saas-y is a sassy SaaS framework code and configuration generator. It thinks developers should not spend time writing boilerplate for the cloud infrastructure and glue code.
Of course, saas-y is NOT very mature as of now, so one might find many problems / things to improve. But most definitely it strives to be a useful tool, at least for simple cloud apps, made up of one or more services.
- public/private repo for your tutorial project
- for a private repo, you need to set
env variable to a github link containing a personal access token, i.e. https://${GITHUB_TOKEN}
- k8s cluster (or local minikube, microk8s or k3s)
- docker registry (one can use the docker-registry.yaml file to deploy an instance of the registry to the k8s cluster)
Installation and Usage
# install saas-y
git clone
cd saas-y
go install cmd/saas-y.go
# copy the spec file for the tutorial
cp example/tutorial.json /path/to/your/repository/clone/spec.json
cd /path/to/your/repository/clone
vim spec.json # edit spec.json to point to your repository
saas-y -input spec.json -output .
# After the last command, everything that is necessary for the services is generated,
# except the implementation does nothing.
Adding a simple implementation to the generated code
Edit services/time-svc/internal/logic/impl.go
- replace
with "time"
in the list of imports
- replace
function with the following implementation
func (i *Implementation) GetTime() (*exports.Time, error) {
log.Info("called get_time")
return &exports.Time{
Value: time.Now().String(),
}, nil
Edit services/tutorial-svc/internal/logic/impl.go
- replace
with "fmt"
in the list of imports
- replace
function with the following implementation
func (i *Implementation) Greet(name string) (*exports.Greeting, error) {
log.Info("called greet")
t, err := i.timeSvc.GetTime()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &exports.Greeting{
Message: fmt.Sprintf("Hello, %s! Current time is %s", name, t.Value),
}, nil
Create a commit with all the files
git add .
git commit -m "Initial commit."
git push
Kubernetes deployment
(optional) Deploy the docker-registry service to your cluster, if you don't have it already.
If you have a docker registry available somewhere else, you will need to modify the Makefile
s of each service to point to your registry.
kubectl apply -f deploy/docker-registry.yaml
# wait a bit for it to start (use k9s to monitor)
Port-forward your docker registy to localhost:5000
with k9s or by running
# in a separate terminal
kubectl port-forward svc/docker-registry 5000:5000
Deploy the services
make -C services/time-svc deploy
make -C services/tutorial-svc deploy
Test the main service (tutorial-svc
# in a separate terminal
kubectl port-forward svc/tutorial-svc 8000:8000
# call the API
curl http://localhost:8000/api/1.0.0/Ted | jq '.'
# Outputs
# {
# "message": "Hello, Ted! Current time is 2020-12-31 15:48:41.917955957 +0000 UTC m=+4092.467002507"
# }
The input consists of a JSON file with the following format
"repository_url": "",
"domain": "",
"subdomains": [
"name": "api",
"paths": [
"value": "/f/o/o",
"endpoint": "foo-service"
"value": "/b/a/r",
"endpoint": "bar-service"
"services": [
"name": "foo-service",
"port": "80",
"api": [
"path": "/foo",
"methods": {
"method_name_0": {
"type": "GET",
"header_params": [
"name": "header_param_name",
"type": "int"
"query_params": [
"name": "query_param_name",
"type": "string"
"return_type": "return_struct_name"
"method_name_1": {
"type": "POST",
"input_type": "input_struct_name",
"return_type": "return_struct_name"
"path": "/bar/{rank:uint}/{price:float}",
"methods": {
"method_name_3": {
"type": "GET",
"return_type": "return_struct_name"
"method_name_4": {
"type": "DELETE",
"return_type": "return_struct_name"
"method_name_5": {
"type": "PATCH",
"input_type": "input_struct_name",
"return_type": "return_struct_name"
"structs": [
"name": "input_struct_name",
"fields": [
"name": "a_field_name",
"type": "int"
"name": "another_field_name",
"type": "string"
"env": [
"name": "ENV_VAR_NAME",
"type": "int64",
"value": "42"
"dependencies" : ["baz-service"]
"external_services": [
"name": "external-service",
"repository_url": "",
"port": "80",
"image_url": "localhost:5000/external-service:latest",
"env": [
"name": "ENV_VAR_NAME",
"type": "string",
"value": "env_var_value"
"dependencies" : ["yet-another-external-service"]
Name |
Definition |
Example |
repository_url |
where the SaaS code is supposed to be kept and versioned | |
domain |
where the SaaS is supposed to be deployed | |
subdomains |
list of subdomains that will be accessible |
api, www, ... |
path |
domain path to be routed to a service |
/rest/1.0.0 |
endpoint |
service listening for requests, addressed by name only |
cool-service |
api |
a description of the types of requests the service supports |
see above JSON |
env |
list of environmental variables a service needs |
see above JSON |
dependencies |
list of services the service depends on |
see above JSON |
structs |
list of structures used in by the APIs of all services |
see above JSON |
external_services |
(not yet implemented) list of services that are build elsewhere, to be directly used by means of pre-built docker images |
see above JSON |
More Detailed Description
coming soon