
command module
v0.88.0 Latest Latest

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Published: Nov 28, 2023 License: Apache-2.0 Imports: 10 Imported by: 0


Kiln release Go Reference

Kiln bakes tiles

Kiln helps tile developers build products for VMware Tanzu Operations Manager. It provides an opinionated folder structure and templating capabilities. It is designed to be used both in CI environments and in command-line to produce a tile.

More information for those just getting started can be found in the Ops Manager Tile Developer Guide . Looking at an example kiln tile may also be helpful


To install the kiln CLI

  • install with Homebrew

    brew tap pivotal-cf/kiln
    brew install kiln
  • download from the releases page

    export KILN_VERSION
    KILN_VERSION="$(curl -H "Accept: application/vnd.github.v3+json" '' | jq -r '.[0].name')"
    curl -L -o kiln "${KILN_VERSION}/kiln-darwin-${KILN_VERSION}"
    # check the checksum
    cp kiln "$(go env GOPATH)/bin"
    kiln version
  • build from source

    git clone
    cd kiln
  • copy from a Docker image (to another image)

    docker pull pivotalcfreleng/kiln:latest
    FROM pivotalcfreleng/kiln:latest as kiln
    FROM ubuntu
    COPY --from=kiln /kiln /usr/bin/kiln
    CMD /usr/bin/bash


Usage: kiln [options] <command> [<args>]
  --help, -h     bool  prints this usage information (default: false)
  --version, -v  bool  prints the kiln release version (default: false)

  bake                     bakes a tile
  cache-compiled-releases  Cache compiled releases
  fetch                    fetches releases
  find-release-version     prints a json string of a remote release satisfying the Kilnfile version and stemcell constraints
  find-stemcell-version    prints the latest stemcell version from Pivnet using the stemcell type listed in the Kilnfile
  generate-osm-manifest    Print an OSM-format manifest.
  glaze                    Pin versions in Kilnfile to match lock.
  help                     prints this usage information
  publish                  publish tile on Pivnet
  release-notes            generates release notes from bosh-release release notes
  sync-with-local          update the Kilnfile.lock based on local releases
  test                     Test manifest for a product
  update-release           bumps a release to a new version
  update-stemcell          updates stemcell and release information in Kilnfile.lock
  upload-release           uploads a BOSH release to an s3 release_source
  validate                 validate Kilnfile and Kilnfile.lock
  version                  prints the kiln release version

It takes release and stemcell tarballs, metadata YAML, and JavaScript migrations as inputs and produces an OpsMan-compatible tile as its output.

The produce a tile, you simply need to be within a tile directory and execute the following command:

$ kiln bake 

This will ensure that you have the necessary releases by first calling kiln fetch.

Refer to the example-tile for a complete example showing the different features kiln supports.

Additional bake options

The --allow-only-publishable-releases flag should be used for development only and allows additional releases other than those specified in the kilnfile.lock to be included in the tile


The --bosh-variables-directory flag can be used to include CredHub variable declarations. You should prefer the use of variables rather than Ops Manager secrets. Each .yml file in the directory should define a top-level variables key.

This flag can be specified multiple times if you have organized your variables into subdirectories for development convenience.

Example variables directory.


The --download-threads flag is for those using S3 as a BOSH release source. This flag sets the number of parallel threads to download parts from S3


The --embed flag is for embedding any extra files or directories into the tile. There are very few reasons a tile developer should want to do this, but if you do, you can include these extra files here. The flag can be specified multiple times to embed multiple files or directories.


The --forms-directory flag takes a path to a directory that contains one or more forms. The flag can be specified more than once.

To reference a form file in the directory you can use the form template helper:

$ cat /path/to/metadata
- $( form "first" )

Example forms directory.


The --icon flag takes a path to an icon file.

To include the base64'd representation of the icon you can use the icon template helper:

$ cat /path/to/metadata
icon_image: $( icon )

The --instance-groups-directory flag takes a path to a directory that contains one or more instance groups. The flag can be specified more than once.

To reference an instance group in the directory you can use the instance_group template helper:

$ cat /path/to/metadata
- $( instance_group "my-instance-group" )

Example instance-groups directory.


The --jobs-directory flag takes a path to a directory that contains one or more jobs. The flag can be specified more than once.

To reference a job file in the directory you can use the job template helper:

$ cat /path/to/instance-group
- $( job "my-job" )
- $( job "my-aliased-job" )
- $( job "my-errand" )

Example jobs directory.

You may find that you want to define different job files for the same BOSH job with different properties. To do this you add an alias key to the job which will be used in preference to the job name when resolving job references:

$ cat /path/to/my-aliased-job
name: my-job
alias: my-aliased-job

The --kilnfile flag is required with kiln version v0.84.0 and later The flag expects filepath to a Kilnfile (default: Kilnfile). This file contain links to all the bosh sources used to build a tile

See the Kilnfile section for more information on Kilnfile formatting

Tile authors will also need to include a Kilnfile.lock in the same directory as the Kilnfile.

See the Kilnfile.lock section for more information on Kilnfile.lock formatting


Specify a file path to a tile metadata file for the --metadata flag. This metadata file will contain the contents of your tile configuration as specified in the OpsManager tile development documentation.


The --metadata-only flag outputs the generated metadata to stdout. This flag cannot be used with --output-file.


If your tile has JavaScript migrations, then you will need to include the --migrations-directory flag. This flag can be specified multiple times if you have organized your migrations into subdirectories for development convenience.


The no-confirm flag will delete extra releases in releases directory without prompting. This flag defaults to true


The --output-file flag takes a path to the location on the filesystem where your tile will be created. The flag expects a full file name like tiles/my-tile-1.2.3-build.4.pivotal.

Cannot be used with --metadata-only.


The --properties-directory flag takes a path to a directory that contains one or more blueprint property files. The flag can be specified more than once.

To reference a properties file in the directory you can use the property template helper:

$ cat /path/to/metadata
- $( property "rep_password" )

Example properties directory.


The --releases-directory flag takes a path to a directory that contains one or many release tarballs. The flag can be specified more than once. This is useful if you consume bosh releases as Concourse resources. Each release will likely show up in the task as a separate directory. For example:

$ tree /path/to/releases
|-- first
|   |-- cflinuxfs2-release-1.166.0.tgz
|   `-- consul-release-190.tgz
`-- second
    `-- nats-release-22.tgz

To reference a release you can use the release template helper:

$ cat /path/to/metadata
- $( release "cflinuxfs2" )
- $( release "consul" )
- $( release "nats" )

Example kiln command line:

$ kiln bake \
    --version 2.0.0 \
    --metadata /path/to/metadata.yml \
    --releases-directory /path/to/releases/first \
    --releases-directory /path/to/releases/second \
    --stemcells-directory /path/to/stemcells/first \
    --stemcells-directory /path/to/stemcells/second \
    --output-file /path/to/cf-2.0.0-build.4.pivotal

The --runtime-configs-directory flag takes a path to a directory that contains one or more runtime config files. The flag can be specified more than once.

To reference a runtime config in the directory you can use the runtime_config template helper:

$ cat /path/to/metadata
- $( runtime_config "first-runtime-config" )

Example runtime-configs directory.


The --sha256 flag calculates the sha256 checksum of the output file


The --skip-fetch-directories skips the automatic release fetching of the specified release directories

--stemcell-tarball (Deprecated)

Warning: --stemcell-tarball will be removed in a future version of kiln. Use --stemcells-directory in the future.

The --stemcell-tarball flag takes a path to a stemcell.

To include information about the stemcell in your metadata you can use the stemcell template helper:

$ cat /path/to/metadata
stemcell_criteria: $( stemcell )

The --stemcells-directory flag takes a path to a directory containing one or more stemcells.

To include information about the stemcell in your metadata you can use the stemcell template helper. It takes a single argument that specifies which stemcell os.

The stemcell helper does not support multiple versions of the same operating system currently.

$ cat /path/to/metadata
stemcell_criteria: $( stemcell "ubuntu-xenial" )
- $( stemcell "windows" )

For tile developers looking to get some quick feedback about their tile metadata, the --stub-releases flag will skip including the release tarballs into the built tile output. This should result in a much smaller file that should upload much more quickly to OpsManager.


The --variable flag takes a key=value argument that allows you to specify arbitrary variables for use in your metadata. The flag can be specified more than once.

To reference a variable you can use the variable template helper:

$ cat /path/to/metadata
$( variable "some-variable" )

The --variables-file flag takes a path to a YAML file that contains arbitrary variables for use in your metadata. The flag can be specified more than once.

To reference a variable you can use the variable template helper:

$ cat /path/to/metadata
$( variable "some-variable" )

Example variables file.


The --version flag takes the version number you want your tile to become.

To reference the version you use the version template helper:

$ cat /path/to/metadata
product_version: $( version )
- name: example
  version: $( version )

The test command exercises to ginkgo tests under the /<tile>/test/manifest and /<tile>/migrations paths of the pivotal/tas repos (where <tile> is tas, ist, or tasw).

Running these tests require a docker daemon and ssh-agent to be running. If no ssh identity is added (check with ssh-add -l) , then kiln test will add a ssh key in the following order, prompting for a passphrase if required:


The identity must have access to

Here are command line examples:

$ cd ~/workspace/tas/ist
$ kiln test
cd ~
$ kiln test --verbose -tp ~/workspace/tas/ist --ginkgo-manifest-flags "-p -nodes 8 -v" 
Additional test options

The --ginkgo-manifest-flags flag can be used to pass through Ginkgo test flags. The defaults being passed through are -r -p -slowSpecThreshold 15. Pass help as a flag to retrieve the available options for the embeded version of ginkgo.


The --manifest-only flag can be used to run only Manifest tests. If not passed, kiln test will run both Manifest and Migration tests by default.


The --migrations-only flag can be used to run only Migration tests. If not passed, kiln test will run both Manifest and Migration tests by default.


The --tile-path (-tp) flag can be set the path the directory you wish to test. It defaults to the current working directory. For example

$ kiln test -tp ~/workspace/tas/ist

The --verbose (-v) flag will log additional debugging info.


The fetch command downloads bosh release tarballs specified in the Kilnfile and Kilnfile.lock files to a local directory specified by the --releases-directory flag.

Kiln verifies that the checksum (SHA1) of the downloaded release matches checksum specified for the release in the Kilnfile.lock file. If the checksums do not match, then the releases that don't match will be deleted from disk. Since BOSH releases from different directors with the same packages result in complied releases with different hashes this may result in some problems where if you download a release that was compiled with a different director those releases will be deleted.

Kiln will not download releases if an existing release exists with the correct release version and checksum.


A Kilnfile contains information about the bosh releases and stemcell used by a particular tile

Example Kilnfile:

slug: some-slug #optional but if included should match
- type:
- name: bpm
  version: '*'
  os: ubuntu-xenial
  version: "~621"
Supported release sources
- type:
  - type: s3
    id: unique-name
    publishable: true # if this bucket contains releases that are suitable to ship to customers
    bucket: some-bucket-in-s3
    region: us-east-1 # must be the region of the above bucket
    access_key_id: $(variable "s3_access_key_id") # Must have at least read permissions to bucket
    secret_access_key: $(variable "s3_secret_access_key")
    path_template: bosh-releases/compiled/{{.Name}}-{{.Version}}-{{.StemcellOS}}-{{.StemcellVersion}}.tgz # See Templating
  - type: github
    id: optional-unique-name-defaults-to-github-org-name
    org: the-github-org
    github_token: $(variable "github_token")
  - type: artifactory
    id: unique-name
    repo: some-artifactory-repo 
    publishable: true # if this repo contains releases that are suitable to ship to customers
    username: $(variable "artifactory_username")
    password: $(variable "artifactory_password")
    path_template: shared-releases/{{.Name}}-{{.Version}}-{{.StemcellOS}}-{{.StemcellVersion}}.tgz # See Templating


Kilnfile files support the following templating options:

  • {{.Name}} for release name

  • {{.Version}} for release version

  • {{.StemcellOS}} for stemcell OS

  • {{.StemcellVersion}} for stemcell version

  • There's also access to a trimSuffix helper (e.g. {{trimSuffix .Name "-release"}})


The select function allows you to pluck values for nested fields from a template helper.

For instance, this section in our example tile:

my_release_version: $( release "my-release" | select "version" )

Results in:

my_release_version: 1.2.3
Variable Interpolation
  - type: s3
    compiled: true
    bucket: compiled-releases
    region: us-west-1
    access_key_id: $(variable "aws_access_key_id")
    secret_access_key: $(variable "aws_secret_access_key")
    path_template: 2.6/{{trimSuffix .Name "-release"}}/{{.Name}}-{{.Version}}-{{.StemcellOS}}-{{.StemcellVersion}}.tgz

Credentials like S3 keys are not stored in git repos. To support separating that information from non-sensitive configuration, you can reference variables like you do in tile config.

aws_access_key_id: SOME_REALLY_SECRET_ID
aws_secret_access_key: SOME_REALLY_SECRET_KEY

Interpolating this file in kiln would look something like this.

kiln bake --kilnfile random-Kilnfile --variables-file <(lpass show --notes 'pas-releng-fetch-releases')


The Kilnfile.lock file name is expected to be a file in the same directory as the Kilnfile with lock as as the filename extension.

This file contains the full list of specific versions of all releases, shas, and sources for bosh releases that will go into the tile as well as the target stemcell.

The file has two top level members releases and stemcell_criteria.

The releases member is an array of members with each element having the following members.

  • name: bosh release name
  • sha1: checksum of the tarball
  • version: semantic version of the release
  • remote_source: the resource-type for or the id for the other types
  • remote_path: the path that where the bosh release is stored

The stemcell_criteria member is defines the stemcell used to generate the tile

  • os: the stemcell os used (e.g. ubuntu-xenial)
  • version: semantic version of the stemcell

Example Kilnfile.lock :

- name: bpm
  sha1: 86675f90d66f7018c57f4ae0312f1b3834dd58c9
  version: 1.1.18
- name: backup-and-restore-sdk
  sha1: 0f48faa2f85297043e5201e2200567c2fe5a9f9a
  version: 1.18.84
  remote_source: unique-name # this could be artifactory or s3
  remote_path: bosh-releases/compiled/backup-and-restore-sdk-1.18.84-ubuntu-jammy-1.179.tgz
- name: hello-release
  sha1: 06500a2002f6e14f6c258b7ee7044761a28d3d5a
  version: 0.1.5
  remote_source: the-github-org 
  os: ubuntu-xenial
  version: "621.0"


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