Tool managing Elasticsearch Index

eskeeper synchronizes index and alias with configuration files while ensuring idempotency. It still only supports WRITE. DELETE is not yet supported because the operation of deleting persistent data is dangerous and needs to be implemented carefully.
💪 Currently supports
- CLI mode
- Index status(open/close only)
- Reindex
- Agent mode
- create
- status (open or close)
- reindex (only basic parameter)
- status(open/close only)
- lifecycke
- update mapping
- delete
🍀 Quick Start
eskeeper recieves yaml format data form stdin.
$ go get -u
$ eskeeper < es.yaml
es.yaml is indices & aliases config file.
- name: test-v1 # index name
mapping: testdata/test.json # index setting & mapping (json)
- name: test-v2
mapping: testdata/test.json
- name: close-v1
mapping: testdata/test.json
status: close
# reindex test-v1 -> reindex-v1
- name: reindex-v1
mapping: testdata/test.json
source: test-v1
slices: 3 # default=1
waitForCompletion: true
# 'on' field supports 2 hooks.
# 'firstCreated': only when index is created for the first time.
# 'always': always exec reindex.
on: firstCreated
- name: alias1
- test-v1
# multi indicies
- name: alias2
- test-v1
- test-v2
curl localhost:9200/_cat/indices
yellow open test-v1 ... 1 1 0 0 208b 208b
yellow open test-v2 ... 1 1 0 0 208b 208b
yellow close close-v1 xxxxxxxxxxxx 1 1
yellow open reindex-v1 ... 1 1 0 0 208b 208b
curl localhost:9200/_cat/aliases
alias2 test-v2 - - - -
alias1 test-v1 - - - -
alias2 test-v1 - - - -
📐 Usage
eskeeper supports flag & environment value.
# use flags
eskeeper -u user -p pass -e=http://localhost:9200,http://localhost9300 < testdata/es.yaml
# use env
ESKEEPER_ES_USER=user ESKEEPER_ES_PASS=pass ESKEEPER_ES_URLS=http://localhost:9200 eskeeper < testdata/es.yaml
🔎 Internal 4 Stages
eskeeper process is divided into four stages. verbose option lets you know eskeeper details.
$ eskeeper < es.yaml
loading config ...
=== validation stage ===
[pass] index: test-v1
[pass] index: test-v2
[pass] index: close-v1
[pass] alias: alias1
[pass] alias: alias2
=== pre-check stage ===
[pass] index: test-v1
[pass] index: test-v2
[pass] index: close-v1
[pass] alias: alias1
[pass] alias: alias2
=== sync stage ===
[synced] index: test-v1
[synced] index: test-v2
[synced] index: close-v1
[synced] alias: alias1
[synced] alias: alias2
=== post-check stage ===
[pass] index: test-v1
[pass] index: test-v2
[pass] index: close-v1
[pass] alias: alias1
[pass] alias: alias2
validation stage
- Validates config yaml format
pre-check stage
- Check if mapping file is valid format
- Check if there is an index for alias
sync stage
- Sync indices and aliases with config
The order of synchronization is as follows.
create index
open index
update alias
close index
Index close operation should be done after switching the alias.
Because there can be downtime before switching aliases.
post-check stage
- Check if indices & aliases has been created
🚩 Contributing
Did you find something technically wrong, something to fix, or something? Please give me Issue or Pull Request !!
eskeeper's test uses So you need docker to test.