Documentation ¶
Overview ¶
libro - manage a collection of ebooks.
`libro` is a command line tool that provides facilities to manage one or more collections of ebooks, keeping track of their metadata and/or additional information the user wants to record. You can think of `libro` as something close to [beets]( but for books.
`libro` sub-commands are developed so that they can be combined (i.e. piped) together or with other command-line tools to developed your own books management workflows. For example, importing books can be run like:
libro info "my_book.epub" | vipe --suffix json | libro insert --root=$HOME/books
libro info -use-guesser -use-googlebooks "my_book.epub" \ | libro edit -auto -default Language=fr -editor=vimdiff \ | libro check -conformity \ | libro insert -root="$HOME/books -rename='{{template "shortname_byauthor.gotmpl" .}}
To communicate through pipes, `libro` outputs book's attributes in JSON format that is understood by each `libro`sub-command. `libro` detects when output is for a terminal rather than a pipe and will switch-over to a more human-friendly format. This behavior can be altered using `-format` flag.
Some `libro` features accept user-defined templates.
Templating language is based on golang's built-in template language ( extended with the following helpers:
- path management:
- base : get the path basename
- ext : get file extension
- sep : return a path separator ('\' of '/')
- sanitizePath : replace special chars that don't usually work well when use in path name
- sanitizeFilename: like sanitizePath but also removes any path separators.
- nospace : get rid of spaces
- strings management:
- join : join elements separating them wit the given separator.
- lower: convert string to lower-case
- title: convert string to title-case
- upper: convert string to upper-case
- serialization:
- toJSON : converts an interface to JSON representation.
- toPrettyJSON: converts an interface to an easy-to-read JSON representation.
- templating:
- tmpl : execute a sub-template by name. Sub-templates are chosen from t namespace. Unlike {{template xXx}}, tmpl allows to pipe its result to another command.
Some pre-defined templates are available:
when renaming books (invoke by `-rename={{template "xXx" .}}`):
fullname.gotmpl : Author[0] - [Series SeriesIndex] - Title [LANG].epub
fullname_byauthor.gotmpl : Author[0]/Author[0] - [Series SeriesIndex] - Title [LANG].epub
shortname.gotmpl : Title.epub
shortname_byauthor.gotmpl: Author[0]/Title.epub In each cases, Author[0] is the first known Authors. Empty Authors is replaced by 'Unknown". Unknown or empty SeriesxXx, or LANG are ignored.
when formatting books information (invoke by `-format={{template "xXx" .}}`):
book.txt.gotmpl: format book's attributes as plain-text in a key: value fashion. Empty optional attributes are not displayed.
libro info -format='{{toPrettyJSON .}}' my_book.epub
libro info "my_book.epub" | libro insert -rename='{{template "shortname_byauthor.gotmpl" .}}
libro info "my_book.epub" | libro insert -rename='{{ tmpl "shortname.gotmpl" . | nospace }}
User-defined templates can be loaded using specific flags like:
libro info -format-tmpl=$HOME/books/my_template.gotmpl -format='{{template "my_template.gotmpl" .}}' "my_book.epub"
libro info "my_book.epub" | libro insert -rename-tmpl=$HOME/books/my_template.gotmpl -rename='{{template "my_template.gotmpl" .}}
`libro` adopts some opinionated behavior when processing book's information. Main ones are:
- when exact ISBN match is found online, online information is preferred over EPUB's metadata or over guessed ones;
- when a match is found online but ISBN are not similar, online information is only used to complete information obtained from EPUB's metadata or guessed;
- guessed information are usually not preferred over EPUB's metadata or online information
When editing book's information (using `libro edit`), user is only asked to review information if:
- key attributes are not filled,
- conflicts or dubious automatic operation have been performed.
This behavior can be altered using `-auto` or `-dont-edit` flags.
`libro` can run guessers to complete (and/or confirm) Book's metadata. Current guessers are:
- guess Title, Series, Authors or Language from Book's filename,
- guess Series information from Book's Title or SubTitle,
- guess ISBN by extracting it from the EPUB's content. Use of guessers is governed by the `-use-guesser` flag of `libro info` sub-command.
`libro` can run different check to verify quality, completeness or conformity of information collected about an EPUB or of the EPUB's itself. Findings requiring end-user attention are inserted into a specific book's attributes ('Issues') for later processing.
`libro` relies on [EPUBcheck]( tool for conformity verification.
Directories ¶
Path | Synopsis |
Package epubcheck provides basic bindings to run and interpret `epubcheck` tool.
Package epubcheck provides basic bindings to run and interpret `epubcheck` tool. |
Package css - parse CSS
Package css - parse CSS |