
v0.0.0-...-abfe2d9 Latest Latest

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Published: Jul 2, 2024 License: BSD-3-Clause


This project was moved

This project was moved to the SEArch-Service-Execution-Architecture organization. Further development will be continued there.

To run the infrastructure of SEArch on the example of the paper follow the following steps:

  1. Linux or MacOS, either x86_64 or ARM CPU.

  2. Tools: Docker with buildx and Compose plugins (These tools are all bundled in Docker Desktop):

  3. Navigate the root directory search-bisimulation-impl-paper , and then to the example folder examples/credit-card-payments; for instance, in a Linux terminal you can type:

	cd [path_to_search]
	cd examples/credit-card-payments/
  1. Build the Docker containers:
     docker compose build
  1. Run:
     docker compose run client

Before running the client, Docker will first build the infraestructure (i.e., the Broker and the Middleware), the services and the client. Then, it will run everything within containers; the Broker, a Middleware for each service required by the example, and their corresponding services behind them. Finally, it will run a Middleware for the client, and the client application behind it.

To see all the logs, open another terminal, navigate to this same directory, and run:

    docker compose logs -f

That command will show you the logs all the containers:

  • the broker
  • the backend (a Service Provider)
  • the payments-service (another Service Provider)
  • the client application (Service Client)
  • 3 different instances of the middleware, one for each service and one for the application

The expected total runtime to run the example is of 10 minutes at most, of which most of it is building the containers. Build time on a 2022 laptop takes 3 minutes.

Setting up SEArch step-by-step


Modifying and/or playing with SEArch requires you to install the following tools:

  1. Python 3.11+ and the following Python packages:

On Ubuntu 23.10 you can install the packages: python3 python-is-python3 python3.11-venv. Other distributions/versions may have differences in versions and package names.

With Python 3.11+ installed, you can then run the following commands to install the three dependencies in a temp virtualenv:

    python -m venv /tmp/search-paper-python-deps
    source /tmp/search-paper-python-deps/bin/activate
    pip install -r requirements.txt
  1. Go 1.21+ and the following tools:

Clone the repository and checkout the branch origin/bisimulation-impl-paper; alternatively unzip the file containing it.

The structure of the repository is:

  • internal: contains the code of the middleware and the broker, along with their tests.
  • cfsm: contains a fork of the nickng/cfsm library that implements Communicating Finite State Machines. The main changes compared to the original are: the addition of a parser to read FSA files, some data structure changes to force the serialization of CFSMs to be deterministic, and the addition of using CFSM names instead of numerical indices to make the generated FSA files more human-readable.
  • cmd: contains the executable code for the middleware and broker.
  • contract: contains the interfaces of the global contract and the local contract, along with concrete implementations using CFSMs.
  • gen: contains the files generated by buf after compiling the .proto files. The middleware and broker use the Go code, but we also store the code generated in other languages.
  • ent: contains the code for managing the broker database (ORM). The entity and relationship definitions are located in the schema subdirectory. The rest of the code is generated using the Ent framework.
  • mocks: test mocks of the contracts generated with mockery, to facilitate the testing of the broker.
  • proto: contains the Protocol Buffer files with the message type and gRPC service definitions. These files are compiled using buf. The configuration file that determines the target languages for compilation is buf.gen.yaml (in the root of the repository).
Code generation from Protocol Buffer definitions

We use buf to generate definition for message types and gRPC services. Our Protocol Buffer definitions live in the proto directory. The generated code lives in the gen directory. If you modify the Protocol Buffer definitions or add more output languages (see buf.gen.yaml), just run:

    buf generate proto

The generated code should be commited to the repository. After modifying the Protocol Buffers, make sure you run the linter like this:

    buf lint proto
Code generation for database management

We use ent to model the database where we store contracts, providers and compatibility checks already computed.

The database definitions live in ent/schema. The rest of the files and directories in the ent directory are auto-generated from the schema definitions. If you change the schemas, run the folllowing command to regenerate code and commit any changes to the repository:

    go generate ./ent
Other useful Ent commands
  • Show schema in CLI:
    go run -mod=mod describe ./ent/schema
    go run -mod=mod ./ent/schema
  • Generate Entity Relation diagram locally
    go run -mod=mod ./ent/schema
Code generation for test mocks

In software development, test mocks are simulated objects used in testing. They replace real objects or modules, allowing developers to isolate and test specific code independently. This means tests run faster and are more reliable because they aren't influenced by external factors. Mocks also offer predictable behavior, enabling developers to define how they respond to interactions and pinpoint potential issues within the code under test. Essentially, test mocks facilitate focused, efficient, and reliable unit testing, contributing to stronger software development.

We use mockery to generate test mocks (only for the contract package for now). If you modify the contract package, regenerate the mocks by running the following command and commiting the changes to the repository. The generated mocks live in the mocks directory:

    mockery --dir contract --all --with-expecter
Compiling the broker and the middleware:

Building the infrastructure (i.e., the Broker and the Middleware) account to executing the following command:

    go build -o . ./...

It will compile the code found in internal, cfsm, contract, gen and ent. This will generate the binaries broker and middleware and placed in cmd. Both programs have a --help flag:

./broker --help
Usage of ./broker:
  -cert_file string
    	The TLS cert file
  -database_file string
    	The path for the broker database (default "SEARCHbroker.db")
  -host string
    	The host on which the broker listens (defaults to all interfaces)
  -key_file string
    	The TLS key file
  -port int
    	Port number on which the broker listens (default 10000)
    	Connection uses TLS if true, else plain TCP
    	Use the Python Bisimulation library to check for bisimulation
./middleware --help
Usage of ./middleware:
  -broker_addr string
    	The server address in the format of host:port (default "localhost:")
  -cert_file string
    	The TLS cert file
  -key_file string
    	The TLS key file
  -private_host string
    	Host IP on which private service listens (default "localhost")
  -private_port int
    	The port for private services (default 11000)
  -public_host string
    	Host IP on which public service listens (defaults to all)
  -public_port int
    	The port for public facing middleware (default 10000)
  -public_url string
    	The URL for public facing middleware
    	Connection uses TLS if true, else plain TCP
Running the tests

Running the tests requires running the following command:

    go test ./...

Running the tests with race detector requires the use to the following command:

    go test ./... -count=1 -race

In order to get a report of code coverage after running the tests, use the following commands:

    go test ./... -coverprofile=coverage.txt -covermode atomic -coverpkg=./cfsm/...,./internal/...,./contract -timeout 30s
    go tool cover -html=coverage.txt
Running the infrastructure

To setup the infrastructure requires to navigate to the root directory of SEArch and

  1. run the broker:
    ./cmd/broker -host [ host_name ] -port [ port_number ]
  1. run the middlewares in each of the machines that will participate:
    ./cmd/middleware -private_port [ port_number ] -public_port [ port_number ] -broker_addr [ host:port ]
Compiling applications

Compiling application, if it was required, to run within SEArch is similar to standard compilation. The only significant difference is that its execution requires the use of the communication primitives provided by the middleware, thus, the application will resort to the libraries generated by buf that can be found in gen. In the commercial setting these libraries should be available from the package manager of choice.

Running applications

With the Middleware running, the applications must be run, according to their language requirements. They will need to communicate with their corresponding Middleware; a good practice is to develop them in way that they can be configured to communicate to a middleware host and port.

Running the example

The example can be run in different computers by appropriately setting the host and ports. For the sake of this section we will show how to run it in the localhost from the root directory of SEArch.

  1. Broker

Make sure you run this from a terminal that has the Python virtual environment on which you installed cfsm-bisimulation. In a terminal run:

    source /tmp/search-paper-python-deps/bin/activate
    go run cmd/broker/broker.go -host localhost -port 12000
  1. Backend

In a terminal run the middleware for the backend service:

    go run cmd/middleware/middleware.go -private_port 11001 -public_port 10001 -public_host localhost --broker_addr localhost:12000

In another terminal navigate to directory examples/credit-card-payments/backend and run the backend service:

    python -m venv /tmp/search-paper-example-backend
    source /tmp/search-paper-example-backend/bin/activate
    pip install -r requirements.txt
    python --middleware-host localhost --middleware-port 11001
  1. Payments service

In a terminal run the middleware for the payments service:

    go run cmd/middleware/middleware.go -private_port 11002 -public_port 10002 -public_host localhost --broker_addr localhost:12000

In another terminal navigate to directory examples/credit-card-payments/payments-service and run the payments service:

    go run main.go --middleware-url localhost:11002
  1. Client application

In a terminal run the middleware for the client application:

    go run cmd/middleware/middleware.go -private_port 11003 -public_port 10003 -public_host localhost --broker_addr localhost:12000

For this example we need OpenJDK 21 and Maven 3.9. On Ubuntu 23.10 you can install them by installing the packages maven openjdk-21-jdk-headless.

In another terminal navigate to directory examples/credit-card-payments/client and run the client application:

    mvn verify --fail-never
    mvn package
    java -jar target/clientapp-1.0-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar localhost:11003


Path Synopsis
Package cfsm is a library for working with Communicating Finite State Machines.
Package cfsm is a library for working with Communicating Finite State Machines.
Package petrify contains encoding for ordinary string into petrify-accepted format.
Package petrify contains encoding for ordinary string into petrify-accepted format.

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