Index ¶
- Constants
- Variables
- func WithFiles(files []Upload) func(req *http.Request)
- type APIDeprecation
- type AccessToken
- type AccessTokenAudit
- type AccessTokenAuditConnection
- type AccessTokenAuditEdge
- type AccessTokenConnection
- type AccessTokenEdge
- type AccessTokenEdgeFragment
- type AccessTokenFragment
- type Account
- type AddOnConfigCondition
- type AddOnConfiguration
- type AddServiceError
- type AddonVersion
- type AgentMigration
- type AgentMigrationAttributes
- type Application
- type ApplicationDelta
- type ApplicationDescriptor
- type ApplicationInfoItem
- type ApplicationLink
- type ApplicationSpec
- type ApplicationStatus
- type Audit
- type AuditAction
- type AuditConnection
- type AuditEdge
- type AuditMetric
- type AuditType
- type AuthMethod
- type AutoscalingTarget
- type AvailableFeatures
- type AwsCloud
- type AwsCloudAttributes
- type AwsCloudSettings
- type AwsNodeCloudAttributes
- type AwsSettingsAttributes
- type AzureCloudAttributes
- type AzureCloudSettings
- type AzureSettingsAttributes
- type BaseClusterFragment
- type BaseClusterProviderFragment
- type BindingAttributes
- type Build
- type BuildAttributes
- type BuildConnection
- type BuildDelta
- type BuildEdge
- type BuildInfo
- type BuildType
- type Canary
- type CanaryAnalysis
- type CanarySpec
- type CanaryStatus
- type Certificate
- type CertificateSpec
- type CertificateStatus
- type Changelog
- type Client
- func (c *Client) AddServiceError(ctx context.Context, id string, errors []*ServiceErrorAttributes, ...) (*AddServiceError, error)
- func (c *Client) CloneServiceDeployment(ctx context.Context, clusterID string, id string, ...) (*CloneServiceDeployment, error)
- func (c *Client) CloneServiceDeploymentWithHandle(ctx context.Context, clusterID string, cluster string, name string, ...) (*CloneServiceDeploymentWithHandle, error)
- func (c *Client) CreateAccessToken(ctx context.Context, httpRequestOptions ...client.HTTPRequestOption) (*CreateAccessToken, error)
- func (c *Client) CreateCluster(ctx context.Context, attributes ClusterAttributes, ...) (*CreateCluster, error)
- func (c *Client) CreateClusterProvider(ctx context.Context, attributes ClusterProviderAttributes, ...) (*CreateClusterProvider, error)
- func (c *Client) CreateGitRepository(ctx context.Context, attributes GitAttributes, ...) (*CreateGitRepository, error)
- func (c *Client) CreateProviderCredential(ctx context.Context, attributes ProviderCredentialAttributes, name string, ...) (*CreateProviderCredential, error)
- func (c *Client) CreateServiceDeployment(ctx context.Context, clusterID string, attributes ServiceDeploymentAttributes, ...) (*CreateServiceDeployment, error)
- func (c *Client) CreateServiceDeploymentWithHandle(ctx context.Context, cluster string, attributes ServiceDeploymentAttributes, ...) (*CreateServiceDeploymentWithHandle, error)
- func (c *Client) DeleteAccessToken(ctx context.Context, token string, ...) (*DeleteAccessToken, error)
- func (c *Client) DeleteCluster(ctx context.Context, id string, httpRequestOptions ...client.HTTPRequestOption) (*DeleteCluster, error)
- func (c *Client) DeleteClusterProvider(ctx context.Context, id string, httpRequestOptions ...client.HTTPRequestOption) (*DeleteClusterProvider, error)
- func (c *Client) DeleteGitRepository(ctx context.Context, id string, httpRequestOptions ...client.HTTPRequestOption) (*DeleteGitRepository, error)
- func (c *Client) DeleteProviderCredential(ctx context.Context, id string, httpRequestOptions ...client.HTTPRequestOption) (*DeleteProviderCredential, error)
- func (c *Client) DeleteServiceDeployment(ctx context.Context, id string, httpRequestOptions ...client.HTTPRequestOption) (*DeleteServiceDeployment, error)
- func (c *Client) DetachCluster(ctx context.Context, id string, httpRequestOptions ...client.HTTPRequestOption) (*DetachCluster, error)
- func (c *Client) GetAccessToken(ctx context.Context, id string, httpRequestOptions ...client.HTTPRequestOption) (*GetAccessToken, error)
- func (c *Client) GetCluster(ctx context.Context, id *string, ...) (*GetCluster, error)
- func (c *Client) GetClusterByHandle(ctx context.Context, handle *string, ...) (*GetClusterByHandle, error)
- func (c *Client) GetClusterGates(ctx context.Context, httpRequestOptions ...client.HTTPRequestOption) (*GetClusterGates, error)
- func (c *Client) GetClusterProvider(ctx context.Context, id string, httpRequestOptions ...client.HTTPRequestOption) (*GetClusterProvider, error)
- func (c *Client) GetGitRepository(ctx context.Context, id *string, url *string, ...) (*GetGitRepository, error)
- func (c *Client) GetPipeline(ctx context.Context, id string, httpRequestOptions ...client.HTTPRequestOption) (*GetPipeline, error)
- func (c *Client) GetPipelines(ctx context.Context, after *string, ...) (*GetPipelines, error)
- func (c *Client) GetServiceDeployment(ctx context.Context, id string, httpRequestOptions ...client.HTTPRequestOption) (*GetServiceDeployment, error)
- func (c *Client) GetServiceDeploymentByHandle(ctx context.Context, cluster string, name string, ...) (*GetServiceDeploymentByHandle, error)
- func (c *Client) ListAccessTokens(ctx context.Context, cursor *string, before *string, last *int64, ...) (*ListAccessTokens, error)
- func (c *Client) ListClusterServices(ctx context.Context, httpRequestOptions ...client.HTTPRequestOption) (*ListClusterServices, error)
- func (c *Client) ListClusters(ctx context.Context, cursor *string, before *string, last *int64, ...) (*ListClusters, error)
- func (c *Client) ListDeploymentSettings(ctx context.Context, httpRequestOptions ...client.HTTPRequestOption) (*ListDeploymentSettings, error)
- func (c *Client) ListGitRepositories(ctx context.Context, cursor *string, before *string, last *int64, ...) (*ListGitRepositories, error)
- func (c *Client) ListProviders(ctx context.Context, httpRequestOptions ...client.HTTPRequestOption) (*ListProviders, error)
- func (c *Client) ListServiceDeployment(ctx context.Context, after *string, before *string, last *int64, ...) (*ListServiceDeployment, error)
- func (c *Client) ListServiceDeploymentByHandle(ctx context.Context, after *string, before *string, last *int64, ...) (*ListServiceDeploymentByHandle, error)
- func (c *Client) ListServiceDeployments(ctx context.Context, cursor *string, before *string, last *int64, ...) (*ListServiceDeployments, error)
- func (c *Client) MyCluster(ctx context.Context, httpRequestOptions ...client.HTTPRequestOption) (*MyCluster, error)
- func (c *Client) PingCluster(ctx context.Context, attributes ClusterPing, ...) (*PingCluster, error)
- func (c *Client) RegisterRuntimeServices(ctx context.Context, services []*RuntimeServiceAttributes, serviceID *string, ...) (*RegisterRuntimeServices, error)
- func (c *Client) RollbackService(ctx context.Context, id string, revisionID string, ...) (*RollbackService, error)
- func (c *Client) SavePipeline(ctx context.Context, name string, attributes PipelineAttributes, ...) (*SavePipeline, error)
- func (c *Client) TokenExchange(ctx context.Context, token string, ...) (*TokenExchange, error)
- func (c *Client) UpdateCluster(ctx context.Context, id string, attributes ClusterUpdateAttributes, ...) (*UpdateCluster, error)
- func (c *Client) UpdateClusterProvider(ctx context.Context, id string, attributes ClusterProviderUpdateAttributes, ...) (*UpdateClusterProvider, error)
- func (c *Client) UpdateDeploymentSettings(ctx context.Context, attributes DeploymentSettingsAttributes, ...) (*UpdateDeploymentSettings, error)
- func (c *Client) UpdateGate(ctx context.Context, id string, attributes GateUpdateAttributes, ...) (*UpdateGate, error)
- func (c *Client) UpdateGitRepository(ctx context.Context, id string, attributes GitAttributes, ...) (*UpdateGitRepository, error)
- func (c *Client) UpdateRbac(ctx context.Context, rbac RbacAttributes, serviceID *string, clusterID *string, ...) (*UpdateRbac, error)
- func (c *Client) UpdateServiceComponents(ctx context.Context, id string, components []*ComponentAttributes, ...) (*UpdateServiceComponents, error)
- func (c *Client) UpdateServiceDeployment(ctx context.Context, id string, attributes ServiceUpdateAttributes, ...) (*UpdateServiceDeployment, error)
- func (c *Client) UpdateServiceDeploymentWithHandle(ctx context.Context, cluster string, name string, ...) (*UpdateServiceDeploymentWithHandle, error)
- type CloneAttributes
- type CloneServiceDeployment
- type CloneServiceDeploymentWithHandle
- type CloudProviderSettingsAttributes
- type CloudSettings
- type CloudSettingsAttributes
- type Cluster
- type ClusterAddOn
- type ClusterAttributes
- type ClusterCondition
- type ClusterConnection
- type ClusterEdge
- type ClusterEdgeFragment
- type ClusterFragment
- type ClusterInfo
- type ClusterPing
- type ClusterProvider
- type ClusterProviderAttributes
- type ClusterProviderConnection
- type ClusterProviderConnectionFragment
- type ClusterProviderEdge
- type ClusterProviderEdgeFragment
- type ClusterProviderFragment
- type ClusterProviderUpdateAttributes
- type ClusterServiceAttributes
- type ClusterStatus
- type ClusterStatusInfo
- type ClusterTags
- type ClusterUpdateAttributes
- type Command
- type CommandConnection
- type CommandDelta
- type CommandEdge
- type Component
- type ComponentAttributes
- type ComponentState
- type ConfigAttributes
- type ConfigMap
- type Configuration
- type ConfigurationAction
- type ConfigurationCondition
- type ConfigurationItem
- type ConfigurationOverlay
- type ConfigurationOverlaySpec
- type ConfigurationValidation
- type ConsoleConfiguration
- type Container
- type ContainerAttributes
- type ContainerEnv
- type ContainerEnvFrom
- type ContainerRecommendation
- type ContainerResources
- type ContainerSpec
- type ContainerSpecFragment
- type ContainerState
- type ContainerStatus
- type ContextAttributes
- type CostAnalysis
- type CreateAccessToken
- type CreateCluster
- type CreateClusterProvider
- type CreateGitRepository
- type CreateProviderCredential
- type CreateServiceDeployment
- type CreateServiceDeploymentWithHandle
- type CronJob
- type CronSpec
- type CronStatus
- type CrossVersionResourceTarget
- type Dashboard
- type DashboardGraph
- type DashboardLabel
- type DashboardMetric
- type DashboardSpec
- type DatabaseVolume
- type DeleteAccessToken
- type DeleteCluster
- type DeleteClusterProvider
- type DeleteGitRepository
- type DeleteProviderCredential
- type DeleteServiceDeployment
- type Delta
- type Deployment
- type DeploymentSettings
- type DeploymentSettingsAttributes
- type DeploymentSettingsFragment
- type DeploymentSpec
- type DeploymentStatus
- type DeploymentStrategy
- type DetachCluster
- type EnvAttributes
- type EnvFromAttributes
- type ErrorFragment
- type Event
- type FileContent
- type GateJobAttributes
- type GateSpec
- type GateSpecAttributes
- type GateSpecFragment
- type GateState
- type GateStatusAttributes
- type GateType
- type GateUpdateAttributes
- type GcpCloudAttributes
- type GcpCloudSettings
- type GcpSettingsAttributes
- type GetAccessToken
- type GetCluster
- type GetClusterByHandle
- type GetClusterGates
- type GetClusterProvider
- type GetGitRepository
- type GetPipeline
- type GetPipelines
- type GetServiceDeployment
- type GetServiceDeploymentByHandle
- type GitAttributes
- type GitFile
- type GitHealth
- type GitRef
- type GitRefAttributes
- type GitRefFragment
- type GitRepository
- type GitRepositoryConnection
- type GitRepositoryEdge
- type GitRepositoryEdgeFragment
- type GitRepositoryFragment
- type GitStatus
- type GlobalService
- type GlobalServiceAttributes
- type Group
- type GroupAttributes
- type GroupConnection
- type GroupEdge
- type GroupFragment
- type GroupMember
- type GroupMemberConnection
- type GroupMemberEdge
- type HTTPConnection
- type HTTPConnectionAttributes
- type HTTPIngressRule
- type HelmChartEntry
- type HelmChartVersion
- type HelmConfigAttributes
- type HelmRepository
- type HelmRepositorySpec
- type HelmRepositoryStatus
- type HelmSpec
- type HelmSpecFragment
- type Ingress
- type IngressBackend
- type IngressPath
- type IngressRule
- type IngressSpec
- type IngressTLS
- type Installation
- type InstallationConnection
- type InstallationEdge
- type Invite
- type InviteAttributes
- type IssuerRef
- type Job
- type JobGateSpec
- type JobReference
- type JobSpec
- type JobSpecFragment
- type JobStatus
- type KubeconfigAttributes
- type KubernetesData
- type KubernetesDatasource
- type KubernetesUnstructured
- type Kustomize
- type KustomizeAttributes
- type KustomizeFragment
- type LabelInput
- type LabelPair
- type License
- type LicenseFeature
- type LicenseSpec
- type LicenseStatus
- type ListAccessTokens
- type ListClusterServices
- type ListClusters
- type ListDeploymentSettings
- type ListGitRepositories
- type ListProviders
- type ListServiceDeployment
- type ListServiceDeploymentByHandle
- type ListServiceDeployments
- type LoadBalancerIngressStatus
- type LoadBalancerStatus
- type LogFilter
- type LogFilterSpec
- type LogLabel
- type LogStream
- type LoginInfo
- type ManifestNetwork
- type Metadata
- type MetadataAttributes
- type MetricResponse
- type MetricResult
- type MyCluster
- type Namespace
- type NamespaceMetadata
- type NamespaceSpec
- type NamespaceStatus
- type NamespacedName
- type Node
- type NodeCloudSettings
- type NodeCondition
- type NodeMetric
- type NodePool
- type NodePoolAttributes
- type NodePoolCloudAttributes
- type NodePoolFragment
- type NodePoolTaintFragment
- type NodeSpec
- type NodeStatus
- type NodeUsage
- type Notification
- type NotificationConnection
- type NotificationDelta
- type NotificationEdge
- type NotificationStatus
- type ObjectReference
- type OverlayUpdate
- type PageInfo
- type PathUpdate
- type Permission
- type PingCluster
- type Pipeline
- type PipelineAttributes
- type PipelineConnection
- type PipelineEdge
- type PipelineEdgeAttributes
- type PipelineEdgeFragment
- type PipelineFragment
- type PipelineGate
- type PipelineGateAttributes
- type PipelineGateFragment
- type PipelinePromotion
- type PipelineStage
- type PipelineStageAttributes
- type PipelineStageEdge
- type PipelineStageEdgeFragment
- type PipelineStageFragment
- type Plan
- type PluralContext
- type PluralManifest
- type PluralSubscription
- type Pod
- type PodCondition
- type PodConnection
- type PodDelta
- type PodEdge
- type PodSpec
- type PodStatus
- type PolicyBinding
- type PolicyBindingAttributes
- type PolicyBindingFragment
- type Port
- type PostgresInstance
- type PostgresSettings
- type Postgresql
- type PostgresqlSpec
- type PostgresqlStatus
- type PrometheusDatasource
- type PromotionCriteria
- type PromotionCriteriaAttributes
- type PromotionService
- type ProviderCredential
- type ProviderCredentialAttributes
- type ProviderCredentialFragment
- type RbacAttributes
- type ReadType
- type Recipe
- type RecipeConnection
- type RecipeEdge
- type RecipeItem
- type RecipeSection
- type Recommendation
- type RegisterRuntimeServices
- type Repository
- type RepositoryConnection
- type RepositoryContext
- type RepositoryEdge
- type ResourceSpec
- type Resources
- type Revision
- type RevisionConnection
- type RevisionEdge
- type RevisionFragment
- type Role
- type RoleAttributes
- type RoleBinding
- type RoleConnection
- type RoleEdge
- type RollbackService
- type RollingUpdate
- type RootMutationType
- type RootQueryType
- type Runbook
- type RunbookAction
- type RunbookActionInput
- type RunbookActionResponse
- type RunbookAlertStatus
- type RunbookContext
- type RunbookData
- type RunbookDatasource
- type RunbookExecution
- type RunbookExecutionConnection
- type RunbookExecutionEdge
- type RunbookSpec
- type RunbookStatus
- type RunningState
- type RuntimeAddon
- type RuntimeService
- type RuntimeServiceAttributes
- type SMTP
- type SMTPInput
- type SavePipeline
- type Secret
- type SecretKeySelector
- type Service
- type ServiceCloneAttributes
- type ServiceComponent
- type ServiceConfiguration
- type ServiceDeployment
- type ServiceDeploymentAttributes
- type ServiceDeploymentBaseFragment
- type ServiceDeploymentConnection
- type ServiceDeploymentEdge
- type ServiceDeploymentEdgeFragment
- type ServiceDeploymentExtended
- type ServiceDeploymentFragment
- type ServiceDeploymentStatus
- type ServiceError
- type ServiceErrorAttributes
- type ServicePort
- type ServiceSpec
- type ServiceStatus
- type ServiceStatusCount
- type ServiceUpdateAttributes
- type Severity
- type Stack
- type StageService
- type StageServiceAttributes
- type StatefulSet
- type StatefulSetSpec
- type StatefulSetStatus
- type Status
- type StatusComponent
- type StatusCondition
- type SyncConfig
- type SyncConfigAttributes
- type Tag
- type TagAttributes
- type TagInput
- type Taint
- type TaintAttributes
- type TargetRef
- type TerminatedState
- type TokenExchange
- type Tool
- type UpdateCluster
- type UpdateClusterProvider
- type UpdateDeploymentSettings
- type UpdateGate
- type UpdateGitRepository
- type UpdateRbac
- type UpdateServiceComponents
- type UpdateServiceDeployment
- type UpdateServiceDeploymentWithHandle
- type UpgradePolicy
- type UpgradePolicyAttributes
- type UpgradePolicyType
- type Upload
- type User
- type UserAttributes
- type UserConnection
- type UserEdge
- type UserFragment
- type UserRoleAttributes
- type UserRoles
- type VersionReference
- type VerticalPodAutoscaler
- type VerticalPodAutoscalerSpec
- type VerticalPodAutoscalerStatus
- type VerticalPodAutoscalerUpdatePolicy
- type WaitingState
- type Webhook
- type WebhookAttributes
- type WebhookConnection
- type WebhookEdge
- type WebhookHealth
- type WebhookType
- type WireguardPeer
- type WireguardPeerSpec
- type WireguardPeerStatus
Constants ¶
const AddServiceErrorDocument = `` /* 898-byte string literal not displayed */
const CloneServiceDeploymentDocument = `` /* 952-byte string literal not displayed */
const CloneServiceDeploymentWithHandleDocument = `` /* 1003-byte string literal not displayed */
const CreateAccessTokenDocument = `` /* 140-byte string literal not displayed */
const CreateClusterDocument = `` /* 1757-byte string literal not displayed */
const CreateClusterProviderDocument = `` /* 1231-byte string literal not displayed */
const CreateGitRepositoryDocument = `` /* 230-byte string literal not displayed */
const CreateProviderCredentialDocument = `` /* 290-byte string literal not displayed */
const CreateServiceDeploymentDocument = `` /* 943-byte string literal not displayed */
const CreateServiceDeploymentWithHandleDocument = `` /* 951-byte string literal not displayed */
const DeleteAccessTokenDocument = `` /* 173-byte string literal not displayed */
const DeleteClusterDocument = `` /* 1704-byte string literal not displayed */
const DeleteClusterProviderDocument = `` /* 1184-byte string literal not displayed */
const DeleteGitRepositoryDocument = `` /* 195-byte string literal not displayed */
const DeleteProviderCredentialDocument = `` /* 211-byte string literal not displayed */
const DeleteServiceDeploymentDocument = `` /* 854-byte string literal not displayed */
const DetachClusterDocument = `` /* 1704-byte string literal not displayed */
const GetAccessTokenDocument = `` /* 148-byte string literal not displayed */
const GetClusterByHandleDocument = `` /* 1715-byte string literal not displayed */
const GetClusterDocument = `` /* 1691-byte string literal not displayed */
const GetClusterGatesDocument = `` /* 531-byte string literal not displayed */
const GetClusterProviderDocument = `` /* 1172-byte string literal not displayed */
const GetGitRepositoryDocument = `` /* 207-byte string literal not displayed */
const GetPipelineDocument = `` /* 1058-byte string literal not displayed */
const GetPipelinesDocument = `` /* 1187-byte string literal not displayed */
const GetServiceDeploymentByHandleDocument = `` /* 1914-byte string literal not displayed */
const GetServiceDeploymentDocument = `` /* 1858-byte string literal not displayed */
const ListAccessTokensDocument = `` /* 348-byte string literal not displayed */
const ListClusterServicesDocument = `` /* 576-byte string literal not displayed */
const ListClustersDocument = `` /* 1880-byte string literal not displayed */
const ListDeploymentSettingsDocument = `` /* 729-byte string literal not displayed */
const ListGitRepositoriesDocument = `` /* 399-byte string literal not displayed */
const ListProvidersDocument = `` /* 1397-byte string literal not displayed */
const ListServiceDeploymentByHandleDocument = `` /* 859-byte string literal not displayed */
const ListServiceDeploymentDocument = `` /* 853-byte string literal not displayed */
const ListServiceDeploymentsDocument = `` /* 961-byte string literal not displayed */
const MyClusterDocument = `query MyCluster {
myCluster {
... {
const PingClusterDocument = `mutation PingCluster ($attributes: ClusterPing!) {
pingCluster(attributes: $attributes) {
const RegisterRuntimeServicesDocument = `` /* 162-byte string literal not displayed */
const RollbackServiceDocument = `` /* 881-byte string literal not displayed */
const SavePipelineDocument = `` /* 1135-byte string literal not displayed */
const TokenExchangeDocument = `` /* 209-byte string literal not displayed */
const UpdateClusterDocument = `` /* 1768-byte string literal not displayed */
const UpdateClusterProviderDocument = `` /* 1256-byte string literal not displayed */
const UpdateDeploymentSettingsDocument = `` /* 810-byte string literal not displayed */
const UpdateGateDocument = `` /* 608-byte string literal not displayed */
const UpdateGitRepositoryDocument = `` /* 249-byte string literal not displayed */
const UpdateRbacDocument = `` /* 194-byte string literal not displayed */
const UpdateServiceComponentsDocument = `` /* 967-byte string literal not displayed */
const UpdateServiceDeploymentDocument = `` /* 918-byte string literal not displayed */
const UpdateServiceDeploymentWithHandleDocument = `` /* 976-byte string literal not displayed */
Variables ¶
var AllAuditAction = []AuditAction{ AuditActionCreate, AuditActionUpdate, AuditActionDelete, AuditActionApprove, AuditActionCancel, }
var AllAuditType = []AuditType{ AuditTypeBuild, AuditTypePod, AuditTypeConfiguration, AuditTypeUser, AuditTypeGroup, AuditTypeRole, AuditTypeGroupMember, AuditTypePolicy, AuditTypeTempToken, AuditTypeService, AuditTypeCluster, AuditTypeClusterProvider, AuditTypeGitRepository, AuditTypeDeploymentSettings, AuditTypeProviderCredential, AuditTypePipeline, AuditTypeGlobal, }
var AllAuthMethod = []AuthMethod{ AuthMethodBasic, AuthMethodSSH, }
var AllAutoscalingTarget = []AutoscalingTarget{ AutoscalingTargetStatefulset, AutoscalingTargetDeployment, }
var AllBuildType = []BuildType{ BuildTypeDeploy, BuildTypeBounce, BuildTypeApproval, BuildTypeInstall, BuildTypeDestroy, BuildTypeDedicated, BuildTypeConfig, }
var AllComponentState = []ComponentState{ ComponentStateRunning, ComponentStatePending, ComponentStateFailed, ComponentStatePaused, }
var AllDelta = []Delta{ DeltaCreate, DeltaUpdate, DeltaDelete, }
var AllGateState = []GateState{ GateStatePending, GateStateOpen, GateStateClosed, }
var AllGateType = []GateType{ GateTypeApproval, GateTypeWindow, GateTypeJob, }
var AllGitHealth = []GitHealth{ GitHealthPullable, GitHealthFailed, }
var AllNotificationStatus = []NotificationStatus{ NotificationStatusFiring, NotificationStatusResolved, }
var AllPermission = []Permission{ PermissionRead, PermissionConfigure, PermissionDeploy, PermissionOperate, }
var AllReadType = []ReadType{ ReadTypeNotification, ReadTypeBuild, }
var AllServiceDeploymentStatus = []ServiceDeploymentStatus{ ServiceDeploymentStatusStale, ServiceDeploymentStatusSynced, ServiceDeploymentStatusHealthy, ServiceDeploymentStatusFailed, ServiceDeploymentStatusPaused, }
var AllSeverity = []Severity{ SeverityNone, SeverityLow, SeverityMedium, SeverityHigh, SeverityCritical, }
var AllStatus = []Status{ StatusQueued, StatusRunning, StatusSuccessful, StatusFailed, StatusCancelled, StatusPending, }
var AllTool = []Tool{ ToolHelm, ToolTerraform, }
var AllUpgradePolicyType = []UpgradePolicyType{ UpgradePolicyTypeDeploy, UpgradePolicyTypeApproval, UpgradePolicyTypeIgnore, }
var AllWebhookHealth = []WebhookHealth{ WebhookHealthHealthy, WebhookHealthUnhealthy, }
var AllWebhookType = []WebhookType{ WebhookTypePiazza, WebhookTypeSLACk, }
Functions ¶
Types ¶
type APIDeprecation ¶ added in v0.0.2
type APIDeprecation struct { // the kubernetes version the deprecation was posted DeprecatedIn *string `json:"deprecatedIn"` // the kubernetes version the api version will be removed and unusable in RemovedIn *string `json:"removedIn"` // the api you can replace this resource with Replacement *string `json:"replacement"` // the kubernetes version the replacement api was created in AvailableIn *string `json:"availableIn"` // whether you cannot safely upgrade to the next kubernetes version if this deprecation exists Blocking *bool `json:"blocking"` // the component of this deprecation Component *ServiceComponent `json:"component"` }
a representation of a kubernetes api deprecation
type AccessToken ¶
type AccessToken struct { ID *string `json:"id"` Token *string `json:"token"` Audits *AccessTokenAuditConnection `json:"audits"` InsertedAt *string `json:"insertedAt"` UpdatedAt *string `json:"updatedAt"` }
type AccessTokenAudit ¶
type AccessTokenAudit struct { ID *string `json:"id"` IP *string `json:"ip"` Timestamp *string `json:"timestamp"` Count *int64 `json:"count"` City *string `json:"city"` Country *string `json:"country"` Latitude *string `json:"latitude"` Longitude *string `json:"longitude"` InsertedAt *string `json:"insertedAt"` UpdatedAt *string `json:"updatedAt"` }
type AccessTokenAuditConnection ¶
type AccessTokenAuditConnection struct { PageInfo PageInfo `json:"pageInfo"` Edges []*AccessTokenAuditEdge `json:"edges"` }
type AccessTokenAuditEdge ¶
type AccessTokenAuditEdge struct { Node *AccessTokenAudit `json:"node"` Cursor *string `json:"cursor"` }
type AccessTokenConnection ¶
type AccessTokenConnection struct { PageInfo PageInfo `json:"pageInfo"` Edges []*AccessTokenEdge `json:"edges"` }
type AccessTokenEdge ¶
type AccessTokenEdge struct { Node *AccessToken `json:"node"` Cursor *string `json:"cursor"` }
type AccessTokenEdgeFragment ¶
type AccessTokenEdgeFragment struct {
Node *AccessTokenFragment "json:\"node\" graphql:\"node\""
type AccessTokenFragment ¶
type Account ¶
type Account struct { DelinquentAt *string `json:"delinquentAt"` GrandfatheredUntil *string `json:"grandfatheredUntil"` AvailableFeatures *AvailableFeatures `json:"availableFeatures"` Subscription *PluralSubscription `json:"subscription"` }
type AddOnConfigCondition ¶ added in v0.0.34
type AddOnConfigCondition struct { // the operation for this condition, eg EQ, LT, GT Operation *string `json:"operation"` // the field this condition applies to Field *string `json:"field"` // the value to apply the condition with, for binary operators like LT/GT Value *string `json:"value"` }
a condition that determines whether its configuration is viewable
type AddOnConfiguration ¶ added in v0.0.25
type AddOnConfiguration struct { // name for this configuration Name *string `json:"name"` // a docstring explaining this configuration Documentation *string `json:"documentation"` // a type for the configuration (should eventually be coerced back to string) Type *string `json:"type"` // the values for ENUM type conditions Values []*string `json:"values"` Condition *AddOnConfigCondition `json:"condition"` }
Input configuration for an add-on you can install
type AddServiceError ¶ added in v0.0.49
type AddServiceError struct {
UpdateServiceComponents *ServiceDeploymentFragment "json:\"updateServiceComponents\" graphql:\"updateServiceComponents\""
type AddonVersion ¶ added in v0.0.38
type AddonVersion struct { // add-on version, semver formatted Version *string `json:"version"` // kubernetes versions this add-on works with Kube []*string `json:"kube"` // any other add-ons this might require Requirements []*VersionReference `json:"requirements"` // any add-ons this might break Incompatibilities []*VersionReference `json:"incompatibilities"` // checks if this is blocking a specific kubernetes upgrade Blocking *bool `json:"blocking"` }
the specification of a runtime service at a specific version
type AgentMigration ¶ added in v0.0.54
type AgentMigration struct { ID string `json:"id"` Name *string `json:"name"` Ref *string `json:"ref"` Configuration map[string]interface{} `json:"configuration"` Completed *bool `json:"completed"` InsertedAt *string `json:"insertedAt"` UpdatedAt *string `json:"updatedAt"` }
a representation of a bulk operation to be performed on all agent services
type AgentMigrationAttributes ¶ added in v0.0.54
type Application ¶
type Application struct { Name string `json:"name"` Spec ApplicationSpec `json:"spec"` Status ApplicationStatus `json:"status"` Cost *CostAnalysis `json:"cost"` License *License `json:"license"` Configuration *Configuration `json:"configuration"` Info *string `json:"info"` }
type ApplicationDelta ¶
type ApplicationDelta struct { Delta *Delta `json:"delta"` Payload *Application `json:"payload"` }
type ApplicationDescriptor ¶
type ApplicationDescriptor struct { Type string `json:"type"` Version string `json:"version"` Description *string `json:"description"` Icons []*string `json:"icons"` Links []*ApplicationLink `json:"links"` }
type ApplicationInfoItem ¶
type ApplicationLink ¶
type ApplicationSpec ¶
type ApplicationSpec struct { Descriptor ApplicationDescriptor `json:"descriptor"` Components []*Component `json:"components"` Info []*ApplicationInfoItem `json:"info"` }
type ApplicationStatus ¶
type ApplicationStatus struct { Components []*StatusComponent `json:"components"` Conditions []*StatusCondition `json:"conditions"` ComponentsReady string `json:"componentsReady"` }
type Audit ¶
type Audit struct { ID string `json:"id"` Action AuditAction `json:"action"` Type AuditType `json:"type"` Repository *string `json:"repository"` IP *string `json:"ip"` City *string `json:"city"` Country *string `json:"country"` Latitude *string `json:"latitude"` Longitude *string `json:"longitude"` Actor *User `json:"actor"` InsertedAt *string `json:"insertedAt"` UpdatedAt *string `json:"updatedAt"` }
type AuditAction ¶
type AuditAction string
const ( AuditActionCreate AuditAction = "CREATE" AuditActionUpdate AuditAction = "UPDATE" AuditActionDelete AuditAction = "DELETE" AuditActionApprove AuditAction = "APPROVE" AuditActionCancel AuditAction = "CANCEL" )
func (AuditAction) IsValid ¶
func (e AuditAction) IsValid() bool
func (AuditAction) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e AuditAction) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (AuditAction) String ¶
func (e AuditAction) String() string
func (*AuditAction) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *AuditAction) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type AuditConnection ¶
type AuditMetric ¶
type AuditType ¶
type AuditType string
const ( AuditTypeBuild AuditType = "BUILD" AuditTypePod AuditType = "POD" AuditTypeConfiguration AuditType = "CONFIGURATION" AuditTypeUser AuditType = "USER" AuditTypeGroup AuditType = "GROUP" AuditTypeRole AuditType = "ROLE" AuditTypeGroupMember AuditType = "GROUP_MEMBER" AuditTypePolicy AuditType = "POLICY" AuditTypeTempToken AuditType = "TEMP_TOKEN" AuditTypeService AuditType = "SERVICE" AuditTypeCluster AuditType = "CLUSTER" AuditTypeClusterProvider AuditType = "CLUSTER_PROVIDER" AuditTypeGitRepository AuditType = "GIT_REPOSITORY" AuditTypeDeploymentSettings AuditType = "DEPLOYMENT_SETTINGS" AuditTypeProviderCredential AuditType = "PROVIDER_CREDENTIAL" AuditTypePipeline AuditType = "PIPELINE" AuditTypeGlobal AuditType = "GLOBAL" )
func (AuditType) MarshalGQL ¶
func (*AuditType) UnmarshalGQL ¶
type AuthMethod ¶
type AuthMethod string
const ( AuthMethodBasic AuthMethod = "BASIC" AuthMethodSSH AuthMethod = "SSH" )
func (AuthMethod) IsValid ¶
func (e AuthMethod) IsValid() bool
func (AuthMethod) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e AuthMethod) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (AuthMethod) String ¶
func (e AuthMethod) String() string
func (*AuthMethod) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *AuthMethod) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type AutoscalingTarget ¶
type AutoscalingTarget string
const ( AutoscalingTargetStatefulset AutoscalingTarget = "STATEFULSET" AutoscalingTargetDeployment AutoscalingTarget = "DEPLOYMENT" )
func (AutoscalingTarget) IsValid ¶
func (e AutoscalingTarget) IsValid() bool
func (AutoscalingTarget) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e AutoscalingTarget) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (AutoscalingTarget) String ¶
func (e AutoscalingTarget) String() string
func (*AutoscalingTarget) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *AutoscalingTarget) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type AvailableFeatures ¶
type AwsCloud ¶
type AwsCloud struct { // custom launch template for your nodes, useful for Golden AMI setups LaunchTemplateID *string `json:"launchTemplateId"` }
aws node customizations
type AwsCloudAttributes ¶
type AwsCloudAttributes struct {
Region *string `json:"region,omitempty"`
type AwsCloudSettings ¶ added in v0.0.45
type AwsCloudSettings struct {
Region *string `json:"region"`
aws specific cloud configuration
type AwsNodeCloudAttributes ¶ added in v0.0.45
type AwsNodeCloudAttributes struct {
LaunchTemplateID *string `json:"launchTemplateId,omitempty"`
type AwsSettingsAttributes ¶
type AzureCloudAttributes ¶ added in v0.0.25
type AzureCloudSettings ¶ added in v0.0.45
type AzureCloudSettings struct { Location *string `json:"location"` SubscriptionID *string `json:"subscriptionId"` ResourceGroup *string `json:"resourceGroup"` Network *string `json:"network"` }
azure-specific cluster cloud configuration
type AzureSettingsAttributes ¶ added in v0.0.19
type BaseClusterFragment ¶ added in v0.0.27
type BaseClusterFragment struct { ID string "json:\"id\" graphql:\"id\"" Name string "json:\"name\" graphql:\"name\"" Handle *string "json:\"handle\" graphql:\"handle\"" Self *bool "json:\"self\" graphql:\"self\"" Version *string "json:\"version\" graphql:\"version\"" PingedAt *string "json:\"pingedAt\" graphql:\"pingedAt\"" CurrentVersion *string "json:\"currentVersion\" graphql:\"currentVersion\"" KasURL *string "json:\"kasUrl\" graphql:\"kasUrl\"" Credential *ProviderCredentialFragment "json:\"credential\" graphql:\"credential\"" Provider *BaseClusterProviderFragment "json:\"provider\" graphql:\"provider\"" NodePools []*NodePoolFragment "json:\"nodePools\" graphql:\"nodePools\"" }
type BaseClusterProviderFragment ¶ added in v0.0.27
type BaseClusterProviderFragment struct { ID string "json:\"id\" graphql:\"id\"" Name string "json:\"name\" graphql:\"name\"" Namespace string "json:\"namespace\" graphql:\"namespace\"" Cloud string "json:\"cloud\" graphql:\"cloud\"" Editable *bool "json:\"editable\" graphql:\"editable\"" Repository *GitRepositoryFragment "json:\"repository\" graphql:\"repository\"" }
type BindingAttributes ¶
type Build ¶
type Build struct { ID string `json:"id"` Repository string `json:"repository"` Type BuildType `json:"type"` Status Status `json:"status"` Message *string `json:"message"` CompletedAt *string `json:"completedAt"` Sha *string `json:"sha"` Commands *CommandConnection `json:"commands"` Creator *User `json:"creator"` Approver *User `json:"approver"` Changelogs []*Changelog `json:"changelogs"` InsertedAt *string `json:"insertedAt"` UpdatedAt *string `json:"updatedAt"` }
type BuildAttributes ¶
type BuildConnection ¶
type BuildDelta ¶
type BuildType ¶
type BuildType string
func (BuildType) MarshalGQL ¶
func (*BuildType) UnmarshalGQL ¶
type Canary ¶ added in v0.0.56
type Canary struct { Metadata Metadata `json:"metadata"` Status CanaryStatus `json:"status"` Spec CanarySpec `json:"spec"` PrimaryDeployment *Deployment `json:"primaryDeployment"` CanaryDeployment *Deployment `json:"canaryDeployment"` Ingress *Ingress `json:"ingress"` IngressPrimary *Ingress `json:"ingressPrimary"` Raw string `json:"raw"` Events []*Event `json:"events"` }
type CanaryAnalysis ¶ added in v0.0.56
type CanarySpec ¶ added in v0.0.56
type CanarySpec struct { AutoscalerRef *TargetRef `json:"autoscalerRef"` TargetRef *TargetRef `json:"targetRef"` IngressRef *TargetRef `json:"ingressRef"` Analysis *CanaryAnalysis `json:"analysis"` Provider *string `json:"provider"` }
type CanaryStatus ¶ added in v0.0.56
type Certificate ¶
type Certificate struct { Metadata Metadata `json:"metadata"` Status CertificateStatus `json:"status"` Spec CertificateSpec `json:"spec"` Raw string `json:"raw"` Events []*Event `json:"events"` }
type CertificateSpec ¶
type CertificateStatus ¶
type CertificateStatus struct { Conditions []*StatusCondition `json:"conditions"` NotAfter *string `json:"notAfter"` NotBefore *string `json:"notBefore"` RenewalTime *string `json:"renewalTime"` }
type Client ¶
func (*Client) AddServiceError ¶ added in v0.0.49
func (c *Client) AddServiceError(ctx context.Context, id string, errors []*ServiceErrorAttributes, httpRequestOptions ...client.HTTPRequestOption) (*AddServiceError, error)
func (*Client) CloneServiceDeployment ¶ added in v0.0.34
func (c *Client) CloneServiceDeployment(ctx context.Context, clusterID string, id string, attributes ServiceCloneAttributes, httpRequestOptions ...client.HTTPRequestOption) (*CloneServiceDeployment, error)
func (*Client) CloneServiceDeploymentWithHandle ¶ added in v0.0.34
func (c *Client) CloneServiceDeploymentWithHandle(ctx context.Context, clusterID string, cluster string, name string, attributes ServiceCloneAttributes, httpRequestOptions ...client.HTTPRequestOption) (*CloneServiceDeploymentWithHandle, error)
func (*Client) CreateAccessToken ¶
func (c *Client) CreateAccessToken(ctx context.Context, httpRequestOptions ...client.HTTPRequestOption) (*CreateAccessToken, error)
func (*Client) CreateCluster ¶
func (c *Client) CreateCluster(ctx context.Context, attributes ClusterAttributes, httpRequestOptions ...client.HTTPRequestOption) (*CreateCluster, error)
func (*Client) CreateClusterProvider ¶
func (c *Client) CreateClusterProvider(ctx context.Context, attributes ClusterProviderAttributes, httpRequestOptions ...client.HTTPRequestOption) (*CreateClusterProvider, error)
func (*Client) CreateGitRepository ¶
func (c *Client) CreateGitRepository(ctx context.Context, attributes GitAttributes, httpRequestOptions ...client.HTTPRequestOption) (*CreateGitRepository, error)
func (*Client) CreateProviderCredential ¶ added in v0.0.18
func (c *Client) CreateProviderCredential(ctx context.Context, attributes ProviderCredentialAttributes, name string, httpRequestOptions ...client.HTTPRequestOption) (*CreateProviderCredential, error)
func (*Client) CreateServiceDeployment ¶
func (c *Client) CreateServiceDeployment(ctx context.Context, clusterID string, attributes ServiceDeploymentAttributes, httpRequestOptions ...client.HTTPRequestOption) (*CreateServiceDeployment, error)
func (*Client) CreateServiceDeploymentWithHandle ¶ added in v0.0.13
func (c *Client) CreateServiceDeploymentWithHandle(ctx context.Context, cluster string, attributes ServiceDeploymentAttributes, httpRequestOptions ...client.HTTPRequestOption) (*CreateServiceDeploymentWithHandle, error)
func (*Client) DeleteAccessToken ¶
func (c *Client) DeleteAccessToken(ctx context.Context, token string, httpRequestOptions ...client.HTTPRequestOption) (*DeleteAccessToken, error)
func (*Client) DeleteCluster ¶
func (c *Client) DeleteCluster(ctx context.Context, id string, httpRequestOptions ...client.HTTPRequestOption) (*DeleteCluster, error)
func (*Client) DeleteClusterProvider ¶ added in v0.0.43
func (c *Client) DeleteClusterProvider(ctx context.Context, id string, httpRequestOptions ...client.HTTPRequestOption) (*DeleteClusterProvider, error)
func (*Client) DeleteGitRepository ¶ added in v0.0.35
func (c *Client) DeleteGitRepository(ctx context.Context, id string, httpRequestOptions ...client.HTTPRequestOption) (*DeleteGitRepository, error)
func (*Client) DeleteProviderCredential ¶ added in v0.0.18
func (c *Client) DeleteProviderCredential(ctx context.Context, id string, httpRequestOptions ...client.HTTPRequestOption) (*DeleteProviderCredential, error)
func (*Client) DeleteServiceDeployment ¶
func (c *Client) DeleteServiceDeployment(ctx context.Context, id string, httpRequestOptions ...client.HTTPRequestOption) (*DeleteServiceDeployment, error)
func (*Client) DetachCluster ¶ added in v0.0.30
func (c *Client) DetachCluster(ctx context.Context, id string, httpRequestOptions ...client.HTTPRequestOption) (*DetachCluster, error)
func (*Client) GetAccessToken ¶
func (c *Client) GetAccessToken(ctx context.Context, id string, httpRequestOptions ...client.HTTPRequestOption) (*GetAccessToken, error)
func (*Client) GetCluster ¶
func (c *Client) GetCluster(ctx context.Context, id *string, httpRequestOptions ...client.HTTPRequestOption) (*GetCluster, error)
func (*Client) GetClusterByHandle ¶ added in v0.0.15
func (c *Client) GetClusterByHandle(ctx context.Context, handle *string, httpRequestOptions ...client.HTTPRequestOption) (*GetClusterByHandle, error)
func (*Client) GetClusterGates ¶ added in v0.0.45
func (c *Client) GetClusterGates(ctx context.Context, httpRequestOptions ...client.HTTPRequestOption) (*GetClusterGates, error)
func (*Client) GetClusterProvider ¶
func (c *Client) GetClusterProvider(ctx context.Context, id string, httpRequestOptions ...client.HTTPRequestOption) (*GetClusterProvider, error)
func (*Client) GetGitRepository ¶ added in v0.0.37
func (c *Client) GetGitRepository(ctx context.Context, id *string, url *string, httpRequestOptions ...client.HTTPRequestOption) (*GetGitRepository, error)
func (*Client) GetPipeline ¶ added in v0.0.20
func (c *Client) GetPipeline(ctx context.Context, id string, httpRequestOptions ...client.HTTPRequestOption) (*GetPipeline, error)
func (*Client) GetPipelines ¶ added in v0.0.20
func (c *Client) GetPipelines(ctx context.Context, after *string, httpRequestOptions ...client.HTTPRequestOption) (*GetPipelines, error)
func (*Client) GetServiceDeployment ¶
func (c *Client) GetServiceDeployment(ctx context.Context, id string, httpRequestOptions ...client.HTTPRequestOption) (*GetServiceDeployment, error)
func (*Client) GetServiceDeploymentByHandle ¶ added in v0.0.12
func (c *Client) GetServiceDeploymentByHandle(ctx context.Context, cluster string, name string, httpRequestOptions ...client.HTTPRequestOption) (*GetServiceDeploymentByHandle, error)
func (*Client) ListAccessTokens ¶
func (c *Client) ListAccessTokens(ctx context.Context, cursor *string, before *string, last *int64, httpRequestOptions ...client.HTTPRequestOption) (*ListAccessTokens, error)
func (*Client) ListClusterServices ¶
func (c *Client) ListClusterServices(ctx context.Context, httpRequestOptions ...client.HTTPRequestOption) (*ListClusterServices, error)
func (*Client) ListClusters ¶
func (c *Client) ListClusters(ctx context.Context, cursor *string, before *string, last *int64, httpRequestOptions ...client.HTTPRequestOption) (*ListClusters, error)
func (*Client) ListDeploymentSettings ¶
func (c *Client) ListDeploymentSettings(ctx context.Context, httpRequestOptions ...client.HTTPRequestOption) (*ListDeploymentSettings, error)
func (*Client) ListGitRepositories ¶
func (c *Client) ListGitRepositories(ctx context.Context, cursor *string, before *string, last *int64, httpRequestOptions ...client.HTTPRequestOption) (*ListGitRepositories, error)
func (*Client) ListProviders ¶ added in v0.0.18
func (c *Client) ListProviders(ctx context.Context, httpRequestOptions ...client.HTTPRequestOption) (*ListProviders, error)
func (*Client) ListServiceDeployment ¶
func (*Client) ListServiceDeploymentByHandle ¶ added in v0.0.12
func (*Client) ListServiceDeployments ¶ added in v0.0.5
func (c *Client) ListServiceDeployments(ctx context.Context, cursor *string, before *string, last *int64, httpRequestOptions ...client.HTTPRequestOption) (*ListServiceDeployments, error)
func (*Client) PingCluster ¶
func (c *Client) PingCluster(ctx context.Context, attributes ClusterPing, httpRequestOptions ...client.HTTPRequestOption) (*PingCluster, error)
func (*Client) RegisterRuntimeServices ¶ added in v0.0.38
func (c *Client) RegisterRuntimeServices(ctx context.Context, services []*RuntimeServiceAttributes, serviceID *string, httpRequestOptions ...client.HTTPRequestOption) (*RegisterRuntimeServices, error)
func (*Client) RollbackService ¶
func (c *Client) RollbackService(ctx context.Context, id string, revisionID string, httpRequestOptions ...client.HTTPRequestOption) (*RollbackService, error)
func (*Client) SavePipeline ¶ added in v0.0.20
func (c *Client) SavePipeline(ctx context.Context, name string, attributes PipelineAttributes, httpRequestOptions ...client.HTTPRequestOption) (*SavePipeline, error)
func (*Client) TokenExchange ¶ added in v0.0.19
func (c *Client) TokenExchange(ctx context.Context, token string, httpRequestOptions ...client.HTTPRequestOption) (*TokenExchange, error)
func (*Client) UpdateCluster ¶
func (c *Client) UpdateCluster(ctx context.Context, id string, attributes ClusterUpdateAttributes, httpRequestOptions ...client.HTTPRequestOption) (*UpdateCluster, error)
func (*Client) UpdateClusterProvider ¶
func (c *Client) UpdateClusterProvider(ctx context.Context, id string, attributes ClusterProviderUpdateAttributes, httpRequestOptions ...client.HTTPRequestOption) (*UpdateClusterProvider, error)
func (*Client) UpdateDeploymentSettings ¶
func (c *Client) UpdateDeploymentSettings(ctx context.Context, attributes DeploymentSettingsAttributes, httpRequestOptions ...client.HTTPRequestOption) (*UpdateDeploymentSettings, error)
func (*Client) UpdateGate ¶ added in v0.0.45
func (c *Client) UpdateGate(ctx context.Context, id string, attributes GateUpdateAttributes, httpRequestOptions ...client.HTTPRequestOption) (*UpdateGate, error)
func (*Client) UpdateGitRepository ¶ added in v0.0.12
func (c *Client) UpdateGitRepository(ctx context.Context, id string, attributes GitAttributes, httpRequestOptions ...client.HTTPRequestOption) (*UpdateGitRepository, error)
func (*Client) UpdateRbac ¶
func (c *Client) UpdateRbac(ctx context.Context, rbac RbacAttributes, serviceID *string, clusterID *string, providerID *string, httpRequestOptions ...client.HTTPRequestOption) (*UpdateRbac, error)
func (*Client) UpdateServiceComponents ¶
func (c *Client) UpdateServiceComponents(ctx context.Context, id string, components []*ComponentAttributes, errors []*ServiceErrorAttributes, httpRequestOptions ...client.HTTPRequestOption) (*UpdateServiceComponents, error)
func (*Client) UpdateServiceDeployment ¶
func (c *Client) UpdateServiceDeployment(ctx context.Context, id string, attributes ServiceUpdateAttributes, httpRequestOptions ...client.HTTPRequestOption) (*UpdateServiceDeployment, error)
func (*Client) UpdateServiceDeploymentWithHandle ¶ added in v0.0.14
func (c *Client) UpdateServiceDeploymentWithHandle(ctx context.Context, cluster string, name string, attributes ServiceUpdateAttributes, httpRequestOptions ...client.HTTPRequestOption) (*UpdateServiceDeploymentWithHandle, error)
type CloneAttributes ¶
type CloneServiceDeployment ¶ added in v0.0.34
type CloneServiceDeployment struct {
CloneService *ServiceDeploymentFragment "json:\"cloneService\" graphql:\"cloneService\""
type CloneServiceDeploymentWithHandle ¶ added in v0.0.34
type CloneServiceDeploymentWithHandle struct {
CloneService *ServiceDeploymentFragment "json:\"cloneService\" graphql:\"cloneService\""
type CloudProviderSettingsAttributes ¶
type CloudProviderSettingsAttributes struct { Aws *AwsSettingsAttributes `json:"aws,omitempty"` Gcp *GcpSettingsAttributes `json:"gcp,omitempty"` Azure *AzureSettingsAttributes `json:"azure,omitempty"` }
type CloudSettings ¶
type CloudSettings struct { Aws *AwsCloudSettings `json:"aws"` Gcp *GcpCloudSettings `json:"gcp"` Azure *AzureCloudSettings `json:"azure"` }
the cloud configuration for a cluster
type CloudSettingsAttributes ¶
type CloudSettingsAttributes struct { Aws *AwsCloudAttributes `json:"aws,omitempty"` Gcp *GcpCloudAttributes `json:"gcp,omitempty"` Azure *AzureCloudAttributes `json:"azure,omitempty"` }
type Cluster ¶
type Cluster struct { // internal id of this cluster ID string `json:"id"` // whether this is the management cluster itself Self *bool `json:"self"` // human readable name of this cluster, will also translate to cloud k8s name Name string `json:"name"` // if true, this cluster cannot be deleted Protect *bool `json:"protect"` // desired k8s version for the cluster Version *string `json:"version"` // current k8s version as told to us by the deployment operator CurrentVersion *string `json:"currentVersion"` // a short, unique human readable name used to identify this cluster and does not necessarily map to the cloud resource name Handle *string `json:"handle"` // whether the deploy operator has been registered for this cluster Installed *bool `json:"installed"` // the cloud settings for this cluster (for instance its aws region) Settings *CloudSettings `json:"settings"` // the url of the kas server you can access this cluster from KasURL *string `json:"kasUrl"` // a auth token to be used by the deploy operator, only readable on create DeployToken *string `json:"deployToken"` // when this cluster was scheduled for deletion DeletedAt *string `json:"deletedAt"` // last time the deploy operator pinged this cluster PingedAt *string `json:"pingedAt"` // read policy for this cluster ReadBindings []*PolicyBinding `json:"readBindings"` // write policy for this cluster WriteBindings []*PolicyBinding `json:"writeBindings"` // list of node pool specs managed by CAPI NodePools []*NodePool `json:"nodePools"` // the provider we use to create this cluster (null if BYOK) Provider *ClusterProvider `json:"provider"` // a custom credential to use when provisioning this cluster Credential *ProviderCredential `json:"credential"` // the service used to deploy the CAPI resources of this cluster Service *ServiceDeployment `json:"service"` // key/value tags to filter clusters Tags []*Tag `json:"tags"` // all api deprecations for all services in this cluster APIDeprecations []*APIDeprecation `json:"apiDeprecations"` // any errors which might have occurred during the bootstrap process ServiceErrors []*ServiceError `json:"serviceErrors"` // a custom git repository if you want to define your own CAPI manifests Repository *GitRepository `json:"repository"` // list cached nodes for a cluster, this can be stale up to 5m Nodes []*Node `json:"nodes"` // list the cached node metrics for a cluster, can also be stale up to 5m NodeMetrics []*NodeMetric `json:"nodeMetrics"` // the status of the cluster as seen from the CAPI operator, since some clusters can be provisioned without CAPI, this can be null Status *ClusterStatus `json:"status"` // a relay connection of all revisions of this service, these are periodically pruned up to a history limit Revisions *RevisionConnection `json:"revisions"` // fetches a list of runtime services found in this cluster, this is an expensive operation that should not be done in list queries RuntimeServices []*RuntimeService `json:"runtimeServices"` // whether the current user can edit this cluster Editable *bool `json:"editable"` InsertedAt *string `json:"insertedAt"` UpdatedAt *string `json:"updatedAt"` }
a representation of a cluster you can deploy to
type ClusterAddOn ¶ added in v0.0.25
type ClusterAddOn struct { Name *string `json:"name"` Version *string `json:"version"` Icon *string `json:"icon"` Global *bool `json:"global"` Configuration []*AddOnConfiguration `json:"configuration"` }
A common kubernetes cluster add-on like cert-manager, istio, etc
type ClusterAttributes ¶
type ClusterAttributes struct { Name string `json:"name"` // a short, unique human readable name used to identify this cluster and does not necessarily map to the cloud resource name Handle *string `json:"handle,omitempty"` ProviderID *string `json:"providerId,omitempty"` // a cloud credential to use when provisioning this cluster CredentialID *string `json:"credentialId,omitempty"` Version *string `json:"version,omitempty"` Protect *bool `json:"protect,omitempty"` Kubeconfig *KubeconfigAttributes `json:"kubeconfig,omitempty"` CloudSettings *CloudSettingsAttributes `json:"cloudSettings,omitempty"` NodePools []*NodePoolAttributes `json:"nodePools,omitempty"` ReadBindings []*PolicyBindingAttributes `json:"readBindings,omitempty"` WriteBindings []*PolicyBindingAttributes `json:"writeBindings,omitempty"` Tags []*TagAttributes `json:"tags,omitempty"` }
type ClusterCondition ¶ added in v0.0.15
type ClusterCondition struct { LastTransitionTime *string `json:"lastTransitionTime"` Status *string `json:"status"` Type *string `json:"type"` Message *string `json:"message"` Reason *string `json:"reason"` Severity *string `json:"severity"` }
a single condition struct for various phases of the cluster provisionining process
type ClusterConnection ¶
type ClusterConnection struct { PageInfo PageInfo `json:"pageInfo"` Edges []*ClusterEdge `json:"edges"` }
type ClusterEdge ¶
type ClusterEdgeFragment ¶ added in v0.0.2
type ClusterEdgeFragment struct {
Node *ClusterFragment "json:\"node\" graphql:\"node\""
type ClusterFragment ¶
type ClusterFragment struct { ID string "json:\"id\" graphql:\"id\"" Name string "json:\"name\" graphql:\"name\"" Handle *string "json:\"handle\" graphql:\"handle\"" Self *bool "json:\"self\" graphql:\"self\"" Version *string "json:\"version\" graphql:\"version\"" InsertedAt *string "json:\"insertedAt\" graphql:\"insertedAt\"" PingedAt *string "json:\"pingedAt\" graphql:\"pingedAt\"" Protect *bool "json:\"protect\" graphql:\"protect\"" CurrentVersion *string "json:\"currentVersion\" graphql:\"currentVersion\"" KasURL *string "json:\"kasUrl\" graphql:\"kasUrl\"" DeletedAt *string "json:\"deletedAt\" graphql:\"deletedAt\"" Tags []*ClusterTags "json:\"tags\" graphql:\"tags\"" Credential *ProviderCredentialFragment "json:\"credential\" graphql:\"credential\"" Provider *ClusterProviderFragment "json:\"provider\" graphql:\"provider\"" NodePools []*NodePoolFragment "json:\"nodePools\" graphql:\"nodePools\"" }
type ClusterInfo ¶
type ClusterPing ¶
type ClusterPing struct {
CurrentVersion string `json:"currentVersion"`
type ClusterProvider ¶
type ClusterProvider struct { // the id of this provider ID string `json:"id"` // a human readable name for the provider, globally unique Name string `json:"name"` // the namespace the CAPI resources are deployed into Namespace string `json:"namespace"` // the name of the cloud service for this provider Cloud string `json:"cloud"` // the details of how cluster manifests will be synced from git when created with this provider Git GitRef `json:"git"` // the repository used to serve cluster manifests Repository *GitRepository `json:"repository"` // the repository for the CAPI service itself if customized ProviderRepository *GitRepository `json:"providerRepository"` // the service of the CAPI controller itself Service *ServiceDeployment `json:"service"` // a list of credentials eligible for this provider Credentials []*ProviderCredential `json:"credentials"` // when the cluster provider was deleted DeletedAt *string `json:"deletedAt"` RuntimeServices []*RuntimeService `json:"runtimeServices"` // the kubernetes versions this provider currently supports SupportedVersions []*string `json:"supportedVersions"` // the region names this provider can deploy to Regions []*string `json:"regions"` // whether the current user can edit this resource Editable *bool `json:"editable"` InsertedAt *string `json:"insertedAt"` UpdatedAt *string `json:"updatedAt"` }
a CAPI provider for a cluster, cloud is inferred from name if not provided manually
type ClusterProviderAttributes ¶
type ClusterProviderAttributes struct { Name string `json:"name"` Namespace *string `json:"namespace,omitempty"` Cloud *string `json:"cloud,omitempty"` CloudSettings *CloudProviderSettingsAttributes `json:"cloudSettings,omitempty"` }
type ClusterProviderConnection ¶
type ClusterProviderConnection struct { PageInfo PageInfo `json:"pageInfo"` Edges []*ClusterProviderEdge `json:"edges"` }
type ClusterProviderConnectionFragment ¶ added in v0.0.18
type ClusterProviderConnectionFragment struct {
Edges []*ClusterProviderEdgeFragment "json:\"edges\" graphql:\"edges\""
type ClusterProviderEdge ¶
type ClusterProviderEdge struct { Node *ClusterProvider `json:"node"` Cursor *string `json:"cursor"` }
type ClusterProviderEdgeFragment ¶ added in v0.0.18
type ClusterProviderEdgeFragment struct {
Node *ClusterProviderFragment "json:\"node\" graphql:\"node\""
type ClusterProviderFragment ¶
type ClusterProviderFragment struct { ID string "json:\"id\" graphql:\"id\"" Name string "json:\"name\" graphql:\"name\"" Namespace string "json:\"namespace\" graphql:\"namespace\"" Cloud string "json:\"cloud\" graphql:\"cloud\"" Editable *bool "json:\"editable\" graphql:\"editable\"" DeletedAt *string "json:\"deletedAt\" graphql:\"deletedAt\"" Repository *GitRepositoryFragment "json:\"repository\" graphql:\"repository\"" Service *ServiceDeploymentFragment "json:\"service\" graphql:\"service\"" Credentials []*ProviderCredentialFragment "json:\"credentials\" graphql:\"credentials\"" }
type ClusterProviderUpdateAttributes ¶
type ClusterProviderUpdateAttributes struct { // if you optionally want to reconfigure the git repository for the cluster provider Service *ClusterServiceAttributes `json:"service,omitempty"` CloudSettings *CloudProviderSettingsAttributes `json:"cloudSettings,omitempty"` }
type ClusterServiceAttributes ¶ added in v0.0.15
type ClusterServiceAttributes struct { ID string `json:"id"` RepositoryID *string `json:"repositoryId,omitempty"` Git GitRefAttributes `json:"git"` }
type ClusterStatus ¶ added in v0.0.15
type ClusterStatus struct { Phase *string `json:"phase"` ControlPlaneReady *bool `json:"controlPlaneReady"` FailureMessage *string `json:"failureMessage"` FailureReason *string `json:"failureReason"` Conditions []*ClusterCondition `json:"conditions"` }
the crd status of the cluster as seen by the CAPI operator
type ClusterStatusInfo ¶ added in v0.0.56
a cluster info data struct
type ClusterTags ¶ added in v0.0.42
type ClusterUpdateAttributes ¶
type ClusterUpdateAttributes struct { Version *string `json:"version,omitempty"` // a short, unique human readable name used to identify this cluster and does not necessarily map to the cloud resource name Handle *string `json:"handle,omitempty"` // if you optionally want to reconfigure the git repository for the cluster service Service *ClusterServiceAttributes `json:"service,omitempty"` Kubeconfig *KubeconfigAttributes `json:"kubeconfig,omitempty"` Protect *bool `json:"protect,omitempty"` NodePools []*NodePoolAttributes `json:"nodePools,omitempty"` }
type CommandConnection ¶
type CommandConnection struct { PageInfo PageInfo `json:"pageInfo"` Edges []*CommandEdge `json:"edges"` }
type CommandDelta ¶
type CommandEdge ¶
type ComponentAttributes ¶
type ComponentState ¶
type ComponentState string
const ( ComponentStateRunning ComponentState = "RUNNING" ComponentStatePending ComponentState = "PENDING" ComponentStateFailed ComponentState = "FAILED" ComponentStatePaused ComponentState = "PAUSED" )
func (ComponentState) IsValid ¶
func (e ComponentState) IsValid() bool
func (ComponentState) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e ComponentState) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (ComponentState) String ¶
func (e ComponentState) String() string
func (*ComponentState) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *ComponentState) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type ConfigAttributes ¶
type Configuration ¶
type ConfigurationAction ¶
type ConfigurationAction struct {
Updates []*PathUpdate `json:"updates"`
type ConfigurationCondition ¶
type ConfigurationItem ¶
type ConfigurationItem struct { Name *string `json:"name"` Type *string `json:"type"` Placeholder *string `json:"placeholder"` Documentation *string `json:"documentation"` Default *string `json:"default"` Optional *bool `json:"optional"` Condition *ConfigurationCondition `json:"condition"` Validation *ConfigurationValidation `json:"validation"` }
type ConfigurationOverlay ¶
type ConfigurationOverlay struct { Metadata Metadata `json:"metadata"` Spec ConfigurationOverlaySpec `json:"spec"` }
type ConfigurationOverlaySpec ¶
type ConfigurationOverlaySpec struct { Name *string `json:"name"` Folder *string `json:"folder"` Subfolder *string `json:"subfolder"` Documentation *string `json:"documentation"` Updates []*OverlayUpdate `json:"updates"` InputType *string `json:"inputType"` InputValues []*string `json:"inputValues"` }
type ConfigurationValidation ¶
type ConsoleConfiguration ¶
type ConsoleConfiguration struct { GitCommit *string `json:"gitCommit"` IsDemoProject *bool `json:"isDemoProject"` IsSandbox *bool `json:"isSandbox"` PluralLogin *bool `json:"pluralLogin"` VpnEnabled *bool `json:"vpnEnabled"` Byok *bool `json:"byok"` Features *AvailableFeatures `json:"features"` Manifest *PluralManifest `json:"manifest"` GitStatus *GitStatus `json:"gitStatus"` }
type ContainerAttributes ¶ added in v0.0.38
type ContainerAttributes struct { Image string `json:"image"` Args []*string `json:"args,omitempty"` Env []*EnvAttributes `json:"env,omitempty"` EnvFrom []*EnvFromAttributes `json:"envFrom,omitempty"` }
the attributes for a container
type ContainerEnv ¶ added in v0.0.38
container env variable
type ContainerEnvFrom ¶ added in v0.0.38
env from declarations for containers
type ContainerRecommendation ¶
type ContainerRecommendation struct { Name *string `json:"name"` ContainerName *string `json:"containerName"` Target *ContainerResources `json:"target"` LowerBound *ContainerResources `json:"lowerBound"` UpperBound *ContainerResources `json:"upperBound"` UncappedTarget *ContainerResources `json:"uncappedTarget"` }
type ContainerResources ¶
type ContainerSpec ¶ added in v0.0.38
type ContainerSpec struct { Image string `json:"image"` Args []*string `json:"args"` Env []*ContainerEnv `json:"env"` EnvFrom []*ContainerEnvFrom `json:"envFrom"` }
a shortform spec for job containers, designed for ease-of-use
type ContainerSpecFragment ¶ added in v0.0.47
type ContainerSpecFragment struct { Image string "json:\"image\" graphql:\"image\"" Args []*string "json:\"args\" graphql:\"args\"" Env []*struct { Name string "json:\"name\" graphql:\"name\"" Value string "json:\"value\" graphql:\"value\"" } "json:\"env\" graphql:\"env\"" EnvFrom []*struct { ConfigMap string "json:\"configMap\" graphql:\"configMap\"" Secret string "json:\"secret\" graphql:\"secret\"" } "json:\"envFrom\" graphql:\"envFrom\"" }
type ContainerState ¶
type ContainerState struct { Running *RunningState `json:"running"` Terminated *TerminatedState `json:"terminated"` Waiting *WaitingState `json:"waiting"` }
type ContainerStatus ¶
type ContainerStatus struct { RestartCount *int64 `json:"restartCount"` Ready *bool `json:"ready"` Name *string `json:"name"` Image *string `json:"image"` State *ContainerState `json:"state"` }
type ContextAttributes ¶
type CostAnalysis ¶
type CostAnalysis struct { Minutes *float64 `json:"minutes"` CPUCost *float64 `json:"cpuCost"` CPUEfficiency *float64 `json:"cpuEfficiency"` Efficiency *float64 `json:"efficiency"` GpuCost *float64 `json:"gpuCost"` NetworkCost *float64 `json:"networkCost"` PvCost *float64 `json:"pvCost"` RAMCost *float64 `json:"ramCost"` RAMEfficiency *float64 `json:"ramEfficiency"` TotalCost *float64 `json:"totalCost"` }
type CreateAccessToken ¶
type CreateAccessToken struct {
CreateAccessToken *AccessTokenFragment "json:\"createAccessToken\" graphql:\"createAccessToken\""
type CreateCluster ¶
type CreateCluster struct { CreateCluster *struct { DeployToken *string "json:\"deployToken\" graphql:\"deployToken\"" ID string "json:\"id\" graphql:\"id\"" Name string "json:\"name\" graphql:\"name\"" Handle *string "json:\"handle\" graphql:\"handle\"" Self *bool "json:\"self\" graphql:\"self\"" Version *string "json:\"version\" graphql:\"version\"" InsertedAt *string "json:\"insertedAt\" graphql:\"insertedAt\"" PingedAt *string "json:\"pingedAt\" graphql:\"pingedAt\"" Protect *bool "json:\"protect\" graphql:\"protect\"" CurrentVersion *string "json:\"currentVersion\" graphql:\"currentVersion\"" KasURL *string "json:\"kasUrl\" graphql:\"kasUrl\"" DeletedAt *string "json:\"deletedAt\" graphql:\"deletedAt\"" Tags []*ClusterTags "json:\"tags\" graphql:\"tags\"" Credential *ProviderCredentialFragment "json:\"credential\" graphql:\"credential\"" Provider *ClusterProviderFragment "json:\"provider\" graphql:\"provider\"" NodePools []*NodePoolFragment "json:\"nodePools\" graphql:\"nodePools\"" } "json:\"createCluster\" graphql:\"createCluster\"" }
type CreateClusterProvider ¶
type CreateClusterProvider struct {
CreateClusterProvider *ClusterProviderFragment "json:\"createClusterProvider\" graphql:\"createClusterProvider\""
type CreateGitRepository ¶
type CreateGitRepository struct {
CreateGitRepository *GitRepositoryFragment "json:\"createGitRepository\" graphql:\"createGitRepository\""
type CreateProviderCredential ¶ added in v0.0.18
type CreateProviderCredential struct {
CreateProviderCredential *ProviderCredentialFragment "json:\"createProviderCredential\" graphql:\"createProviderCredential\""
type CreateServiceDeployment ¶
type CreateServiceDeployment struct {
CreateServiceDeployment *ServiceDeploymentFragment "json:\"createServiceDeployment\" graphql:\"createServiceDeployment\""
type CreateServiceDeploymentWithHandle ¶ added in v0.0.13
type CreateServiceDeploymentWithHandle struct {
CreateServiceDeployment *ServiceDeploymentFragment "json:\"createServiceDeployment\" graphql:\"createServiceDeployment\""
type CronStatus ¶
type CronStatus struct { Active []*JobReference `json:"active"` LastScheduleTime *string `json:"lastScheduleTime"` }
type Dashboard ¶
type Dashboard struct { ID string `json:"id"` Spec DashboardSpec `json:"spec"` }
type DashboardGraph ¶
type DashboardGraph struct { Name string `json:"name"` Queries []*DashboardMetric `json:"queries"` Format *string `json:"format"` }
type DashboardLabel ¶
type DashboardMetric ¶
type DashboardMetric struct { Legend *string `json:"legend"` Query *string `json:"query"` Results []*MetricResult `json:"results"` }
type DashboardSpec ¶
type DashboardSpec struct { Name *string `json:"name"` Description *string `json:"description"` Timeslices []*string `json:"timeslices"` Labels []*DashboardLabel `json:"labels"` Graphs []*DashboardGraph `json:"graphs"` }
type DatabaseVolume ¶
type DatabaseVolume struct {
Size *string `json:"size"`
type DeleteAccessToken ¶
type DeleteAccessToken struct {
DeleteAccessToken *AccessTokenFragment "json:\"deleteAccessToken\" graphql:\"deleteAccessToken\""
type DeleteCluster ¶
type DeleteCluster struct {
DeleteCluster *ClusterFragment "json:\"deleteCluster\" graphql:\"deleteCluster\""
type DeleteClusterProvider ¶ added in v0.0.43
type DeleteClusterProvider struct {
DeleteClusterProvider *ClusterProviderFragment "json:\"deleteClusterProvider\" graphql:\"deleteClusterProvider\""
type DeleteGitRepository ¶ added in v0.0.35
type DeleteGitRepository struct {
DeleteGitRepository *GitRepositoryFragment "json:\"deleteGitRepository\" graphql:\"deleteGitRepository\""
type DeleteProviderCredential ¶ added in v0.0.18
type DeleteProviderCredential struct {
DeleteProviderCredential *ProviderCredentialFragment "json:\"deleteProviderCredential\" graphql:\"deleteProviderCredential\""
type DeleteServiceDeployment ¶
type DeleteServiceDeployment struct {
DeleteServiceDeployment *ServiceDeploymentFragment "json:\"deleteServiceDeployment\" graphql:\"deleteServiceDeployment\""
type Deployment ¶
type Deployment struct { Metadata Metadata `json:"metadata"` Status DeploymentStatus `json:"status"` Spec DeploymentSpec `json:"spec"` Pods []*Pod `json:"pods"` Raw string `json:"raw"` Events []*Event `json:"events"` }
func (Deployment) IsKubernetesData ¶
func (Deployment) IsKubernetesData()
type DeploymentSettings ¶
type DeploymentSettings struct { ID string `json:"id"` // whether you've yet to enable CD for this instance Enabled bool `json:"enabled"` Name string `json:"name"` // whether the byok cluster has been brought under self-management SelfManaged *bool `json:"selfManaged"` // the way we can connect to your loki instance LokiConnection *HTTPConnection `json:"lokiConnection"` // the way we can connect to your prometheus instance PrometheusConnection *HTTPConnection `json:"prometheusConnection"` // the repo to fetch CAPI manifests from, for both providers and clusters ArtifactRepository *GitRepository `json:"artifactRepository"` // the repo to fetch the deploy operators manifests from DeployerRepository *GitRepository `json:"deployerRepository"` // read policy across all clusters ReadBindings []*PolicyBinding `json:"readBindings"` // write policy across all clusters WriteBindings []*PolicyBinding `json:"writeBindings"` // policy for managing git repos GitBindings []*PolicyBinding `json:"gitBindings"` // policy for creation of new clusters CreateBindings []*PolicyBinding `json:"createBindings"` InsertedAt *string `json:"insertedAt"` UpdatedAt *string `json:"updatedAt"` }
global settings for CD, these specify global read/write policies and also allow for customization of the repos for CAPI resources and the deploy operator
type DeploymentSettingsAttributes ¶
type DeploymentSettingsAttributes struct { ArtifactRepositoryID *string `json:"artifactRepositoryId,omitempty"` DeployerRepositoryID *string `json:"deployerRepositoryId,omitempty"` // connection details for a prometheus instance to use PrometheusConnection *HTTPConnectionAttributes `json:"prometheusConnection,omitempty"` // connection details for a loki instance to use LokiConnection *HTTPConnectionAttributes `json:"lokiConnection,omitempty"` ReadBindings []*PolicyBindingAttributes `json:"readBindings,omitempty"` WriteBindings []*PolicyBindingAttributes `json:"writeBindings,omitempty"` GitBindings []*PolicyBindingAttributes `json:"gitBindings,omitempty"` CreateBindings []*PolicyBindingAttributes `json:"createBindings,omitempty"` }
type DeploymentSettingsFragment ¶
type DeploymentSettingsFragment struct { ID string "json:\"id\" graphql:\"id\"" Name string "json:\"name\" graphql:\"name\"" WriteBindings []*PolicyBindingFragment "json:\"writeBindings\" graphql:\"writeBindings\"" ReadBindings []*PolicyBindingFragment "json:\"readBindings\" graphql:\"readBindings\"" CreateBindings []*PolicyBindingFragment "json:\"createBindings\" graphql:\"createBindings\"" ArtifactRepository *GitRepositoryFragment "json:\"artifactRepository\" graphql:\"artifactRepository\"" DeployerRepository *GitRepositoryFragment "json:\"deployerRepository\" graphql:\"deployerRepository\"" }
type DeploymentSpec ¶
type DeploymentSpec struct { Replicas *int64 `json:"replicas"` Strategy *DeploymentStrategy `json:"strategy"` }
type DeploymentStatus ¶
type DeploymentStrategy ¶
type DeploymentStrategy struct { Type *string `json:"type"` RollingUpdate *RollingUpdate `json:"rollingUpdate"` }
type DetachCluster ¶ added in v0.0.30
type DetachCluster struct {
DetachCluster *ClusterFragment "json:\"detachCluster\" graphql:\"detachCluster\""
type EnvAttributes ¶ added in v0.0.38
type EnvFromAttributes ¶ added in v0.0.38
type ErrorFragment ¶ added in v0.0.12
type FileContent ¶
type GateJobAttributes ¶ added in v0.0.38
type GateJobAttributes struct { Namespace string `json:"namespace"` // if you'd rather define the job spec via straight k8s yaml Raw *string `json:"raw,omitempty"` Containers []*ContainerAttributes `json:"containers,omitempty"` Labels map[string]interface{} `json:"labels,omitempty"` Annotations map[string]interface{} `json:"annotations,omitempty"` ServiceAccount *string `json:"serviceAccount,omitempty"` }
spec for a job gate
type GateSpec ¶ added in v0.0.38
type GateSpec struct {
Job *JobGateSpec `json:"job"`
detailed gate specifications
type GateSpecAttributes ¶ added in v0.0.38
type GateSpecAttributes struct {
Job *GateJobAttributes `json:"job,omitempty"`
a more refined spec for parameters needed for complex gates
type GateSpecFragment ¶ added in v0.0.45
type GateSpecFragment struct {
Job *JobSpecFragment "json:\"job\" graphql:\"job\""
type GateState ¶ added in v0.0.23
type GateState string
func (GateState) MarshalGQL ¶ added in v0.0.23
func (*GateState) UnmarshalGQL ¶ added in v0.0.23
type GateStatusAttributes ¶ added in v0.0.38
type GateStatusAttributes struct {
JobRef *NamespacedName `json:"jobRef,omitempty"`
type GateType ¶ added in v0.0.23
type GateType string
func (GateType) MarshalGQL ¶ added in v0.0.23
func (*GateType) UnmarshalGQL ¶ added in v0.0.23
type GateUpdateAttributes ¶ added in v0.0.38
type GateUpdateAttributes struct { State *GateState `json:"state,omitempty"` Status *GateStatusAttributes `json:"status,omitempty"` }
the allowed inputs for a deployment agent gate update
type GcpCloudAttributes ¶ added in v0.0.19
type GcpCloudSettings ¶ added in v0.0.45
type GcpCloudSettings struct { Project *string `json:"project"` Network *string `json:"network"` Region *string `json:"region"` }
gcp specific cluster cloud configuration
type GcpSettingsAttributes ¶
type GcpSettingsAttributes struct {
ApplicationCredentials string `json:"applicationCredentials"`
type GetAccessToken ¶
type GetAccessToken struct {
AccessToken *AccessTokenFragment "json:\"accessToken\" graphql:\"accessToken\""
type GetCluster ¶
type GetCluster struct {
Cluster *ClusterFragment "json:\"cluster\" graphql:\"cluster\""
type GetClusterByHandle ¶ added in v0.0.15
type GetClusterByHandle struct {
Cluster *ClusterFragment "json:\"cluster\" graphql:\"cluster\""
type GetClusterGates ¶ added in v0.0.45
type GetClusterGates struct {
ClusterGates []*PipelineGateFragment "json:\"clusterGates\" graphql:\"clusterGates\""
type GetClusterProvider ¶
type GetClusterProvider struct {
ClusterProvider *ClusterProviderFragment "json:\"clusterProvider\" graphql:\"clusterProvider\""
type GetGitRepository ¶ added in v0.0.37
type GetGitRepository struct {
GitRepository *GitRepositoryFragment "json:\"gitRepository\" graphql:\"gitRepository\""
type GetPipeline ¶ added in v0.0.20
type GetPipeline struct {
Pipeline *PipelineFragment "json:\"pipeline\" graphql:\"pipeline\""
type GetPipelines ¶ added in v0.0.20
type GetPipelines struct { Pipelines *struct { Edges []*PipelineEdgeFragment "json:\"edges\" graphql:\"edges\"" } "json:\"pipelines\" graphql:\"pipelines\"" }
type GetServiceDeployment ¶
type GetServiceDeployment struct {
ServiceDeployment *ServiceDeploymentExtended "json:\"serviceDeployment\" graphql:\"serviceDeployment\""
type GetServiceDeploymentByHandle ¶ added in v0.0.12
type GetServiceDeploymentByHandle struct {
ServiceDeployment *ServiceDeploymentExtended "json:\"serviceDeployment\" graphql:\"serviceDeployment\""
type GitAttributes ¶
type GitAttributes struct { // the url of this repository URL string `json:"url"` // an ssh private key to use with this repo if an ssh url was given PrivateKey *string `json:"privateKey,omitempty"` // a passphrase to decrypt the given private key Passphrase *string `json:"passphrase,omitempty"` // the http username for authenticated http repos, defaults to apiKey for github Username *string `json:"username,omitempty"` // the http password for http authenticated repos Password *string `json:"password,omitempty"` // a manually supplied https path for non standard git setups. This is auto-inferred in many cases HTTPSPath *string `json:"httpsPath,omitempty"` // similar to https_path, a manually supplied url format for custom git. Should be something like {url}/tree/{ref}/{folder} URLFormat *string `json:"urlFormat,omitempty"` }
type GitHealth ¶
type GitHealth string
func (GitHealth) MarshalGQL ¶
func (*GitHealth) UnmarshalGQL ¶
type GitRef ¶
type GitRef struct { // a general git ref, either a branch name or commit sha understandable by `git checkout <ref>` Ref string `json:"ref"` // the folder manifests live under Folder string `json:"folder"` }
a representation of where to pull manifests from git
type GitRefAttributes ¶
type GitRefFragment ¶
type GitRepository ¶
type GitRepository struct { // internal id of this repository ID string `json:"id"` // the git url of the repository, either https or ssh supported URL string `json:"url"` // whether its a http or ssh url AuthMethod *AuthMethod `json:"authMethod"` // whether we can currently pull this repo with the provided credentials Health *GitHealth `json:"health"` // the last successsful git pull timestamp PulledAt *string `json:"pulledAt"` // the error message if there were any pull errors Error *string `json:"error"` // the https url for this git repo HTTPSPath *string `json:"httpsPath"` // a format string to get the http url for a subfolder in a git repo URLFormat *string `json:"urlFormat"` // whether the current user can edit this repo Editable *bool `json:"editable"` InsertedAt *string `json:"insertedAt"` UpdatedAt *string `json:"updatedAt"` }
a git repository available for deployments
type GitRepositoryConnection ¶
type GitRepositoryConnection struct { PageInfo PageInfo `json:"pageInfo"` Edges []*GitRepositoryEdge `json:"edges"` }
type GitRepositoryEdge ¶
type GitRepositoryEdge struct { Node *GitRepository `json:"node"` Cursor *string `json:"cursor"` }
type GitRepositoryEdgeFragment ¶
type GitRepositoryEdgeFragment struct { Node *GitRepositoryFragment "json:\"node\" graphql:\"node\"" Cursor *string "json:\"cursor\" graphql:\"cursor\"" }
type GitRepositoryFragment ¶
type GitRepositoryFragment struct { ID string "json:\"id\" graphql:\"id\"" Error *string "json:\"error\" graphql:\"error\"" Health *GitHealth "json:\"health\" graphql:\"health\"" AuthMethod *AuthMethod "json:\"authMethod\" graphql:\"authMethod\"" URL string "json:\"url\" graphql:\"url\"" }
type GlobalService ¶ added in v0.0.2
type GlobalService struct { // internal id of this global service ID string `json:"id"` // a human readable name for this global service Name string `json:"name"` // a set of tags to select clusters for this global service Tags []*Tag `json:"tags"` // the service to replicate across clusters Service *ServiceDeployment `json:"service"` // whether to only apply to clusters with this provider Provider *ClusterProvider `json:"provider"` InsertedAt *string `json:"insertedAt"` UpdatedAt *string `json:"updatedAt"` }
a rules based mechanism to redeploy a service across a fleet of clusters
type GlobalServiceAttributes ¶ added in v0.0.2
type GlobalServiceAttributes struct { Name string `json:"name"` Tags []*TagAttributes `json:"tags,omitempty"` ProviderID *string `json:"providerId,omitempty"` }
type GroupAttributes ¶
type GroupConnection ¶
type GroupFragment ¶
type GroupMember ¶
type GroupMemberConnection ¶
type GroupMemberConnection struct { PageInfo PageInfo `json:"pageInfo"` Edges []*GroupMemberEdge `json:"edges"` }
type GroupMemberEdge ¶
type GroupMemberEdge struct { Node *GroupMember `json:"node"` Cursor *string `json:"cursor"` }
type HTTPConnection ¶ added in v0.0.54
type HTTPConnection struct { Host string `json:"host"` // user to connect w/ for basic auth User *string `json:"user"` // password to connect w/ for basic auth Password *string `json:"password"` }
the details of how to connect to a http service like prometheus
type HTTPConnectionAttributes ¶ added in v0.0.54
type HTTPIngressRule ¶
type HTTPIngressRule struct {
Paths []*IngressPath `json:"paths"`
type HelmChartEntry ¶ added in v0.0.44
type HelmChartEntry struct { // the name of the chart Name *string `json:"name"` // all found versions of the chart Versions []*HelmChartVersion `json:"versions"` }
a chart manifest entry, including all versions
type HelmChartVersion ¶ added in v0.0.44
type HelmChartVersion struct { // the version of the app contained w/in this chart AppVersion *string `json:"appVersion"` // the version of the chart itself Version *string `json:"version"` // the name of the chart Name *string `json:"name"` Type *string `json:"type"` // sha digest of this chart's contents Digest *string `json:"digest"` }
a chart version contained within a helm repository manifest
type HelmConfigAttributes ¶ added in v0.0.44
type HelmConfigAttributes struct { Values *string `json:"values,omitempty"` ValuesFiles []*string `json:"valuesFiles,omitempty"` Chart *string `json:"chart,omitempty"` Version *string `json:"version,omitempty"` Repository *NamespacedName `json:"repository,omitempty"` }
type HelmRepository ¶ added in v0.0.44
type HelmRepository struct { Metadata Metadata `json:"metadata"` Spec HelmRepositorySpec `json:"spec"` // the charts found in this repository (heavy operation, don't do in list endpoints) Charts []*HelmChartEntry `json:"charts"` // can fetch the status of a given helm repository Status *HelmRepositoryStatus `json:"status"` }
a crd representation of a helm repository
type HelmRepositorySpec ¶ added in v0.0.44
type HelmRepositorySpec struct { Provider *string `json:"provider"` URL string `json:"url"` Type *string `json:"type"` }
a specification of how a helm repository is fetched
type HelmRepositoryStatus ¶ added in v0.0.44
the state of this helm repository
type HelmSpec ¶ added in v0.0.44
type HelmSpec struct { // the name of the chart this service is using Chart *string `json:"chart"` // a helm values file to use with this service, requires auth and so is heavy to query Values *string `json:"values"` // pointer to the flux helm repository resource used for this chart Repository *ObjectReference `json:"repository"` // the chart version in use currently Version *string `json:"version"` // a list of relative paths to values files to use for helm applies ValuesFiles []*string `json:"valuesFiles"` }
type HelmSpecFragment ¶ added in v0.0.48
type HelmSpecFragment struct {
ValuesFiles []*string "json:\"valuesFiles\" graphql:\"valuesFiles\""
type Ingress ¶
type Ingress struct { Metadata Metadata `json:"metadata"` Status ServiceStatus `json:"status"` Spec IngressSpec `json:"spec"` Certificates []*Certificate `json:"certificates"` Raw string `json:"raw"` Events []*Event `json:"events"` }
type IngressBackend ¶
type IngressPath ¶
type IngressPath struct { Backend *IngressBackend `json:"backend"` Path *string `json:"path"` }
type IngressRule ¶
type IngressRule struct { Host *string `json:"host"` HTTP *HTTPIngressRule `json:"http"` }
type IngressSpec ¶
type IngressSpec struct { Rules []*IngressRule `json:"rules"` TLS []*IngressTLS `json:"tls"` }
type IngressTLS ¶
type IngressTLS struct {
Hosts []*string `json:"hosts"`
type Installation ¶
type Installation struct { ID string `json:"id"` Repository *Repository `json:"repository"` }
type InstallationConnection ¶
type InstallationConnection struct { PageInfo PageInfo `json:"pageInfo"` Edges []*InstallationEdge `json:"edges"` }
type InstallationEdge ¶
type InstallationEdge struct { Node *Installation `json:"node"` Cursor *string `json:"cursor"` }
type InviteAttributes ¶
type InviteAttributes struct {
Email *string `json:"email,omitempty"`
type JobGateSpec ¶ added in v0.0.38
type JobGateSpec struct { // the namespace the job will run in Namespace string `json:"namespace"` // a raw kubernetes job resource, overrides any other configuration Raw *string `json:"raw"` // list of containers to run in this job Containers []*ContainerSpec `json:"containers"` // any pod labels to apply Labels map[string]interface{} `json:"labels"` // any pod annotations to apply Annotations map[string]interface{} `json:"annotations"` // the service account the pod will use ServiceAccount *string `json:"serviceAccount"` }
the full specification of a job gate
type JobReference ¶
type JobSpecFragment ¶ added in v0.0.47
type JobSpecFragment struct { Namespace string "json:\"namespace\" graphql:\"namespace\"" Raw *string "json:\"raw\" graphql:\"raw\"" Containers []*ContainerSpecFragment "json:\"containers\" graphql:\"containers\"" Labels map[string]interface{} "json:\"labels\" graphql:\"labels\"" Annotations map[string]interface{} "json:\"annotations\" graphql:\"annotations\"" ServiceAccount *string "json:\"serviceAccount\" graphql:\"serviceAccount\"" }
type KubeconfigAttributes ¶ added in v0.0.10
type KubeconfigAttributes struct {
Raw *string `json:"raw,omitempty"`
type KubernetesData ¶
type KubernetesData interface {
supported kubernetes objects fetchable in runbooks
type KubernetesDatasource ¶
type KubernetesUnstructured ¶ added in v0.0.17
type Kustomize ¶ added in v0.0.32
type Kustomize struct {
Path string `json:"path"`
metadata needed for configuring kustomize
type KustomizeAttributes ¶ added in v0.0.32
type KustomizeAttributes struct { // the path to the kustomization file to use Path string `json:"path"` }
type KustomizeFragment ¶ added in v0.0.33
type KustomizeFragment struct {
Path string "json:\"path\" graphql:\"path\""
type LabelInput ¶
type License ¶
type License struct { Metadata Metadata `json:"metadata"` Spec LicenseSpec `json:"spec"` Status *LicenseStatus `json:"status"` }
type LicenseFeature ¶
type LicenseSpec ¶
type LicenseSpec struct {
SecretRef SecretKeySelector `json:"secretRef"`
type LicenseStatus ¶
type LicenseStatus struct { Plan *string `json:"plan"` Free *bool `json:"free"` Features []*LicenseFeature `json:"features"` Limits map[string]interface{} `json:"limits"` Secrets map[string]interface{} `json:"secrets"` }
type ListAccessTokens ¶
type ListAccessTokens struct { AccessTokens *struct { Edges []*AccessTokenEdgeFragment "json:\"edges\" graphql:\"edges\"" } "json:\"accessTokens\" graphql:\"accessTokens\"" }
type ListClusterServices ¶
type ListClusterServices struct {
ClusterServices []*ServiceDeploymentBaseFragment "json:\"clusterServices\" graphql:\"clusterServices\""
type ListClusters ¶
type ListClusters struct { Clusters *struct { Edges []*ClusterEdgeFragment "json:\"edges\" graphql:\"edges\"" } "json:\"clusters\" graphql:\"clusters\"" }
type ListDeploymentSettings ¶
type ListDeploymentSettings struct {
DeploymentSettings *DeploymentSettingsFragment "json:\"deploymentSettings\" graphql:\"deploymentSettings\""
type ListGitRepositories ¶
type ListGitRepositories struct { GitRepositories *struct { Edges []*GitRepositoryEdgeFragment "json:\"edges\" graphql:\"edges\"" } "json:\"gitRepositories\" graphql:\"gitRepositories\"" }
type ListProviders ¶ added in v0.0.18
type ListProviders struct {
ClusterProviders *ClusterProviderConnectionFragment "json:\"clusterProviders\" graphql:\"clusterProviders\""
type ListServiceDeployment ¶
type ListServiceDeployment struct { ServiceDeployments *struct { Edges []*ServiceDeploymentEdgeFragment "json:\"edges\" graphql:\"edges\"" } "json:\"serviceDeployments\" graphql:\"serviceDeployments\"" }
type ListServiceDeploymentByHandle ¶ added in v0.0.12
type ListServiceDeploymentByHandle struct { ServiceDeployments *struct { Edges []*ServiceDeploymentEdgeFragment "json:\"edges\" graphql:\"edges\"" } "json:\"serviceDeployments\" graphql:\"serviceDeployments\"" }
type ListServiceDeployments ¶ added in v0.0.5
type ListServiceDeployments struct { ServiceDeployments *struct { Edges []*struct { Node *ServiceDeploymentFragment "json:\"node\" graphql:\"node\"" } "json:\"edges\" graphql:\"edges\"" } "json:\"serviceDeployments\" graphql:\"serviceDeployments\"" }
type LoadBalancerStatus ¶
type LoadBalancerStatus struct {
Ingress []*LoadBalancerIngressStatus `json:"ingress"`
type LogFilter ¶
type LogFilter struct { Metadata Metadata `json:"metadata"` Spec LogFilterSpec `json:"spec"` }
type LogFilterSpec ¶
type LogStream ¶
type LogStream struct { Stream map[string]interface{} `json:"stream"` Values []*MetricResult `json:"values"` }
type ManifestNetwork ¶
type MetadataAttributes ¶ added in v0.0.12
type MetricResponse ¶
type MetricResponse struct { Metric map[string]interface{} `json:"metric"` Values []*MetricResult `json:"values"` }
type MetricResult ¶
type Namespace ¶
type Namespace struct { Status NamespaceStatus `json:"status"` Spec NamespaceSpec `json:"spec"` Metadata Metadata `json:"metadata"` Raw string `json:"raw"` Events []*Event `json:"events"` }
type NamespaceMetadata ¶ added in v0.0.12
type NamespaceMetadata struct { Labels map[string]interface{} `json:"labels"` Annotations map[string]interface{} `json:"annotations"` }
metadata fields for created namespaces
type NamespaceSpec ¶
type NamespaceSpec struct {
Finalizers []*string `json:"finalizers"`
type NamespaceStatus ¶
type NamespaceStatus struct {
Phase *string `json:"phase"`
type NamespacedName ¶ added in v0.0.38
type NodeCloudSettings ¶ added in v0.0.45
type NodeCloudSettings struct {
Aws *AwsCloud `json:"aws"`
cloud specific settings for a node pool
type NodeCondition ¶
type NodeMetric ¶
type NodePool ¶
type NodePool struct { // internal id for this node pool ID string `json:"id"` // name of this node pool (must be unique) Name string `json:"name"` // minimum number of instances in this node pool MinSize int64 `json:"minSize"` // maximum number of instances in this node pool MaxSize int64 `json:"maxSize"` // the type of node to use (usually cloud-specific) InstanceType string `json:"instanceType"` // whether this is a spot pool or not Spot *bool `json:"spot"` // kubernetes labels to apply to the nodes in this pool, useful for node selectors Labels map[string]interface{} `json:"labels"` // any taints you'd want to apply to a node, for eg preventing scheduling on spot instances Taints []*Taint `json:"taints"` // cloud specific settings for the node groups CloudSettings *NodeCloudSettings `json:"cloudSettings"` InsertedAt *string `json:"insertedAt"` UpdatedAt *string `json:"updatedAt"` }
a specification for a node pool to be created in this cluster
type NodePoolAttributes ¶
type NodePoolAttributes struct { Name string `json:"name"` MinSize int64 `json:"minSize"` MaxSize int64 `json:"maxSize"` InstanceType string `json:"instanceType"` Labels *string `json:"labels,omitempty"` Taints []*TaintAttributes `json:"taints,omitempty"` CloudSettings *NodePoolCloudAttributes `json:"cloudSettings,omitempty"` }
type NodePoolCloudAttributes ¶ added in v0.0.45
type NodePoolCloudAttributes struct {
Aws *AwsNodeCloudAttributes `json:"aws,omitempty"`
type NodePoolFragment ¶ added in v0.0.2
type NodePoolFragment struct { ID string "json:\"id\" graphql:\"id\"" Name string "json:\"name\" graphql:\"name\"" MinSize int64 "json:\"minSize\" graphql:\"minSize\"" MaxSize int64 "json:\"maxSize\" graphql:\"maxSize\"" InstanceType string "json:\"instanceType\" graphql:\"instanceType\"" Labels map[string]interface{} "json:\"labels\" graphql:\"labels\"" Taints []*NodePoolTaintFragment "json:\"taints\" graphql:\"taints\"" }
type NodePoolTaintFragment ¶ added in v0.0.46
type NodeStatus ¶
type NodeStatus struct { Allocatable map[string]interface{} `json:"allocatable"` Capacity map[string]interface{} `json:"capacity"` Phase *string `json:"phase"` Conditions []*NodeCondition `json:"conditions"` }
type Notification ¶
type Notification struct { ID string `json:"id"` Title string `json:"title"` Description *string `json:"description"` Fingerprint string `json:"fingerprint"` Status *NotificationStatus `json:"status"` Labels map[string]interface{} `json:"labels"` Annotations map[string]interface{} `json:"annotations"` Repository string `json:"repository"` SeenAt *string `json:"seenAt"` Severity *Severity `json:"severity"` InsertedAt *string `json:"insertedAt"` UpdatedAt *string `json:"updatedAt"` }
type NotificationConnection ¶
type NotificationConnection struct { PageInfo PageInfo `json:"pageInfo"` Edges []*NotificationEdge `json:"edges"` }
type NotificationDelta ¶
type NotificationDelta struct { Delta *Delta `json:"delta"` Payload *Notification `json:"payload"` }
type NotificationEdge ¶
type NotificationEdge struct { Node *Notification `json:"node"` Cursor *string `json:"cursor"` }
type NotificationStatus ¶
type NotificationStatus string
const ( NotificationStatusFiring NotificationStatus = "FIRING" NotificationStatusResolved NotificationStatus = "RESOLVED" )
func (NotificationStatus) IsValid ¶
func (e NotificationStatus) IsValid() bool
func (NotificationStatus) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e NotificationStatus) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (NotificationStatus) String ¶
func (e NotificationStatus) String() string
func (*NotificationStatus) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *NotificationStatus) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type ObjectReference ¶ added in v0.0.44
type OverlayUpdate ¶
type OverlayUpdate struct {
Path []*string `json:"path"`
type PageInfo ¶
type PageInfo struct { // When paginating backwards, are there more items? HasPreviousPage bool `json:"hasPreviousPage"` // When paginating forwards, are there more items? HasNextPage bool `json:"hasNextPage"` // When paginating backwards, the cursor to continue. StartCursor *string `json:"startCursor"` // When paginating forwards, the cursor to continue. EndCursor *string `json:"endCursor"` }
type PathUpdate ¶
type Permission ¶
type Permission string
const ( PermissionRead Permission = "READ" PermissionConfigure Permission = "CONFIGURE" PermissionDeploy Permission = "DEPLOY" PermissionOperate Permission = "OPERATE" )
func (Permission) IsValid ¶
func (e Permission) IsValid() bool
func (Permission) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e Permission) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (Permission) String ¶
func (e Permission) String() string
func (*Permission) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *Permission) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type PingCluster ¶
type Pipeline ¶ added in v0.0.19
type Pipeline struct { ID string `json:"id"` // the name of the pipeline Name string `json:"name"` // the stages of this pipeline Stages []*PipelineStage `json:"stages"` // edges linking two stages w/in the pipeline in a full DAG Edges []*PipelineStageEdge `json:"edges"` InsertedAt *string `json:"insertedAt"` UpdatedAt *string `json:"updatedAt"` }
a release pipeline, composed of multiple stages each with potentially multiple services
type PipelineAttributes ¶ added in v0.0.19
type PipelineAttributes struct { Stages []*PipelineStageAttributes `json:"stages,omitempty"` Edges []*PipelineEdgeAttributes `json:"edges,omitempty"` }
the top level input object for creating/deleting pipelines
type PipelineConnection ¶ added in v0.0.19
type PipelineConnection struct { PageInfo PageInfo `json:"pageInfo"` Edges []*PipelineEdge `json:"edges"` }
type PipelineEdge ¶ added in v0.0.19
type PipelineEdgeAttributes ¶ added in v0.0.19
type PipelineEdgeAttributes struct { // stage id the edge is from, can also be specified by name FromID *string `json:"fromId,omitempty"` // stage id the edge is to, can also be specified by name ToID *string `json:"toId,omitempty"` // the name of the pipeline stage this edge emits from From *string `json:"from,omitempty"` // the name of the pipeline stage this edge points to To *string `json:"to,omitempty"` // any optional promotion gates you wish to configure Gates []*PipelineGateAttributes `json:"gates,omitempty"` }
specification of an edge between two pipeline stages
type PipelineEdgeFragment ¶ added in v0.0.20
type PipelineEdgeFragment struct {
Node *PipelineFragment "json:\"node\" graphql:\"node\""
type PipelineFragment ¶ added in v0.0.20
type PipelineFragment struct { ID string "json:\"id\" graphql:\"id\"" Name string "json:\"name\" graphql:\"name\"" Stages []*PipelineStageFragment "json:\"stages\" graphql:\"stages\"" Edges []*PipelineStageEdgeFragment "json:\"edges\" graphql:\"edges\"" }
type PipelineGate ¶ added in v0.0.23
type PipelineGate struct { ID string `json:"id"` // the name of this gate as seen in the UI Name string `json:"name"` // the type of gate this is Type GateType `json:"type"` // the current state of this gate State GateState `json:"state"` // more detailed specification for complex gates Spec *GateSpec `json:"spec"` // the last user to approve this gate Approver *User `json:"approver"` InsertedAt *string `json:"insertedAt"` UpdatedAt *string `json:"updatedAt"` }
A gate blocking promotion along a release pipeline
type PipelineGateAttributes ¶ added in v0.0.23
type PipelineGateAttributes struct { // the name of this gate Name string `json:"name"` // the type of gate this is Type GateType `json:"type"` // the handle of a cluster this gate will execute on Cluster *string `json:"cluster,omitempty"` // the id of the cluster this gate will execute on ClusterID *string `json:"clusterId,omitempty"` // a specification for more complex gate types Spec *GateSpecAttributes `json:"spec,omitempty"` }
will configure a promotion gate for a pipeline
type PipelineGateFragment ¶ added in v0.0.45
type PipelineGateFragment struct { ID string "json:\"id\" graphql:\"id\"" Name string "json:\"name\" graphql:\"name\"" Type GateType "json:\"type\" graphql:\"type\"" State GateState "json:\"state\" graphql:\"state\"" UpdatedAt *string "json:\"updatedAt\" graphql:\"updatedAt\"" Spec *GateSpecFragment "json:\"spec\" graphql:\"spec\"" }
type PipelinePromotion ¶ added in v0.0.19
type PipelinePromotion struct { ID string `json:"id"` // the last time this promotion was updated RevisedAt *string `json:"revisedAt"` // the last time this promotion was fully promoted, it's no longer pending if promoted_at > revised_at PromotedAt *string `json:"promotedAt"` // the services included in this promotion Services []*PromotionService `json:"services"` InsertedAt *string `json:"insertedAt"` UpdatedAt *string `json:"updatedAt"` }
a representation of an individual pipeline promotion, which is a list of services/revisions and timestamps to determine promotion status
type PipelineStage ¶ added in v0.0.19
type PipelineStage struct { ID string `json:"id"` // the name of this stage (eg dev, prod, staging) Name string `json:"name"` // the services within this stage Services []*StageService `json:"services"` // a promotion which might be outstanding for this stage Promotion *PipelinePromotion `json:"promotion"` InsertedAt *string `json:"insertedAt"` UpdatedAt *string `json:"updatedAt"` }
a pipeline stage, has a list of services and potentially a promotion which might be pending
type PipelineStageAttributes ¶ added in v0.0.19
type PipelineStageAttributes struct { Name string `json:"name"` Services []*StageServiceAttributes `json:"services,omitempty"` }
specification of a stage of a pipeline
type PipelineStageEdge ¶ added in v0.0.19
type PipelineStageEdge struct { ID string `json:"id"` // when the edge was last promoted, if greater than the promotion objects revised at, was successfully promoted PromotedAt *string `json:"promotedAt"` From PipelineStage `json:"from"` To PipelineStage `json:"to"` Gates []*PipelineGate `json:"gates"` InsertedAt *string `json:"insertedAt"` UpdatedAt *string `json:"updatedAt"` }
an edge in the pipeline DAG
type PipelineStageEdgeFragment ¶ added in v0.0.20
type PipelineStageEdgeFragment struct { ID string "json:\"id\" graphql:\"id\"" From PipelineStageFragment "json:\"from\" graphql:\"from\"" To PipelineStageFragment "json:\"to\" graphql:\"to\"" }
type PipelineStageFragment ¶ added in v0.0.20
type PipelineStageFragment struct { ID string "json:\"id\" graphql:\"id\"" Name string "json:\"name\" graphql:\"name\"" Services []*struct { Service *ServiceDeploymentBaseFragment "json:\"service\" graphql:\"service\"" Criteria *struct { Source *ServiceDeploymentBaseFragment "json:\"source\" graphql:\"source\"" Secrets []*string "json:\"secrets\" graphql:\"secrets\"" } "json:\"criteria\" graphql:\"criteria\"" } "json:\"services\" graphql:\"services\"" }
type PluralContext ¶
type PluralManifest ¶
type PluralManifest struct { Network *ManifestNetwork `json:"network"` BucketPrefix *string `json:"bucketPrefix"` Cluster *string `json:"cluster"` }
type PluralSubscription ¶
type PodCondition ¶
type PodConnection ¶
type PodStatus ¶
type PodStatus struct { Message *string `json:"message"` Phase *string `json:"phase"` HostIP *string `json:"hostIp"` PodIP *string `json:"podIp"` Reason *string `json:"reason"` Conditions []*PodCondition `json:"conditions"` ContainerStatuses []*ContainerStatus `json:"containerStatuses"` InitContainerStatuses []*ContainerStatus `json:"initContainerStatuses"` }
type PolicyBinding ¶
type PolicyBindingAttributes ¶
type PolicyBindingFragment ¶
type PolicyBindingFragment struct { ID *string "json:\"id\" graphql:\"id\"" Group *GroupFragment "json:\"group\" graphql:\"group\"" User *UserFragment "json:\"user\" graphql:\"user\"" }
type PostgresInstance ¶
type PostgresInstance struct {
UID string `json:"uid"`
type PostgresSettings ¶
type PostgresSettings struct {
Version *string `json:"version"`
type Postgresql ¶
type Postgresql struct { Metadata Metadata `json:"metadata"` Spec PostgresqlSpec `json:"spec"` Status *PostgresqlStatus `json:"status"` Instances []*PostgresInstance `json:"instances"` }
type PostgresqlSpec ¶
type PostgresqlSpec struct { TeamID *string `json:"teamId"` Users map[string]interface{} `json:"users"` Resources *Resources `json:"resources"` Postgresql *PostgresSettings `json:"postgresql"` NumberOfInstances *int64 `json:"numberOfInstances"` Databases map[string]interface{} `json:"databases"` Volume *DatabaseVolume `json:"volume"` Pods []*Pod `json:"pods"` }
type PostgresqlStatus ¶
type PostgresqlStatus struct {
ClusterStatus *string `json:"clusterStatus"`
type PrometheusDatasource ¶
type PromotionCriteria ¶ added in v0.0.19
type PromotionCriteria struct { ID string `json:"id"` // the source service in a prior stage to promote settings from Source *ServiceDeployment `json:"source"` // whether you want to copy any configuration values from the source service Secrets []*string `json:"secrets"` InsertedAt *string `json:"insertedAt"` UpdatedAt *string `json:"updatedAt"` }
how a promotion for a service will be performed
type PromotionCriteriaAttributes ¶ added in v0.0.19
type PromotionCriteriaAttributes struct { // the handle of the cluster for the source service Handle *string `json:"handle,omitempty"` // the name of the source service Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` // the id of the service to promote from SourceID *string `json:"sourceId,omitempty"` // the secrets to copy over in a promotion Secrets []*string `json:"secrets,omitempty"` }
actions to perform if this stage service were promoted
type PromotionService ¶ added in v0.0.19
type PromotionService struct { ID string `json:"id"` // a service to promote Service *ServiceDeployment `json:"service"` // the revision of the service to promote Revision *Revision `json:"revision"` InsertedAt *string `json:"insertedAt"` UpdatedAt *string `json:"updatedAt"` }
a service to be potentially promoted
type ProviderCredential ¶ added in v0.0.15
type ProviderCredential struct { ID string `json:"id"` Name string `json:"name"` Namespace string `json:"namespace"` Kind string `json:"kind"` InsertedAt *string `json:"insertedAt"` UpdatedAt *string `json:"updatedAt"` }
a cloud credential that can be used while creating new clusters
type ProviderCredentialAttributes ¶ added in v0.0.15
type ProviderCredentialFragment ¶ added in v0.0.18
type RbacAttributes ¶
type RbacAttributes struct { ReadBindings []*PolicyBindingAttributes `json:"readBindings,omitempty"` WriteBindings []*PolicyBindingAttributes `json:"writeBindings,omitempty"` }
type RecipeConnection ¶
type RecipeConnection struct { PageInfo PageInfo `json:"pageInfo"` Edges []*RecipeEdge `json:"edges"` }
type RecipeEdge ¶
type RecipeItem ¶
type RecipeItem struct { ID string `json:"id"` Configuration []*ConfigurationItem `json:"configuration"` }
type RecipeSection ¶
type RecipeSection struct { ID string `json:"id"` Repository *Repository `json:"repository"` RecipeItems []*RecipeItem `json:"recipeItems"` Configuration []*ConfigurationItem `json:"configuration"` }
type Recommendation ¶
type Recommendation struct {
ContainerRecommendations []*ContainerRecommendation `json:"containerRecommendations"`
type RegisterRuntimeServices ¶ added in v0.0.38
type RegisterRuntimeServices struct {
RegisterRuntimeServices *int64 "json:\"registerRuntimeServices\" graphql:\"registerRuntimeServices\""
type Repository ¶
type Repository struct { ID string `json:"id"` Name string `json:"name"` Description *string `json:"description"` Icon *string `json:"icon"` Docs []*FileContent `json:"docs"` Configuration *Configuration `json:"configuration"` GrafanaDNS *string `json:"grafanaDns"` }
type RepositoryConnection ¶
type RepositoryConnection struct { PageInfo PageInfo `json:"pageInfo"` Edges []*RepositoryEdge `json:"edges"` }
type RepositoryContext ¶
type RepositoryEdge ¶
type RepositoryEdge struct { Node *Repository `json:"node"` Cursor *string `json:"cursor"` }
type ResourceSpec ¶
type Resources ¶
type Resources struct { Limits *ResourceSpec `json:"limits"` Requests *ResourceSpec `json:"requests"` }
type Revision ¶
type Revision struct { // id of this revision ID string `json:"id"` // the service's semver Version string `json:"version"` // git spec of the prior revision Git *GitRef `json:"git"` // description of how helm charts should be applied Helm *HelmSpec `json:"helm"` // the sha this service was pulled from Sha *string `json:"sha"` // the commit message for this revision Message *string `json:"message"` InsertedAt *string `json:"insertedAt"` UpdatedAt *string `json:"updatedAt"` }
a representation of a past revision of a service
type RevisionConnection ¶
type RevisionConnection struct { PageInfo PageInfo `json:"pageInfo"` Edges []*RevisionEdge `json:"edges"` }
type RevisionEdge ¶
type RevisionFragment ¶ added in v0.0.3
type Role ¶
type Role struct { ID string `json:"id"` Name string `json:"name"` Description *string `json:"description"` Repositories []*string `json:"repositories"` Permissions []*Permission `json:"permissions"` RoleBindings []*RoleBinding `json:"roleBindings"` InsertedAt *string `json:"insertedAt"` UpdatedAt *string `json:"updatedAt"` }
type RoleAttributes ¶
type RoleAttributes struct { Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` Repositories []*string `json:"repositories,omitempty"` RoleBindings []*BindingAttributes `json:"roleBindings,omitempty"` Permissions []*Permission `json:"permissions,omitempty"` }
type RoleBinding ¶
type RoleConnection ¶
type RollbackService ¶
type RollbackService struct {
RollbackService *ServiceDeploymentFragment "json:\"rollbackService\" graphql:\"rollbackService\""
type RollingUpdate ¶
type RollingUpdate struct { MaxSurge *int64 `json:"maxSurge"` }
type RootMutationType ¶
type RootMutationType struct { CreateBuild *Build "json:\"createBuild\" graphql:\"createBuild\"" RestartBuild *Build "json:\"restartBuild\" graphql:\"restartBuild\"" CancelBuild *Build "json:\"cancelBuild\" graphql:\"cancelBuild\"" ApproveBuild *Build "json:\"approveBuild\" graphql:\"approveBuild\"" SignIn *User "json:\"signIn\" graphql:\"signIn\"" LoginLink *User "json:\"loginLink\" graphql:\"loginLink\"" ReadNotifications *User "json:\"readNotifications\" graphql:\"readNotifications\"" Signup *User "json:\"signup\" graphql:\"signup\"" OauthCallback *User "json:\"oauthCallback\" graphql:\"oauthCallback\"" CreateInvite *Invite "json:\"createInvite\" graphql:\"createInvite\"" UpdateUser *User "json:\"updateUser\" graphql:\"updateUser\"" DeleteUser *User "json:\"deleteUser\" graphql:\"deleteUser\"" MarkRead *User "json:\"markRead\" graphql:\"markRead\"" CreateGroup *Group "json:\"createGroup\" graphql:\"createGroup\"" DeleteGroup *Group "json:\"deleteGroup\" graphql:\"deleteGroup\"" UpdateGroup *Group "json:\"updateGroup\" graphql:\"updateGroup\"" CreateGroupMember *GroupMember "json:\"createGroupMember\" graphql:\"createGroupMember\"" DeleteGroupMember *GroupMember "json:\"deleteGroupMember\" graphql:\"deleteGroupMember\"" CreateRole *Role "json:\"createRole\" graphql:\"createRole\"" UpdateRole *Role "json:\"updateRole\" graphql:\"updateRole\"" DeleteRole *Role "json:\"deleteRole\" graphql:\"deleteRole\"" CreateAccessToken *AccessToken "json:\"createAccessToken\" graphql:\"createAccessToken\"" DeleteAccessToken *AccessToken "json:\"deleteAccessToken\" graphql:\"deleteAccessToken\"" DeleteCertificate *bool "json:\"deleteCertificate\" graphql:\"deleteCertificate\"" DeletePod *Pod "json:\"deletePod\" graphql:\"deletePod\"" DeleteJob *Job "json:\"deleteJob\" graphql:\"deleteJob\"" DeleteNode *Node "json:\"deleteNode\" graphql:\"deleteNode\"" OverlayConfiguration *Build "json:\"overlayConfiguration\" graphql:\"overlayConfiguration\"" CreatePeer *WireguardPeer "json:\"createPeer\" graphql:\"createPeer\"" DeletePeer *bool "json:\"deletePeer\" graphql:\"deletePeer\"" InstallRecipe *Build "json:\"installRecipe\" graphql:\"installRecipe\"" InstallStack *Build "json:\"installStack\" graphql:\"installStack\"" UpdateSMTP *SMTP "json:\"updateSmtp\" graphql:\"updateSmtp\"" UpdateConfiguration *Configuration "json:\"updateConfiguration\" graphql:\"updateConfiguration\"" CreateUpgradePolicy *UpgradePolicy "json:\"createUpgradePolicy\" graphql:\"createUpgradePolicy\"" DeleteUpgradePolicy *UpgradePolicy "json:\"deleteUpgradePolicy\" graphql:\"deleteUpgradePolicy\"" ExecuteRunbook *RunbookActionResponse "json:\"executeRunbook\" graphql:\"executeRunbook\"" CreateWebhook *Webhook "json:\"createWebhook\" graphql:\"createWebhook\"" DeleteWebhook *Webhook "json:\"deleteWebhook\" graphql:\"deleteWebhook\"" RestorePostgres *Postgresql "json:\"restorePostgres\" graphql:\"restorePostgres\"" CreateGitRepository *GitRepository "json:\"createGitRepository\" graphql:\"createGitRepository\"" UpdateGitRepository *GitRepository "json:\"updateGitRepository\" graphql:\"updateGitRepository\"" DeleteGitRepository *GitRepository "json:\"deleteGitRepository\" graphql:\"deleteGitRepository\"" CreateCluster *Cluster "json:\"createCluster\" graphql:\"createCluster\"" UpdateCluster *Cluster "json:\"updateCluster\" graphql:\"updateCluster\"" DeleteCluster *Cluster "json:\"deleteCluster\" graphql:\"deleteCluster\"" DetachCluster *Cluster "json:\"detachCluster\" graphql:\"detachCluster\"" CreateClusterProvider *ClusterProvider "json:\"createClusterProvider\" graphql:\"createClusterProvider\"" UpdateClusterProvider *ClusterProvider "json:\"updateClusterProvider\" graphql:\"updateClusterProvider\"" DeleteClusterProvider *ClusterProvider "json:\"deleteClusterProvider\" graphql:\"deleteClusterProvider\"" CreateProviderCredential *ProviderCredential "json:\"createProviderCredential\" graphql:\"createProviderCredential\"" DeleteProviderCredential *ProviderCredential "json:\"deleteProviderCredential\" graphql:\"deleteProviderCredential\"" InstallAddOn *ServiceDeployment "json:\"installAddOn\" graphql:\"installAddOn\"" CreateAgentMigration *AgentMigration "json:\"createAgentMigration\" graphql:\"createAgentMigration\"" CreateServiceDeployment *ServiceDeployment "json:\"createServiceDeployment\" graphql:\"createServiceDeployment\"" UpdateServiceDeployment *ServiceDeployment "json:\"updateServiceDeployment\" graphql:\"updateServiceDeployment\"" DeleteServiceDeployment *ServiceDeployment "json:\"deleteServiceDeployment\" graphql:\"deleteServiceDeployment\"" MergeService *ServiceDeployment "json:\"mergeService\" graphql:\"mergeService\"" RollbackService *ServiceDeployment "json:\"rollbackService\" graphql:\"rollbackService\"" CloneService *ServiceDeployment "json:\"cloneService\" graphql:\"cloneService\"" SelfManage *ServiceDeployment "json:\"selfManage\" graphql:\"selfManage\"" Proceed *ServiceDeployment "json:\"proceed\" graphql:\"proceed\"" CreateGlobalService *GlobalService "json:\"createGlobalService\" graphql:\"createGlobalService\"" DeleteGlobalService *GlobalService "json:\"deleteGlobalService\" graphql:\"deleteGlobalService\"" SavePipeline *Pipeline "json:\"savePipeline\" graphql:\"savePipeline\"" ApproveGate *PipelineGate "json:\"approveGate\" graphql:\"approveGate\"" ForceGate *PipelineGate "json:\"forceGate\" graphql:\"forceGate\"" PingCluster *Cluster "json:\"pingCluster\" graphql:\"pingCluster\"" RegisterRuntimeServices *int64 "json:\"registerRuntimeServices\" graphql:\"registerRuntimeServices\"" UpdateServiceComponents *ServiceDeployment "json:\"updateServiceComponents\" graphql:\"updateServiceComponents\"" UpdateGate *PipelineGate "json:\"updateGate\" graphql:\"updateGate\"" UpdateRbac *bool "json:\"updateRbac\" graphql:\"updateRbac\"" UpdateDeploymentSettings *DeploymentSettings "json:\"updateDeploymentSettings\" graphql:\"updateDeploymentSettings\"" EnableDeployments *DeploymentSettings "json:\"enableDeployments\" graphql:\"enableDeployments\"" }
type RootQueryType ¶
type RootQueryType struct { Configuration *ConsoleConfiguration "json:\"configuration\" graphql:\"configuration\"" ExternalToken *string "json:\"externalToken\" graphql:\"externalToken\"" Builds *BuildConnection "json:\"builds\" graphql:\"builds\"" Build *Build "json:\"build\" graphql:\"build\"" BuildInfo *BuildInfo "json:\"buildInfo\" graphql:\"buildInfo\"" User *User "json:\"user\" graphql:\"user\"" Group *Group "json:\"group\" graphql:\"group\"" Users *UserConnection "json:\"users\" graphql:\"users\"" LoginInfo *LoginInfo "json:\"loginInfo\" graphql:\"loginInfo\"" Me *User "json:\"me\" graphql:\"me\"" Invite *Invite "json:\"invite\" graphql:\"invite\"" Groups *GroupConnection "json:\"groups\" graphql:\"groups\"" GroupMembers *GroupMemberConnection "json:\"groupMembers\" graphql:\"groupMembers\"" Role *Role "json:\"role\" graphql:\"role\"" Roles *RoleConnection "json:\"roles\" graphql:\"roles\"" Notifications *NotificationConnection "json:\"notifications\" graphql:\"notifications\"" TemporaryToken *string "json:\"temporaryToken\" graphql:\"temporaryToken\"" AccessTokens *AccessTokenConnection "json:\"accessTokens\" graphql:\"accessTokens\"" AccessToken *AccessToken "json:\"accessToken\" graphql:\"accessToken\"" Dashboards []*Dashboard "json:\"dashboards\" graphql:\"dashboards\"" Dashboard *Dashboard "json:\"dashboard\" graphql:\"dashboard\"" Metric []*MetricResponse "json:\"metric\" graphql:\"metric\"" Logs []*LogStream "json:\"logs\" graphql:\"logs\"" ScalingRecommendation *VerticalPodAutoscaler "json:\"scalingRecommendation\" graphql:\"scalingRecommendation\"" ConfigMap *ConfigMap "json:\"configMap\" graphql:\"configMap\"" Secret *Secret "json:\"secret\" graphql:\"secret\"" ConfigMaps []*ConfigMap "json:\"configMaps\" graphql:\"configMaps\"" Secrets []*Secret "json:\"secrets\" graphql:\"secrets\"" UnstructuredResource *KubernetesUnstructured "json:\"unstructuredResource\" graphql:\"unstructuredResource\"" Service *Service "json:\"service\" graphql:\"service\"" ClusterInfo *ClusterInfo "json:\"clusterInfo\" graphql:\"clusterInfo\"" Deployment *Deployment "json:\"deployment\" graphql:\"deployment\"" StatefulSet *StatefulSet "json:\"statefulSet\" graphql:\"statefulSet\"" Ingress *Ingress "json:\"ingress\" graphql:\"ingress\"" Nodes []*Node "json:\"nodes\" graphql:\"nodes\"" Node *Node "json:\"node\" graphql:\"node\"" CronJob *CronJob "json:\"cronJob\" graphql:\"cronJob\"" Job *Job "json:\"job\" graphql:\"job\"" Certificate *Certificate "json:\"certificate\" graphql:\"certificate\"" Pod *Pod "json:\"pod\" graphql:\"pod\"" Pods *PodConnection "json:\"pods\" graphql:\"pods\"" WireguardPeers []*WireguardPeer "json:\"wireguardPeers\" graphql:\"wireguardPeers\"" MyWireguardPeers []*WireguardPeer "json:\"myWireguardPeers\" graphql:\"myWireguardPeers\"" WireguardPeer *WireguardPeer "json:\"wireguardPeer\" graphql:\"wireguardPeer\"" CachedPods []*Pod "json:\"cachedPods\" graphql:\"cachedPods\"" Namespaces []*Namespace "json:\"namespaces\" graphql:\"namespaces\"" LogFilters []*LogFilter "json:\"logFilters\" graphql:\"logFilters\"" NodeMetrics []*NodeMetric "json:\"nodeMetrics\" graphql:\"nodeMetrics\"" NodeMetric *NodeMetric "json:\"nodeMetric\" graphql:\"nodeMetric\"" Canary *Canary "json:\"canary\" graphql:\"canary\"" ConfigurationOverlays []*ConfigurationOverlay "json:\"configurationOverlays\" graphql:\"configurationOverlays\"" Audits *AuditConnection "json:\"audits\" graphql:\"audits\"" AuditMetrics []*AuditMetric "json:\"auditMetrics\" graphql:\"auditMetrics\"" Ai *string "json:\"ai\" graphql:\"ai\"" Account *Account "json:\"account\" graphql:\"account\"" Installations *InstallationConnection "json:\"installations\" graphql:\"installations\"" Applications []*Application "json:\"applications\" graphql:\"applications\"" Application *Application "json:\"application\" graphql:\"application\"" Repository *Repository "json:\"repository\" graphql:\"repository\"" Repositories *RepositoryConnection "json:\"repositories\" graphql:\"repositories\"" Recipes *RecipeConnection "json:\"recipes\" graphql:\"recipes\"" Context []*RepositoryContext "json:\"context\" graphql:\"context\"" PluralContext *PluralContext "json:\"pluralContext\" graphql:\"pluralContext\"" Recipe *Recipe "json:\"recipe\" graphql:\"recipe\"" Stack *Stack "json:\"stack\" graphql:\"stack\"" SMTP *SMTP "json:\"smtp\" graphql:\"smtp\"" UpgradePolicies []*UpgradePolicy "json:\"upgradePolicies\" graphql:\"upgradePolicies\"" Runbook *Runbook "json:\"runbook\" graphql:\"runbook\"" Runbooks []*Runbook "json:\"runbooks\" graphql:\"runbooks\"" Webhooks *WebhookConnection "json:\"webhooks\" graphql:\"webhooks\"" PostgresDatabases []*Postgresql "json:\"postgresDatabases\" graphql:\"postgresDatabases\"" PostgresDatabase *Postgresql "json:\"postgresDatabase\" graphql:\"postgresDatabase\"" GitRepository *GitRepository "json:\"gitRepository\" graphql:\"gitRepository\"" GitRepositories *GitRepositoryConnection "json:\"gitRepositories\" graphql:\"gitRepositories\"" HelmRepositories []*HelmRepository "json:\"helmRepositories\" graphql:\"helmRepositories\"" HelmRepository *HelmRepository "json:\"helmRepository\" graphql:\"helmRepository\"" TokenExchange *User "json:\"tokenExchange\" graphql:\"tokenExchange\"" Clusters *ClusterConnection "json:\"clusters\" graphql:\"clusters\"" ClusterStatuses []*ClusterStatusInfo "json:\"clusterStatuses\" graphql:\"clusterStatuses\"" Tags []*string "json:\"tags\" graphql:\"tags\"" ClusterProviders *ClusterProviderConnection "json:\"clusterProviders\" graphql:\"clusterProviders\"" Cluster *Cluster "json:\"cluster\" graphql:\"cluster\"" ClusterProvider *ClusterProvider "json:\"clusterProvider\" graphql:\"clusterProvider\"" ClusterAddOns []*ClusterAddOn "json:\"clusterAddOns\" graphql:\"clusterAddOns\"" ServiceDeployments *ServiceDeploymentConnection "json:\"serviceDeployments\" graphql:\"serviceDeployments\"" ServiceStatuses []*ServiceStatusCount "json:\"serviceStatuses\" graphql:\"serviceStatuses\"" Pipelines *PipelineConnection "json:\"pipelines\" graphql:\"pipelines\"" Pipeline *Pipeline "json:\"pipeline\" graphql:\"pipeline\"" ClusterServices []*ServiceDeployment "json:\"clusterServices\" graphql:\"clusterServices\"" ServiceDeployment *ServiceDeployment "json:\"serviceDeployment\" graphql:\"serviceDeployment\"" MyCluster *Cluster "json:\"myCluster\" graphql:\"myCluster\"" ClusterGates []*PipelineGate "json:\"clusterGates\" graphql:\"clusterGates\"" DeploymentSettings *DeploymentSettings "json:\"deploymentSettings\" graphql:\"deploymentSettings\"" }
type Runbook ¶
type Runbook struct { Name string `json:"name"` Spec RunbookSpec `json:"spec"` Status *RunbookStatus `json:"status"` Data []*RunbookData `json:"data"` Executions *RunbookExecutionConnection `json:"executions"` }
type RunbookAction ¶
type RunbookAction struct { Name string `json:"name"` Type string `json:"type"` Configuration *ConfigurationAction `json:"configuration"` }
type RunbookActionInput ¶
type RunbookActionResponse ¶
type RunbookActionResponse struct {
RedirectTo *string `json:"redirectTo"`
type RunbookAlertStatus ¶
type RunbookContext ¶
type RunbookData ¶
type RunbookData struct { Name string `json:"name"` Source *RunbookDatasource `json:"source"` Kubernetes KubernetesData `json:"kubernetes"` Prometheus []*MetricResponse `json:"prometheus"` Nodes []*Node `json:"nodes"` }
type RunbookDatasource ¶
type RunbookDatasource struct { Name string `json:"name"` Type string `json:"type"` Prometheus *PrometheusDatasource `json:"prometheus"` Kubernetes *KubernetesDatasource `json:"kubernetes"` }
type RunbookExecution ¶
type RunbookExecutionConnection ¶
type RunbookExecutionConnection struct { PageInfo PageInfo `json:"pageInfo"` Edges []*RunbookExecutionEdge `json:"edges"` }
type RunbookExecutionEdge ¶
type RunbookExecutionEdge struct { Node *RunbookExecution `json:"node"` Cursor *string `json:"cursor"` }
type RunbookSpec ¶
type RunbookSpec struct { Name string `json:"name"` Description *string `json:"description"` Display map[string]interface{} `json:"display"` Datasources []*RunbookDatasource `json:"datasources"` Actions []*RunbookAction `json:"actions"` }
type RunbookStatus ¶
type RunbookStatus struct {
Alerts []*RunbookAlertStatus `json:"alerts"`
type RunningState ¶
type RunningState struct {
StartedAt *string `json:"startedAt"`
type RuntimeAddon ¶ added in v0.0.38
type RuntimeAddon struct { // an icon to identify this runtime add-on Icon *string `json:"icon"` Versions []*AddonVersion `json:"versions"` }
a full specification of a kubernetes runtime component's requirements
type RuntimeService ¶ added in v0.0.38
type RuntimeService struct { ID string `json:"id"` // add-on name Name string `json:"name"` // add-on version, should be semver formatted Version string `json:"version"` // the full specification of this kubernetes add-on Addon *RuntimeAddon `json:"addon"` // the version of the add-on you've currently deployed AddonVersion *AddonVersion `json:"addonVersion"` // the plural service it came from Service *ServiceDeployment `json:"service"` InsertedAt *string `json:"insertedAt"` UpdatedAt *string `json:"updatedAt"` }
a service encapsulating a controller like istio/ingress-nginx/etc that is meant to extend the kubernetes api
type RuntimeServiceAttributes ¶ added in v0.0.38
type SavePipeline ¶ added in v0.0.20
type SavePipeline struct {
SavePipeline *PipelineFragment "json:\"savePipeline\" graphql:\"savePipeline\""
type SecretKeySelector ¶
type Service ¶
type Service struct { Metadata Metadata `json:"metadata"` Status ServiceStatus `json:"status"` Spec ServiceSpec `json:"spec"` Pods []*Pod `json:"pods"` Raw string `json:"raw"` Events []*Event `json:"events"` }
type ServiceCloneAttributes ¶ added in v0.0.2
type ServiceCloneAttributes struct { Name string `json:"name"` Namespace *string `json:"namespace,omitempty"` Configuration []*ConfigAttributes `json:"configuration,omitempty"` }
type ServiceComponent ¶
type ServiceComponent struct { // internal id ID string `json:"id"` // kubernetes component health enum State *ComponentState `json:"state"` // whether this component has been applied to the k8s api Synced bool `json:"synced"` // api group of this resource Group *string `json:"group"` // api version of this resource Version *string `json:"version"` // api kind of this resource Kind string `json:"kind"` // kubernetes namespace of this resource Namespace *string `json:"namespace"` // kubernetes name of this resource Name string `json:"name"` // the service this component belongs to Service *ServiceDeployment `json:"service"` // any api deprecations discovered from this component APIDeprecations []*APIDeprecation `json:"apiDeprecations"` }
representation of a kubernetes component deployed by a service
type ServiceConfiguration ¶
a configuration item k/v pair
type ServiceDeployment ¶
type ServiceDeployment struct { // internal id of this service ID string `json:"id"` // human readable name of this service, must be unique per cluster Name string `json:"name"` // kubernetes namespace this service will be deployed to Namespace string `json:"namespace"` // A summary status enum for the health of this service Status ServiceDeploymentStatus `json:"status"` // semver of this service Version string `json:"version"` // description on where in git the service's manifests should be fetched Git *GitRef `json:"git"` // description of how helm charts should be applied Helm *HelmSpec `json:"helm"` // if true, deletion of this service is not allowed Protect *bool `json:"protect"` // latest git sha we pulled from Sha *string `json:"sha"` // https url to fetch the latest tarball of kubernetes manifests Tarball *string `json:"tarball"` // a n / m representation of the number of healthy components of this service ComponentStatus *string `json:"componentStatus"` // settings for advanced tuning of the sync process SyncConfig *SyncConfig `json:"syncConfig"` // kustomize related service metadata Kustomize *Kustomize `json:"kustomize"` // the commit message currently in use Message *string `json:"message"` // the time this service was scheduled for deletion DeletedAt *string `json:"deletedAt"` // fetches the /docs directory within this services git tree. This is a heavy operation and should NOT be used in list queries Docs []*GitFile `json:"docs"` // the git repo of this service Repository *GitRepository `json:"repository"` HelmRepository *HelmRepository `json:"helmRepository"` // read policy for this service ReadBindings []*PolicyBinding `json:"readBindings"` // write policy of this service WriteBindings []*PolicyBinding `json:"writeBindings"` // a list of errors generated by the deployment operator Errors []*ServiceError `json:"errors"` // the cluster this service is deployed into Cluster *Cluster `json:"cluster"` // the current revision of this service Revision *Revision `json:"revision"` // possibly secret configuration used to template the manifests of this service Configuration []*ServiceConfiguration `json:"configuration"` // the kubernetes component of a service Components []*ServiceComponent `json:"components"` // the global service this service is the source for GlobalService *GlobalService `json:"globalService"` // whether this service is controlled by a global service Owner *GlobalService `json:"owner"` // a relay connection of all revisions of this service, these are periodically pruned up to a history limit Revisions *RevisionConnection `json:"revisions"` // whether this service is editable Editable *bool `json:"editable"` InsertedAt *string `json:"insertedAt"` UpdatedAt *string `json:"updatedAt"` }
a reference to a service deployed from a git repo into a cluster
type ServiceDeploymentAttributes ¶
type ServiceDeploymentAttributes struct { Name string `json:"name"` Namespace string `json:"namespace"` Version *string `json:"version,omitempty"` DocsPath *string `json:"docsPath,omitempty"` SyncConfig *SyncConfigAttributes `json:"syncConfig,omitempty"` Protect *bool `json:"protect,omitempty"` RepositoryID *string `json:"repositoryId,omitempty"` Git *GitRefAttributes `json:"git,omitempty"` Helm *HelmConfigAttributes `json:"helm,omitempty"` Kustomize *KustomizeAttributes `json:"kustomize,omitempty"` Configuration []*ConfigAttributes `json:"configuration,omitempty"` ReadBindings []*PolicyBindingAttributes `json:"readBindings,omitempty"` WriteBindings []*PolicyBindingAttributes `json:"writeBindings,omitempty"` }
type ServiceDeploymentBaseFragment ¶ added in v0.0.11
type ServiceDeploymentBaseFragment struct { ID string "json:\"id\" graphql:\"id\"" Name string "json:\"name\" graphql:\"name\"" Namespace string "json:\"namespace\" graphql:\"namespace\"" Version string "json:\"version\" graphql:\"version\"" Kustomize *KustomizeFragment "json:\"kustomize\" graphql:\"kustomize\"" Git *GitRefFragment "json:\"git\" graphql:\"git\"" Helm *HelmSpecFragment "json:\"helm\" graphql:\"helm\"" Repository *GitRepositoryFragment "json:\"repository\" graphql:\"repository\"" }
type ServiceDeploymentConnection ¶
type ServiceDeploymentConnection struct { PageInfo PageInfo `json:"pageInfo"` Edges []*ServiceDeploymentEdge `json:"edges"` }
type ServiceDeploymentEdge ¶
type ServiceDeploymentEdge struct { Node *ServiceDeployment `json:"node"` Cursor *string `json:"cursor"` }
type ServiceDeploymentEdgeFragment ¶
type ServiceDeploymentEdgeFragment struct {
Node *ServiceDeploymentBaseFragment "json:\"node\" graphql:\"node\""
type ServiceDeploymentExtended ¶ added in v0.0.2
type ServiceDeploymentExtended struct { Cluster *BaseClusterFragment "json:\"cluster\" graphql:\"cluster\"" Errors []*ErrorFragment "json:\"errors\" graphql:\"errors\"" Revision *RevisionFragment "json:\"revision\" graphql:\"revision\"" ID string "json:\"id\" graphql:\"id\"" Name string "json:\"name\" graphql:\"name\"" Namespace string "json:\"namespace\" graphql:\"namespace\"" Version string "json:\"version\" graphql:\"version\"" Kustomize *KustomizeFragment "json:\"kustomize\" graphql:\"kustomize\"" Git *GitRefFragment "json:\"git\" graphql:\"git\"" Helm *HelmSpecFragment "json:\"helm\" graphql:\"helm\"" Repository *GitRepositoryFragment "json:\"repository\" graphql:\"repository\"" Components []*struct { ID string "json:\"id\" graphql:\"id\"" Name string "json:\"name\" graphql:\"name\"" Group *string "json:\"group\" graphql:\"group\"" Kind string "json:\"kind\" graphql:\"kind\"" Namespace *string "json:\"namespace\" graphql:\"namespace\"" State *ComponentState "json:\"state\" graphql:\"state\"" Synced bool "json:\"synced\" graphql:\"synced\"" Version *string "json:\"version\" graphql:\"version\"" } "json:\"components\" graphql:\"components\"" Protect *bool "json:\"protect\" graphql:\"protect\"" DeletedAt *string "json:\"deletedAt\" graphql:\"deletedAt\"" Sha *string "json:\"sha\" graphql:\"sha\"" Tarball *string "json:\"tarball\" graphql:\"tarball\"" Configuration []*struct { Name string "json:\"name\" graphql:\"name\"" Value string "json:\"value\" graphql:\"value\"" } "json:\"configuration\" graphql:\"configuration\"" }
type ServiceDeploymentFragment ¶
type ServiceDeploymentFragment struct { ID string "json:\"id\" graphql:\"id\"" Name string "json:\"name\" graphql:\"name\"" Namespace string "json:\"namespace\" graphql:\"namespace\"" Version string "json:\"version\" graphql:\"version\"" Kustomize *KustomizeFragment "json:\"kustomize\" graphql:\"kustomize\"" Git *GitRefFragment "json:\"git\" graphql:\"git\"" Helm *HelmSpecFragment "json:\"helm\" graphql:\"helm\"" Repository *GitRepositoryFragment "json:\"repository\" graphql:\"repository\"" Components []*struct { ID string "json:\"id\" graphql:\"id\"" Name string "json:\"name\" graphql:\"name\"" Group *string "json:\"group\" graphql:\"group\"" Kind string "json:\"kind\" graphql:\"kind\"" Namespace *string "json:\"namespace\" graphql:\"namespace\"" State *ComponentState "json:\"state\" graphql:\"state\"" Synced bool "json:\"synced\" graphql:\"synced\"" Version *string "json:\"version\" graphql:\"version\"" } "json:\"components\" graphql:\"components\"" Protect *bool "json:\"protect\" graphql:\"protect\"" DeletedAt *string "json:\"deletedAt\" graphql:\"deletedAt\"" Sha *string "json:\"sha\" graphql:\"sha\"" Tarball *string "json:\"tarball\" graphql:\"tarball\"" Configuration []*struct { Name string "json:\"name\" graphql:\"name\"" Value string "json:\"value\" graphql:\"value\"" } "json:\"configuration\" graphql:\"configuration\"" }
type ServiceDeploymentStatus ¶ added in v0.0.10
type ServiceDeploymentStatus string
const ( ServiceDeploymentStatusStale ServiceDeploymentStatus = "STALE" ServiceDeploymentStatusSynced ServiceDeploymentStatus = "SYNCED" ServiceDeploymentStatusHealthy ServiceDeploymentStatus = "HEALTHY" ServiceDeploymentStatusFailed ServiceDeploymentStatus = "FAILED" ServiceDeploymentStatusPaused ServiceDeploymentStatus = "PAUSED" )
func (ServiceDeploymentStatus) IsValid ¶ added in v0.0.10
func (e ServiceDeploymentStatus) IsValid() bool
func (ServiceDeploymentStatus) MarshalGQL ¶ added in v0.0.10
func (e ServiceDeploymentStatus) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (ServiceDeploymentStatus) String ¶ added in v0.0.10
func (e ServiceDeploymentStatus) String() string
func (*ServiceDeploymentStatus) UnmarshalGQL ¶ added in v0.0.10
func (e *ServiceDeploymentStatus) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type ServiceError ¶ added in v0.0.2
an error sent from the deploy operator about sync progress
type ServiceErrorAttributes ¶ added in v0.0.2
type ServicePort ¶
type ServiceSpec ¶
type ServiceSpec struct { Type *string `json:"type"` ClusterIP *string `json:"clusterIp"` Selector map[string]interface{} `json:"selector"` Ports []*ServicePort `json:"ports"` }
type ServiceStatus ¶
type ServiceStatus struct {
LoadBalancer *LoadBalancerStatus `json:"loadBalancer"`
type ServiceStatusCount ¶ added in v0.0.12
type ServiceStatusCount struct { Status ServiceDeploymentStatus `json:"status"` Count int64 `json:"count"` }
a rollup count of the statuses of services in a query
type ServiceUpdateAttributes ¶
type ServiceUpdateAttributes struct { Version *string `json:"version,omitempty"` Protect *bool `json:"protect,omitempty"` Git *GitRefAttributes `json:"git,omitempty"` Helm *HelmConfigAttributes `json:"helm,omitempty"` Configuration []*ConfigAttributes `json:"configuration,omitempty"` Kustomize *KustomizeAttributes `json:"kustomize,omitempty"` }
type StageService ¶ added in v0.0.19
type StageService struct { ID string `json:"id"` // a pointer to a service Service *ServiceDeployment `json:"service"` // criteria for how a promotion of this service shall be performed Criteria *PromotionCriteria `json:"criteria"` InsertedAt *string `json:"insertedAt"` UpdatedAt *string `json:"updatedAt"` }
the configuration of a service within a pipeline stage, including optional promotion criteria
type StageServiceAttributes ¶ added in v0.0.19
type StageServiceAttributes struct { // the cluster handle of this service Handle *string `json:"handle,omitempty"` // the name of this service Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` // the name of this service ServiceID *string `json:"serviceId,omitempty"` Criteria *PromotionCriteriaAttributes `json:"criteria,omitempty"` }
the attributes of a service w/in a specific stage
type StatefulSet ¶
type StatefulSet struct { Metadata Metadata `json:"metadata"` Status StatefulSetStatus `json:"status"` Spec StatefulSetSpec `json:"spec"` Pods []*Pod `json:"pods"` Raw string `json:"raw"` Events []*Event `json:"events"` }
func (StatefulSet) IsKubernetesData ¶
func (StatefulSet) IsKubernetesData()
type StatefulSetSpec ¶
type StatefulSetStatus ¶
type StatusComponent ¶
type StatusCondition ¶
type SyncConfig ¶ added in v0.0.12
type SyncConfig struct {
NamespaceMetadata *NamespaceMetadata `json:"namespaceMetadata"`
Advanced configuration of how to sync resources
type SyncConfigAttributes ¶ added in v0.0.12
type SyncConfigAttributes struct {
NamespaceMetadata *MetadataAttributes `json:"namespaceMetadata,omitempty"`
type TagAttributes ¶ added in v0.0.2
type Taint ¶
type Taint struct { Key string `json:"key"` Value string `json:"value"` Effect string `json:"effect"` }
a kubernetes node taint
type TaintAttributes ¶
type TerminatedState ¶
type TokenExchange ¶ added in v0.0.19
type TokenExchange struct { TokenExchange *struct { Name string "json:\"name\" graphql:\"name\"" ID string "json:\"id\" graphql:\"id\"" Email string "json:\"email\" graphql:\"email\"" Groups []*struct { ID string "json:\"id\" graphql:\"id\"" Name string "json:\"name\" graphql:\"name\"" } "json:\"groups\" graphql:\"groups\"" BoundRoles []*struct { ID string "json:\"id\" graphql:\"id\"" Name string "json:\"name\" graphql:\"name\"" } "json:\"boundRoles\" graphql:\"boundRoles\"" } "json:\"tokenExchange\" graphql:\"tokenExchange\"" }
type UpdateCluster ¶
type UpdateCluster struct {
UpdateCluster *ClusterFragment "json:\"updateCluster\" graphql:\"updateCluster\""
type UpdateClusterProvider ¶
type UpdateClusterProvider struct {
UpdateClusterProvider *ClusterProviderFragment "json:\"updateClusterProvider\" graphql:\"updateClusterProvider\""
type UpdateDeploymentSettings ¶
type UpdateDeploymentSettings struct {
UpdateDeploymentSettings *DeploymentSettingsFragment "json:\"updateDeploymentSettings\" graphql:\"updateDeploymentSettings\""
type UpdateGate ¶ added in v0.0.45
type UpdateGate struct {
UpdateGate *PipelineGateFragment "json:\"updateGate\" graphql:\"updateGate\""
type UpdateGitRepository ¶ added in v0.0.12
type UpdateGitRepository struct {
UpdateGitRepository *GitRepositoryFragment "json:\"updateGitRepository\" graphql:\"updateGitRepository\""
type UpdateRbac ¶
type UpdateRbac struct {
UpdateRbac *bool "json:\"updateRbac\" graphql:\"updateRbac\""
type UpdateServiceComponents ¶
type UpdateServiceComponents struct {
UpdateServiceComponents *ServiceDeploymentFragment "json:\"updateServiceComponents\" graphql:\"updateServiceComponents\""
type UpdateServiceDeployment ¶
type UpdateServiceDeployment struct {
UpdateServiceDeployment *ServiceDeploymentFragment "json:\"updateServiceDeployment\" graphql:\"updateServiceDeployment\""
type UpdateServiceDeploymentWithHandle ¶ added in v0.0.14
type UpdateServiceDeploymentWithHandle struct {
UpdateServiceDeployment *ServiceDeploymentFragment "json:\"updateServiceDeployment\" graphql:\"updateServiceDeployment\""
type UpgradePolicy ¶
type UpgradePolicy struct { ID string `json:"id"` Name string `json:"name"` Description *string `json:"description"` Repositories []*string `json:"repositories"` Type UpgradePolicyType `json:"type"` Target string `json:"target"` Weight *int64 `json:"weight"` InsertedAt *string `json:"insertedAt"` UpdatedAt *string `json:"updatedAt"` }
type UpgradePolicyAttributes ¶
type UpgradePolicyType ¶
type UpgradePolicyType string
const ( UpgradePolicyTypeDeploy UpgradePolicyType = "DEPLOY" UpgradePolicyTypeApproval UpgradePolicyType = "APPROVAL" UpgradePolicyTypeIgnore UpgradePolicyType = "IGNORE" )
func (UpgradePolicyType) IsValid ¶
func (e UpgradePolicyType) IsValid() bool
func (UpgradePolicyType) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e UpgradePolicyType) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (UpgradePolicyType) String ¶
func (e UpgradePolicyType) String() string
func (*UpgradePolicyType) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *UpgradePolicyType) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type User ¶
type User struct { ID string `json:"id"` Name string `json:"name"` Email string `json:"email"` DeletedAt *string `json:"deletedAt"` Profile *string `json:"profile"` PluralID *string `json:"pluralId"` Roles *UserRoles `json:"roles"` ReadTimestamp *string `json:"readTimestamp"` BuildTimestamp *string `json:"buildTimestamp"` Groups []*Group `json:"groups"` BoundRoles []*Role `json:"boundRoles"` Jwt *string `json:"jwt"` UnreadNotifications *int64 `json:"unreadNotifications"` BackgroundColor *string `json:"backgroundColor"` InsertedAt *string `json:"insertedAt"` UpdatedAt *string `json:"updatedAt"` }
type UserAttributes ¶
type UserAttributes struct { Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` Email *string `json:"email,omitempty"` Password *string `json:"password,omitempty"` Roles *UserRoleAttributes `json:"roles,omitempty"` }
type UserConnection ¶
type UserFragment ¶
type UserRoleAttributes ¶
type UserRoleAttributes struct {
Admin *bool `json:"admin,omitempty"`
type VersionReference ¶ added in v0.0.38
a shortform reference to an addon by version
type VerticalPodAutoscaler ¶
type VerticalPodAutoscaler struct { Metadata Metadata `json:"metadata"` Spec VerticalPodAutoscalerSpec `json:"spec"` Status *VerticalPodAutoscalerStatus `json:"status"` }
type VerticalPodAutoscalerSpec ¶
type VerticalPodAutoscalerSpec struct { TargetRef CrossVersionResourceTarget `json:"targetRef"` UpdatePolicy VerticalPodAutoscalerUpdatePolicy `json:"updatePolicy"` }
type VerticalPodAutoscalerStatus ¶
type VerticalPodAutoscalerStatus struct {
Recommendation *Recommendation `json:"recommendation"`
type VerticalPodAutoscalerUpdatePolicy ¶
type VerticalPodAutoscalerUpdatePolicy struct {
UpdateMode *string `json:"updateMode"`
type WaitingState ¶
type Webhook ¶
type Webhook struct { ID string `json:"id"` URL string `json:"url"` Health WebhookHealth `json:"health"` Type WebhookType `json:"type"` InsertedAt *string `json:"insertedAt"` UpdatedAt *string `json:"updatedAt"` }
type WebhookAttributes ¶
type WebhookAttributes struct {
URL string `json:"url"`
type WebhookConnection ¶
type WebhookConnection struct { PageInfo PageInfo `json:"pageInfo"` Edges []*WebhookEdge `json:"edges"` }
type WebhookEdge ¶
type WebhookHealth ¶
type WebhookHealth string
const ( WebhookHealthHealthy WebhookHealth = "HEALTHY" WebhookHealthUnhealthy WebhookHealth = "UNHEALTHY" )
func (WebhookHealth) IsValid ¶
func (e WebhookHealth) IsValid() bool
func (WebhookHealth) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e WebhookHealth) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (WebhookHealth) String ¶
func (e WebhookHealth) String() string
func (*WebhookHealth) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *WebhookHealth) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type WebhookType ¶
type WebhookType string
const ( WebhookTypePiazza WebhookType = "PIAZZA" WebhookTypeSLACk WebhookType = "SLACK" )
func (WebhookType) IsValid ¶
func (e WebhookType) IsValid() bool
func (WebhookType) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e WebhookType) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (WebhookType) String ¶
func (e WebhookType) String() string
func (*WebhookType) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *WebhookType) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type WireguardPeer ¶
type WireguardPeer struct { Metadata Metadata `json:"metadata"` Status *WireguardPeerStatus `json:"status"` Spec WireguardPeerSpec `json:"spec"` Config *string `json:"config"` User *User `json:"user"` Raw string `json:"raw"` }
type WireguardPeerSpec ¶
type WireguardPeerStatus ¶
type WireguardPeerStatus struct { Ready *bool `json:"ready"` Conditions []*StatusCondition `json:"conditions"` }