This service is a policy decision point. It uses a set of access control policies, similar to
AWS IAM Policies, in order to determine whether
a subject (user, application, service, car, ...) is authorized to perform a certain action on a resource.
With ORY Keto, you can model Access Control Lists, Role Based Access Control, and fine-grained permission sets.
This server implementation uses ORY Ladon as the decision engine.
ORY Keto is possible to resolve credentials using various authentication mechanisms:
- OAuth 2.0 Access Tokens using the OAuth 2.0 Introspection standard.
- Plaintext when you already know the user ID.
- JSON Web Tokens (coming soon).
- SAML (coming soon).
The easiest way to install ORY Keto is using the Docker Hub Image:
docker run oryd/keto:<version> help
ORY Security Console: Administrative User Interface
The ORY Security Console is a visual admin interface for managing ORY Hydra,
ORY Oathkeeper, and ORY Keto.
ORY Hydra: OAuth2 & OpenID Connect Server
ORY Hydra ORY Hydra is a hardened OAuth2 and OpenID Connect server optimized
for low-latency, high throughput, and low resource consumption. ORY Hydra is not an identity provider
(user sign up, user log in, password reset flow), but connects to your existing identity provider through a consent app.
ORY Oathkeeper: Identity & Access Proxy
ORY Oathkeeper is a BeyondCorp/Zero Trust Identity & Access Proxy (IAP) built
on top of OAuth2 and ORY Hydra.
Disclosing vulnerabilities
If you think you found a security vulnerability, please refrain from posting it publicly on the forums, the chat, or GitHub
and send us an email to hi@ory.am instead.
Our services collect summarized, anonymized data which can optionally be turned off. Click
here to learn more.
The Guide is available here.
HTTP API documentation
The HTTP API is documented here.
Upgrading and Changelog
New releases might introduce breaking changes. To help you identify and incorporate those changes, we document these
changes in UPGRADE.md and CHANGELOG.md.
Command line documentation
Run keto -h
or keto help