Overview ¶
Example (CombineNormalDwellSpectra_Mismatch) ¶
Output: Found dwell spectrum PMC: 82 which has no corresponding normal spectrum
Example (CombineNormalDwellSpectra_OK) ¶
Output: <nil> 3 44
Example (ConvertHousekeepingData) ¶
Output: <nil>|[ONE TWO THREE FOUR]|2 34: [{ 13 0 MT_INT} { 0 14 MT_FLOAT} { 0 3.1415925 MT_FLOAT} {44 0 0 MT_STRING}] 999: [{ 13 0 MT_INT} { 0 13.33 MT_FLOAT} { 0 55 MT_FLOAT} {N/A 0 0 MT_STRING}]
Example (ParseBeamLocationHeaders) ¶
Output: [{777 4 5} {3027 6 7}]|-1|<nil> [{777 5 6} {3027 7 8}]|4|<nil> []|-1|Unexpected count of i/j columns []|-1|Unexpected column: geom_corr []|-1|Expected column image_i, got: PMC_777_MCC_i [{444 4 5}]|-1|<nil> [{444 4 5}]|-1|<nil> []|-1|Expected column image_j, got: SCLK []|-1|Unexpected column header PMC_3027_MCC_i after PMC_777_MCC_i []|-1|Unexpected count of i/j columns []|-1|Unexpected column: SCLK []|-1|Expected column x, got: SCLK
Example (ParseBeamLocationRow) ¶
Output: 33,{1.1 1.2 1.3 0 map[20:{55.1 55.2}]}|<nil> 33,{1.1 1.2 1.3 0 map[320:{8.1 8.2} 777:{55.1 55.2}]}|<nil> 33,{1.1 1.2 1.3 0.983 map[320:{8.1 8.2} 777:{55.1 55.2}]}|<nil>
Example (ParseBeamLocations) ¶
Output: map[33:{1.1 1.2 1.3 0 map[222:{55.1 55.2}]}]|<nil> map[33:{31.1 31.2 31.3 0 map[22:{355.1 355.2} 62:{3121.4 3121.5}]} 66:{91.1 91.2 91.3 0 map[22:{955.1 955.2} 62:{9121.4 9121.5}]}]|<nil> map[33:{31.1 31.2 31.3 1.03 map[22:{355.1 355.2} 62:{3121.4 3121.5}]} 66:{91.1 91.2 91.3 0.99 map[22:{955.1 955.2} 62:{9121.4 9121.5}]}]|<nil>
Example (ParseMSAMetadataLine) ¶
Output: LIVETIME|25.09, 25.08|<nil> OFFSET|0.3, 0.1|<nil> XPERCHAN|10.0, 10.0|<nil> NCOLUMNS|2|<nil> ||Expected # at start of metadata: 123 ||Expected # at start of metadata: Some:Thing ||Failed to parse metadata line: #SOME TEXT HERE FIELD|1234|<nil> THE FIELD|12.34|<nil> ANOTHER FIELD|999|<nil> NCOLUMNS|2|<nil> DATE||<nil> LIVETIME|9.87332058|<nil> XPERCHAN|7.9226, 7.9273|<nil>
Example (ParseMSASpectraLine) ¶
Output: [1983]|<nil> [1]|<nil> [0]|<nil> [1983 44]|<nil> [1 0]|<nil> [2321 32342]|<nil> [11 22 33]|<nil> []|Expected 0 spectrum columns, got 3 on line [9]:11, 22, 33 []|Expected 1 spectrum columns, got 2 on line [7]:1983, 44 []|Expected 2 spectrum columns, got 1 on line [7]:1983 []|Failed to read spectra "" on line [7]:1983, []|Failed to read spectra "" on line [7]: []|Expected 2 spectrum columns, got 1 on line [7]: []|Expected 1 spectrum columns, got 2 on line [7]:, []|Failed to read spectra "" on line [7]:, []|Failed to read spectra "#SOMETHING" on line [1]:#SOMETHING []|Failed to read spectra "#SOMETHING" on line [1]:#SOMETHING,#ELSE []|Failed to read spectra "#Number" on line [1]:1,#Number []|Failed to read spectra "Waffles" on line [2]:Waffles []|Failed to read spectra "1.6" on line [4]:1.6 []|Failed to read spectra "1.6" on line [4]:1.6, 3.1415926 []|Failed to read spectra "3.1415926" on line [4]:16,3.1415926 []|Spectra expected non-negative value "-34" on line [6]:-34, 10 []|Spectra expected non-negative value "-10" on line [6]:34, -10 []|Failed to read spectra "Waffles" on line [6]:5, Waffles []|Failed to read spectra "Waffles" on line [6]:Waffles, 5
Example (ParsePsuedoIntensityData) ¶
Output: <nil>|2 [0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6] [10.1 10.2 10.3 10.4 10.5 10.6] expected first table to contain PMCs in first column, found: 77|map[] row 2 - expected PMC, got: oops|map[] row 5, col 3 - expected pseudointensity value, got: wtf|map[]
Example (ParseRanges) ¶
Output: <nil>|2 {Name:ps1 Start:100 End:120} {Name:ps2 Start:144 End:173} Pseudo-intensity ranges has unexpected headers|[]
Example (ParseSpectraCSVData_OK) ¶
Output: <nil> pmc[33] det[0] meta [DETECTOR_ID:A/s LIVETIME:17.1/f OFFSET:17.3/f PMC:33/i READTYPE:Normal/s REALTIME:17.7/f SCLK:11/i XPERCHAN:17.5/f] spectrum [21 22 23 24 25 26] det[1] meta [DETECTOR_ID:B/s LIVETIME:17.2/f OFFSET:17.4/f PMC:33/i READTYPE:Normal/s REALTIME:17.8/f SCLK:12/i XPERCHAN:17.6/f] spectrum [41 42 43 44 45 46] pmc[34] det[0] meta [DETECTOR_ID:A/s LIVETIME:18.1/f OFFSET:18.3/f PMC:34/i READTYPE:Normal/s REALTIME:18.7/f SCLK:13/i XPERCHAN:18.5/f] spectrum [121 122 123 124 125 126] det[1] meta [DETECTOR_ID:B/s LIVETIME:18.2/f OFFSET:18.4/f PMC:34/i READTYPE:Normal/s REALTIME:18.8/f SCLK:14/i XPERCHAN:18.6/f] spectrum [141 142 143 144 145 146]
Example (ParseSpectraCSVData_SpectrumTableBadData) ¶
Output: map[]|row 7, col 3 - failed to read value, got: something
Example (ParseSpectraCSVData_SpectrumTableDiffColCounts) ¶
Output: map[]|row 9 - differing channel count found, A was 6, B is 7
Example (ParseSpectraCSVData_SpectrumTablesDifferingRows) ¶
Output: map[]|A table had 2 rows, B had 1
Example (ParseSpectraCSVData_TopTableErrors) ¶
Output: map[]|Unexpected columns in metadata table: [SCLK_A SCLK_B PMC XPERCHAN_A XPERCHAN_B] map[]|row 1 - expected 11 metadata items in row, got: 10 map[]|row 1 - expected 11 metadata items in row, got: 12 map[]|row 1 - expected SCLK, got: something map[]|row 1 - expected PMC, got: something map[]|row 1 - live_time_B expected float, got: something
Example (ScanHousekeepingData) ¶
Example (SplitColumnHeader) ¶
Output: 333,corr,i|<nil> 777,MCC,j|<nil> 0,,|Unexpected column: PMC_777_MC_j 0,,|Unexpected column: PMC_bob_MCC_j 0,,|Unexpected column: PMC_777_MCC_k 0,,|Unexpected column: PMc_777_MCC_j 0,,|Unexpected column: nan
Example (SplitMSAMetaFor2Detectors) ¶
Output: <nil> META A [COMMENT:My Comment/s DATATYPE:YY/s DATE:03-20-2018/s DETECTOR_ID:A/s EVENTS:44690/s KETEK_ICR:1833.1/s KETEK_OCR:1780.1/s LIVETIME:25.09/f NCOLUMNS:2/s NPOINTS:4096/s OFFSET:3.3/f PMC:99/i REALTIME:25.11/f SCLK:399/i SIGNALTYPE:XRF/s TIME:13:10:30/s TRIGGERS:45993/s XPERCHAN:10.3/f XPOSITION:1.0030/s XUNITS:eV/s YPOSITION:2.004/f YUNITS:COUNTS/s ZPOSITION:2.443/f] META B [COMMENT:My Comment/s DATATYPE:YY/s DATE:03-20-2018/s DETECTOR_ID:B/s EVENTS:42823/s KETEK_ICR:1750.7/s KETEK_OCR:1705.7/s LIVETIME:25.08/f NCOLUMNS:2/s NPOINTS:4096/s OFFSET:5.3/f PMC:99/i REALTIME:25.12/f SCLK:399/i SIGNALTYPE:XRF/s TIME:13:10:30/s TRIGGERS:43902/s XPERCHAN:11.3/f XPOSITION:1.0030/s XUNITS:eV/s YPOSITION:2.004/f YUNITS:COUNTS/s ZPOSITION:2.443/f] Metadata row cannot be split for 2 detectors due to commas
Example (SplitSpectraCSVTables_OneTable) ¶
Output: table1=8, table2=0 [SCLK_A SCLK_B PMC real_time_A real_time_B live_time_A live_time_B XPERCHAN_A XPERCHAN_B OFFSET_A OFFSET_B]
Example (SplitSpectraCSVTables_TwoTable) ¶
Output: table1=8, table2=12 [SCLK_A SCLK_B PMC real_time_A real_time_B live_time_A live_time_B XPERCHAN_A XPERCHAN_B OFFSET_A OFFSET_B] [SCLK_A SCLK_B PMC real_time_A real_time_B live_time_A live_time_B XPERCHAN_A XPERCHAN_B OFFSET_A OFFSET_B] [21 12 33 17.7 17.8 17.1 17.2 17.5 17.6 17.3 17.4]
Index ¶
- func LogIfMoreFoundMSA(m dataConvertModels.DetectorSampleByPMC, typename string, morethan int, ...)
- func MakeFMDatasetOutput(beamLookup dataConvertModels.BeamLocationByPMC, ...) (*dataConvertModels.OutputData, error)
- func ReadBeamLocationsFile(path string, expectMultipleIJ bool, mainImagePMC int32, jobLog logger.ILogger) (dataConvertModels.BeamLocationByPMC, error)
- func ReadBulkMaxSpectra(filePaths []string, jobLog logger.ILogger) (dataConvertModels.DetectorSampleByPMC, error)
- func ReadCSV(filePath string, headerIdx int, sep rune, jobLog logger.ILogger) ([][]string, error)
- func ReadHousekeepingFile(path string, headerRowCount int, jobLog logger.ILogger) (dataConvertModels.HousekeepingData, error)
- func ReadMSAFileLines(lines []string, singleDetectorMSA bool, expectPMC bool, ...) ([]dataConvertModels.DetectorSample, error)
- func ReadMatchedImages(matchedPath string, beamLookup dataConvertModels.BeamLocationByPMC, ...) ([]dataConvertModels.MatchedAlignedImageMeta, error)
- func ReadPseudoIntensityFile(path string, expectHeaderRow bool, jobLog logger.ILogger) (dataConvertModels.PseudoIntensities, error)
- func ReadPseudoIntensityRangesFile(path string, jobLog logger.ILogger) ([]dataConvertModels.PseudoIntensityRange, error)
- func ReadSpectraCSV(path string, jobLog logger.ILogger) (dataConvertModels.DetectorSampleByPMC, error)
Examples ¶
- Package (CombineNormalDwellSpectra_Mismatch)
- Package (CombineNormalDwellSpectra_OK)
- Package (ConvertHousekeepingData)
- Package (ParseBeamLocationHeaders)
- Package (ParseBeamLocationRow)
- Package (ParseBeamLocations)
- Package (ParseMSAMetadataLine)
- Package (ParseMSASpectraLine)
- Package (ParsePsuedoIntensityData)
- Package (ParseRanges)
- Package (ParseSpectraCSVData_OK)
- Package (ParseSpectraCSVData_SpectrumTableBadData)
- Package (ParseSpectraCSVData_SpectrumTableDiffColCounts)
- Package (ParseSpectraCSVData_SpectrumTablesDifferingRows)
- Package (ParseSpectraCSVData_TopTableErrors)
- Package (ScanHousekeepingData)
- Package (SplitColumnHeader)
- Package (SplitMSAMetaFor2Detectors)
- Package (SplitSpectraCSVTables_OneTable)
- Package (SplitSpectraCSVTables_TwoTable)
Constants ¶
This section is empty.
Variables ¶
This section is empty.
Functions ¶
func LogIfMoreFoundMSA ¶
func LogIfMoreFoundMSA(m dataConvertModels.DetectorSampleByPMC, typename string, morethan int, log logger.ILogger)
func MakeFMDatasetOutput ¶
func MakeFMDatasetOutput( beamLookup dataConvertModels.BeamLocationByPMC, hkData dataConvertModels.HousekeepingData, locSpectraLookup dataConvertModels.DetectorSampleByPMC, bulkMaxSpectraLookup dataConvertModels.DetectorSampleByPMC, contextImgsPerPMC map[int32]string, pseudoIntensityData dataConvertModels.PseudoIntensities, pseudoIntensityRanges []dataConvertModels.PseudoIntensityRange, matchedAlignedImages []dataConvertModels.MatchedAlignedImageMeta, rgbuImages []dataConvertModels.ImageMeta, discoImages []dataConvertModels.ImageMeta, whiteDiscoImage string, datasetMeta gdsfilename.FileNameMeta, datasetIDExpected string, log logger.ILogger, ) (*dataConvertModels.OutputData, error)
Given the stuff read from disk, this takes all the data and assembles it in the output structure This was hard-coded into the FM importer in past, but now that we have SOFF files they need to work the same way, so it's been pulled into here
func ReadBeamLocationsFile ¶
func ReadBeamLocationsFile(path string, expectMultipleIJ bool, mainImagePMC int32, jobLog logger.ILogger) (dataConvertModels.BeamLocationByPMC, error)
ReadBeamLocationsFile - Reads beam location CSV. Old style (expectMultipleIJ=false) or new multi-image IJ coord CSVs
func ReadBulkMaxSpectra ¶
func ReadBulkMaxSpectra(filePaths []string, jobLog logger.ILogger) (dataConvertModels.DetectorSampleByPMC, error)
Expects the bulk file path and max file path in an array as inputs. Order does not matter because the file name can be used to determine which is being read
func ReadHousekeepingFile ¶
func ReadHousekeepingFile(path string, headerRowCount int, jobLog logger.ILogger) (dataConvertModels.HousekeepingData, error)
func ReadMSAFileLines ¶
func ReadMSAFileLines(lines []string, singleDetectorMSA bool, expectPMC bool, detectorADuplicate bool) ([]dataConvertModels.DetectorSample, error)
func ReadMatchedImages ¶
func ReadMatchedImages(matchedPath string, beamLookup dataConvertModels.BeamLocationByPMC, jobLog logger.ILogger, fs fileaccess.FileAccess) ([]dataConvertModels.MatchedAlignedImageMeta, error)
func ReadPseudoIntensityFile ¶
func ReadPseudoIntensityFile(path string, expectHeaderRow bool, jobLog logger.ILogger) (dataConvertModels.PseudoIntensities, error)
func ReadPseudoIntensityRangesFile ¶
func ReadPseudoIntensityRangesFile(path string, jobLog logger.ILogger) ([]dataConvertModels.PseudoIntensityRange, error)
func ReadSpectraCSV ¶
func ReadSpectraCSV(path string, jobLog logger.ILogger) (dataConvertModels.DetectorSampleByPMC, error)
Types ¶
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