
v1.1.0-beta.0...-448649e Latest Latest

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Published: Mar 3, 2025 License: Apache-2.0 Imports: 51 Imported by: 0




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const (
	ReqTypeSelect   = 101
	ReqTypeIndex    = 102
	ReqTypeDAG      = 103
	ReqTypeAnalyze  = 104
	ReqTypeChecksum = 105

	ReqSubTypeBasic      = 0
	ReqSubTypeDesc       = 10000
	ReqSubTypeGroupBy    = 10001
	ReqSubTypeTopN       = 10002
	ReqSubTypeSignature  = 10003
	ReqSubTypeAnalyzeIdx = 10004
	ReqSubTypeAnalyzeCol = 10005


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const (
	PriorityNormal = iota

Priority value for transaction priority.

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const (
	// MppVersionV0 supports TiFlash version [~, ~]
	MppVersionV0 MppVersion = iota

	// MppVersionV1 supports TiFlash version [v6.6.x, ~]

	// MppVersionV2 supports TiFlash version [v7.3, ~], support ReportMPPTaskStatus service

	// MppVersionV3 supports TiFlash version [v9.0, ~], support new serdes format of strings

	// MppVersionUnspecified means the illegal or unspecified version, it only used in TiDB.
	MppVersionUnspecified MppVersion = -1

	// MppVersionUnspecifiedName denotes name of UNSPECIFIED mpp version
	MppVersionUnspecifiedName string = "UNSPECIFIED"
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const (
	// BinlogInfo contains the binlog data and client.
	BinlogInfo int = iota + 1
	// SchemaChecker is used for checking schema-validity.
	// IsolationLevel sets isolation level for current transaction. The default level is SI.
	// Priority marks the priority of this transaction.
	// NotFillCache makes this request do not touch the LRU cache of the underlying storage.
	// SyncLog is not used anymore.
	// KeyOnly retrieve only keys, it can be used in scan now.
	// Pessimistic is defined for pessimistic lock
	// SnapshotTS is defined to set snapshot ts.
	// ReplicaRead Set replica read
	// TaskID Set task ID
	// InfoSchema is schema version used by txn startTS.
	// CollectRuntimeStats is used to enable collect runtime stats.
	// SchemaAmender is used to amend mutations for pessimistic transactions
	// SampleStep skips 'SampleStep - 1' number of keys after each returned key.
	// CommitHook is a callback function called right after the transaction gets committed
	// EnableAsyncCommit indicates whether async commit is enabled
	// Enable1PC indicates whether one-phase commit is enabled
	// GuaranteeLinearizability indicates whether to guarantee linearizability at the cost of an extra tso request before prewrite
	// TxnScope indicates which @@txn_scope this transaction will work with.
	// ReadReplicaScope
	// IsStalenessReadOnly indicates whether the transaction is staleness read only transaction
	// MatchStoreLabels indicates the labels the store should be matched
	// ResourceGroupTag indicates the resource group tag of the kv request.
	// ResourceGroupTagger can be used to set the ResourceGroupTag dynamically according to the request content. It will be used only when ResourceGroupTag is nil.
	// KVFilter indicates the filter to ignore key-values in the transaction's memory buffer.
	// SnapInterceptor is used for setting the interceptor for snapshot
	// CommitTSUpperBoundCheck is used by cached table
	// The commitTS must be greater than all the write lock lease of the visited cached table.
	// RPCInterceptor is interceptor.RPCInterceptor on Transaction or Snapshot, used to decorate
	// additional logic before and after the underlying client-go RPC request.
	// TableToColumnMaps is a map from tableID to a series of maps. The maps are needed when checking data consistency.
	// Save them here to reduce redundant computations.
	// AssertionLevel controls how strict the assertions on data during transactions should be.
	// RequestSourceInternal set request source scope of transaction.
	// RequestSourceType set request source type of the current statement.
	// ExplicitRequestSourceType is a complement of RequestSourceType, it may specified by the client or users.
	// ReplicaReadAdjuster set the adjust function of cop requests.
	// ScanBatchSize set the iter scan batch size.
	// TxnSource set the source of this transaction.
	// We use an uint64 to represent the source of a transaction.
	// The first 8 bits are reserved for TiCDC to implement BDR synchronization,
	// and the next 8 bits are reserved for Lossy DDL reorg Backfill job.
	// The remaining 48 bits are reserved for extendability.
	// ResourceGroupName set the bind resource group name.
	// LoadBasedReplicaReadThreshold sets the TiKV wait duration threshold of enabling replica read automatically.
	// TiKVClientReadTimeout sets the timeout value for readonly kv request in milliseconds
	// SizeLimits sets the size limits of membuf
	// SessionID marks the connection id, for logging and tracing.
	// BackgroundGoroutineLifecycleHooks is the hooks to track the start and end of background goroutine
	// PrewriteEncounterLockPolicy is the policy to handle lock conflict during prewrite

Transaction options

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const (
	// InternalTxnOthers is the type of requests that consume low resources.
	// This reduces the size of metrics.
	InternalTxnOthers = util.InternalTxnOthers
	// InternalTxnGC is the type of GC txn.
	InternalTxnGC = util.InternalTxnGC
	// InternalTxnBootstrap is the type of TiDB bootstrap txns.
	InternalTxnBootstrap = InternalTxnOthers
	// InternalTxnMeta is the type of the miscellaneous meta usage.
	InternalTxnMeta = util.InternalTxnMeta
	// InternalTxnDDL is the type of inner txns in ddl module.
	InternalTxnDDL = "ddl"
	// InternalTxnBackfillDDLPrefix is the prefix of the types of DDL operations needs backfilling.
	InternalTxnBackfillDDLPrefix = "ddl_"
	// InternalTxnCacheTable is the type of cache table usage.
	InternalTxnCacheTable = InternalTxnOthers
	// InternalTxnStats is the type of statistics txn.
	InternalTxnStats = "stats"
	// InternalTxnBindInfo is the type of bind info txn.
	InternalTxnBindInfo = InternalTxnOthers
	// InternalTxnWorkloadLearning is the type of workload-based learning txn.
	InternalTxnWorkloadLearning = "WorkloadLearning"
	// InternalTxnSysVar is the type of sys var txn.
	InternalTxnSysVar = InternalTxnOthers
	// InternalTxnAdmin is the type of admin operations.
	InternalTxnAdmin = "admin"
	// InternalTxnPrivilege is the type of privilege txn.
	InternalTxnPrivilege = InternalTxnOthers
	// InternalTxnTools is the type of tools usage of TiDB.
	// Do not classify different tools by now.
	InternalTxnTools = "tools"
	// InternalTxnBR is the type of BR usage.
	InternalTxnBR = "br"
	// InternalTxnLightning is the type of Lightning usage.
	InternalTxnLightning = "lightning"
	// InternalTxnTrace handles the trace statement.
	InternalTxnTrace = "Trace"
	// InternalTxnTTL is the type of TTL usage
	InternalTxnTTL = "TTL"
	// InternalLoadData is the type of LOAD DATA usage
	InternalLoadData = "LoadData"
	// InternalImportInto is the type of IMPORT INTO usage
	InternalImportInto = "ImportInto"
	// InternalDistTask is the type of distributed task.
	InternalDistTask = "DistTask"
	// InternalTimer is the type of internal timer
	InternalTimer = "Timer"
	// InternalDDLNotifier is the type of DDL notifier
	InternalDDLNotifier = "DDLNotifier"
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const (
	LossyDDLColumnReorgSource = 1

	// LightningPhysicalImportTxnSource the 17th bit is set as the txn source for Lightning physical import.
	LightningPhysicalImportTxnSource = 1 << 16


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const (
	// GlobalTxnScope is synced with PD's define of global scope.
	// If we want to remove the dependency on store/tikv here, we need to map
	// the two GlobalTxnScopes in the driver layer.
	GlobalTxnScope = oracle.GlobalTxnScope
	// LocalTxnScope indicates the transaction should use local ts.
	LocalTxnScope = "local"

Transaction scopes constants.

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const (
	// GlobalReplicaScope indicates the default replica scope for tidb to request
	GlobalReplicaScope = oracle.GlobalTxnScope
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const SizeofHandleMap = int64(unsafe.Sizeof(*(*HandleMap)(nil)))

SizeofHandleMap presents the memory size of struct HandleMap

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const SizeofStrHandleVal = int64(unsafe.Sizeof(*(*strHandleVal)(nil)))

SizeofStrHandleVal presents the memory size of struct strHandleVal

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const (
	// TimeToPrintLongTimeInternalTxn is the duration if the internal transaction lasts more than it,
	// TiDB prints a log message.
	TimeToPrintLongTimeInternalTxn = time.Minute * 5
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const TxnRetryableMark = "[try again later]"

TxnRetryableMark is used to uniform the commit error messages which could retry the transaction. *WARNING*: changing this string will affect the backward compatibility.

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const UnCommitIndexKVFlag byte = '1'

UnCommitIndexKVFlag uses to indicate the index key/value is no need to commit. This is used in the situation of the index key/value was unchanged when do update. Usage: 1. For non-unique index: normally, the index value is '0'. Change the value to '1' indicate the index key/value is no need to commit. 2. For unique index: normally, the index value is the record handle ID, 8 bytes. Append UnCommitIndexKVFlag to the value indicate the index key/value is no need to commit.


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var (
	// ErrNotExist is used when try to get an entry with an unexist key from KV store.
	ErrNotExist = dbterror.ClassKV.NewStd(mysql.ErrNotExist)
	// ErrTxnRetryable is used when KV store occurs retryable error which SQL layer can safely retry the transaction.
	// When using TiKV as the storage node, the error is returned ONLY when lock not found (txnLockNotFound) in Commit,
	// subject to change it in the future.
	ErrTxnRetryable = dbterror.ClassKV.NewStdErr(
	// ErrCannotSetNilValue is the error when sets an empty value.
	ErrCannotSetNilValue = dbterror.ClassKV.NewStd(mysql.ErrCannotSetNilValue)
	// ErrInvalidTxn is the error when commits or rollbacks in an invalid transaction.
	ErrInvalidTxn = dbterror.ClassKV.NewStd(mysql.ErrInvalidTxn)
	// ErrTxnTooLarge is the error when transaction is too large, lock time reached the maximum value.
	ErrTxnTooLarge = dbterror.ClassKV.NewStd(mysql.ErrTxnTooLarge)
	// ErrEntryTooLarge is the error when a key value entry is too large.
	ErrEntryTooLarge = dbterror.ClassKV.NewStd(mysql.ErrEntryTooLarge)
	// ErrKeyTooLarge is the error when a key is too large to be handled by MemBuffer.
	ErrKeyTooLarge = dbterror.ClassKV.NewStd(mysql.ErrKeyTooLarge)
	// ErrKeyExists returns when key is already exist. Caller should try to use
	// GenKeyExistsErr to generate this error for correct format.
	ErrKeyExists = dbterror.ClassKV.NewStd(mysql.ErrDupEntry)
	// ErrNotImplemented returns when a function is not implemented yet.
	ErrNotImplemented = dbterror.ClassKV.NewStd(mysql.ErrNotImplemented)
	// ErrWriteConflict is the error when the commit meets an write conflict error.
	ErrWriteConflict = dbterror.ClassKV.NewStdErr(
			mysql.MySQLErrName[mysql.ErrWriteConflict].Raw+" "+TxnRetryableMark,
	// ErrWriteConflictInTiDB is the error when the commit meets an write conflict error when local latch is enabled.
	ErrWriteConflictInTiDB = dbterror.ClassKV.NewStdErr(
			mysql.MySQLErrName[mysql.ErrWriteConflictInTiDB].Raw+" "+TxnRetryableMark,
	// ErrLockExpire is the error when the lock is expired.
	ErrLockExpire = dbterror.ClassTiKV.NewStd(mysql.ErrLockExpire)
	// ErrAssertionFailed is the error when an assertion fails.
	ErrAssertionFailed = dbterror.ClassTiKV.NewStd(mysql.ErrAssertionFailed)
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var (
	// TxnEntrySizeLimit is limit of single entry size (len(key) + len(value)).
	TxnEntrySizeLimit = atomic.NewUint64(config.DefTxnEntrySizeLimit)
	// TxnTotalSizeLimit is limit of the sum of all entry size.
	TxnTotalSizeLimit = atomic.NewUint64(config.DefTxnTotalSizeLimit)

Those limits is enforced to make sure the transaction can be well handled by TiKV.

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var (
	// MaxVersion is the maximum version, notice that it's not a valid version.
	MaxVersion = Version{Ver: math.MaxUint64}
	// MinVersion is the minimum version, it's not a valid version, too.
	MinVersion = Version{Ver: 0}
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var DecodeTableIDFunc func(Key) int64

DecodeTableIDFunc is used to decode table id from key.

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var (
	// MaxRetryCnt represents maximum retry times.
	MaxRetryCnt uint = 100
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var RequestSourceKey = util.RequestSourceKey

RequestSourceKey is used as the key of request source type in context.

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var WithInternalSourceAndTaskType = util.WithInternalSourceAndTaskType

WithInternalSourceAndTaskType create context with internal source and task name.

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var WithInternalSourceType = util.WithInternalSourceType

WithInternalSourceType create context with internal source.


func BackOff

func BackOff(attempts uint) int

BackOff Implements exponential backoff with full jitter. Returns real back off time in microsecond. See http://www.awsarchitectureblog.com/2015/03/backoff.html.

func GenKeyExistsErr

func GenKeyExistsErr(keyCols []string, keyName string) error

GenKeyExistsErr generates a ErrKeyExists, it concat the handle columns data with '-'. This is consistent with MySQL.

func GetInt64

func GetInt64(ctx context.Context, r Retriever, k Key) (int64, error)

GetInt64 get int64 value which created by IncInt64 method.

func GetInternalSourceType

func GetInternalSourceType(ctx context.Context) string

GetInternalSourceType get internal source

func GetMinInnerTxnStartTS

func GetMinInnerTxnStartTS(now time.Time, startTSLowerLimit uint64,
	curMinStartTS uint64) uint64

GetMinInnerTxnStartTS get the min StartTS between startTSLowerLimit and curMinStartTS in globalInnerTxnTsBox.

func IncInt64

func IncInt64(rm RetrieverMutator, k Key, step int64) (int64, error)

IncInt64 increases the value for key k in kv store by step.

func IsErrNotFound

func IsErrNotFound(err error) bool

IsErrNotFound checks if err is a kind of NotFound error.

func IsTxnRetryableError

func IsTxnRetryableError(err error) bool

IsTxnRetryableError checks if the error could safely retry the transaction.

func KeyRangeSliceMemUsage

func KeyRangeSliceMemUsage(k []KeyRange) int64

KeyRangeSliceMemUsage return the memory usage of []KeyRange

func NextUntil

func NextUntil(it Iterator, fn FnKeyCmp) error

NextUntil applies FnKeyCmp to each entry of the iterator until meets some condition. It will stop when fn returns true, or iterator is invalid or an error occurs.

func PrintLongTimeInternalTxn

func PrintLongTimeInternalTxn(now time.Time, startTS uint64, runByFunction bool)

PrintLongTimeInternalTxn print the internal transaction information. runByFunction true means the transaction is run by `RunInNewTxn`,

false means the transaction is run by internal session.

func RunInNewTxn

func RunInNewTxn(ctx context.Context, store Storage, retryable bool, f func(ctx context.Context, txn Transaction) error) error

RunInNewTxn will run the f in a new transaction environment, should be used by inner txn only.

func SetCDCWriteSource

func SetCDCWriteSource(txnSource *uint64, value uint64) error

SetCDCWriteSource sets the TiCDC write source in the txnSource.

func SetLossyDDLReorgSource

func SetLossyDDLReorgSource(txnSource *uint64, value uint64) error

SetLossyDDLReorgSource sets the lossy DDL reorg source in the txnSource.

func SetTxnResourceGroup

func SetTxnResourceGroup(txn Transaction, name string)

SetTxnResourceGroup update the resource group name of target txn.

func WalkMemBuffer

func WalkMemBuffer(memBuf Retriever, f func(k Key, v []byte) error) error

WalkMemBuffer iterates all buffered kv pairs in memBuf


type AssertionProto

type AssertionProto interface {
	// SetAssertion sets an assertion for an operation on the key.
	// TODO: Use a special type instead of `FlagsOp`. Otherwise there's risk that the assertion flag is incorrectly used
	// in other places like `MemBuffer.SetWithFlags`.
	SetAssertion(key []byte, assertion ...FlagsOp) error

AssertionProto is an interface defined for the assertion protocol.

type BatchGetter

type BatchGetter interface {
	// BatchGet gets a batch of values.
	BatchGet(ctx context.Context, keys []Key) (map[string][]byte, error)

BatchGetter is the interface for BatchGet.

type CancelMPPTasksParam

type CancelMPPTasksParam struct {
	StoreAddr map[string]bool
	Reqs      []*MPPDispatchRequest

CancelMPPTasksParam represents parameter for MPPClient's CancelMPPTasks

type Client

type Client interface {
	// Send sends request to KV layer, returns a Response.
	Send(ctx context.Context, req *Request, vars any, option *ClientSendOption) Response

	// IsRequestTypeSupported checks if reqType and subType is supported.
	IsRequestTypeSupported(reqType, subType int64) bool

Client is used to send request to KV layer.

type ClientSendOption

type ClientSendOption struct {
	SessionMemTracker          *memory.Tracker
	EnabledRateLimitAction     bool
	EventCb                    trxevents.EventCallback
	EnableCollectExecutionInfo bool
	TiFlashReplicaRead         tiflash.ReplicaRead
	AppendWarning              func(warn error)
	TryCopLiteWorker           *atomic.Uint32

ClientSendOption wraps options during Client Send

type CommonHandle

type CommonHandle struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

CommonHandle implements the Handle interface for non-int64 type handle.

func NewCommonHandle

func NewCommonHandle(encoded []byte) (*CommonHandle, error)

NewCommonHandle creates a CommonHandle from a encoded bytes which is encoded by code.EncodeKey.

func (*CommonHandle) Compare

func (ch *CommonHandle) Compare(h Handle) int

Compare implements the Handle interface.

func (*CommonHandle) Copy

func (ch *CommonHandle) Copy() Handle

Copy implements the Handle interface.

func (*CommonHandle) Data

func (ch *CommonHandle) Data() ([]types.Datum, error)

Data implements the Handle interface.

func (*CommonHandle) Encoded

func (ch *CommonHandle) Encoded() []byte

Encoded implements the Handle interface.

func (*CommonHandle) EncodedCol

func (ch *CommonHandle) EncodedCol(idx int) []byte

EncodedCol implements the Handle interface.

func (*CommonHandle) Equal

func (ch *CommonHandle) Equal(h Handle) bool

Equal implements the Handle interface.

func (*CommonHandle) ExtraMemSize

func (ch *CommonHandle) ExtraMemSize() uint64

ExtraMemSize implements the Handle interface.

func (*CommonHandle) IntValue

func (*CommonHandle) IntValue() int64

IntValue implements the Handle interface, not supported for CommonHandle type.

func (*CommonHandle) IsInt

func (*CommonHandle) IsInt() bool

IsInt implements the Handle interface.

func (*CommonHandle) Len

func (ch *CommonHandle) Len() int

Len implements the Handle interface.

func (*CommonHandle) MemUsage

func (ch *CommonHandle) MemUsage() uint64

MemUsage implements the Handle interface.

func (*CommonHandle) Next

func (ch *CommonHandle) Next() Handle

Next implements the Handle interface. Note that the returned encoded field is not guaranteed to be able to decode.

func (*CommonHandle) NumCols

func (ch *CommonHandle) NumCols() int

NumCols implements the Handle interface.

func (*CommonHandle) String

func (ch *CommonHandle) String() string

String implements the Handle interface.

type CoprRequestAdjuster

type CoprRequestAdjuster func(*Request, int) bool

CoprRequestAdjuster is used to check and adjust a copr request according to specific rules. return true if the request is changed.

type DispatchMPPTaskParam

type DispatchMPPTaskParam struct {
	Ctx                        context.Context
	Req                        *MPPDispatchRequest
	EnableCollectExecutionInfo bool
	Bo                         *tikv.Backoffer

DispatchMPPTaskParam represents parameter for MPPClient's DispatchMPPTask

type Driver

type Driver interface {
	// Open returns a new Storage.
	// The path is the string for storage specific format.
	Open(path string) (Storage, error)

Driver is the interface that must be implemented by a KV storage.

type EmptyIterator

type EmptyIterator struct{}

EmptyIterator is an iterator without any entry

func (*EmptyIterator) Close

func (*EmptyIterator) Close()

Close closes the iterator.

func (*EmptyIterator) Key

func (*EmptyIterator) Key() Key

Key returns the current key. Always return nil for this iterator

func (*EmptyIterator) Next

func (*EmptyIterator) Next() error

Next goes the next position. Always return error for this iterator

func (*EmptyIterator) Valid

func (*EmptyIterator) Valid() bool

Valid returns true if the current iterator is valid.

func (*EmptyIterator) Value

func (*EmptyIterator) Value() []byte

Value returns the current value. Always return nil for this iterator

type EmptyRetriever

type EmptyRetriever struct{}

EmptyRetriever is a retriever without any entry

func (*EmptyRetriever) Get

func (*EmptyRetriever) Get(_ context.Context, _ Key) ([]byte, error)

Get gets the value for key k from kv store. Always return nil for this retriever

func (*EmptyRetriever) Iter

func (*EmptyRetriever) Iter(_ Key, _ Key) (Iterator, error)

Iter creates an Iterator. Always return EmptyIterator for this retriever

func (*EmptyRetriever) IterReverse

func (*EmptyRetriever) IterReverse(_ Key, _ Key) (Iterator, error)

IterReverse creates a reversed Iterator. Always return EmptyIterator for this retriever

type Entry

type Entry struct {
	Key   Key
	Value []byte

Entry is the entry for key and value

type EstablishMPPConnsParam

type EstablishMPPConnsParam struct {
	Ctx      context.Context
	Req      *MPPDispatchRequest
	TaskMeta *mpp.TaskMeta

EstablishMPPConnsParam represents parameter for MPPClient's EstablishMPPConns

type EtcdBackend

type EtcdBackend interface {
	EtcdAddrs() ([]string, error)
	TLSConfig() *tls.Config
	StartGCWorker() error

EtcdBackend is used for judging a storage is a real TiKV.

type FairLockingController

type FairLockingController interface {
	StartFairLocking() error
	RetryFairLocking(ctx context.Context) error
	CancelFairLocking(ctx context.Context) error
	DoneFairLocking(ctx context.Context) error
	IsInFairLockingMode() bool

FairLockingController is the interface that defines fair locking related operations.

type FlagsOp

type FlagsOp uint16

FlagsOp describes KeyFlags modify operation.

const (
	// SetPresumeKeyNotExists marks the existence of the associated key is checked lazily.
	SetPresumeKeyNotExists FlagsOp = iota
	// SetNeedLocked marks the associated key need to be acquired lock.
	// SetAssertExist marks the associated key must exist.
	// SetAssertNotExist marks the associated key must not exists.
	// SetAssertUnknown marks the associated key is unknown and can not apply other assertion.
	// SetAssertNone marks the associated key without any assert.
	// SetNeedConstraintCheckInPrewrite sets the flag flagNeedConstraintCheckInPrewrite
	// SetPreviousPresumeKeyNotExists marks the PNE flag is set in previous statements, thus it cannot be unset when
	// retrying or rolling back a statement.

type FnKeyCmp

type FnKeyCmp func(key Key) bool

FnKeyCmp is the function for iterator the keys

type Getter

type Getter interface {
	// Get gets the value for key k from kv store.
	// If corresponding kv pair does not exist, it returns nil and ErrNotExist.
	Get(ctx context.Context, k Key) ([]byte, error)

Getter is the interface for the Get method.

type Handle

type Handle interface {
	// IsInt returns if the handle type is int64.
	IsInt() bool
	// IntValue returns the int64 value if IsInt is true, it panics if IsInt returns false.
	IntValue() int64
	// Next returns the minimum handle that is greater than this handle.
	// The returned handle is not guaranteed to be able to decode.
	Next() Handle
	// Equal returns if the handle equals to another handle, it panics if the types are different.
	Equal(h Handle) bool
	// Compare returns the comparison result of the two handles, it panics if the types are different.
	Compare(h Handle) int
	// Encoded returns the encoded bytes.
	Encoded() []byte
	// Len returns the length of the encoded bytes.
	Len() int
	// NumCols returns the number of columns of the handle,
	NumCols() int
	// EncodedCol returns the encoded column value at the given column index.
	EncodedCol(idx int) []byte
	// Data returns the data of all columns of a handle.
	Data() ([]types.Datum, error)
	// String implements the fmt.Stringer interface.
	String() string
	// MemUsage returns the memory usage of a handle.
	MemUsage() uint64
	// ExtraMemSize returns the memory usage of objects that are pointed to by the Handle.
	ExtraMemSize() uint64
	// Copy returns a deep copy of the Handle.
	Copy() Handle

Handle is the ID of a row.

type HandleMap

type HandleMap struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

HandleMap is the map for Handle.

func NewHandleMap

func NewHandleMap() *HandleMap

NewHandleMap creates a new map for handle.

func (*HandleMap) Delete

func (m *HandleMap) Delete(h Handle)

Delete deletes a entry from the map.

func (*HandleMap) Get

func (m *HandleMap) Get(h Handle) (v any, ok bool)

Get gets a value by a Handle.

func (*HandleMap) Len

func (m *HandleMap) Len() int

Len returns the length of the map.

func (*HandleMap) MemUsage

func (m *HandleMap) MemUsage() int64

MemUsage gets the memory usage.

func (*HandleMap) Range

func (m *HandleMap) Range(fn func(h Handle, val any) bool)

Range iterates the HandleMap with fn, the fn returns true to continue, returns false to stop.

func (*HandleMap) Set

func (m *HandleMap) Set(h Handle, val any)

Set sets a value with a Handle.

type InjectedSnapshot

type InjectedSnapshot struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

InjectedSnapshot wraps a Snapshot with injections.

func (*InjectedSnapshot) BatchGet

func (t *InjectedSnapshot) BatchGet(ctx context.Context, keys []Key) (map[string][]byte, error)

BatchGet returns an error if cfg.getError is set.

func (*InjectedSnapshot) Get

func (t *InjectedSnapshot) Get(ctx context.Context, k Key) ([]byte, error)

Get returns an error if cfg.getError is set.

type InjectedStore

type InjectedStore struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

InjectedStore wraps a Storage with injections.

func (*InjectedStore) Begin

func (s *InjectedStore) Begin(opts ...tikv.TxnOption) (Transaction, error)

Begin creates an injected Transaction.

func (*InjectedStore) GetSnapshot

func (s *InjectedStore) GetSnapshot(ver Version) Snapshot

GetSnapshot creates an injected Snapshot.

type InjectedTransaction

type InjectedTransaction struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

InjectedTransaction wraps a Transaction with injections.

func (*InjectedTransaction) BatchGet

func (t *InjectedTransaction) BatchGet(ctx context.Context, keys []Key) (map[string][]byte, error)

BatchGet returns an error if cfg.getError is set.

func (*InjectedTransaction) Commit

func (t *InjectedTransaction) Commit(ctx context.Context) error

Commit returns an error if cfg.commitError is set.

func (*InjectedTransaction) Get

func (t *InjectedTransaction) Get(ctx context.Context, k Key) ([]byte, error)

Get returns an error if cfg.getError is set.

type InjectionConfig

type InjectionConfig struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

InjectionConfig is used for fault injections for KV components.

func (*InjectionConfig) SetCommitError

func (c *InjectionConfig) SetCommitError(err error)

SetCommitError injects an error for all Transaction.Commit() methods.

func (*InjectionConfig) SetGetError

func (c *InjectionConfig) SetGetError(err error)

SetGetError injects an error for all kv.Get() methods.

type IntHandle

type IntHandle int64

IntHandle implement the Handle interface for int64 type handle.

func (IntHandle) Compare

func (ih IntHandle) Compare(h Handle) int

Compare implements the Handle interface.

func (IntHandle) Copy

func (ih IntHandle) Copy() Handle

Copy implements the Handle interface.

func (IntHandle) Data

func (ih IntHandle) Data() ([]types.Datum, error)

Data implements the Handle interface.

func (IntHandle) Encoded

func (ih IntHandle) Encoded() []byte

Encoded implements the Handle interface.

func (IntHandle) EncodedCol

func (IntHandle) EncodedCol(_ int) []byte

EncodedCol implements the Handle interface., not supported for IntHandle type.

func (IntHandle) Equal

func (ih IntHandle) Equal(h Handle) bool

Equal implements the Handle interface.

func (IntHandle) ExtraMemSize

func (IntHandle) ExtraMemSize() uint64

ExtraMemSize implements the Handle interface.

func (IntHandle) IntValue

func (ih IntHandle) IntValue() int64

IntValue implements the Handle interface.

func (IntHandle) IsInt

func (IntHandle) IsInt() bool

IsInt implements the Handle interface.

func (IntHandle) Len

func (IntHandle) Len() int

Len implements the Handle interface.

func (IntHandle) MemUsage

func (IntHandle) MemUsage() uint64

MemUsage implements the Handle interface.

func (IntHandle) Next

func (ih IntHandle) Next() Handle

Next implements the Handle interface.

func (IntHandle) NumCols

func (IntHandle) NumCols() int

NumCols implements the Handle interface, not supported for IntHandle type.

func (IntHandle) String

func (ih IntHandle) String() string

String implements the Handle interface.

type IsoLevel

type IsoLevel int

IsoLevel is the transaction's isolation level.

const (
	// SI stands for 'snapshot isolation'.
	SI IsoLevel = iota
	// RC stands for 'read committed'.
	// RCCheckTS stands for 'read consistency read with ts check'.

type Iterator

type Iterator interface {
	Valid() bool
	Key() Key
	Value() []byte
	Next() error

Iterator is the interface for a iterator on KV store.

type Key

type Key []byte

Key represents high-level Key type.

func FindKeysInStage

func FindKeysInStage(m MemBuffer, h StagingHandle, predicate func(Key, KeyFlags, []byte) bool) []Key

FindKeysInStage returns all keys in the given stage that satisfies the given condition.

func (Key) Clone

func (k Key) Clone() Key

Clone returns a deep copy of the Key.

func (Key) Cmp

func (k Key) Cmp(another Key) int

Cmp returns the comparison result of two key. The result will be 0 if a==b, -1 if a < b, and +1 if a > b.

func (Key) HasPrefix

func (k Key) HasPrefix(prefix Key) bool

HasPrefix tests whether the Key begins with prefix.

func (Key) Next

func (k Key) Next() Key

Next returns the next key in byte-order.

func (Key) PrefixNext

func (k Key) PrefixNext() Key

PrefixNext returns the next prefix key.

Assume there are keys like:


If we seek 'rowkey1' Next, we will get 'rowkey1_column1'. If we seek 'rowkey1' PrefixNext, we will get 'rowkey2'.

func (Key) String

func (k Key) String() string

String implements fmt.Stringer interface.

type KeyFlags

type KeyFlags uint8

KeyFlags are metadata associated with key

func ApplyFlagsOps

func ApplyFlagsOps(origin KeyFlags, ops ...FlagsOp) KeyFlags

ApplyFlagsOps applys flagspos to origin.

func (KeyFlags) HasAssertExists

func (f KeyFlags) HasAssertExists() bool

HasAssertExists returns whether the key is asserted to already exist before the current transaction.

func (KeyFlags) HasAssertNotExists

func (f KeyFlags) HasAssertNotExists() bool

HasAssertNotExists returns whether the key is asserted not to exist before the current transaction.

func (KeyFlags) HasAssertUnknown

func (f KeyFlags) HasAssertUnknown() bool

HasAssertUnknown returns whether the key is unable to do any assertion.

func (KeyFlags) HasAssertionFlags

func (f KeyFlags) HasAssertionFlags() bool

HasAssertionFlags returns whether assertion is set on this key.

func (KeyFlags) HasNeedConstraintCheckInPrewrite

func (f KeyFlags) HasNeedConstraintCheckInPrewrite() bool

HasNeedConstraintCheckInPrewrite returns whether the key needs to do constraint and conflict check in prewrite.

func (KeyFlags) HasNeedLocked

func (f KeyFlags) HasNeedLocked() bool

HasNeedLocked returns whether the key needed to be locked

func (KeyFlags) HasPresumeKeyNotExists

func (f KeyFlags) HasPresumeKeyNotExists() bool

HasPresumeKeyNotExists returns whether the associated key use lazy check.

type KeyRange

type KeyRange struct {
	StartKey Key
	EndKey   Key

KeyRange represents a range where StartKey <= key < EndKey. Hack: make the layout exactly the same with github.com/pingcap/kvproto/pkg/coprocessor.KeyRange So we can avoid allocation of converting kv.KeyRange to coprocessor.KeyRange Not defined as "type KeyRange = coprocessor.KeyRange" because their field name are different. kv.KeyRange use StartKey,EndKey while coprocessor.KeyRange use Start,End

func (*KeyRange) IsPoint

func (r *KeyRange) IsPoint() bool

IsPoint checks if the key range represents a point.

type KeyRanges

type KeyRanges struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

KeyRanges wrap the ranges for partitioned table cases. We might send ranges from different in the one request.

func NewNonParitionedKeyRangesWithHint

func NewNonParitionedKeyRangesWithHint(ranges []KeyRange, hints []int) *KeyRanges

NewNonParitionedKeyRangesWithHint constructs a new RequestRange for a non partitioned table with rou count hint.

func NewNonPartitionedKeyRanges

func NewNonPartitionedKeyRanges(ranges []KeyRange) *KeyRanges

NewNonPartitionedKeyRanges constructs a new RequestRange for a non-partitioned table.

func NewPartitionedKeyRanges

func NewPartitionedKeyRanges(ranges [][]KeyRange) *KeyRanges

NewPartitionedKeyRanges constructs a new RequestRange for partitioned table.

func NewPartitionedKeyRangesWithHints

func NewPartitionedKeyRangesWithHints(ranges [][]KeyRange, hints [][]int) *KeyRanges

NewPartitionedKeyRangesWithHints constructs a new RequestRange for partitioned table with row count hint.

func (*KeyRanges) AppendSelfTo

func (rr *KeyRanges) AppendSelfTo(ranges []KeyRange) []KeyRange

AppendSelfTo appends itself to another slice.

func (*KeyRanges) FirstPartitionRange

func (rr *KeyRanges) FirstPartitionRange() []KeyRange

FirstPartitionRange returns the the result of first range. We may use some func to generate ranges for both partitioned table and non partitioned table. This method provides a way to fallback to non-partitioned ranges.

func (*KeyRanges) ForEachPartition

func (rr *KeyRanges) ForEachPartition(theFunc func([]KeyRange))

ForEachPartition runs the func for each partition without error check.

func (*KeyRanges) ForEachPartitionWithErr

func (rr *KeyRanges) ForEachPartitionWithErr(theFunc func([]KeyRange, []int) error) (err error)

ForEachPartitionWithErr runs the func for each partition with an error check.

func (*KeyRanges) IsFullySorted

func (rr *KeyRanges) IsFullySorted() bool

IsFullySorted checks whether the ranges are sorted inside partition and each partition is also sorated.

func (*KeyRanges) PartitionNum

func (rr *KeyRanges) PartitionNum() int

PartitionNum returns how many partition is involved in the ranges.

func (*KeyRanges) SetToNonPartitioned

func (rr *KeyRanges) SetToNonPartitioned() error

SetToNonPartitioned set the status to non-partitioned.

func (*KeyRanges) SortByFunc

func (rr *KeyRanges) SortByFunc(sortFunc func(i, j KeyRange) int)

SortByFunc sorts each partition's ranges. Since the ranges are sorted in most cases, we check it first.

func (*KeyRanges) TotalRangeNum

func (rr *KeyRanges) TotalRangeNum() int

TotalRangeNum returns how many ranges there are.

type LockCtx

type LockCtx = tikvstore.LockCtx

LockCtx contains information for LockKeys method.

type MPPBuildTasksRequest

type MPPBuildTasksRequest struct {
	KeyRanges []KeyRange
	StartTS   uint64

	PartitionIDAndRanges []PartitionIDAndRanges

MPPBuildTasksRequest request the stores allocation for a mpp plan fragment. However, the request doesn't contain the particular plan, because only key ranges take effect on the location assignment.

func (*MPPBuildTasksRequest) ToString

func (req *MPPBuildTasksRequest) ToString() string

ToString returns a string representation of MPPBuildTasksRequest. Used for CacheKey.

type MPPClient

type MPPClient interface {
	// ConstructMPPTasks schedules task for a plan fragment.
	// TODO:: This interface will be refined after we support more executors.
	ConstructMPPTasks(context.Context, *MPPBuildTasksRequest, time.Duration, tiflashcompute.DispatchPolicy, tiflash.ReplicaRead, func(error)) ([]MPPTaskMeta, error)

	// DispatchMPPTask dispatch mpp task, and returns valid response when retry = false and err is nil.
	DispatchMPPTask(DispatchMPPTaskParam) (resp *mpp.DispatchTaskResponse, retry bool, err error)

	// EstablishMPPConns build a mpp connection to receive data, return valid response when err is nil.
	EstablishMPPConns(EstablishMPPConnsParam) (*tikvrpc.MPPStreamResponse, error)

	// CancelMPPTasks cancels mpp tasks.

	// CheckVisibility checks if it is safe to read using given ts.
	CheckVisibility(startTime uint64) error

	// GetMPPStoreCount returns number of TiFlash stores if there is no error, else return (0, error).
	GetMPPStoreCount() (int, error)

MPPClient accepts and processes mpp requests.

type MPPDispatchRequest

type MPPDispatchRequest struct {
	Data    []byte      // data encodes the dag coprocessor request.
	Meta    MPPTaskMeta // mpp store is the location of tiflash store.
	IsRoot  bool        // root task returns data to tidb directly.
	Timeout uint64      // If task is assigned but doesn't receive a connect request during timeout, the task should be destroyed.
	// SchemaVer is for any schema-ful storage (like tiflash) to validate schema correctness if necessary.
	SchemaVar              int64
	StartTs                uint64
	MppQueryID             MPPQueryID
	GatherID               uint64
	ID                     int64 // identify a single task
	MppVersion             MppVersion
	CoordinatorAddress     string
	ReportExecutionSummary bool
	State                  MppTaskStates
	ResourceGroupName      string
	ConnectionID           uint64
	ConnectionAlias        string

MPPDispatchRequest stands for a dispatching task.

type MPPQueryID

type MPPQueryID struct {
	QueryTs      uint64 // timestamp of query execution, used for TiFlash minTSO schedule
	LocalQueryID uint64 // unique mpp query id in local tidb memory.
	ServerID     uint64

MPPQueryID means the global unique id of a mpp query.

type MPPTask

type MPPTask struct {
	Meta         MPPTaskMeta // on which store this task will execute
	ID           int64       // mppTaskID
	StartTs      uint64
	GatherID     uint64
	MppQueryID   MPPQueryID
	TableID      int64      // physical table id
	MppVersion   MppVersion // mpp version
	SessionID    uint64
	SessionAlias string

	PartitionTableIDs  []int64
	TiFlashStaticPrune bool

MPPTask means the minimum execution unit of a mpp computation job.

func (*MPPTask) ToPB

func (t *MPPTask) ToPB() *mpp.TaskMeta

ToPB generates the pb structure.

type MPPTaskMeta

type MPPTaskMeta interface {
	// GetAddress indicates which node this task should execute on.
	GetAddress() string

MPPTaskMeta means the meta info such as location of a mpp task.

type MemAwareHandleMap

type MemAwareHandleMap[V any] struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

MemAwareHandleMap is similar to HandleMap, but it's aware of its memory usage and doesn't support delete. It only tracks the actual sizes. Objects that are pointed to by the key or value are not tracked. Those should be tracked by the caller.

func NewMemAwareHandleMap

func NewMemAwareHandleMap[V any]() *MemAwareHandleMap[V]

NewMemAwareHandleMap creates a new map for handle.

func (*MemAwareHandleMap[V]) Get

func (m *MemAwareHandleMap[V]) Get(h Handle) (v V, ok bool)

Get gets a value by a Handle.

func (*MemAwareHandleMap[V]) Range

func (m *MemAwareHandleMap[V]) Range(fn func(h Handle, val V) bool)

Range iterates the MemAwareHandleMap with fn, the fn returns true to continue, returns false to stop.

func (*MemAwareHandleMap[V]) Set

func (m *MemAwareHandleMap[V]) Set(h Handle, val V) int64

Set sets a value with a Handle.

type MemBuffer

type MemBuffer interface {

	// RLock locks the MemBuffer for shared read.
	// In the most case, MemBuffer will only used by single goroutine,
	// but it will be read by multiple goroutine when combined with executor.UnionScanExec.
	// To avoid race introduced by executor.UnionScanExec, MemBuffer expose read lock for it.
	// RUnlock unlocks the MemBuffer.

	// GetFlags returns the latest flags associated with key.
	GetFlags(Key) (KeyFlags, error)
	// SetWithFlags put key-value into the last active staging buffer with the given KeyFlags.
	SetWithFlags(Key, []byte, ...FlagsOp) error
	// UpdateFlags updates the flags associated with key.
	UpdateFlags(Key, ...FlagsOp)
	// DeleteWithFlags delete key with the given KeyFlags
	DeleteWithFlags(Key, ...FlagsOp) error

	// Staging create a new staging buffer inside the MemBuffer.
	// Subsequent writes will be temporarily stored in this new staging buffer.
	// When you think all modifications looks good, you can call `Release` to public all of them to the upper level buffer.
	Staging() StagingHandle
	// Release publish all modifications in the latest staging buffer to upper level.
	// Cleanup cleanup the resources referenced by the StagingHandle.
	// If the changes are not published by `Release`, they will be discarded.
	// InspectStage used to inspect the value updates in the given stage.
	InspectStage(StagingHandle, func(Key, KeyFlags, []byte))

	// SnapshotGetter returns a Getter for a snapshot of MemBuffer.
	SnapshotGetter() Getter
	// SnapshotIter returns a Iterator for a snapshot of MemBuffer.
	SnapshotIter(k, upperbound Key) Iterator
	// SnapshotIterReverse returns a reverse Iterator for a snapshot of MemBuffer.
	SnapshotIterReverse(k, lowerBound Key) Iterator

	// Len returns the number of entries in the DB.
	Len() int

	// Size returns sum of keys and values length.
	Size() int

	// RemoveFromBuffer removes the entry from the buffer. It's used for testing.

	// GetLocal checks if the key exists in the buffer in local memory.
	GetLocal(context.Context, []byte) ([]byte, error)

	// BatchGet gets values from the memory buffer.
	BatchGet(ctx context.Context, keys [][]byte) (map[string][]byte, error)

MemBuffer is an in-memory kv collection, can be used to buffer write operations.

type MemManager

type MemManager interface {
	// UnionGet gets the value from cacheDB first, if it not exists,
	// it gets the value from the snapshot, then caches the value in cacheDB.
	UnionGet(ctx context.Context, tid int64, snapshot Snapshot, key Key) ([]byte, error)
	// Delete releases the cache by tableID.
	Delete(tableID int64)

MemManager adds a cache between transaction buffer and the storage to reduce requests to the storage. Beware, it uses table ID for partition tables, because the keys are unique for partition tables. no matter the physical IDs are the same or not.

func NewCacheDB

func NewCacheDB() MemManager

NewCacheDB news the cacheDB.

type MppCoordinator

type MppCoordinator interface {
	// Execute generates and executes mpp tasks for mpp physical plan.
	Execute(ctx context.Context) (Response, []KeyRange, error)
	// Next returns next data
	Next(ctx context.Context) (ResultSubset, error)
	// ReportStatus report task execution info to coordinator
	// It shouldn't change any state outside coordinator itself, since the query which generated the coordinator may not exist
	ReportStatus(info ReportStatusRequest) error
	// Close and release the used resources.
	Close() error
	// IsClosed returns whether mpp coordinator is closed or not
	IsClosed() bool
	// GetComputationCnt returns the number of node cnt that involved in the MPP computation.
	GetNodeCnt() int

MppCoordinator describes the basic api for executing mpp physical plan.

type MppTaskStates

type MppTaskStates uint8

MppTaskStates denotes the state of mpp tasks

const (
	// MppTaskReady means the task is ready
	MppTaskReady MppTaskStates = iota
	// MppTaskRunning means the task is running
	// MppTaskCancelled means the task is cancelled
	// MppTaskDone means the task is done

type MppVersion

type MppVersion int64

MppVersion indicates the mpp-version used to build mpp plan

func GetNewestMppVersion

func GetNewestMppVersion() MppVersion

GetNewestMppVersion returns the mpp-version can be used in mpp plan

func ToMppVersion

func ToMppVersion(name string) (MppVersion, bool)

ToMppVersion transforms string to MppVersion

func (MppVersion) ToInt64

func (v MppVersion) ToInt64() int64

ToInt64 transforms MppVersion to int64

type Mutator

type Mutator interface {
	// Set sets the value for key k as v into kv store.
	// v must NOT be nil or empty, otherwise it returns ErrCannotSetNilValue.
	Set(k Key, v []byte) error
	// Delete removes the entry for key k from kv store.
	Delete(k Key) error

Mutator is the interface wraps the basic Set and Delete methods.

type PartitionHandle

type PartitionHandle struct {
	PartitionID int64

PartitionHandle combines a handle and a PartitionID, used to location a row in partitioned table.

func NewPartitionHandle

func NewPartitionHandle(pid int64, h Handle) PartitionHandle

NewPartitionHandle creates a PartitionHandle from a normal handle and a pid.

func (PartitionHandle) Compare

func (ph PartitionHandle) Compare(h Handle) int

Compare implements the Handle interface.

func (PartitionHandle) Copy

func (ph PartitionHandle) Copy() Handle

Copy implements the Handle interface.

func (PartitionHandle) Equal

func (ph PartitionHandle) Equal(h Handle) bool

Equal implements the Handle interface.

func (PartitionHandle) ExtraMemSize

func (ph PartitionHandle) ExtraMemSize() uint64

ExtraMemSize implements the Handle interface.

func (PartitionHandle) MemUsage

func (ph PartitionHandle) MemUsage() uint64

MemUsage implements the Handle interface.

type PartitionIDAndRanges

type PartitionIDAndRanges struct {
	ID        int64
	KeyRanges []KeyRange

PartitionIDAndRanges used by PartitionTableScan in tiflash.

type ReplicaReadType

type ReplicaReadType byte

ReplicaReadType is the type of replica to read data from

const (
	// ReplicaReadLeader stands for 'read from leader'.
	ReplicaReadLeader ReplicaReadType = iota
	// ReplicaReadFollower stands for 'read from follower'.
	// ReplicaReadMixed stands for 'read from leader and follower'.
	// ReplicaReadClosest stands for 'read from leader and follower which locates with the same zone'
	// ReplicaReadClosestAdaptive stands for 'read from follower which locates in the same zone if the response size exceeds certain threshold'
	// ReplicaReadLearner stands for 'read from learner'.
	// ReplicaReadPreferLeader stands for 'read from leader and auto-turn to followers if leader is abnormal'.

func (ReplicaReadType) IsClosestRead

func (r ReplicaReadType) IsClosestRead() bool

IsClosestRead checks whether is going to request closet store to read

func (ReplicaReadType) IsFollowerRead

func (r ReplicaReadType) IsFollowerRead() bool

IsFollowerRead checks if follower is going to be used to read data.

type ReportStatusRequest

type ReportStatusRequest struct {
	Request *mpp.ReportTaskStatusRequest

ReportStatusRequest wraps mpp ReportStatusRequest

type Request

type Request struct {
	// Tp is the request type.
	Tp      int64
	StartTs uint64
	Data    []byte

	// KeyRanges makes sure that the request is sent first by partition then by region.
	// When the table is small, it's possible that multiple partitions are in the same region.
	KeyRanges *KeyRanges

	// For PartitionTableScan used by tiflash.
	PartitionIDAndRanges []PartitionIDAndRanges

	// Concurrency is 1, if it only sends the request to a single storage unit when
	// ResponseIterator.Next is called. If concurrency is greater than 1, the request will be
	// sent to multiple storage units concurrently.
	Concurrency int
	// IsolationLevel is the isolation level, default is SI.
	IsolationLevel IsoLevel
	// Priority is the priority of this KV request, its value may be PriorityNormal/PriorityLow/PriorityHigh.
	Priority int
	// memTracker is used to trace and control memory usage in co-processor layer.
	MemTracker *memory.Tracker
	// KeepOrder is true, if the response should be returned in order.
	KeepOrder bool
	// Desc is true, if the request is sent in descending order.
	Desc bool
	// NotFillCache makes this request do not touch the LRU cache of the underlying storage.
	NotFillCache bool
	// ReplicaRead is used for reading data from replicas, only follower is supported at this time.
	ReplicaRead ReplicaReadType
	// StoreType represents this request is sent to the which type of store.
	StoreType StoreType
	// Cacheable is true if the request can be cached. Currently only deterministic DAG requests can be cached.
	Cacheable bool
	// SchemaVer is for any schema-ful storage to validate schema correctness if necessary.
	SchemaVar int64
	// BatchCop indicates whether send batch coprocessor request to tiflash.
	BatchCop bool
	// TaskID is an unique ID for an execution of a statement
	TaskID uint64
	// TiDBServerID is the specified TiDB serverID to execute request. `0` means all TiDB instances.
	TiDBServerID uint64
	// TxnScope is the scope of the txn
	TxnScope string
	// ReadReplicaScope is the scope of the read replica.
	ReadReplicaScope string
	// IsStaleness indicates whether the request read staleness data
	IsStaleness bool
	// ClosestReplicaReadAdjuster used to adjust a copr request.
	ClosestReplicaReadAdjuster CoprRequestAdjuster
	// MatchStoreLabels indicates the labels the store should be matched
	MatchStoreLabels []*metapb.StoreLabel
	// ResourceGroupTagger indicates the kv request task group tagger.
	ResourceGroupTagger *ResourceGroupTagBuilder
	// Paging indicates whether the request is a paging request.
	Paging struct {
		Enable bool
		// MinPagingSize is used when Paging is true.
		MinPagingSize uint64
		// MaxPagingSize is used when Paging is true.
		MaxPagingSize uint64
	// RequestSource indicates whether the request is an internal request.
	RequestSource util.RequestSource
	// StoreBatchSize indicates the batch size of coprocessor in the same store.
	StoreBatchSize int
	// ResourceGroupName is the name of the bind resource group.
	ResourceGroupName string
	// LimitSize indicates whether the request is scan and limit
	LimitSize uint64
	// StoreBusyThreshold is the threshold for the store to return ServerIsBusy
	StoreBusyThreshold time.Duration
	// TiKVClientReadTimeout is the timeout of kv read request
	TiKVClientReadTimeout uint64
	// MaxExecutionTime is the timeout of the whole query execution
	MaxExecutionTime uint64

	RunawayChecker resourcegroup.RunawayChecker

	// ConnID stores the session connection id.
	ConnID uint64
	// ConnAlias stores the session connection alias.
	ConnAlias string

Request represents a kv request.

type RequestSource

type RequestSource = util.RequestSource

RequestSource is the scope and type of the request and it's passed by go context.

type RequestTypeSupportedChecker

type RequestTypeSupportedChecker struct{}

RequestTypeSupportedChecker is used to check expression can be pushed down.

func (RequestTypeSupportedChecker) IsRequestTypeSupported

func (d RequestTypeSupportedChecker) IsRequestTypeSupported(reqType, subType int64) bool

IsRequestTypeSupported checks whether reqType is supported.

type ResourceGroupTagBuilder

type ResourceGroupTagBuilder struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

ResourceGroupTagBuilder is used to build the resource group tag for a kv request.

func NewResourceGroupTagBuilder

func NewResourceGroupTagBuilder() *ResourceGroupTagBuilder

NewResourceGroupTagBuilder creates a new ResourceGroupTagBuilder.

func (*ResourceGroupTagBuilder) Build

func (b *ResourceGroupTagBuilder) Build(req *tikvrpc.Request)

Build builds the resource group tag for the request.

func (*ResourceGroupTagBuilder) BuildProtoTagger

func (b *ResourceGroupTagBuilder) BuildProtoTagger() tikvrpc.ResourceGroupTagger

BuildProtoTagger sets the access key for the request.

func (*ResourceGroupTagBuilder) EncodeTagWithKey

func (b *ResourceGroupTagBuilder) EncodeTagWithKey(key []byte) []byte

EncodeTagWithKey encodes the resource group tag, returns the encoded bytes.

func (*ResourceGroupTagBuilder) SetPlanDigest

func (b *ResourceGroupTagBuilder) SetPlanDigest(digest *parser.Digest) *ResourceGroupTagBuilder

SetPlanDigest sets the plan digest for the request.

func (*ResourceGroupTagBuilder) SetSQLDigest

SetSQLDigest sets the sql digest for the request.

type Response

type Response interface {
	// Next returns a resultSubset from a single storage unit.
	// When full result set is returned, nil is returned.
	Next(ctx context.Context) (resultSubset ResultSubset, err error)
	// Close response.
	Close() error

Response represents the response returned from KV layer.

type ResultSubset

type ResultSubset interface {
	// GetData gets the data.
	GetData() []byte
	// GetStartKey gets the start key.
	GetStartKey() Key
	// MemSize returns how many bytes of memory this result use for tracing memory usage.
	MemSize() int64
	// RespTime returns the response time for the request.
	RespTime() time.Duration

ResultSubset represents a result subset from a single storage unit. TODO: Find a better interface for ResultSubset that can reuse bytes.

type Retriever

type Retriever interface {
	// Iter creates an Iterator positioned on the first entry that k <= entry's key.
	// If such entry is not found, it returns an invalid Iterator with no error.
	// It yields only keys that < upperBound. If upperBound is nil, it means the upperBound is unbounded.
	// The Iterator must be Closed after use.
	Iter(k Key, upperBound Key) (Iterator, error)

	// IterReverse creates a reversed Iterator positioned on the first entry which key is less than k.
	// The returned iterator will iterate from greater key to smaller key.
	// If k is nil, the returned iterator will be positioned at the last key.
	// It yields only keys that >= lowerBound. If lowerBound is nil, it means the lowerBound is unbounded.
	IterReverse(k, lowerBound Key) (Iterator, error)

Retriever is the interface wraps the basic Get and Seek methods.

type RetrieverMutator

type RetrieverMutator interface {

RetrieverMutator is the interface that groups Retriever and Mutator interfaces.

type Snapshot

type Snapshot interface {
	// BatchGet gets a batch of values from snapshot.
	BatchGet(ctx context.Context, keys []Key) (map[string][]byte, error)
	// SetOption sets an option with a value, when val is nil, uses the default
	// value of this option. Only ReplicaRead is supported for snapshot
	SetOption(opt int, val any)

Snapshot defines the interface for the snapshot fetched from KV store.

type SnapshotInterceptor

type SnapshotInterceptor interface {
	// OnGet intercepts Get operation for Snapshot
	OnGet(ctx context.Context, snap Snapshot, k Key) ([]byte, error)
	// OnBatchGet intercepts BatchGet operation for Snapshot
	OnBatchGet(ctx context.Context, snap Snapshot, keys []Key) (map[string][]byte, error)
	// OnIter intercepts Iter operation for Snapshot
	OnIter(snap Snapshot, k Key, upperBound Key) (Iterator, error)
	// OnIterReverse intercepts IterReverse operation for Snapshot
	OnIterReverse(snap Snapshot, k Key, lowerBound Key) (Iterator, error)

SnapshotInterceptor is used to intercept snapshot's read operation

type SplittableStore

type SplittableStore interface {
	SplitRegions(ctx context.Context, splitKey [][]byte, scatter bool, tableID *int64) (regionID []uint64, err error)
	WaitScatterRegionFinish(ctx context.Context, regionID uint64, backOff int) error
	CheckRegionInScattering(regionID uint64) (bool, error)

SplittableStore is the kv store which supports split regions.

type StagingHandle

type StagingHandle int

StagingHandle is the reference of a staging buffer.

var (
	// InvalidStagingHandle is an invalid handler, MemBuffer will check handler to ensure safety.
	InvalidStagingHandle StagingHandle = 0
	// LastActiveStagingHandle is an special handler which always point to the last active staging buffer.
	LastActiveStagingHandle StagingHandle = -1

type Storage

type Storage interface {
	// Begin a global transaction
	Begin(opts ...tikv.TxnOption) (Transaction, error)
	// GetSnapshot gets a snapshot that is able to read any data which data is <= ver.
	// if ver is MaxVersion or > current max committed version, we will use current version for this snapshot.
	GetSnapshot(ver Version) Snapshot
	// GetClient gets a client instance.
	GetClient() Client
	// GetMPPClient gets a mpp client instance.
	GetMPPClient() MPPClient
	// Close store
	Close() error
	// UUID return a unique ID which represents a Storage.
	UUID() string
	// CurrentVersion returns current max committed version with the given txnScope (local or global).
	CurrentVersion(txnScope string) (Version, error)
	// GetOracle gets a timestamp oracle client.
	GetOracle() oracle.Oracle
	// SupportDeleteRange gets the storage support delete range or not.
	SupportDeleteRange() (supported bool)
	// Name gets the name of the storage engine
	Name() string
	// Describe returns of brief introduction of the storage
	Describe() string
	// ShowStatus returns the specified status of the storage
	ShowStatus(ctx context.Context, key string) (any, error)
	// GetMemCache return memory manager of the storage.
	GetMemCache() MemManager
	// GetMinSafeTS return the minimal SafeTS of the storage with given txnScope.
	GetMinSafeTS(txnScope string) uint64
	// GetLockWaits return all lock wait information
	GetLockWaits() ([]*deadlockpb.WaitForEntry, error)
	// GetCodec gets the codec of the storage.
	GetCodec() tikv.Codec
	// SetOption is a thin wrapper around sync.Map.
	SetOption(k any, v any)
	// GetOption is a thin wrapper around sync.Map.
	GetOption(k any) (any, bool)

Storage defines the interface for storage. Isolation should be at least SI(SNAPSHOT ISOLATION)

func NewInjectedStore

func NewInjectedStore(store Storage, cfg *InjectionConfig) Storage

NewInjectedStore creates a InjectedStore with config.

type StorageWithPD

type StorageWithPD interface {
	GetPDClient() pd.Client
	GetPDHTTPClient() pdhttp.Client

StorageWithPD is used to get pd client.

type StoreType

type StoreType uint8

StoreType represents the type of storage engine.

const (
	// TiKV means the type of store engine is TiKV.
	TiKV StoreType = iota
	// TiFlash means the type of store engine is TiFlash.
	// TiDB means the type of store engine is TiDB.
	// used to read memory data from other instances to have a global view of the
	// data, such as for information_schema.cluster_slow_query.
	// UnSpecified means the store engine type is unknown
	UnSpecified = 255

func (StoreType) Name

func (t StoreType) Name() string

Name returns the name of store type.

type Transaction

type Transaction interface {
	// Size returns sum of keys and values length.
	Size() int
	// Mem returns the memory consumption of the transaction.
	Mem() uint64
	// SetMemoryFootprintChangeHook sets the hook that will be called when the memory footprint changes.
	// MemHookSet returns whether the memory footprint change hook is set.
	MemHookSet() bool
	// Len returns the number of entries in the DB.
	Len() int
	// Commit commits the transaction operations to KV store.
	Commit(context.Context) error
	// Rollback undoes the transaction operations to KV store.
	Rollback() error
	// String implements fmt.Stringer interface.
	String() string
	// LockKeys tries to lock the entries with the keys in KV store.
	// Will block until all keys are locked successfully or an error occurs.
	LockKeys(ctx context.Context, lockCtx *LockCtx, keys ...Key) error
	// LockKeysFunc tries to lock the entries with the keys in KV store.
	// Will block until all keys are locked successfully or an error occurs.
	// fn is called before LockKeys unlocks the keys.
	LockKeysFunc(ctx context.Context, lockCtx *LockCtx, fn func(), keys ...Key) error
	// SetOption sets an option with a value, when val is nil, uses the default
	// value of this option.
	SetOption(opt int, val any)
	// GetOption returns the option
	GetOption(opt int) any
	// IsReadOnly checks if the transaction has only performed read operations.
	IsReadOnly() bool
	// StartTS returns the transaction start timestamp.
	StartTS() uint64
	// CommitTS returns the transaction commit timestamp if it is committed; otherwise it returns 0.
	CommitTS() uint64
	// Valid returns if the transaction is valid.
	// A transaction become invalid after commit or rollback.
	Valid() bool
	// GetMemBuffer return the MemBuffer binding to this transaction.
	GetMemBuffer() MemBuffer
	// GetSnapshot returns the Snapshot binding to this transaction.
	GetSnapshot() Snapshot
	// SetVars sets variables to the transaction.
	SetVars(vars any)
	// GetVars gets variables from the transaction.
	GetVars() any
	// BatchGet gets kv from the memory buffer of statement and transaction, and the kv storage.
	// Do not use len(value) == 0 or value == nil to represent non-exist.
	// If a key doesn't exist, there shouldn't be any corresponding entry in the result map.
	BatchGet(ctx context.Context, keys []Key) (map[string][]byte, error)
	IsPessimistic() bool
	// CacheTableInfo caches the index name.
	// PresumeKeyNotExists will use this to help decode error message.
	CacheTableInfo(id int64, info *model.TableInfo)
	// GetTableInfo returns the cached index name.
	// If there is no such index already inserted through CacheIndexName, it will return UNKNOWN.
	GetTableInfo(id int64) *model.TableInfo

	// SetDiskFullOpt set allowed options of current operation in each TiKV disk usage level.
	SetDiskFullOpt(level kvrpcpb.DiskFullOpt)
	// ClearDiskFullOpt clear allowed flag

	// GetMemDBCheckpoint gets the transaction's memDB checkpoint.
	GetMemDBCheckpoint() *tikv.MemDBCheckpoint

	// RollbackMemDBToCheckpoint rollbacks the transaction's memDB to the specified checkpoint.

	// UpdateMemBufferFlags updates the flags of a node in the mem buffer.
	UpdateMemBufferFlags(key []byte, flags ...FlagsOp)
	// IsPipelined returns whether the transaction is used for pipelined DML.
	IsPipelined() bool
	// MayFlush flush the pipelined memdb if the keys or size exceeds threshold, no effect for standard DML.
	MayFlush() error

Transaction defines the interface for operations inside a Transaction. This is not thread safe.

type TxnScopeVar

type TxnScopeVar struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

TxnScopeVar indicates the used txnScope for oracle

func NewDefaultTxnScopeVar

func NewDefaultTxnScopeVar() TxnScopeVar

NewDefaultTxnScopeVar creates a default TxnScopeVar according to the config. If zone label is set, we will check whether it's not the GlobalTxnScope and create a new Local TxnScopeVar. If zone label is not set, we will create a new Global TxnScopeVar.

func NewGlobalTxnScopeVar

func NewGlobalTxnScopeVar() TxnScopeVar

NewGlobalTxnScopeVar creates a Global TxnScopeVar

func NewLocalTxnScopeVar

func NewLocalTxnScopeVar(txnScope string) TxnScopeVar

NewLocalTxnScopeVar creates a Local TxnScopeVar with given real txnScope value.

func (TxnScopeVar) GetTxnScope

func (t TxnScopeVar) GetTxnScope() string

GetTxnScope returns the value of the tidb-server holds to request tso to pd. When varValue is 'global`, directly return global here

func (TxnScopeVar) GetVarValue

func (t TxnScopeVar) GetVarValue() string

GetVarValue returns the value of @@txn_scope which can only be `global` or `local`

type TxnSizeLimits

type TxnSizeLimits struct {
	Entry uint64
	Total uint64

TxnSizeLimits is the argument type for `SizeLimits` option

type Variables

type Variables = tikv.Variables

Variables defines the variables used by KV storage. TODO:remove it when br is ready.

func NewVariables

func NewVariables(killed *uint32) *Variables

NewVariables create a new Variables instance with default values. TODO:remove it when br is ready.

type Version

type Version struct {
	Ver uint64

Version is the wrapper of KV's version.

func NewVersion

func NewVersion(v uint64) Version

NewVersion creates a new Version struct.

func (Version) Cmp

func (v Version) Cmp(another Version) int

Cmp returns the comparison result of two versions. The result will be 0 if a==b, -1 if a < b, and +1 if a > b.

type VersionProvider

type VersionProvider interface {
	CurrentVersion() (Version, error)

VersionProvider provides increasing IDs.

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