Gotomate-Walk Package Template
This is a template of a Gotomate-Walk's package that you can use to create your own Gotomate-Walk's package.
You can choose to create your own functions to do whatever you want with a Gotomate's process.
Download or Clone the repo:
git pull
Fill the all the files in the Package folder with the right requirements. Fill free to use as an exemple the originals Gotomate-Walk's packages to help you building this.
Edit the icon.png with an icon corresponding to your package for a better use by users. The size of the icon must be 32x32px.
Then rename the "Package" folder to what your package should be named (don't forget to put the folder name on uppercase)
Installation of the package
Installation by Gotomate-Walk
In Gotomate's action menu, select "Import package" then select your .zip archive & restart Gotomate. If the package was correctly
builded then it should work !
Manually installation
Step 1
Copy & Paste your folder into fiber/packages directory
Step 2
Go to fiber/fiber.go & add this:
case "YourFolderName":
yourPackageName.Processing(funcName, instructionData, finished)
after the line 119 (at the time I'm writing this), were all the packages are called for the processing.
Be sure that your package is imported at the top of the file.
Step 3
Go to fiber/packages/packages-dialog.go & add this:
case "YourFolderName":
after the line 110 (at the time I'm writing this), were all the packages are called for the building.
Be sure that your package is imported at the top of the file.
Now the package should be implemented !