Index ¶
- Constants
- Variables
- func BoolPointer(val bool) *bool
- func CalendarNewCalendarID(customerID string, refID string, refType string) string
- func CalendarNewEventID(customerID string, refID string, refType string, ownerRefID string) string
- func CalendarNewUserID(customerID string, refID string, refType string) string
- func ConvertHTMLToMarkdown(html string) (string, error)
- func ConvertMarkdownToHTML(text string) string
- func ConvertTimeToDateModel(ts time.Time, dateModel interface{})
- func CreateMutationPayloadFromData(model string, action MutationAction, buf []byte) (interface{}, error)
- func DateFromEpoch(t int64) time.Time
- func EpochNow() int64
- func Hash(val ...interface{}) string
- func IsHTTPError(err error) (bool, int, io.Reader)
- func IsRateLimitError(err error) (bool, time.Duration)
- func JoinURL(elem ...string) string
- func Keys(m map[string]bool) []string
- func LogDebug(logger Logger, msg string, kv ...interface{}) error
- func LogError(logger Logger, msg string, kv ...interface{}) error
- func LogFatal(logger Logger, msg string, kv ...interface{})
- func LogInfo(logger Logger, msg string, kv ...interface{}) error
- func LogWarn(logger Logger, msg string, kv ...interface{}) error
- func MapToStruct(m map[string]interface{}, target interface{}) error
- func NewAgileBoardID(customerID string, refID string, refType string) string
- func NewAgileKanbanID(customerID string, refID string, refType string) string
- func NewAgileSprintID(customerID string, refID string, refType string) string
- func NewSourceCodeBranchID(customerID string, repoID string, refType string, branchName string, ...) string
- func NewSourceCodeCommitID(customerID string, sha string, refType string, repoID string) string
- func NewSourceCodePullRequestCommentID(customerID string, refID string, refType string, repoID string) string
- func NewSourceCodePullRequestID(customerID string, refID string, refType string, repoID string) string
- func NewSourceCodePullRequestReviewID(customerID string, refID string, refType string, repoID string) string
- func NewSourceCodePullRequestReviewRequestID(customerID string, refType string, pullRequestID string, ...) string
- func NewSourceCodeRepoID(customerID string, refID string, refType string) string
- func NewSourceCodeUserID(customerID string, refType string, refID string) string
- func NewWorkConfigID(customerID string, refType string, integrationInstanceID string) string
- func NewWorkIssueCommentID(customerID string, refID string, refType string) string
- func NewWorkIssueID(customerID string, refID string, refType string) string
- func NewWorkIssuePriorityID(customerID string, refType string, refID string) string
- func NewWorkIssueStatusID(customerID string, refType string, refID string) string
- func NewWorkIssueTypeID(customerID string, refType string, refID string) string
- func NewWorkProjectID(customerID string, refID string, refType string) string
- func NewWorkUserID(customerID string, refID string, refType string) string
- func StringArrayPointer(vals []string) *[]string
- func StringPointer(val interface{}) *string
- func Stringify(val interface{}) string
- func StringifyPretty(val interface{}) string
- func StringifyReader(val interface{}) io.Reader
- func TimeToEpoch(tv time.Time) int64
- type AgileBoard
- type AgileBoardColumns
- type AgileBoardType
- type AgileBoardUpdate
- type AgileKanban
- type AgileKanbanColumns
- type AgileSprint
- type AgileSprintClosedDate
- type AgileSprintColumns
- type AgileSprintCreateMutation
- type AgileSprintEndDate
- type AgileSprintStartDate
- type AgileSprintStatus
- type AgileSprintUpdate
- type AgileSprintUpdateMutation
- type Async
- type AuthManager
- type AuthorizationType
- type AutoConfigure
- type CalendarCalendar
- type CalendarEvent
- type CalendarEventEndDate
- type CalendarEventLocation
- type CalendarEventStartDate
- type CalendarEventStatus
- type CalendarUser
- type Config
- func (c Config) Exists(key string) bool
- func (c *Config) From(key string, into interface{}) error
- func (c Config) Get(key string) (bool, interface{})
- func (c Config) GetBool(key string) (bool, bool)
- func (c Config) GetInt(key string) (bool, int64)
- func (c Config) GetString(key string) (bool, string)
- func (c *Config) Merge(kv map[string]interface{})
- func (c *Config) Parse(buf []byte) error
- type ConfigAccount
- type ConfigAccountType
- type ConfigAccounts
- type Control
- type Date
- type Descriptor
- type Export
- type GraphQLClient
- type GraphQLClientManager
- type HTTPClient
- type HTTPClientManager
- type HTTPError
- type HTTPOptions
- type HTTPResponse
- type Identifier
- type Installation
- type InstallationConfig
- type InstallationMode
- type Instance
- type Integration
- type IntegrationModel
- type IntegrationScope
- type IntegrationType
- type Logger
- type Manager
- type Model
- func NewAgileBoardDeactivate(customerID string, integrationInstanceID string, refID string, refType string) Model
- func NewAgileBoardUpdate(customerID string, integrationInstanceID string, refID string, refType string, ...) Model
- func NewAgileSprintDeactivate(customerID string, integrationInstanceID string, refID string, refType string) Model
- func NewAgileSprintUpdate(customerID string, integrationInstanceID string, refID string, refType string, ...) Model
- func NewSourceCodePullRequestReviewRequestDeactivate(customerID string, integrationInstanceID string, ...) Model
- func NewSourceCodePullRequestReviewRequestUpdate(customerID string, integrationInstanceID string, ...) Model
- func NewWorkIssueCommentDeactivate(customerID string, integrationInstanceID string, refID string, refType string) Model
- func NewWorkIssueCommentUpdate(customerID string, integrationInstanceID string, refID string, refType string, ...) Model
- func NewWorkIssueDeactivate(customerID string, integrationInstanceID string, refID string, refType string) Model
- func NewWorkIssueUpdate(customerID string, integrationInstanceID string, refID string, refType string, ...) Model
- func NewWorkProjectDeactivate(customerID string, integrationInstanceID string, refID string, refType string) Model
- func NewWorkProjectUpdate(customerID string, integrationInstanceID string, refID string, refType string, ...) Model
- type Mutation
- type MutationAction
- type MutationData
- type MutationFieldValue
- type MutationResponse
- type MutationUser
- type NameID
- type NameRefID
- type OAuth1Identity
- type OAuth1Integration
- type PartialModel
- type Pipe
- type RateLimitError
- type SourceCodeCommit
- type SourceCodeCommitCreatedDate
- type SourceCodePullRequest
- type SourceCodePullRequestClosedDate
- type SourceCodePullRequestComment
- type SourceCodePullRequestCommentCreatedDate
- type SourceCodePullRequestCommentUpdatedDate
- type SourceCodePullRequestCommit
- type SourceCodePullRequestCommitCreatedDate
- type SourceCodePullRequestCreatedDate
- type SourceCodePullRequestMergedDate
- type SourceCodePullRequestReview
- type SourceCodePullRequestReviewCreatedDate
- type SourceCodePullRequestReviewRequest
- type SourceCodePullRequestReviewRequestCreatedDate
- type SourceCodePullRequestReviewRequestUpdate
- type SourceCodePullRequestReviewState
- type SourceCodePullRequestStatus
- type SourceCodePullRequestUpdatedDate
- type SourceCodeRepo
- type SourceCodeRepoAffiliation
- type SourceCodeRepoVisibility
- type SourceCodeUser
- type SourceCodeUserType
- type SourcecodePullRequestUpdateMutation
- type State
- type Stats
- type User
- type UserManager
- type Validate
- type ValidatedAccount
- type WebHook
- type WebHookManager
- type WebHookScope
- type WithGraphQLOption
- type WithHTTPOption
- func WithAuthorization(value string) WithHTTPOption
- func WithBasicAuth(username string, password string) WithHTTPOption
- func WithContentType(value string) WithHTTPOption
- func WithDeadline(duration time.Duration) WithHTTPOption
- func WithEndpoint(value string) WithHTTPOption
- func WithGetQueryParameters(variables url.Values) WithHTTPOption
- func WithHTTPHeader(key, value string) WithHTTPOption
- func WithOAuth1(manager Manager, identifier Identifier, consumerKey string, ...) WithHTTPOption
- func WithOAuth2Refresh(manager Manager, refType string, accessToken string, refreshToken string) WithHTTPOption
- type WorkConfig
- type WorkConfigStatuses
- type WorkIssue
- type WorkIssueAttachments
- type WorkIssueChangeLog
- type WorkIssueChangeLogCreatedDate
- type WorkIssueChangeLogField
- type WorkIssueComment
- type WorkIssueCommentCreatedDate
- type WorkIssueCommentUpdate
- type WorkIssueCommentUpdatedDate
- type WorkIssueCreateMutation
- type WorkIssueCreatedDate
- type WorkIssueDueDate
- type WorkIssueLinkedIssues
- type WorkIssueLinkedIssuesLinkType
- type WorkIssuePlannedEndDate
- type WorkIssuePlannedStartDate
- type WorkIssuePriority
- type WorkIssueStatus
- type WorkIssueTransitions
- type WorkIssueType
- type WorkIssueTypeMappedType
- type WorkIssueUpdate
- type WorkIssueUpdateMutation
- type WorkIssueUpdatedDate
- type WorkProject
- type WorkProjectAffiliation
- type WorkProjectCapability
- type WorkProjectCapabilityIssueMutationFields
- type WorkProjectCapabilityIssueMutationFieldsType
- type WorkProjectCapabilityIssueMutationFieldsValues
- type WorkProjectIssueResolutions
- type WorkProjectIssueTypes
- type WorkProjectUpdate
- type WorkProjectVisibility
- type WorkUser
Constants ¶
const AgileBoardTypeKanban = work.BoardTypeKanban
AgileBoardTypeKanban is the enumeration value for kanban
const AgileBoardTypeOther = work.BoardTypeOther
AgileBoardTypeOther is the enumeration value for other
const AgileBoardTypeScrum = work.BoardTypeScrum
AgileBoardTypeScrum is the enumeration value for scrum
const AgileSprintStatusActive = work.SprintStatusActive
AgileSprintStatusActive is the enumeration value for active
const AgileSprintStatusClosed = work.SprintStatusClosed
AgileSprintStatusClosed is the enumeration value for closed
const AgileSprintStatusFuture = work.SprintStatusFuture
AgileSprintStatusFuture is the enumeration value for future
const SourceCodeRepoAffiliationOrganization = sourcecode.RepoAffiliationOrganization
SourceCodeRepoAffiliationOrganization is the enumeration value for organization
const SourceCodeRepoAffiliationThirdparty = sourcecode.RepoAffiliationThirdparty
SourceCodeRepoAffiliationThirdparty is the enumeration value for thirdparty
const SourceCodeRepoAffiliationUser = sourcecode.RepoAffiliationUser
SourceCodeRepoAffiliationUser is the enumeration value for user
const SourceCodeRepoVisibilityPrivate = sourcecode.RepoVisibilityPrivate
SourceCodeRepoVisibilityPrivate is the enumeration value for private
const SourceCodeRepoVisibilityPublic = sourcecode.RepoVisibilityPublic
SourceCodeRepoVisibilityPublic is the enumeration value for public
const SourceCodeUserTypeBot = sourcecode.UserTypeBot
SourceCodeUserTypeBot is a BOT user type in the source code system for describing an automated user account
const SourceCodeUserTypeDeletedSpecialUser = sourcecode.UserTypeDeletedSpecialUser
SourceCodeUserTypeDeletedSpecialUser is a Special Deleted user type for describing a deleted user account
const SourceCodeUserTypeHuman = sourcecode.UserTypeHuman
SourceCodeUserTypeHuman is a HUMAN user type in the source code system for describing a user
const (
// WorkIssueTransitionRequiresResolution tells the ui that resolution is required to make a transition
WorkIssueTransitionRequiresResolution = "resolution"
const WorkProjectAffiliationOrganization = work.ProjectAffiliationOrganization
WorkProjectAffiliationOrganization is the enumeration value for organization
const WorkProjectAffiliationThirdparty = work.ProjectAffiliationThirdparty
WorkProjectAffiliationThirdparty is the enumeration value for thirdparty
const WorkProjectAffiliationUser = work.ProjectAffiliationUser
WorkProjectAffiliationUser is the enumeration value for user
const WorkProjectCapabilityIssueMutationFieldsTypeAttachment = work.ProjectCapabilityIssueMutationFieldsTypeAttachment
WorkProjectCapabilityIssueMutationFieldsTypeAttachment is the enumeration value for attachment
const WorkProjectCapabilityIssueMutationFieldsTypeEpic = work.ProjectCapabilityIssueMutationFieldsTypeEpic
WorkProjectCapabilityIssueMutationFieldsTypeEpic is the enumeration value for Epic
const WorkProjectCapabilityIssueMutationFieldsTypeNumber = work.ProjectCapabilityIssueMutationFieldsTypeNumber
WorkProjectCapabilityIssueMutationFieldsTypeNumber is the enumeration value for number
const WorkProjectCapabilityIssueMutationFieldsTypeString = work.ProjectCapabilityIssueMutationFieldsTypeString
WorkProjectCapabilityIssueMutationFieldsTypeString is the enumeration value for string
const WorkProjectCapabilityIssueMutationFieldsTypeStringArray = work.ProjectCapabilityIssueMutationFieldsTypeStringArray
WorkProjectCapabilityIssueMutationFieldsTypeStringArray is the enumeration value for string_array
const WorkProjectCapabilityIssueMutationFieldsTypeTextbox = work.ProjectCapabilityIssueMutationFieldsTypeTextbox
WorkProjectCapabilityIssueMutationFieldsTypeTextbox is the enumeration value for textbox
const WorkProjectCapabilityIssueMutationFieldsTypeUser = work.ProjectCapabilityIssueMutationFieldsTypeUser
WorkProjectCapabilityIssueMutationFieldsTypeUser is the enumeration value for user
const WorkProjectCapabilityIssueMutationFieldsTypeWorkIssuePriority = work.ProjectCapabilityIssueMutationFieldsTypeWorkIssuePriority
WorkProjectCapabilityIssueMutationFieldsTypeWorkIssuePriority is the enumeration value for work_issue_priority
const WorkProjectCapabilityIssueMutationFieldsTypeWorkIssueType = work.ProjectCapabilityIssueMutationFieldsTypeWorkIssueType
WorkProjectCapabilityIssueMutationFieldsTypeWorkIssueType is the enumeration value for work_issue_type
const WorkProjectCapabilityIssueMutationFieldsTypeWorkSprint = work.ProjectCapabilityIssueMutationFieldsTypeWorkSprint
WorkProjectCapabilityIssueMutationFieldsTypeWorkSprint is the enumeration value for Sprint
const WorkProjectVisibilityPrivate = work.ProjectVisibilityPrivate
WorkProjectVisibilityPrivate is the enumeration value for private
const WorkProjectVisibilityPublic = work.ProjectVisibilityPublic
WorkProjectVisibilityPublic is the enumeration value for public
Variables ¶
var ErrTimedOut = errors.New("timeout")
ErrTimedOut returns a timeout event when our deadline is exceeded
Functions ¶
func CalendarNewCalendarID ¶
CalendarNewCalendarID provides a template for generating an ID field for Calendar
func CalendarNewEventID ¶
CalendarNewEventID provides a template for generating an ID field for Event
func CalendarNewUserID ¶
CalendarNewUserID provides a template for generating an ID field for User
func ConvertHTMLToMarkdown ¶
ConvertHTMLToMarkdown will convert HTML to Markdown
func ConvertMarkdownToHTML ¶
ConvertMarkdownToHTML will convert markdown to html
func ConvertTimeToDateModel ¶
ConvertTimeToDateModel will fill the dataModel struct with the current time
func CreateMutationPayloadFromData ¶
func CreateMutationPayloadFromData(model string, action MutationAction, buf []byte) (interface{}, error)
CreateMutationPayloadFromData will create a mutation payload object from a data payload
func DateFromEpoch ¶
DateFromEpoch returns a time.Time from an epoch value in milliseconds
func Hash ¶
func Hash(val ...interface{}) string
Hash will convert all objects to a string and return a SHA256 of the concatenated values. Uses xxhash to calculate a faster hash value that is not cryptographically secure but is OK since we use hashing mainfully for generating consistent key values or equality checks.
func IsHTTPError ¶
IsHTTPError returns true if an error is a HTTP error
func IsRateLimitError ¶
IsRateLimitError returns true if an error is a rate limit error and if so, the retry after duration
func MapToStruct ¶
MapToStruct will unmarshal a map into the target
func NewAgileBoardID ¶
NewAgileBoardID will return the agile board id
func NewAgileKanbanID ¶
NewAgileKanbanID will return the agile kanban id
func NewAgileSprintID ¶
NewAgileSprintID will return the agile sprint id
func NewSourceCodeBranchID ¶
func NewSourceCodeBranchID(customerID string, repoID string, refType string, branchName string, firstCommitID string) string
NewSourceCodeBranchID returns a new sourcecode branch id
func NewSourceCodeCommitID ¶
NewSourceCodeCommitID returns a new sourcecode commit id
func NewSourceCodePullRequestCommentID ¶
func NewSourceCodePullRequestCommentID(customerID string, refID string, refType string, repoID string) string
NewSourceCodePullRequestCommentID returns a new sourcecode pull request comment id
func NewSourceCodePullRequestID ¶
func NewSourceCodePullRequestID(customerID string, refID string, refType string, repoID string) string
NewSourceCodePullRequestID returns a new sourcecode pullrequest id
func NewSourceCodePullRequestReviewID ¶
func NewSourceCodePullRequestReviewID(customerID string, refID string, refType string, repoID string) string
NewSourceCodePullRequestReviewID returns a new sourcecode pull request review id
func NewSourceCodePullRequestReviewRequestID ¶
func NewSourceCodePullRequestReviewRequestID(customerID string, refType string, pullRequestID string, requestedReviewerRefID string) string
NewSourceCodePullRequestReviewRequestID returns a new sourcecode pull request review request id
func NewSourceCodeRepoID ¶
NewSourceCodeRepoID returns the new sourcecode repo id
func NewSourceCodeUserID ¶
NewSourceCodeUserID returns a new sourcecode user id
func NewWorkConfigID ¶
NewWorkConfigID will return the work config id
func NewWorkIssueCommentID ¶
NewWorkIssueCommentID will return the work issue comment id
func NewWorkIssueID ¶
NewWorkIssueID will return the work issue id
func NewWorkIssuePriorityID ¶
NewWorkIssuePriorityID will return the work issue priority id
func NewWorkIssueStatusID ¶
NewWorkIssueStatusID will return the work issue status id
func NewWorkIssueTypeID ¶
NewWorkIssueTypeID will return the work issue type id
func NewWorkProjectID ¶
NewWorkProjectID will return the work project id
func NewWorkUserID ¶
NewWorkUserID will return the work user id
func StringArrayPointer ¶
StringArrayPointer returns a pointer to the value
func StringPointer ¶
func StringPointer(val interface{}) *string
StringPointer return a string pointer from a value
func Stringify ¶
func Stringify(val interface{}) string
Stringify will return a JSON stringified representation of val
func StringifyPretty ¶
func StringifyPretty(val interface{}) string
StringifyPretty will return a JSON stringified representation of val which is formatted
func StringifyReader ¶
StringifyReader sometimes you just need a reader that reads serialize json. this is your function
func TimeToEpoch ¶
TimeToEpoch returns an epoch time from a time.Time
Types ¶
type AgileBoardColumns ¶
type AgileBoardColumns = work.BoardColumns
AgileBoardColumns is the columns for an agile board
type AgileBoardUpdate ¶
type AgileBoardUpdate struct { Set struct { Active *bool Name *string } Unset struct { } Push struct { } Pull struct { } }
AgileBoardUpdate is an action for update a work.Board
type AgileKanbanColumns ¶
type AgileKanbanColumns = work.KanbanColumns
AgileKanbanColumns is the columns for a kanban board
type AgileSprintClosedDate ¶
type AgileSprintClosedDate = work.SprintCompletedDate
AgileSprintClosedDate is the sprint closed date
type AgileSprintColumns ¶
type AgileSprintColumns = work.SprintColumns
AgileSprintColumns is the sprint columns
type AgileSprintCreateMutation ¶
type AgileSprintCreateMutation struct { Name string `json:"name"` // Name is the name of the sprint Goal *string `json:"goal,omitempty"` // Goal is the optional goal for the sprint Status AgileSprintStatus `json:"status,omitempty"` // Status is the status of the sprint StartDate Date `json:"start_date"` // StartDate is the start date for the sprint EndDate Date `json:"end_date"` // EndDate is the end date for the sprint IssueRefIDs []string `json:"issue_ref_ids"` // IssueRefIDs is an array of issue ref_ids to add to the sprint ProjectRefID *string `json:"project_ref_id"` // ProjectRefID is the id to the issue project as a ref_id BoardRefIDs []string `json:"board_ref_ids"` // BoardRefIDs are the ids of the boards to link the sprint to, required by some source systems }
AgileSprintCreateMutation is an create mutation for a sprint
type AgileSprintEndDate ¶
type AgileSprintEndDate = work.SprintEndedDate
AgileSprintEndDate is the sprint planned end date
type AgileSprintStartDate ¶
type AgileSprintStartDate = work.SprintStartedDate
AgileSprintStartDate is the sprint planned start date
type AgileSprintStatus ¶
type AgileSprintStatus = work.SprintStatus
AgileSprintStatus is the sprint status
type AgileSprintUpdate ¶
type AgileSprintUpdate struct { Set struct { Active *bool Name *string Goal *string StartedDate *time.Time CompletedDate *time.Time EndedDate *time.Time Status *work.SprintStatus } Unset struct { Goal *string } Push struct { } Pull struct { } }
AgileSprintUpdate is an action for update a work.Sprint
type AgileSprintUpdateMutation ¶
type AgileSprintUpdateMutation struct { Set struct { Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` // Name is the name of the sprint to update Goal *string `json:"goal,omitempty"` // Goal is the optional goal for the sprint Status *AgileSprintStatus `json:"status,omitempty"` // Status is the status of the sprint StartDate *Date `json:"start_date,omitempty"` // StartDate is the start date for the sprint EndDate *Date `json:"end_date,omitempty"` // EndDate is the end date for the sprint IssueRefIDs []string `json:"issue_ref_ids,omitempty"` // IssueRefIDs is an array of issue ref_ids to add to the sprint } `json:"set"` Unset struct { IssueRefIDs []string `json:"issue_ref_ids,omitempty"` // IssueRefIDs is an array of issue ref_ids to remove from the sprint } `json:"unset"` }
AgileSprintUpdateMutation is an update mutation for a sprint
type AuthManager ¶
type AuthManager interface { // RefreshOAuth2Token will refresh the OAuth2 access token using the provided refreshToken and return a new access token RefreshOAuth2Token(refType string, refreshToken string) (string, error) // PrivateKey will return a private key stored by the integration UI PrivateKey(identifier Identifier) (*rsa.PrivateKey, error) }
AuthManager is the authentication manager when handling pinpoint auth services
type AuthorizationType ¶
type AuthorizationType string
AuthorizationType is the type of authorization supported for a given location
const ( // OAuth1AuthorizationType is the OAuth1 protocol OAuth1AuthorizationType AuthorizationType = "oauth1" // OAuth2AuthorizationType is the OAuth2 protocol OAuth2AuthorizationType AuthorizationType = "oauth2" // BasicAuthorizationType is the basic authentication protocol BasicAuthorizationType AuthorizationType = "basic" // APIKeyAuthorizationType is an apikey APIKeyAuthorizationType AuthorizationType = "apikey" )
type AutoConfigure ¶
type AutoConfigure interface { Control // Config is any customer specific configuration for this customer Config() Config // State is a customer specific state object for this integration and customer State() State // Pipe should be called to get the pipe for streaming data back to pinpoint Pipe() Pipe }
AutoConfigure is the control interface when auto configure is called
type CalendarCalendar ¶
CalendarCalendar details for the given integration calendar
type CalendarEventEndDate ¶
type CalendarEventEndDate = calendar.EventEndDate
CalendarEventEndDate represents the object structure for end_date
type CalendarEventLocation ¶
type CalendarEventLocation = calendar.EventLocation
CalendarEventLocation represents the object structure for location
type CalendarEventStartDate ¶
type CalendarEventStartDate = calendar.EventStartDate
CalendarEventStartDate represents the object structure for start_date
type CalendarEventStatus ¶
type CalendarEventStatus = calendar.EventStatus
CalendarEventStatus is the enumeration type for status
const CalendarEventStatusCancelled CalendarEventStatus = calendar.EventStatusCancelled
CalendarEventStatusCancelled is the enumeration value for cancelled
const CalendarEventStatusConfirmed CalendarEventStatus = calendar.EventStatusConfirmed
CalendarEventStatusConfirmed is the enumeration value for confirmed
const CalendarEventStatusTentative CalendarEventStatus = calendar.EventStatusTentative
CalendarEventStatusTentative is the enumeration value for tentative
type Config ¶
type Config struct { IntegrationType IntegrationType `json:"integration_type,omitempty"` OAuth1Auth *oauth1Auth `json:"oauth1_auth,omitempty"` OAuth2Auth *oauth2Auth `json:"oauth2_auth,omitempty"` BasicAuth *basicAuth `json:"basic_auth,omitempty"` APIKeyAuth *apikeyAuth `json:"apikey_auth,omitempty"` Inclusions *matchList `json:"inclusions,omitempty"` Exclusions *matchList `json:"exclusions,omitempty"` Accounts *ConfigAccounts `json:"accounts,omitempty"` Scope *IntegrationScope `json:"scope,omitempty"` Logger Logger // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Config is the integration configuration
type ConfigAccount ¶
type ConfigAccount struct { ID string `json:"id"` Type ConfigAccountType `json:"type"` Public bool `json:"public"` Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` AvatarURL *string `json:"avatarUrl,omitempty"` TotalCount *int64 `json:"totalCount,omitempty"` Selected *bool `json:"selected,omitempty"` }
ConfigAccount single account
type ConfigAccountType ¶
type ConfigAccountType string
ConfigAccountType the type of account, org or user
const ( //ConfigAccountTypeOrg org account type ConfigAccountTypeOrg ConfigAccountType = "ORG" // ConfigAccountTypeUser user account type ConfigAccountTypeUser ConfigAccountType = "USER" )
type ConfigAccounts ¶
type ConfigAccounts map[string]*ConfigAccount
ConfigAccounts contains accounts with projects or repos to be exported
type Control ¶
type Control interface { Identifier // Paused must be called when the integration is paused for any reason such as rate limiting Paused(resetAt time.Time) error // Resumed must be called when a paused integration is resumed Resumed() error }
Control is an interface for notifying of control states
type Date ¶
Date is a date structure with epoch, offset and RFC3339 timestamp format
func NewDateWithTime ¶
NewDateWithTime will return a Date from a time
type Descriptor ¶
type Descriptor struct { Name string `json:"name" yaml:"name"` RefType string `json:"ref_type" yaml:"ref_type"` Description string `json:"description" yaml:"description"` AvatarURL string `json:"avatar_url" yaml:"avatar_url"` Capabilities []string `json:"capabilities" yaml:"capabilities"` Installation Installation `json:"installation" yaml:"installation"` BuildDate time.Time `json:"-" yaml:"-"` BuildCommitSHA string `json:"-" yaml:"-"` }
Descriptor is metadata about what the integration supports
func LoadDescriptor ¶
func LoadDescriptor(descriptorBuf, build, commit string) (*Descriptor, error)
LoadDescriptor will load a descriptor from an integration
type Export ¶
type Export interface { Control // Config is any customer specific configuration for this customer Config() Config // State is a customer specific state object for this integration and customer State() State // Stats is the stats object that an integration can use to track integration specific stats for the export Stats() Stats // JobID will return a specific job id for this export which can be used in logs, etc JobID() string // Pipe should be called to get the pipe for streaming data back to pinpoint Pipe() Pipe // Historical if true, the integration should perform a full historical export Historical() bool // Logger the logger object to use in the integration Logger() Logger }
Export is a control interface for an export
type GraphQLClient ¶
type GraphQLClient interface {
Query(query string, variables map[string]interface{}, out interface{}, options ...WithGraphQLOption) error
GraphQLClient is an interface to a graphql client
type GraphQLClientManager ¶
type GraphQLClientManager interface { // New is for creating a new graphql client instance that can be reused New(url string, headers map[string]string) GraphQLClient }
GraphQLClientManager is an interface for creating graphql clients
type HTTPClient ¶
type HTTPClient interface { // Get will call a HTTP GET method and set the result (if JSON) to out Get(out interface{}, options ...WithHTTPOption) (*HTTPResponse, error) // Post will call a HTTP POST method passing the data and set the result (if JSON) to out Post(data io.Reader, out interface{}, options ...WithHTTPOption) (*HTTPResponse, error) // Put will call a HTTP PUT method passing the data and set the result (if JSON) to out Put(data io.Reader, out interface{}, options ...WithHTTPOption) (*HTTPResponse, error) // Patch will call a HTTP PATCH method passing the data and set the result (if JSON) to out Patch(data io.Reader, out interface{}, options ...WithHTTPOption) (*HTTPResponse, error) // Delete will call a HTTP DELETE method and set the result (if JSON) to out Delete(out interface{}, options ...WithHTTPOption) (*HTTPResponse, error) }
HTTPClient is an interface to a HTTP client
type HTTPClientManager ¶
type HTTPClientManager interface { // New is for creating a new HTTP client instance that can be reused New(url string, headers map[string]string) HTTPClient }
HTTPClientManager is an interface for creating HTTP clients
type HTTPOptions ¶
type HTTPOptions struct { Request *http.Request Response *HTTPResponse // only set in the response case or nil in the request case Deadline time.Time ShouldRetry bool RetryAfter time.Duration Transport http.RoundTripper }
HTTPOptions is a holder for options
type HTTPResponse ¶
HTTPResponse is a struct returned by the HTTPClient
type Identifier ¶
type Identifier interface { // CustomerID will return the customer id for this instance CustomerID() string // IntegrationInstanceID will return the unique instance id for this integration for a customer IntegrationInstanceID() string // RefType for the integration RefType() string }
Identifier is an interface for getting the ids of the current execution
func NewSimpleIdentifier ¶
func NewSimpleIdentifier(customerID string, integrationInstanceID string, refType string) Identifier
NewSimpleIdentifier will return an identifier, should only be used in rare occasions for calling sdk apis that require an Identifier but are outside the scope of a webhook, mutation, enroll, dismiss, or validate since all those implement Identifier
type Installation ¶
type Installation struct { Modes []InstallationMode `json:"modes" yaml:"modes"` Cloud *InstallationConfig `json:"cloud,omitempty" yaml:"cloud"` SelfManaged *InstallationConfig `json:"selfmanaged,omitempty" yaml:"selfmanaged"` }
Installation is metadata about the installation
type InstallationConfig ¶
type InstallationConfig struct { Capabilities []string `json:"capabilities,omitempty" yaml:"capabilities"` Authorization []AuthorizationType `json:"authorizations" yaml:"authorizations"` }
InstallationConfig is metadata about a specific installation mode
type InstallationMode ¶
type InstallationMode string
InstallationMode is the type of installation
const ( // InstallationModeCloud is for running the agent in the pinpoint cloud fully managed environment InstallationModeCloud InstallationMode = "cloud" // InstallationModeSelfManaged is for running the agent in a customers self managed environment InstallationModeSelfManaged InstallationMode = "selfmanaged" )
type Instance ¶
type Instance struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Instance is an instance of an integration for a specific customer and integration instance
func NewInstance ¶
func NewInstance(config Config, logger Logger, state State, pipe Pipe, customerID string, refType string, integrationInstanceID string) *Instance
NewInstance returns a new instance of the integration
func (*Instance) Config ¶
Config is a customer specific config object for this integration and customer
func (*Instance) CustomerID ¶
CustomerID will return the customer id for the export
func (*Instance) IntegrationInstanceID ¶
IntegrationInstanceID will return the unique instance id for this integration for a customer
func (*Instance) Pipe ¶
Pipe returns a pipe in the case the integration wants to send data back to pinpoint
type Integration ¶
type Integration interface { // Start is called when the integration is starting up Start(logger Logger, config Config, manager Manager) error // Validate is called before a new integration instance is added to determine // if the config is valid and the integration can properly communicate with the // source system. The result and the error will both be delivered to the App. // Returning a nil error is considered a successful validation. Validate(validate Validate) (result map[string]interface{}, err error) // Enroll is called when a new integration instance is added Enroll(instance Instance) error // Dismiss is called when an existing integration instance is removed Dismiss(instance Instance) error // Export is called to tell the integration to run an export Export(export Export) error // WebHook is called when a webhook is received on behalf of the integration WebHook(webhook WebHook) error // Mutation is called when a mutation request is received on behalf of the integration Mutation(mutation Mutation) (*MutationResponse, error) // AutoConfigure is called when a cloud integration has requested to be auto configured AutoConfigure(autoconfig AutoConfigure) (*Config, error) // Stop is called when the integration is shutting down for cleanup Stop(logger Logger) error }
Integration is the interface that integrations implement
type IntegrationModel ¶
type IntegrationModel interface { datamodel.Model GetIntegrationInstanceID() *string SetIntegrationInstanceID(string) GetCustomerID() string SetCustomerID(string) GetRefType() string SetRefType(string) }
IntegrationModel has some extra methods that exist on sourcedata types
type IntegrationScope ¶
type IntegrationScope string
IntegrationScope is the integration autoconfig scope type
const ( // OrgScope is a org scope OrgScope IntegrationScope = "ORG" // UserScope is a user scope UserScope IntegrationScope = "USER" )
type IntegrationType ¶
type IntegrationType string
IntegrationType is the integration type
const ( // CloudIntegration is a cloud managed integration CloudIntegration IntegrationType = "CLOUD" // SelfManagedIntegration is a self-managed integration SelfManagedIntegration IntegrationType = "SELFMANAGED" )
type Logger ¶
Logger is a logger interface
func NewNoOpTestLogger ¶
func NewNoOpTestLogger() Logger
NewNoOpTestLogger returns a no-op test logger
type Manager ¶
type Manager interface { // GraphQLManager returns a graphql manager instance GraphQLManager() GraphQLClientManager // HTTPManager returns a HTTP manager instance HTTPManager() HTTPClientManager // WebHookManager returns the WebHook manager instance WebHookManager() WebHookManager // AuthManager returns the Auth manager instance AuthManager() AuthManager // UserManager returns the User manager instance UserManager() UserManager // Close is called on shutdown to cleanup any resources Close() error }
Manager is the control interface that integrations can use to perform tasks on its behalf
type Model ¶
Model is a data model type
func NewAgileBoardDeactivate ¶
func NewAgileBoardDeactivate(customerID string, integrationInstanceID string, refID string, refType string) Model
NewAgileBoardDeactivate will create a new update object that sets active to false for Agile.Board which can be sent to an sdk.Pipe using Write
func NewAgileBoardUpdate ¶
func NewAgileBoardUpdate(customerID string, integrationInstanceID string, refID string, refType string, val AgileBoardUpdate) Model
NewAgileBoardUpdate will create a new update object for work.Board which can be sent to an sdk.Pipe using Write
func NewAgileSprintDeactivate ¶
func NewAgileSprintDeactivate(customerID string, integrationInstanceID string, refID string, refType string) Model
NewAgileSprintDeactivate will create a new update object that sets active to false for Agile.Sprint which can be sent to an sdk.Pipe using Write
func NewAgileSprintUpdate ¶
func NewAgileSprintUpdate(customerID string, integrationInstanceID string, refID string, refType string, val AgileSprintUpdate) Model
NewAgileSprintUpdate will create a new update object for work.Sprint which can be sent to an sdk.Pipe using Write
func NewSourceCodePullRequestReviewRequestDeactivate ¶
func NewSourceCodePullRequestReviewRequestDeactivate(customerID string, integrationInstanceID string, pullRequestReviewRequestID string, refType string) Model
NewSourceCodePullRequestReviewRequestDeactivate will create a new update object that sets active to false for sourcecode.PullRequestReviewRequest which can be sent to an sdk.Pipe using Write
func NewSourceCodePullRequestReviewRequestUpdate ¶
func NewSourceCodePullRequestReviewRequestUpdate(customerID string, integrationInstanceID string, pullRequestReviewRequestID string, refType string, val SourceCodePullRequestReviewRequestUpdate) Model
NewSourceCodePullRequestReviewRequestUpdate will create a new update object for sourcecode.PullRequestReviewRequest which can be sent to an sdk.Pipe using Write
func NewWorkIssueCommentDeactivate ¶
func NewWorkIssueCommentDeactivate(customerID string, integrationInstanceID string, refID string, refType string) Model
NewWorkIssueCommentDeactivate will create a new update object that sets active to false for work.IssueComment which can be sent to an sdk.Pipe using Write
func NewWorkIssueCommentUpdate ¶
func NewWorkIssueCommentUpdate(customerID string, integrationInstanceID string, refID string, refType string, val WorkIssueCommentUpdate) Model
NewWorkIssueCommentUpdate will create a new update object for work.IssueComment which can be sent to an sdk.Pipe using Write
func NewWorkIssueDeactivate ¶
func NewWorkIssueDeactivate(customerID string, integrationInstanceID string, refID string, refType string) Model
NewWorkIssueDeactivate will create a new update object that sets active to false for work.Issue which can be sent to an sdk.Pipe using Write
func NewWorkIssueUpdate ¶
func NewWorkIssueUpdate(customerID string, integrationInstanceID string, refID string, refType string, val WorkIssueUpdate) Model
NewWorkIssueUpdate will create a new update object for work.Issue which can be sent to an sdk.Pipe using Write
func NewWorkProjectDeactivate ¶
func NewWorkProjectDeactivate(customerID string, integrationInstanceID string, refID string, refType string) Model
NewWorkProjectDeactivate will create a new update object that sets active to false for work.Project which can be sent to an sdk.Pipe using Write
func NewWorkProjectUpdate ¶
func NewWorkProjectUpdate(customerID string, integrationInstanceID string, refID string, refType string, val WorkProjectUpdate) Model
NewWorkProjectUpdate will create a new update object for work.Project which can be sent to an sdk.Pipe using Write
type Mutation ¶
type Mutation interface { Control // Config is any customer specific configuration for this customer Config() Config // State is a customer specific state object for this integration and customer State() State // Pipe should be called to get the pipe for streaming data back to pinpoint Pipe() Pipe // ID returns the ref_id of the model to update ID() string // RefID returns the ref_id of the model to update RefID() string // Model is the name of the model of the payload Model() string // Action is the mutation action Action() MutationAction // Payload is the payload of the mutation which is one of the mutation types Payload() interface{} // User is the user that is requesting the mutation and any authorization details that might be required User() MutationUser // Logger the logger object to use in the integration Logger() Logger }
Mutation is a control interface for a mutation
type MutationAction ¶
type MutationAction string
MutationAction is a mutation action type
const ( // CreateAction is a create mutation action CreateAction MutationAction = "create" // UpdateAction is a update mutation action UpdateAction MutationAction = "update" // DeleteAction is a delete mutation action DeleteAction MutationAction = "delete" )
type MutationData ¶
type MutationData struct { RefID string `json:"ref_id"` // RefID is the the ref_id of the model to update Model string `json:"model"` // Model is the model name (eg. work.Issue) Action MutationAction `json:"action"` // Action is either create, update, delete Payload json.RawMessage `json:"payload"` // Payload should be one of the Model Mutations defined below User MutationUser `json:"user"` // User is a Mutation user on whom's behalf the mutation is being made }
MutationData is the 'payload' field in agent.Mutation
type MutationFieldValue ¶ added in v4.0.13
type MutationFieldValue struct { RefID string `json:"ref_id"` Type WorkProjectCapabilityIssueMutationFieldsType `json:"type"` Value json.RawMessage `json:"value"` }
MutationFieldValue represents the value for the field, as defined in the project capabilities
func (MutationFieldValue) AsNameRefID ¶ added in v4.0.13
func (m MutationFieldValue) AsNameRefID() (*NameRefID, error)
AsNameRefID will return m's value as a NameRefID if it's type is: WorkProjectCapabilityIssueMutationFieldsTypeWorkIssueType, WorkProjectCapabilityIssueMutationFieldsTypeWorkIssuePriority, or WorkProjectCapabilityIssueMutationFieldsTypeUser.
func (MutationFieldValue) AsNumber ¶ added in v4.0.13
func (m MutationFieldValue) AsNumber() (int, error)
AsNumber will return m's value as an int if it's type is WorkProjectCapabilityIssueMutationFieldsTypeNumber.
func (MutationFieldValue) AsString ¶ added in v4.0.13
func (m MutationFieldValue) AsString() (string, error)
AsString will return m's value as an int if it's type is WorkProjectCapabilityIssueMutationFieldsTypeString.
type MutationResponse ¶ added in v4.0.2
type MutationResponse struct { RefID *string // the ID of the entity in the source system EntityID *string // the entity ID in the pinpoint system for the entity that was mutated URL *string // optional url for the mutation entity in the source system Properties map[string]interface{} // optional properties to send in the result specific to the mutation type }
MutationResponse data
type MutationUser ¶
type MutationUser struct { RefID string `json:"ref_id"` // RefID is the id of the user in the source system OAuth2Auth *oauth2Auth `json:"oauth2_auth,omitempty"` OAuth1Auth *oauth1Auth `json:"oauth1_auth,omitempty"` BasicAuth *basicAuth `json:"basic_auth,omitempty"` APIKeyAuth *apikeyAuth `json:"apikey_auth,omitempty"` }
MutationUser is the user that is requesting the mutation
type NameRefID ¶
type NameRefID struct { RefID *string `json:"ref_id,omitempty"` Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` }
NameRefID is a container for containing the RefID, Name or both
type OAuth1Identity ¶
type OAuth1Identity struct { Name string `json:"name"` RefID string `json:"ref_id"` AvatarURL *string `json:"avatar_url"` Email *string `json:"email"` }
OAuth1Identity returns an identity for an OAuth1 integration
type OAuth1Integration ¶
type OAuth1Integration interface { // IdentifyOAuth1User should be implemented to get an identity for a user tied to the private key IdentifyOAuth1User(identifier Identifier, url string, privateKey *rsa.PrivateKey, consumerKey string, consumerSecret string, token string, tokenSecret string) (*OAuth1Identity, error) }
OAuth1Integration is implemented by integrations that support OAuth1 identity
type PartialModel ¶
type PartialModel = datamodel.PartialModel
PartialModel is a partial datamodel type with all optional fields
type Pipe ¶
type Pipe interface { // Write a model back to the output system Write(object Model) error // Flush will tell the pipe to flush any pending data Flush() error // Close is called when the integration has completed and no more data will be sent Close() error }
Pipe for sending data back to pinpoint
type RateLimitError ¶
RateLimitError is a specific error for detection of rate limit errors
func (*RateLimitError) Error ¶
func (e *RateLimitError) Error() string
type SourceCodeCommit ¶
type SourceCodeCommit = sourcecode.Commit
SourceCodeCommit is the source code commit
type SourceCodeCommitCreatedDate ¶
type SourceCodeCommitCreatedDate = sourcecode.CommitCreatedDate
SourceCodeCommitCreatedDate is the commit create date
type SourceCodePullRequest ¶
type SourceCodePullRequest = sourcecode.PullRequest
SourceCodePullRequest is a pull request
type SourceCodePullRequestClosedDate ¶
type SourceCodePullRequestClosedDate = sourcecode.PullRequestClosedDate
SourceCodePullRequestClosedDate is the pull request closed date
type SourceCodePullRequestComment ¶
type SourceCodePullRequestComment = sourcecode.PullRequestComment
SourceCodePullRequestComment is a pull request comment
type SourceCodePullRequestCommentCreatedDate ¶
type SourceCodePullRequestCommentCreatedDate = sourcecode.PullRequestCommentCreatedDate
SourceCodePullRequestCommentCreatedDate is a pull request comment created date
type SourceCodePullRequestCommentUpdatedDate ¶
type SourceCodePullRequestCommentUpdatedDate = sourcecode.PullRequestCommentUpdatedDate
SourceCodePullRequestCommentUpdatedDate is a pull request comment updated date
type SourceCodePullRequestCommit ¶
type SourceCodePullRequestCommit = sourcecode.PullRequestCommit
SourceCodePullRequestCommit is a pull request commit
type SourceCodePullRequestCommitCreatedDate ¶
type SourceCodePullRequestCommitCreatedDate = sourcecode.PullRequestCommitCreatedDate
SourceCodePullRequestCommitCreatedDate is the created date for a pull request commit
type SourceCodePullRequestCreatedDate ¶
type SourceCodePullRequestCreatedDate = sourcecode.PullRequestCreatedDate
SourceCodePullRequestCreatedDate is the pull request created date
type SourceCodePullRequestMergedDate ¶
type SourceCodePullRequestMergedDate = sourcecode.PullRequestMergedDate
SourceCodePullRequestMergedDate is the pull request merged date
type SourceCodePullRequestReview ¶
type SourceCodePullRequestReview = sourcecode.PullRequestReview
SourceCodePullRequestReview is a pull request review
type SourceCodePullRequestReviewCreatedDate ¶
type SourceCodePullRequestReviewCreatedDate = sourcecode.PullRequestReviewCreatedDate
SourceCodePullRequestReviewCreatedDate is a pull request review created date
type SourceCodePullRequestReviewRequest ¶
type SourceCodePullRequestReviewRequest = sourcecode.PullRequestReviewRequest
SourceCodePullRequestReviewRequest is a pull request review request
type SourceCodePullRequestReviewRequestCreatedDate ¶
type SourceCodePullRequestReviewRequestCreatedDate = sourcecode.PullRequestReviewRequestCreatedDate
SourceCodePullRequestReviewRequestCreatedDate is a pull request review request created date
type SourceCodePullRequestReviewRequestUpdate ¶
type SourceCodePullRequestReviewRequestUpdate struct { Set struct { Active *bool } Unset struct { } Push struct { } Pull struct { } }
SourceCodePullRequestReviewRequestUpdate is an action for update a sourcecode.PullRequestReviewRequest
type SourceCodePullRequestReviewState ¶
type SourceCodePullRequestReviewState = sourcecode.PullRequestReviewState
SourceCodePullRequestReviewState is a pull request review state enum
const SourceCodePullRequestReviewStateApproved SourceCodePullRequestReviewState = sourcecode.PullRequestReviewStateApproved
SourceCodePullRequestReviewStateApproved is the enumeration value for approved
const SourceCodePullRequestReviewStateAssigned SourceCodePullRequestReviewState = sourcecode.PullRequestReviewStateAssigned
SourceCodePullRequestReviewStateAssigned is the enumeration value for assigned
const SourceCodePullRequestReviewStateChangesRequested SourceCodePullRequestReviewState = sourcecode.PullRequestReviewStateChangesRequested
SourceCodePullRequestReviewStateChangesRequested is the enumeration value for changes_requested
const SourceCodePullRequestReviewStateCommented SourceCodePullRequestReviewState = sourcecode.PullRequestReviewStateCommented
SourceCodePullRequestReviewStateCommented is the enumeration value for commented
const SourceCodePullRequestReviewStateDismissed SourceCodePullRequestReviewState = sourcecode.PullRequestReviewStateDismissed
SourceCodePullRequestReviewStateDismissed is the enumeration value for dismissed
const SourceCodePullRequestReviewStatePending SourceCodePullRequestReviewState = sourcecode.PullRequestReviewStatePending
SourceCodePullRequestReviewStatePending is the enumeration value for pending
const SourceCodePullRequestReviewStateRequestRemoved SourceCodePullRequestReviewState = sourcecode.PullRequestReviewStateRequestRemoved
SourceCodePullRequestReviewStateRequestRemoved is the enumeration value for request_removed
const SourceCodePullRequestReviewStateRequested SourceCodePullRequestReviewState = sourcecode.PullRequestReviewStateRequested
SourceCodePullRequestReviewStateRequested is the enumeration value for requested
const SourceCodePullRequestReviewStateUnassigned SourceCodePullRequestReviewState = sourcecode.PullRequestReviewStateUnassigned
SourceCodePullRequestReviewStateUnassigned is the enumeration value for unassigned
type SourceCodePullRequestStatus ¶
type SourceCodePullRequestStatus = sourcecode.PullRequestStatus
SourceCodePullRequestStatus is the pull request state enum
const SourceCodePullRequestStatusClosed SourceCodePullRequestStatus = sourcecode.PullRequestStatusClosed
SourceCodePullRequestStatusClosed is the enumeration value for closed
const SourceCodePullRequestStatusLocked SourceCodePullRequestStatus = sourcecode.PullRequestStatusLocked
SourceCodePullRequestStatusLocked is the enumeration value for locked
const SourceCodePullRequestStatusMerged SourceCodePullRequestStatus = sourcecode.PullRequestStatusMerged
SourceCodePullRequestStatusMerged is the enumeration value for merged
const SourceCodePullRequestStatusOpen SourceCodePullRequestStatus = sourcecode.PullRequestStatusOpen
SourceCodePullRequestStatusOpen is the enumeration value for open
const SourceCodePullRequestStatusSuperseded SourceCodePullRequestStatus = sourcecode.PullRequestStatusSuperseded
SourceCodePullRequestStatusSuperseded is the enumeration value for superseded
type SourceCodePullRequestUpdatedDate ¶
type SourceCodePullRequestUpdatedDate = sourcecode.PullRequestUpdatedDate
SourceCodePullRequestUpdatedDate is the pull request updated date
type SourceCodeRepo ¶
type SourceCodeRepo = sourcecode.Repo
SourceCodeRepo is a code repository in the source code system
type SourceCodeRepoAffiliation ¶
type SourceCodeRepoAffiliation = sourcecode.RepoAffiliation
SourceCodeRepoAffiliation is the repo affiliation
type SourceCodeRepoVisibility ¶
type SourceCodeRepoVisibility = sourcecode.RepoVisibility
SourceCodeRepoVisibility is the visibility of the repo
type SourceCodeUser ¶
type SourceCodeUser = sourcecode.User
SourceCodeUser is a user in the source code system
type SourceCodeUserType ¶
type SourceCodeUserType = sourcecode.UserType
SourceCodeUserType is a user type in the source code system
type SourcecodePullRequestUpdateMutation ¶
type SourcecodePullRequestUpdateMutation struct { Set struct { Title *string `json:"title,omitempty"` // Title is for updating the title to the pull request Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` // Description is for updating the description of the pull request Status *SourceCodePullRequestStatus `json:"status,omitempty"` // Status is for changing the status of the pull request } `json:"set"` }
SourcecodePullRequestUpdateMutation is an update mutation for a pull request
type State ¶
type State interface { // Set a value by key in state. the value must be able to serialize to JSON Set(key string, value interface{}) error // SetWithExpires will set key and value and it will automatically expire from state after expiry SetWithExpires(key string, value interface{}, expiry time.Duration) error // Get will return a value for a given key and set the value to the address of out Get(key string, out interface{}) (bool, error) // Exists return true if the key exists in state Exists(key string) bool // Delete will return data for key in state Delete(key string) error // Flush any pending data to storage Flush() error }
State is a state object to allow the integration to serialize state for a given customer
type Stats ¶
type Stats interface { json.Marshaler Set(key string, val interface{}) Increment(key string, n int64) String() (string, error) }
Stats is a write-only, concurrency safe map
func PrefixStats ¶
PrefixStats will return a stats that writes to s with keys prefixed with prefix
type User ¶
type User struct { ID string `json:"_id"` Name string `json:"name"` Emails []string `json:"emails"` RefID string `json:"ref_id"` OAuth1Authorization *struct { Date int64 `json:"date_ts"` ConsumerKey string `json:"consumer_key"` Token string `json:"token"` TokenSecret string `json:"token_secret"` } `json:"oauth1_authorization"` OAuth2Authorization *struct { Date int64 `json:"date_ts"` AccessToken string `json:"token"` RefreshToken *string `json:"refresh_token"` Scopes string `json:"scopes"` } `json:"oauth_authorization"` }
User is an integration user that has been linked to the integration instance for a customer
type UserManager ¶
type UserManager interface { // Users will return the integration users for a given integration instance Users(control Control) ([]User, error) }
UserManager is a control interface for getting users
type Validate ¶
type Validate interface { Control Config() Config // State is a customer specific state object for this integration and customer State() State // Logger the logger object to use in the integration Logger() Logger }
Validate is a control interface for validating a configuration before enroll
type ValidatedAccount ¶
type ValidatedAccount struct { ID string `json:"id"` Name string `json:"name"` Description string `json:"description"` AvatarURL string `json:"avatarUrl"` TotalCount int `json:"totalCount"` Type string `json:"type"` Public bool `json:"public"` Selected bool `json:"selected"` }
ValidatedAccount is a result that can be sent back to the integration UI for a validate account
type WebHook ¶
type WebHook interface { Control // Config is any customer specific configuration for this customer Config() Config // State is a customer specific state object for this integration and customer State() State // RefID will return the ref id from when the hook was created RefID() string // Pipe returns a pipe for sending data back to pinpoint from the web hook data Pipe() Pipe // Data returns the payload of a webhook decoded from json into a map Data() (map[string]interface{}, error) // Bytes will return the underlying data as bytes Bytes() []byte // URL the webhook callback url URL() string // Headers are the headers that came from the web hook Headers() map[string]string // Scope is the registered webhook scope Scope() WebHookScope // Logger the logger object to use in the integration Logger() Logger }
WebHook is a control interface for web hook data received by pinpoint on behalf of the integration
type WebHookManager ¶
type WebHookManager interface { // Create is used by the integration to create a webhook on behalf of the integration for a given customer, reftype and refid // the result will be a fully qualified URL to the webhook endpoint that should be registered with the integration Create(customerID string, integrationInstanceID string, refType string, refID string, scope WebHookScope, params ...string) (string, error) // Delete will remove the webhook from the entity based on scope Delete(customerID string, integrationInstanceID string, refType string, refID string, scope WebHookScope) error // Exists returns true if the webhook is registered for the given entity based on ref_id and scope Exists(customerID string, integrationInstanceID string, refType string, refID string, scope WebHookScope) bool // Errored will set the errored state on the webhook and the message will be the Error() value of the error Errored(customerID string, integrationInstanceID string, refType string, refID string, scope WebHookScope, err error) // HookURL will return the webhook url HookURL(customerID string, integrationInstanceID string, refType string, refID string, scope WebHookScope) (string, error) }
WebHookManager is the manager for dealing with WebHooks
type WebHookScope ¶
type WebHookScope string
WebHookScope is the scope of the webhook
const ( // WebHookScopeSystem is the system scope for a webhook WebHookScopeSystem WebHookScope = "system" // WebHookScopeOrg is the org scope for a webhook WebHookScopeOrg WebHookScope = "org" // WebHookScopeRepo is the repo scope for a webhook WebHookScopeRepo WebHookScope = "repo" // WebHookScopeProject is the project scope for a webhook WebHookScopeProject WebHookScope = "project" )
type WithGraphQLOption ¶
WithGraphQLOption is an option for setting details on the request
func WithGraphQLHeader ¶
func WithGraphQLHeader(key, value string) WithGraphQLOption
WithGraphQLHeader will add a specific header to an outgoing request
type WithHTTPOption ¶
type WithHTTPOption func(opt *HTTPOptions) error
WithHTTPOption is an option for setting details on the request
func WithAuthorization ¶
func WithAuthorization(value string) WithHTTPOption
WithAuthorization will set the Authorization header
func WithBasicAuth ¶
func WithBasicAuth(username string, password string) WithHTTPOption
WithBasicAuth will add the Basic authentication header to the outgoing request
func WithContentType ¶
func WithContentType(value string) WithHTTPOption
WithContentType will set the Content-Type header
func WithDeadline ¶
func WithDeadline(duration time.Duration) WithHTTPOption
WithDeadline will set a deadline for getting a response
func WithEndpoint ¶
func WithEndpoint(value string) WithHTTPOption
WithEndpoint will add to the url path
func WithGetQueryParameters ¶
func WithGetQueryParameters(variables url.Values) WithHTTPOption
WithGetQueryParameters will allow the query parameters to be overriden
func WithHTTPHeader ¶
func WithHTTPHeader(key, value string) WithHTTPOption
WithHTTPHeader will add a specific header to an outgoing request
func WithOAuth1 ¶
func WithOAuth1(manager Manager, identifier Identifier, consumerKey string, consumerSecret string, token string, tokenSecret string) WithHTTPOption
WithOAuth1 will set the appropriate headers for making an OAuth1 signed request
func WithOAuth2Refresh ¶
func WithOAuth2Refresh(manager Manager, refType string, accessToken string, refreshToken string) WithHTTPOption
WithOAuth2Refresh will set the oauth2 information and support automatic token refresh
type WorkConfigStatuses ¶
type WorkConfigStatuses = work.ConfigStatuses
WorkConfigStatuses is the work config status type
type WorkIssueAttachments ¶
type WorkIssueAttachments = work.IssueAttachments
WorkIssueAttachments is the work issue attachments
type WorkIssueChangeLog ¶
type WorkIssueChangeLog = work.IssueChangeLog
WorkIssueChangeLog is the issue changelog
type WorkIssueChangeLogCreatedDate ¶
type WorkIssueChangeLogCreatedDate = work.IssueChangeLogCreatedDate
WorkIssueChangeLogCreatedDate is the issue change log created date
type WorkIssueChangeLogField ¶
type WorkIssueChangeLogField = work.IssueChangeLogField
WorkIssueChangeLogField is the issue change log field enum
const WorkIssueChangeLogFieldAssigneeRefID WorkIssueChangeLogField = work.IssueChangeLogFieldAssigneeRefID
WorkIssueChangeLogFieldAssigneeRefID is the enumeration value for assignee_ref_id
const WorkIssueChangeLogFieldDueDate WorkIssueChangeLogField = work.IssueChangeLogFieldDueDate
WorkIssueChangeLogFieldDueDate is the enumeration value for due_date
const WorkIssueChangeLogFieldEpicID WorkIssueChangeLogField = work.IssueChangeLogFieldEpicID
WorkIssueChangeLogFieldEpicID is the enumeration value for epic_id
const WorkIssueChangeLogFieldIdentifier WorkIssueChangeLogField = work.IssueChangeLogFieldIdentifier
WorkIssueChangeLogFieldIdentifier is the enumeration value for identifier
const WorkIssueChangeLogFieldParentID WorkIssueChangeLogField = work.IssueChangeLogFieldParentID
WorkIssueChangeLogFieldParentID is the enumeration value for parent_id
const WorkIssueChangeLogFieldPriority WorkIssueChangeLogField = work.IssueChangeLogFieldPriority
WorkIssueChangeLogFieldPriority is the enumeration value for priority
const WorkIssueChangeLogFieldProjectID WorkIssueChangeLogField = work.IssueChangeLogFieldProjectID
WorkIssueChangeLogFieldProjectID is the enumeration value for project_id
const WorkIssueChangeLogFieldReporterRefID WorkIssueChangeLogField = work.IssueChangeLogFieldReporterRefID
WorkIssueChangeLogFieldReporterRefID is the enumeration value for reporter_ref_id
const WorkIssueChangeLogFieldResolution WorkIssueChangeLogField = work.IssueChangeLogFieldResolution
WorkIssueChangeLogFieldResolution is the enumeration value for resolution
const WorkIssueChangeLogFieldSprintIds WorkIssueChangeLogField = work.IssueChangeLogFieldSprintIds
WorkIssueChangeLogFieldSprintIds is the enumeration value for sprint_ids
const WorkIssueChangeLogFieldStatus WorkIssueChangeLogField = work.IssueChangeLogFieldStatus
WorkIssueChangeLogFieldStatus is the enumeration value for status
const WorkIssueChangeLogFieldTags WorkIssueChangeLogField = work.IssueChangeLogFieldTags
WorkIssueChangeLogFieldTags is the enumeration value for tags
const WorkIssueChangeLogFieldTitle WorkIssueChangeLogField = work.IssueChangeLogFieldTitle
WorkIssueChangeLogFieldTitle is the enumeration value for title
const WorkIssueChangeLogFieldType WorkIssueChangeLogField = work.IssueChangeLogFieldType
WorkIssueChangeLogFieldType is the enumeration value for type
type WorkIssueComment ¶
type WorkIssueComment = work.IssueComment
WorkIssueComment is a issue comment
type WorkIssueCommentCreatedDate ¶
type WorkIssueCommentCreatedDate = work.IssueCommentCreatedDate
WorkIssueCommentCreatedDate is the issue comment created date
type WorkIssueCommentUpdate ¶
type WorkIssueCommentUpdate struct { Set struct { Active *bool } Unset struct { } Push struct { } Pull struct { } }
WorkIssueCommentUpdate is an action for update a work.IssueComment
type WorkIssueCommentUpdatedDate ¶
type WorkIssueCommentUpdatedDate = work.IssueCommentUpdatedDate
WorkIssueCommentUpdatedDate is the issue comment updated date
type WorkIssueCreateMutation ¶
type WorkIssueCreateMutation struct { Title string `json:"title"` // Title is for setting the title of the issue Description string `json:"description"` // Description is for setting the description of the issue AssigneeRefID *string `json:"assignee_ref_id,omitempty"` // AssigneeRefID is for setting the assignee of the issue to a ref_id Priority *NameRefID `json:"priority,omitempty"` // Priority is for setting the priority of the issue Type *NameRefID `json:"type,omitempty"` // Type is for setting the issue type of the issue ProjectRefID string `json:"project_ref_id"` // ProjectID is the id to the issue project as a ref_id Epic *NameRefID `json:"epic,omitempty"` // Epic is for setting an epic for the issue Labels []string `json:"labels,omitempty"` // Labels is for setting the labels for an issue // NOTE(robin): the above fields are for backwards compatibility, using MutationFields is the future 🚀 ParentRefID *string `json:"parent_ref_id,omitempty"` // ParentRefID is for setting the parent issue as a ref_id Fields []MutationFieldValue `json:"fields"` }
WorkIssueCreateMutation is a create mutation for a issue
type WorkIssueCreatedDate ¶
type WorkIssueCreatedDate = work.IssueCreatedDate
WorkIssueCreatedDate is the issue created date
type WorkIssueDueDate ¶
type WorkIssueDueDate = work.IssueDueDate
WorkIssueDueDate is the issue due date
type WorkIssueLinkedIssues ¶
type WorkIssueLinkedIssues = work.IssueLinkedIssues
WorkIssueLinkedIssues is the issue linked issues
type WorkIssueLinkedIssuesLinkType ¶
type WorkIssueLinkedIssuesLinkType = work.IssueLinkedIssuesLinkType
WorkIssueLinkedIssuesLinkType is the linked isuse link type enum
const WorkIssueLinkedIssuesLinkTypeBlocks WorkIssueLinkedIssuesLinkType = work.IssueLinkedIssuesLinkTypeBlocks
WorkIssueLinkedIssuesLinkTypeBlocks is the enumeration value for blocks
const WorkIssueLinkedIssuesLinkTypeCauses WorkIssueLinkedIssuesLinkType = work.IssueLinkedIssuesLinkTypeCauses
WorkIssueLinkedIssuesLinkTypeCauses is the enumeration value for causes
const WorkIssueLinkedIssuesLinkTypeClones WorkIssueLinkedIssuesLinkType = work.IssueLinkedIssuesLinkTypeClones
WorkIssueLinkedIssuesLinkTypeClones is the enumeration value for clones
const WorkIssueLinkedIssuesLinkTypeDuplicates WorkIssueLinkedIssuesLinkType = work.IssueLinkedIssuesLinkTypeDuplicates
WorkIssueLinkedIssuesLinkTypeDuplicates is the enumeration value for duplicates
const WorkIssueLinkedIssuesLinkTypeRelates WorkIssueLinkedIssuesLinkType = work.IssueLinkedIssuesLinkTypeRelates
WorkIssueLinkedIssuesLinkTypeRelates is the enumeration value for relates
type WorkIssuePlannedEndDate ¶
type WorkIssuePlannedEndDate = work.IssuePlannedEndDate
WorkIssuePlannedEndDate is the issue planned end date
type WorkIssuePlannedStartDate ¶
type WorkIssuePlannedStartDate = work.IssuePlannedStartDate
WorkIssuePlannedStartDate is the issue planned start date
type WorkIssuePriority ¶
type WorkIssuePriority = work.IssuePriority
WorkIssuePriority is a issue priority
type WorkIssueTransitions ¶
type WorkIssueTransitions = work.IssueTransitions
WorkIssueTransitions is the issue transitions
type WorkIssueTypeMappedType ¶
type WorkIssueTypeMappedType = work.IssueTypeMappedType
WorkIssueTypeMappedType is the issue type mapped type enum
const WorkIssueTypeMappedTypeBug WorkIssueTypeMappedType = work.IssueTypeMappedTypeBug
WorkIssueTypeMappedTypeBug is the enumeration value for bug
const WorkIssueTypeMappedTypeEnhancement WorkIssueTypeMappedType = work.IssueTypeMappedTypeEnhancement
WorkIssueTypeMappedTypeEnhancement is the enumeration value for enhancement
const WorkIssueTypeMappedTypeEpic WorkIssueTypeMappedType = work.IssueTypeMappedTypeEpic
WorkIssueTypeMappedTypeEpic is the enumeration value for epic
const WorkIssueTypeMappedTypeFeature WorkIssueTypeMappedType = work.IssueTypeMappedTypeFeature
WorkIssueTypeMappedTypeFeature is the enumeration value for feature
const WorkIssueTypeMappedTypeStory WorkIssueTypeMappedType = work.IssueTypeMappedTypeStory
WorkIssueTypeMappedTypeStory is the enumeration value for story
const WorkIssueTypeMappedTypeSubtask WorkIssueTypeMappedType = work.IssueTypeMappedTypeSubtask
WorkIssueTypeMappedTypeSubtask is the enumeration value for subtask
const WorkIssueTypeMappedTypeTask WorkIssueTypeMappedType = work.IssueTypeMappedTypeTask
WorkIssueTypeMappedTypeTask is the enumeration value for task
const WorkIssueTypeMappedTypeUnknown WorkIssueTypeMappedType = work.IssueTypeMappedTypeUnknown
WorkIssueTypeMappedTypeUnknown is the enumeration value for unknown
type WorkIssueUpdate ¶
type WorkIssueUpdate struct { Set struct { Title *string Description *string Active *bool StoryPoints *float32 Identifier *string ProjectID *string URL *string DueDate *time.Time Priority *NameID Type *NameID Status *NameID AssigneeRefID *string ParentID *string Tags *[]string EpicID *string Resolution *string PlannedStartDate *time.Time PlannedEndDate *time.Time SprintIDs *[]string Transitions *[]WorkIssueTransitions } Unset struct { StoryPoints *bool DueDate *bool ParentID *bool EpicID *bool PlannedStartDate *bool PlannedEndDate *bool } Push struct { Tags *[]string SprintIDs *[]string ChangeLogs *[]WorkIssueChangeLog LinkedIssues *[]WorkIssueLinkedIssues } Pull struct { Tags *[]string SprintIDs *[]string LinkedIssues *[]WorkIssueLinkedIssues } }
WorkIssueUpdate is an action for update a work.Issue
type WorkIssueUpdateMutation ¶
type WorkIssueUpdateMutation struct { Set struct { Title *string `json:"title"` // Title is for updating the title to the issue Transition *NameRefID `json:"transition,omitempty"` // Transition information (if used) for the issue Priority *NameRefID `json:"priority,omitempty"` // Priority is for changing the priority of the issue Resolution *NameRefID `json:"resolution,omitempty"` // Resolution is for changing the resolution of the issue Epic *NameRefID `json:"epic,omitempty"` // Epic is for updating the epic for the issue AssigneeRefID *string `json:"assignee_ref_id,omitempty"` // AssigneeRefID is for changing the assignee of the issue to a ref_id } `json:"set"` Unset struct { Epic bool `json:"epic"` // Epic is for removing the epic from the issue (if set to true) Assignee bool `json:"assignee"` // Assignee is for removing the assignee from the issue (if set to true) } `json:"unset"` }
WorkIssueUpdateMutation is an update mutation for a issue
type WorkIssueUpdatedDate ¶
type WorkIssueUpdatedDate = work.IssueUpdatedDate
WorkIssueUpdatedDate is the issue updated date
type WorkProjectAffiliation ¶
type WorkProjectAffiliation = work.ProjectAffiliation
WorkProjectAffiliation is the project affiliation
type WorkProjectCapability ¶
type WorkProjectCapability = work.ProjectCapability
WorkProjectCapability is the project capability
type WorkProjectCapabilityIssueMutationFields ¶ added in v4.0.12
type WorkProjectCapabilityIssueMutationFields = work.ProjectCapabilityIssueMutationFields
WorkProjectCapabilityIssueMutationFields represents the object structure for issue_mutation_fields
type WorkProjectCapabilityIssueMutationFieldsType ¶ added in v4.0.12
type WorkProjectCapabilityIssueMutationFieldsType = work.ProjectCapabilityIssueMutationFieldsType
WorkProjectCapabilityIssueMutationFieldsType is the enumeration type for type
type WorkProjectCapabilityIssueMutationFieldsValues ¶ added in v4.0.12
type WorkProjectCapabilityIssueMutationFieldsValues = work.ProjectCapabilityIssueMutationFieldsValues
WorkProjectCapabilityIssueMutationFieldsValues represents the object structure for values
type WorkProjectIssueResolutions ¶
type WorkProjectIssueResolutions = work.ProjectIssueResolutions
WorkProjectIssueResolutions is a work.ProjectIssueResolutions
type WorkProjectIssueTypes ¶
type WorkProjectIssueTypes = work.ProjectIssueTypes
WorkProjectIssueTypes is a work.ProjectIssueTypes
type WorkProjectUpdate ¶
type WorkProjectUpdate struct { Set struct { Active *bool Name *string Description *string } Unset struct { } Push struct { } Pull struct { } }
WorkProjectUpdate is an action for update a work.Project
type WorkProjectVisibility ¶
type WorkProjectVisibility = work.ProjectVisibility
WorkProjectVisibility is the visibility of the project