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Published: May 28, 2024 License: Apache-2.0 Imports: 14 Imported by: 690



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An implementation of failpoints for Golang. Fail points are used to add code points where errors may be injected in a user controlled fashion. Fail point is a code snippet that is only executed when the corresponding failpoint is active.

Quick Start (use failpoint-ctl)

  1. Build failpoint-ctl from source

    git clone
    cd failpoint
    ls bin/failpoint-ctl
  2. Inject failpoints to your program, eg:

    package main
    import ""
    func main() {
        failpoint.Inject("testPanic", func() {
            panic("failpoint triggerd")
  3. Transfrom your code with failpoint-ctl enable

  4. Build with go build

  5. Enable failpoints with GO_FAILPOINTS environment variable

    GO_FAILPOINTS="main/testPanic=return(true)" ./your-program

    Note: GO_FAILPOINTS does not work with InjectCall type of marker.

  6. If you use go run to run the test, don't forget to add the generated binding__failpoint_binding__.go in your command, like:

    GO_FAILPOINTS="main/testPanic=return(true)" go run your-program.go binding__failpoint_binding__.go

Quick Start (use failpoint-toolexec)

  1. Build failpoint-toolexec from source

    git clone
    cd failpoint
    ls bin/failpoint-toolexec
  2. Inject failpoints to your program, eg:

    package main
    import ""
    func main() {
        failpoint.Inject("testPanic", func() {
            panic("failpoint triggerd")
  3. Use a separate build cache to avoid mixing caches without failpoint-toolexec, and build

    GOCACHE=/tmp/failpoint-cache go build -toolexec path/to/failpoint-toolexec

  4. Enable failpoints with GO_FAILPOINTS environment variable

    GO_FAILPOINTS="main/testPanic=return(true)" ./your-program
  5. You can also use go run or go test, like:

    GOCACHE=/tmp/failpoint-cache GO_FAILPOINTS="main/testPanic=return(true)" go run -toolexec path/to/failpoint-toolexec your-program.go

Design principles

  • Define failpoint in valid Golang code, not comments or anything else

  • Failpoint does not have any extra cost

    • Will not take effect on regular logic
    • Will not cause regular code performance regression
    • Failpoint code will not appear in the final binary
  • Failpoint routine is writable/readable and should be checked by a compiler

  • Generated code by failpoint definition is easy to read

  • Keep the line numbers same with the injecting codes(easier to debug)

  • Support parallel tests with context.Context

Key concepts

  • Failpoint

    Faillpoint is a code snippet that is only executed when the corresponding failpoint is active. The closure will never be executed if failpoint.Disable("failpoint-name-for-demo") is executed.

    var outerVar = "declare in outer scope"
    failpoint.Inject("failpoint-name-for-demo", func(val failpoint.Value) {
        fmt.Println("unit-test", val, outerVar)
  • Marker functions

    • It is just an empty function

      • To hint the rewriter to rewrite with an equality statement
      • To receive some parameters as the rewrite rule
      • It will be inline in the compiling time and emit nothing to binary (zero cost)
      • The variables in external scope can be accessed in closure by capturing, and the converted code is still legal because all the captured-variables location in outer scope of IF statement.
    • It is easy to write/read

    • Introduce a compiler check for failpoints which cannot compile in the regular mode if failpoint code is invalid

  • Marker funtion list

    • func Inject(fpname string, fpblock func(val Value)) {}
    • func InjectContext(fpname string, ctx context.Context, fpblock func(val Value)) {}
    • func InjectCall(fpname string, args ...any) {}
    • func Break(label ...string) {}
    • func Goto(label string) {}
    • func Continue(label ...string) {}
    • func Fallthrough() {}
    • func Return(results ...interface{}) {}
    • func Label(label string) {}
  • Supported failpoint environment variable

    failpoint can be enabled by export environment variables with the following patten, which is quite similar to freebsd failpoint SYSCTL VARIABLES

    Note: InjectCall cannot be enabled by environment variables.

    [<percent>%][<count>*]<type>[(args...)][-><more terms>]

    The argument specifies which action to take; it can be one of:

    • off: Take no action (does not trigger failpoint code)
    • return: Trigger failpoint with specified argument
    • sleep: Sleep the specified number of milliseconds
    • panic: Panic
    • break: Execute gdb and break into debugger
    • print: Print failpoint path for inject variable
    • pause: Pause will pause until the failpoint is disabled

How to inject a failpoint to your program

  • You can call failpoint.Inject to inject a failpoint to the call site, where failpoint-name is used to trigger the failpoint and failpoint-closure will be expanded as the body of the IF statement.

    failpoint.Inject("failpoint-name", func(val failpoint.Value) {
        failpoint.Return("unit-test", val)

    The converted code looks like:

    if val, _err_ := failpoint.Eval(_curpkg_("failpoint-name")); _err_ == nil {
        return "unit-test", val
  • failpoint.Value is the value that passes by failpoint.Enable("failpoint-name", "return(5)") which can be ignored.

    failpoint.Inject("failpoint-name", func(_ failpoint.Value) {


    failpoint.Inject("failpoint-name", func() {

    And the converted code looks like:

    if _, _err_ := failpoint.Eval(_curpkg_("failpoint-name")); _err_ == nil {
  • Also, the failpoint closure can be a function which takes context.Context. You can do some customized things with context.Context like controlling whether a failpoint is active in parallel tests or other cases. For example,

    failpoint.InjectContext(ctx, "failpoint-name", func(val failpoint.Value) {
        fmt.Println("unit-test", val)

    The converted code looks like:

    if val, _err_ := failpoint.EvalContext(ctx, _curpkg_("failpoint-name")); _err_ == nil {
        fmt.Println("unit-test", val)
  • You can ignore context.Context, and this will generate the same code as above non-context version. For example,

    failpoint.InjectContext(nil, "failpoint-name", func(val failpoint.Value) {
        fmt.Println("unit-test", val)


    if val, _err_ := failpoint.EvalContext(nil, _curpkg_("failpoint-name")); _err_ == nil {
        fmt.Println("unit-test", val)
  • You can use failpoint.InjectCall to inject a function call, this type of marker can only be enabled using failpoint.EnableCall and it must be called in the same process as the InjectCall call site. Using this marker, you can avoid failpoint code pollute you source code. See examples.

  • You can control a failpoint by failpoint.WithHook

    func (s *dmlSuite) TestCRUDParallel() {
        sctx := failpoint.WithHook(context.Backgroud(), func(ctx context.Context, fpname string) bool {
            return ctx.Value(fpname) != nil // Determine by ctx key
        insertFailpoints = map[string]struct{} {
            "insert-record-fp": {},
            "insert-index-fp": {},
            "on-duplicate-fp": {},
        ictx := failpoint.WithHook(context.Backgroud(), func(ctx context.Context, fpname string) bool {
            _, found := insertFailpoints[fpname] // Only enables some failpoints.
            return found
        deleteFailpoints = map[string]struct{} {
            "tikv-is-busy-fp": {},
            "fetch-tso-timeout": {},
        dctx := failpoint.WithHook(context.Backgroud(), func(ctx context.Context, fpname string) bool {
            _, found := deleteFailpoints[fpname] // Only disables failpoints. 
            return !found
        // other DML parallel test cases.
  • If you use a failpoint in the loop context, maybe you will use other marker functions.

    for i := 0; i < 100; i++ {
            for j := 0; j < 1000; j++ {
                switch rand.Intn(j) + i {
                case j / 5:
                case j / 7:
                case j / 9:
                case j / 10:
                    failpoint.Inject("failpoint-name", func(val failpoint.Value) {
                        fmt.Println("unit-test", val.(int))
                        if val == j/11 {
                        } else {

    The above code block will generate the following code:

        for i := 0; i < 100; i++ {
            for j := 0; j < 1000; j++ {
                switch rand.Intn(j) + i {
                case j / 5:
                case j / 7:
                    continue outer
                case j / 9:
                case j / 10:
                    goto outer
                    if val, _err_ := failpoint.Eval(_curpkg_("failpoint-name")); _err_ == nil {
                        fmt.Println("unit-test", val.(int))
                        if val == j/11 {
                            break inner
                        } else {
                            goto outer
  • You may doubt why we do not use label, break, continue, and fallthrough directly instead of using failpoint marker functions.

    • Any unused symbol like an ident or a label is not permitted in Golang. It will be invalid if some label is only used in the failpoint closure. For example,

      label1: // compiler error: unused label1
          failpoint.Inject("failpoint-name", func(val failpoint.Value) {
              if val.(int) == 1000 {
                  goto label1 // illegal to use goto here
              fmt.Println("unit-test", val)
    • break and continue can only be used in the loop context, which is not legal in the Golang code if we use them in closure directly.

Some complicated failpoints demo
  • Inject a failpoint to the IF INITIAL statement or CONDITIONAL expression

    if a, b := func() {
        failpoint.Inject("failpoint-name", func(val failpoint.Value) {
            fmt.Println("unit-test", val)
    }, func() int { return rand.Intn(200) }(); b > func() int {
        failpoint.Inject("failpoint-name", func(val failpoint.Value) int {
            return val.(int)
        return rand.Intn(3000)
    }() && b < func() int {
        failpoint.Inject("failpoint-name-2", func(val failpoint.Value) {
            return rand.Intn(val.(int))
        return rand.Intn(6000)
    }() {
        failpoint.Inject("failpoint-name-3", func(val failpoint.Value) {
            fmt.Println("unit-test", val)

    The above code block will generate something like this:

    if a, b := func() {
        if val, _err_ := failpoint.Eval(_curpkg_("failpoint-name")); _err_ == nil {
            fmt.Println("unit-test", val)
    }, func() int { return rand.Intn(200) }(); b > func() int {
        if val, _err_ := failpoint.Eval(_curpkg_("failpoint-name")); _err_ == nil {
            return val.(int)
        return rand.Intn(3000)
    }() && b < func() int {
        if val, ok := failpoint.Eval(_curpkg_("failpoint-name-2")); ok {
            return rand.Intn(val.(int))
        return rand.Intn(6000)
    }() {
        if val, ok := failpoint.Eval(_curpkg_("failpoint-name-3")); ok {
            fmt.Println("unit-test", val)
  • Inject a failpoint to the SELECT statement to make it block one CASE if the failpoint is active

    func (s *StoreService) ExecuteStoreTask() {
        select {
        case <-func() chan *StoreTask {
            failpoint.Inject("priority-fp", func(_ failpoint.Value) {
                return make(chan *StoreTask)
            return s.priorityHighCh
            fmt.Println("execute high priority task")
        case <- s.priorityNormalCh:
            fmt.Println("execute normal priority task")
        case <- s.priorityLowCh:
            fmt.Println("execute normal low task")

    The above code block will generate something like this:

    func (s *StoreService) ExecuteStoreTask() {
        select {
        case <-func() chan *StoreTask {
            if _, ok := failpoint.Eval(_curpkg_("priority-fp")); ok {
                return make(chan *StoreTask)
            return s.priorityHighCh
            fmt.Println("execute high priority task")
        case <- s.priorityNormalCh:
            fmt.Println("execute normal priority task")
        case <- s.priorityLowCh:
            fmt.Println("execute normal low task")
  • Inject a failpoint to dynamically extend SWITCH CASE arms

    switch opType := operator.Type(); {
    case opType == "balance-leader":
        fmt.Println("create balance leader steps")
    case opType == "balance-region":
        fmt.Println("create balance region steps")
    case opType == "scatter-region":
        fmt.Println("create scatter region steps")
    case func() bool {
        failpoint.Inject("dynamic-op-type", func(val failpoint.Value) bool {
            return strings.Contains(val.(string), opType)
        return false
        fmt.Println("do something")
        panic("unsupported operator type")

    The above code block will generate something like this:

    switch opType := operator.Type(); {
    case opType == "balance-leader":
        fmt.Println("create balance leader steps")
    case opType == "balance-region":
        fmt.Println("create balance region steps")
    case opType == "scatter-region":
        fmt.Println("create scatter region steps")
    case func() bool {
        if val, ok := failpoint.Eval(_curpkg_("dynamic-op-type")); ok {
            return strings.Contains(val.(string), opType)
        return false
        fmt.Println("do something")
        panic("unsupported operator type")
  • More complicated failpoints

    • There are more complicated failpoint sites that can be injected to
      • for the loop INITIAL statement, CONDITIONAL expression and POST statement
      • for the RANGE statement
      • SWITCH INITIAL statement
    • Anywhere you can call a function

Failpoint name best practice

As you see above, _curpkg_ will automatically wrap the original failpoint name in failpoint.Eval call. You can think of _curpkg_ as a macro that automatically prepends the current package path to the failpoint name. For example,

package ddl // which parent package is ``

func demo() {
	// _curpkg_("the-original-failpoint-name") will be expanded as ``
	if val, ok := failpoint.Eval(_curpkg_("the-original-failpoint-name")); ok {...}

You do not need to care about _curpkg_ in your application. It is automatically generated after running failpoint-ctl enable and is deleted with failpoint-ctl disable.

Because all failpoints in a package share the same namespace, we need to be careful to avoid name conflict. There are some recommended naming rules to improve this situation.

  • Keep name unique in current subpackage

  • Use a self-explanatory name for the failpoint

    You can enable failpoints by environment variables


Implementation details

  1. Define a group of marker functions
  2. Parse imports and prune a source file which does not import a failpoint
  3. Traverse AST to find marker function calls
  4. Marker function calls will be rewritten with an IF statement, which calls failpoint.Eval to determine whether a failpoint is active and executes failpoint code if the failpoint is enabled



  • Thanks gofail to provide initial implementation.




This section is empty.


This section is empty.


func Break

func Break(label ...string)

Break will generate a break statement in a loop, e.g: case1:

for i := 0; i < max; i++ {
    failpoint.Inject("break-if-index-equal-2", func() {
        if i == 2 {

failpoint.Break() => break


for i := 0; i < max; i++ {
    for j := 0; j < max / 2; j++ {
        failpoint.Inject("break-if-index-i-equal-j", func() {
            if i == j {

failpoint.Break("outer") => break outer

func Call

func Call(failpath string, args ...any)

Call calls the function passed by EnableCall with args supplied in InjectCall.

func Continue

func Continue(label ...string)

Continue will generate a continue statement the same as `failpoint.Break()`

func Disable

func Disable(failpath string) error

Disable stops a failpoint from firing.

func Enable

func Enable(failpath, inTerms string) error

Enable sets a failpoint to a given failpoint description.

func EnableCall

func EnableCall(failpath string, fn any) error

EnableCall enables a failpoint which is a InjectCall type failpoint. The failpoint will call the function passed by EnableCall with args supplied in InjectCall. this type of failpoint does not support terms, you should control the behavior in the function.

func EnableWith

func EnableWith(failpath, inTerms string, action func() error) error

EnableWith enables and locks the failpoint, the lock prevents the failpoint to be evaluated. It invokes the action while holding the lock. It is useful when enables a panic failpoint and does some post actions before the failpoint being evaluated.

func Fallthrough

func Fallthrough()

Fallthrough will translate to a `fallthrough` statement

func Goto

func Goto(label string)

Goto will generate a goto statement the same as `failpoint.Break()`

func Inject

func Inject(fpname string, fpbody interface{})

Inject marks a fail point routine, which will be rewrite to a `if` statement and be triggered by fail point name specified `fpname` Note: The fail point closure parameter type can only be `failpoint.Value` e.g: failpoint.Inject("fail-point-name", func() (...){} failpoint.Inject("fail-point-name", func(val failpoint.Value) (...){} failpoint.Inject("fail-point-name", func(_ failpoint.Value) (...){}

func InjectCall

func InjectCall(fpname string, args ...any)

InjectCall marks a fail point routine, which will be rewrite to a `if` statement and be triggered by fail point name specified `fpname` using EnableCall. Note: this function can only be used when EnableCall is used in the same process as the InjectCall, otherwise it's a noop.

func InjectContext

func InjectContext(ctx context.Context, fpname string, fpbody interface{})

InjectContext marks a fail point routine, which will be rewrite to a `if` statement and be triggered by fail point name specified `fpname` Note: The fail point closure parameter type can only be `failpoint.Value` e.g: failpoint.InjectContext(ctx, "fail-point-name", func() (...){} failpoint.InjectContext(ctx, "fail-point-name", func(val failpoint.Value) (...){} failpoint.InjectContext(ctx, "fail-point-name", func(_ failpoint.Value) (...){}

func Label

func Label(label string)

Label will generate a label statement, e.g. case1:

for i := 0; i < max; i++ {
    for j := 0; j < max / 2; j++ {
        failpoint.Inject("break-if-index-i-equal-j", func() {
            if i == j {

failpoint.Label("outer") => outer: failpoint.Break("outer") => break outer

func List

func List() []string

List returns all the failpoints information

func Return

func Return(result ...interface{})

Return will translate to a `return` statement

func Status

func Status(failpath string) (string, error)

Status gives the current setting for the failpoint

func WithHook

func WithHook(ctx context.Context, hook Hook) context.Context

WithHook binds a hook to a new context which is based on the `ctx` parameter


type Failpoint

type Failpoint struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

Failpoint is a point to inject a failure

func (*Failpoint) Call

func (fp *Failpoint) Call(args ...any)

Call calls the function passed by EnableCall with args supplied in InjectCall.

func (*Failpoint) Disable

func (fp *Failpoint) Disable()

Disable stops a failpoint

func (*Failpoint) Enable

func (fp *Failpoint) Enable(inTerms string) error

Enable sets a failpoint to a given failpoint description.

func (*Failpoint) EnableCall

func (fp *Failpoint) EnableCall(fn any) error

EnableCall enables a failpoint which is a InjectCall type failpoint.

func (*Failpoint) EnableWith

func (fp *Failpoint) EnableWith(inTerms string, action func() error) error

EnableWith enables and locks the failpoint, the lock prevents the failpoint to be evaluated. It invokes the action while holding the lock. It is useful when enables a panic failpoint and does some post actions before the failpoint being evaluated.

func (*Failpoint) Eval

func (fp *Failpoint) Eval() (Value, error)

Eval evaluates a failpoint's value, It will return the evaluated value or an error if the failpoint is disabled or failed to eval

func (*Failpoint) Pause

func (fp *Failpoint) Pause()

Pause will pause until the failpoint is disabled.

type Failpoints

type Failpoints struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

Failpoints manages multiple failpoints

func (*Failpoints) Call

func (fps *Failpoints) Call(failpath string, args ...any)

Call calls the function passed by EnableCall with args supplied in InjectCall.

func (*Failpoints) Disable

func (fps *Failpoints) Disable(failpath string) error

Disable a failpoint on failpath

func (*Failpoints) Enable

func (fps *Failpoints) Enable(failpath, inTerms string) error

Enable a failpoint on failpath

func (*Failpoints) EnableCall

func (fps *Failpoints) EnableCall(failpath string, fn any) error

EnableCall enables a failpoint which is a InjectCall type failpoint.

func (*Failpoints) EnableWith

func (fps *Failpoints) EnableWith(failpath, inTerms string, action func() error) error

EnableWith enables and locks the failpoint, the lock prevents the failpoint to be evaluated. It invokes the action while holding the lock. It is useful when enables a panic failpoint and does some post actions before the failpoint being evaluated.

func (*Failpoints) Eval

func (fps *Failpoints) Eval(failpath string) (Value, error)

Eval evaluates a failpoint's value, It will return the evaluated value and true if the failpoint is active

func (*Failpoints) EvalContext

func (fps *Failpoints) EvalContext(ctx context.Context, failpath string) (Value, error)

EvalContext evaluates a failpoint's value, and calls hook if the context is not nil and contains hook function. It will return the evaluated value and true if the failpoint is active. Always returns false if ctx is nil or context does not contains a hook function

func (*Failpoints) List

func (fps *Failpoints) List() []string

List returns all the failpoints information

func (*Failpoints) Status

func (fps *Failpoints) Status(failpath string) (string, error)

Status gives the current setting for the failpoint

type FpError

type FpError error

FpError is the internal error of failpoint

var (
	// ErrNotExist represents a failpoint can not be found by specified name
	ErrNotExist FpError = fmt.Errorf("failpoint: failpoint does not exist")
	// ErrDisabled represents a failpoint is be disabled
	ErrDisabled FpError = fmt.Errorf("failpoint: failpoint is disabled")
	// ErrNoContext returns by EvalContext when the context is nil
	ErrNoContext FpError = fmt.Errorf("failpoint: no context")
	// ErrNoHook returns by EvalContext when there is no hook in the context
	ErrNoHook FpError = fmt.Errorf("failpoint: no hook")
	// ErrFiltered represents a failpoint is filtered by a hook function
	ErrFiltered FpError = fmt.Errorf("failpoint: filtered by hook")
	// ErrNotAllowed represents a failpoint can not be executed this time
	ErrNotAllowed FpError = fmt.Errorf("failpoint: not allowed")

type Hook

type Hook func(ctx context.Context, fpname string) bool

Hook is used to filter failpoint, if the hook returns false and the failpoint will not to be evaluated.

type HookKey

type HookKey string

HookKey represents the type of failpoint hook function key in context

type HttpHandler

type HttpHandler struct{}

HttpHandler is used to handle failpoint Enable/Disable/Status requests

func (*HttpHandler) ServeHTTP

func (*HttpHandler) ServeHTTP(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)

type Value

type Value interface{}

Value represents value that retrieved from failpoint terms. It can be used as following types: 1. val.(int) // GO_FAILPOINTS="failpoint-name=return(1)" 2. val.(string) // GO_FAILPOINTS="failpoint-name=return(\"1\")" 3. val.(bool) // GO_FAILPOINTS="failpoint-name=return(true)"

func Eval

func Eval(failpath string) (Value, error)

Eval evaluates a failpoint's value, It will return the evaluated value and nil err if the failpoint is active

func EvalContext

func EvalContext(ctx context.Context, failpath string) (Value, error)

EvalContext evaluates a failpoint's value, and calls hook if the context is not nil and contains hook function. It will return the evaluated value and true if the failpoint is active. Always returns false if ctx is nil or context does not contains hook function


Path Synopsis

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? : This menu
/ : Search site
f or F : Jump to
y or Y : Canonical URL