API Structure
This folder contains the apis that the frontend hits for info. The basic job of an API is to gather data from
an external source and return a parsed version for the frontend to later use.
The types and apis that are avaliable to the frontend are summarized in the ./spec
folder. (still WIP)
Below are some files showing the barebones structure of an api called <NAME>
api//api.go contains most of the core logic
package <NAME>
import ...
type API struct {
Config types.<NAME>Config
// Add other fields as necessary, (keep lowercase to avoid being stored in json)
// NewAPI creates a new API
func NewAPI(sockets map[types.Socket]bool, pool types.Pool, id uuid.UUID) *API {
a := new(API)
// <NAME> is the name of the api visible to the client
a.BaseAPI.Init("<NAME>", sockets, pool, id)
// Configure default values as necessary, for example:
// a.Config.Variable = "Value"
return a
// Configure based on client message
func (a *API) Configure(message types.ClientMessage) error {
// Make sure the client widget is immediately sent new data with new config options
defer func() {
if a.Pool != nil && a.Sockets != nil {
if err := a.BaseAPI.Configure(message); err != nil {
return err
switch message.Action {
case types.ConfigureAPI, types.Initialize:
log.Println("Configuring <NAME>:", message)
oldConfig := a.Config
if err := utils.ParseJSON(message.Config, &a.Config); err != nil {
log.Println("Could not properly configure <NAME>")
a.Config = oldConfig
return errors.New("could not properly configure <NAME>")
// Add custom checks for config fields here (see the `time` api as an example)
log.Println("<NAME> configuration successful:", a)
return nil
// Data performs a bulk of the computational logic
func (a *API) Data() (interface{}, error) {
// Perform logic here (including call to external API)
// Successful:
// return types.<NAME>Response{/* Fields go here */}, nil
// Error:
// return nil, errors.New("ERROR GETTING DATA FOR <NAME>")
// Run main entry point to the API
func (a *API) Run() {
// Start up the BaseAPI to handle core API stuff
go a.BaseAPI.Run()
log.Println("Running <NAME>")
// Send data to client (using default config values)
// Set up a new ticker (if you want to send info the client at set time intervals)
// You can change the time length as necessary
ticker := time.NewTicker(1 * time.Second)
defer func() {
log.Printf("STOPPING <NAME>: %s\n", a.UUID)
// Create a new channel to recieve termination messages on
stop := a.AddStopChan()
for {
select {
case body := <-a.ConfigChan: // Configuration messages
if err := a.Configure(body); err != nil {
a.Send(nil, err)
case <-ticker.C: // Update timer tick
case <-stop: // Terminate
api//types.go holds all internal types not needed by the client
package <NAME>
// Internal type definitions go here
// All types should all be unexported (lowercase)
api//utils.go holds utility functions particular to that API.
If you think a function can be made generic, consider putting it in the higher level utils/
package <NAME>
// Utility functions go here
// All functions should be unexported (lowercase)
types/.go holds all the public interfaces that need to be accesible both by the api and the client
package types
// All types should be exported (capital first letter)
// <NAME>Response holds all of the data being sent to the client
type <NAME>Response struct {
// Add any necessary fields
// <NAME>Config holds all necessary configuration parameters being sent from the client
type <NAME>Config struct {
// Add any necessary fields