save-to-webm demonstrates how to process media with an avp
. in this example, the media is relayed from ion-sfu
, buffered and sequenced on the avp, and written to a webm file on disk.
Start avp server
Run go run examples/save-to-webm/server/main.go -c examples/save-to-webm/server/config.toml
. This will start an avp instance that will process media tracks.
Start avp client
Run go run examples/save-to-webm/client/main.go $SESSION_ID
. This will initiate a webrtc transport from avp to sfu for the given session. Tracks will start being relayed. When prompted, enter a track id to create a WebmSaver
element which will start writing the track data to disk.
Congrats, you are now processing media with the ion-avp! Now start building something cool!