helm 3.8 (If you want to run Control Plane locally)
pipecd: contains all source code and documentation of PipeCD project.
make build/go: builds all go modules including pipecd, piped, pipectl.
make test/go: runs all unit tests of go modules.
make test/integration: runs integration tests.
make gen/code: generate Go and Typescript code from protos and mock configs. You need to run it if you modified any proto or mock definition files.
For the full list of available commands, please see the Makefile at the root of repository.
How to run Control Plane locally
Start running a Kubernetes cluster (If you don't have any Kubernetes cluster to use)
make kind-up
Once it is no longer used, run make kind-down to delete it.
Install the web dependencies module
make update/web-deps
Install Control Plane into the local cluster
make run/pipecd
Once all components are running up, use kubectl port-forward to expose the installed Control Plane on your localhost:
kubectl -n pipecd port-forward svc/pipecd 8080
Access to the local Control Plane web console
Point your web browser to http://localhost:8080 to login with the configured static admin account: project = quickstart, username = hello-pipecd, password = hello-pipecd.
How to run Piped locally and add an application to your cluster