
v1.1.0-beta.0...-2ec3e3e Latest Latest

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Published: Feb 26, 2025 License: Apache-2.0 Imports: 55 Imported by: 2,209




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const (

	// NewSessionDefaultRetryCnt is the default retry times when create new session.
	NewSessionDefaultRetryCnt = 3
	// NewSessionRetryUnlimited is the unlimited retry times when create new session.
	NewSessionRetryUnlimited = math.MaxInt64
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const (
	// DefaultMaxRetries indicates the max retry count.
	DefaultMaxRetries = 30
	// RetryInterval indicates retry interval.
	RetryInterval uint64 = 500
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const (
	// Country is type name for country.
	Country = "C"
	// Organization is type name for organization.
	Organization = "O"
	// OrganizationalUnit is type name for organizational unit.
	OrganizationalUnit = "OU"
	// Locality is type name for locality.
	Locality = "L"
	// Email is type name for email.
	Email = "emailAddress"
	// CommonName is type name for common name.
	CommonName = "CN"
	// Province is type name for province or state.
	Province = "ST"
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const (
	// URI indicates uri info in SAN.
	URI = SANType("URI")
	// DNS indicates dns info in SAN.
	DNS = SANType("DNS")
	// IP indicates ip info in SAN.
	IP = SANType("IP")
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const (
	// MaxServerID is maximum serverID.
	MaxServerID = 1<<22 - 1


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var (
	// InformationSchemaName is the `INFORMATION_SCHEMA` database name.
	InformationSchemaName = model.NewCIStr("INFORMATION_SCHEMA")
	// PerformanceSchemaName is the `PERFORMANCE_SCHEMA` database name.
	PerformanceSchemaName = model.NewCIStr("PERFORMANCE_SCHEMA")
	// MetricSchemaName is the `METRICS_SCHEMA` database name.
	MetricSchemaName = model.NewCIStr("METRICS_SCHEMA")
	// ClusterTableInstanceColumnName is the `INSTANCE` column name of the cluster table.
	ClusterTableInstanceColumnName = "INSTANCE"
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var (
	Version   = "None"
	BuildTS   = "None"
	GitHash   = "None"
	GitBranch = "None"

Version information.

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var GetSequenceByName func(is interface{}, schema, sequence model.CIStr) (SequenceTable, error)

GetSequenceByName could be used in expression package without import cycle problem.

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var SupportCipher = make(map[string]struct{}, len(tlsCipherString))

SupportCipher maintains cipher supported by TiDB.


func ChanMap

func ChanMap[T, R any](c <-chan T, f func(T) R) <-chan R

ChanMap creates a channel which applies the function over the input Channel. Hint of Resource Leakage: In golang, channel isn't an interface so we must create a goroutine for handling the inputs. Hence the input channel must be closed properly or this function may leak a goroutine.

func CheckSupportX509NameOneline

func CheckSupportX509NameOneline(oneline string) (err error)

CheckSupportX509NameOneline parses and validate input str is X509_NAME_oneline format and precheck check-item is supported by TiDB https://www.openssl.org/docs/manmaster/man3/X509_NAME_oneline.html

func ClientWithTLS

func ClientWithTLS(tlsCfg *tls.Config) *http.Client

ClientWithTLS creates a http client wit tls

func ColumnToProto

func ColumnToProto(c *model.ColumnInfo) *tipb.ColumnInfo

ColumnToProto converts model.ColumnInfo to tipb.ColumnInfo.

func ColumnsToProto

func ColumnsToProto(columns []*model.ColumnInfo, pkIsHandle bool) []*tipb.ColumnInfo

ColumnsToProto converts a slice of model.ColumnInfo to a slice of tipb.ColumnInfo.

func ComposeURL

func ComposeURL(address, path string) string

ComposeURL adds HTTP schema if missing and concats address with path

func CreateCertificates

func CreateCertificates(certpath string, keypath string, rsaKeySize int, pubKeyAlgo x509.PublicKeyAlgorithm,
	signAlgo x509.SignatureAlgorithm) error

CreateCertificates creates and writes a cert based on the params.

func DelKeyWithPrefix

func DelKeyWithPrefix(rm kv.RetrieverMutator, prefix kv.Key) error

DelKeyWithPrefix deletes keys with prefix.

func FmtNonASCIIPrintableCharToHex

func FmtNonASCIIPrintableCharToHex(str string) string

FmtNonASCIIPrintableCharToHex turns non-printable-ASCII characters into Hex

func GenLogFields

func GenLogFields(costTime time.Duration, info *ProcessInfo, needTruncateSQL bool) []zap.Field

GenLogFields generate log fields.

func GenRLimit

func GenRLimit() uint64

GenRLimit get RLIMIT_NOFILE limit

func GetAutoAnalyzeProcID

func GetAutoAnalyzeProcID(serverIDGetter func() uint64) uint64

GetAutoAnalyzeProcID returns processID for auto analyze TODO support IDs for concurrent auto-analyze

func GetCPUPercentage

func GetCPUPercentage() float64

GetCPUPercentage calculates CPU usage and returns percentage in float64(e.g. 2.5 means 2.5%). http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man2/getrusage.2.html

func GetGOGC

func GetGOGC() int

GetGOGC returns the current value of GOGC.

func GetJSON

func GetJSON(client *http.Client, url string, v interface{}) error

GetJSON fetches a page and parses it as JSON. The parsed result will be stored into the `v`. The variable `v` must be a pointer to a type that can be unmarshalled from JSON.


client := &http.Client{}
var resp struct { IP string }
if err := util.GetJSON(client, "http://api.ipify.org/?format=json", &resp); err != nil {
	return errors.Trace(err)

func GetLocalIP

func GetLocalIP() string

GetLocalIP will return a local IP(non-loopback, non, if there is one

func GetRawInfo

func GetRawInfo(app string) string

GetRawInfo do what its name tells

func HasCancelled

func HasCancelled(ctx context.Context) (cancel bool)

HasCancelled checks whether context has be cancelled.

func InternalHTTPClient

func InternalHTTPClient() *http.Client

InternalHTTPClient is used by TiDB-Server to request other components.

func InternalHTTPSchema

func InternalHTTPSchema() string

InternalHTTPSchema specifies use http or https to request other components.

func IsMemDB

func IsMemDB(dbLowerName string) bool

IsMemDB checks whether dbLowerName is memory database.

func IsMemOrSysDB

func IsMemOrSysDB(dbLowerName string) bool

IsMemOrSysDB uses to check whether dbLowerName is memory database or system database.

func IsSysDB

func IsSysDB(dbLowerName string) bool

IsSysDB checks whether dbLowerName is system database.

func IsSystemView

func IsSystemView(dbLowerName string) bool

IsSystemView is similar to IsMemOrSyDB, but does not include the mysql schema

func IsTLSExpiredError

func IsTLSExpiredError(err error) bool

IsTLSExpiredError checks error is caused by TLS expired.

func LoadTLSCertificates

func LoadTLSCertificates(ca, key, cert string, autoTLS bool, rsaKeySize int) (tlsConfig *tls.Config, autoReload bool, err error)

LoadTLSCertificates loads CA/KEY/CERT for special paths.

func MockPkixAttribute

func MockPkixAttribute(name, value string) pkix.AttributeTypeAndValue

MockPkixAttribute generates mock AttributeTypeAndValue. only used for test.

func NewSession

func NewSession(ctx context.Context, logPrefix string, etcdCli *clientv3.Client, retryCnt, ttl int) (*concurrency.Session, error)

NewSession creates a new etcd session.

func NewTLSConfig

func NewTLSConfig(opts ...TLSConfigOption) (*tls.Config, error)

NewTLSConfig creates a tls.Config from the given options. If no certificate is provided, it will return (nil, nil).

func OriginError

func OriginError(err error) error

OriginError return original err

func ParseAndCheckSAN

func ParseAndCheckSAN(san string) (map[SANType][]string, error)

ParseAndCheckSAN parses and check SAN str.

func ParseHostPortAddr

func ParseHostPortAddr(s string) ([]string, error)

ParseHostPortAddr returns a scheme://host:port or host:port list

func PrintInfo

func PrintInfo(app string)

PrintInfo prints the app's basic information in log

func PrintableASCII

func PrintableASCII(b byte) bool

PrintableASCII detects if b is a printable ASCII character. Ref to:http://facweb.cs.depaul.edu/sjost/it212/documents/ascii-pr.htm

func QueryStrForLog

func QueryStrForLog(query string) string

QueryStrForLog trim the query if the query length more than 4096

func Recover

func Recover(metricsLabel, funcInfo string, recoverFn func(), quit bool)

Recover includes operations such as recovering, clearing,and printing information. It will dump current goroutine stack into log if catch any recover result.

metricsLabel: The label of PanicCounter metrics.
funcInfo:     Some information for the panic function.
recoverFn:    Handler will be called after recover and before dump stack, passing `nil` means noop.
quit:         If this value is true, the current program exits after recovery.

func RowKeyPrefixFilter

func RowKeyPrefixFilter(rowKeyPrefix kv.Key) kv.FnKeyCmp

RowKeyPrefixFilter returns a function which checks whether currentKey has decoded rowKeyPrefix as prefix.

func RunWithRetry

func RunWithRetry(retryCnt int, backoff uint64, f func() (bool, error)) (err error)

RunWithRetry will run the f with backoff and retry. retryCnt: Max retry count backoff: When run f failed, it will sleep backoff * triedCount time.Millisecond. Function f should have two return value. The first one is an bool which indicate if the err if retryable. The second is if the f meet any error.

func ScanMetaWithPrefix

func ScanMetaWithPrefix(retriever kv.Retriever, prefix kv.Key, filter func(kv.Key, []byte) bool) error

ScanMetaWithPrefix scans metadata with the prefix.

func SetGOGC

func SetGOGC(val int) int

SetGOGC update GOGC and related metrics.

func SliceToMap

func SliceToMap(slice []string) map[string]interface{}

SliceToMap converts slice to map nolint:unused

func Str2Int64Map

func Str2Int64Map(str string) map[int64]struct{}

Str2Int64Map converts a string to a map[int64]struct{}.

func StringsToInterfaces

func StringsToInterfaces(strs []string) []interface{}

StringsToInterfaces converts string slice to interface slice

func SyntaxError

func SyntaxError(err error) error

SyntaxError converts parser error to TiDB's syntax error.

func SyntaxWarn

func SyntaxWarn(err error) error

SyntaxWarn converts parser warn to TiDB's syntax warn.

func TLSCipher2String

func TLSCipher2String(n uint16) string

TLSCipher2String convert tls num to string. Taken from https://testssl.sh/openssl-rfc.mapping.html .

func TSOToRoughTime

func TSOToRoughTime(ts int64) time.Time

TSOToRoughTime translates tso to rough time that used to display

func ToTLSConfig

func ToTLSConfig(caPath, certPath, keyPath string) (*tls.Config, error)

ToTLSConfig generates tls's config.

func ToTLSConfigWithVerify

func ToTLSConfigWithVerify(caPath, certPath, keyPath string, verifyCN []string) (*tls.Config, error)

ToTLSConfigWithVerify constructs a `*tls.Config` from the CA, certification and key paths, and add verify for CN.

If the CA path is empty, returns nil.

func WithRecovery

func WithRecovery(exec func(), recoverFn func(r interface{}))

WithRecovery wraps goroutine startup call with force recovery. it will dump current goroutine stack into log if catch any recover result.

exec:      execute logic function.
recoverFn: handler will be called after recover and before dump stack, passing `nil` means noop.

func X509NameOnline

func X509NameOnline(n pkix.Name) string

X509NameOnline prints pkix.Name into old X509_NAME_oneline format. https://www.openssl.org/docs/manmaster/man3/X509_NAME_oneline.html


type GlobalConnID

type GlobalConnID struct {
	ServerIDGetter func() uint64
	ServerID       uint64
	LocalConnID    uint64
	Is64bits       bool

GlobalConnID is the global connection ID, providing UNIQUE connection IDs across the whole TiDB cluster. 64 bits version:

 63 62                 41 40                                   1   0
|  |      serverId       |             local connId             |markup|
|=0|       (22b)         |                 (40b)                |  =1  |
32 bits version(coming soon):
 31                          1   0
|             ???             |markup|
|             ???             |  =0  |

func NewGlobalConnID

func NewGlobalConnID(serverID uint64, is64Bits bool) GlobalConnID

NewGlobalConnID creates GlobalConnID with serverID

func NewGlobalConnIDWithGetter

func NewGlobalConnIDWithGetter(serverIDGetter func() uint64, is64Bits bool) GlobalConnID

NewGlobalConnIDWithGetter creates GlobalConnID with serverIDGetter

func ParseGlobalConnID

func ParseGlobalConnID(id uint64) (g GlobalConnID, isTruncated bool, err error)

ParseGlobalConnID parses an uint64 to GlobalConnID.

`isTruncated` indicates that older versions of the client truncated the 64-bit GlobalConnID to 32-bit.

func (*GlobalConnID) ID

func (g *GlobalConnID) ID() uint64

ID returns the connection id

func (*GlobalConnID) NextID

func (g *GlobalConnID) NextID() uint64

NextID returns next connection id

type OOMAlarmVariablesInfo

type OOMAlarmVariablesInfo struct {
	SessionAnalyzeVersion         int
	SessionEnabledRateLimitAction bool
	SessionMemQuotaQuery          int64

OOMAlarmVariablesInfo is a struct for OOM alarm variables.

type ProcessInfo

type ProcessInfo struct {
	Time                  time.Time
	ExpensiveLogTime      time.Time
	Plan                  interface{}
	StmtCtx               *stmtctx.StatementContext
	RefCountOfStmtCtx     *stmtctx.ReferenceCount
	MemTracker            *memory.Tracker
	DiskTracker           *disk.Tracker
	StatsInfo             func(interface{}) map[string]uint64
	RuntimeStatsColl      *execdetails.RuntimeStatsColl
	DB                    string
	Digest                string
	Host                  string
	User                  string
	Info                  string
	Port                  string
	PlanExplainRows       [][]string
	TableIDs              []int64
	IndexNames            []string
	OOMAlarmVariablesInfo OOMAlarmVariablesInfo
	ID                    uint64
	CurTxnStartTS         uint64
	// MaxExecutionTime is the timeout for select statement, in milliseconds.
	// If the query takes too long, kill it.
	MaxExecutionTime uint64
	State            uint16
	Command          byte
	RedactSQL        bool

ProcessInfo is a struct used for show processlist statement.

func (*ProcessInfo) String

func (pi *ProcessInfo) String() string

func (*ProcessInfo) ToRow

func (pi *ProcessInfo) ToRow(tz *time.Location) []interface{}

ToRow returns []interface{} for the row data of "SELECT * FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.PROCESSLIST".

func (*ProcessInfo) ToRowForShow

func (pi *ProcessInfo) ToRowForShow(full bool) []interface{}

ToRowForShow returns []interface{} for the row data of "SHOW [FULL] PROCESSLIST".

type SANType

type SANType string

SANType is enum value for GlobalPrivValue.SANs keys.

type SequenceTable

type SequenceTable interface {
	GetSequenceID() int64
	GetSequenceNextVal(ctx interface{}, dbName, seqName string) (int64, error)
	SetSequenceVal(ctx interface{}, newVal int64, dbName, seqName string) (int64, bool, error)

SequenceTable is implemented by tableCommon, and it is specialised in handling sequence operation. Otherwise calling table will cause import cycle problem.

type SessionManager

type SessionManager interface {
	ShowProcessList() map[uint64]*ProcessInfo
	ShowTxnList() []*txninfo.TxnInfo
	GetProcessInfo(id uint64) (*ProcessInfo, bool)
	Kill(connectionID uint64, query bool)
	UpdateTLSConfig(cfg *tls.Config)
	ServerID() uint64
	// StoreInternalSession puts the internal session pointer to the map in the SessionManager.
	StoreInternalSession(se interface{})
	// DeleteInternalSession deletes the internal session pointer from the map in the SessionManager.
	DeleteInternalSession(se interface{})
	// GetInternalSessionStartTSList gets all startTS of every transactions running in the current internal sessions.
	GetInternalSessionStartTSList() []uint64
	// CheckOldRunningTxn checks if there is an old transaction running in the current sessions
	CheckOldRunningTxn(job2ver map[int64]int64, job2ids map[int64]string)
	// KillNonFlashbackClusterConn kill all non flashback cluster connections.

SessionManager is an interface for session manage. Show processlist and kill statement rely on this interface.

type TLS

type TLS struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

TLS saves some information about tls

func NewTLS

func NewTLS(caPath, certPath, keyPath, host string, verifyCN []string) (*TLS, error)

NewTLS constructs a new HTTP client with TLS configured with the CA, certificate and key paths.

If the CA path is empty, returns an instance where TLS is disabled.

func (*TLS) WrapListener

func (tc *TLS) WrapListener(l net.Listener) net.Listener

WrapListener places a TLS layer on top of the existing listener.

type TLSConfigOption

type TLSConfigOption func(*tlsConfigBuilder)

TLSConfigOption is used to build a tls.Config in NewTLSConfig.

func WithCAContent

func WithCAContent(caContent []byte) TLSConfigOption

WithCAContent sets the CA content to build a tls.Config, and the peer should use the certificate which can be verified by this CA. It has lower priority than WithCAPath. empty `caContent` is no-op.

func WithCAPath

func WithCAPath(caPath string) TLSConfigOption

WithCAPath sets the CA path to build a tls.Config, and the peer should use the certificate which can be verified by this CA. It has higher priority than WithCAContent. empty `caPath` is no-op.

func WithCertAndKeyContent

func WithCertAndKeyContent(certContent, keyContent []byte) TLSConfigOption

WithCertAndKeyContent sets the client certificate and primary key content to build a tls.Config. It has lower priority than WithCertAndKeyPath. empty `certContent`/`keyContent` is no-op.

func WithCertAndKeyPath

func WithCertAndKeyPath(certPath, keyPath string) TLSConfigOption

WithCertAndKeyPath sets the client certificate and primary key path to build a tls.Config. It has higher priority than WithCertAndKeyContent. empty `certPath`/`keyPath` is no-op. WithCertAndKeyPath also support rotation, which means if the client certificate or primary key file is changed, the new content will be used.

func WithVerifyCommonName

func WithVerifyCommonName(verifyCN []string) TLSConfigOption

WithVerifyCommonName sets the Common Name the peer must provide before starting a TLS connection. empty `verifyCN` is no-op.

type WaitGroupWrapper

type WaitGroupWrapper struct {

WaitGroupWrapper is a wrapper for sync.WaitGroup

func (*WaitGroupWrapper) Run

func (w *WaitGroupWrapper) Run(exec func())

Run runs a function in a goroutine, adds 1 to WaitGroup and calls done when function returns. Please DO NOT use panic in the cb function.

func (*WaitGroupWrapper) RunWithRecover

func (w *WaitGroupWrapper) RunWithRecover(exec func(), recoverFn func(r interface{}))

RunWithRecover wraps goroutine startup call with force recovery, add 1 to WaitGroup and call done when function return. it will dump current goroutine stack into log if catch any recover result. exec is that execute logic function. recoverFn is that handler will be called after recover and before dump stack, passing `nil` means noop.

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