Overview ¶
Package mock_adapter is a generated GoMock package.
Index ¶
- type MockIDb
- func (m *MockIDb) Begin(opts ...*sql.TxOptions) adapter.ITx
- func (m *MockIDb) BeginContext(ctx context.Context, opts *sql.TxOptions) adapter.ITx
- func (m *MockIDb) EXPECT() *MockIDbMockRecorder
- func (m *MockIDb) Exec(query string, args ...interface{}) sql.Result
- func (m *MockIDb) ExecContext(ctx context.Context, query string, args ...interface{}) sql.Result
- func (m *MockIDb) GetDb(master bool) *sql.DB
- func (m *MockIDb) PrepareContext(ctx context.Context, query string) adapter.IStmt
- func (m *MockIDb) PrepareSql(query string) adapter.IStmt
- func (m *MockIDb) Query(query string, args ...interface{}) *sql.Rows
- func (m *MockIDb) QueryContext(ctx context.Context, query string, args ...interface{}) *sql.Rows
- func (m *MockIDb) QueryOne(query string, args ...interface{}) adapter.IRow
- func (m *MockIDb) QueryOneContext(ctx context.Context, query string, args ...interface{}) adapter.IRow
- func (m *MockIDb) SetMaster(v bool)
- type MockIDbMockRecorder
- func (mr *MockIDbMockRecorder) Begin(opts ...interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIDbMockRecorder) BeginContext(ctx, opts interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIDbMockRecorder) Exec(query interface{}, args ...interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIDbMockRecorder) ExecContext(ctx, query interface{}, args ...interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIDbMockRecorder) GetDb(master interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIDbMockRecorder) PrepareContext(ctx, query interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIDbMockRecorder) PrepareSql(query interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIDbMockRecorder) Query(query interface{}, args ...interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIDbMockRecorder) QueryContext(ctx, query interface{}, args ...interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIDbMockRecorder) QueryOne(query interface{}, args ...interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIDbMockRecorder) QueryOneContext(ctx, query interface{}, args ...interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIDbMockRecorder) SetMaster(v interface{}) *gomock.Call
- type MockIEs
- type MockIEsMockRecorder
- type MockIHttp
- func (m *MockIHttp) Do(req *http.Request, option ...*phttp.Option) *http.Response
- func (m *MockIHttp) DoMulti(requests []*http.Request, option ...*phttp.Option) []*http.Response
- func (m *MockIHttp) EXPECT() *MockIHttpMockRecorder
- func (m *MockIHttp) Get(addr string, data interface{}, option ...*phttp.Option) *http.Response
- func (m *MockIHttp) Post(addr string, data interface{}, option ...*phttp.Option) *http.Response
- func (m *MockIHttp) SetPanicRecover(v bool)
- type MockIHttpMockRecorder
- func (mr *MockIHttpMockRecorder) Do(req interface{}, option ...interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIHttpMockRecorder) DoMulti(requests interface{}, option ...interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIHttpMockRecorder) Get(addr, data interface{}, option ...interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIHttpMockRecorder) Post(addr, data interface{}, option ...interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIHttpMockRecorder) SetPanicRecover(v interface{}) *gomock.Call
- type MockIMaxMind
- type MockIMaxMindMockRecorder
- type MockIMemCache
- func (m *MockIMemCache) Add(key string, value interface{}, expire ...time.Duration) bool
- func (m *MockIMemCache) Del(key string) bool
- func (m *MockIMemCache) EXPECT() *MockIMemCacheMockRecorder
- func (m *MockIMemCache) Exists(key string) bool
- func (m *MockIMemCache) Get(key string) *value.Value
- func (m *MockIMemCache) Incr(key string, delta int) int
- func (m *MockIMemCache) MAdd(items map[string]interface{}, expire ...time.Duration) bool
- func (m *MockIMemCache) MDel(keys []string) bool
- func (m *MockIMemCache) MGet(keys []string) map[string]*value.Value
- func (m *MockIMemCache) MSet(items map[string]interface{}, expire ...time.Duration) bool
- func (m *MockIMemCache) MultiRetrieve(cmd string, keys []string) []*memcache.Item
- func (m *MockIMemCache) MultiStore(cmd string, items []*memcache.Item, expire ...time.Duration) bool
- func (m *MockIMemCache) Retrieve(cmd, key string) *memcache.Item
- func (m *MockIMemCache) Set(key string, value interface{}, expire ...time.Duration) bool
- func (m *MockIMemCache) SetPanicRecover(v bool)
- func (m *MockIMemCache) Store(cmd string, item *memcache.Item, expire ...time.Duration) bool
- type MockIMemCacheMockRecorder
- func (mr *MockIMemCacheMockRecorder) Add(key, value interface{}, expire ...interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIMemCacheMockRecorder) Del(key interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIMemCacheMockRecorder) Exists(key interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIMemCacheMockRecorder) Get(key interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIMemCacheMockRecorder) Incr(key, delta interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIMemCacheMockRecorder) MAdd(items interface{}, expire ...interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIMemCacheMockRecorder) MDel(keys interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIMemCacheMockRecorder) MGet(keys interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIMemCacheMockRecorder) MSet(items interface{}, expire ...interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIMemCacheMockRecorder) MultiRetrieve(cmd, keys interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIMemCacheMockRecorder) MultiStore(cmd, items interface{}, expire ...interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIMemCacheMockRecorder) Retrieve(cmd, key interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIMemCacheMockRecorder) Set(key, value interface{}, expire ...interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIMemCacheMockRecorder) SetPanicRecover(v interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIMemCacheMockRecorder) Store(cmd, item interface{}, expire ...interface{}) *gomock.Call
- type MockIMemory
- func (m *MockIMemory) Add(key string, value interface{}, expire ...time.Duration) bool
- func (m *MockIMemory) Del(key string) bool
- func (m *MockIMemory) EXPECT() *MockIMemoryMockRecorder
- func (m *MockIMemory) Exists(key string) bool
- func (m *MockIMemory) Get(key string) *value.Value
- func (m *MockIMemory) Incr(key string, delta int) int
- func (m *MockIMemory) MAdd(items map[string]interface{}, expire ...time.Duration) bool
- func (m *MockIMemory) MDel(keys []string) bool
- func (m *MockIMemory) MGet(keys []string) map[string]*value.Value
- func (m *MockIMemory) MSet(items map[string]interface{}, expire ...time.Duration) bool
- func (m *MockIMemory) Set(key string, value interface{}, expire ...time.Duration) bool
- func (m *MockIMemory) SetPanicRecover(v bool)
- type MockIMemoryMockRecorder
- func (mr *MockIMemoryMockRecorder) Add(key, value interface{}, expire ...interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIMemoryMockRecorder) Del(key interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIMemoryMockRecorder) Exists(key interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIMemoryMockRecorder) Get(key interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIMemoryMockRecorder) Incr(key, delta interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIMemoryMockRecorder) MAdd(items interface{}, expire ...interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIMemoryMockRecorder) MDel(keys interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIMemoryMockRecorder) MGet(keys interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIMemoryMockRecorder) MSet(items interface{}, expire ...interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIMemoryMockRecorder) Set(key, value interface{}, expire ...interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIMemoryMockRecorder) SetPanicRecover(v interface{}) *gomock.Call
- type MockIMongo
- func (m *MockIMongo) Count(query interface{}, options ...bson.M) (int, error)
- func (m *MockIMongo) DeleteAll(query interface{}) error
- func (m *MockIMongo) DeleteOne(query interface{}) error
- func (m *MockIMongo) EXPECT() *MockIMongoMockRecorder
- func (m *MockIMongo) FindAll(query, result interface{}, options ...bson.M) error
- func (m *MockIMongo) FindAndModify(query interface{}, change mgo.Change, result interface{}, options ...bson.M) error
- func (m *MockIMongo) FindDistinct(query interface{}, key string, result interface{}, options ...bson.M) error
- func (m *MockIMongo) FindOne(query, result interface{}, options ...bson.M) error
- func (m *MockIMongo) InsertAll(docs []interface{}) error
- func (m *MockIMongo) InsertOne(doc interface{}) error
- func (m *MockIMongo) MapReduce(query interface{}, job *mgo.MapReduce, result interface{}, options ...bson.M) error
- func (m *MockIMongo) PipeAll(pipeline, result interface{}) error
- func (m *MockIMongo) PipeOne(pipeline, result interface{}) error
- func (m *MockIMongo) UpdateAll(query, update interface{}) error
- func (m *MockIMongo) UpdateOne(query, update interface{}) error
- func (m *MockIMongo) UpdateOrInsert(query, update interface{}) error
- type MockIMongoMockRecorder
- func (mr *MockIMongoMockRecorder) Count(query interface{}, options ...interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIMongoMockRecorder) DeleteAll(query interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIMongoMockRecorder) DeleteOne(query interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIMongoMockRecorder) FindAll(query, result interface{}, options ...interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIMongoMockRecorder) FindAndModify(query, change, result interface{}, options ...interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIMongoMockRecorder) FindDistinct(query, key, result interface{}, options ...interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIMongoMockRecorder) FindOne(query, result interface{}, options ...interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIMongoMockRecorder) InsertAll(docs interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIMongoMockRecorder) InsertOne(doc interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIMongoMockRecorder) MapReduce(query, job, result interface{}, options ...interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIMongoMockRecorder) PipeAll(pipeline, result interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIMongoMockRecorder) PipeOne(pipeline, result interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIMongoMockRecorder) UpdateAll(query, update interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIMongoMockRecorder) UpdateOne(query, update interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIMongoMockRecorder) UpdateOrInsert(query, update interface{}) *gomock.Call
- type MockIMongodb
- func (m *MockIMongodb) Aggregate(pipeline interface{}) adapter.IMongodbAggregate
- func (m *MockIMongodb) AggregateCtx(ctx context.Context, pipeline interface{}) adapter.IMongodbAggregate
- func (m *MockIMongodb) CloneCollection() (*mongo.Collection, error)
- func (m *MockIMongodb) Context() iface.IContext
- func (m *MockIMongodb) CreateIndexes(indexes []options.IndexModel) error
- func (m *MockIMongodb) CreateIndexesCtx(ctx context.Context, indexes []options.IndexModel) error
- func (m *MockIMongodb) CreateOneIndex(index options.IndexModel) error
- func (m *MockIMongodb) CreateOneIndexCtx(ctx context.Context, index options.IndexModel) error
- func (m *MockIMongodb) DoTransaction(ctx context.Context, callback func(context.Context) (interface{}, error)) (interface{}, error)
- func (m *MockIMongodb) DropAllIndexes() error
- func (m *MockIMongodb) DropAllIndexesCtx(ctx context.Context) error
- func (m *MockIMongodb) DropCollection() error
- func (m *MockIMongodb) DropCollectionCtx(ctx context.Context) error
- func (m *MockIMongodb) DropIndex(indexes []string) error
- func (m *MockIMongodb) DropIndexCtx(ctx context.Context, indexes []string) error
- func (m *MockIMongodb) EXPECT() *MockIMongodbMockRecorder
- func (m *MockIMongodb) EnsureIndexes(uniques, indexes []string) error
- func (m *MockIMongodb) EnsureIndexesCtx(ctx context.Context, uniques, indexes []string) error
- func (m *MockIMongodb) Find(filter interface{}, options ...options.FindOptions) adapter.IMongodbQuery
- func (m *MockIMongodb) FindCtx(ctx context.Context, filter interface{}, options ...options.FindOptions) adapter.IMongodbQuery
- func (m *MockIMongodb) GetClient() *mongodb.Client
- func (m *MockIMongodb) GetCollectionName() string
- func (m *MockIMongodb) GetObj(obj iface.IObject) iface.IObject
- func (m *MockIMongodb) GetObjBox(className string, params ...interface{}) iface.IObject
- func (m *MockIMongodb) GetObjBoxCtx(ctx iface.IContext, className string, params ...interface{}) iface.IObject
- func (m *MockIMongodb) GetObjCtx(ctx iface.IContext, obj iface.IObject) iface.IObject
- func (m *MockIMongodb) GetObjPool(className string, funcName iface.IObjPoolFunc, params ...interface{}) iface.IObject
- func (m *MockIMongodb) GetObjPoolCtx(ctr iface.IContext, className string, funcName iface.IObjPoolFunc, ...) iface.IObject
- func (m *MockIMongodb) GetObjSingle(name string, funcName iface.IObjSingleFunc, params ...interface{}) iface.IObject
- func (m *MockIMongodb) GetObjSingleCtx(ctx iface.IContext, name string, funcName iface.IObjSingleFunc, ...) iface.IObject
- func (m *MockIMongodb) InsertMany(docs interface{}, opts ...options.InsertManyOptions) (*qmgo.InsertManyResult, error)
- func (m *MockIMongodb) InsertManyCtx(ctx context.Context, docs interface{}, opts ...options.InsertManyOptions) (*qmgo.InsertManyResult, error)
- func (m *MockIMongodb) InsertOne(doc interface{}, opts ...options.InsertOneOptions) (*qmgo.InsertOneResult, error)
- func (m *MockIMongodb) InsertOneCtx(ctx context.Context, doc interface{}, opts ...options.InsertOneOptions) (*qmgo.InsertOneResult, error)
- func (m *MockIMongodb) Remove(filter interface{}, opts ...options.RemoveOptions) error
- func (m *MockIMongodb) RemoveAll(filter interface{}, opts ...options.RemoveOptions) (*qmgo.DeleteResult, error)
- func (m *MockIMongodb) RemoveAllCtx(ctx context.Context, filter interface{}, opts ...options.RemoveOptions) (*qmgo.DeleteResult, error)
- func (m *MockIMongodb) RemoveCtx(ctx context.Context, filter interface{}, opts ...options.RemoveOptions) error
- func (m *MockIMongodb) RemoveId(id interface{}, opts ...options.RemoveOptions) error
- func (m *MockIMongodb) RemoveIdCtx(ctx context.Context, id interface{}, opts ...options.RemoveOptions) error
- func (m *MockIMongodb) ReplaceOne(filter, doc interface{}, opts ...options.ReplaceOptions) error
- func (m *MockIMongodb) ReplaceOneCtx(ctx context.Context, filter, doc interface{}, opts ...options.ReplaceOptions) error
- func (m *MockIMongodb) Session() (*qmgo.Session, error)
- func (m *MockIMongodb) SetContext(ctx iface.IContext) iface.IObject
- func (m *MockIMongodb) UpdateAll(filter, update interface{}, opts ...options.UpdateOptions) (*qmgo.UpdateResult, error)
- func (m *MockIMongodb) UpdateAllCtx(ctx context.Context, filter, update interface{}, opts ...options.UpdateOptions) (*qmgo.UpdateResult, error)
- func (m *MockIMongodb) UpdateId(id, update interface{}, opts ...options.UpdateOptions) error
- func (m *MockIMongodb) UpdateIdCtx(ctx context.Context, id, update interface{}, opts ...options.UpdateOptions) error
- func (m *MockIMongodb) UpdateOne(filter, update interface{}, opts ...options.UpdateOptions) error
- func (m *MockIMongodb) UpdateOneCtx(ctx context.Context, filter, update interface{}, opts ...options.UpdateOptions) error
- func (m *MockIMongodb) Upsert(filter, replacement interface{}, opts ...options.UpsertOptions) (*qmgo.UpdateResult, error)
- func (m *MockIMongodb) UpsertCtx(ctx context.Context, filter, replacement interface{}, ...) (*qmgo.UpdateResult, error)
- func (m *MockIMongodb) UpsertId(id, replacement interface{}, opts ...options.UpsertOptions) (*qmgo.UpdateResult, error)
- func (m *MockIMongodb) UpsertIdCtx(ctx context.Context, id, replacement interface{}, ...) (*qmgo.UpdateResult, error)
- type MockIMongodbAggregate
- type MockIMongodbAggregateMockRecorder
- type MockIMongodbMockRecorder
- func (mr *MockIMongodbMockRecorder) Aggregate(pipeline interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIMongodbMockRecorder) AggregateCtx(ctx, pipeline interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIMongodbMockRecorder) CloneCollection() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIMongodbMockRecorder) Context() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIMongodbMockRecorder) CreateIndexes(indexes interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIMongodbMockRecorder) CreateIndexesCtx(ctx, indexes interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIMongodbMockRecorder) CreateOneIndex(index interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIMongodbMockRecorder) CreateOneIndexCtx(ctx, index interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIMongodbMockRecorder) DoTransaction(ctx, callback interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIMongodbMockRecorder) DropAllIndexes() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIMongodbMockRecorder) DropAllIndexesCtx(ctx interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIMongodbMockRecorder) DropCollection() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIMongodbMockRecorder) DropCollectionCtx(ctx interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIMongodbMockRecorder) DropIndex(indexes interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIMongodbMockRecorder) DropIndexCtx(ctx, indexes interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIMongodbMockRecorder) EnsureIndexes(uniques, indexes interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIMongodbMockRecorder) EnsureIndexesCtx(ctx, uniques, indexes interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIMongodbMockRecorder) Find(filter interface{}, options ...interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIMongodbMockRecorder) FindCtx(ctx, filter interface{}, options ...interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIMongodbMockRecorder) GetClient() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIMongodbMockRecorder) GetCollectionName() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIMongodbMockRecorder) GetObj(obj interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIMongodbMockRecorder) GetObjBox(className interface{}, params ...interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIMongodbMockRecorder) GetObjBoxCtx(ctx, className interface{}, params ...interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIMongodbMockRecorder) GetObjCtx(ctx, obj interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIMongodbMockRecorder) GetObjPool(className, funcName interface{}, params ...interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIMongodbMockRecorder) GetObjPoolCtx(ctr, className, funcName interface{}, params ...interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIMongodbMockRecorder) GetObjSingle(name, funcName interface{}, params ...interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIMongodbMockRecorder) GetObjSingleCtx(ctx, name, funcName interface{}, params ...interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIMongodbMockRecorder) InsertMany(docs interface{}, opts ...interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIMongodbMockRecorder) InsertManyCtx(ctx, docs interface{}, opts ...interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIMongodbMockRecorder) InsertOne(doc interface{}, opts ...interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIMongodbMockRecorder) InsertOneCtx(ctx, doc interface{}, opts ...interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIMongodbMockRecorder) Remove(filter interface{}, opts ...interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIMongodbMockRecorder) RemoveAll(filter interface{}, opts ...interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIMongodbMockRecorder) RemoveAllCtx(ctx, filter interface{}, opts ...interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIMongodbMockRecorder) RemoveCtx(ctx, filter interface{}, opts ...interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIMongodbMockRecorder) RemoveId(id interface{}, opts ...interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIMongodbMockRecorder) RemoveIdCtx(ctx, id interface{}, opts ...interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIMongodbMockRecorder) ReplaceOne(filter, doc interface{}, opts ...interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIMongodbMockRecorder) ReplaceOneCtx(ctx, filter, doc interface{}, opts ...interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIMongodbMockRecorder) Session() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIMongodbMockRecorder) SetContext(ctx interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIMongodbMockRecorder) UpdateAll(filter, update interface{}, opts ...interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIMongodbMockRecorder) UpdateAllCtx(ctx, filter, update interface{}, opts ...interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIMongodbMockRecorder) UpdateId(id, update interface{}, opts ...interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIMongodbMockRecorder) UpdateIdCtx(ctx, id, update interface{}, opts ...interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIMongodbMockRecorder) UpdateOne(filter, update interface{}, opts ...interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIMongodbMockRecorder) UpdateOneCtx(ctx, filter, update interface{}, opts ...interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIMongodbMockRecorder) Upsert(filter, replacement interface{}, opts ...interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIMongodbMockRecorder) UpsertCtx(ctx, filter, replacement interface{}, opts ...interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIMongodbMockRecorder) UpsertId(id, replacement interface{}, opts ...interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIMongodbMockRecorder) UpsertIdCtx(ctx, id, replacement interface{}, opts ...interface{}) *gomock.Call
- type MockIMongodbQuery
- func (m *MockIMongodbQuery) All(result interface{}) error
- func (m *MockIMongodbQuery) Apply(change qmgo.Change, result interface{}) error
- func (m *MockIMongodbQuery) Count() (int64, error)
- func (m *MockIMongodbQuery) Cursor() qmgo.CursorI
- func (m *MockIMongodbQuery) Distinct(key string, result interface{}) error
- func (m *MockIMongodbQuery) EXPECT() *MockIMongodbQueryMockRecorder
- func (m *MockIMongodbQuery) Hint(hint interface{}) qmgo.QueryI
- func (m *MockIMongodbQuery) Limit(n int64) qmgo.QueryI
- func (m *MockIMongodbQuery) One(result interface{}) error
- func (m *MockIMongodbQuery) Select(selector interface{}) qmgo.QueryI
- func (m *MockIMongodbQuery) Skip(n int64) qmgo.QueryI
- func (m *MockIMongodbQuery) Sort(fields ...string) qmgo.QueryI
- type MockIMongodbQueryMockRecorder
- func (mr *MockIMongodbQueryMockRecorder) All(result interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIMongodbQueryMockRecorder) Apply(change, result interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIMongodbQueryMockRecorder) Count() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIMongodbQueryMockRecorder) Cursor() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIMongodbQueryMockRecorder) Distinct(key, result interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIMongodbQueryMockRecorder) Hint(hint interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIMongodbQueryMockRecorder) Limit(n interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIMongodbQueryMockRecorder) One(result interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIMongodbQueryMockRecorder) Select(selector interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIMongodbQueryMockRecorder) Skip(n interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIMongodbQueryMockRecorder) Sort(fields ...interface{}) *gomock.Call
- type MockIOrm
- func (m *MockIOrm) AddError(err error) error
- func (m *MockIOrm) Assign(attrs ...interface{}) adapter.IOrm
- func (m *MockIOrm) Association(column string) *gorm.Association
- func (m *MockIOrm) Attrs(attrs ...interface{}) adapter.IOrm
- func (m *MockIOrm) AutoMigrate(dst ...interface{}) error
- func (m *MockIOrm) Begin(opts ...*sql.TxOptions) adapter.IOrm
- func (m *MockIOrm) Clauses(conds ...clause.Expression) adapter.IOrm
- func (m *MockIOrm) Commit() adapter.IOrm
- func (m *MockIOrm) Context() iface.IContext
- func (m *MockIOrm) Count(count *int64) adapter.IOrm
- func (m *MockIOrm) Create(value interface{}) adapter.IOrm
- func (m *MockIOrm) CreateInBatches(value interface{}, batchSize int) adapter.IOrm
- func (m *MockIOrm) Debug() adapter.IOrm
- func (m *MockIOrm) Delete(value interface{}, conds ...interface{}) adapter.IOrm
- func (m *MockIOrm) Distinct(args ...interface{}) adapter.IOrm
- func (m *MockIOrm) EXPECT() *MockIOrmMockRecorder
- func (m *MockIOrm) Exec(sql string, values ...interface{}) adapter.IOrm
- func (m *MockIOrm) Find(dest interface{}, conds ...interface{}) adapter.IOrm
- func (m *MockIOrm) FindInBatches(dest interface{}, batchSize int, fc func(*gorm.DB, int) error) adapter.IOrm
- func (m *MockIOrm) First(dest interface{}, conds ...interface{}) adapter.IOrm
- func (m *MockIOrm) FirstOrCreate(dest interface{}, conds ...interface{}) adapter.IOrm
- func (m *MockIOrm) FirstOrInit(dest interface{}, conds ...interface{}) adapter.IOrm
- func (m *MockIOrm) Get(key string) (interface{}, bool)
- func (m *MockIOrm) GetConfig() *gorm.Config
- func (m *MockIOrm) GetError() error
- func (m *MockIOrm) GetObj(obj iface.IObject) iface.IObject
- func (m *MockIOrm) GetObjBox(className string, params ...interface{}) iface.IObject
- func (m *MockIOrm) GetObjBoxCtx(ctx iface.IContext, className string, params ...interface{}) iface.IObject
- func (m *MockIOrm) GetObjCtx(ctx iface.IContext, obj iface.IObject) iface.IObject
- func (m *MockIOrm) GetObjPool(className string, funcName iface.IObjPoolFunc, params ...interface{}) iface.IObject
- func (m *MockIOrm) GetObjPoolCtx(ctr iface.IContext, className string, funcName iface.IObjPoolFunc, ...) iface.IObject
- func (m *MockIOrm) GetObjSingle(name string, funcName iface.IObjSingleFunc, params ...interface{}) iface.IObject
- func (m *MockIOrm) GetObjSingleCtx(ctx iface.IContext, name string, funcName iface.IObjSingleFunc, ...) iface.IObject
- func (m *MockIOrm) GetRowsAffected() int64
- func (m *MockIOrm) GetStatement() *gorm.Statement
- func (m *MockIOrm) Group(name string) adapter.IOrm
- func (m *MockIOrm) Having(query interface{}, args ...interface{}) adapter.IOrm
- func (m *MockIOrm) InstanceGet(key string) (interface{}, bool)
- func (m *MockIOrm) InstanceSet(key string, value interface{}) adapter.IOrm
- func (m *MockIOrm) Joins(query string, args ...interface{}) adapter.IOrm
- func (m *MockIOrm) Last(dest string, conds ...interface{}) adapter.IOrm
- func (m *MockIOrm) Limit(limit int) adapter.IOrm
- func (m *MockIOrm) Model(value interface{}) adapter.IOrm
- func (m *MockIOrm) Not(query interface{}, args ...interface{}) adapter.IOrm
- func (m *MockIOrm) Offset(offset int) adapter.IOrm
- func (m *MockIOrm) Omit(columns ...string) adapter.IOrm
- func (m *MockIOrm) Or(query interface{}, args ...interface{}) adapter.IOrm
- func (m *MockIOrm) Order(value interface{}) adapter.IOrm
- func (m *MockIOrm) Pluck(column string, dest interface{}) adapter.IOrm
- func (m *MockIOrm) Preload(query string, args ...interface{}) adapter.IOrm
- func (m *MockIOrm) Raw(sql string, values ...interface{}) adapter.IOrm
- func (m *MockIOrm) Rollback() adapter.IOrm
- func (m *MockIOrm) RollbackTo(name string) adapter.IOrm
- func (m *MockIOrm) Row() *sql.Row
- func (m *MockIOrm) Rows() (*sql.Rows, error)
- func (m *MockIOrm) Save(value interface{}) adapter.IOrm
- func (m *MockIOrm) SavePoint(name string) adapter.IOrm
- func (m *MockIOrm) Scan(dest interface{}) adapter.IOrm
- func (m *MockIOrm) ScanRows(rows *sql.Rows, dest interface{}) error
- func (m *MockIOrm) Scopes(funcs ...func(*gorm.DB) *gorm.DB) adapter.IOrm
- func (m *MockIOrm) Select(query interface{}, args ...interface{}) adapter.IOrm
- func (m *MockIOrm) Session(config *gorm.Session) adapter.IOrm
- func (m *MockIOrm) Set(key string, value interface{}) adapter.IOrm
- func (m *MockIOrm) SetContext(ctx iface.IContext) iface.IObject
- func (m *MockIOrm) SetupJoinTable(model interface{}, field string, joinTable interface{}) error
- func (m *MockIOrm) SqlDB() (*sql.DB, error)
- func (m *MockIOrm) Table(name string, args ...interface{}) adapter.IOrm
- func (m *MockIOrm) Take(dest interface{}, conds ...interface{}) adapter.IOrm
- func (m *MockIOrm) Transaction(fc func(*gorm.DB) error, opts ...*sql.TxOptions) error
- func (m *MockIOrm) Unscoped() adapter.IOrm
- func (m *MockIOrm) Update(column string, value interface{}) adapter.IOrm
- func (m *MockIOrm) UpdateColumn(column string, value interface{}) adapter.IOrm
- func (m *MockIOrm) UpdateColumns(values interface{}) adapter.IOrm
- func (m *MockIOrm) Updates(values interface{}) adapter.IOrm
- func (m *MockIOrm) Use(plugin gorm.Plugin) error
- func (m *MockIOrm) Where(query interface{}, args ...interface{}) adapter.IOrm
- func (m *MockIOrm) WithContext(ctx context.Context) adapter.IOrm
- type MockIOrmMockRecorder
- func (mr *MockIOrmMockRecorder) AddError(err interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIOrmMockRecorder) Assign(attrs ...interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIOrmMockRecorder) Association(column interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIOrmMockRecorder) Attrs(attrs ...interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIOrmMockRecorder) AutoMigrate(dst ...interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIOrmMockRecorder) Begin(opts ...interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIOrmMockRecorder) Clauses(conds ...interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIOrmMockRecorder) Commit() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIOrmMockRecorder) Context() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIOrmMockRecorder) Count(count interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIOrmMockRecorder) Create(value interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIOrmMockRecorder) CreateInBatches(value, batchSize interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIOrmMockRecorder) Debug() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIOrmMockRecorder) Delete(value interface{}, conds ...interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIOrmMockRecorder) Distinct(args ...interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIOrmMockRecorder) Exec(sql interface{}, values ...interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIOrmMockRecorder) Find(dest interface{}, conds ...interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIOrmMockRecorder) FindInBatches(dest, batchSize, fc interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIOrmMockRecorder) First(dest interface{}, conds ...interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIOrmMockRecorder) FirstOrCreate(dest interface{}, conds ...interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIOrmMockRecorder) FirstOrInit(dest interface{}, conds ...interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIOrmMockRecorder) Get(key interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIOrmMockRecorder) GetConfig() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIOrmMockRecorder) GetError() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIOrmMockRecorder) GetObj(obj interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIOrmMockRecorder) GetObjBox(className interface{}, params ...interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIOrmMockRecorder) GetObjBoxCtx(ctx, className interface{}, params ...interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIOrmMockRecorder) GetObjCtx(ctx, obj interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIOrmMockRecorder) GetObjPool(className, funcName interface{}, params ...interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIOrmMockRecorder) GetObjPoolCtx(ctr, className, funcName interface{}, params ...interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIOrmMockRecorder) GetObjSingle(name, funcName interface{}, params ...interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIOrmMockRecorder) GetObjSingleCtx(ctx, name, funcName interface{}, params ...interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIOrmMockRecorder) GetRowsAffected() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIOrmMockRecorder) GetStatement() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIOrmMockRecorder) Group(name interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIOrmMockRecorder) Having(query interface{}, args ...interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIOrmMockRecorder) InstanceGet(key interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIOrmMockRecorder) InstanceSet(key, value interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIOrmMockRecorder) Joins(query interface{}, args ...interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIOrmMockRecorder) Last(dest interface{}, conds ...interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIOrmMockRecorder) Limit(limit interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIOrmMockRecorder) Model(value interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIOrmMockRecorder) Not(query interface{}, args ...interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIOrmMockRecorder) Offset(offset interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIOrmMockRecorder) Omit(columns ...interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIOrmMockRecorder) Or(query interface{}, args ...interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIOrmMockRecorder) Order(value interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIOrmMockRecorder) Pluck(column, dest interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIOrmMockRecorder) Preload(query interface{}, args ...interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIOrmMockRecorder) Raw(sql interface{}, values ...interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIOrmMockRecorder) Rollback() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIOrmMockRecorder) RollbackTo(name interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIOrmMockRecorder) Row() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIOrmMockRecorder) Rows() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIOrmMockRecorder) Save(value interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIOrmMockRecorder) SavePoint(name interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIOrmMockRecorder) Scan(dest interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIOrmMockRecorder) ScanRows(rows, dest interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIOrmMockRecorder) Scopes(funcs ...interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIOrmMockRecorder) Select(query interface{}, args ...interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIOrmMockRecorder) Session(config interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIOrmMockRecorder) Set(key, value interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIOrmMockRecorder) SetContext(ctx interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIOrmMockRecorder) SetupJoinTable(model, field, joinTable interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIOrmMockRecorder) SqlDB() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIOrmMockRecorder) Table(name interface{}, args ...interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIOrmMockRecorder) Take(dest interface{}, conds ...interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIOrmMockRecorder) Transaction(fc interface{}, opts ...interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIOrmMockRecorder) Unscoped() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIOrmMockRecorder) Update(column, value interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIOrmMockRecorder) UpdateColumn(column, value interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIOrmMockRecorder) UpdateColumns(values interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIOrmMockRecorder) Updates(values interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIOrmMockRecorder) Use(plugin interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIOrmMockRecorder) Where(query interface{}, args ...interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIOrmMockRecorder) WithContext(ctx interface{}) *gomock.Call
- type MockIRabbitMq
- func (m *MockIRabbitMq) ChannelBox() *rabbitmq.ChannelBox
- func (m *MockIRabbitMq) Consume(queueName string, opCodes []string, limit int, autoAck, noWait, exclusive bool) <-chan amqp.Delivery
- func (m *MockIRabbitMq) ConsumeExchange(exchangeName, exchangeType, queueName string, opCodes []string, limit int, ...) <-chan amqp.Delivery
- func (m *MockIRabbitMq) DecodeBody(d amqp.Delivery, ret interface{}) error
- func (m *MockIRabbitMq) DecodeHeaders(d amqp.Delivery) *rabbitmq.RabbitHeaders
- func (m *MockIRabbitMq) EXPECT() *MockIRabbitMqMockRecorder
- func (m *MockIRabbitMq) ExchangeDeclare(dftExchange ...*rabbitmq.ExchangeData)
- func (m *MockIRabbitMq) GetConsumeChannelBox(queueName string, opCodes []string, dftExchange ...*rabbitmq.ExchangeData) *rabbitmq.ChannelBox
- func (m *MockIRabbitMq) Publish(opCode string, data interface{}, dftOpUid ...string) bool
- func (m *MockIRabbitMq) PublishExchange(serviceName, exchangeName, exchangeType, opCode string, data interface{}, ...) bool
- func (m *MockIRabbitMq) SetPanicRecover(v bool)
- type MockIRabbitMqMockRecorder
- func (mr *MockIRabbitMqMockRecorder) ChannelBox() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIRabbitMqMockRecorder) Consume(queueName, opCodes, limit, autoAck, noWait, exclusive interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIRabbitMqMockRecorder) ConsumeExchange(...) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIRabbitMqMockRecorder) DecodeBody(d, ret interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIRabbitMqMockRecorder) DecodeHeaders(d interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIRabbitMqMockRecorder) ExchangeDeclare(dftExchange ...interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIRabbitMqMockRecorder) GetConsumeChannelBox(queueName, opCodes interface{}, dftExchange ...interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIRabbitMqMockRecorder) Publish(opCode, data interface{}, dftOpUid ...interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIRabbitMqMockRecorder) PublishExchange(serviceName, exchangeName, exchangeType, opCode, data interface{}, ...) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIRabbitMqMockRecorder) SetPanicRecover(v interface{}) *gomock.Call
- type MockIRedis
- func (m *MockIRedis) Add(key string, value interface{}, expire ...time.Duration) bool
- func (m *MockIRedis) Del(key string) bool
- func (m *MockIRedis) Do(cmd string, args ...interface{}) interface{}
- func (m *MockIRedis) EXPECT() *MockIRedisMockRecorder
- func (m *MockIRedis) Exists(key string) bool
- func (m *MockIRedis) Expire(key string, expire time.Duration) bool
- func (m *MockIRedis) ExpireAt(key string, timestamp int64) bool
- func (m *MockIRedis) Get(key string) *value.Value
- func (m *MockIRedis) HDel(key string, fields ...interface{}) int64
- func (m *MockIRedis) HExists(key, field string) bool
- func (m *MockIRedis) HGet(key, field string) *value.Value
- func (m *MockIRedis) HGetAll(key string) map[string]*value.Value
- func (m *MockIRedis) HIncrBy(key, field string, delta int64) (int64, error)
- func (m *MockIRedis) HMGet(key string, fields ...interface{}) map[string]*value.Value
- func (m *MockIRedis) HMSet(key string, fv ...interface{}) bool
- func (m *MockIRedis) HSet(key string, fv ...interface{}) bool
- func (m *MockIRedis) Incr(key string, delta int) int
- func (m *MockIRedis) IncrBy(key string, delta int64) (int64, error)
- func (m *MockIRedis) LLen(key string) int64
- func (m *MockIRedis) LPop(key string) *value.Value
- func (m *MockIRedis) LPush(key string, values ...interface{}) bool
- func (m *MockIRedis) MAdd(items map[string]interface{}, expire ...time.Duration) bool
- func (m *MockIRedis) MDel(keys []string) bool
- func (m *MockIRedis) MGet(keys []string) map[string]*value.Value
- func (m *MockIRedis) MSet(items map[string]interface{}, expire ...time.Duration) bool
- func (m *MockIRedis) RPop(key string) *value.Value
- func (m *MockIRedis) RPush(key string, values ...interface{}) bool
- func (m *MockIRedis) Set(key string, value interface{}, expire ...time.Duration) bool
- func (m *MockIRedis) SetPanicRecover(v bool)
- func (m *MockIRedis) ZAdd(key string, members ...*redis.Z) int64
- func (m *MockIRedis) ZAddOpt(key string, opts []string, members ...*redis.Z) (int64, error)
- func (m *MockIRedis) ZCard(key string) int64
- func (m *MockIRedis) ZRange(key string, start, end int) []*value.Value
- func (m *MockIRedis) ZRangeWithScores(key string, start, end int) []*redis.ZV
- func (m *MockIRedis) ZRem(key string, members ...interface{}) int64
- func (m *MockIRedis) ZRevRange(key string, start, end int) []*value.Value
- func (m *MockIRedis) ZRevRangeWithScores(key string, start, end int) []*redis.ZV
- type MockIRedisMockRecorder
- func (mr *MockIRedisMockRecorder) Add(key, value interface{}, expire ...interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIRedisMockRecorder) Del(key interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIRedisMockRecorder) Do(cmd interface{}, args ...interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIRedisMockRecorder) Exists(key interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIRedisMockRecorder) Expire(key, expire interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIRedisMockRecorder) ExpireAt(key, timestamp interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIRedisMockRecorder) Get(key interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIRedisMockRecorder) HDel(key interface{}, fields ...interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIRedisMockRecorder) HExists(key, field interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIRedisMockRecorder) HGet(key, field interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIRedisMockRecorder) HGetAll(key interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIRedisMockRecorder) HIncrBy(key, field, delta interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIRedisMockRecorder) HMGet(key interface{}, fields ...interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIRedisMockRecorder) HMSet(key interface{}, fv ...interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIRedisMockRecorder) HSet(key interface{}, fv ...interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIRedisMockRecorder) Incr(key, delta interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIRedisMockRecorder) IncrBy(key, delta interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIRedisMockRecorder) LLen(key interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIRedisMockRecorder) LPop(key interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIRedisMockRecorder) LPush(key interface{}, values ...interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIRedisMockRecorder) MAdd(items interface{}, expire ...interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIRedisMockRecorder) MDel(keys interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIRedisMockRecorder) MGet(keys interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIRedisMockRecorder) MSet(items interface{}, expire ...interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIRedisMockRecorder) RPop(key interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIRedisMockRecorder) RPush(key interface{}, values ...interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIRedisMockRecorder) Set(key, value interface{}, expire ...interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIRedisMockRecorder) SetPanicRecover(v interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIRedisMockRecorder) ZAdd(key interface{}, members ...interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIRedisMockRecorder) ZAddOpt(key, opts interface{}, members ...interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIRedisMockRecorder) ZCard(key interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIRedisMockRecorder) ZRange(key, start, end interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIRedisMockRecorder) ZRangeWithScores(key, start, end interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIRedisMockRecorder) ZRem(key interface{}, members ...interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIRedisMockRecorder) ZRevRange(key, start, end interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIRedisMockRecorder) ZRevRangeWithScores(key, start, end interface{}) *gomock.Call
- type MockIRow
- func (m *MockIRow) Context() iface.IContext
- func (m *MockIRow) EXPECT() *MockIRowMockRecorder
- func (m *MockIRow) GetObj(obj iface.IObject) iface.IObject
- func (m *MockIRow) GetObjBox(className string, params ...interface{}) iface.IObject
- func (m *MockIRow) GetObjBoxCtx(ctx iface.IContext, className string, params ...interface{}) iface.IObject
- func (m *MockIRow) GetObjCtx(ctx iface.IContext, obj iface.IObject) iface.IObject
- func (m *MockIRow) GetObjPool(className string, funcName iface.IObjPoolFunc, params ...interface{}) iface.IObject
- func (m *MockIRow) GetObjPoolCtx(ctr iface.IContext, className string, funcName iface.IObjPoolFunc, ...) iface.IObject
- func (m *MockIRow) GetObjSingle(name string, funcName iface.IObjSingleFunc, params ...interface{}) iface.IObject
- func (m *MockIRow) GetObjSingleCtx(ctx iface.IContext, name string, funcName iface.IObjSingleFunc, ...) iface.IObject
- func (m *MockIRow) Scan(dest ...interface{}) error
- func (m *MockIRow) SetContext(ctx iface.IContext) iface.IObject
- type MockIRowMockRecorder
- func (mr *MockIRowMockRecorder) Context() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIRowMockRecorder) GetObj(obj interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIRowMockRecorder) GetObjBox(className interface{}, params ...interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIRowMockRecorder) GetObjBoxCtx(ctx, className interface{}, params ...interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIRowMockRecorder) GetObjCtx(ctx, obj interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIRowMockRecorder) GetObjPool(className, funcName interface{}, params ...interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIRowMockRecorder) GetObjPoolCtx(ctr, className, funcName interface{}, params ...interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIRowMockRecorder) GetObjSingle(name, funcName interface{}, params ...interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIRowMockRecorder) GetObjSingleCtx(ctx, name, funcName interface{}, params ...interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIRowMockRecorder) Scan(dest ...interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIRowMockRecorder) SetContext(ctx interface{}) *gomock.Call
- type MockIStmt
- func (m *MockIStmt) Close()
- func (m *MockIStmt) Context() iface.IContext
- func (m *MockIStmt) EXPECT() *MockIStmtMockRecorder
- func (m *MockIStmt) Exec(args ...interface{}) sql.Result
- func (m *MockIStmt) ExecContext(ctx context.Context, args ...interface{}) sql.Result
- func (m *MockIStmt) GetObj(obj iface.IObject) iface.IObject
- func (m *MockIStmt) GetObjBox(className string, params ...interface{}) iface.IObject
- func (m *MockIStmt) GetObjBoxCtx(ctx iface.IContext, className string, params ...interface{}) iface.IObject
- func (m *MockIStmt) GetObjCtx(ctx iface.IContext, obj iface.IObject) iface.IObject
- func (m *MockIStmt) GetObjPool(className string, funcName iface.IObjPoolFunc, params ...interface{}) iface.IObject
- func (m *MockIStmt) GetObjPoolCtx(ctr iface.IContext, className string, funcName iface.IObjPoolFunc, ...) iface.IObject
- func (m *MockIStmt) GetObjSingle(name string, funcName iface.IObjSingleFunc, params ...interface{}) iface.IObject
- func (m *MockIStmt) GetObjSingleCtx(ctx iface.IContext, name string, funcName iface.IObjSingleFunc, ...) iface.IObject
- func (m *MockIStmt) Query(args ...interface{}) *sql.Rows
- func (m *MockIStmt) QueryContext(ctx context.Context, args ...interface{}) *sql.Rows
- func (m *MockIStmt) QueryOne(args ...interface{}) adapter.IRow
- func (m *MockIStmt) QueryOneContext(ctx context.Context, args ...interface{}) adapter.IRow
- func (m *MockIStmt) SetContext(ctx iface.IContext) iface.IObject
- type MockIStmtMockRecorder
- func (mr *MockIStmtMockRecorder) Close() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIStmtMockRecorder) Context() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIStmtMockRecorder) Exec(args ...interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIStmtMockRecorder) ExecContext(ctx interface{}, args ...interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIStmtMockRecorder) GetObj(obj interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIStmtMockRecorder) GetObjBox(className interface{}, params ...interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIStmtMockRecorder) GetObjBoxCtx(ctx, className interface{}, params ...interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIStmtMockRecorder) GetObjCtx(ctx, obj interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIStmtMockRecorder) GetObjPool(className, funcName interface{}, params ...interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIStmtMockRecorder) GetObjPoolCtx(ctr, className, funcName interface{}, params ...interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIStmtMockRecorder) GetObjSingle(name, funcName interface{}, params ...interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIStmtMockRecorder) GetObjSingleCtx(ctx, name, funcName interface{}, params ...interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIStmtMockRecorder) Query(args ...interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIStmtMockRecorder) QueryContext(ctx interface{}, args ...interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIStmtMockRecorder) QueryOne(args ...interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIStmtMockRecorder) QueryOneContext(ctx interface{}, args ...interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIStmtMockRecorder) SetContext(ctx interface{}) *gomock.Call
- type MockITx
- func (m *MockITx) Commit() bool
- func (m *MockITx) Context() iface.IContext
- func (m *MockITx) EXPECT() *MockITxMockRecorder
- func (m *MockITx) Exec(query string, args ...interface{}) sql.Result
- func (m *MockITx) ExecContext(ctx context.Context, query string, args ...interface{}) sql.Result
- func (m *MockITx) GetObj(obj iface.IObject) iface.IObject
- func (m *MockITx) GetObjBox(className string, params ...interface{}) iface.IObject
- func (m *MockITx) GetObjBoxCtx(ctx iface.IContext, className string, params ...interface{}) iface.IObject
- func (m *MockITx) GetObjCtx(ctx iface.IContext, obj iface.IObject) iface.IObject
- func (m *MockITx) GetObjPool(className string, funcName iface.IObjPoolFunc, params ...interface{}) iface.IObject
- func (m *MockITx) GetObjPoolCtx(ctr iface.IContext, className string, funcName iface.IObjPoolFunc, ...) iface.IObject
- func (m *MockITx) GetObjSingle(name string, funcName iface.IObjSingleFunc, params ...interface{}) iface.IObject
- func (m *MockITx) GetObjSingleCtx(ctx iface.IContext, name string, funcName iface.IObjSingleFunc, ...) iface.IObject
- func (m *MockITx) PrepareContext(ctx context.Context, query string) adapter.IStmt
- func (m *MockITx) PrepareSql(query string) adapter.IStmt
- func (m *MockITx) Query(query string, args ...interface{}) *sql.Rows
- func (m *MockITx) QueryContext(ctx context.Context, query string, args ...interface{}) *sql.Rows
- func (m *MockITx) QueryOne(query string, args ...interface{}) adapter.IRow
- func (m *MockITx) QueryOneContext(ctx context.Context, query string, args ...interface{}) adapter.IRow
- func (m *MockITx) Rollback() bool
- func (m *MockITx) SetContext(ctx iface.IContext) iface.IObject
- type MockITxMockRecorder
- func (mr *MockITxMockRecorder) Commit() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockITxMockRecorder) Context() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockITxMockRecorder) Exec(query interface{}, args ...interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockITxMockRecorder) ExecContext(ctx, query interface{}, args ...interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockITxMockRecorder) GetObj(obj interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockITxMockRecorder) GetObjBox(className interface{}, params ...interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockITxMockRecorder) GetObjBoxCtx(ctx, className interface{}, params ...interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockITxMockRecorder) GetObjCtx(ctx, obj interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockITxMockRecorder) GetObjPool(className, funcName interface{}, params ...interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockITxMockRecorder) GetObjPoolCtx(ctr, className, funcName interface{}, params ...interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockITxMockRecorder) GetObjSingle(name, funcName interface{}, params ...interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockITxMockRecorder) GetObjSingleCtx(ctx, name, funcName interface{}, params ...interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockITxMockRecorder) PrepareContext(ctx, query interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockITxMockRecorder) PrepareSql(query interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockITxMockRecorder) Query(query interface{}, args ...interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockITxMockRecorder) QueryContext(ctx, query interface{}, args ...interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockITxMockRecorder) QueryOne(query interface{}, args ...interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockITxMockRecorder) QueryOneContext(ctx, query interface{}, args ...interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockITxMockRecorder) Rollback() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockITxMockRecorder) SetContext(ctx interface{}) *gomock.Call
Constants ¶
This section is empty.
Variables ¶
This section is empty.
Functions ¶
This section is empty.
Types ¶
type MockIDb ¶
type MockIDb struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MockIDb is a mock of IDb interface.
func NewMockIDb ¶
func NewMockIDb(ctrl *gomock.Controller) *MockIDb
NewMockIDb creates a new mock instance.
func (*MockIDb) BeginContext ¶
BeginContext mocks base method.
func (*MockIDb) EXPECT ¶
func (m *MockIDb) EXPECT() *MockIDbMockRecorder
EXPECT returns an object that allows the caller to indicate expected use.
func (*MockIDb) ExecContext ¶
ExecContext mocks base method.
func (*MockIDb) PrepareContext ¶
PrepareContext mocks base method.
func (*MockIDb) PrepareSql ¶ added in v0.1.109
PrepareSql mocks base method.
func (*MockIDb) QueryContext ¶
QueryContext mocks base method.
type MockIDbMockRecorder ¶
type MockIDbMockRecorder struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MockIDbMockRecorder is the mock recorder for MockIDb.
func (*MockIDbMockRecorder) Begin ¶
func (mr *MockIDbMockRecorder) Begin(opts ...interface{}) *gomock.Call
Begin indicates an expected call of Begin.
func (*MockIDbMockRecorder) BeginContext ¶
func (mr *MockIDbMockRecorder) BeginContext(ctx, opts interface{}) *gomock.Call
BeginContext indicates an expected call of BeginContext.
func (*MockIDbMockRecorder) Exec ¶
func (mr *MockIDbMockRecorder) Exec(query interface{}, args ...interface{}) *gomock.Call
Exec indicates an expected call of Exec.
func (*MockIDbMockRecorder) ExecContext ¶
func (mr *MockIDbMockRecorder) ExecContext(ctx, query interface{}, args ...interface{}) *gomock.Call
ExecContext indicates an expected call of ExecContext.
func (*MockIDbMockRecorder) GetDb ¶
func (mr *MockIDbMockRecorder) GetDb(master interface{}) *gomock.Call
GetDb indicates an expected call of GetDb.
func (*MockIDbMockRecorder) PrepareContext ¶
func (mr *MockIDbMockRecorder) PrepareContext(ctx, query interface{}) *gomock.Call
PrepareContext indicates an expected call of PrepareContext.
func (*MockIDbMockRecorder) PrepareSql ¶ added in v0.1.109
func (mr *MockIDbMockRecorder) PrepareSql(query interface{}) *gomock.Call
PrepareSql indicates an expected call of PrepareSql.
func (*MockIDbMockRecorder) Query ¶
func (mr *MockIDbMockRecorder) Query(query interface{}, args ...interface{}) *gomock.Call
Query indicates an expected call of Query.
func (*MockIDbMockRecorder) QueryContext ¶
func (mr *MockIDbMockRecorder) QueryContext(ctx, query interface{}, args ...interface{}) *gomock.Call
QueryContext indicates an expected call of QueryContext.
func (*MockIDbMockRecorder) QueryOne ¶
func (mr *MockIDbMockRecorder) QueryOne(query interface{}, args ...interface{}) *gomock.Call
QueryOne indicates an expected call of QueryOne.
func (*MockIDbMockRecorder) QueryOneContext ¶
func (mr *MockIDbMockRecorder) QueryOneContext(ctx, query interface{}, args ...interface{}) *gomock.Call
QueryOneContext indicates an expected call of QueryOneContext.
func (*MockIDbMockRecorder) SetMaster ¶
func (mr *MockIDbMockRecorder) SetMaster(v interface{}) *gomock.Call
SetMaster indicates an expected call of SetMaster.
type MockIEs ¶ added in v0.1.140
type MockIEs struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MockIEs is a mock of IEs interface.
func NewMockIEs ¶ added in v0.1.140
func NewMockIEs(ctrl *gomock.Controller) *MockIEs
NewMockIEs creates a new mock instance.
func (*MockIEs) EXPECT ¶ added in v0.1.140
func (m *MockIEs) EXPECT() *MockIEsMockRecorder
EXPECT returns an object that allows the caller to indicate expected use.
type MockIEsMockRecorder ¶ added in v0.1.140
type MockIEsMockRecorder struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MockIEsMockRecorder is the mock recorder for MockIEs.
func (*MockIEsMockRecorder) Batch ¶ added in v0.1.140
func (mr *MockIEsMockRecorder) Batch(action, head, body interface{}) *gomock.Call
Batch indicates an expected call of Batch.
func (*MockIEsMockRecorder) GetClient ¶ added in v0.1.140
func (mr *MockIEsMockRecorder) GetClient() *gomock.Call
GetClient indicates an expected call of GetClient.
func (*MockIEsMockRecorder) Single ¶ added in v0.1.140
func (mr *MockIEsMockRecorder) Single(method, uri, body, timeout interface{}) *gomock.Call
Single indicates an expected call of Single.
type MockIHttp ¶
type MockIHttp struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MockIHttp is a mock of IHttp interface.
func NewMockIHttp ¶
func NewMockIHttp(ctrl *gomock.Controller) *MockIHttp
NewMockIHttp creates a new mock instance.
func (*MockIHttp) EXPECT ¶
func (m *MockIHttp) EXPECT() *MockIHttpMockRecorder
EXPECT returns an object that allows the caller to indicate expected use.
func (*MockIHttp) SetPanicRecover ¶
SetPanicRecover mocks base method.
type MockIHttpMockRecorder ¶
type MockIHttpMockRecorder struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MockIHttpMockRecorder is the mock recorder for MockIHttp.
func (*MockIHttpMockRecorder) Do ¶
func (mr *MockIHttpMockRecorder) Do(req interface{}, option ...interface{}) *gomock.Call
Do indicates an expected call of Do.
func (*MockIHttpMockRecorder) DoMulti ¶
func (mr *MockIHttpMockRecorder) DoMulti(requests interface{}, option ...interface{}) *gomock.Call
DoMulti indicates an expected call of DoMulti.
func (*MockIHttpMockRecorder) Get ¶
func (mr *MockIHttpMockRecorder) Get(addr, data interface{}, option ...interface{}) *gomock.Call
Get indicates an expected call of Get.
func (*MockIHttpMockRecorder) Post ¶
func (mr *MockIHttpMockRecorder) Post(addr, data interface{}, option ...interface{}) *gomock.Call
Post indicates an expected call of Post.
func (*MockIHttpMockRecorder) SetPanicRecover ¶
func (mr *MockIHttpMockRecorder) SetPanicRecover(v interface{}) *gomock.Call
SetPanicRecover indicates an expected call of SetPanicRecover.
type MockIMaxMind ¶
type MockIMaxMind struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MockIMaxMind is a mock of IMaxMind interface.
func NewMockIMaxMind ¶
func NewMockIMaxMind(ctrl *gomock.Controller) *MockIMaxMind
NewMockIMaxMind creates a new mock instance.
func (*MockIMaxMind) EXPECT ¶
func (m *MockIMaxMind) EXPECT() *MockIMaxMindMockRecorder
EXPECT returns an object that allows the caller to indicate expected use.
type MockIMaxMindMockRecorder ¶
type MockIMaxMindMockRecorder struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MockIMaxMindMockRecorder is the mock recorder for MockIMaxMind.
func (*MockIMaxMindMockRecorder) GeoByIp ¶
func (mr *MockIMaxMindMockRecorder) GeoByIp(ip interface{}, args ...interface{}) *gomock.Call
GeoByIp indicates an expected call of GeoByIp.
type MockIMemCache ¶
type MockIMemCache struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MockIMemCache is a mock of IMemCache interface.
func NewMockIMemCache ¶
func NewMockIMemCache(ctrl *gomock.Controller) *MockIMemCache
NewMockIMemCache creates a new mock instance.
func (*MockIMemCache) Add ¶
func (m *MockIMemCache) Add(key string, value interface{}, expire ...time.Duration) bool
Add mocks base method.
func (*MockIMemCache) EXPECT ¶
func (m *MockIMemCache) EXPECT() *MockIMemCacheMockRecorder
EXPECT returns an object that allows the caller to indicate expected use.
func (*MockIMemCache) Exists ¶
func (m *MockIMemCache) Exists(key string) bool
Exists mocks base method.
func (*MockIMemCache) Get ¶
func (m *MockIMemCache) Get(key string) *value.Value
Get mocks base method.
func (*MockIMemCache) Incr ¶
func (m *MockIMemCache) Incr(key string, delta int) int
Incr mocks base method.
func (*MockIMemCache) MAdd ¶
func (m *MockIMemCache) MAdd(items map[string]interface{}, expire ...time.Duration) bool
MAdd mocks base method.
func (*MockIMemCache) MDel ¶
func (m *MockIMemCache) MDel(keys []string) bool
MDel mocks base method.
func (*MockIMemCache) MGet ¶
func (m *MockIMemCache) MGet(keys []string) map[string]*value.Value
MGet mocks base method.
func (*MockIMemCache) MSet ¶
func (m *MockIMemCache) MSet(items map[string]interface{}, expire ...time.Duration) bool
MSet mocks base method.
func (*MockIMemCache) MultiRetrieve ¶
func (m *MockIMemCache) MultiRetrieve(cmd string, keys []string) []*memcache.Item
MultiRetrieve mocks base method.
func (*MockIMemCache) MultiStore ¶
func (m *MockIMemCache) MultiStore(cmd string, items []*memcache.Item, expire ...time.Duration) bool
MultiStore mocks base method.
func (*MockIMemCache) Retrieve ¶
func (m *MockIMemCache) Retrieve(cmd, key string) *memcache.Item
Retrieve mocks base method.
func (*MockIMemCache) Set ¶
func (m *MockIMemCache) Set(key string, value interface{}, expire ...time.Duration) bool
Set mocks base method.
func (*MockIMemCache) SetPanicRecover ¶
func (m *MockIMemCache) SetPanicRecover(v bool)
SetPanicRecover mocks base method.
type MockIMemCacheMockRecorder ¶
type MockIMemCacheMockRecorder struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MockIMemCacheMockRecorder is the mock recorder for MockIMemCache.
func (*MockIMemCacheMockRecorder) Add ¶
func (mr *MockIMemCacheMockRecorder) Add(key, value interface{}, expire ...interface{}) *gomock.Call
Add indicates an expected call of Add.
func (*MockIMemCacheMockRecorder) Del ¶
func (mr *MockIMemCacheMockRecorder) Del(key interface{}) *gomock.Call
Del indicates an expected call of Del.
func (*MockIMemCacheMockRecorder) Exists ¶
func (mr *MockIMemCacheMockRecorder) Exists(key interface{}) *gomock.Call
Exists indicates an expected call of Exists.
func (*MockIMemCacheMockRecorder) Get ¶
func (mr *MockIMemCacheMockRecorder) Get(key interface{}) *gomock.Call
Get indicates an expected call of Get.
func (*MockIMemCacheMockRecorder) Incr ¶
func (mr *MockIMemCacheMockRecorder) Incr(key, delta interface{}) *gomock.Call
Incr indicates an expected call of Incr.
func (*MockIMemCacheMockRecorder) MAdd ¶
func (mr *MockIMemCacheMockRecorder) MAdd(items interface{}, expire ...interface{}) *gomock.Call
MAdd indicates an expected call of MAdd.
func (*MockIMemCacheMockRecorder) MDel ¶
func (mr *MockIMemCacheMockRecorder) MDel(keys interface{}) *gomock.Call
MDel indicates an expected call of MDel.
func (*MockIMemCacheMockRecorder) MGet ¶
func (mr *MockIMemCacheMockRecorder) MGet(keys interface{}) *gomock.Call
MGet indicates an expected call of MGet.
func (*MockIMemCacheMockRecorder) MSet ¶
func (mr *MockIMemCacheMockRecorder) MSet(items interface{}, expire ...interface{}) *gomock.Call
MSet indicates an expected call of MSet.
func (*MockIMemCacheMockRecorder) MultiRetrieve ¶
func (mr *MockIMemCacheMockRecorder) MultiRetrieve(cmd, keys interface{}) *gomock.Call
MultiRetrieve indicates an expected call of MultiRetrieve.
func (*MockIMemCacheMockRecorder) MultiStore ¶
func (mr *MockIMemCacheMockRecorder) MultiStore(cmd, items interface{}, expire ...interface{}) *gomock.Call
MultiStore indicates an expected call of MultiStore.
func (*MockIMemCacheMockRecorder) Retrieve ¶
func (mr *MockIMemCacheMockRecorder) Retrieve(cmd, key interface{}) *gomock.Call
Retrieve indicates an expected call of Retrieve.
func (*MockIMemCacheMockRecorder) Set ¶
func (mr *MockIMemCacheMockRecorder) Set(key, value interface{}, expire ...interface{}) *gomock.Call
Set indicates an expected call of Set.
func (*MockIMemCacheMockRecorder) SetPanicRecover ¶
func (mr *MockIMemCacheMockRecorder) SetPanicRecover(v interface{}) *gomock.Call
SetPanicRecover indicates an expected call of SetPanicRecover.
func (*MockIMemCacheMockRecorder) Store ¶
func (mr *MockIMemCacheMockRecorder) Store(cmd, item interface{}, expire ...interface{}) *gomock.Call
Store indicates an expected call of Store.
type MockIMemory ¶
type MockIMemory struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MockIMemory is a mock of IMemory interface.
func NewMockIMemory ¶
func NewMockIMemory(ctrl *gomock.Controller) *MockIMemory
NewMockIMemory creates a new mock instance.
func (*MockIMemory) Add ¶
func (m *MockIMemory) Add(key string, value interface{}, expire ...time.Duration) bool
Add mocks base method.
func (*MockIMemory) EXPECT ¶
func (m *MockIMemory) EXPECT() *MockIMemoryMockRecorder
EXPECT returns an object that allows the caller to indicate expected use.
func (*MockIMemory) Exists ¶
func (m *MockIMemory) Exists(key string) bool
Exists mocks base method.
func (*MockIMemory) Incr ¶
func (m *MockIMemory) Incr(key string, delta int) int
Incr mocks base method.
func (*MockIMemory) MAdd ¶
func (m *MockIMemory) MAdd(items map[string]interface{}, expire ...time.Duration) bool
MAdd mocks base method.
func (*MockIMemory) MGet ¶
func (m *MockIMemory) MGet(keys []string) map[string]*value.Value
MGet mocks base method.
func (*MockIMemory) MSet ¶
func (m *MockIMemory) MSet(items map[string]interface{}, expire ...time.Duration) bool
MSet mocks base method.
func (*MockIMemory) Set ¶
func (m *MockIMemory) Set(key string, value interface{}, expire ...time.Duration) bool
Set mocks base method.
func (*MockIMemory) SetPanicRecover ¶
func (m *MockIMemory) SetPanicRecover(v bool)
SetPanicRecover mocks base method.
type MockIMemoryMockRecorder ¶
type MockIMemoryMockRecorder struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MockIMemoryMockRecorder is the mock recorder for MockIMemory.
func (*MockIMemoryMockRecorder) Add ¶
func (mr *MockIMemoryMockRecorder) Add(key, value interface{}, expire ...interface{}) *gomock.Call
Add indicates an expected call of Add.
func (*MockIMemoryMockRecorder) Del ¶
func (mr *MockIMemoryMockRecorder) Del(key interface{}) *gomock.Call
Del indicates an expected call of Del.
func (*MockIMemoryMockRecorder) Exists ¶
func (mr *MockIMemoryMockRecorder) Exists(key interface{}) *gomock.Call
Exists indicates an expected call of Exists.
func (*MockIMemoryMockRecorder) Get ¶
func (mr *MockIMemoryMockRecorder) Get(key interface{}) *gomock.Call
Get indicates an expected call of Get.
func (*MockIMemoryMockRecorder) Incr ¶
func (mr *MockIMemoryMockRecorder) Incr(key, delta interface{}) *gomock.Call
Incr indicates an expected call of Incr.
func (*MockIMemoryMockRecorder) MAdd ¶
func (mr *MockIMemoryMockRecorder) MAdd(items interface{}, expire ...interface{}) *gomock.Call
MAdd indicates an expected call of MAdd.
func (*MockIMemoryMockRecorder) MDel ¶
func (mr *MockIMemoryMockRecorder) MDel(keys interface{}) *gomock.Call
MDel indicates an expected call of MDel.
func (*MockIMemoryMockRecorder) MGet ¶
func (mr *MockIMemoryMockRecorder) MGet(keys interface{}) *gomock.Call
MGet indicates an expected call of MGet.
func (*MockIMemoryMockRecorder) MSet ¶
func (mr *MockIMemoryMockRecorder) MSet(items interface{}, expire ...interface{}) *gomock.Call
MSet indicates an expected call of MSet.
func (*MockIMemoryMockRecorder) Set ¶
func (mr *MockIMemoryMockRecorder) Set(key, value interface{}, expire ...interface{}) *gomock.Call
Set indicates an expected call of Set.
func (*MockIMemoryMockRecorder) SetPanicRecover ¶
func (mr *MockIMemoryMockRecorder) SetPanicRecover(v interface{}) *gomock.Call
SetPanicRecover indicates an expected call of SetPanicRecover.
type MockIMongo ¶
type MockIMongo struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MockIMongo is a mock of IMongo interface.
func NewMockIMongo ¶
func NewMockIMongo(ctrl *gomock.Controller) *MockIMongo
NewMockIMongo creates a new mock instance.
func (*MockIMongo) Count ¶
func (m *MockIMongo) Count(query interface{}, options ...bson.M) (int, error)
Count mocks base method.
func (*MockIMongo) DeleteAll ¶
func (m *MockIMongo) DeleteAll(query interface{}) error
DeleteAll mocks base method.
func (*MockIMongo) DeleteOne ¶
func (m *MockIMongo) DeleteOne(query interface{}) error
DeleteOne mocks base method.
func (*MockIMongo) EXPECT ¶
func (m *MockIMongo) EXPECT() *MockIMongoMockRecorder
EXPECT returns an object that allows the caller to indicate expected use.
func (*MockIMongo) FindAll ¶
func (m *MockIMongo) FindAll(query, result interface{}, options ...bson.M) error
FindAll mocks base method.
func (*MockIMongo) FindAndModify ¶
func (m *MockIMongo) FindAndModify(query interface{}, change mgo.Change, result interface{}, options ...bson.M) error
FindAndModify mocks base method.
func (*MockIMongo) FindDistinct ¶
func (m *MockIMongo) FindDistinct(query interface{}, key string, result interface{}, options ...bson.M) error
FindDistinct mocks base method.
func (*MockIMongo) FindOne ¶
func (m *MockIMongo) FindOne(query, result interface{}, options ...bson.M) error
FindOne mocks base method.
func (*MockIMongo) InsertAll ¶
func (m *MockIMongo) InsertAll(docs []interface{}) error
InsertAll mocks base method.
func (*MockIMongo) InsertOne ¶
func (m *MockIMongo) InsertOne(doc interface{}) error
InsertOne mocks base method.
func (*MockIMongo) MapReduce ¶
func (m *MockIMongo) MapReduce(query interface{}, job *mgo.MapReduce, result interface{}, options ...bson.M) error
MapReduce mocks base method.
func (*MockIMongo) PipeAll ¶
func (m *MockIMongo) PipeAll(pipeline, result interface{}) error
PipeAll mocks base method.
func (*MockIMongo) PipeOne ¶
func (m *MockIMongo) PipeOne(pipeline, result interface{}) error
PipeOne mocks base method.
func (*MockIMongo) UpdateAll ¶
func (m *MockIMongo) UpdateAll(query, update interface{}) error
UpdateAll mocks base method.
func (*MockIMongo) UpdateOne ¶
func (m *MockIMongo) UpdateOne(query, update interface{}) error
UpdateOne mocks base method.
func (*MockIMongo) UpdateOrInsert ¶
func (m *MockIMongo) UpdateOrInsert(query, update interface{}) error
UpdateOrInsert mocks base method.
type MockIMongoMockRecorder ¶
type MockIMongoMockRecorder struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MockIMongoMockRecorder is the mock recorder for MockIMongo.
func (*MockIMongoMockRecorder) Count ¶
func (mr *MockIMongoMockRecorder) Count(query interface{}, options ...interface{}) *gomock.Call
Count indicates an expected call of Count.
func (*MockIMongoMockRecorder) DeleteAll ¶
func (mr *MockIMongoMockRecorder) DeleteAll(query interface{}) *gomock.Call
DeleteAll indicates an expected call of DeleteAll.
func (*MockIMongoMockRecorder) DeleteOne ¶
func (mr *MockIMongoMockRecorder) DeleteOne(query interface{}) *gomock.Call
DeleteOne indicates an expected call of DeleteOne.
func (*MockIMongoMockRecorder) FindAll ¶
func (mr *MockIMongoMockRecorder) FindAll(query, result interface{}, options ...interface{}) *gomock.Call
FindAll indicates an expected call of FindAll.
func (*MockIMongoMockRecorder) FindAndModify ¶
func (mr *MockIMongoMockRecorder) FindAndModify(query, change, result interface{}, options ...interface{}) *gomock.Call
FindAndModify indicates an expected call of FindAndModify.
func (*MockIMongoMockRecorder) FindDistinct ¶
func (mr *MockIMongoMockRecorder) FindDistinct(query, key, result interface{}, options ...interface{}) *gomock.Call
FindDistinct indicates an expected call of FindDistinct.
func (*MockIMongoMockRecorder) FindOne ¶
func (mr *MockIMongoMockRecorder) FindOne(query, result interface{}, options ...interface{}) *gomock.Call
FindOne indicates an expected call of FindOne.
func (*MockIMongoMockRecorder) InsertAll ¶
func (mr *MockIMongoMockRecorder) InsertAll(docs interface{}) *gomock.Call
InsertAll indicates an expected call of InsertAll.
func (*MockIMongoMockRecorder) InsertOne ¶
func (mr *MockIMongoMockRecorder) InsertOne(doc interface{}) *gomock.Call
InsertOne indicates an expected call of InsertOne.
func (*MockIMongoMockRecorder) MapReduce ¶
func (mr *MockIMongoMockRecorder) MapReduce(query, job, result interface{}, options ...interface{}) *gomock.Call
MapReduce indicates an expected call of MapReduce.
func (*MockIMongoMockRecorder) PipeAll ¶
func (mr *MockIMongoMockRecorder) PipeAll(pipeline, result interface{}) *gomock.Call
PipeAll indicates an expected call of PipeAll.
func (*MockIMongoMockRecorder) PipeOne ¶
func (mr *MockIMongoMockRecorder) PipeOne(pipeline, result interface{}) *gomock.Call
PipeOne indicates an expected call of PipeOne.
func (*MockIMongoMockRecorder) UpdateAll ¶
func (mr *MockIMongoMockRecorder) UpdateAll(query, update interface{}) *gomock.Call
UpdateAll indicates an expected call of UpdateAll.
func (*MockIMongoMockRecorder) UpdateOne ¶
func (mr *MockIMongoMockRecorder) UpdateOne(query, update interface{}) *gomock.Call
UpdateOne indicates an expected call of UpdateOne.
func (*MockIMongoMockRecorder) UpdateOrInsert ¶
func (mr *MockIMongoMockRecorder) UpdateOrInsert(query, update interface{}) *gomock.Call
UpdateOrInsert indicates an expected call of UpdateOrInsert.
type MockIMongodb ¶ added in v0.1.134
type MockIMongodb struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MockIMongodb is a mock of IMongodb interface.
func NewMockIMongodb ¶ added in v0.1.134
func NewMockIMongodb(ctrl *gomock.Controller) *MockIMongodb
NewMockIMongodb creates a new mock instance.
func (*MockIMongodb) Aggregate ¶ added in v0.1.134
func (m *MockIMongodb) Aggregate(pipeline interface{}) adapter.IMongodbAggregate
Aggregate mocks base method.
func (*MockIMongodb) AggregateCtx ¶ added in v0.1.134
func (m *MockIMongodb) AggregateCtx(ctx context.Context, pipeline interface{}) adapter.IMongodbAggregate
AggregateCtx mocks base method.
func (*MockIMongodb) CloneCollection ¶ added in v0.1.134
func (m *MockIMongodb) CloneCollection() (*mongo.Collection, error)
CloneCollection mocks base method.
func (*MockIMongodb) Context ¶ added in v0.1.134
func (m *MockIMongodb) Context() iface.IContext
Context mocks base method.
func (*MockIMongodb) CreateIndexes ¶ added in v0.1.134
func (m *MockIMongodb) CreateIndexes(indexes []options.IndexModel) error
CreateIndexes mocks base method.
func (*MockIMongodb) CreateIndexesCtx ¶ added in v0.1.134
func (m *MockIMongodb) CreateIndexesCtx(ctx context.Context, indexes []options.IndexModel) error
CreateIndexesCtx mocks base method.
func (*MockIMongodb) CreateOneIndex ¶ added in v0.1.134
func (m *MockIMongodb) CreateOneIndex(index options.IndexModel) error
CreateOneIndex mocks base method.
func (*MockIMongodb) CreateOneIndexCtx ¶ added in v0.1.134
func (m *MockIMongodb) CreateOneIndexCtx(ctx context.Context, index options.IndexModel) error
CreateOneIndexCtx mocks base method.
func (*MockIMongodb) DoTransaction ¶ added in v0.1.134
func (m *MockIMongodb) DoTransaction(ctx context.Context, callback func(context.Context) (interface{}, error)) (interface{}, error)
DoTransaction mocks base method.
func (*MockIMongodb) DropAllIndexes ¶ added in v0.1.134
func (m *MockIMongodb) DropAllIndexes() error
DropAllIndexes mocks base method.
func (*MockIMongodb) DropAllIndexesCtx ¶ added in v0.1.134
func (m *MockIMongodb) DropAllIndexesCtx(ctx context.Context) error
DropAllIndexesCtx mocks base method.
func (*MockIMongodb) DropCollection ¶ added in v0.1.134
func (m *MockIMongodb) DropCollection() error
DropCollection mocks base method.
func (*MockIMongodb) DropCollectionCtx ¶ added in v0.1.134
func (m *MockIMongodb) DropCollectionCtx(ctx context.Context) error
DropCollectionCtx mocks base method.
func (*MockIMongodb) DropIndex ¶ added in v0.1.134
func (m *MockIMongodb) DropIndex(indexes []string) error
DropIndex mocks base method.
func (*MockIMongodb) DropIndexCtx ¶ added in v0.1.134
func (m *MockIMongodb) DropIndexCtx(ctx context.Context, indexes []string) error
DropIndexCtx mocks base method.
func (*MockIMongodb) EXPECT ¶ added in v0.1.134
func (m *MockIMongodb) EXPECT() *MockIMongodbMockRecorder
EXPECT returns an object that allows the caller to indicate expected use.
func (*MockIMongodb) EnsureIndexes ¶ added in v0.1.134
func (m *MockIMongodb) EnsureIndexes(uniques, indexes []string) error
EnsureIndexes mocks base method.
func (*MockIMongodb) EnsureIndexesCtx ¶ added in v0.1.134
func (m *MockIMongodb) EnsureIndexesCtx(ctx context.Context, uniques, indexes []string) error
EnsureIndexesCtx mocks base method.
func (*MockIMongodb) Find ¶ added in v0.1.134
func (m *MockIMongodb) Find(filter interface{}, options ...options.FindOptions) adapter.IMongodbQuery
Find mocks base method.
func (*MockIMongodb) FindCtx ¶ added in v0.1.134
func (m *MockIMongodb) FindCtx(ctx context.Context, filter interface{}, options ...options.FindOptions) adapter.IMongodbQuery
FindCtx mocks base method.
func (*MockIMongodb) GetClient ¶ added in v0.1.134
func (m *MockIMongodb) GetClient() *mongodb.Client
GetClient mocks base method.
func (*MockIMongodb) GetCollectionName ¶ added in v0.1.134
func (m *MockIMongodb) GetCollectionName() string
GetCollectionName mocks base method.
func (*MockIMongodb) GetObj ¶ added in v0.1.134
func (m *MockIMongodb) GetObj(obj iface.IObject) iface.IObject
GetObj mocks base method.
func (*MockIMongodb) GetObjBox ¶ added in v0.1.134
func (m *MockIMongodb) GetObjBox(className string, params ...interface{}) iface.IObject
GetObjBox mocks base method.
func (*MockIMongodb) GetObjBoxCtx ¶ added in v0.1.134
func (m *MockIMongodb) GetObjBoxCtx(ctx iface.IContext, className string, params ...interface{}) iface.IObject
GetObjBoxCtx mocks base method.
func (*MockIMongodb) GetObjPool ¶ added in v0.1.134
func (m *MockIMongodb) GetObjPool(className string, funcName iface.IObjPoolFunc, params ...interface{}) iface.IObject
GetObjPool mocks base method.
func (*MockIMongodb) GetObjPoolCtx ¶ added in v0.1.134
func (m *MockIMongodb) GetObjPoolCtx(ctr iface.IContext, className string, funcName iface.IObjPoolFunc, params ...interface{}) iface.IObject
GetObjPoolCtx mocks base method.
func (*MockIMongodb) GetObjSingle ¶ added in v0.1.134
func (m *MockIMongodb) GetObjSingle(name string, funcName iface.IObjSingleFunc, params ...interface{}) iface.IObject
GetObjSingle mocks base method.
func (*MockIMongodb) GetObjSingleCtx ¶ added in v0.1.134
func (m *MockIMongodb) GetObjSingleCtx(ctx iface.IContext, name string, funcName iface.IObjSingleFunc, params ...interface{}) iface.IObject
GetObjSingleCtx mocks base method.
func (*MockIMongodb) InsertMany ¶ added in v0.1.134
func (m *MockIMongodb) InsertMany(docs interface{}, opts ...options.InsertManyOptions) (*qmgo.InsertManyResult, error)
InsertMany mocks base method.
func (*MockIMongodb) InsertManyCtx ¶ added in v0.1.134
func (m *MockIMongodb) InsertManyCtx(ctx context.Context, docs interface{}, opts ...options.InsertManyOptions) (*qmgo.InsertManyResult, error)
InsertManyCtx mocks base method.
func (*MockIMongodb) InsertOne ¶ added in v0.1.134
func (m *MockIMongodb) InsertOne(doc interface{}, opts ...options.InsertOneOptions) (*qmgo.InsertOneResult, error)
InsertOne mocks base method.
func (*MockIMongodb) InsertOneCtx ¶ added in v0.1.134
func (m *MockIMongodb) InsertOneCtx(ctx context.Context, doc interface{}, opts ...options.InsertOneOptions) (*qmgo.InsertOneResult, error)
InsertOneCtx mocks base method.
func (*MockIMongodb) Remove ¶ added in v0.1.134
func (m *MockIMongodb) Remove(filter interface{}, opts ...options.RemoveOptions) error
Remove mocks base method.
func (*MockIMongodb) RemoveAll ¶ added in v0.1.134
func (m *MockIMongodb) RemoveAll(filter interface{}, opts ...options.RemoveOptions) (*qmgo.DeleteResult, error)
RemoveAll mocks base method.
func (*MockIMongodb) RemoveAllCtx ¶ added in v0.1.134
func (m *MockIMongodb) RemoveAllCtx(ctx context.Context, filter interface{}, opts ...options.RemoveOptions) (*qmgo.DeleteResult, error)
RemoveAllCtx mocks base method.
func (*MockIMongodb) RemoveCtx ¶ added in v0.1.134
func (m *MockIMongodb) RemoveCtx(ctx context.Context, filter interface{}, opts ...options.RemoveOptions) error
RemoveCtx mocks base method.
func (*MockIMongodb) RemoveId ¶ added in v0.1.134
func (m *MockIMongodb) RemoveId(id interface{}, opts ...options.RemoveOptions) error
RemoveId mocks base method.
func (*MockIMongodb) RemoveIdCtx ¶ added in v0.1.134
func (m *MockIMongodb) RemoveIdCtx(ctx context.Context, id interface{}, opts ...options.RemoveOptions) error
RemoveIdCtx mocks base method.
func (*MockIMongodb) ReplaceOne ¶ added in v0.1.134
func (m *MockIMongodb) ReplaceOne(filter, doc interface{}, opts ...options.ReplaceOptions) error
ReplaceOne mocks base method.
func (*MockIMongodb) ReplaceOneCtx ¶ added in v0.1.134
func (m *MockIMongodb) ReplaceOneCtx(ctx context.Context, filter, doc interface{}, opts ...options.ReplaceOptions) error
ReplaceOneCtx mocks base method.
func (*MockIMongodb) Session ¶ added in v0.1.134
func (m *MockIMongodb) Session() (*qmgo.Session, error)
Session mocks base method.
func (*MockIMongodb) SetContext ¶ added in v0.1.134
func (m *MockIMongodb) SetContext(ctx iface.IContext) iface.IObject
SetContext mocks base method.
func (*MockIMongodb) UpdateAll ¶ added in v0.1.134
func (m *MockIMongodb) UpdateAll(filter, update interface{}, opts ...options.UpdateOptions) (*qmgo.UpdateResult, error)
UpdateAll mocks base method.
func (*MockIMongodb) UpdateAllCtx ¶ added in v0.1.134
func (m *MockIMongodb) UpdateAllCtx(ctx context.Context, filter, update interface{}, opts ...options.UpdateOptions) (*qmgo.UpdateResult, error)
UpdateAllCtx mocks base method.
func (*MockIMongodb) UpdateId ¶ added in v0.1.134
func (m *MockIMongodb) UpdateId(id, update interface{}, opts ...options.UpdateOptions) error
UpdateId mocks base method.
func (*MockIMongodb) UpdateIdCtx ¶ added in v0.1.134
func (m *MockIMongodb) UpdateIdCtx(ctx context.Context, id, update interface{}, opts ...options.UpdateOptions) error
UpdateIdCtx mocks base method.
func (*MockIMongodb) UpdateOne ¶ added in v0.1.134
func (m *MockIMongodb) UpdateOne(filter, update interface{}, opts ...options.UpdateOptions) error
UpdateOne mocks base method.
func (*MockIMongodb) UpdateOneCtx ¶ added in v0.1.134
func (m *MockIMongodb) UpdateOneCtx(ctx context.Context, filter, update interface{}, opts ...options.UpdateOptions) error
UpdateOneCtx mocks base method.
func (*MockIMongodb) Upsert ¶ added in v0.1.134
func (m *MockIMongodb) Upsert(filter, replacement interface{}, opts ...options.UpsertOptions) (*qmgo.UpdateResult, error)
Upsert mocks base method.
func (*MockIMongodb) UpsertCtx ¶ added in v0.1.134
func (m *MockIMongodb) UpsertCtx(ctx context.Context, filter, replacement interface{}, opts ...options.UpsertOptions) (*qmgo.UpdateResult, error)
UpsertCtx mocks base method.
func (*MockIMongodb) UpsertId ¶ added in v0.1.134
func (m *MockIMongodb) UpsertId(id, replacement interface{}, opts ...options.UpsertOptions) (*qmgo.UpdateResult, error)
UpsertId mocks base method.
func (*MockIMongodb) UpsertIdCtx ¶ added in v0.1.134
func (m *MockIMongodb) UpsertIdCtx(ctx context.Context, id, replacement interface{}, opts ...options.UpsertOptions) (*qmgo.UpdateResult, error)
UpsertIdCtx mocks base method.
type MockIMongodbAggregate ¶ added in v0.1.135
type MockIMongodbAggregate struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MockIMongodbAggregate is a mock of IMongodbAggregate interface.
func NewMockIMongodbAggregate ¶ added in v0.1.135
func NewMockIMongodbAggregate(ctrl *gomock.Controller) *MockIMongodbAggregate
NewMockIMongodbAggregate creates a new mock instance.
func (*MockIMongodbAggregate) All ¶ added in v0.1.135
func (m *MockIMongodbAggregate) All(results interface{}) error
All mocks base method.
func (*MockIMongodbAggregate) EXPECT ¶ added in v0.1.135
func (m *MockIMongodbAggregate) EXPECT() *MockIMongodbAggregateMockRecorder
EXPECT returns an object that allows the caller to indicate expected use.
func (*MockIMongodbAggregate) Iter ¶ added in v0.1.135
func (m *MockIMongodbAggregate) Iter() qmgo.CursorI
Iter mocks base method.
func (*MockIMongodbAggregate) One ¶ added in v0.1.135
func (m *MockIMongodbAggregate) One(result interface{}) error
One mocks base method.
type MockIMongodbAggregateMockRecorder ¶ added in v0.1.135
type MockIMongodbAggregateMockRecorder struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MockIMongodbAggregateMockRecorder is the mock recorder for MockIMongodbAggregate.
func (*MockIMongodbAggregateMockRecorder) All ¶ added in v0.1.135
func (mr *MockIMongodbAggregateMockRecorder) All(results interface{}) *gomock.Call
All indicates an expected call of All.
func (*MockIMongodbAggregateMockRecorder) Iter ¶ added in v0.1.135
func (mr *MockIMongodbAggregateMockRecorder) Iter() *gomock.Call
Iter indicates an expected call of Iter.
func (*MockIMongodbAggregateMockRecorder) One ¶ added in v0.1.135
func (mr *MockIMongodbAggregateMockRecorder) One(result interface{}) *gomock.Call
One indicates an expected call of One.
type MockIMongodbMockRecorder ¶ added in v0.1.134
type MockIMongodbMockRecorder struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MockIMongodbMockRecorder is the mock recorder for MockIMongodb.
func (*MockIMongodbMockRecorder) Aggregate ¶ added in v0.1.134
func (mr *MockIMongodbMockRecorder) Aggregate(pipeline interface{}) *gomock.Call
Aggregate indicates an expected call of Aggregate.
func (*MockIMongodbMockRecorder) AggregateCtx ¶ added in v0.1.134
func (mr *MockIMongodbMockRecorder) AggregateCtx(ctx, pipeline interface{}) *gomock.Call
AggregateCtx indicates an expected call of AggregateCtx.
func (*MockIMongodbMockRecorder) CloneCollection ¶ added in v0.1.134
func (mr *MockIMongodbMockRecorder) CloneCollection() *gomock.Call
CloneCollection indicates an expected call of CloneCollection.
func (*MockIMongodbMockRecorder) Context ¶ added in v0.1.134
func (mr *MockIMongodbMockRecorder) Context() *gomock.Call
Context indicates an expected call of Context.
func (*MockIMongodbMockRecorder) CreateIndexes ¶ added in v0.1.134
func (mr *MockIMongodbMockRecorder) CreateIndexes(indexes interface{}) *gomock.Call
CreateIndexes indicates an expected call of CreateIndexes.
func (*MockIMongodbMockRecorder) CreateIndexesCtx ¶ added in v0.1.134
func (mr *MockIMongodbMockRecorder) CreateIndexesCtx(ctx, indexes interface{}) *gomock.Call
CreateIndexesCtx indicates an expected call of CreateIndexesCtx.
func (*MockIMongodbMockRecorder) CreateOneIndex ¶ added in v0.1.134
func (mr *MockIMongodbMockRecorder) CreateOneIndex(index interface{}) *gomock.Call
CreateOneIndex indicates an expected call of CreateOneIndex.
func (*MockIMongodbMockRecorder) CreateOneIndexCtx ¶ added in v0.1.134
func (mr *MockIMongodbMockRecorder) CreateOneIndexCtx(ctx, index interface{}) *gomock.Call
CreateOneIndexCtx indicates an expected call of CreateOneIndexCtx.
func (*MockIMongodbMockRecorder) DoTransaction ¶ added in v0.1.134
func (mr *MockIMongodbMockRecorder) DoTransaction(ctx, callback interface{}) *gomock.Call
DoTransaction indicates an expected call of DoTransaction.
func (*MockIMongodbMockRecorder) DropAllIndexes ¶ added in v0.1.134
func (mr *MockIMongodbMockRecorder) DropAllIndexes() *gomock.Call
DropAllIndexes indicates an expected call of DropAllIndexes.
func (*MockIMongodbMockRecorder) DropAllIndexesCtx ¶ added in v0.1.134
func (mr *MockIMongodbMockRecorder) DropAllIndexesCtx(ctx interface{}) *gomock.Call
DropAllIndexesCtx indicates an expected call of DropAllIndexesCtx.
func (*MockIMongodbMockRecorder) DropCollection ¶ added in v0.1.134
func (mr *MockIMongodbMockRecorder) DropCollection() *gomock.Call
DropCollection indicates an expected call of DropCollection.
func (*MockIMongodbMockRecorder) DropCollectionCtx ¶ added in v0.1.134
func (mr *MockIMongodbMockRecorder) DropCollectionCtx(ctx interface{}) *gomock.Call
DropCollectionCtx indicates an expected call of DropCollectionCtx.
func (*MockIMongodbMockRecorder) DropIndex ¶ added in v0.1.134
func (mr *MockIMongodbMockRecorder) DropIndex(indexes interface{}) *gomock.Call
DropIndex indicates an expected call of DropIndex.
func (*MockIMongodbMockRecorder) DropIndexCtx ¶ added in v0.1.134
func (mr *MockIMongodbMockRecorder) DropIndexCtx(ctx, indexes interface{}) *gomock.Call
DropIndexCtx indicates an expected call of DropIndexCtx.
func (*MockIMongodbMockRecorder) EnsureIndexes ¶ added in v0.1.134
func (mr *MockIMongodbMockRecorder) EnsureIndexes(uniques, indexes interface{}) *gomock.Call
EnsureIndexes indicates an expected call of EnsureIndexes.
func (*MockIMongodbMockRecorder) EnsureIndexesCtx ¶ added in v0.1.134
func (mr *MockIMongodbMockRecorder) EnsureIndexesCtx(ctx, uniques, indexes interface{}) *gomock.Call
EnsureIndexesCtx indicates an expected call of EnsureIndexesCtx.
func (*MockIMongodbMockRecorder) Find ¶ added in v0.1.134
func (mr *MockIMongodbMockRecorder) Find(filter interface{}, options ...interface{}) *gomock.Call
Find indicates an expected call of Find.
func (*MockIMongodbMockRecorder) FindCtx ¶ added in v0.1.134
func (mr *MockIMongodbMockRecorder) FindCtx(ctx, filter interface{}, options ...interface{}) *gomock.Call
FindCtx indicates an expected call of FindCtx.
func (*MockIMongodbMockRecorder) GetClient ¶ added in v0.1.134
func (mr *MockIMongodbMockRecorder) GetClient() *gomock.Call
GetClient indicates an expected call of GetClient.
func (*MockIMongodbMockRecorder) GetCollectionName ¶ added in v0.1.134
func (mr *MockIMongodbMockRecorder) GetCollectionName() *gomock.Call
GetCollectionName indicates an expected call of GetCollectionName.
func (*MockIMongodbMockRecorder) GetObj ¶ added in v0.1.134
func (mr *MockIMongodbMockRecorder) GetObj(obj interface{}) *gomock.Call
GetObj indicates an expected call of GetObj.
func (*MockIMongodbMockRecorder) GetObjBox ¶ added in v0.1.134
func (mr *MockIMongodbMockRecorder) GetObjBox(className interface{}, params ...interface{}) *gomock.Call
GetObjBox indicates an expected call of GetObjBox.
func (*MockIMongodbMockRecorder) GetObjBoxCtx ¶ added in v0.1.134
func (mr *MockIMongodbMockRecorder) GetObjBoxCtx(ctx, className interface{}, params ...interface{}) *gomock.Call
GetObjBoxCtx indicates an expected call of GetObjBoxCtx.
func (*MockIMongodbMockRecorder) GetObjCtx ¶ added in v0.1.134
func (mr *MockIMongodbMockRecorder) GetObjCtx(ctx, obj interface{}) *gomock.Call
GetObjCtx indicates an expected call of GetObjCtx.
func (*MockIMongodbMockRecorder) GetObjPool ¶ added in v0.1.134
func (mr *MockIMongodbMockRecorder) GetObjPool(className, funcName interface{}, params ...interface{}) *gomock.Call
GetObjPool indicates an expected call of GetObjPool.
func (*MockIMongodbMockRecorder) GetObjPoolCtx ¶ added in v0.1.134
func (mr *MockIMongodbMockRecorder) GetObjPoolCtx(ctr, className, funcName interface{}, params ...interface{}) *gomock.Call
GetObjPoolCtx indicates an expected call of GetObjPoolCtx.
func (*MockIMongodbMockRecorder) GetObjSingle ¶ added in v0.1.134
func (mr *MockIMongodbMockRecorder) GetObjSingle(name, funcName interface{}, params ...interface{}) *gomock.Call
GetObjSingle indicates an expected call of GetObjSingle.
func (*MockIMongodbMockRecorder) GetObjSingleCtx ¶ added in v0.1.134
func (mr *MockIMongodbMockRecorder) GetObjSingleCtx(ctx, name, funcName interface{}, params ...interface{}) *gomock.Call
GetObjSingleCtx indicates an expected call of GetObjSingleCtx.
func (*MockIMongodbMockRecorder) InsertMany ¶ added in v0.1.134
func (mr *MockIMongodbMockRecorder) InsertMany(docs interface{}, opts ...interface{}) *gomock.Call
InsertMany indicates an expected call of InsertMany.
func (*MockIMongodbMockRecorder) InsertManyCtx ¶ added in v0.1.134
func (mr *MockIMongodbMockRecorder) InsertManyCtx(ctx, docs interface{}, opts ...interface{}) *gomock.Call
InsertManyCtx indicates an expected call of InsertManyCtx.
func (*MockIMongodbMockRecorder) InsertOne ¶ added in v0.1.134
func (mr *MockIMongodbMockRecorder) InsertOne(doc interface{}, opts ...interface{}) *gomock.Call
InsertOne indicates an expected call of InsertOne.
func (*MockIMongodbMockRecorder) InsertOneCtx ¶ added in v0.1.134
func (mr *MockIMongodbMockRecorder) InsertOneCtx(ctx, doc interface{}, opts ...interface{}) *gomock.Call
InsertOneCtx indicates an expected call of InsertOneCtx.
func (*MockIMongodbMockRecorder) Remove ¶ added in v0.1.134
func (mr *MockIMongodbMockRecorder) Remove(filter interface{}, opts ...interface{}) *gomock.Call
Remove indicates an expected call of Remove.
func (*MockIMongodbMockRecorder) RemoveAll ¶ added in v0.1.134
func (mr *MockIMongodbMockRecorder) RemoveAll(filter interface{}, opts ...interface{}) *gomock.Call
RemoveAll indicates an expected call of RemoveAll.
func (*MockIMongodbMockRecorder) RemoveAllCtx ¶ added in v0.1.134
func (mr *MockIMongodbMockRecorder) RemoveAllCtx(ctx, filter interface{}, opts ...interface{}) *gomock.Call
RemoveAllCtx indicates an expected call of RemoveAllCtx.
func (*MockIMongodbMockRecorder) RemoveCtx ¶ added in v0.1.134
func (mr *MockIMongodbMockRecorder) RemoveCtx(ctx, filter interface{}, opts ...interface{}) *gomock.Call
RemoveCtx indicates an expected call of RemoveCtx.
func (*MockIMongodbMockRecorder) RemoveId ¶ added in v0.1.134
func (mr *MockIMongodbMockRecorder) RemoveId(id interface{}, opts ...interface{}) *gomock.Call
RemoveId indicates an expected call of RemoveId.
func (*MockIMongodbMockRecorder) RemoveIdCtx ¶ added in v0.1.134
func (mr *MockIMongodbMockRecorder) RemoveIdCtx(ctx, id interface{}, opts ...interface{}) *gomock.Call
RemoveIdCtx indicates an expected call of RemoveIdCtx.
func (*MockIMongodbMockRecorder) ReplaceOne ¶ added in v0.1.134
func (mr *MockIMongodbMockRecorder) ReplaceOne(filter, doc interface{}, opts ...interface{}) *gomock.Call
ReplaceOne indicates an expected call of ReplaceOne.
func (*MockIMongodbMockRecorder) ReplaceOneCtx ¶ added in v0.1.134
func (mr *MockIMongodbMockRecorder) ReplaceOneCtx(ctx, filter, doc interface{}, opts ...interface{}) *gomock.Call
ReplaceOneCtx indicates an expected call of ReplaceOneCtx.
func (*MockIMongodbMockRecorder) Session ¶ added in v0.1.134
func (mr *MockIMongodbMockRecorder) Session() *gomock.Call
Session indicates an expected call of Session.
func (*MockIMongodbMockRecorder) SetContext ¶ added in v0.1.134
func (mr *MockIMongodbMockRecorder) SetContext(ctx interface{}) *gomock.Call
SetContext indicates an expected call of SetContext.
func (*MockIMongodbMockRecorder) UpdateAll ¶ added in v0.1.134
func (mr *MockIMongodbMockRecorder) UpdateAll(filter, update interface{}, opts ...interface{}) *gomock.Call
UpdateAll indicates an expected call of UpdateAll.
func (*MockIMongodbMockRecorder) UpdateAllCtx ¶ added in v0.1.134
func (mr *MockIMongodbMockRecorder) UpdateAllCtx(ctx, filter, update interface{}, opts ...interface{}) *gomock.Call
UpdateAllCtx indicates an expected call of UpdateAllCtx.
func (*MockIMongodbMockRecorder) UpdateId ¶ added in v0.1.134
func (mr *MockIMongodbMockRecorder) UpdateId(id, update interface{}, opts ...interface{}) *gomock.Call
UpdateId indicates an expected call of UpdateId.
func (*MockIMongodbMockRecorder) UpdateIdCtx ¶ added in v0.1.134
func (mr *MockIMongodbMockRecorder) UpdateIdCtx(ctx, id, update interface{}, opts ...interface{}) *gomock.Call
UpdateIdCtx indicates an expected call of UpdateIdCtx.
func (*MockIMongodbMockRecorder) UpdateOne ¶ added in v0.1.134
func (mr *MockIMongodbMockRecorder) UpdateOne(filter, update interface{}, opts ...interface{}) *gomock.Call
UpdateOne indicates an expected call of UpdateOne.
func (*MockIMongodbMockRecorder) UpdateOneCtx ¶ added in v0.1.134
func (mr *MockIMongodbMockRecorder) UpdateOneCtx(ctx, filter, update interface{}, opts ...interface{}) *gomock.Call
UpdateOneCtx indicates an expected call of UpdateOneCtx.
func (*MockIMongodbMockRecorder) Upsert ¶ added in v0.1.134
func (mr *MockIMongodbMockRecorder) Upsert(filter, replacement interface{}, opts ...interface{}) *gomock.Call
Upsert indicates an expected call of Upsert.
func (*MockIMongodbMockRecorder) UpsertCtx ¶ added in v0.1.134
func (mr *MockIMongodbMockRecorder) UpsertCtx(ctx, filter, replacement interface{}, opts ...interface{}) *gomock.Call
UpsertCtx indicates an expected call of UpsertCtx.
func (*MockIMongodbMockRecorder) UpsertId ¶ added in v0.1.134
func (mr *MockIMongodbMockRecorder) UpsertId(id, replacement interface{}, opts ...interface{}) *gomock.Call
UpsertId indicates an expected call of UpsertId.
func (*MockIMongodbMockRecorder) UpsertIdCtx ¶ added in v0.1.134
func (mr *MockIMongodbMockRecorder) UpsertIdCtx(ctx, id, replacement interface{}, opts ...interface{}) *gomock.Call
UpsertIdCtx indicates an expected call of UpsertIdCtx.
type MockIMongodbQuery ¶ added in v0.1.134
type MockIMongodbQuery struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MockIMongodbQuery is a mock of IMongodbQuery interface.
func NewMockIMongodbQuery ¶ added in v0.1.134
func NewMockIMongodbQuery(ctrl *gomock.Controller) *MockIMongodbQuery
NewMockIMongodbQuery creates a new mock instance.
func (*MockIMongodbQuery) All ¶ added in v0.1.134
func (m *MockIMongodbQuery) All(result interface{}) error
All mocks base method.
func (*MockIMongodbQuery) Apply ¶ added in v0.1.134
func (m *MockIMongodbQuery) Apply(change qmgo.Change, result interface{}) error
Apply mocks base method.
func (*MockIMongodbQuery) Count ¶ added in v0.1.134
func (m *MockIMongodbQuery) Count() (int64, error)
Count mocks base method.
func (*MockIMongodbQuery) Cursor ¶ added in v0.1.134
func (m *MockIMongodbQuery) Cursor() qmgo.CursorI
Cursor mocks base method.
func (*MockIMongodbQuery) Distinct ¶ added in v0.1.134
func (m *MockIMongodbQuery) Distinct(key string, result interface{}) error
Distinct mocks base method.
func (*MockIMongodbQuery) EXPECT ¶ added in v0.1.134
func (m *MockIMongodbQuery) EXPECT() *MockIMongodbQueryMockRecorder
EXPECT returns an object that allows the caller to indicate expected use.
func (*MockIMongodbQuery) Hint ¶ added in v0.1.134
func (m *MockIMongodbQuery) Hint(hint interface{}) qmgo.QueryI
Hint mocks base method.
func (*MockIMongodbQuery) Limit ¶ added in v0.1.134
func (m *MockIMongodbQuery) Limit(n int64) qmgo.QueryI
Limit mocks base method.
func (*MockIMongodbQuery) One ¶ added in v0.1.134
func (m *MockIMongodbQuery) One(result interface{}) error
One mocks base method.
func (*MockIMongodbQuery) Select ¶ added in v0.1.134
func (m *MockIMongodbQuery) Select(selector interface{}) qmgo.QueryI
Select mocks base method.
type MockIMongodbQueryMockRecorder ¶ added in v0.1.134
type MockIMongodbQueryMockRecorder struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MockIMongodbQueryMockRecorder is the mock recorder for MockIMongodbQuery.
func (*MockIMongodbQueryMockRecorder) All ¶ added in v0.1.134
func (mr *MockIMongodbQueryMockRecorder) All(result interface{}) *gomock.Call
All indicates an expected call of All.
func (*MockIMongodbQueryMockRecorder) Apply ¶ added in v0.1.134
func (mr *MockIMongodbQueryMockRecorder) Apply(change, result interface{}) *gomock.Call
Apply indicates an expected call of Apply.
func (*MockIMongodbQueryMockRecorder) Count ¶ added in v0.1.134
func (mr *MockIMongodbQueryMockRecorder) Count() *gomock.Call
Count indicates an expected call of Count.
func (*MockIMongodbQueryMockRecorder) Cursor ¶ added in v0.1.134
func (mr *MockIMongodbQueryMockRecorder) Cursor() *gomock.Call
Cursor indicates an expected call of Cursor.
func (*MockIMongodbQueryMockRecorder) Distinct ¶ added in v0.1.134
func (mr *MockIMongodbQueryMockRecorder) Distinct(key, result interface{}) *gomock.Call
Distinct indicates an expected call of Distinct.
func (*MockIMongodbQueryMockRecorder) Hint ¶ added in v0.1.134
func (mr *MockIMongodbQueryMockRecorder) Hint(hint interface{}) *gomock.Call
Hint indicates an expected call of Hint.
func (*MockIMongodbQueryMockRecorder) Limit ¶ added in v0.1.134
func (mr *MockIMongodbQueryMockRecorder) Limit(n interface{}) *gomock.Call
Limit indicates an expected call of Limit.
func (*MockIMongodbQueryMockRecorder) One ¶ added in v0.1.134
func (mr *MockIMongodbQueryMockRecorder) One(result interface{}) *gomock.Call
One indicates an expected call of One.
func (*MockIMongodbQueryMockRecorder) Select ¶ added in v0.1.134
func (mr *MockIMongodbQueryMockRecorder) Select(selector interface{}) *gomock.Call
Select indicates an expected call of Select.
func (*MockIMongodbQueryMockRecorder) Skip ¶ added in v0.1.134
func (mr *MockIMongodbQueryMockRecorder) Skip(n interface{}) *gomock.Call
Skip indicates an expected call of Skip.
func (*MockIMongodbQueryMockRecorder) Sort ¶ added in v0.1.134
func (mr *MockIMongodbQueryMockRecorder) Sort(fields ...interface{}) *gomock.Call
Sort indicates an expected call of Sort.
type MockIOrm ¶ added in v0.1.132
type MockIOrm struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MockIOrm is a mock of IOrm interface.
func NewMockIOrm ¶ added in v0.1.132
func NewMockIOrm(ctrl *gomock.Controller) *MockIOrm
NewMockIOrm creates a new mock instance.
func (*MockIOrm) Association ¶ added in v0.1.132
func (m *MockIOrm) Association(column string) *gorm.Association
Association mocks base method.
func (*MockIOrm) AutoMigrate ¶ added in v0.1.132
AutoMigrate mocks base method.
func (*MockIOrm) Clauses ¶ added in v0.1.132
func (m *MockIOrm) Clauses(conds ...clause.Expression) adapter.IOrm
Clauses mocks base method.
func (*MockIOrm) CreateInBatches ¶ added in v0.1.132
CreateInBatches mocks base method.
func (*MockIOrm) EXPECT ¶ added in v0.1.132
func (m *MockIOrm) EXPECT() *MockIOrmMockRecorder
EXPECT returns an object that allows the caller to indicate expected use.
func (*MockIOrm) FindInBatches ¶ added in v0.1.132
func (m *MockIOrm) FindInBatches(dest interface{}, batchSize int, fc func(*gorm.DB, int) error) adapter.IOrm
FindInBatches mocks base method.
func (*MockIOrm) FirstOrCreate ¶ added in v0.1.132
FirstOrCreate mocks base method.
func (*MockIOrm) FirstOrInit ¶ added in v0.1.132
FirstOrInit mocks base method.
func (*MockIOrm) GetObjBoxCtx ¶ added in v0.1.132
func (m *MockIOrm) GetObjBoxCtx(ctx iface.IContext, className string, params ...interface{}) iface.IObject
GetObjBoxCtx mocks base method.
func (*MockIOrm) GetObjPool ¶ added in v0.1.132
func (m *MockIOrm) GetObjPool(className string, funcName iface.IObjPoolFunc, params ...interface{}) iface.IObject
GetObjPool mocks base method.
func (*MockIOrm) GetObjPoolCtx ¶ added in v0.1.132
func (m *MockIOrm) GetObjPoolCtx(ctr iface.IContext, className string, funcName iface.IObjPoolFunc, params ...interface{}) iface.IObject
GetObjPoolCtx mocks base method.
func (*MockIOrm) GetObjSingle ¶ added in v0.1.132
func (m *MockIOrm) GetObjSingle(name string, funcName iface.IObjSingleFunc, params ...interface{}) iface.IObject
GetObjSingle mocks base method.
func (*MockIOrm) GetObjSingleCtx ¶ added in v0.1.132
func (m *MockIOrm) GetObjSingleCtx(ctx iface.IContext, name string, funcName iface.IObjSingleFunc, params ...interface{}) iface.IObject
GetObjSingleCtx mocks base method.
func (*MockIOrm) GetRowsAffected ¶ added in v0.1.132
GetRowsAffected mocks base method.
func (*MockIOrm) GetStatement ¶ added in v0.1.132
GetStatement mocks base method.
func (*MockIOrm) InstanceGet ¶ added in v0.1.132
InstanceGet mocks base method.
func (*MockIOrm) InstanceSet ¶ added in v0.1.132
InstanceSet mocks base method.
func (*MockIOrm) RollbackTo ¶ added in v0.1.132
RollbackTo mocks base method.
func (*MockIOrm) SetContext ¶ added in v0.1.132
SetContext mocks base method.
func (*MockIOrm) SetupJoinTable ¶ added in v0.1.132
SetupJoinTable mocks base method.
func (*MockIOrm) Transaction ¶ added in v0.1.132
Transaction mocks base method.
func (*MockIOrm) UpdateColumn ¶ added in v0.1.132
UpdateColumn mocks base method.
func (*MockIOrm) UpdateColumns ¶ added in v0.1.132
UpdateColumns mocks base method.
type MockIOrmMockRecorder ¶ added in v0.1.132
type MockIOrmMockRecorder struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MockIOrmMockRecorder is the mock recorder for MockIOrm.
func (*MockIOrmMockRecorder) AddError ¶ added in v0.1.132
func (mr *MockIOrmMockRecorder) AddError(err interface{}) *gomock.Call
AddError indicates an expected call of AddError.
func (*MockIOrmMockRecorder) Assign ¶ added in v0.1.132
func (mr *MockIOrmMockRecorder) Assign(attrs ...interface{}) *gomock.Call
Assign indicates an expected call of Assign.
func (*MockIOrmMockRecorder) Association ¶ added in v0.1.132
func (mr *MockIOrmMockRecorder) Association(column interface{}) *gomock.Call
Association indicates an expected call of Association.
func (*MockIOrmMockRecorder) Attrs ¶ added in v0.1.132
func (mr *MockIOrmMockRecorder) Attrs(attrs ...interface{}) *gomock.Call
Attrs indicates an expected call of Attrs.
func (*MockIOrmMockRecorder) AutoMigrate ¶ added in v0.1.132
func (mr *MockIOrmMockRecorder) AutoMigrate(dst ...interface{}) *gomock.Call
AutoMigrate indicates an expected call of AutoMigrate.
func (*MockIOrmMockRecorder) Begin ¶ added in v0.1.132
func (mr *MockIOrmMockRecorder) Begin(opts ...interface{}) *gomock.Call
Begin indicates an expected call of Begin.
func (*MockIOrmMockRecorder) Clauses ¶ added in v0.1.132
func (mr *MockIOrmMockRecorder) Clauses(conds ...interface{}) *gomock.Call
Clauses indicates an expected call of Clauses.
func (*MockIOrmMockRecorder) Commit ¶ added in v0.1.132
func (mr *MockIOrmMockRecorder) Commit() *gomock.Call
Commit indicates an expected call of Commit.
func (*MockIOrmMockRecorder) Context ¶ added in v0.1.132
func (mr *MockIOrmMockRecorder) Context() *gomock.Call
Context indicates an expected call of Context.
func (*MockIOrmMockRecorder) Count ¶ added in v0.1.132
func (mr *MockIOrmMockRecorder) Count(count interface{}) *gomock.Call
Count indicates an expected call of Count.
func (*MockIOrmMockRecorder) Create ¶ added in v0.1.132
func (mr *MockIOrmMockRecorder) Create(value interface{}) *gomock.Call
Create indicates an expected call of Create.
func (*MockIOrmMockRecorder) CreateInBatches ¶ added in v0.1.132
func (mr *MockIOrmMockRecorder) CreateInBatches(value, batchSize interface{}) *gomock.Call
CreateInBatches indicates an expected call of CreateInBatches.
func (*MockIOrmMockRecorder) Debug ¶ added in v0.1.132
func (mr *MockIOrmMockRecorder) Debug() *gomock.Call
Debug indicates an expected call of Debug.
func (*MockIOrmMockRecorder) Delete ¶ added in v0.1.132
func (mr *MockIOrmMockRecorder) Delete(value interface{}, conds ...interface{}) *gomock.Call
Delete indicates an expected call of Delete.
func (*MockIOrmMockRecorder) Distinct ¶ added in v0.1.132
func (mr *MockIOrmMockRecorder) Distinct(args ...interface{}) *gomock.Call
Distinct indicates an expected call of Distinct.
func (*MockIOrmMockRecorder) Exec ¶ added in v0.1.132
func (mr *MockIOrmMockRecorder) Exec(sql interface{}, values ...interface{}) *gomock.Call
Exec indicates an expected call of Exec.
func (*MockIOrmMockRecorder) Find ¶ added in v0.1.132
func (mr *MockIOrmMockRecorder) Find(dest interface{}, conds ...interface{}) *gomock.Call
Find indicates an expected call of Find.
func (*MockIOrmMockRecorder) FindInBatches ¶ added in v0.1.132
func (mr *MockIOrmMockRecorder) FindInBatches(dest, batchSize, fc interface{}) *gomock.Call
FindInBatches indicates an expected call of FindInBatches.
func (*MockIOrmMockRecorder) First ¶ added in v0.1.132
func (mr *MockIOrmMockRecorder) First(dest interface{}, conds ...interface{}) *gomock.Call
First indicates an expected call of First.
func (*MockIOrmMockRecorder) FirstOrCreate ¶ added in v0.1.132
func (mr *MockIOrmMockRecorder) FirstOrCreate(dest interface{}, conds ...interface{}) *gomock.Call
FirstOrCreate indicates an expected call of FirstOrCreate.
func (*MockIOrmMockRecorder) FirstOrInit ¶ added in v0.1.132
func (mr *MockIOrmMockRecorder) FirstOrInit(dest interface{}, conds ...interface{}) *gomock.Call
FirstOrInit indicates an expected call of FirstOrInit.
func (*MockIOrmMockRecorder) Get ¶ added in v0.1.132
func (mr *MockIOrmMockRecorder) Get(key interface{}) *gomock.Call
Get indicates an expected call of Get.
func (*MockIOrmMockRecorder) GetConfig ¶ added in v0.1.132
func (mr *MockIOrmMockRecorder) GetConfig() *gomock.Call
GetConfig indicates an expected call of GetConfig.
func (*MockIOrmMockRecorder) GetError ¶ added in v0.1.132
func (mr *MockIOrmMockRecorder) GetError() *gomock.Call
GetError indicates an expected call of GetError.
func (*MockIOrmMockRecorder) GetObj ¶ added in v0.1.132
func (mr *MockIOrmMockRecorder) GetObj(obj interface{}) *gomock.Call
GetObj indicates an expected call of GetObj.
func (*MockIOrmMockRecorder) GetObjBox ¶ added in v0.1.132
func (mr *MockIOrmMockRecorder) GetObjBox(className interface{}, params ...interface{}) *gomock.Call
GetObjBox indicates an expected call of GetObjBox.
func (*MockIOrmMockRecorder) GetObjBoxCtx ¶ added in v0.1.132
func (mr *MockIOrmMockRecorder) GetObjBoxCtx(ctx, className interface{}, params ...interface{}) *gomock.Call
GetObjBoxCtx indicates an expected call of GetObjBoxCtx.
func (*MockIOrmMockRecorder) GetObjCtx ¶ added in v0.1.132
func (mr *MockIOrmMockRecorder) GetObjCtx(ctx, obj interface{}) *gomock.Call
GetObjCtx indicates an expected call of GetObjCtx.
func (*MockIOrmMockRecorder) GetObjPool ¶ added in v0.1.132
func (mr *MockIOrmMockRecorder) GetObjPool(className, funcName interface{}, params ...interface{}) *gomock.Call
GetObjPool indicates an expected call of GetObjPool.
func (*MockIOrmMockRecorder) GetObjPoolCtx ¶ added in v0.1.132
func (mr *MockIOrmMockRecorder) GetObjPoolCtx(ctr, className, funcName interface{}, params ...interface{}) *gomock.Call
GetObjPoolCtx indicates an expected call of GetObjPoolCtx.
func (*MockIOrmMockRecorder) GetObjSingle ¶ added in v0.1.132
func (mr *MockIOrmMockRecorder) GetObjSingle(name, funcName interface{}, params ...interface{}) *gomock.Call
GetObjSingle indicates an expected call of GetObjSingle.
func (*MockIOrmMockRecorder) GetObjSingleCtx ¶ added in v0.1.132
func (mr *MockIOrmMockRecorder) GetObjSingleCtx(ctx, name, funcName interface{}, params ...interface{}) *gomock.Call
GetObjSingleCtx indicates an expected call of GetObjSingleCtx.
func (*MockIOrmMockRecorder) GetRowsAffected ¶ added in v0.1.132
func (mr *MockIOrmMockRecorder) GetRowsAffected() *gomock.Call
GetRowsAffected indicates an expected call of GetRowsAffected.
func (*MockIOrmMockRecorder) GetStatement ¶ added in v0.1.132
func (mr *MockIOrmMockRecorder) GetStatement() *gomock.Call
GetStatement indicates an expected call of GetStatement.
func (*MockIOrmMockRecorder) Group ¶ added in v0.1.132
func (mr *MockIOrmMockRecorder) Group(name interface{}) *gomock.Call
Group indicates an expected call of Group.
func (*MockIOrmMockRecorder) Having ¶ added in v0.1.132
func (mr *MockIOrmMockRecorder) Having(query interface{}, args ...interface{}) *gomock.Call
Having indicates an expected call of Having.
func (*MockIOrmMockRecorder) InstanceGet ¶ added in v0.1.132
func (mr *MockIOrmMockRecorder) InstanceGet(key interface{}) *gomock.Call
InstanceGet indicates an expected call of InstanceGet.
func (*MockIOrmMockRecorder) InstanceSet ¶ added in v0.1.132
func (mr *MockIOrmMockRecorder) InstanceSet(key, value interface{}) *gomock.Call
InstanceSet indicates an expected call of InstanceSet.
func (*MockIOrmMockRecorder) Joins ¶ added in v0.1.132
func (mr *MockIOrmMockRecorder) Joins(query interface{}, args ...interface{}) *gomock.Call
Joins indicates an expected call of Joins.
func (*MockIOrmMockRecorder) Last ¶ added in v0.1.132
func (mr *MockIOrmMockRecorder) Last(dest interface{}, conds ...interface{}) *gomock.Call
Last indicates an expected call of Last.
func (*MockIOrmMockRecorder) Limit ¶ added in v0.1.132
func (mr *MockIOrmMockRecorder) Limit(limit interface{}) *gomock.Call
Limit indicates an expected call of Limit.
func (*MockIOrmMockRecorder) Model ¶ added in v0.1.132
func (mr *MockIOrmMockRecorder) Model(value interface{}) *gomock.Call
Model indicates an expected call of Model.
func (*MockIOrmMockRecorder) Not ¶ added in v0.1.132
func (mr *MockIOrmMockRecorder) Not(query interface{}, args ...interface{}) *gomock.Call
Not indicates an expected call of Not.
func (*MockIOrmMockRecorder) Offset ¶ added in v0.1.132
func (mr *MockIOrmMockRecorder) Offset(offset interface{}) *gomock.Call
Offset indicates an expected call of Offset.
func (*MockIOrmMockRecorder) Omit ¶ added in v0.1.132
func (mr *MockIOrmMockRecorder) Omit(columns ...interface{}) *gomock.Call
Omit indicates an expected call of Omit.
func (*MockIOrmMockRecorder) Or ¶ added in v0.1.132
func (mr *MockIOrmMockRecorder) Or(query interface{}, args ...interface{}) *gomock.Call
Or indicates an expected call of Or.
func (*MockIOrmMockRecorder) Order ¶ added in v0.1.132
func (mr *MockIOrmMockRecorder) Order(value interface{}) *gomock.Call
Order indicates an expected call of Order.
func (*MockIOrmMockRecorder) Pluck ¶ added in v0.1.132
func (mr *MockIOrmMockRecorder) Pluck(column, dest interface{}) *gomock.Call
Pluck indicates an expected call of Pluck.
func (*MockIOrmMockRecorder) Preload ¶ added in v0.1.132
func (mr *MockIOrmMockRecorder) Preload(query interface{}, args ...interface{}) *gomock.Call
Preload indicates an expected call of Preload.
func (*MockIOrmMockRecorder) Raw ¶ added in v0.1.132
func (mr *MockIOrmMockRecorder) Raw(sql interface{}, values ...interface{}) *gomock.Call
Raw indicates an expected call of Raw.
func (*MockIOrmMockRecorder) Rollback ¶ added in v0.1.132
func (mr *MockIOrmMockRecorder) Rollback() *gomock.Call
Rollback indicates an expected call of Rollback.
func (*MockIOrmMockRecorder) RollbackTo ¶ added in v0.1.132
func (mr *MockIOrmMockRecorder) RollbackTo(name interface{}) *gomock.Call
RollbackTo indicates an expected call of RollbackTo.
func (*MockIOrmMockRecorder) Row ¶ added in v0.1.132
func (mr *MockIOrmMockRecorder) Row() *gomock.Call
Row indicates an expected call of Row.
func (*MockIOrmMockRecorder) Rows ¶ added in v0.1.132
func (mr *MockIOrmMockRecorder) Rows() *gomock.Call
Rows indicates an expected call of Rows.
func (*MockIOrmMockRecorder) Save ¶ added in v0.1.132
func (mr *MockIOrmMockRecorder) Save(value interface{}) *gomock.Call
Save indicates an expected call of Save.
func (*MockIOrmMockRecorder) SavePoint ¶ added in v0.1.132
func (mr *MockIOrmMockRecorder) SavePoint(name interface{}) *gomock.Call
SavePoint indicates an expected call of SavePoint.
func (*MockIOrmMockRecorder) Scan ¶ added in v0.1.132
func (mr *MockIOrmMockRecorder) Scan(dest interface{}) *gomock.Call
Scan indicates an expected call of Scan.
func (*MockIOrmMockRecorder) ScanRows ¶ added in v0.1.132
func (mr *MockIOrmMockRecorder) ScanRows(rows, dest interface{}) *gomock.Call
ScanRows indicates an expected call of ScanRows.
func (*MockIOrmMockRecorder) Scopes ¶ added in v0.1.132
func (mr *MockIOrmMockRecorder) Scopes(funcs ...interface{}) *gomock.Call
Scopes indicates an expected call of Scopes.
func (*MockIOrmMockRecorder) Select ¶ added in v0.1.132
func (mr *MockIOrmMockRecorder) Select(query interface{}, args ...interface{}) *gomock.Call
Select indicates an expected call of Select.
func (*MockIOrmMockRecorder) Session ¶ added in v0.1.132
func (mr *MockIOrmMockRecorder) Session(config interface{}) *gomock.Call
Session indicates an expected call of Session.
func (*MockIOrmMockRecorder) Set ¶ added in v0.1.132
func (mr *MockIOrmMockRecorder) Set(key, value interface{}) *gomock.Call
Set indicates an expected call of Set.
func (*MockIOrmMockRecorder) SetContext ¶ added in v0.1.132
func (mr *MockIOrmMockRecorder) SetContext(ctx interface{}) *gomock.Call
SetContext indicates an expected call of SetContext.
func (*MockIOrmMockRecorder) SetupJoinTable ¶ added in v0.1.132
func (mr *MockIOrmMockRecorder) SetupJoinTable(model, field, joinTable interface{}) *gomock.Call
SetupJoinTable indicates an expected call of SetupJoinTable.
func (*MockIOrmMockRecorder) SqlDB ¶ added in v0.1.132
func (mr *MockIOrmMockRecorder) SqlDB() *gomock.Call
SqlDB indicates an expected call of SqlDB.
func (*MockIOrmMockRecorder) Table ¶ added in v0.1.132
func (mr *MockIOrmMockRecorder) Table(name interface{}, args ...interface{}) *gomock.Call
Table indicates an expected call of Table.
func (*MockIOrmMockRecorder) Take ¶ added in v0.1.132
func (mr *MockIOrmMockRecorder) Take(dest interface{}, conds ...interface{}) *gomock.Call
Take indicates an expected call of Take.
func (*MockIOrmMockRecorder) Transaction ¶ added in v0.1.132
func (mr *MockIOrmMockRecorder) Transaction(fc interface{}, opts ...interface{}) *gomock.Call
Transaction indicates an expected call of Transaction.
func (*MockIOrmMockRecorder) Unscoped ¶ added in v0.1.132
func (mr *MockIOrmMockRecorder) Unscoped() *gomock.Call
Unscoped indicates an expected call of Unscoped.
func (*MockIOrmMockRecorder) Update ¶ added in v0.1.132
func (mr *MockIOrmMockRecorder) Update(column, value interface{}) *gomock.Call
Update indicates an expected call of Update.
func (*MockIOrmMockRecorder) UpdateColumn ¶ added in v0.1.132
func (mr *MockIOrmMockRecorder) UpdateColumn(column, value interface{}) *gomock.Call
UpdateColumn indicates an expected call of UpdateColumn.
func (*MockIOrmMockRecorder) UpdateColumns ¶ added in v0.1.132
func (mr *MockIOrmMockRecorder) UpdateColumns(values interface{}) *gomock.Call
UpdateColumns indicates an expected call of UpdateColumns.
func (*MockIOrmMockRecorder) Updates ¶ added in v0.1.132
func (mr *MockIOrmMockRecorder) Updates(values interface{}) *gomock.Call
Updates indicates an expected call of Updates.
func (*MockIOrmMockRecorder) Use ¶ added in v0.1.132
func (mr *MockIOrmMockRecorder) Use(plugin interface{}) *gomock.Call
Use indicates an expected call of Use.
func (*MockIOrmMockRecorder) Where ¶ added in v0.1.132
func (mr *MockIOrmMockRecorder) Where(query interface{}, args ...interface{}) *gomock.Call
Where indicates an expected call of Where.
func (*MockIOrmMockRecorder) WithContext ¶ added in v0.1.132
func (mr *MockIOrmMockRecorder) WithContext(ctx interface{}) *gomock.Call
WithContext indicates an expected call of WithContext.
type MockIRabbitMq ¶
type MockIRabbitMq struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MockIRabbitMq is a mock of IRabbitMq interface.
func NewMockIRabbitMq ¶
func NewMockIRabbitMq(ctrl *gomock.Controller) *MockIRabbitMq
NewMockIRabbitMq creates a new mock instance.
func (*MockIRabbitMq) ChannelBox ¶ added in v0.1.103
func (m *MockIRabbitMq) ChannelBox() *rabbitmq.ChannelBox
ChannelBox mocks base method.
func (*MockIRabbitMq) Consume ¶
func (m *MockIRabbitMq) Consume(queueName string, opCodes []string, limit int, autoAck, noWait, exclusive bool) <-chan amqp.Delivery
Consume mocks base method.
func (*MockIRabbitMq) ConsumeExchange ¶ added in v0.1.101
func (m *MockIRabbitMq) ConsumeExchange(exchangeName, exchangeType, queueName string, opCodes []string, limit int, autoAck, noWait, exclusive bool) <-chan amqp.Delivery
ConsumeExchange mocks base method.
func (*MockIRabbitMq) DecodeBody ¶
func (m *MockIRabbitMq) DecodeBody(d amqp.Delivery, ret interface{}) error
DecodeBody mocks base method.
func (*MockIRabbitMq) DecodeHeaders ¶
func (m *MockIRabbitMq) DecodeHeaders(d amqp.Delivery) *rabbitmq.RabbitHeaders
DecodeHeaders mocks base method.
func (*MockIRabbitMq) EXPECT ¶
func (m *MockIRabbitMq) EXPECT() *MockIRabbitMqMockRecorder
EXPECT returns an object that allows the caller to indicate expected use.
func (*MockIRabbitMq) ExchangeDeclare ¶
func (m *MockIRabbitMq) ExchangeDeclare(dftExchange ...*rabbitmq.ExchangeData)
ExchangeDeclare mocks base method.
func (*MockIRabbitMq) GetConsumeChannelBox ¶
func (m *MockIRabbitMq) GetConsumeChannelBox(queueName string, opCodes []string, dftExchange ...*rabbitmq.ExchangeData) *rabbitmq.ChannelBox
GetConsumeChannelBox mocks base method.
func (*MockIRabbitMq) Publish ¶
func (m *MockIRabbitMq) Publish(opCode string, data interface{}, dftOpUid ...string) bool
Publish mocks base method.
func (*MockIRabbitMq) PublishExchange ¶ added in v0.1.101
func (m *MockIRabbitMq) PublishExchange(serviceName, exchangeName, exchangeType, opCode string, data interface{}, dftOpUid ...string) bool
PublishExchange mocks base method.
func (*MockIRabbitMq) SetPanicRecover ¶
func (m *MockIRabbitMq) SetPanicRecover(v bool)
SetPanicRecover mocks base method.
type MockIRabbitMqMockRecorder ¶
type MockIRabbitMqMockRecorder struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MockIRabbitMqMockRecorder is the mock recorder for MockIRabbitMq.
func (*MockIRabbitMqMockRecorder) ChannelBox ¶ added in v0.1.103
func (mr *MockIRabbitMqMockRecorder) ChannelBox() *gomock.Call
ChannelBox indicates an expected call of ChannelBox.
func (*MockIRabbitMqMockRecorder) Consume ¶
func (mr *MockIRabbitMqMockRecorder) Consume(queueName, opCodes, limit, autoAck, noWait, exclusive interface{}) *gomock.Call
Consume indicates an expected call of Consume.
func (*MockIRabbitMqMockRecorder) ConsumeExchange ¶ added in v0.1.101
func (mr *MockIRabbitMqMockRecorder) ConsumeExchange(exchangeName, exchangeType, queueName, opCodes, limit, autoAck, noWait, exclusive interface{}) *gomock.Call
ConsumeExchange indicates an expected call of ConsumeExchange.
func (*MockIRabbitMqMockRecorder) DecodeBody ¶
func (mr *MockIRabbitMqMockRecorder) DecodeBody(d, ret interface{}) *gomock.Call
DecodeBody indicates an expected call of DecodeBody.
func (*MockIRabbitMqMockRecorder) DecodeHeaders ¶
func (mr *MockIRabbitMqMockRecorder) DecodeHeaders(d interface{}) *gomock.Call
DecodeHeaders indicates an expected call of DecodeHeaders.
func (*MockIRabbitMqMockRecorder) ExchangeDeclare ¶
func (mr *MockIRabbitMqMockRecorder) ExchangeDeclare(dftExchange ...interface{}) *gomock.Call
ExchangeDeclare indicates an expected call of ExchangeDeclare.
func (*MockIRabbitMqMockRecorder) GetConsumeChannelBox ¶
func (mr *MockIRabbitMqMockRecorder) GetConsumeChannelBox(queueName, opCodes interface{}, dftExchange ...interface{}) *gomock.Call
GetConsumeChannelBox indicates an expected call of GetConsumeChannelBox.
func (*MockIRabbitMqMockRecorder) Publish ¶
func (mr *MockIRabbitMqMockRecorder) Publish(opCode, data interface{}, dftOpUid ...interface{}) *gomock.Call
Publish indicates an expected call of Publish.
func (*MockIRabbitMqMockRecorder) PublishExchange ¶ added in v0.1.101
func (mr *MockIRabbitMqMockRecorder) PublishExchange(serviceName, exchangeName, exchangeType, opCode, data interface{}, dftOpUid ...interface{}) *gomock.Call
PublishExchange indicates an expected call of PublishExchange.
func (*MockIRabbitMqMockRecorder) SetPanicRecover ¶
func (mr *MockIRabbitMqMockRecorder) SetPanicRecover(v interface{}) *gomock.Call
SetPanicRecover indicates an expected call of SetPanicRecover.
type MockIRedis ¶
type MockIRedis struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MockIRedis is a mock of IRedis interface.
func NewMockIRedis ¶
func NewMockIRedis(ctrl *gomock.Controller) *MockIRedis
NewMockIRedis creates a new mock instance.
func (*MockIRedis) Add ¶
func (m *MockIRedis) Add(key string, value interface{}, expire ...time.Duration) bool
Add mocks base method.
func (*MockIRedis) Do ¶
func (m *MockIRedis) Do(cmd string, args ...interface{}) interface{}
Do mocks base method.
func (*MockIRedis) EXPECT ¶
func (m *MockIRedis) EXPECT() *MockIRedisMockRecorder
EXPECT returns an object that allows the caller to indicate expected use.
func (*MockIRedis) Expire ¶ added in v0.1.137
func (m *MockIRedis) Expire(key string, expire time.Duration) bool
Expire mocks base method.
func (*MockIRedis) ExpireAt ¶ added in v0.1.137
func (m *MockIRedis) ExpireAt(key string, timestamp int64) bool
ExpireAt mocks base method.
func (*MockIRedis) HDel ¶ added in v0.1.137
func (m *MockIRedis) HDel(key string, fields ...interface{}) int64
HDel mocks base method.
func (*MockIRedis) HExists ¶ added in v0.1.137
func (m *MockIRedis) HExists(key, field string) bool
HExists mocks base method.
func (*MockIRedis) HGet ¶ added in v0.1.137
func (m *MockIRedis) HGet(key, field string) *value.Value
HGet mocks base method.
func (*MockIRedis) HGetAll ¶ added in v0.1.137
func (m *MockIRedis) HGetAll(key string) map[string]*value.Value
HGetAll mocks base method.
func (*MockIRedis) HIncrBy ¶ added in v0.1.137
func (m *MockIRedis) HIncrBy(key, field string, delta int64) (int64, error)
HIncrBy mocks base method.
func (*MockIRedis) HMGet ¶ added in v0.1.137
func (m *MockIRedis) HMGet(key string, fields ...interface{}) map[string]*value.Value
HMGet mocks base method.
func (*MockIRedis) HMSet ¶ added in v0.1.137
func (m *MockIRedis) HMSet(key string, fv ...interface{}) bool
HMSet mocks base method.
func (*MockIRedis) HSet ¶ added in v0.1.137
func (m *MockIRedis) HSet(key string, fv ...interface{}) bool
HSet mocks base method.
func (*MockIRedis) Incr ¶
func (m *MockIRedis) Incr(key string, delta int) int
Incr mocks base method.
func (*MockIRedis) IncrBy ¶ added in v0.1.138
func (m *MockIRedis) IncrBy(key string, delta int64) (int64, error)
IncrBy mocks base method.
func (*MockIRedis) LLen ¶ added in v0.1.137
func (m *MockIRedis) LLen(key string) int64
LLen mocks base method.
func (*MockIRedis) LPop ¶ added in v0.1.137
func (m *MockIRedis) LPop(key string) *value.Value
LPop mocks base method.
func (*MockIRedis) LPush ¶ added in v0.1.137
func (m *MockIRedis) LPush(key string, values ...interface{}) bool
LPush mocks base method.
func (*MockIRedis) MAdd ¶
func (m *MockIRedis) MAdd(items map[string]interface{}, expire ...time.Duration) bool
MAdd mocks base method.
func (*MockIRedis) MGet ¶
func (m *MockIRedis) MGet(keys []string) map[string]*value.Value
MGet mocks base method.
func (*MockIRedis) MSet ¶
func (m *MockIRedis) MSet(items map[string]interface{}, expire ...time.Duration) bool
MSet mocks base method.
func (*MockIRedis) RPop ¶ added in v0.1.137
func (m *MockIRedis) RPop(key string) *value.Value
RPop mocks base method.
func (*MockIRedis) RPush ¶ added in v0.1.137
func (m *MockIRedis) RPush(key string, values ...interface{}) bool
RPush mocks base method.
func (*MockIRedis) Set ¶
func (m *MockIRedis) Set(key string, value interface{}, expire ...time.Duration) bool
Set mocks base method.
func (*MockIRedis) SetPanicRecover ¶
func (m *MockIRedis) SetPanicRecover(v bool)
SetPanicRecover mocks base method.
func (*MockIRedis) ZAdd ¶ added in v0.1.137
func (m *MockIRedis) ZAdd(key string, members ...*redis.Z) int64
ZAdd mocks base method.
func (*MockIRedis) ZCard ¶ added in v0.1.137
func (m *MockIRedis) ZCard(key string) int64
ZCard mocks base method.
func (*MockIRedis) ZRange ¶ added in v0.1.137
func (m *MockIRedis) ZRange(key string, start, end int) []*value.Value
ZRange mocks base method.
func (*MockIRedis) ZRangeWithScores ¶ added in v0.1.137
func (m *MockIRedis) ZRangeWithScores(key string, start, end int) []*redis.ZV
ZRangeWithScores mocks base method.
func (*MockIRedis) ZRem ¶ added in v0.1.137
func (m *MockIRedis) ZRem(key string, members ...interface{}) int64
ZRem mocks base method.
func (*MockIRedis) ZRevRange ¶ added in v0.1.137
func (m *MockIRedis) ZRevRange(key string, start, end int) []*value.Value
ZRevRange mocks base method.
func (*MockIRedis) ZRevRangeWithScores ¶ added in v0.1.137
func (m *MockIRedis) ZRevRangeWithScores(key string, start, end int) []*redis.ZV
ZRevRangeWithScores mocks base method.
type MockIRedisMockRecorder ¶
type MockIRedisMockRecorder struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MockIRedisMockRecorder is the mock recorder for MockIRedis.
func (*MockIRedisMockRecorder) Add ¶
func (mr *MockIRedisMockRecorder) Add(key, value interface{}, expire ...interface{}) *gomock.Call
Add indicates an expected call of Add.
func (*MockIRedisMockRecorder) Del ¶
func (mr *MockIRedisMockRecorder) Del(key interface{}) *gomock.Call
Del indicates an expected call of Del.
func (*MockIRedisMockRecorder) Do ¶
func (mr *MockIRedisMockRecorder) Do(cmd interface{}, args ...interface{}) *gomock.Call
Do indicates an expected call of Do.
func (*MockIRedisMockRecorder) Exists ¶
func (mr *MockIRedisMockRecorder) Exists(key interface{}) *gomock.Call
Exists indicates an expected call of Exists.
func (*MockIRedisMockRecorder) Expire ¶ added in v0.1.137
func (mr *MockIRedisMockRecorder) Expire(key, expire interface{}) *gomock.Call
Expire indicates an expected call of Expire.
func (*MockIRedisMockRecorder) ExpireAt ¶ added in v0.1.137
func (mr *MockIRedisMockRecorder) ExpireAt(key, timestamp interface{}) *gomock.Call
ExpireAt indicates an expected call of ExpireAt.
func (*MockIRedisMockRecorder) Get ¶
func (mr *MockIRedisMockRecorder) Get(key interface{}) *gomock.Call
Get indicates an expected call of Get.
func (*MockIRedisMockRecorder) HDel ¶ added in v0.1.137
func (mr *MockIRedisMockRecorder) HDel(key interface{}, fields ...interface{}) *gomock.Call
HDel indicates an expected call of HDel.
func (*MockIRedisMockRecorder) HExists ¶ added in v0.1.137
func (mr *MockIRedisMockRecorder) HExists(key, field interface{}) *gomock.Call
HExists indicates an expected call of HExists.
func (*MockIRedisMockRecorder) HGet ¶ added in v0.1.137
func (mr *MockIRedisMockRecorder) HGet(key, field interface{}) *gomock.Call
HGet indicates an expected call of HGet.
func (*MockIRedisMockRecorder) HGetAll ¶ added in v0.1.137
func (mr *MockIRedisMockRecorder) HGetAll(key interface{}) *gomock.Call
HGetAll indicates an expected call of HGetAll.
func (*MockIRedisMockRecorder) HIncrBy ¶ added in v0.1.137
func (mr *MockIRedisMockRecorder) HIncrBy(key, field, delta interface{}) *gomock.Call
HIncrBy indicates an expected call of HIncrBy.
func (*MockIRedisMockRecorder) HMGet ¶ added in v0.1.137
func (mr *MockIRedisMockRecorder) HMGet(key interface{}, fields ...interface{}) *gomock.Call
HMGet indicates an expected call of HMGet.
func (*MockIRedisMockRecorder) HMSet ¶ added in v0.1.137
func (mr *MockIRedisMockRecorder) HMSet(key interface{}, fv ...interface{}) *gomock.Call
HMSet indicates an expected call of HMSet.
func (*MockIRedisMockRecorder) HSet ¶ added in v0.1.137
func (mr *MockIRedisMockRecorder) HSet(key interface{}, fv ...interface{}) *gomock.Call
HSet indicates an expected call of HSet.
func (*MockIRedisMockRecorder) Incr ¶
func (mr *MockIRedisMockRecorder) Incr(key, delta interface{}) *gomock.Call
Incr indicates an expected call of Incr.
func (*MockIRedisMockRecorder) IncrBy ¶ added in v0.1.138
func (mr *MockIRedisMockRecorder) IncrBy(key, delta interface{}) *gomock.Call
IncrBy indicates an expected call of IncrBy.
func (*MockIRedisMockRecorder) LLen ¶ added in v0.1.137
func (mr *MockIRedisMockRecorder) LLen(key interface{}) *gomock.Call
LLen indicates an expected call of LLen.
func (*MockIRedisMockRecorder) LPop ¶ added in v0.1.137
func (mr *MockIRedisMockRecorder) LPop(key interface{}) *gomock.Call
LPop indicates an expected call of LPop.
func (*MockIRedisMockRecorder) LPush ¶ added in v0.1.137
func (mr *MockIRedisMockRecorder) LPush(key interface{}, values ...interface{}) *gomock.Call
LPush indicates an expected call of LPush.
func (*MockIRedisMockRecorder) MAdd ¶
func (mr *MockIRedisMockRecorder) MAdd(items interface{}, expire ...interface{}) *gomock.Call
MAdd indicates an expected call of MAdd.
func (*MockIRedisMockRecorder) MDel ¶
func (mr *MockIRedisMockRecorder) MDel(keys interface{}) *gomock.Call
MDel indicates an expected call of MDel.
func (*MockIRedisMockRecorder) MGet ¶
func (mr *MockIRedisMockRecorder) MGet(keys interface{}) *gomock.Call
MGet indicates an expected call of MGet.
func (*MockIRedisMockRecorder) MSet ¶
func (mr *MockIRedisMockRecorder) MSet(items interface{}, expire ...interface{}) *gomock.Call
MSet indicates an expected call of MSet.
func (*MockIRedisMockRecorder) RPop ¶ added in v0.1.137
func (mr *MockIRedisMockRecorder) RPop(key interface{}) *gomock.Call
RPop indicates an expected call of RPop.
func (*MockIRedisMockRecorder) RPush ¶ added in v0.1.137
func (mr *MockIRedisMockRecorder) RPush(key interface{}, values ...interface{}) *gomock.Call
RPush indicates an expected call of RPush.
func (*MockIRedisMockRecorder) Set ¶
func (mr *MockIRedisMockRecorder) Set(key, value interface{}, expire ...interface{}) *gomock.Call
Set indicates an expected call of Set.
func (*MockIRedisMockRecorder) SetPanicRecover ¶
func (mr *MockIRedisMockRecorder) SetPanicRecover(v interface{}) *gomock.Call
SetPanicRecover indicates an expected call of SetPanicRecover.
func (*MockIRedisMockRecorder) ZAdd ¶ added in v0.1.137
func (mr *MockIRedisMockRecorder) ZAdd(key interface{}, members ...interface{}) *gomock.Call
ZAdd indicates an expected call of ZAdd.
func (*MockIRedisMockRecorder) ZAddOpt ¶ added in v0.1.137
func (mr *MockIRedisMockRecorder) ZAddOpt(key, opts interface{}, members ...interface{}) *gomock.Call
ZAddOpt indicates an expected call of ZAddOpt.
func (*MockIRedisMockRecorder) ZCard ¶ added in v0.1.137
func (mr *MockIRedisMockRecorder) ZCard(key interface{}) *gomock.Call
ZCard indicates an expected call of ZCard.
func (*MockIRedisMockRecorder) ZRange ¶ added in v0.1.137
func (mr *MockIRedisMockRecorder) ZRange(key, start, end interface{}) *gomock.Call
ZRange indicates an expected call of ZRange.
func (*MockIRedisMockRecorder) ZRangeWithScores ¶ added in v0.1.137
func (mr *MockIRedisMockRecorder) ZRangeWithScores(key, start, end interface{}) *gomock.Call
ZRangeWithScores indicates an expected call of ZRangeWithScores.
func (*MockIRedisMockRecorder) ZRem ¶ added in v0.1.137
func (mr *MockIRedisMockRecorder) ZRem(key interface{}, members ...interface{}) *gomock.Call
ZRem indicates an expected call of ZRem.
func (*MockIRedisMockRecorder) ZRevRange ¶ added in v0.1.137
func (mr *MockIRedisMockRecorder) ZRevRange(key, start, end interface{}) *gomock.Call
ZRevRange indicates an expected call of ZRevRange.
func (*MockIRedisMockRecorder) ZRevRangeWithScores ¶ added in v0.1.137
func (mr *MockIRedisMockRecorder) ZRevRangeWithScores(key, start, end interface{}) *gomock.Call
ZRevRangeWithScores indicates an expected call of ZRevRangeWithScores.
type MockIRow ¶
type MockIRow struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MockIRow is a mock of IRow interface.
func NewMockIRow ¶
func NewMockIRow(ctrl *gomock.Controller) *MockIRow
NewMockIRow creates a new mock instance.
func (*MockIRow) EXPECT ¶
func (m *MockIRow) EXPECT() *MockIRowMockRecorder
EXPECT returns an object that allows the caller to indicate expected use.
func (*MockIRow) GetObjBoxCtx ¶ added in v0.1.132
func (m *MockIRow) GetObjBoxCtx(ctx iface.IContext, className string, params ...interface{}) iface.IObject
GetObjBoxCtx mocks base method.
func (*MockIRow) GetObjPool ¶
func (m *MockIRow) GetObjPool(className string, funcName iface.IObjPoolFunc, params ...interface{}) iface.IObject
GetObjPool mocks base method.
func (*MockIRow) GetObjPoolCtx ¶
func (m *MockIRow) GetObjPoolCtx(ctr iface.IContext, className string, funcName iface.IObjPoolFunc, params ...interface{}) iface.IObject
GetObjPoolCtx mocks base method.
func (*MockIRow) GetObjSingle ¶
func (m *MockIRow) GetObjSingle(name string, funcName iface.IObjSingleFunc, params ...interface{}) iface.IObject
GetObjSingle mocks base method.
func (*MockIRow) GetObjSingleCtx ¶
func (m *MockIRow) GetObjSingleCtx(ctx iface.IContext, name string, funcName iface.IObjSingleFunc, params ...interface{}) iface.IObject
GetObjSingleCtx mocks base method.
type MockIRowMockRecorder ¶
type MockIRowMockRecorder struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MockIRowMockRecorder is the mock recorder for MockIRow.
func (*MockIRowMockRecorder) Context ¶
func (mr *MockIRowMockRecorder) Context() *gomock.Call
Context indicates an expected call of Context.
func (*MockIRowMockRecorder) GetObj ¶
func (mr *MockIRowMockRecorder) GetObj(obj interface{}) *gomock.Call
GetObj indicates an expected call of GetObj.
func (*MockIRowMockRecorder) GetObjBox ¶ added in v0.1.132
func (mr *MockIRowMockRecorder) GetObjBox(className interface{}, params ...interface{}) *gomock.Call
GetObjBox indicates an expected call of GetObjBox.
func (*MockIRowMockRecorder) GetObjBoxCtx ¶ added in v0.1.132
func (mr *MockIRowMockRecorder) GetObjBoxCtx(ctx, className interface{}, params ...interface{}) *gomock.Call
GetObjBoxCtx indicates an expected call of GetObjBoxCtx.
func (*MockIRowMockRecorder) GetObjCtx ¶
func (mr *MockIRowMockRecorder) GetObjCtx(ctx, obj interface{}) *gomock.Call
GetObjCtx indicates an expected call of GetObjCtx.
func (*MockIRowMockRecorder) GetObjPool ¶
func (mr *MockIRowMockRecorder) GetObjPool(className, funcName interface{}, params ...interface{}) *gomock.Call
GetObjPool indicates an expected call of GetObjPool.
func (*MockIRowMockRecorder) GetObjPoolCtx ¶
func (mr *MockIRowMockRecorder) GetObjPoolCtx(ctr, className, funcName interface{}, params ...interface{}) *gomock.Call
GetObjPoolCtx indicates an expected call of GetObjPoolCtx.
func (*MockIRowMockRecorder) GetObjSingle ¶
func (mr *MockIRowMockRecorder) GetObjSingle(name, funcName interface{}, params ...interface{}) *gomock.Call
GetObjSingle indicates an expected call of GetObjSingle.
func (*MockIRowMockRecorder) GetObjSingleCtx ¶
func (mr *MockIRowMockRecorder) GetObjSingleCtx(ctx, name, funcName interface{}, params ...interface{}) *gomock.Call
GetObjSingleCtx indicates an expected call of GetObjSingleCtx.
func (*MockIRowMockRecorder) Scan ¶
func (mr *MockIRowMockRecorder) Scan(dest ...interface{}) *gomock.Call
Scan indicates an expected call of Scan.
func (*MockIRowMockRecorder) SetContext ¶
func (mr *MockIRowMockRecorder) SetContext(ctx interface{}) *gomock.Call
SetContext indicates an expected call of SetContext.
type MockIStmt ¶
type MockIStmt struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MockIStmt is a mock of IStmt interface.
func NewMockIStmt ¶
func NewMockIStmt(ctrl *gomock.Controller) *MockIStmt
NewMockIStmt creates a new mock instance.
func (*MockIStmt) EXPECT ¶
func (m *MockIStmt) EXPECT() *MockIStmtMockRecorder
EXPECT returns an object that allows the caller to indicate expected use.
func (*MockIStmt) ExecContext ¶
ExecContext mocks base method.
func (*MockIStmt) GetObjBoxCtx ¶ added in v0.1.132
func (m *MockIStmt) GetObjBoxCtx(ctx iface.IContext, className string, params ...interface{}) iface.IObject
GetObjBoxCtx mocks base method.
func (*MockIStmt) GetObjPool ¶
func (m *MockIStmt) GetObjPool(className string, funcName iface.IObjPoolFunc, params ...interface{}) iface.IObject
GetObjPool mocks base method.
func (*MockIStmt) GetObjPoolCtx ¶
func (m *MockIStmt) GetObjPoolCtx(ctr iface.IContext, className string, funcName iface.IObjPoolFunc, params ...interface{}) iface.IObject
GetObjPoolCtx mocks base method.
func (*MockIStmt) GetObjSingle ¶
func (m *MockIStmt) GetObjSingle(name string, funcName iface.IObjSingleFunc, params ...interface{}) iface.IObject
GetObjSingle mocks base method.
func (*MockIStmt) GetObjSingleCtx ¶
func (m *MockIStmt) GetObjSingleCtx(ctx iface.IContext, name string, funcName iface.IObjSingleFunc, params ...interface{}) iface.IObject
GetObjSingleCtx mocks base method.
func (*MockIStmt) QueryContext ¶
QueryContext mocks base method.
func (*MockIStmt) QueryOneContext ¶
QueryOneContext mocks base method.
type MockIStmtMockRecorder ¶
type MockIStmtMockRecorder struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MockIStmtMockRecorder is the mock recorder for MockIStmt.
func (*MockIStmtMockRecorder) Close ¶
func (mr *MockIStmtMockRecorder) Close() *gomock.Call
Close indicates an expected call of Close.
func (*MockIStmtMockRecorder) Context ¶
func (mr *MockIStmtMockRecorder) Context() *gomock.Call
Context indicates an expected call of Context.
func (*MockIStmtMockRecorder) Exec ¶
func (mr *MockIStmtMockRecorder) Exec(args ...interface{}) *gomock.Call
Exec indicates an expected call of Exec.
func (*MockIStmtMockRecorder) ExecContext ¶
func (mr *MockIStmtMockRecorder) ExecContext(ctx interface{}, args ...interface{}) *gomock.Call
ExecContext indicates an expected call of ExecContext.
func (*MockIStmtMockRecorder) GetObj ¶
func (mr *MockIStmtMockRecorder) GetObj(obj interface{}) *gomock.Call
GetObj indicates an expected call of GetObj.
func (*MockIStmtMockRecorder) GetObjBox ¶ added in v0.1.132
func (mr *MockIStmtMockRecorder) GetObjBox(className interface{}, params ...interface{}) *gomock.Call
GetObjBox indicates an expected call of GetObjBox.
func (*MockIStmtMockRecorder) GetObjBoxCtx ¶ added in v0.1.132
func (mr *MockIStmtMockRecorder) GetObjBoxCtx(ctx, className interface{}, params ...interface{}) *gomock.Call
GetObjBoxCtx indicates an expected call of GetObjBoxCtx.
func (*MockIStmtMockRecorder) GetObjCtx ¶
func (mr *MockIStmtMockRecorder) GetObjCtx(ctx, obj interface{}) *gomock.Call
GetObjCtx indicates an expected call of GetObjCtx.
func (*MockIStmtMockRecorder) GetObjPool ¶
func (mr *MockIStmtMockRecorder) GetObjPool(className, funcName interface{}, params ...interface{}) *gomock.Call
GetObjPool indicates an expected call of GetObjPool.
func (*MockIStmtMockRecorder) GetObjPoolCtx ¶
func (mr *MockIStmtMockRecorder) GetObjPoolCtx(ctr, className, funcName interface{}, params ...interface{}) *gomock.Call
GetObjPoolCtx indicates an expected call of GetObjPoolCtx.
func (*MockIStmtMockRecorder) GetObjSingle ¶
func (mr *MockIStmtMockRecorder) GetObjSingle(name, funcName interface{}, params ...interface{}) *gomock.Call
GetObjSingle indicates an expected call of GetObjSingle.
func (*MockIStmtMockRecorder) GetObjSingleCtx ¶
func (mr *MockIStmtMockRecorder) GetObjSingleCtx(ctx, name, funcName interface{}, params ...interface{}) *gomock.Call
GetObjSingleCtx indicates an expected call of GetObjSingleCtx.
func (*MockIStmtMockRecorder) Query ¶
func (mr *MockIStmtMockRecorder) Query(args ...interface{}) *gomock.Call
Query indicates an expected call of Query.
func (*MockIStmtMockRecorder) QueryContext ¶
func (mr *MockIStmtMockRecorder) QueryContext(ctx interface{}, args ...interface{}) *gomock.Call
QueryContext indicates an expected call of QueryContext.
func (*MockIStmtMockRecorder) QueryOne ¶
func (mr *MockIStmtMockRecorder) QueryOne(args ...interface{}) *gomock.Call
QueryOne indicates an expected call of QueryOne.
func (*MockIStmtMockRecorder) QueryOneContext ¶
func (mr *MockIStmtMockRecorder) QueryOneContext(ctx interface{}, args ...interface{}) *gomock.Call
QueryOneContext indicates an expected call of QueryOneContext.
func (*MockIStmtMockRecorder) SetContext ¶
func (mr *MockIStmtMockRecorder) SetContext(ctx interface{}) *gomock.Call
SetContext indicates an expected call of SetContext.
type MockITx ¶
type MockITx struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MockITx is a mock of ITx interface.
func NewMockITx ¶
func NewMockITx(ctrl *gomock.Controller) *MockITx
NewMockITx creates a new mock instance.
func (*MockITx) EXPECT ¶
func (m *MockITx) EXPECT() *MockITxMockRecorder
EXPECT returns an object that allows the caller to indicate expected use.
func (*MockITx) ExecContext ¶
ExecContext mocks base method.
func (*MockITx) GetObjBoxCtx ¶ added in v0.1.132
func (m *MockITx) GetObjBoxCtx(ctx iface.IContext, className string, params ...interface{}) iface.IObject
GetObjBoxCtx mocks base method.
func (*MockITx) GetObjPool ¶
func (m *MockITx) GetObjPool(className string, funcName iface.IObjPoolFunc, params ...interface{}) iface.IObject
GetObjPool mocks base method.
func (*MockITx) GetObjPoolCtx ¶
func (m *MockITx) GetObjPoolCtx(ctr iface.IContext, className string, funcName iface.IObjPoolFunc, params ...interface{}) iface.IObject
GetObjPoolCtx mocks base method.
func (*MockITx) GetObjSingle ¶
func (m *MockITx) GetObjSingle(name string, funcName iface.IObjSingleFunc, params ...interface{}) iface.IObject
GetObjSingle mocks base method.
func (*MockITx) GetObjSingleCtx ¶
func (m *MockITx) GetObjSingleCtx(ctx iface.IContext, name string, funcName iface.IObjSingleFunc, params ...interface{}) iface.IObject
GetObjSingleCtx mocks base method.
func (*MockITx) PrepareContext ¶
PrepareContext mocks base method.
func (*MockITx) PrepareSql ¶ added in v0.1.109
PrepareSql mocks base method.
func (*MockITx) QueryContext ¶
QueryContext mocks base method.
type MockITxMockRecorder ¶
type MockITxMockRecorder struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MockITxMockRecorder is the mock recorder for MockITx.
func (*MockITxMockRecorder) Commit ¶
func (mr *MockITxMockRecorder) Commit() *gomock.Call
Commit indicates an expected call of Commit.
func (*MockITxMockRecorder) Context ¶
func (mr *MockITxMockRecorder) Context() *gomock.Call
Context indicates an expected call of Context.
func (*MockITxMockRecorder) Exec ¶
func (mr *MockITxMockRecorder) Exec(query interface{}, args ...interface{}) *gomock.Call
Exec indicates an expected call of Exec.
func (*MockITxMockRecorder) ExecContext ¶
func (mr *MockITxMockRecorder) ExecContext(ctx, query interface{}, args ...interface{}) *gomock.Call
ExecContext indicates an expected call of ExecContext.
func (*MockITxMockRecorder) GetObj ¶
func (mr *MockITxMockRecorder) GetObj(obj interface{}) *gomock.Call
GetObj indicates an expected call of GetObj.
func (*MockITxMockRecorder) GetObjBox ¶ added in v0.1.132
func (mr *MockITxMockRecorder) GetObjBox(className interface{}, params ...interface{}) *gomock.Call
GetObjBox indicates an expected call of GetObjBox.
func (*MockITxMockRecorder) GetObjBoxCtx ¶ added in v0.1.132
func (mr *MockITxMockRecorder) GetObjBoxCtx(ctx, className interface{}, params ...interface{}) *gomock.Call
GetObjBoxCtx indicates an expected call of GetObjBoxCtx.
func (*MockITxMockRecorder) GetObjCtx ¶
func (mr *MockITxMockRecorder) GetObjCtx(ctx, obj interface{}) *gomock.Call
GetObjCtx indicates an expected call of GetObjCtx.
func (*MockITxMockRecorder) GetObjPool ¶
func (mr *MockITxMockRecorder) GetObjPool(className, funcName interface{}, params ...interface{}) *gomock.Call
GetObjPool indicates an expected call of GetObjPool.
func (*MockITxMockRecorder) GetObjPoolCtx ¶
func (mr *MockITxMockRecorder) GetObjPoolCtx(ctr, className, funcName interface{}, params ...interface{}) *gomock.Call
GetObjPoolCtx indicates an expected call of GetObjPoolCtx.
func (*MockITxMockRecorder) GetObjSingle ¶
func (mr *MockITxMockRecorder) GetObjSingle(name, funcName interface{}, params ...interface{}) *gomock.Call
GetObjSingle indicates an expected call of GetObjSingle.
func (*MockITxMockRecorder) GetObjSingleCtx ¶
func (mr *MockITxMockRecorder) GetObjSingleCtx(ctx, name, funcName interface{}, params ...interface{}) *gomock.Call
GetObjSingleCtx indicates an expected call of GetObjSingleCtx.
func (*MockITxMockRecorder) PrepareContext ¶
func (mr *MockITxMockRecorder) PrepareContext(ctx, query interface{}) *gomock.Call
PrepareContext indicates an expected call of PrepareContext.
func (*MockITxMockRecorder) PrepareSql ¶ added in v0.1.109
func (mr *MockITxMockRecorder) PrepareSql(query interface{}) *gomock.Call
PrepareSql indicates an expected call of PrepareSql.
func (*MockITxMockRecorder) Query ¶
func (mr *MockITxMockRecorder) Query(query interface{}, args ...interface{}) *gomock.Call
Query indicates an expected call of Query.
func (*MockITxMockRecorder) QueryContext ¶
func (mr *MockITxMockRecorder) QueryContext(ctx, query interface{}, args ...interface{}) *gomock.Call
QueryContext indicates an expected call of QueryContext.
func (*MockITxMockRecorder) QueryOne ¶
func (mr *MockITxMockRecorder) QueryOne(query interface{}, args ...interface{}) *gomock.Call
QueryOne indicates an expected call of QueryOne.
func (*MockITxMockRecorder) QueryOneContext ¶
func (mr *MockITxMockRecorder) QueryOneContext(ctx, query interface{}, args ...interface{}) *gomock.Call
QueryOneContext indicates an expected call of QueryOneContext.
func (*MockITxMockRecorder) Rollback ¶
func (mr *MockITxMockRecorder) Rollback() *gomock.Call
Rollback indicates an expected call of Rollback.
func (*MockITxMockRecorder) SetContext ¶
func (mr *MockITxMockRecorder) SetContext(ctx interface{}) *gomock.Call
SetContext indicates an expected call of SetContext.