Monitoring Indicator Protocol
Monitoring Indicator Protocol is a set of custom resources that implement the
indicator protocol for kubernetes.
is a resource that allow for indicators,
thresholds, and layouts to be configured for a given product.
is a resource that represents a single indicator inside of an
The grafana-indicator-controller
configures dashboards for
grafana based on IndicatorDocument
The prometheus-indicator-controller
configures alerting rules
for prometheus based on IndicatorDocument
The indicator-lifecycle-controller
creates individual Indicator
resources in k8s for each indicator defined in a document.
After setting up your cluster,
you can deploy the SRE resources by:
kubectl apply -Rf config
This will install the controllers using the latest
tag in Docker.
Cluster setup
# Create new cluster with a name of your choice
gcloud container clusters create $NAME --zone us-central1-a
# Ensure kubeconfig is pointing at the right cluster
kubectl config get-contexts
# [If necessary] Point at the right cluster
gcloud container clusters get-credentials $NAME -z us-central1-a
# Provide admin privileges to self
# - Please note that the role binding name must be unique for the cluster
kubectl create clusterrolebinding cluster-admin-binding --clusterrole cluster-admin --user $(gcloud config get-value account)
# Initialize Helm
helm init
helm repo update
kubectl create serviceaccount --namespace kube-system tiller
kubectl create clusterrolebinding tiller-cluster-rule --clusterrole=cluster-admin --serviceaccount=kube-system:tiller
kubectl patch deploy --namespace kube-system tiller-deploy -p '{"spec":{"template":{"spec":{"serviceAccount":"tiller"}}}}'
helm init --service-account tiller --upgrade
# Create Grafana namespace
kubectl create ns grafana
# Install Grafana helmchart
helm install stable/grafana --values helm_config/grafana_values.yml --name grafana --namespace grafana
# Create Prometheus namespace
kubectl create ns prometheus
# Install Prometheus helmchart
helm install stable/prometheus --name prometheus --namespace prometheus
# MIP components
kubectl apply -k config
# Apply a simple indicatordocument
kubectl apply -f test/valid/simple.yml
You can verify that this worked by checking for the existence of the resources:
kubectl get indicators -A
kubectl get indicatordocuments -A
These commands should return output reflecting the names defined in
To further verify,
you can check for corresponding dashboards in Grafana and alerting rules in
Use helm status grafana
and helm status prometheus
to get guidance on
reaching the GUIs of these applications.
E2E Tests
Cluster Setup
The end to end tests communicate with the Grafana and Prometheus APIs directly
to ensure the entire flow of functionality.
Thus, to set up a cluster for end to end tests,
the Grafana and Prometheus servers must be available on the internet.
To achieve this,
use the e2e_*_values
files in helm_config
instead of the standard values files:
# Install Grafana helmchart
helm install stable/grafana --values helm_config/e2e_grafana_values.yml --name grafana --namespace grafana
# Install Prometheus helmchart
helm install stable/prometheus --values helm_config/e2e_prometheus_values.yml --name prometheus --namespace prometheus
Running the tests
The tests can be run with a shell script from the root directory of this
repository: ./scripts/ e2e
The tests use the current Kubernetes auth context,
so you must be logged into a cluster to run them.
The cluster must be set up for E2E tests as detailed above.