is considered active for them. RelatedStorageArray []RelatedStorageArray `xml:"relatedStorageArray,omitempty" json:"relatedStorageArray,omitempty"` // Provider identifier reported by the provider which is unique within // the provider namespace. ProviderId string `xml:"providerId,omitempty" json:"providerId,omitempty"` // Provider certificate expiry date. CertificateExpiryDate string `xml:"certificateExpiryDate,omitempty" json:"certificateExpiryDate,omitempty"` // Provider certificate status // This field holds values from `VasaProviderCertificateStatus_enum` CertificateStatus string `xml:"certificateStatus,omitempty" json:"certificateStatus,omitempty"` // Service location for the VASA endpoint that SMS is using // to communicate with the provider. ServiceLocation string `xml:"serviceLocation,omitempty" json:"serviceLocation,omitempty"` // Indicates the type of deployment supported by the provider. // // If true, it is an active/passive deployment and the provider needs to be // activated explicitly using activateProviderEx() VASA API. // If false, it is an active/active deployment and provider does not need any // explicit activation to respond to VASA calls. NeedsExplicitActivation *bool `xml:"needsExplicitActivation" json:"needsExplicitActivation,omitempty"` // Maximum number of elements in batch APIs that the VASA Provider can support. // // This value is common to all batch APIs supported by the provider. However, // for each specific API, the provider may still throw or return `TooMany` // fault in which a different value of maxBatchSize can be specified. // If the value is not specified (zero) or invalid (negative), client will // assume there's no common limit for the number of elements that can be // handled in all batch APIs. MaxBatchSize int64 `xml:"maxBatchSize,omitempty" json:"maxBatchSize,omitempty"` // Indicate whether the provider wants to retain its certificate after bootstrapping. // // If true, SMS will not provision a VMCA signed certificate for the provider // and all certificate life cycle management workflows are disabled for this provider certificate. // If false, SMS will provision a VMCA signed certificate for the provider and // all certificate life cycle management workflows are enabled for this provider certificate. RetainVasaProviderCertificate *bool `xml:"retainVasaProviderCertificate" json:"retainVasaProviderCertificate,omitempty"` // Indicates if this provider is independent of arrays. // // Default value for this flag is false, which means this provider supports // arrays. Arrays will be queried for this provider during sync. If this flag // is set to true, arrays will not be synced for this provider and array // related API will not be invoked on this provider. ArrayIndependentProvider *bool `xml:"arrayIndependentProvider" json:"arrayIndependentProvider,omitempty"` // Type of this VASA provider. // // This field will be equal to one of the values of `VpType_enum`. Type string `xml:"type,omitempty" json:"type,omitempty"` // This field indicates the category of the provider and will be equal to one of the values of // `VpCategory_enum`. Category string `xml:"category,omitempty" json:"category,omitempty"` // Priority level of the provider within a VASA HA group. // // For a stand-alone // provider which does not participate in VASA HA, this field will be ignored. // // The priority value is an integer with valid range from 0 to 255. Priority int32 `xml:"priority,omitempty" json:"priority,omitempty"` // Unique identifier of a VASA HA group. // // Providers should report this // identifier to utilize HA feature supported by vSphere. Different providers // reporting the same <code>failoverGroupId</code> will be treated as an HA // group. Failover/failback will be done within one group. FailoverGroupId string `xml:"failoverGroupId,omitempty" json:"failoverGroupId,omitempty"` }
Information about VASA (vStorage APIs for Storage Awareness) providers.
This structure may be used only with operations rendered under `/sms`.
type VasaProviderProfile ¶
type VasaProviderProfile string
Deprecated as of SMS API 3.0, use `VasaProfile_enum`.
Profiles supported by VASA Provider.
func (VasaProviderProfile) Strings ¶
func (e VasaProviderProfile) Strings() []string
func (VasaProviderProfile) Values ¶
func (e VasaProviderProfile) Values() []VasaProviderProfile
type VasaProviderReconnectRequestType ¶
type VasaProviderReconnectRequestType struct {
This types.ManagedObjectReference `xml:"_this" json:"_this"`
type VasaProviderReconnect_Task ¶
type VasaProviderReconnect_Task VasaProviderReconnectRequestType
type VasaProviderReconnect_TaskResponse ¶
type VasaProviderReconnect_TaskResponse struct {
Returnval types.ManagedObjectReference `xml:"returnval" json:"returnval"`
type VasaProviderRefreshCertificateRequestType ¶
type VasaProviderRefreshCertificateRequestType struct {
This types.ManagedObjectReference `xml:"_this" json:"_this"`
type VasaProviderRefreshCertificate_Task ¶
type VasaProviderRefreshCertificate_Task VasaProviderRefreshCertificateRequestType
type VasaProviderRefreshCertificate_TaskResponse ¶
type VasaProviderRefreshCertificate_TaskResponse struct {
Returnval types.ManagedObjectReference `xml:"returnval" json:"returnval"`
type VasaProviderRevokeCertificateRequestType ¶
type VasaProviderRevokeCertificateRequestType struct {
This types.ManagedObjectReference `xml:"_this" json:"_this"`
type VasaProviderRevokeCertificate_Task ¶
type VasaProviderRevokeCertificate_Task VasaProviderRevokeCertificateRequestType
type VasaProviderRevokeCertificate_TaskResponse ¶
type VasaProviderRevokeCertificate_TaskResponse struct {
Returnval types.ManagedObjectReference `xml:"returnval" json:"returnval"`
type VasaProviderSpec ¶
type VasaProviderSpec struct { SmsProviderSpec // Username // The maximum length of the username is 255 characters. Username string `xml:"username" json:"username"` // Password // The maximum length of the password is 255 characters. Password string `xml:"password" json:"password"` // URL Url string `xml:"url" json:"url"` // Certificate Certificate string `xml:"certificate,omitempty" json:"certificate,omitempty"` }
VASA(vStorage APIs for Storage Awareness) provider specification
This structure may be used only with operations rendered under `/sms`.
type VasaProviderStatus ¶
type VasaProviderStatus string
The operational state of VASA Provider.
func (VasaProviderStatus) Strings ¶
func (e VasaProviderStatus) Strings() []string
func (VasaProviderStatus) Values ¶
func (e VasaProviderStatus) Values() []VasaProviderStatus
type VasaProviderSyncRequestType ¶
type VasaProviderSyncRequestType struct { This types.ManagedObjectReference `xml:"_this" json:"_this"` ArrayId string `xml:"arrayId,omitempty" json:"arrayId,omitempty"` }
The parameters of `VasaProvider.VasaProviderSync_Task`.
This structure may be used only with operations rendered under `/sms`.
type VasaProviderSync_Task ¶
type VasaProviderSync_Task VasaProviderSyncRequestType
type VasaProviderSync_TaskResponse ¶
type VasaProviderSync_TaskResponse struct {
Returnval types.ManagedObjectReference `xml:"returnval" json:"returnval"`
type VasaVirtualDiskId ¶
type VasaVirtualDiskId struct { DeviceId // See VIM documentation for more details on first class storage - which is // new in 2016. DiskId string `xml:"diskId" json:"diskId"` }
Represents a virtual disk with a UUID (aka FCD).
Virtual Volume VASA providers can ignore this class.
This structure may be used only with operations rendered under `/sms`.
type VersionURI ¶
type VersionURI string
type VirtualDiskKey ¶
type VirtualDiskKey struct { DeviceId // The vmInstanceUUID is unique to a VM. // // See // VmInstanceUUID string `xml:"vmInstanceUUID" json:"vmInstanceUUID"` DeviceKey int32 `xml:"deviceKey" json:"deviceKey"` }
Represents a virtual disk.
Ideally a UUID, since we do not yet have an FCD, let us use VM's UUID + diskKey. Virtual Volume VASA providers can ignore this class.
This structure may be used only with operations rendered under `/sms`.
type VirtualDiskMoId ¶
type VirtualDiskMoId struct { DeviceId // The vCenter UUID - this is informational only, and may not always be set. VcUuid string `xml:"vcUuid,omitempty" json:"vcUuid,omitempty"` // The managed object id that corresponds to vCenter's ManagedObjectReference#key for this VM. VmMoid string `xml:"vmMoid" json:"vmMoid"` // The disk key that corresponds to the VirtualDevice#key in vCenter. DiskKey string `xml:"diskKey" json:"diskKey"` }
Identifies a VirtualDisk uniquely using the disk key, vCenter managed object id of the VM it belongs to and the corresponding vCenter UUID.
This structure may be used only with operations rendered under `/sms`.
type VirtualMachineFilePath ¶
type VirtualMachineFilePath struct { VirtualMachineId // The vCenter UUID - this is informational only, // and may not always be set. VcUuid string `xml:"vcUuid,omitempty" json:"vcUuid,omitempty"` // Datastore URL, which is globally unique (name is not). DsUrl string `xml:"dsUrl" json:"dsUrl"` // Full path name from the URL onwards. // // When the vmxPath is returned after failover, the VMX file // should be fixed up to contain correct target filenames for all replicated // disks. For non-replicated disks, the target filenames can contain // any arbitrary path. For better security, it is recommended to // set these disks pointed to a random string (e.g. UUID). VmxPath string `xml:"vmxPath" json:"vmxPath"` }
Identifies a virtual machine by its VMX file path.
This structure may be used only with operations rendered under `/sms`.
type VirtualMachineId ¶
type VirtualMachineId struct {
Abstracts the identity of a virtual machine.
This structure may be used only with operations rendered under `/sms`.
func (*VirtualMachineId) GetVirtualMachineId ¶
func (b *VirtualMachineId) GetVirtualMachineId() *VirtualMachineId
type VirtualMachineMoId ¶
type VirtualMachineMoId struct { VirtualMachineId // The vCenter UUID - this is informational only, and may not always be set. VcUuid string `xml:"vcUuid,omitempty" json:"vcUuid,omitempty"` // The managed object id that corresponds to vCenter's ManagedObjectReference#key for this VM. VmMoid string `xml:"vmMoid" json:"vmMoid"` }
Identifies a VirtualMachine uniquely using its vCenter managed object id and the corresponding vCenter UUID
This structure may be used only with operations rendered under `/sms`.
type VirtualMachineUUID ¶
type VirtualMachineUUID struct { VirtualMachineId // The vmInstanceUUID is unique to a VM. // // See // VmInstanceUUID string `xml:"vmInstanceUUID" json:"vmInstanceUUID"` }
Identifies a virtual machine by its vmInstanceUUID
This structure may be used only with operations rendered under `/sms`.
type VpCategory ¶
type VpCategory string
A Category to indicate whether provider is of internal or external category.
This classification can help selectively enable few administrative functions such as say unregistration of a provider.
func (VpCategory) Strings ¶
func (e VpCategory) Strings() []string
func (VpCategory) Values ¶
func (e VpCategory) Values() []VpCategory