The opentsdb-firehose-nozzle is a CF component which forwards metrics from the Loggregator Firehose to an [Opentsdb] deployment
The opentsdb firehose nozzle requires a UAA user who is authorized to access the loggregator firehose. You can add a user by editing your CloudFoundry manifest to include the details about this user under the properties.uaa.clients section. For example to add a user opentsdb-firehose-nozzle
access-token-validity: 1209600
authorized-grant-types: client_credentials,refresh_token
override: true
secret: <password>
scope: openid,oauth.approvals,doppler.firehose
authorities: oauth.login,doppler.firehose
The opentsdb nozzle uses a configuration file to obtain the firehose URL, and other configuration parameters. The firehose and the opentsdb servers both require authentication -- the firehose requires a valid username/password and opentsdb requires a valid API key.
You can start the firehose nozzle by executing:
go run main.go -config config/opentsdb-firehose-nozzle.json
The configuration file specifies the interval at which the nozzle will flush metrics to opentsdb. By default this is set to 15 seconds.
You need ginkgo and go 1.5+ to run the tests. The tests can be executed by:
go build
ginkgo -r