small command line util to transfer files between local or nfs mount <==> gcp bucket.
much faster then gsutil
get latest compiled exec at: https://github.com/piplcom/gcs_copy/releases
usage examples
Run As A Service
./gcs_copy -api -port 8082 -bindip ''
to start copy send POST request to /run endpoing
"Conc": 2,
"In": "gs://bucketx/test",
"Out": "/bigdir/test6"
"Check": true // for dry run (to get sizes to copy) default false
for regex in directory use **
/tmp/testdir/** will work same as /tmp/testdir/ (without blob)
"Conc": 64,
"In": "/tmp/testdir/files**",
"Out": "gs://bucket66/test1"
"Check": true // for dry run (to get sizes to copy) default false
to get status GET /state
to get dirs sizes GET /size (no regex!):
Run As CLI
./gcs_copy -out /dir1/dir2/ -in gs://BUCKET/obj1/obj2/ -conc 64
./gcs_copy -in /dir1/dir2/ -out gs://BUCKET/obj1/obj2/ -conc 64
-conc: concurrent streams (usually 64 is good to utilize max of the system)
set more for lots of small files
-check: dry run (to check upload total size and files number)
using nfs as local mount
set this option in nfs mount options
( from: https://www.suse.com/support/kb/doc/?id=000019933 )