
command module
v1.2.4 Latest Latest

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Published: Aug 1, 2021 License: MIT Imports: 9 Imported by: 0


GoREST | RESTful API Starter kit

Go Report Card FOSSA Status codebeat badge

GoREST is a starter kit, written in Golang with Gin framework, for rapid prototyping and developing a RESTful API. The source code is released under the MIT license and is free for any personal or commercial project.


v1.2.4 [Aug 02 - 2021]

  • middleware added: logrus + sentry.io

v1.2.3 [Jul 31 - 2021]

  • Route handlers modified to meet the requirements of doing unit test

v1.2.2 [Jul 29 - 2021]

  • Replaced github.com/dgrijalva/jwt-go with github.com/golang-jwt/jwt

Package github.com/dgrijalva/jwt-go <= v3.2.0 allows attackers to bypass intended access restrictions in situations with []string{} for m["aud"] (which is allowed by the specification). More on this: https://github.com/advisories/GHSA-w73w-5m7g-f7qc

v1.2.1 [Jun 19 - 2021]

  • SHA-256 is replaced by Argon2id for password hashing

v1.2.0 [Jun 17 - 2021]

  • GORM updated from v1 to v2

Projects developed based on GORM v1 must checkout at v1.1.3

v1.1 [Jan 03 - 2021]

  • PostgreSQL and SQLite3 drivers are included
  • charset updated from utf8 to utf8mb4 in order to fully support UTF-8 encoding for MySQL database

v1.0 [Dec 26 - 2020]

  • JWT based authentication is implemented using dgrijalva/jwt-go
  • One-to-one, one-to-many, and many-to-many models are introduced

Database Support

GoREST uses GORM as its ORM. GORM supports SQLite3, MySQL, PostgreSQL and Microsoft SQL Server.

In GoREST, MySQL, PostgreSQL and SQLite3 drivers are included. Anyone experienced in Microsoft SQL Server is welcome to contribute to the project by including SQL Server driver and testing all the features of GoREST.


For demonstration, a test instance can be accessed here from a web browser. For API development, it is recommended to use Postman or any other similar tool.

Accessible endpoints of the test instance:

To prevent abuse, only HTTP GET requests are accepted by the demo server.

Setup and start the production-ready app

  • Install a relational database (MySQL or PostgreSQL)
  • Set up an environment to compile the Go codes (a quick tutorial for any Debian based OS)
  • Install git
  • Clone the project go get -u github.com/pilinux/gorest
  • At the root of the cloned repository [cd $GOPATH/src/github.com/pilinux/gorest], execute go build to fetch all the dependencies
  • Edit .env.sample file and save it as .env file at the root of the project $GOPATH/src/github.com/pilinux/gorest
  • Edit the .env.sample file located at $GOPATH/src/github.com/pilinux/gorest/database/migrate and save it as .env
  • Inside $GOPATH/src/github.com/pilinux/gorest/database/migrate, run go run autoMigrate.go to migrate the database
    • Comment the line setPkFk() in autoMigrate.go file if the driver is not MySQL
  • At $GOPATH/src/github.com/pilinux/gorest, run ./gorest to launch the app

Note For SQLite3:

  • DBUSER, DBPASS, DBHOST and DBPORT environment variables should be left unchanged.
  • DBNAME must contain the full path and the database file name; i.e,

To the following endpoints GET, POST, PUT and DELETE requests can be sent:

  • http://localhost:port/api/v1/register
    • POST [create new account]
  • http://localhost:port/api/v1/login
    • POST [generate new JWT]
  • http://localhost:port/api/v1/users
    • GET [get list of all registered users along with their hobbies and posts]
    • POST [add user info to the database, requires JWT for verification]
    "FirstName": "...",
    "LastName": "..."
  • PUT [edit user info, requires JWT for verification]
    "FirstName": "...",
    "LastName": "..."
  • http://localhost:port/api/v1/users/:id
    • GET [fetch hobbies and posts belonged to a specific user]
  • http://localhost:port/api/v1/users/hobbies
    • PUT [add a new hobby, requires JWT for verification]
    "Hobby": "..."
  • http://localhost:port/api/v1/posts
    • GET [fetch all published posts]
    • POST [create a new post, requires JWT for verification]
    "Title": "...",
    "Body": "... ..."
  • http://localhost:port/api/v1/posts/:id
    • GET [fetch a specific post]
    • PUT [edit a specific post, requires JWT for verification]
    "Title": "...",
    "Body": "... ..."
  • DELETE [delete a specific post, requires JWT for verification]
  • http://localhost:port/api/v1/hobbies
    • GET [fetch all hobbies created by all users]

Flow diagram



  • GoREST uses Gin as the main framework, GORM as the ORM and GoDotEnv for environment configuration
  • dgrijalva/jwt-go is used for JWT authentication
  • All codes are written and organized following a straightforward and easy-to-understand approach
  • For Logger and Recovery, Gin's in-built middlewares are used
router := gin.Default()
  • Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) middleware is located at lib/middleware
  • Included relationship models are:
    • one to one
    • one to many
    • many to many

Logical Database Model



List of files
│    └---configMain.go
│    └---database.go
│    └---server.go
│    └---auth.go
│    └---login.go
│    └---user.go
│    └---post.go
│    └---hobby.go
│    │---dbConnect.go
│    │
│    └───migrate
│    │    └---autoMigrate.go
│    │    └---.env.sample
│    │
│    └───model
│         └---auth.go
│         └---user.go
│         └---post.go
│         └---hobby.go
│         └---userHobby.go
│    └───middleware
│         └---cors.go
│         └---jwt.go

For API development, one needs to focus only on the following files and directories:

│    └---auth.go
│    └---login.go
│    └---user.go
│    └---post.go
│    └---hobby.go
│    │
│    └───migrate
│    │    └---autoMigrate.go
│    │
│    └───model
│         └---auth.go
│         └---user.go
│         └---post.go
│         └---hobby.go
│         └---userHobby.go
│    └───middleware
│         └---cors.go
│         └---jwt.go
Step 1
  • model: This package contains all the necessary models. Each file is responsible for one specific table in the database. To add new tables and to create new relations between those tables, create new models, and place them in this directory. All newly created files should have the same package name.
Step 2
  • controller: This package contains all functions to process all related incoming HTTP requests.
Step 3
  • autoMigrate.go: Names of all newly added models should first be included in this file to automatically create the complete database. It also contains the function to delete the previous data and tables. When only newly created tables or columns need to be migrated, first disable db.DropTableIfExists() function before executing the file.
Step 4
  • middleware: All middlewares should belong to this package.
Step 5 (final step)
  • Create new routes inside
v1 := router.Group()


Please see CONTRIBUTING to join this amazing project.

Code of conduct

Please see this document.


© Mahir Hasan 2019 - 2020

Released under the MIT license

FOSSA Status


The Go Gopher

There is no documentation for this package.


Path Synopsis

Jump to

Keyboard shortcuts

? : This menu
/ : Search site
f or F : Jump to
y or Y : Canonical URL