PackageInstall Controller
Watches PackageRevisions
- only non catalog packages or WET
- WET/Repository Deployment == True -> used for tracking APIService installations
Catalog Packages (use DRY approved packages)
// version is irrelavent here since we assume all versions of a given group / kind or resource are within a package
// group/kind -> resource, pkg (not revision), versions
// group/resource -> kind
// -> for an apiService we store apiService in resource
// rbac lookup
// rbac -> group + resources -> version is not relevant, group can be "" or "*" -> means empty group (core)
// regular cr lookup
// group/kind -> resource
// if not found lookup in resource with apiservice resource
// pvar -> leeds to package directly
- for each package we list the API(s) it supports -> extended apis are defined by CRD/APiService
gr -> kind
gk -> resource, pkg, versions []pkgRev, type
Inventory of api-services
- gk1 -> core
- gk2 -> resource, pkg, versions, type (type packages could also be derived from the fact that there is no pkg referenced)
- for each package
per cr we lookup the gk and find the package reference or core ref
per rbac role/clusterrole -> we lookup gr, get the kind and than lookup gk and find the relevant packages or core ref
per pvar -> we reference the upstream package
-> the lookup to apiservice is a bit special since the kind is not available, lookup via apiService
pkg -> dependent packagess [gk] -> pkg
Installed Packages (use WET approved packages)
Inventory of installed packages
- cluster/NS/pkgName -> packageRevision
Dependency controller
For each package in the pkgRev for WET packages we have to validate the following things.
- install the software? works out the dag
- grpc service APIService GET (per cr check apiservices)
- core -> all good (nothing to be done)
- pkgrev1, pkgrev2, etc -> we need to select a package (maybe latest or installed ocnce)
- Is the package already installed or not?
- grpc service PackageRevision GET
- if the software is not installed -> create a packageVariant.
-> use the latest revision from the list
-> repo: same as the one from the original package
-> package: clusterPrefix + packageName
How do we upgrade a package ?
Package Design Rules:
- owner of a package is a single role
- the package that offers a service should be contained
- configuration of the services should remain seperate
-> resource
-> version -> []pkgRevs // we need to check if all pkgRev belong to the same package
-> kind
-> []pkgRevs -> Dependencies
install pkgRev -> is this version installed or not?
check the dependencies of the pkgRev
api := a/b
[v1][pkgArev1, pkgArev2]
[v2][pkgArev2, pkgArev3]
- validate delete of a pkgRev -> check if in use
- validate upgrade of a pkgRev