
v0.0.8 Latest Latest

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Published: Nov 1, 2018 License: Apache-2.0



Utilities that make working with concourse easier

Getting Started



pipeline-utilities is a community supported cli. Opening issues for questions, feature requests and/or bugs is the best path to getting "support". We strive to be active in keeping this tool working and meeting your needs in a timely fashion.

Build from the source

pipeline-utilities is written in Go. To build the binary yourself, follow these steps:

  • Install Go.
  • Install dep, a dependency management tool for Go.
  • Clone the repo:
    • mkdir -p $(go env GOPATH)/src/github.com/pivotalservices
    • cd $(go env GOPATH)/src/github.com/pivotalservices
    • git clone git@github.com:pivotalservices/pipeline-utilities.git
  • Install dependencies:
    • cd pipeline-utilities
    • dep ensure
    • go build -o pipeline-utilities cmd/pipeline-utilities/main.go

To cross compile, set the $GOOS and $GOARCH environment variables. For example: GOOS=linux GOARCH=amd64 go build.


PRs are always welcome or open issues if you are experiencing an issue and will do my best to address issues in timely fashion.



env-to-yaml takes any environment variable with the prefix specified in --environment-prefix and will generate a yaml vars file with those values. This is useful to taking values managed in a concourse credential management solution like credhub and converting into a vars file that can be passed to om or bosh interpolate commands.

Command Usage
  pipeline-utilities [OPTIONS] env-to-yaml [env-to-yaml-OPTIONS]

Help Options:
  -h, --help                    Show this help message

[env-to-yaml command options]
  --environment-prefix= prefix for environment variables (default: YAML)
  --output-file=        output file for yaml


auth-file uses flags/environment variables to build an auth.yml that can be used with PCF Automation or the om --config flag.

  pipeline-utilities [OPTIONS] env-file [env-file-OPTIONS]

Help Options:
  -h, --help                     Show this help message

[env-file command options]
          --target=              OpsManager hostname [$OPSMAN_TARGET]
          --skip-ssl-validation  Skip SSL Validation when interacting with OpsManager [$OPSMAN_SKIP_SSL_VALIDATION]
          --username=            OpsManager username [$OPSMAN_USERNAME]
          --password=            OpsManager password [$OPSMAN_PASSWORD]
          --client-id=           OpsManager client id [$OPSMAN_CLIENTID]
          --client-secret=       OpsManager client secret [$OPSMAN_CLIENT_SECRET]
          --connect-timeout=     OpsManager Connect timeout (default: 5) [$OPSMAN_CONNECT_TIMEOUT]
          --request-timeout=     OpsManager Request timeout (default: 1800) [$OPSMAN_REQUEST_TIMEOUT]
          --output-file=         output file for yaml (default: env.yml)
          --trace                Prints HTTP requests and response payloads [$OPSMAN_TRACE]


env-file uses flags/environment variables to build an env.yml that can be used with PCF Automation or the om --env flag.

  pipeline-utilities [OPTIONS] env-file [env-file-OPTIONS]

Help Options:
  -h, --help                     Show this help message

[env-file command options]
          --target=              OpsManager hostname [$OPSMAN_TARGET]
          --skip-ssl-validation  Skip SSL Validation when interacting with OpsManager [$OPSMAN_SKIP_SSL_VALIDATION]
          --username=            OpsManager username [$OPSMAN_USERNAME]
          --password=            OpsManager password [$OPSMAN_PASSWORD]
          --client-id=           OpsManager client id [$OPSMAN_CLIENTID]
          --client-secret=       OpsManager client secret [$OPSMAN_CLIENT_SECRET]
          --connect-timeout=     OpsManager Connect timeout (default: 5) [$OPSMAN_CONNECT_TIMEOUT]
          --request-timeout=     OpsManager Request timeout (default: 1800) [$OPSMAN_REQUEST_TIMEOUT]
          --output-file=         output file for yaml (default: env.yml)
          --trace                Prints HTTP requests and response payloads [$OPSMAN_TRACE]

om-env-file *** deprecated

om-env-file uses flags/environment variables to build a auth.yml that can be used with om

Command Usage
  pipeline-utilities [OPTIONS] om-env-file [om-env-file-OPTIONS]

Help Options:
  -h, --help                       Show this help message

[om-env-file command options]
    --target=                OpsManager hostname [$OPSMAN_TARGET]
    --skip-ssl-validation    Skip SSL Validation when interacting with OpsManager [$OPSMAN_SKIP_SSL_VALIDATION]
    --username=              OpsManager username [$OPSMAN_USERNAME]
    --password=              OpsManager password [$OPSMAN_PASSWORD]
    --client-id=             OpsManager client id [$OPSMAN_CLIENTID]
    --client-secret=         OpsManager client secret [$OPSMAN_CLIENT_SECRET]
    --decryption-passphrase= OpsManager Decryption Passphrase [$OPSMAN_DECRYPTION_PASSPHRASE]
    --connect-timeout=       OpsManager Connect timeout (default: 5) [$OPSMAN_CONNECT_TIMEOUT]
    --request-timeout=       OpsManager Request timeout (default: 1800) [$OPSMAN_REQUEST_TIMEOUT]
    --output-file=           output file for yaml

    --idp-metadata=          OpsManager SAML IDP Metadata [$OPSMAN_SAML_IDP_METADATA]
    --bosh-idp-metadata=     OpsManager SAML BOSH IDP Metadata [$OPSMAN_SAML_BOSH_IDP_METADATA]
    --rbac-admin-group=      OpsManager RBAC admin group [$OPSMAN_RBAC_ADMIN_GROUP]
    --rbac-groups-attribute= OpsManager RBAC groups attribute [$OPSMAN_RBAC_GROUPS_ATTRIBUTE]

opsman-auth *** deprecated

opsman-auth uses flags/environment variables to build a auth.yml that can be used with PCF Automation tooling

Command Usage
  pipeline-utilities [OPTIONS] opsman-auth [opsman-auth-OPTIONS]

Help Options:
  -h, --help                       Show this help message

[opsman-auth command options]
  --url=                   OpsManager URL [$OPSMAN_URL]
  --skip-ssl-validation    Skip SSL Validation when interacting with OpsManager [$OPSMAN_SKIP_SSL_VALIDATION]
  --username=              OpsManager username [$OPSMAN_USERNAME]
  --password=              OpsManager password [$OPSMAN_PASSWORD]
  --client-id=             OpsManager client id [$OPSMAN_CLIENTID]
  --client-secret=         OpsManager client secret [$OPSMAN_CLIENT_SECRET]
  --decryption-passphrase= OpsManager Decryption Passphrase [$OPSMAN_DECRYPTION_PASSPHRASE]
  --output-file=           output file for yaml


uaa-configuration creates or updates uaa clients in target uaa based on configuration file

Command Usage
  pipeline-utilities [OPTIONS] uaa-configuration [uaa-configuration-OPTIONS]

Help Options:
  -h, --help           Show this help message

[uaa-configuration command options]
          --auth-file= path to auth file (default: auth/auth.yml)
      -c, --config=    path to config file
      -l, --vars-file= path to vars file
Sample Config
target: uaa.((system-domain))
skip_ssl_validation: true
verbose: false
deployment: cf
uaa_admin_credential_property: .uaa.admin_client_credentials
    secret: ((foo-secret))
    grant_types: ["client_credentials","refresh_token"]
    scope: ["doppler.firehose","cloud_controller.admin_read_only","oauth.login"]
    authorities: ["doppler.firehose","cloud_controller.admin_read_only","openid,oauth.approvals"]
    access_token_validity: 1209600
    secret: ((hello-secret))
    grant_types: ["client_credentials","refresh_token"]
    scope: ["doppler.firehose","cloud_controller.admin_read_only","oauth.login"]
    authorities: ["doppler.firehose","cloud_controller.admin_read_only","openid,oauth.approvals"]
    access_token_validity: 1209600


Path Synopsis

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Keyboard shortcuts

? : This menu
/ : Search site
f or F : Jump to
y or Y : Canonical URL