Generate OpenAPI 3.0 documentation from Go src documentation.
Code template
Comment functions in the source code with the following template:
// Function summary
// METHOD /path/{path}
// {path:type} This is a path param, must exist in path above
// (query:type) This is a query param
// [header:type] This is a header param
// <package.BodyStruct>
// RESPONSE_CODE package.ResponseStruct
func rest(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
The first line must be a function summary, followed by a method and path. The rest is optional. If there are path
variables, they must exist in the path. Structs must have package names and be separated by a dot. Structs must exist
in the working directory, or a subdirectory, from where genopi
is run so make sure to create a vendor directory if
using external structs. Params can be optional using ?
and for structs they are optional if they are pointers,
see examples below. If struct variables are annotated with json:"name"
, name will be used instead of the variables name.
Some special types are allowed:
becomes type string with format date
becomes type string with format uuid
// Ping the server
// GET /ping
func ping(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
Get with path param
package myapp
type User struct {
ID uuid.UUID `json:"id"`
type Message struct {
Created time.Time `json:"created"`
Message string `json:"message"`
// Get user by id
// GET /users/{user_id}
// {user_id:uuid} User id path param
// (optional_param?:string) Optional query param
// 200 myapp.User
// 400 myapp.Message
func getUser(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
Post with body and optional params. Skip struct if response code provides empty response.
package myapp
type Body struct {
Required string
Optional *string
// Add user info
// POST /users/{user_id}/info
// <myapp.Body>
// 204
// 400
func addUserInfo(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
Installing and running
Api title
Api base url
Api version
Path to store generated api documentation
Generating api documentation:
go get
cd $GOPATH/src/your/project
genopi -t "Api title" -u "https://api.url" -v "1.0" -o "docs/api.yaml"
- Parse api from comments in source code
- Generate OpenAPI 3.0 documentation
- Provide api tests using
- Clean up code and make it extensible for additional generators and parsers