wallet alert me is an app off-chain. It's a space where the user can register their wallet and can receive notifications of their transactions with other wallets. Our roadmap you can find here project board
How to interact with app for testing reasson
For the Solana blockchain, we need to have a wallet. How you can get a wallet?
Go to phatom wallet install and select Devnet network.
Then if you are new in this ecosystem like me, I recomend you read this posts solana cli tool and then follow this steps Send and Receive Tokens for testing propourse.
For the Cardano blockchain, we need to have a wallet. How you can get a wallet?
Go to nami wallet install and select CardanoTestNet network.
Then if you are new in this ecosystem like me, go to cardano faucets and get ADA for testing propourse.
Then when you are completed the previous steps, follow this bash descriptions
Download walletmectl
Go to last release and download walletmectl binary for you OS
Setup .env file
touch .env
# put into this file
# Database settings optional at the moment:
DB_SERVER_URL="host=localhost port=5432 user=xxxx password=xxxx dbname=xxxx sslmode=disable"
# REDIS requiered very important
# notification providers very important
Create wallets.json file
# its requiered to have the following file wallets.json
touch wallets.json
vim wallets.json
# paste this format of json data
# Important this wallets can be found on testnet(cardano) and devnet(solana)
"address": "addr_test1qq6g6s99g9z9w0mlvew28w40lpml9rwfkfgerpkg6g2vpn6dp4cf7k9drrdy0wslarr6hxspcw8ev5ed8lfrmaengneqz34lcx",
"symbol": "ADA",
"is_active": true,
"notifier_service": [
"name": "telegram",
"user_id": "xx"
"network_type": "CardanoTestNet"
"address": "addr_test1qq5287luxzj5l4lequrqdp5ln76ver4uls3z0m5ykr5gqsv0vxzrwcq5dmmn9e09rvgttzgrngmpxkguy7220r0u0ljqzuww7g",
"symbol": "ADA",
"is_active": true,
"notifier_service": [
"name": "telegram",
"user_id": "xx"
"network_type": "CardanoTestNet"
"address": "9hZaTvCVMcfbheTzebkeGR6Xi2EzMqTtPasbhGoPB94C",
"symbol": "SOL",
"is_active": true,
"notifier_service": [
"name": "telegram",
"user_id": "xxx"
"network_type": "SolanaDevNet"
Install redis for local enviroment
docker run --name redis -e ALLOW_EMPTY_PASSWORD=yes quay.io/bitnami/redis:latest
Usage CLI walletmectl
Wallertme ctl is a tool focused on:
Send tx data from (SOLANA|CARDANO) blockchain to a queue like (REDIS) streams and then send this information
wallertmectl [command]
Available Commands:
bb8 Publish Txs data from (SOLANA|CARDANO) blockchains to (REDIS)
completion generate the autocompletion script for the specified shell
help Help about any command
r2d2 Subscribe to Txs data topic from (REDIS) and send notifications to this services (telegram|discord|smtp)
version Print the version number of wallertmectl
-h, --help help for walletmectl
Use "wallertmectl [command] --help" for more information about a command.
BB8 module
Publish Txs data from (SOLANA|CARDANO) blockchains to (REDIS)
walletmectl bb8 [flags]
-h, --help help for bb8
--wallets::name string select the name of wallet.json file (default "wallets.json")
--wallets::path string select the path of wallet.json file (default "/path/<bin file>")
--wallets::source string select a wallets data source from (json|db) (default "json")
--wallets::timer string select a time duration to watch all txs (default "1s")
--wallets::watcher select true|false if you want to run this task periodicaly
R2D2 module
Subscribe to Txs data topic from (REDIS) and send notifications to this services (telegram|discord|smtp)
walletmectl r2d2 [flags]
-h, --help help for r2d2
--wallets::groupname string select a name for your consumer group
--wallets::name string select the name of wallet.json file (default "wallets.json")
--wallets::path string select the path of wallet.json file (default "/path/<bin file>")
--wallets::source string select a wallets data source from (json|db) (default "json")
ScreenShots notifications
Telegram notification