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Published: Jun 23, 2024 License: MIT


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Cellotape - Beta - OpenAPI Router for Go

Cellotape requires Go 1.18 or above.

🚧 Cellotape is in Beta 🚧

Please note that this is a beta version, and the API may change.

A type-safe approach to HTTP routing with OpenAPI in Go. The project aims to simplify the development of REST APIs with OpenAPI by enabling a design-first approach.

Cellotape loads an OpenAPI spec and uses it as a router to call relevant handlers in your code. The handler signatures are validated with your OpenAPI spec to verify your code is implementing the design correctly.


The OpenAPI spec is a great way to describe your API accurately. However, when developing an API in Go, it's often a challenge to synchronize the OpenAPI spec and Go implementation.

Cellotape enables you to develop APIs in Go in a way that helps catch inconsistencies between your spec and code.

The Go ecosystem provides many packages and frameworks for building HTTP servers for REST APIs. Most of them rely on concepts from the built-in net/http package to define HTTP request handlers.

The issue Cellotape solves is the lack of type information when working with such handlers.

Instead of having the same untyped signature for all handlers, Cellotape handlers use generics to define for each handler the types of its body, path parameters, query parameters, and responses.

This extra type information enables Cellotape to define handlers that are validated at runtime with an OpenAPI specification.

Included features
  • Load, parse, and validate an OpenAPI spec (router.OpenAPISpec).
  • Initialize an HTTP router driven from an OpenAPI spec (router.OpenAPIRouter).
  • An SDK that defines strongly typed handlers mapped to spec operations.
  • Verify handler signature compatibility with spec operations. During initialization, this enforces that the handlers correctly implement the spec. The validated components include:
    • Request body schema
    • Path parameters
    • Query parameters
    • Responses
  • Support for middleware chain and group mechanisms so that middleware can be applied to operations or groups.
  • Compatibility with the HTTP.Handler interface for the router and middleware to enable easy integration of the router into any popular framework.
  • Support for custom content types to align with content types defined in the spec. This can be done by implementing the router.ContentType interface.
  • Support for customization of validation behavior and other configuration using router.Options. See the documentation on the router.Options struct for details of the options.
What this project isn't doing
  • It's not a code generator. Code generators have their issues, such as minimal control over the generated code and the overwriting of manual edits whenever the spec changes.

  • It's not using comments in your code. With this approach, you use comments in the code to generate an OpenAPI spec (a code-first approach). Then, to implement a design-first approach, you compare the generated spec to the desired spec. The issue with this approach is that the specification, code, and comments can get out of sync too easily. Particularly when HTTP handlers in Go provide an opaque interface with no type information.

Cellotape use of strongly typed handlers can help create an implementation for your API that never gets out of sync and is easily maintained.

Get started

Add Cellotape to your project using go get:

go get github.com/piiano/cellotape@latest

Add an openapi.yml describing your API to your project. For example, this spec defines a greet API:

openapi: 3.0.3
  title: "Hello World Example API"
  version: 1.0.0
  - url: 'https'
      operationId: greet
      summary: Greet the caller
              type: object
                  type: string
        - in: query
          name: greetTemplate
          description: An optional template to customize the greeting.
            type: string
          description: successful response
                type: object
                    type: string

Adding this Go code to your project to implement the OpenAPI spec:

package main

import (
	_ "embed"

//go:embed openapi.yaml
var specData []byte

func main() {
	if err := handleMain(); err != nil {

func handleMain() error {
	handler, err := initHandler()
	if err != nil {
		return err
	if err = http.ListenAndServe(":8080", handler); err != nil {
		return err
	return nil

func initHandler() (router.OpenAPIRouter, error) {
	spec, err := router.NewSpecFromData(specData)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	return router.NewOpenAPIRouter(spec).
		WithOperation("greet", router.NewHandler(greetHandler)).

type body struct {
  Name string `json:"name"`
type queryParams struct {
  GreetTemplate string `form:"greetTemplate"`
type responses struct {
  OK ok `status:"200"`
type ok struct {
  Greeting string `json:"greeting"`

func greetHandler(_ router.Context, request router.Request[body, router.Nil, queryParams]) (router.Response[responses], error) {
  var greeting string
  if request.QueryParams.GreetTemplate == "" {
    greeting = fmt.Sprintf("Hello %s!", request.Body.Name)
  } else {
    greeting = fmt.Sprintf(request.QueryParams.GreetTemplate, request.Body.Name)

  return router.SendOKJSON(responses{OK: ok{Greeting: greeting}}), nil

This code uses router.NewSpecFromData to load the OpenAPI spec.

You initialize the Cellotape router with router.NewOpenAPIRouter.

Then, calling WithOperation("greet", r.NewHandler(greetHandler)) tells Cellotape to use greetHandler to implement the greet operation.

The greetHandler function defines typed parameters and typed responses.

When calling AsHandler(), Cellotape checks the request and response types with reflection and checks their compatibility with the spec.

If you have implemented the spec incorrectly, you receive an error at this point during the server initialization.

Finally, you add a simple test to verify the server is always compatible with the spec:

package main

import (

func TestServerCompatabilityWithOpenAPI(t *testing.T) {
  _, err := initHandler()
  require.NoError(t, err)


Try changing the spec in a way that is incompatible with the API and run the server again.

Cellotape reports any incompatibility, enabling you to check that your implementation and spec are in sync.

Loading OpenAPI spec (router.OpenAPISpec)

To initialize a new Cellotape HTTP router you must first load an OpenAPI spec.

The OpenAPI spec defines URL paths and HTTP methods for various operations. Cellotape routes HTTP calls on these paths and methods for the relevant handler implementation of each operation. Cellotape also validates that the handler correctly implements the request and response defined in the spec.

There are several ways you can load the OpenAPI spec for use with Cellotape.

Using Go embedding, you embed the OpenAPI YAML or JSON file with the compiled binary of your app. For example, embedding an openapi.yaml like this:

//go:embed openapi.yaml
var specData []byte

This enables you to initialize the spec from its bytes with router.NewSpecFromData like this:

spec, err := router.NewSpecFromData(specData)

router.NewSpecFromData returns the loaded spec object or an error if the object fails to parse and validate.

Read file at runtime

Using router.NewSpecFromFile, you read and load the OpenAPI spec JSON or YAML file at runtime like this:

// path to openapi.yml file
openapiFilePath := "./openapi.yml"
spec, err := router.NewSpecFromFile(openapiFilePath)

This option is not recommended; if the spec file is changed or missing, your application may break.

Similar to router.NewSpecFromData, this method returns an error if the object fails to parse and validate but can also error if it fails to read the file.

Define programmatically in Go

Sometimes you may want to define the spec programmatically in your Go code, rather than using a YAML or JSON format.

Cellotape uses kin-openapi to define the OpenAPI model. You can also use kin-openapi to create the OpenAPI model programmatically and then define a router.OpenAPISpec from it like this:

openapiModel := openapi3.T{
if err := openapiModel.Validate(); err != nil {
    // potentially validate the spec before using it.

spec := router.OpenAPISpec(openapiModel)

Initialize new HTTP router (router.OpenAPIRouter)

The router.OpenAPIRouter is the main building block of Cellotape. With it, you define the handlers and middleware of your application.

Create from spec with default options

To initialize the router from the spec with the default options, you use the r.NewOpenAPIRouter function like this:

spec, err := router.NewSpecFromData(specData)
if err != nil {
    // handle err

openapiRouter := router.NewOpenAPIRouter(spec)
Create from spec with custom options

Sometimes the default validations can be overwhelming during development, and you may want to adjust the behavior from error to warning or completely ignore certain validations.

For that, you initialize the router with custom options using r.NewOpenAPIRouterWithOptions like this:

spec, err := router.NewSpecFromData(specData)
if err != nil {
    // handle err

options := router.Options{
    // ...

openapiRouter := router.NewOpenAPIRouterWithOptions(spec, options)

Add Operation Implementation - router.OpenAPIRouter.WithOperation

To implement API operations defined in the OpenAPI spec, Cellotape uses the router.OpenAPIRouter.WithOperation method to add operation handlers to the router like this:

openapiRouter := router.NewOpenAPIRouter(spec)

openapiRouter.WithOperation("operation-id", router.NewHandler(...))

The operation ID provided must match the operation ID defined in the spec.

The router routes HTTP requests that match the path template and HTTP method defined in the spec for that operation. It also validates that the handler request and response types are compatible with those defined in the spec.

Define Operation Handler - router.NewHandler

To create a new handler, you use the router.NewHandler to create a handler from a typed handler function router.HandlerFunc[B, P, Q, R] like this:

type Responses struct {
	OK string `status:"200"`

var handler = router.NewHandler(func (
	c router.Context,
	request Request[router.Nil, router.Nil, router.Nil],
) (router.Response[Responses], error) {
	return router.SendOKText(Responses{OK: "hello world!"})

Notice that the handler function defines the types of the request and its responses.

This is how Cellotape is capable of reading the types with reflection and checking their compatibility with the spec.

Request context router.Context

The first parameter of a router.HandlerFunc[B, P, Q, R] function is a router.Context. The context includes the native HTTP http.ResponseWriter and *http.Request.

When in middleware, you use router.Context.Next to call the next handler in the chain. It includes a router.SpecOperation with the operation definition read from the spec. After a handler in the chain returns a response, it contains the raw response using *router.RawResponse.

Request - router.Request[B, P, Q]

The second parameter of a router.HandlerFunc[B, P, Q, R] function is a router.Request[B, P, Q], which defines 3 generic arguments.

  • B - The type of the request body.
  • P - The struct type of the request path parameters.
  • Q - The struct type of the request query parameters.

These types are reflected as parameters of the request so that you can use them in the handler function.

Request body - router.Request[B, P, Q]

The first generic argument (B) of router.Request[B, P, Q] represents the request body.

For example, an API that expects to receive a simple JSON object with a name property can be defined in the spec like this:

              type: object
                  type: string

To represent this request body in the Go implementation, you create a struct and use the json tag to define its properties like this:

type GreetBody struct {
	Name string `json:"name"`

Defining this struct with the router.Request[B, P, Q] param in the handler looks like this:

var handler = router.NewHandler(func (
    c router.Context,
    request router.Request[GreetBody, router.Nil, router.Nil],
) (router.Response[Responses], error) {
    return router.SendOKText(Responses{OK: fmt.Sprintf("hello %s!", request.Body.Name)})

Notice how you can access the value of request.Body.Name, with Cellotape binding it for you from the HTTP request.

This type is validated for compatibility with the schema defined in the spec requestBody property.

Path parameters - router.Request[B, P, Q]

The second generic argument (P) of router.Request[B, P, Q] represents the request path parameters.

For example, an API that expects to receive a path parameter name in the request URL property can be defined in the spec like this:

      operationId: greet
      summary: Greet the caller
        - in: path
          required: true
          name: name
            type: string

To represent this path parameter in the Go implementation, define a struct.

Each struct field represents a path parameter. Use the uri tag to define the parameter name, as stated in the spec, like this:

type GreetPathParams struct {
	Name string `uri:"name"`

Defining this struct with the router.Request[B, P, Q] param in the handler looks like this:

var handler = router.NewHandler(func (
    c router.Context,
    request router.Request[router.Nil, GreetPathParams, router.Nil],
) (router.Response[Responses], error) {
    return router.SendOKText(Responses{OK: fmt.Sprintf("hello %s!", request.PathParams.Name)})

Notice how you access the value of request.PathParams.Name with Cellotape binding it for you from the HTTP request.

This type is validated for compatibility with the schema defined in each parameter of the spec parameters that have in: path.

Query parameters - router.Request[B, P, Q]

The third generic argument (Q) of router.Request[B, P, Q] represents the r request query parameters.

For example, an API that expects to receive a query parameter name in the request URL property can be defined in the spec like this:

      operationId: greet
      summary: Greet the caller
        - in: query
          required: true
          name: name
            type: string

To represent this query parameter in the Go implementation, define a struct.

Each struct field represents a query parameter. Use the form tag to define the parameter name, as stated in the spec.

type GreetQueryParams struct {
	Name string `form:"name"`

Defining this struct with the router.Request[B, P, Q] param in the handler looks like this:

var handler = router.NewHandler(func (
    c router.Context,
    request router.Request[router.Nil, router.Nil, GreetQueryParams],
) (router.Response[Responses], error) {
    return router.SendOKText(Responses{OK: fmt.Sprintf("hello %s!", request.QueryParams.Name)})

Notice how you access the value of request.QueryParams.Name, with Cellotape binding it from the HTTP request.

This type is validated for compatibility with the schema defined in each parameter of the spec parameters that have in: query.

Responses - router.Response[R]

The first return type of the handler function is a router.Response[R].

This type of generic argument should be a struct with each field representing a response and is tagged with the status tag.

For example, an API that can return 200 and 400 responses in a simple JSON can be defined in the spec like this:

          description: Greeting
                type: object
                    type: string
          description: Bad Request
                type: object
                    type: string

To represent these responses in the Go implementation, Cellotape defines a struct and use the status tag to describe each response like this:

type GreetOKResponse struct {
    Greeting string `json:"greeting"`
type GreetBadRequestResponse struct {
    Error string `json:"error"`
type GreetResponses struct {
	OK         GreetOKResponse         `status:"200"`
    BadRequest GreetBadRequestResponse `status:"400"`

Defining this struct with the router.Response[R] return type in the handler looks like this:

var handler = router.NewHandler(func (
    c router.Context,
    request router.Request[GreetBody, router.Nil, router.Nil],
) (router.Response[GreetResponses], error) {
	if request.Body.Name == "" {
        return router.SendJSON(GreetResponses{
            BadRequest: GreetBadRequestResponse{
                Error: "name property is empty",
	return router.SendOKJSON(GreetResponses{
		OK: GreetOKResponse{
            Greeting: fmt.Sprintf("hello %s!", request.Body.Name),

Notice how the multiple fields of the responses struct enable you to send the response you want based on your implementation logic in a way that covers all the responses defined the spec.

Each response type is validated for compatibility with the schema defined in each response of the spec responses.


Examples that show how to use Cellotape.

Hello World API example

This example uses an openapi.yaml to initialize the server and map to the relevant handlers. Visit the Hello World Example to see how it works.

TODO List API example

This example use an openapi.yaml to initialize the server and map to the relevant handlers. Visit the TODO List API Example to see how Cellotape for a more realistic use.


  • Improve the documentation with more usage details.
  • Runtime validation for request body & parameters based on the OpenAPI spec. Considered multiple options, including:
  • Add support for serialization of OpenAPI parameters style and explode, and the allowReserved property.
  • Add support for OpenAPI Header parameters.
  • Add support for OpenAPI Cookie parameters.

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