Personal Site
My personal site.

This is my personal website, which is also intended to be a more or less generic template to build more personal websites with.
It provides the following information:
- Personal details (name, profession, pronouns)
- Social media details (Mastodon/Twitter/Instagram, Matrix/Signal, phone/mail)
- Latest GitHub commit
- Livestream (Twitch & YouTube) status
- Articles with comments
- Latest toots & tweets
- Project list (fetched from GitHub)
The web app is available on GitHub releases in the form of a static .tar.gz
archive; to deploy it, simply upload it to a CDN or copy it to a web server. The release also includes the project list generation tool, API server and proxy. For most users, this shouldn't be necessary though; simply visit the public deployment to access it:

Click on an image to see a larger version.
To all the rest of the authors who worked on the dependencies used: Thanks a lot!
To contribute, please use the GitHub flow and follow our Code of Conduct.
To build the site locally, run:
$ git clone
$ cd
$ make depend
$ export GITHUB_API= GITHUB_TOKEN=your-github-api-token YOUTUBE_TOKEN=your-youtube-api-token TWITCH_CLIENT_ID=your-twitch-client-id TWITCH_CLIENT_SECRET=your-twitch-client-secret TWITTER_CLIENT_SECRET=your-twitter-client-secret TWITTER_CLIENT_ID=your-twitter-client-id MASTODON_SERVER= MASTODON_CLIENT_ID=your-mastodon-client-id MASTODON_CLIENT_SECRET=your-mastodon-client-secret MASTODON_ACCESS_TOKEN=your-mastodon-access-token
$ make dev
Personal Site (c) 2022 Felicitas Pojtinger and contributors
SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0