Visualize plant growth over time with Go, WebDAV and WASM; @pojntfx's entry for #growlab.
You can get the Docker container like so:
$ docker pull pojntfx/growlapse-agent
If you prefer a native installation, static binaries are also available on GitHub releases.
You can install them like so:
$ curl -L -o /tmp/growlapse-agent$(uname -m)
$ sudo install /tmp/growlapse-agent /usr/local/bin
About the Frontend
The frontend is also available on GitHub releases in the form of a static .tar.gz
archive; to deploy it, simply upload it to a CDN or copy it to a web server. For most users, this shouldn't be necessary though; thanks to @maxence-charriere's go-app package, Growlapse is a progressive web app. By simply visiting the public deployment once, it will be available for offline use whenever you need it.
🚧 This project is a work-in-progress! Instructions will be added as soon as it is usable. 🚧
growlapse (c) 2021 Felicitas Pojtinger and contributors
SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0