
v0.0.1 Latest Latest

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Published: Jun 6, 2024 License: Apache-2.0 Imports: 55 Imported by: 0



Package simulator is a mock framework for the vSphere API.

See also:


Example of extending the simulator to inject faults.

package main

import (


// BusyVM changes the behavior of simulator.VirtualMachine
type BusyVM struct {

// Override simulator.VirtualMachine.PowerOffVMTask to inject faults
func (vm *BusyVM) PowerOffVMTask(ctx *simulator.Context, req *types.PowerOffVM_Task) soap.HasFault {
	task := simulator.CreateTask(req.This, "powerOff", func(*simulator.Task) (types.AnyType, types.BaseMethodFault) {
		return nil, &types.TaskInProgress{}

	return &methods.PowerOffVM_TaskBody{
		Res: &types.PowerOffVM_TaskResponse{
			Returnval: task.Run(ctx),

// Add AcquireTicket method, not implemented by simulator.VirtualMachine
func (vm *BusyVM) AcquireTicket(req *types.AcquireTicket) soap.HasFault {
	body := &methods.AcquireTicketBody{}

	if req.TicketType != "mks" {
		body.Fault_ = simulator.Fault("", &types.InvalidArgument{})

	body.Res = &types.AcquireTicketResponse{
		Returnval: types.VirtualMachineTicket{
			Ticket: "welcome 2 the machine",

	return body

// Example of extending the simulator to inject faults.
func main() {
	ctx := context.Background()
	model := simulator.VPX()

	defer model.Remove()
	_ = model.Create()

	s := model.Service.NewServer()
	defer s.Close()

	// NewClient connects to s.URL over https and invokes 2 SOAP methods (RetrieveServiceContent + Login)
	c, _ := govmomi.NewClient(ctx, s.URL, true)

	// Shortcut to choose any VM, rather than using the more verbose Finder or ContainerView.
	obj := simulator.Map.Any("VirtualMachine").(*simulator.VirtualMachine)
	// Validate VM is powered on
	if obj.Runtime.PowerState != "poweredOn" {

	// Wrap the existing vm object, using the same vm.Self (ManagedObjectReference) value as the Map key.

	vm := object.NewVirtualMachine(c.Client, obj.Reference())

	// Start a PowerOff task using the SOAP client.
	task, _ := vm.PowerOff(ctx)

	// Wait for task completion, expecting failure.
	err := task.Wait(ctx)
	if err == nil {
		log.Fatal("expected error")

	// Invalid ticket type, expecting failure.
	_, err = vm.AcquireTicket(ctx, "pks")
	if err == nil {
		log.Fatal("expected error")

	mks, _ := vm.AcquireTicket(ctx, "mks")

	fmt.Println(mks.Ticket, obj.Runtime.PowerState)

welcome 2 the machine poweredOn
Example (RunContainer)

Tie a docker container to the lifecycle of a vcsim VM

package main

import (


func main() {
	simulator.Test(func(ctx context.Context, c *vim25.Client) {
		if _, err := exec.LookPath("docker"); err != nil {
			fmt.Println("0 diff")

		finder := find.NewFinder(c)
		pool, _ := finder.ResourcePool(ctx, "DC0_H0/Resources")
		dc, err := finder.Datacenter(ctx, "DC0")
		if err != nil {
		f, _ := dc.Folders(ctx)
		dir, err := os.MkdirTemp("", "example")
		if err != nil {
		os.Chmod(dir, 0755)
		fpath := filepath.Join(dir, "index.html")
		fcontent := "foo"
		os.WriteFile(fpath, []byte(fcontent), 0644)
		// just in case umask gets in the way
		os.Chmod(fpath, 0644)
		defer os.RemoveAll(dir)

		args := fmt.Sprintf("-v '%s:/usr/share/nginx/html:ro' nginx", dir)

		spec := types.VirtualMachineConfigSpec{
			Name: "nginx",
			Files: &types.VirtualMachineFileInfo{
				VmPathName: "[LocalDS_0] nginx",
			ExtraConfig: []types.BaseOptionValue{
				&types.OptionValue{Key: "RUN.container", Value: args}, // run nginx
				&types.OptionValue{Key: "RUN.port.80", Value: "8888"}, // test port remap

		// Create a new VM
		task, err := f.VmFolder.CreateVM(ctx, spec, pool, nil)

		if err != nil {
		info, err := task.WaitForResult(ctx, nil)
		if err != nil {
		vm := object.NewVirtualMachine(c, info.Result.(types.ManagedObjectReference))

		// PowerOn VM starts the nginx container
		task, _ = vm.PowerOn(ctx)
		err = task.Wait(ctx)
		if err != nil {

		ip, _ := vm.WaitForIP(ctx, true) // Returns the docker container's IP

		// Count the number of bytes in feature_test.go via nginx going direct to the container
		cmd := exec.Command("docker", "run", "--rm", "curlimages/curl", "curl", "-f", fmt.Sprintf("http://%s", ip))
		var buf bytes.Buffer
		cmd.Stdout = &buf
		err = cmd.Run()
		res := buf.String()

		if err != nil || strings.TrimSpace(res) != fcontent {
			log.Fatal(err, buf.String())

		// Count the number of bytes in feature_test.go via nginx going via port remap on host
		cmd = exec.Command("curl", "-f", "http://localhost:8888")
		cmd.Stdout = &buf
		err = cmd.Run()
		res = buf.String()
		if err != nil || strings.TrimSpace(res) != fcontent {
			log.Fatal(err, buf.String())

		// PowerOff stops the container
		task, _ = vm.PowerOff(ctx)
		_ = task.Wait(ctx)
		// Destroy deletes the container
		task, _ = vm.Destroy(ctx)
		_ = task.Wait(ctx)

		fmt.Printf("%d diff", buf.Len()-len(fcontent))

0 diff
Example (SetVirtualMachineProperties)

Set VM properties that the API cannot change in a real vCenter.

package main

import (


func main() {
	simulator.Test(func(ctx context.Context, c *vim25.Client) {
		vm, err := find.NewFinder(c).VirtualMachine(ctx, "DC0_H0_VM0")
		if err != nil {

		spec := types.VirtualMachineConfigSpec{
			ExtraConfig: []types.BaseOptionValue{
				&types.OptionValue{Key: "SET.guest.ipAddress", Value: ""},

		task, _ := vm.Reconfigure(ctx, spec)

		_ = task.Wait(ctx)

		ip, _ := vm.WaitForIP(ctx)
		fmt.Printf("ip is %s", ip)

ip is
Example (UsernamePasswordLogin)

Custom username + password authentication

package main

import (


func main() {
	model := simulator.VPX()

	defer model.Remove()
	err := model.Create()
	if err != nil {

	model.Service.Listen = &url.URL{
		User: url.UserPassword("my-username", "my-password"),

	s := model.Service.NewServer()
	defer s.Close()

	c, err := govmomi.NewClient(context.Background(), s.URL, true)
	if err != nil {

	fmt.Printf("login to %s as %s", c.Client.ServiceContent.About.ApiType, s.URL.User)

login to VirtualCenter as my-username:my-password




View Source
const ContainerBackingOptionKey = "RUN.container"


View Source
var (
	// Trace when set to true, writes SOAP traffic to stderr
	Trace = false

	// TraceFile is the output file when Trace = true
	TraceFile = os.Stderr

	// DefaultLogin for authentication
	DefaultLogin = url.UserPassword("user", "pass")
View Source
var DefaultCustomizationSpec = []types.CustomizationSpecItem{
		Info: types.CustomizationSpecInfo{
			Name:           "vcsim-linux",
			Description:    "",
			Type:           "Linux",
			ChangeVersion:  "1569965707",
			LastUpdateTime: types.NewTime(time.Now()),
		Spec: types.CustomizationSpec{
			Options: &types.CustomizationLinuxOptions{},
			Identity: &types.CustomizationLinuxPrep{
				CustomizationIdentitySettings: types.CustomizationIdentitySettings{},
				HostName:                      &types.CustomizationVirtualMachineName{},
				Domain:                        "",
				TimeZone:                      "Pacific/Apia",
				HwClockUTC:                    types.NewBool(true),
			GlobalIPSettings: types.CustomizationGlobalIPSettings{
				DnsSuffixList: nil,
				DnsServerList: []string{""},
			NicSettingMap: []types.CustomizationAdapterMapping{
					MacAddress: "",
					Adapter: types.CustomizationIPSettings{
						Ip:            &types.CustomizationDhcpIpGenerator{},
						SubnetMask:    "",
						Gateway:       nil,
						IpV6Spec:      (*types.CustomizationIPSettingsIpV6AddressSpec)(nil),
						DnsServerList: nil,
						DnsDomain:     "",
						PrimaryWINS:   "",
						SecondaryWINS: "",
						NetBIOS:       "",
			EncryptionKey: nil,
		Info: types.CustomizationSpecInfo{
			Name:           "vcsim-linux-static",
			Description:    "",
			Type:           "Linux",
			ChangeVersion:  "1569969598",
			LastUpdateTime: types.NewTime(time.Now()),
		Spec: types.CustomizationSpec{
			Options: &types.CustomizationLinuxOptions{},
			Identity: &types.CustomizationLinuxPrep{
				CustomizationIdentitySettings: types.CustomizationIdentitySettings{},
				HostName: &types.CustomizationPrefixName{
					CustomizationName: types.CustomizationName{},
					Base:              "vcsim",
				Domain:     "",
				TimeZone:   "Africa/Cairo",
				HwClockUTC: types.NewBool(true),
			GlobalIPSettings: types.CustomizationGlobalIPSettings{
				DnsSuffixList: nil,
				DnsServerList: []string{""},
			NicSettingMap: []types.CustomizationAdapterMapping{
					MacAddress: "",
					Adapter: types.CustomizationIPSettings{
						Ip:            &types.CustomizationUnknownIpGenerator{},
						SubnetMask:    "",
						Gateway:       []string{""},
						IpV6Spec:      (*types.CustomizationIPSettingsIpV6AddressSpec)(nil),
						DnsServerList: nil,
						DnsDomain:     "",
						PrimaryWINS:   "",
						SecondaryWINS: "",
						NetBIOS:       "",
			EncryptionKey: nil,
		Info: types.CustomizationSpecInfo{
			Name:           "vcsim-windows-static",
			Description:    "",
			Type:           "Windows",
			ChangeVersion:  "1569978029",
			LastUpdateTime: types.NewTime(time.Now()),
		Spec: types.CustomizationSpec{
			Options: &types.CustomizationWinOptions{
				CustomizationOptions: types.CustomizationOptions{},
				ChangeSID:            true,
				DeleteAccounts:       false,
				Reboot:               "",
			Identity: &types.CustomizationSysprep{
				CustomizationIdentitySettings: types.CustomizationIdentitySettings{},
				GuiUnattended: types.CustomizationGuiUnattended{
					Password:       (*types.CustomizationPassword)(nil),
					TimeZone:       2,
					AutoLogon:      false,
					AutoLogonCount: 1,
				UserData: types.CustomizationUserData{
					FullName:     "vcsim",
					OrgName:      "VMware",
					ComputerName: &types.CustomizationVirtualMachineName{},
					ProductId:    "",
				GuiRunOnce: (*types.CustomizationGuiRunOnce)(nil),
				Identification: types.CustomizationIdentification{
					JoinWorkgroup:       "WORKGROUP",
					JoinDomain:          "",
					DomainAdmin:         "",
					DomainAdminPassword: (*types.CustomizationPassword)(nil),
				LicenseFilePrintData: &types.CustomizationLicenseFilePrintData{
					AutoMode:  "perServer",
					AutoUsers: 5,
			GlobalIPSettings: types.CustomizationGlobalIPSettings{},
			NicSettingMap: []types.CustomizationAdapterMapping{
					MacAddress: "",
					Adapter: types.CustomizationIPSettings{
						Ip:            &types.CustomizationUnknownIpGenerator{},
						SubnetMask:    "",
						Gateway:       []string{""},
						IpV6Spec:      (*types.CustomizationIPSettingsIpV6AddressSpec)(nil),
						DnsServerList: nil,
						DnsDomain:     "",
						PrimaryWINS:   "",
						SecondaryWINS: "",
						NetBIOS:       "",
			EncryptionKey: []uint8{0x30},
		Info: types.CustomizationSpecInfo{
			Name:           "vcsim-windows-domain",
			Description:    "",
			Type:           "Windows",
			ChangeVersion:  "1569970234",
			LastUpdateTime: types.NewTime(time.Now()),
		Spec: types.CustomizationSpec{
			Options: &types.CustomizationWinOptions{
				CustomizationOptions: types.CustomizationOptions{},
				ChangeSID:            true,
				DeleteAccounts:       false,
				Reboot:               "",
			Identity: &types.CustomizationSysprep{
				CustomizationIdentitySettings: types.CustomizationIdentitySettings{},
				GuiUnattended: types.CustomizationGuiUnattended{
					Password: &types.CustomizationPassword{
						Value:     "3Gs...==",
						PlainText: false,
					TimeZone:       15,
					AutoLogon:      false,
					AutoLogonCount: 1,
				UserData: types.CustomizationUserData{
					FullName:     "dougm",
					OrgName:      "VMware",
					ComputerName: &types.CustomizationVirtualMachineName{},
					ProductId:    "",
				GuiRunOnce: (*types.CustomizationGuiRunOnce)(nil),
				Identification: types.CustomizationIdentification{
					JoinWorkgroup: "",
					JoinDomain:    "DOMAIN",
					DomainAdmin:   "vcsim",
					DomainAdminPassword: &types.CustomizationPassword{
						Value:     "H3g...==",
						PlainText: false,
				LicenseFilePrintData: &types.CustomizationLicenseFilePrintData{
					AutoMode:  "perServer",
					AutoUsers: 5,
			GlobalIPSettings: types.CustomizationGlobalIPSettings{},
			NicSettingMap: []types.CustomizationAdapterMapping{
					MacAddress: "",
					Adapter: types.CustomizationIPSettings{
						Ip:            &types.CustomizationUnknownIpGenerator{},
						SubnetMask:    "",
						Gateway:       []string{""},
						IpV6Spec:      (*types.CustomizationIPSettingsIpV6AddressSpec)(nil),
						DnsServerList: nil,
						DnsDomain:     "",
						PrimaryWINS:   "",
						SecondaryWINS: "",
						NetBIOS:       "",
			EncryptionKey: []uint8{0x30},
View Source
var DefaultUserGroup = []*types.UserSearchResult{
	{FullName: "root", Group: true, Principal: "root"},
	{FullName: "root", Group: false, Principal: "root"},
	{FullName: "administrator", Group: false, Principal: "admin"},
View Source
var EvalLicense = types.LicenseManagerLicenseInfo{
	LicenseKey: "00000-00000-00000-00000-00000",
	EditionKey: "eval",
	Name:       "Evaluation Mode",
	Properties: []types.KeyAnyValue{
			Key: "feature",
			Value: types.KeyValue{
				Key:   "serialuri:2",
				Value: "Remote virtual Serial Port Concentrator",
			Key: "feature",
			Value: types.KeyValue{
				Key:   "dvs",
				Value: "vSphere Distributed Switch",

EvalLicense is the default license

View Source
var ExtensionList = []types.Extension{
		Description: &types.Description{
			Label:   "vcsim",
			Summary: "Go vCenter simulator",
		Key:         "com.vmware.govmomi.simulator",
		Company:     "VMware, Inc.",
		Type:        "",
		Version:     "0.37.0",
		SubjectName: "",
		Server:      nil,
		Client:      nil,
		TaskList: []types.ExtensionTaskTypeInfo{
				TaskID: "com.vmware.govmomi.simulator.test",
		EventList:              nil,
		FaultList:              nil,
		PrivilegeList:          nil,
		ResourceList:           nil,
		LastHeartbeatTime:      time.Now(),
		HealthInfo:             (*types.ExtensionHealthInfo)(nil),
		OvfConsumerInfo:        (*types.ExtensionOvfConsumerInfo)(nil),
		ExtendedProductInfo:    (*types.ExtExtendedProductInfo)(nil),
		ManagedEntityInfo:      nil,
		ShownInSolutionManager: types.NewBool(false),
		SolutionManagerInfo:    (*types.ExtSolutionManagerInfo)(nil),

GuestID is the list of valid types.VirtualMachineGuestOsIdentifier

View Source
var Map = NewRegistry()

Map is the default Registry instance.

TODO/WIP: To support the eventual removal of this unsyncronized global variable, the Map should be accessed through any Context.Map that is passed in to functions that may need it.

View Source
var (
	// SessionIdleTimeout duration used to expire idle sessions
	SessionIdleTimeout time.Duration
View Source
var StatusSDK = http.StatusOK

StatusSDK can be used to simulate an /sdk HTTP response code other than 200. The value of StatusSDK is restored to http.StatusOK after 1 response. This can be useful to test vim25.Retry() for example.

View Source
var TaskDelay = DelayConfig{}

TaskDelay applies to all tasks. Names for DelayConfig.MethodDelay will differ for task and api delays. API level names often look like PowerOff_Task, whereas the task name is simply PowerOff.


func CreateDefaultESX

func CreateDefaultESX(ctx *Context, f *Folder)

CreateDefaultESX creates a standalone ESX Adds objects of type: Datacenter, Network, ComputeResource, ResourcePool and HostSystem

func DisableRuleset

func DisableRuleset(info *types.HostFirewallInfo, id string) bool

func EnableRuleset

func EnableRuleset(info *types.HostFirewallInfo, id string) bool

func Fault

func Fault(msg string, fault types.BaseMethodFault) *soap.Fault

Fault wraps the given message and fault in a soap.Fault

func FindReference

FindReference returns the 1st match found in refs, or nil if not found.

func NewOptionManager

func NewOptionManager(ref *types.ManagedObjectReference, setting []types.BaseOptionValue, mirror *[]types.BaseOptionValue) object.Reference

NewOptionManager constructs the type. If mirror is non-nil it takes precedence over settings, and settings is ignored. Args:

  • ref - used to set OptionManager.Self if non-nil
  • setting - initial options, may be nil.
  • mirror - options array to keep updated with the OptionManager.Settings, may be nil.

func NewPropertyCollector

func NewPropertyCollector(ref types.ManagedObjectReference) object.Reference

func NewVAppConfigSpec

func NewVAppConfigSpec() types.VAppConfigSpec

func RegisterEndpoint

func RegisterEndpoint(endpoint func(*Service, *Registry))

RegisterEndpoint funcs are called after the Server is initialized if Service.RegisterEndpoints=true. Such a func would typically register a SOAP endpoint via Service.RegisterSDK or REST endpoint via Service.Handle

func RemoveReference

func RemoveReference(field *[]types.ManagedObjectReference, ref types.ManagedObjectReference)

RemoveReference removes ref from the given field.

func RenameTask

func RenameTask(ctx *Context, e mo.Entity, r *types.Rename_Task, dup ...bool) soap.HasFault

func Run

func Run(f func(context.Context, *vim25.Client) error, model ...*Model)

Run calls Model.Run for each model and will panic if f returns an error. If no model is specified, the VPX Model is used by default.

func RunContainer

func RunContainer(ctx context.Context, c *vim25.Client, vm mo.Reference, args string) error

RunContainer runs a vm container with the given args

func ServeGuest

func ServeGuest(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)

ServeGuest handles container guest file upload/download

func ServeNFC

func ServeNFC(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)

ServeNFC handles NFC file upload/download

func SessionIdleWatch

func SessionIdleWatch(ctx context.Context, id string, expired func(string, time.Time) bool)

SessionIdleWatch starts a goroutine that calls func expired() at SessionIdleTimeout intervals. The goroutine exits if the func returns true.

func SetCustomValue

func SetCustomValue(ctx *Context, req *types.SetCustomValue) soap.HasFault

func Test

func Test(f func(context.Context, *vim25.Client), model ...*Model)

Test calls Run and expects the caller propagate any errors, via testing.T for example.


Test simplifies startup/cleanup of a simulator instance for testing purposes.

package main

import (


func main() {
	simulator.Test(func(ctx context.Context, c *vim25.Client) {
		// Client has connected and logged in to a new simulator instance.
		// Server.Close and Model.Remove are called when this func returns.
		s, err := session.NewManager(c).UserSession(ctx)
		if err != nil {



type AuthorizationManager

type AuthorizationManager struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*AuthorizationManager) AddAuthorizationRole

func (m *AuthorizationManager) AddAuthorizationRole(req *types.AddAuthorizationRole) soap.HasFault

func (*AuthorizationManager) FetchUserPrivilegeOnEntities

func (m *AuthorizationManager) FetchUserPrivilegeOnEntities(req *types.FetchUserPrivilegeOnEntities) soap.HasFault

func (*AuthorizationManager) HasPrivilegeOnEntities

func (m *AuthorizationManager) HasPrivilegeOnEntities(req *types.HasPrivilegeOnEntities) soap.HasFault

func (*AuthorizationManager) HasPrivilegeOnEntity

func (m *AuthorizationManager) HasPrivilegeOnEntity(req *types.HasPrivilegeOnEntity) soap.HasFault

func (*AuthorizationManager) HasUserPrivilegeOnEntities

func (m *AuthorizationManager) HasUserPrivilegeOnEntities(req *types.HasUserPrivilegeOnEntities) soap.HasFault

func (*AuthorizationManager) RemoveAuthorizationRole

func (m *AuthorizationManager) RemoveAuthorizationRole(req *types.RemoveAuthorizationRole) soap.HasFault

func (*AuthorizationManager) RemoveEntityPermission

func (m *AuthorizationManager) RemoveEntityPermission(req *types.RemoveEntityPermission) soap.HasFault

func (*AuthorizationManager) RetrieveAllPermissions

func (m *AuthorizationManager) RetrieveAllPermissions(req *types.RetrieveAllPermissions) soap.HasFault

func (*AuthorizationManager) RetrieveEntityPermissions

func (m *AuthorizationManager) RetrieveEntityPermissions(req *types.RetrieveEntityPermissions) soap.HasFault

func (*AuthorizationManager) RetrieveRolePermissions

func (m *AuthorizationManager) RetrieveRolePermissions(req *types.RetrieveRolePermissions) soap.HasFault

func (*AuthorizationManager) SetEntityPermissions

func (m *AuthorizationManager) SetEntityPermissions(req *types.SetEntityPermissions) soap.HasFault

func (*AuthorizationManager) UpdateAuthorizationRole

func (m *AuthorizationManager) UpdateAuthorizationRole(req *types.UpdateAuthorizationRole) soap.HasFault

type ClusterComputeResource

type ClusterComputeResource struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*ClusterComputeResource) AddHostTask

func (c *ClusterComputeResource) AddHostTask(ctx *Context, add *types.AddHost_Task) soap.HasFault

func (*ClusterComputeResource) MoveIntoTask

func (c *ClusterComputeResource) MoveIntoTask(ctx *Context, req *types.MoveInto_Task) soap.HasFault

func (*ClusterComputeResource) PlaceVm

func (c *ClusterComputeResource) PlaceVm(ctx *Context, req *types.PlaceVm) soap.HasFault

func (*ClusterComputeResource) ReconfigureComputeResourceTask

func (c *ClusterComputeResource) ReconfigureComputeResourceTask(ctx *Context, req *types.ReconfigureComputeResource_Task) soap.HasFault

func (*ClusterComputeResource) RenameTask

func (c *ClusterComputeResource) RenameTask(ctx *Context, req *types.Rename_Task) soap.HasFault

type ContainerView

type ContainerView struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*ContainerView) DestroyView

func (v *ContainerView) DestroyView(ctx *Context, c *types.DestroyView) soap.HasFault

func (*ContainerView) PutObject

func (v *ContainerView) PutObject(obj mo.Reference)

func (*ContainerView) RemoveObject

func (v *ContainerView) RemoveObject(ctx *Context, obj types.ManagedObjectReference)

func (*ContainerView) UpdateObject

func (*ContainerView) UpdateObject(mo.Reference, []types.PropertyChange)

type Context

type Context struct {
	Session *Session
	Header  soap.Header
	Caller  *types.ManagedObjectReference
	Map     *Registry
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

Context provides per-request Session management.

func SpoofContext

func SpoofContext() *Context

When simulator code needs to call other simulator code, it typically passes whatever context is associated with the request it's servicing. Model code isn't servicing a request, but still needs a context, so we spoof one for the purposes of calling simulator code. Test code also tends to do this.

func (*Context) SetSession

func (c *Context) SetSession(session Session, login bool)

SetSession should be called after successful authentication.

func (*Context) WithLock

func (c *Context) WithLock(obj mo.Reference, f func())

WithLock holds a lock for the given object while the given function is run. It will skip locking if this context already holds the given object's lock.

type CustomFieldsManager

type CustomFieldsManager struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*CustomFieldsManager) AddCustomFieldDef

func (c *CustomFieldsManager) AddCustomFieldDef(ctx *Context, req *types.AddCustomFieldDef) soap.HasFault

func (*CustomFieldsManager) RemoveCustomFieldDef

func (c *CustomFieldsManager) RemoveCustomFieldDef(ctx *Context, req *types.RemoveCustomFieldDef) soap.HasFault

func (*CustomFieldsManager) RenameCustomFieldDef

func (c *CustomFieldsManager) RenameCustomFieldDef(ctx *Context, req *types.RenameCustomFieldDef) soap.HasFault

func (*CustomFieldsManager) SetField

func (c *CustomFieldsManager) SetField(ctx *Context, req *types.SetField) soap.HasFault

type CustomizationSpecManager

type CustomizationSpecManager struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*CustomizationSpecManager) CreateCustomizationSpec

func (m *CustomizationSpecManager) CreateCustomizationSpec(ctx *Context, req *types.CreateCustomizationSpec) soap.HasFault

func (*CustomizationSpecManager) DoesCustomizationSpecExist

func (m *CustomizationSpecManager) DoesCustomizationSpecExist(ctx *Context, req *types.DoesCustomizationSpecExist) soap.HasFault

func (*CustomizationSpecManager) Get

func (*CustomizationSpecManager) GetCustomizationSpec

func (m *CustomizationSpecManager) GetCustomizationSpec(ctx *Context, req *types.GetCustomizationSpec) soap.HasFault

func (*CustomizationSpecManager) OverwriteCustomizationSpec

func (m *CustomizationSpecManager) OverwriteCustomizationSpec(ctx *Context, req *types.OverwriteCustomizationSpec) soap.HasFault

type DataSet

type DataSet struct {
	ID      string
	Entries map[string]string

type Datacenter

type Datacenter struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewDatacenter

func NewDatacenter(ctx *Context, f *mo.Folder) *Datacenter

NewDatacenter creates a Datacenter and its child folders.

func (*Datacenter) DestroyTask

func (d *Datacenter) DestroyTask(ctx *Context, req *types.Destroy_Task) soap.HasFault

func (*Datacenter) PowerOnMultiVMTask

func (dc *Datacenter) PowerOnMultiVMTask(ctx *Context, req *types.PowerOnMultiVM_Task) soap.HasFault

func (*Datacenter) RenameTask

func (dc *Datacenter) RenameTask(ctx *Context, r *types.Rename_Task) soap.HasFault

type Datastore

type Datastore struct {

func (*Datastore) DestroyTask

func (ds *Datastore) DestroyTask(ctx *Context, req *types.Destroy_Task) soap.HasFault

func (*Datastore) RefreshDatastore

func (ds *Datastore) RefreshDatastore(*types.RefreshDatastore) soap.HasFault

type DelayConfig

type DelayConfig struct {
	// Delay specifies the number of milliseconds to delay serving a SOAP call. 0 means no delay.
	// This can be used to simulate a poorly performing vCenter or network lag.
	Delay int

	// Delay specifies the number of milliseconds to delay serving a specific method.
	// Each entry in the map represents the name of a method and its associated delay in milliseconds,
	// This can be used to simulate a poorly performing vCenter or network lag.
	MethodDelay map[string]int

	// DelayJitter defines the delay jitter as a coefficient of variation (stddev/mean).
	// This can be used to simulate unpredictable delay. 0 means no jitter, i.e. all invocations get the same delay.
	DelayJitter float64

type DistributedVirtualPortgroup

type DistributedVirtualPortgroup struct {

func (*DistributedVirtualPortgroup) DestroyTask

func (*DistributedVirtualPortgroup) ReconfigureDVPortgroupTask

func (s *DistributedVirtualPortgroup) ReconfigureDVPortgroupTask(ctx *Context, req *types.ReconfigureDVPortgroup_Task) soap.HasFault

func (*DistributedVirtualPortgroup) RenameTask

type DistributedVirtualSwitch

type DistributedVirtualSwitch struct {


func (*DistributedVirtualSwitch) AddDVPortgroupTask

func (s *DistributedVirtualSwitch) AddDVPortgroupTask(ctx *Context, c *types.AddDVPortgroup_Task) soap.HasFault

AddDVPortgroup against vcsim can create both standard and nsx backed DistributedVirtualPortgroup networks

package main

import (


func main() {
	simulator.Run(func(ctx context.Context, c *vim25.Client) error {
		finder := find.NewFinder(c)

		dvs0, err := finder.Network(ctx, "DVS0")
		if err != nil {
			return err

		spec := types.DVPortgroupConfigSpec{
			Name:              "my-nsx-dvpg",
			LogicalSwitchUuid: "my-nsx-id",

		dvs := dvs0.(*object.DistributedVirtualSwitch)
		task, err := dvs.AddPortgroup(ctx, []types.DVPortgroupConfigSpec{spec})
		if err != nil {
			return err
		if err = task.Wait(ctx); err != nil {
			return err

		pg0, err := finder.Network(ctx, spec.Name)
		if err != nil {
			return err

		pg := pg0.(*object.DistributedVirtualPortgroup)

		var props mo.DistributedVirtualPortgroup
		err = pg.Properties(ctx, pg.Reference(), []string{"config"}, &props)
		if err != nil {
			return err

		fmt.Printf("%s: %s %s", pg.Name(), props.Config.BackingType, props.Config.LogicalSwitchUuid)

		return nil

my-nsx-dvpg: nsx my-nsx-id

func (*DistributedVirtualSwitch) DestroyTask

func (s *DistributedVirtualSwitch) DestroyTask(ctx *Context, req *types.Destroy_Task) soap.HasFault

func (*DistributedVirtualSwitch) FetchDVPorts

func (*DistributedVirtualSwitch) ReconfigureDvsTask

func (s *DistributedVirtualSwitch) ReconfigureDvsTask(ctx *Context, req *types.ReconfigureDvs_Task) soap.HasFault

type DistributedVirtualSwitchManager

type DistributedVirtualSwitchManager struct {

func (*DistributedVirtualSwitchManager) DVSManagerLookupDvPortGroup

func (m *DistributedVirtualSwitchManager) DVSManagerLookupDvPortGroup(ctx *Context, req *types.DVSManagerLookupDvPortGroup) soap.HasFault

type Element

type Element struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

Element can be used to defer decoding of an XML node.

func (*Element) Decode

func (e *Element) Decode(val interface{}) error

func (*Element) UnmarshalXML

func (e *Element) UnmarshalXML(d *xml.Decoder, start xml.StartElement) error

type EnvironmentBrowser

type EnvironmentBrowser struct {

	QueryConfigTargetResponse           types.QueryConfigTargetResponse
	QueryConfigOptionResponse           types.QueryConfigOptionResponse
	QueryConfigOptionDescriptorResponse types.QueryConfigOptionDescriptorResponse
	QueryTargetCapabilitiesResponse     types.QueryTargetCapabilitiesResponse

func (*EnvironmentBrowser) QueryConfigOption

func (b *EnvironmentBrowser) QueryConfigOption(req *types.QueryConfigOption) soap.HasFault

func (*EnvironmentBrowser) QueryConfigOptionDescriptor

func (b *EnvironmentBrowser) QueryConfigOptionDescriptor(ctx *Context, req *types.QueryConfigOptionDescriptor) soap.HasFault

func (*EnvironmentBrowser) QueryConfigOptionEx

func (b *EnvironmentBrowser) QueryConfigOptionEx(req *types.QueryConfigOptionEx) soap.HasFault

func (*EnvironmentBrowser) QueryConfigTarget

func (b *EnvironmentBrowser) QueryConfigTarget(ctx *Context, req *types.QueryConfigTarget) soap.HasFault

func (*EnvironmentBrowser) QueryTargetCapabilities

func (b *EnvironmentBrowser) QueryTargetCapabilities(ctx *Context, req *types.QueryTargetCapabilities) soap.HasFault

type EventHistoryCollector

type EventHistoryCollector struct {


func (*EventHistoryCollector) Get

func (*EventHistoryCollector) GetLatestPage

func (c *EventHistoryCollector) GetLatestPage() []types.BaseEvent

func (*EventHistoryCollector) ReadNextEvents

func (c *EventHistoryCollector) ReadNextEvents(ctx *Context, req *types.ReadNextEvents) soap.HasFault

func (*EventHistoryCollector) ReadPreviousEvents

func (c *EventHistoryCollector) ReadPreviousEvents(ctx *Context, req *types.ReadPreviousEvents) soap.HasFault

type EventManager

type EventManager struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*EventManager) CreateCollectorForEvents

func (m *EventManager) CreateCollectorForEvents(ctx *Context, req *types.CreateCollectorForEvents) soap.HasFault

func (*EventManager) PostEvent

func (m *EventManager) PostEvent(ctx *Context, req *types.PostEvent) soap.HasFault

func (*EventManager) QueryEvents

func (m *EventManager) QueryEvents(ctx *Context, req *types.QueryEvents) soap.HasFault

type ExtensionManager

type ExtensionManager struct {

func (*ExtensionManager) FindExtension

func (m *ExtensionManager) FindExtension(ctx *Context, req *types.FindExtension) soap.HasFault

func (*ExtensionManager) RegisterExtension

func (m *ExtensionManager) RegisterExtension(ctx *Context, req *types.RegisterExtension) soap.HasFault

func (*ExtensionManager) SetExtensionCertificate

func (m *ExtensionManager) SetExtensionCertificate(ctx *Context, req *types.SetExtensionCertificate) soap.HasFault

func (*ExtensionManager) UnregisterExtension

func (m *ExtensionManager) UnregisterExtension(ctx *Context, req *types.UnregisterExtension) soap.HasFault

func (*ExtensionManager) UpdateExtension

func (m *ExtensionManager) UpdateExtension(ctx *Context, req *types.UpdateExtension) soap.HasFault

type FileManager

type FileManager struct {

func (*FileManager) CopyDatastoreFileTask

func (f *FileManager) CopyDatastoreFileTask(ctx *Context, req *types.CopyDatastoreFile_Task) soap.HasFault

func (*FileManager) DeleteDatastoreFileTask

func (f *FileManager) DeleteDatastoreFileTask(ctx *Context, req *types.DeleteDatastoreFile_Task) soap.HasFault

func (*FileManager) MakeDirectory

func (f *FileManager) MakeDirectory(req *types.MakeDirectory) soap.HasFault

func (*FileManager) MoveDatastoreFileTask

func (f *FileManager) MoveDatastoreFileTask(ctx *Context, req *types.MoveDatastoreFile_Task) soap.HasFault

type Folder

type Folder struct {

func (*Folder) AddOpaqueNetwork

func (f *Folder) AddOpaqueNetwork(ctx *Context, summary types.OpaqueNetworkSummary) error

AddOpaqueNetwork adds an OpaqueNetwork type to the inventory, with default backing to that of an nsx.LogicalSwitch. The vSphere API does not have a method to add this directly, so it must either be called directly or via Model.OpaqueNetwork setting.


Folder.AddOpaqueNetwork can be used to create an NSX backed OpaqueNetwork.

package main

import (


func main() {
	simulator.Run(func(ctx context.Context, c *vim25.Client) error {
		finder := find.NewFinder(c)

		// Find the network folder via vSphere API
		obj, err := finder.Folder(ctx, "network")
		if err != nil {
			return err

		// Get vcsim's network Folder object
		folder := simulator.Map.Get(obj.Reference()).(*simulator.Folder)

		spec := types.OpaqueNetworkSummary{
			NetworkSummary: types.NetworkSummary{
				Name: "my-nsx-network",
			OpaqueNetworkId:   "my-nsx-id",
			OpaqueNetworkType: "nsx.LogicalSwitch",

		// Add NSX backed OpaqueNetwork, calling the simulator.Folder method directly.
		err = folder.AddOpaqueNetwork(simulator.SpoofContext(), spec)
		if err != nil {
			return err

		// Find the OpaqueNetwork via vSphere API
		net, err := finder.Network(ctx, spec.Name)
		if err != nil {
			return err

		nsx := net.(*object.OpaqueNetwork)
		summary, err := nsx.Summary(ctx)
		if err != nil {
			return err

		// The summary fields should match those of the spec used to create it
		fmt.Printf("%s: %s", nsx.Name(), summary.OpaqueNetworkId)
		return nil

my-nsx-network: my-nsx-id

func (*Folder) AddStandaloneHostTask

func (f *Folder) AddStandaloneHostTask(ctx *Context, a *types.AddStandaloneHost_Task) soap.HasFault

func (*Folder) CreateClusterEx

func (f *Folder) CreateClusterEx(ctx *Context, c *types.CreateClusterEx) soap.HasFault

func (*Folder) CreateDVSTask

func (f *Folder) CreateDVSTask(ctx *Context, req *types.CreateDVS_Task) soap.HasFault

func (*Folder) CreateDatacenter

func (f *Folder) CreateDatacenter(ctx *Context, c *types.CreateDatacenter) soap.HasFault

func (*Folder) CreateFolder

func (f *Folder) CreateFolder(ctx *Context, c *types.CreateFolder) soap.HasFault

func (*Folder) CreateStoragePod

func (f *Folder) CreateStoragePod(ctx *Context, c *types.CreateStoragePod) soap.HasFault

func (*Folder) CreateVMTask

func (f *Folder) CreateVMTask(ctx *Context, c *types.CreateVM_Task) soap.HasFault

func (*Folder) DestroyTask

func (f *Folder) DestroyTask(ctx *Context, req *types.Destroy_Task) soap.HasFault

func (*Folder) MoveIntoFolderTask

func (f *Folder) MoveIntoFolderTask(ctx *Context, c *types.MoveIntoFolder_Task) soap.HasFault

func (*Folder) PlaceVmsXCluster

func (f *Folder) PlaceVmsXCluster(ctx *Context, req *types.PlaceVmsXCluster) soap.HasFault

func (*Folder) RegisterVMTask

func (f *Folder) RegisterVMTask(ctx *Context, c *types.RegisterVM_Task) soap.HasFault

func (*Folder) RenameTask

func (f *Folder) RenameTask(ctx *Context, r *types.Rename_Task) soap.HasFault

type GuestFileManager

type GuestFileManager struct {

func (*GuestFileManager) ChangeFileAttributesInGuest

func (m *GuestFileManager) ChangeFileAttributesInGuest(ctx *Context, req *types.ChangeFileAttributesInGuest) soap.HasFault

func (*GuestFileManager) CreateTemporaryDirectoryInGuest

func (m *GuestFileManager) CreateTemporaryDirectoryInGuest(ctx *Context, req *types.CreateTemporaryDirectoryInGuest) soap.HasFault

func (*GuestFileManager) CreateTemporaryFileInGuest

func (m *GuestFileManager) CreateTemporaryFileInGuest(ctx *Context, req *types.CreateTemporaryFileInGuest) soap.HasFault

func (*GuestFileManager) DeleteDirectoryInGuest

func (m *GuestFileManager) DeleteDirectoryInGuest(ctx *Context, req *types.DeleteDirectoryInGuest) soap.HasFault

func (*GuestFileManager) DeleteFileInGuest

func (m *GuestFileManager) DeleteFileInGuest(ctx *Context, req *types.DeleteFileInGuest) soap.HasFault

func (*GuestFileManager) InitiateFileTransferFromGuest

func (m *GuestFileManager) InitiateFileTransferFromGuest(ctx *Context, req *types.InitiateFileTransferFromGuest) soap.HasFault

func (*GuestFileManager) InitiateFileTransferToGuest

func (m *GuestFileManager) InitiateFileTransferToGuest(ctx *Context, req *types.InitiateFileTransferToGuest) soap.HasFault

func (*GuestFileManager) ListFilesInGuest

func (m *GuestFileManager) ListFilesInGuest(ctx *Context, req *types.ListFilesInGuest) soap.HasFault

func (*GuestFileManager) MakeDirectoryInGuest

func (m *GuestFileManager) MakeDirectoryInGuest(ctx *Context, req *types.MakeDirectoryInGuest) soap.HasFault

func (*GuestFileManager) MoveDirectoryInGuest

func (m *GuestFileManager) MoveDirectoryInGuest(ctx *Context, req *types.MoveDirectoryInGuest) soap.HasFault

func (*GuestFileManager) MoveFileInGuest

func (m *GuestFileManager) MoveFileInGuest(ctx *Context, req *types.MoveFileInGuest) soap.HasFault

type GuestOperationsManager

type GuestOperationsManager struct {

type GuestProcessManager

type GuestProcessManager struct {

func (*GuestProcessManager) ListProcessesInGuest

func (m *GuestProcessManager) ListProcessesInGuest(ctx *Context, req *types.ListProcessesInGuest) soap.HasFault

func (*GuestProcessManager) StartProgramInGuest

func (m *GuestProcessManager) StartProgramInGuest(ctx *Context, req *types.StartProgramInGuest) soap.HasFault

func (*GuestProcessManager) TerminateProcessInGuest

func (m *GuestProcessManager) TerminateProcessInGuest(ctx *Context, req *types.TerminateProcessInGuest) soap.HasFault

type HistoryCollector

type HistoryCollector struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*HistoryCollector) DestroyCollector

func (c *HistoryCollector) DestroyCollector(ctx *Context, req *types.DestroyCollector) soap.HasFault

func (*HistoryCollector) ResetCollector

func (c *HistoryCollector) ResetCollector(ctx *Context, req *types.ResetCollector) soap.HasFault

func (*HistoryCollector) RewindCollector

func (c *HistoryCollector) RewindCollector(ctx *Context, req *types.RewindCollector) soap.HasFault

func (*HistoryCollector) SetCollectorPageSize

func (c *HistoryCollector) SetCollectorPageSize(ctx *Context, req *types.SetCollectorPageSize) soap.HasFault

type HostDatastoreBrowser

type HostDatastoreBrowser struct {

func (*HostDatastoreBrowser) SearchDatastoreSubFoldersTask

func (b *HostDatastoreBrowser) SearchDatastoreSubFoldersTask(ctx *Context, s *types.SearchDatastoreSubFolders_Task) soap.HasFault

func (*HostDatastoreBrowser) SearchDatastoreTask

func (b *HostDatastoreBrowser) SearchDatastoreTask(ctx *Context, s *types.SearchDatastore_Task) soap.HasFault

type HostDatastoreSystem

type HostDatastoreSystem struct {

	Host *mo.HostSystem

func (*HostDatastoreSystem) CreateLocalDatastore

func (dss *HostDatastoreSystem) CreateLocalDatastore(ctx *Context, c *types.CreateLocalDatastore) soap.HasFault

func (*HostDatastoreSystem) CreateNasDatastore

func (dss *HostDatastoreSystem) CreateNasDatastore(ctx *Context, c *types.CreateNasDatastore) soap.HasFault

type HostFirewallSystem

type HostFirewallSystem struct {

func NewHostFirewallSystem

func NewHostFirewallSystem(_ *mo.HostSystem) *HostFirewallSystem

func (*HostFirewallSystem) DisableRuleset

func (s *HostFirewallSystem) DisableRuleset(req *types.DisableRuleset) soap.HasFault

func (*HostFirewallSystem) EnableRuleset

func (s *HostFirewallSystem) EnableRuleset(req *types.EnableRuleset) soap.HasFault

type HostLocalAccountManager

type HostLocalAccountManager struct {

func (*HostLocalAccountManager) CreateUser

func (*HostLocalAccountManager) RemoveUser

func (*HostLocalAccountManager) UpdateUser

type HostNetworkSystem

type HostNetworkSystem struct {

	Host *mo.HostSystem


func NewHostNetworkSystem

func NewHostNetworkSystem(host *mo.HostSystem) *HostNetworkSystem

func (*HostNetworkSystem) AddPortGroup

func (s *HostNetworkSystem) AddPortGroup(ctx *Context, c *types.AddPortGroup) soap.HasFault

func (*HostNetworkSystem) AddVirtualSwitch

func (s *HostNetworkSystem) AddVirtualSwitch(c *types.AddVirtualSwitch) soap.HasFault

func (*HostNetworkSystem) QueryNetworkHint

func (s *HostNetworkSystem) QueryNetworkHint(req *types.QueryNetworkHint) soap.HasFault

func (*HostNetworkSystem) RemovePortGroup

func (s *HostNetworkSystem) RemovePortGroup(ctx *Context, c *types.RemovePortGroup) soap.HasFault

func (*HostNetworkSystem) RemoveVirtualSwitch

func (s *HostNetworkSystem) RemoveVirtualSwitch(c *types.RemoveVirtualSwitch) soap.HasFault

func (*HostNetworkSystem) UpdateNetworkConfig

func (s *HostNetworkSystem) UpdateNetworkConfig(req *types.UpdateNetworkConfig) soap.HasFault

type HostStorageSystem

type HostStorageSystem struct {

	Host *mo.HostSystem
	HBA  []types.BaseHostHostBusAdapter

func NewHostStorageSystem

func NewHostStorageSystem(h *mo.HostSystem) *HostStorageSystem

func (*HostStorageSystem) RefreshStorageSystem

func (s *HostStorageSystem) RefreshStorageSystem(*Context, *types.RefreshStorageSystem) soap.HasFault

func (*HostStorageSystem) RescanAllHba

func (s *HostStorageSystem) RescanAllHba(ctx *Context, _ *types.RescanAllHba) soap.HasFault

RescanAllHba swaps HostStorageSystem.HBA and StorageDeviceInfo.HostBusAdapter. This allows testing HBA with and without Fibre Channel data.

func (*HostStorageSystem) RescanVmfs

type HostSystem

type HostSystem struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func CreateStandaloneHost

func CreateStandaloneHost(ctx *Context, f *Folder, spec types.HostConnectSpec) (*HostSystem, types.BaseMethodFault)

CreateStandaloneHost uses esx.HostSystem as a template, applying the given spec and creating the ComputeResource parent and ResourcePool sibling.

func NewHostSystem

func NewHostSystem(host mo.HostSystem) *HostSystem

func (*HostSystem) DestroyTask

func (h *HostSystem) DestroyTask(ctx *Context, req *types.Destroy_Task) soap.HasFault

func (*HostSystem) DisconnectHostTask

func (h *HostSystem) DisconnectHostTask(ctx *Context, spec *types.DisconnectHost_Task) soap.HasFault

func (*HostSystem) EnterMaintenanceModeTask

func (h *HostSystem) EnterMaintenanceModeTask(ctx *Context, spec *types.EnterMaintenanceMode_Task) soap.HasFault

func (*HostSystem) ExitMaintenanceModeTask

func (h *HostSystem) ExitMaintenanceModeTask(ctx *Context, spec *types.ExitMaintenanceMode_Task) soap.HasFault

func (*HostSystem) ReconnectHostTask

func (h *HostSystem) ReconnectHostTask(ctx *Context, spec *types.ReconnectHost_Task) soap.HasFault

type HostVirtualNicManager

type HostVirtualNicManager struct {

	Host *mo.HostSystem

func NewHostVirtualNicManager

func NewHostVirtualNicManager(host *mo.HostSystem) *HostVirtualNicManager

func (*HostVirtualNicManager) QueryNetConfig

func (m *HostVirtualNicManager) QueryNetConfig(req *types.QueryNetConfig) soap.HasFault

type HttpNfcLease

type HttpNfcLease struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*HttpNfcLease) HttpNfcLeaseAbort

func (l *HttpNfcLease) HttpNfcLeaseAbort(ctx *Context, req *types.HttpNfcLeaseAbort) soap.HasFault

func (*HttpNfcLease) HttpNfcLeaseComplete

func (l *HttpNfcLease) HttpNfcLeaseComplete(ctx *Context, req *types.HttpNfcLeaseComplete) soap.HasFault

func (*HttpNfcLease) HttpNfcLeaseGetManifest

func (l *HttpNfcLease) HttpNfcLeaseGetManifest(ctx *Context, req *types.HttpNfcLeaseGetManifest) soap.HasFault

func (*HttpNfcLease) HttpNfcLeaseProgress

func (l *HttpNfcLease) HttpNfcLeaseProgress(ctx *Context, req *types.HttpNfcLeaseProgress) soap.HasFault

type IpPool

type IpPool struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func MustNewIpPool

func MustNewIpPool(config *types.IpPool) *IpPool

func NewIpPool

func NewIpPool(config *types.IpPool) (*IpPool, error)

func (*IpPool) AllocateIPv4

func (p *IpPool) AllocateIPv4(allocation string) (string, error)

func (*IpPool) AllocateIpv6

func (p *IpPool) AllocateIpv6(allocation string) (string, error)

func (*IpPool) ReleaseIpv4

func (p *IpPool) ReleaseIpv4(allocation string) error

func (*IpPool) ReleaseIpv6

func (p *IpPool) ReleaseIpv6(allocation string) error

type IpPoolManager

type IpPoolManager struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

IpPoolManager implements a simple IP Pool manager in which all pools are shared across different datacenters.

func (*IpPoolManager) AllocateIpv4Address

func (m *IpPoolManager) AllocateIpv4Address(req *types.AllocateIpv4Address) soap.HasFault

func (*IpPoolManager) AllocateIpv6Address

func (m *IpPoolManager) AllocateIpv6Address(req *types.AllocateIpv6Address) soap.HasFault

func (*IpPoolManager) CreateIpPool

func (m *IpPoolManager) CreateIpPool(req *types.CreateIpPool) soap.HasFault

func (*IpPoolManager) DestroyIpPool

func (m *IpPoolManager) DestroyIpPool(req *types.DestroyIpPool) soap.HasFault

func (*IpPoolManager) QueryIPAllocations

func (m *IpPoolManager) QueryIPAllocations(req *types.QueryIPAllocations) soap.HasFault

func (*IpPoolManager) QueryIpPools

func (m *IpPoolManager) QueryIpPools(req *types.QueryIpPools) soap.HasFault

func (*IpPoolManager) ReleaseIpAllocation

func (m *IpPoolManager) ReleaseIpAllocation(req *types.ReleaseIpAllocation) soap.HasFault

func (*IpPoolManager) UpdateIpPool

func (m *IpPoolManager) UpdateIpPool(req *types.UpdateIpPool) soap.HasFault

type LicenseAssignmentManager

type LicenseAssignmentManager struct {

func (*LicenseAssignmentManager) QueryAssignedLicenses

func (m *LicenseAssignmentManager) QueryAssignedLicenses(req *types.QueryAssignedLicenses) soap.HasFault

type LicenseManager

type LicenseManager struct {

func (*LicenseManager) AddLicense

func (m *LicenseManager) AddLicense(req *types.AddLicense) soap.HasFault

func (*LicenseManager) RemoveLicense

func (m *LicenseManager) RemoveLicense(req *types.RemoveLicense) soap.HasFault

func (*LicenseManager) UpdateLicenseLabel

func (m *LicenseManager) UpdateLicenseLabel(req *types.UpdateLicenseLabel) soap.HasFault

type ListView

type ListView struct {

func (*ListView) DestroyView

func (v *ListView) DestroyView(ctx *Context, c *types.DestroyView) soap.HasFault

func (*ListView) ModifyListView

func (v *ListView) ModifyListView(ctx *Context, req *types.ModifyListView) soap.HasFault

func (*ListView) ResetListView

func (v *ListView) ResetListView(ctx *Context, req *types.ResetListView) soap.HasFault

type Method

type Method struct {
	Name   string
	This   types.ManagedObjectReference
	Header soap.Header
	Body   types.AnyType

Method encapsulates a decoded SOAP client request

func UnmarshalBody

func UnmarshalBody(typeFunc func(string) (reflect.Type, bool), data []byte) (*Method, error)

UnmarshalBody extracts the Body from a soap.Envelope and unmarshals to the corresponding govmomi type

type Model

type Model struct {
	Service *Service `json:"-"`

	ServiceContent types.ServiceContent `json:"-"`
	RootFolder     mo.Folder            `json:"-"`

	// Autostart will power on Model created VMs when true
	Autostart bool `json:"-"`

	// Datacenter specifies the number of Datacenter entities to create
	// Name prefix: DC, vcsim flag: -dc
	Datacenter int `json:"datacenter"`

	// Portgroup specifies the number of DistributedVirtualPortgroup entities to create per Datacenter
	// Name prefix: DVPG, vcsim flag: -pg
	Portgroup int `json:"portgroup"`

	// PortgroupNSX specifies the number NSX backed DistributedVirtualPortgroup entities to create per Datacenter
	// Name prefix: NSXPG, vcsim flag: -nsx-pg
	PortgroupNSX int `json:"portgroupNSX"`

	// OpaqueNetwork specifies the number of OpaqueNetwork entities to create per Datacenter,
	// with Summary.OpaqueNetworkType set to nsx.LogicalSwitch and Summary.OpaqueNetworkId to a random uuid.
	// Name prefix: NSX, vcsim flag: -nsx
	OpaqueNetwork int `json:"opaqueNetwork"`

	// Host specifies the number of standalone HostSystems entities to create per Datacenter
	// Name prefix: H, vcsim flag: -standalone-host
	Host int `json:"host,omitempty"`

	// Cluster specifies the number of ClusterComputeResource entities to create per Datacenter
	// Name prefix: C, vcsim flag: -cluster
	Cluster int `json:"cluster"`

	// ClusterHost specifies the number of HostSystems entities to create within a Cluster
	// Name prefix: H, vcsim flag: -host
	ClusterHost int `json:"clusterHost,omitempty"`

	// Pool specifies the number of ResourcePool entities to create per Cluster
	// Note that every cluster has a root ResourcePool named "Resources", as real vCenter does.
	// For example: /DC0/host/DC0_C0/Resources
	// The root ResourcePool is named "RP0" within other object names.
	// When Model.Pool is set to 1 or higher, this creates child ResourcePools under the root pool.
	// Note that this flag is not effective on standalone hosts.
	// For example: /DC0/host/DC0_C0/Resources/DC0_C0_RP1
	// Name prefix: RP, vcsim flag: -pool
	Pool int `json:"pool"`

	// Datastore specifies the number of Datastore entities to create
	// Each Datastore will have temporary local file storage and will be mounted
	// on every HostSystem created by the ModelConfig
	// Name prefix: LocalDS, vcsim flag: -ds
	Datastore int `json:"datastore"`

	// Machine specifies the number of VirtualMachine entities to create per
	// ResourcePool. If the pool flag is specified, the specified number of virtual
	// machines will be deployed to each child pool and prefixed with the child
	// resource pool name. Otherwise they are deployed into the root resource pool,
	// prefixed with RP0. On standalone hosts, machines are always deployed into the
	// root resource pool without any prefix.
	// Name prefix: VM, vcsim flag: -vm
	Machine int `json:"machine"`

	// Folder specifies the number of Datacenter to place within a Folder.
	// This includes a folder for the Datacenter itself and its host, vm, network and datastore folders.
	// All resources for the Datacenter are placed within these folders, rather than the top-level folders.
	// Name prefix: F, vcsim flag: -folder
	Folder int `json:"folder"`

	// App specifies the number of VirtualApp to create per Cluster
	// Name prefix: APP, vcsim flag: -app
	App int `json:"app"`

	// Pod specifies the number of StoragePod to create per Cluster
	// Name prefix: POD, vcsim flag: -pod
	Pod int `json:"pod"`

	// Delay configurations
	DelayConfig DelayConfig `json:"-"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

Model is used to populate a Model with an initial set of managed entities. This is a simple helper for tests running against a simulator, to populate an inventory with commonly used models. The inventory names generated by a Model have a string prefix per-type and integer suffix per-instance. The names are concatenated with their ancestor names and delimited by '_', making the generated names unique.


Example for starting a simulator with empty inventory, similar to a fresh install of vCenter.

package main

import (


func main() {
	ctx := context.Background()

	model := simulator.VPX()
	model.Datacenter = 0 // No DC == no inventory

	defer model.Remove()
	err := model.Create()
	if err != nil {

	s := model.Service.NewServer()
	defer s.Close()

	c, _ := govmomi.NewClient(ctx, s.URL, true)

	fmt.Printf("%s with %d hosts", c.Client.ServiceContent.About.ApiType, model.Count().Host)

VirtualCenter with 0 hosts

func ESX

func ESX() *Model

ESX is the default Model for a standalone ESX instance


Example boilerplate for starting a simulator initialized with an ESX model.

package main

import (


func main() {
	ctx := context.Background()

	// ESXi model + initial set of objects (VMs, network, datastore)
	model := simulator.ESX()

	defer model.Remove()
	err := model.Create()
	if err != nil {

	s := model.Service.NewServer()
	defer s.Close()

	c, _ := govmomi.NewClient(ctx, s.URL, true)

	fmt.Printf("%s with %d host", c.Client.ServiceContent.About.ApiType, model.Count().Host)

HostAgent with 1 host

func VPX

func VPX() *Model

VPX is the default Model for a vCenter instance


Example boilerplate for starting a simulator initialized with a vCenter model.

package main

import (


func main() {
	ctx := context.Background()

	// vCenter model + initial set of objects (cluster, hosts, VMs, network, datastore, etc)
	model := simulator.VPX()

	defer model.Remove()
	err := model.Create()
	if err != nil {

	s := model.Service.NewServer()
	defer s.Close()

	c, _ := govmomi.NewClient(ctx, s.URL, true)

	fmt.Printf("%s with %d hosts", c.Client.ServiceContent.About.ApiType, model.Count().Host)

VirtualCenter with 4 hosts

func (*Model) Count

func (m *Model) Count() Model

Count returns a Model with total number of each existing type

func (*Model) Create

func (m *Model) Create() error

Create populates the Model with the given ModelConfig

func (*Model) CreateInfrastructure

func (m *Model) CreateInfrastructure(ctx *Context) error

func (*Model) Load

func (m *Model) Load(dir string) error

Load Model from the given directory, as created by the 'govc' command.

func (*Model) Remove

func (m *Model) Remove()

Remove cleans up items created by the Model, such as local datastore directories

func (*Model) Run

func (m *Model) Run(f func(context.Context, *vim25.Client) error) error

Run calls f with a Client connected to a simulator server instance, which is stopped after f returns.


Run simplifies startup/cleanup of a simulator instance for example or testing purposes.

package main

import (


func main() {
	err := simulator.VPX().Run(func(ctx context.Context, c *vim25.Client) error {
		// Client has connected and logged in to a new simulator instance.
		// Server.Close and Model.Remove are called when this func returns.
		s, err := session.NewManager(c).UserSession(ctx)
		if err != nil {
			return err
		return nil
	if err != nil {


type OptionManager

type OptionManager struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

OptionManager is used in at least two locations for ESX: 1. ServiceContent.setting - this is empty on ESX and //TODO on VC 2. ConfigManager.advancedOption - this is where the bulk of the ESX settings are found

func (*OptionManager) QueryOptions

func (m *OptionManager) QueryOptions(req *types.QueryOptions) soap.HasFault

func (*OptionManager) UpdateOptions

func (m *OptionManager) UpdateOptions(req *types.UpdateOptions) soap.HasFault

type OvfManager

type OvfManager struct {

func (*OvfManager) CreateImportSpec

func (m *OvfManager) CreateImportSpec(ctx *Context, req *types.CreateImportSpec) soap.HasFault

type PerformanceManager

type PerformanceManager struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*PerformanceManager) QueryAvailablePerfMetric

func (p *PerformanceManager) QueryAvailablePerfMetric(ctx *Context, req *types.QueryAvailablePerfMetric) soap.HasFault

func (*PerformanceManager) QueryPerf

func (p *PerformanceManager) QueryPerf(ctx *Context, req *types.QueryPerf) soap.HasFault

func (*PerformanceManager) QueryPerfCounter

func (p *PerformanceManager) QueryPerfCounter(ctx *Context, req *types.QueryPerfCounter) soap.HasFault

func (*PerformanceManager) QueryPerfProviderSummary

func (p *PerformanceManager) QueryPerfProviderSummary(ctx *Context, req *types.QueryPerfProviderSummary) soap.HasFault

type PropertyCollector

type PropertyCollector struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*PropertyCollector) CancelWaitForUpdates

func (pc *PropertyCollector) CancelWaitForUpdates(r *types.CancelWaitForUpdates) soap.HasFault

func (*PropertyCollector) ContinueRetrievePropertiesEx

func (pc *PropertyCollector) ContinueRetrievePropertiesEx(ctx *Context, r *types.ContinueRetrievePropertiesEx) soap.HasFault

func (*PropertyCollector) CreateFilter

func (pc *PropertyCollector) CreateFilter(ctx *Context, c *types.CreateFilter) soap.HasFault

func (*PropertyCollector) CreatePropertyCollector

func (pc *PropertyCollector) CreatePropertyCollector(ctx *Context, c *types.CreatePropertyCollector) soap.HasFault

func (*PropertyCollector) DestroyPropertyCollector

func (pc *PropertyCollector) DestroyPropertyCollector(ctx *Context, c *types.DestroyPropertyCollector) soap.HasFault

func (*PropertyCollector) Fetch

func (pc *PropertyCollector) Fetch(ctx *Context, req *internal.Fetch) soap.HasFault

Fetch is not documented in the vSphere SDK, but ovftool depends on it. A Fetch request is converted to a RetrievePropertiesEx method call by vcsim.

func (*PropertyCollector) Lock

func (*PropertyCollector) Lock()

func (*PropertyCollector) PutObject

func (pc *PropertyCollector) PutObject(o mo.Reference)

func (*PropertyCollector) RemoveObject

func (pc *PropertyCollector) RemoveObject(_ *Context, ref types.ManagedObjectReference)

func (*PropertyCollector) RetrieveProperties

func (pc *PropertyCollector) RetrieveProperties(ctx *Context, r *types.RetrieveProperties) soap.HasFault

RetrieveProperties is deprecated, but govmomi is still using it at the moment.

func (*PropertyCollector) RetrievePropertiesEx

func (pc *PropertyCollector) RetrievePropertiesEx(ctx *Context, r *types.RetrievePropertiesEx) soap.HasFault

func (*PropertyCollector) Unlock

func (*PropertyCollector) Unlock()

func (*PropertyCollector) UpdateObject

func (pc *PropertyCollector) UpdateObject(o mo.Reference, changes []types.PropertyChange)

func (*PropertyCollector) WaitForUpdates

func (pc *PropertyCollector) WaitForUpdates(ctx *Context, r *types.WaitForUpdates) soap.HasFault

WaitForUpdates is deprecated, but pyvmomi is still using it at the moment.

func (*PropertyCollector) WaitForUpdatesEx

func (pc *PropertyCollector) WaitForUpdatesEx(ctx *Context, r *types.WaitForUpdatesEx) soap.HasFault

type PropertyFilter

type PropertyFilter struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*PropertyFilter) DestroyPropertyFilter

func (f *PropertyFilter) DestroyPropertyFilter(ctx *Context, c *types.DestroyPropertyFilter) soap.HasFault

type RegisterObject

type RegisterObject interface {
	UpdateObject(mo.Reference, []types.PropertyChange)
	RemoveObject(*Context, types.ManagedObjectReference)

RegisterObject interface supports callbacks when objects are created, updated and deleted from the Registry

type Registry

type Registry struct {
	Namespace string
	Path      string
	Handler   func(*Context, *Method) (mo.Reference, types.BaseMethodFault)
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

Registry manages a map of mo.Reference objects

func NewRegistry

func NewRegistry() *Registry

NewRegistry creates a new instances of Registry

func (*Registry) AcquireLock

func (r *Registry) AcquireLock(onBehalfOf *Context, obj mo.Reference) func()

AcquireLock acquires the lock for onBehalfOf then returns. The lock MUST be released by calling the returned function. WithLock should be preferred wherever possible.

func (*Registry) AddHandler

func (r *Registry) AddHandler(h RegisterObject)

AddHandler adds a RegisterObject handler to the Registry.

func (*Registry) AddReference

func (r *Registry) AddReference(ctx *Context, obj mo.Reference, field *[]types.ManagedObjectReference, ref types.ManagedObjectReference)

AddReference appends ref to field if not already in the given field.

func (*Registry) All

func (r *Registry) All(kind string) []mo.Entity

All returns all entities of type specified by kind. If kind is empty - all entities will be returned.

func (*Registry) AllReference

func (r *Registry) AllReference(kind string) []mo.Reference

AllReference returns all mo.Reference objects of type specified by kind. If kind is empty - all objects will be returned.

func (*Registry) Any

func (r *Registry) Any(kind string) mo.Entity

Any returns the first instance of entity type specified by kind.

func (*Registry) AppendReference

func (r *Registry) AppendReference(ctx *Context, obj mo.Reference, field *[]types.ManagedObjectReference, ref ...types.ManagedObjectReference)

AppendReference appends the given refs to field.

func (*Registry) AtomicUpdate

func (r *Registry) AtomicUpdate(ctx *Context, obj mo.Reference, changes []types.PropertyChange)

func (*Registry) CustomFieldsManager

func (r *Registry) CustomFieldsManager() *CustomFieldsManager

CustomFieldsManager returns CustomFieldsManager singleton

func (*Registry) EventManager

func (r *Registry) EventManager() *EventManager

EventManager returns the EventManager singleton

func (*Registry) ExtensionManager

func (r *Registry) ExtensionManager() *ExtensionManager

ExtensionManager returns the ExtensionManager singleton

func (*Registry) FileManager

func (r *Registry) FileManager() *FileManager

FileManager returns the FileManager singleton

func (*Registry) FindByName

func (r *Registry) FindByName(name string, refs []types.ManagedObjectReference) mo.Entity

FindByName returns the first mo.Entity of the given refs whose Name field is equal to the given name. If there is no match, nil is returned. This method is useful for cases where objects are required to have a unique name, such as Datastore with a HostStorageSystem or HostSystem within a ClusterComputeResource.

func (*Registry) Get

Get returns the object for the given reference.

func (*Registry) IsESX

func (r *Registry) IsESX() bool

IsESX returns true if this Registry maps an ESX model

func (*Registry) IsVPX

func (r *Registry) IsVPX() bool

IsVPX returns true if this Registry maps a VPX model

func (*Registry) MarshalJSON

func (r *Registry) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

func (*Registry) NewEntity

func (r *Registry) NewEntity(item mo.Entity) mo.Entity

NewEntity sets Entity().Self with a new, unique Value. Useful for creating object instances from templates.

func (*Registry) OptionManager

func (r *Registry) OptionManager() *OptionManager

OptionManager returns the OptionManager singleton

func (*Registry) Put

func (r *Registry) Put(item mo.Reference) mo.Reference

Put adds a new object to Registry, generating a ManagedObjectReference if not already set.

func (*Registry) PutEntity

func (r *Registry) PutEntity(parent mo.Entity, item mo.Entity) mo.Entity

PutEntity sets item.Parent to that of parent.Self before adding item to the Registry.

func (*Registry) Remove

func (r *Registry) Remove(ctx *Context, item types.ManagedObjectReference)

Remove removes an object from the Registry.

func (*Registry) RemoveHandler

func (r *Registry) RemoveHandler(h RegisterObject)

RemoveHandler removes a RegisterObject handler from the Registry.

func (*Registry) RemoveReference

func (r *Registry) RemoveReference(ctx *Context, obj mo.Reference, field *[]types.ManagedObjectReference, ref types.ManagedObjectReference)

RemoveReference removes ref from the given field.

func (*Registry) SearchIndex

func (r *Registry) SearchIndex() *SearchIndex

SearchIndex returns the SearchIndex singleton

func (*Registry) SessionManager

func (r *Registry) SessionManager() *SessionManager

SessionManager returns the SessionManager singleton

func (*Registry) TenantManager

func (r *Registry) TenantManager() *TenantManager

TenantManager returns TenantManager singleton

func (*Registry) Update

func (r *Registry) Update(obj mo.Reference, changes []types.PropertyChange)

Update dispatches object property changes to RegisterObject handlers, such as any PropertyCollector instances with in-progress WaitForUpdates calls. The changes are also applied to the given object via mo.ApplyPropertyChange, so there is no need to set object fields directly.

func (*Registry) UserDirectory

func (r *Registry) UserDirectory() *UserDirectory

UserDirectory returns the UserDirectory singleton

func (*Registry) ViewManager

func (r *Registry) ViewManager() *ViewManager

ViewManager returns the ViewManager singleton

func (*Registry) VirtualDiskManager

func (r *Registry) VirtualDiskManager() VirtualDiskManagerInterface

VirtualDiskManager returns the VirtualDiskManager singleton

func (*Registry) WithLock

func (r *Registry) WithLock(onBehalfOf *Context, obj mo.Reference, f func())

WithLock holds a lock for the given object while then given function is run.

type ResourcePool

type ResourcePool struct {

func NewResourcePool

func NewResourcePool() *ResourcePool

func (*ResourcePool) CreateResourcePool

func (p *ResourcePool) CreateResourcePool(c *types.CreateResourcePool) soap.HasFault

func (*ResourcePool) CreateVApp

func (p *ResourcePool) CreateVApp(req *types.CreateVApp) soap.HasFault

func (*ResourcePool) DestroyChildren

func (p *ResourcePool) DestroyChildren(ctx *Context, req *types.DestroyChildren) soap.HasFault

func (*ResourcePool) DestroyTask

func (p *ResourcePool) DestroyTask(ctx *Context, req *types.Destroy_Task) soap.HasFault

func (*ResourcePool) ImportVApp

func (p *ResourcePool) ImportVApp(ctx *Context, req *types.ImportVApp) soap.HasFault

func (*ResourcePool) UpdateConfig

func (p *ResourcePool) UpdateConfig(c *types.UpdateConfig) soap.HasFault

type SearchIndex

type SearchIndex struct {

func (*SearchIndex) FindAllByDnsName

func (s *SearchIndex) FindAllByDnsName(req *types.FindAllByDnsName) soap.HasFault

func (*SearchIndex) FindAllByIp

func (s *SearchIndex) FindAllByIp(req *types.FindAllByIp) soap.HasFault

func (*SearchIndex) FindByDatastorePath

func (s *SearchIndex) FindByDatastorePath(r *types.FindByDatastorePath) soap.HasFault

func (*SearchIndex) FindByDnsName

func (s *SearchIndex) FindByDnsName(req *types.FindByDnsName) soap.HasFault

func (*SearchIndex) FindByInventoryPath

func (s *SearchIndex) FindByInventoryPath(req *types.FindByInventoryPath) soap.HasFault

func (*SearchIndex) FindByIp

func (s *SearchIndex) FindByIp(req *types.FindByIp) soap.HasFault

func (*SearchIndex) FindByUuid

func (s *SearchIndex) FindByUuid(req *types.FindByUuid) soap.HasFault

func (*SearchIndex) FindChild

func (s *SearchIndex) FindChild(req *types.FindChild) soap.HasFault

type Server

type Server struct {
	URL    *url.URL
	Tunnel int
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

Server provides a simulator Service over HTTP

func (*Server) Certificate

func (s *Server) Certificate() *x509.Certificate

Certificate returns the TLS certificate for the Server if started with TLS enabled. This method will panic if TLS is not enabled for the server.

func (*Server) CertificateFile

func (s *Server) CertificateFile() (string, error)

CertificateFile returns a file name, where the file contains the PEM encoded Server.Certificate. The temporary file is removed when Server.Close() is called.

func (*Server) CertificateInfo

func (s *Server) CertificateInfo() *object.HostCertificateInfo

CertificateInfo returns Server.Certificate() as object.HostCertificateInfo

func (*Server) Close

func (s *Server) Close()

Close shuts down the server and blocks until all outstanding requests on this server have completed.

func (*Server) StartTunnel

func (s *Server) StartTunnel() error

StartTunnel runs an HTTP proxy for tunneling SDK requests that require TLS client certificate authentication.

type Service

type Service struct {
	Listen   *url.URL
	TLS      *tls.Config
	ServeMux *http.ServeMux
	// RegisterEndpoints will initialize any endpoints added via RegisterEndpoint
	RegisterEndpoints bool
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

Service decodes incoming requests and dispatches to a Handler

func New

func New(instance *ServiceInstance) *Service

New returns an initialized simulator Service instance

func (*Service) About

func (s *Service) About(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)

About generates some info about the simulator.

func (*Service) Handle

func (s *Service) Handle(pattern string, handler http.Handler)

Handle registers the handler for the given pattern with Service.ServeMux.

func (*Service) HandleFunc

func (s *Service) HandleFunc(pattern string, handler func(http.ResponseWriter, *http.Request))

HandleFunc dispatches to http.ServeMux.HandleFunc after all endpoints have been registered. This allows dispatching to an endpoint's HandleFunc impl, such as vapi/simulator for example.

func (*Service) NewServer

func (s *Service) NewServer() *Server

NewServer returns an http Server instance for the given service

func (*Service) RegisterSDK

func (s *Service) RegisterSDK(r *Registry, alias ...string)

RegisterSDK adds an HTTP handler for the Registry's Path and Namespace. If r.Path is already registered, r's objects are added to the existing Registry. An optional set of aliases can be provided to register the same handler for multiple paths.

func (*Service) RoundTrip

func (s *Service) RoundTrip(ctx context.Context, request, response soap.HasFault) error

RoundTrip implements the soap.RoundTripper interface in process. Rather than encode/decode SOAP over HTTP, this implementation uses reflection.

func (*Service) ServeDatastore

func (s *Service) ServeDatastore(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)

ServeDatastore handler for Datastore access via /folder path.

func (*Service) ServeSDK

func (s *Service) ServeSDK(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)

ServeSDK implements the http.Handler interface

func (*Service) ServiceVersions

func (s *Service) ServiceVersions(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)

ServiceVersions handler for the /sdk/vimServiceVersions.xml path.

func (*Service) ServiceVersionsVsan

func (s *Service) ServiceVersionsVsan(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)

ServiceVersionsVsan handler for the /sdk/vsanServiceVersions.xml path.

type ServiceInstance

type ServiceInstance struct {

func NewServiceInstance

func NewServiceInstance(ctx *Context, content types.ServiceContent, folder mo.Folder) *ServiceInstance

func (*ServiceInstance) CurrentTime

func (*ServiceInstance) RetrieveInternalContent

func (s *ServiceInstance) RetrieveInternalContent(*internal.RetrieveInternalContent) soap.HasFault

func (*ServiceInstance) RetrieveServiceContent

func (s *ServiceInstance) RetrieveServiceContent(*types.RetrieveServiceContent) soap.HasFault

type Session

type Session struct {

Session combines a UserSession and a Registry for per-session managed objects.

func (*Session) Get

Get wraps Registry.Get, session-izing singleton objects such as SessionManager and the root PropertyCollector.

func (*Session) Put

func (s *Session) Put(item mo.Reference) mo.Reference

Put wraps Registry.Put, setting the moref value to include the session key.

type SessionManager

type SessionManager struct {

	ServiceHostName string
	TLSCert         func() string
	ValidLogin      func(*types.Login) bool
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*SessionManager) AcquireCloneTicket

func (s *SessionManager) AcquireCloneTicket(ctx *Context, _ *types.AcquireCloneTicket) soap.HasFault

func (*SessionManager) AcquireGenericServiceTicket

func (s *SessionManager) AcquireGenericServiceTicket(ticket *types.AcquireGenericServiceTicket) soap.HasFault

func (*SessionManager) Authenticate

func (s *SessionManager) Authenticate(u url.URL, req *types.Login) bool

func (*SessionManager) CloneSession

func (s *SessionManager) CloneSession(ctx *Context, ticket *types.CloneSession) soap.HasFault

func (*SessionManager) Lock

func (*SessionManager) Lock()

func (*SessionManager) Login

func (s *SessionManager) Login(ctx *Context, req *types.Login) soap.HasFault

func (*SessionManager) LoginByToken

func (s *SessionManager) LoginByToken(ctx *Context, req *types.LoginByToken) soap.HasFault

func (*SessionManager) LoginExtensionByCertificate

func (s *SessionManager) LoginExtensionByCertificate(ctx *Context, req *types.LoginExtensionByCertificate) soap.HasFault

func (*SessionManager) Logout

func (s *SessionManager) Logout(ctx *Context, _ *types.Logout) soap.HasFault

func (*SessionManager) SessionIsActive

func (s *SessionManager) SessionIsActive(ctx *Context, req *types.SessionIsActive) soap.HasFault

func (*SessionManager) TerminateSession

func (s *SessionManager) TerminateSession(ctx *Context, req *types.TerminateSession) soap.HasFault

func (*SessionManager) Unlock

func (*SessionManager) Unlock()

type StoragePod

type StoragePod struct {

StoragePod aka "Datastore Cluster"

func (*StoragePod) MoveIntoFolderTask

func (p *StoragePod) MoveIntoFolderTask(ctx *Context, c *types.MoveIntoFolder_Task) soap.HasFault

type StorageResourceManager

type StorageResourceManager struct {

func (*StorageResourceManager) ConfigureStorageDrsForPodTask

func (m *StorageResourceManager) ConfigureStorageDrsForPodTask(ctx *Context, req *types.ConfigureStorageDrsForPod_Task) soap.HasFault

func (*StorageResourceManager) RecommendDatastores

func (m *StorageResourceManager) RecommendDatastores(req *types.RecommendDatastores) soap.HasFault

type Task

type Task struct {

	Execute func(*Task) (types.AnyType, types.BaseMethodFault)
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func CreateTask

func CreateTask(e mo.Reference, name string, run func(*Task) (types.AnyType, types.BaseMethodFault)) *Task

func NewTask

func NewTask(runner TaskRunner) *Task

func (*Task) CancelTask

func (t *Task) CancelTask(ctx *Context, req *types.CancelTask) soap.HasFault

func (*Task) Run

func (*Task) RunBlocking

func (t *Task) RunBlocking(ctx *Context)

RunBlocking() should only be used when an async simulator task needs to wait on another async simulator task. It polls for task completion to avoid the need to set up a PropertyCollector.

func (*Task) SetTaskDescription

func (t *Task) SetTaskDescription(ctx *Context, req *types.SetTaskDescription) soap.HasFault

func (*Task) SetTaskState

func (t *Task) SetTaskState(ctx *Context, req *types.SetTaskState) soap.HasFault

func (*Task) UpdateProgress

func (t *Task) UpdateProgress(ctx *Context, req *types.UpdateProgress) soap.HasFault

func (*Task) Wait

func (t *Task) Wait()

Wait blocks until the task is complete.

type TaskHistoryCollector

type TaskHistoryCollector struct {


func (*TaskHistoryCollector) Get

func (*TaskHistoryCollector) GetLatestPage

func (c *TaskHistoryCollector) GetLatestPage() []types.TaskInfo

func (*TaskHistoryCollector) ReadNextTasks

func (c *TaskHistoryCollector) ReadNextTasks(ctx *Context, req *types.ReadNextTasks) soap.HasFault

func (*TaskHistoryCollector) ReadPreviousTasks

func (c *TaskHistoryCollector) ReadPreviousTasks(ctx *Context, req *types.ReadPreviousTasks) soap.HasFault

type TaskManager

type TaskManager struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*TaskManager) CreateCollectorForTasks

func (m *TaskManager) CreateCollectorForTasks(ctx *Context, req *types.CreateCollectorForTasks) soap.HasFault

func (*TaskManager) CreateTask

func (m *TaskManager) CreateTask(ctx *Context, req *types.CreateTask) soap.HasFault

func (*TaskManager) PutObject

func (m *TaskManager) PutObject(obj mo.Reference)

func (*TaskManager) RemoveObject

func (*TaskManager) UpdateObject

func (m *TaskManager) UpdateObject(obj mo.Reference, pc []types.PropertyChange)

type TaskRunner

type TaskRunner interface {

	Run(*Task) (types.AnyType, types.BaseMethodFault)

type TenantManager

type TenantManager struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*TenantManager) MarkServiceProviderEntities

func (t *TenantManager) MarkServiceProviderEntities(req *types.MarkServiceProviderEntities) soap.HasFault

func (*TenantManager) RetrieveServiceProviderEntities

func (t *TenantManager) RetrieveServiceProviderEntities(req *types.RetrieveServiceProviderEntities) soap.HasFault

func (*TenantManager) UnmarkServiceProviderEntities

func (t *TenantManager) UnmarkServiceProviderEntities(req *types.UnmarkServiceProviderEntities) soap.HasFault

type UserDirectory

type UserDirectory struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*UserDirectory) RetrieveUserGroups

func (u *UserDirectory) RetrieveUserGroups(req *types.RetrieveUserGroups) soap.HasFault

type VcenterVStorageObjectManager

type VcenterVStorageObjectManager struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*VcenterVStorageObjectManager) AttachTagToVStorageObject

func (m *VcenterVStorageObjectManager) AttachTagToVStorageObject(ctx *Context, req *types.AttachTagToVStorageObject) soap.HasFault

func (*VcenterVStorageObjectManager) CreateDiskTask

func (*VcenterVStorageObjectManager) DeleteSnapshotTask

func (m *VcenterVStorageObjectManager) DeleteSnapshotTask(ctx *Context, req *types.DeleteSnapshot_Task) soap.HasFault

func (*VcenterVStorageObjectManager) DeleteVStorageObjectTask

func (m *VcenterVStorageObjectManager) DeleteVStorageObjectTask(ctx *Context, req *types.DeleteVStorageObject_Task) soap.HasFault

func (*VcenterVStorageObjectManager) DetachTagFromVStorageObject

func (m *VcenterVStorageObjectManager) DetachTagFromVStorageObject(ctx *Context, req *types.DetachTagFromVStorageObject) soap.HasFault

func (*VcenterVStorageObjectManager) ExtendDiskTask

func (*VcenterVStorageObjectManager) ListTagsAttachedToVStorageObject

func (m *VcenterVStorageObjectManager) ListTagsAttachedToVStorageObject(ctx *Context, req *types.ListTagsAttachedToVStorageObject) soap.HasFault

func (*VcenterVStorageObjectManager) ListVStorageObject

func (*VcenterVStorageObjectManager) ListVStorageObjectsAttachedToTag

func (m *VcenterVStorageObjectManager) ListVStorageObjectsAttachedToTag(ctx *Context, req *types.ListVStorageObjectsAttachedToTag) soap.HasFault

func (*VcenterVStorageObjectManager) ReconcileDatastoreInventoryTask

func (m *VcenterVStorageObjectManager) ReconcileDatastoreInventoryTask(ctx *Context, req *types.ReconcileDatastoreInventory_Task) soap.HasFault

func (*VcenterVStorageObjectManager) RegisterDisk

func (*VcenterVStorageObjectManager) RetrieveSnapshotInfo

func (*VcenterVStorageObjectManager) RetrieveVStorageObject

func (m *VcenterVStorageObjectManager) RetrieveVStorageObject(ctx *Context, req *types.RetrieveVStorageObject) soap.HasFault

func (*VcenterVStorageObjectManager) VStorageObjectCreateSnapshotTask

func (m *VcenterVStorageObjectManager) VStorageObjectCreateSnapshotTask(ctx *Context, req *types.VStorageObjectCreateSnapshot_Task) soap.HasFault

type ViewManager

type ViewManager struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*ViewManager) CreateContainerView

func (m *ViewManager) CreateContainerView(ctx *Context, req *types.CreateContainerView) soap.HasFault

func (*ViewManager) CreateListView

func (m *ViewManager) CreateListView(ctx *Context, req *types.CreateListView) soap.HasFault

type VirtualApp

type VirtualApp struct {

func (*VirtualApp) CloneVAppTask

func (a *VirtualApp) CloneVAppTask(ctx *Context, req *types.CloneVApp_Task) soap.HasFault

func (*VirtualApp) CreateChildVMTask

func (a *VirtualApp) CreateChildVMTask(ctx *Context, req *types.CreateChildVM_Task) soap.HasFault

func (*VirtualApp) CreateVApp

func (a *VirtualApp) CreateVApp(req *types.CreateVApp) soap.HasFault

func (*VirtualApp) DestroyTask

func (a *VirtualApp) DestroyTask(ctx *Context, req *types.Destroy_Task) soap.HasFault

func (*VirtualApp) ImportVApp

func (a *VirtualApp) ImportVApp(ctx *Context, req *types.ImportVApp) soap.HasFault

type VirtualDiskManager

type VirtualDiskManager struct {

func (*VirtualDiskManager) CopyVirtualDiskTask

func (m *VirtualDiskManager) CopyVirtualDiskTask(ctx *Context, req *types.CopyVirtualDisk_Task) soap.HasFault

func (*VirtualDiskManager) CreateVirtualDiskTask

func (m *VirtualDiskManager) CreateVirtualDiskTask(ctx *Context, req *types.CreateVirtualDisk_Task) soap.HasFault

func (*VirtualDiskManager) DeleteVirtualDiskTask

func (m *VirtualDiskManager) DeleteVirtualDiskTask(ctx *Context, req *types.DeleteVirtualDisk_Task) soap.HasFault

func (*VirtualDiskManager) MO

func (*VirtualDiskManager) MoveVirtualDiskTask

func (m *VirtualDiskManager) MoveVirtualDiskTask(ctx *Context, req *types.MoveVirtualDisk_Task) soap.HasFault

func (*VirtualDiskManager) QueryVirtualDiskUuid

func (m *VirtualDiskManager) QueryVirtualDiskUuid(ctx *Context, req *types.QueryVirtualDiskUuid) soap.HasFault

func (*VirtualDiskManager) SetVirtualDiskUuid

func (m *VirtualDiskManager) SetVirtualDiskUuid(_ *Context, req *types.SetVirtualDiskUuid) soap.HasFault

type VirtualDiskManagerInterface

type VirtualDiskManagerInterface interface {
	MO() mo.VirtualDiskManager
	CreateVirtualDiskTask(*Context, *types.CreateVirtualDisk_Task) soap.HasFault
	DeleteVirtualDiskTask(*Context, *types.DeleteVirtualDisk_Task) soap.HasFault
	MoveVirtualDiskTask(*Context, *types.MoveVirtualDisk_Task) soap.HasFault
	CopyVirtualDiskTask(*Context, *types.CopyVirtualDisk_Task) soap.HasFault
	QueryVirtualDiskUuid(*Context, *types.QueryVirtualDiskUuid) soap.HasFault
	SetVirtualDiskUuid(*Context, *types.SetVirtualDiskUuid) soap.HasFault

type VirtualMachine

type VirtualMachine struct {
	DataSets map[string]*DataSet
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*VirtualMachine) CloneVMTask

func (vm *VirtualMachine) CloneVMTask(ctx *Context, req *types.CloneVM_Task) soap.HasFault

func (*VirtualMachine) CreateSnapshotTask

func (vm *VirtualMachine) CreateSnapshotTask(ctx *Context, req *types.CreateSnapshot_Task) soap.HasFault

func (*VirtualMachine) CustomizeVMTask

func (vm *VirtualMachine) CustomizeVMTask(ctx *Context, req *types.CustomizeVM_Task) soap.HasFault

func (*VirtualMachine) DestroyTask

func (vm *VirtualMachine) DestroyTask(ctx *Context, req *types.Destroy_Task) soap.HasFault

func (*VirtualMachine) MarkAsTemplate

func (vm *VirtualMachine) MarkAsTemplate(req *types.MarkAsTemplate) soap.HasFault

func (*VirtualMachine) MarkAsVirtualMachine

func (vm *VirtualMachine) MarkAsVirtualMachine(req *types.MarkAsVirtualMachine) soap.HasFault

func (*VirtualMachine) PowerOffVMTask

func (vm *VirtualMachine) PowerOffVMTask(ctx *Context, c *types.PowerOffVM_Task) soap.HasFault

func (*VirtualMachine) PowerOnVMTask

func (vm *VirtualMachine) PowerOnVMTask(ctx *Context, c *types.PowerOnVM_Task) soap.HasFault

func (*VirtualMachine) RebootGuest

func (vm *VirtualMachine) RebootGuest(ctx *Context, req *types.RebootGuest) soap.HasFault

func (*VirtualMachine) ReconfigVMTask

func (vm *VirtualMachine) ReconfigVMTask(ctx *Context, req *types.ReconfigVM_Task) soap.HasFault

func (*VirtualMachine) RefreshStorageInfo

func (vm *VirtualMachine) RefreshStorageInfo(ctx *Context, req *types.RefreshStorageInfo) soap.HasFault

func (*VirtualMachine) Reload

func (*VirtualMachine) RelocateVMTask

func (vm *VirtualMachine) RelocateVMTask(ctx *Context, req *types.RelocateVM_Task) soap.HasFault

func (*VirtualMachine) RemoveAllSnapshotsTask

func (vm *VirtualMachine) RemoveAllSnapshotsTask(ctx *Context, req *types.RemoveAllSnapshots_Task) soap.HasFault

func (*VirtualMachine) RenameTask

func (o *VirtualMachine) RenameTask(ctx *Context, r *types.Rename_Task) soap.HasFault

func (*VirtualMachine) ResetVMTask

func (vm *VirtualMachine) ResetVMTask(ctx *Context, req *types.ResetVM_Task) soap.HasFault

func (*VirtualMachine) RevertToCurrentSnapshotTask

func (vm *VirtualMachine) RevertToCurrentSnapshotTask(ctx *Context, req *types.RevertToCurrentSnapshot_Task) soap.HasFault

func (*VirtualMachine) SetCustomValue

func (vm *VirtualMachine) SetCustomValue(ctx *Context, req *types.SetCustomValue) soap.HasFault

func (*VirtualMachine) ShutdownGuest

func (vm *VirtualMachine) ShutdownGuest(ctx *Context, c *types.ShutdownGuest) soap.HasFault

func (*VirtualMachine) StandbyGuest

func (vm *VirtualMachine) StandbyGuest(ctx *Context, c *types.StandbyGuest) soap.HasFault

func (*VirtualMachine) SuspendVMTask

func (vm *VirtualMachine) SuspendVMTask(ctx *Context, req *types.SuspendVM_Task) soap.HasFault

func (*VirtualMachine) UnregisterVM

func (vm *VirtualMachine) UnregisterVM(ctx *Context, c *types.UnregisterVM) soap.HasFault

func (*VirtualMachine) UpgradeVMTask

func (vm *VirtualMachine) UpgradeVMTask(ctx *Context, req *types.UpgradeVM_Task) soap.HasFault

type VirtualMachineSnapshot

type VirtualMachineSnapshot struct {
	DataSets map[string]*DataSet

func (*VirtualMachineSnapshot) RemoveSnapshotTask

func (v *VirtualMachineSnapshot) RemoveSnapshotTask(ctx *Context, req *types.RemoveSnapshot_Task) soap.HasFault

func (*VirtualMachineSnapshot) RevertToSnapshotTask

func (v *VirtualMachineSnapshot) RevertToSnapshotTask(ctx *Context, req *types.RevertToSnapshot_Task) soap.HasFault


Path Synopsis
Package esx contains SOAP responses from an ESX server, captured using `govc ...
Package esx contains SOAP responses from an ESX server, captured using `govc ...
Package vpx contains SOAP responses from a vCenter server, captured using `govc ...
Package vpx contains SOAP responses from a vCenter server, captured using `govc ...

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