Index ¶
- Constants
- Variables
- func ApplyShippingOptions(sl *pb.SignedListing) error
- func AssignMatchingCoupons(savedCoupons []repo.Coupon, sl *pb.SignedListing) error
- func AssignMatchingQuantities(inventory map[int]int64, sl *pb.SignedListing) error
- func CheckAndSetUlimit() error
- func EncodeCID(b []byte) (*cid.Cid, error)
- func EncodeMultihash(b []byte) (*mh.Multihash, error)
- func ExtractIDFromPointer(pi ps.PeerInfo) (string, error)
- func FormatRFC3339PB(ts google_protobuf.Timestamp) string
- func GetOrderQuantity(l *pb.Listing, item *pb.Order_Item) uint64
- func GetSelectedSku(listing *pb.Listing, itemOptions []*pb.Order_Item_Option) (int, error)
- func GetSignedListingFromPath(p string) (*pb.SignedListing, error)
- func NormalizeCurrencyCode(currencyCode string) string
- func ParseContractForListing(hash string, contract *pb.RicardianContract) (*pb.Listing, error)
- func SameSku(selectedVariants []int, sku *pb.Listing_Item_Sku) bool
- func SetAcceptedCurrencies(sl *pb.SignedListing, currencies []string)
- func SignPayload(payload []byte, privKey crypto.PrivKey) ([]byte, []byte, error)
- func ValidShippingRegion(shippingOption *pb.Listing_ShippingOption) error
- func ValidateProfile(profile *pb.Profile) error
- func ValidateRating(rating *pb.Rating) (bool, error)
- func VerifyPayload(payload, sig, pubKey []byte) (string, error)
- type CodedError
- type ErrCryptocurrencyListingIllegalField
- type ErrCryptocurrencyPurchaseIllegalField
- type ErrMarketPriceListingIllegalField
- type ErrOutOfInventory
- type ErrPriceModifierOutOfRange
- type Inventory
- type InventoryListing
- type ListingData
- type OpenBazaarNode
- func (n *OpenBazaarNode) BuildTransactionRecords(contract *pb.RicardianContract, records []*wallet.TransactionRecord, ...) ([]*pb.TransactionRecord, *pb.TransactionRecord, error)
- func (n *OpenBazaarNode) CalcOrderID(order *pb.Order) (string, error)
- func (n *OpenBazaarNode) CalculateOrderTotal(contract *pb.RicardianContract) (uint64, error)
- func (n *OpenBazaarNode) CancelOfflineOrder(contract *pb.RicardianContract, records []*wallet.TransactionRecord) error
- func (n *OpenBazaarNode) CloseDispute(orderID string, buyerPercentage, vendorPercentage float32, resolution string, ...) error
- func (n *OpenBazaarNode) CompleteOrder(orderRatings *OrderRatings, contract *pb.RicardianContract, ...) error
- func (n *OpenBazaarNode) ConfirmOfflineOrder(contract *pb.RicardianContract, records []*wallet.TransactionRecord) error
- func (n *OpenBazaarNode) CreateListing(listing *pb.Listing) error
- func (n *OpenBazaarNode) DeleteListing(slug string) error
- func (n *OpenBazaarNode) DeletePost(slug string) error
- func (n *OpenBazaarNode) DisputeIsActive(contract *pb.RicardianContract) (bool, error)
- func (n *OpenBazaarNode) EncryptMessage(peerID peer.ID, peerKey *libp2p.PubKey, message []byte) (ct []byte, rerr error)
- func (n *OpenBazaarNode) EstimateOrderTotal(data *PurchaseData) (uint64, error)
- func (n *OpenBazaarNode) FetchAvatar(peerID string, size string, useCache bool) (io.ReadSeeker, error)
- func (n *OpenBazaarNode) FetchHeader(peerID string, size string, useCache bool) (io.ReadSeeker, error)
- func (n *OpenBazaarNode) FetchImage(peerID string, imageType string, size string, useCache bool) (io.ReadSeeker, error)
- func (n *OpenBazaarNode) FetchProfile(peerID string, useCache bool) (pb.Profile, error)
- func (n *OpenBazaarNode) Follow(peerID string) error
- func (n *OpenBazaarNode) FulfillOrder(fulfillment *pb.OrderFulfillment, contract *pb.RicardianContract, ...) error
- func (n *OpenBazaarNode) GeneratePostSlug(status string) (string, error)
- func (n *OpenBazaarNode) GenerateSlug(title string) (string, error)
- func (n *OpenBazaarNode) GetBase64Image(url string) (base64ImageData, filename string, err error)
- func (n *OpenBazaarNode) GetListingCount() int
- func (n *OpenBazaarNode) GetListingFromHash(hash string) (*pb.SignedListing, error)
- func (n *OpenBazaarNode) GetListingFromSlug(slug string) (*pb.SignedListing, error)
- func (n *OpenBazaarNode) GetListings() ([]byte, error)
- func (n *OpenBazaarNode) GetLocalInventory() (Inventory, error)
- func (n *OpenBazaarNode) GetLocalInventoryForSlug(slug string) (*InventoryListing, error)
- func (n *OpenBazaarNode) GetModeratorFee(transactionTotal uint64, paymentCoin, currencyCode string) (uint64, error)
- func (n *OpenBazaarNode) GetPeerStatus(peerID string) (string, error)
- func (n *OpenBazaarNode) GetPostCount() int
- func (n *OpenBazaarNode) GetPostFromHash(hash string) (*pb.SignedPost, error)
- func (n *OpenBazaarNode) GetPostFromSlug(slug string) (*pb.SignedPost, error)
- func (n *OpenBazaarNode) GetPosts() ([]byte, error)
- func (n *OpenBazaarNode) GetProfile() (pb.Profile, error)
- func (n *OpenBazaarNode) GetPublishedInventoryBytes(p peer.ID, useCache bool) ([]byte, error)
- func (n *OpenBazaarNode) GetPublishedInventoryBytesForSlug(p peer.ID, slug string, useCache bool) ([]byte, error)
- func (n *OpenBazaarNode) GetRatingCounts() (uint32, float32, error)
- func (n *OpenBazaarNode) IPFSIdentityString() string
- func (n *OpenBazaarNode) ImportListings(r io.ReadCloser) error
- func (n *OpenBazaarNode) IsFulfilled(contract *pb.RicardianContract) bool
- func (n *OpenBazaarNode) IsItemForSale(listing *pb.Listing) bool
- func (n *OpenBazaarNode) IsModerator() bool
- func (n *OpenBazaarNode) NewOrderConfirmation(contract *pb.RicardianContract, addressRequest, calculateNewTotal bool) (*pb.RicardianContract, error)
- func (n *OpenBazaarNode) NotifyModerators(addedMods, removedMods []string) error
- func (n *OpenBazaarNode) OpenDispute(orderID string, contract *pb.RicardianContract, ...) error
- func (n *OpenBazaarNode) PatchProfile(patch map[string]interface{}) error
- func (n *OpenBazaarNode) ProcessDisputeOpen(rc *pb.RicardianContract, peerID string) error
- func (n *OpenBazaarNode) PublishInventory() error
- func (n *OpenBazaarNode) Purchase(data *PurchaseData) (orderID string, paymentAddress string, paymentAmount uint64, vendorOnline bool, ...)
- func (n *OpenBazaarNode) RefundOrder(contract *pb.RicardianContract, records []*wallet.TransactionRecord) error
- func (n *OpenBazaarNode) RegressionNetworkEnabled() bool
- func (n *OpenBazaarNode) RejectOfflineOrder(contract *pb.RicardianContract, records []*wallet.TransactionRecord) error
- func (n *OpenBazaarNode) ReleaseFunds(contract *pb.RicardianContract, records []*wallet.TransactionRecord) error
- func (n *OpenBazaarNode) ReleaseFundsAfterTimeout(contract *pb.RicardianContract, records []*wallet.TransactionRecord) error
- func (n *OpenBazaarNode) RemoveSelfAsModerator() error
- func (n *OpenBazaarNode) SeedNode() error
- func (n *OpenBazaarNode) SendBlock(peerID string, id cid.Cid) error
- func (n *OpenBazaarNode) SendCancel(peerID, orderID string) error
- func (n *OpenBazaarNode) SendChat(peerID string, chatMessage *pb.Chat) error
- func (n *OpenBazaarNode) SendDisputeClose(peerID string, k *libp2p.PubKey, resolutionMessage *pb.RicardianContract) error
- func (n *OpenBazaarNode) SendDisputeOpen(peerID string, k *libp2p.PubKey, disputeMessage *pb.RicardianContract) error
- func (n *OpenBazaarNode) SendDisputeUpdate(peerID string, updateMessage *pb.DisputeUpdate) error
- func (n *OpenBazaarNode) SendError(peerID string, k *libp2p.PubKey, errorMessage pb.Message) error
- func (n *OpenBazaarNode) SendFundsReleasedByVendor(peerID string, marshalledPeerPublicKey []byte, orderID string) error
- func (n *OpenBazaarNode) SendModeratorAdd(peerID string) error
- func (n *OpenBazaarNode) SendModeratorRemove(peerID string) error
- func (n *OpenBazaarNode) SendOfflineAck(peerID string, pointerID peer.ID) error
- func (n *OpenBazaarNode) SendOfflineMessage(p peer.ID, k *libp2p.PubKey, m *pb.Message) error
- func (n *OpenBazaarNode) SendOfflineRelay(peerID string, encryptedMessage []byte) error
- func (n *OpenBazaarNode) SendOrder(peerID string, contract *pb.RicardianContract) (resp *pb.Message, err error)
- func (n *OpenBazaarNode) SendOrderCompletion(peerID string, k *libp2p.PubKey, completionMessage *pb.RicardianContract) error
- func (n *OpenBazaarNode) SendOrderConfirmation(peerID string, contract *pb.RicardianContract) error
- func (n *OpenBazaarNode) SendOrderFulfillment(peerID string, k *libp2p.PubKey, fulfillmentMessage *pb.RicardianContract) error
- func (n *OpenBazaarNode) SendRefund(peerID string, refundMessage *pb.RicardianContract) error
- func (n *OpenBazaarNode) SendReject(peerID string, rejectMessage *pb.OrderReject) error
- func (n *OpenBazaarNode) SendStore(peerID string, ids []cid.Cid) error
- func (n *OpenBazaarNode) SetAvatarImages(base64ImageData string) (*pb.Profile_Image, error)
- func (n *OpenBazaarNode) SetCurrencyOnListings(currencies []string) error
- func (n *OpenBazaarNode) SetHeaderImages(base64ImageData string) (*pb.Profile_Image, error)
- func (n *OpenBazaarNode) SetListingInventory(listing *pb.Listing) error
- func (n *OpenBazaarNode) SetModeratorsOnListings(moderators []string) error
- func (n *OpenBazaarNode) SetProductImages(base64ImageData, filename string) (*pb.Profile_Image, error)
- func (n *OpenBazaarNode) SetSelfAsModerator(moderator *pb.Moderator) error
- func (n *OpenBazaarNode) SetUpRepublisher(interval time.Duration)
- func (n *OpenBazaarNode) SignDispute(contract *pb.RicardianContract) (*pb.RicardianContract, error)
- func (n *OpenBazaarNode) SignDisputeResolution(contract *pb.RicardianContract) (*pb.RicardianContract, error)
- func (n *OpenBazaarNode) SignListing(listing *pb.Listing) (*pb.SignedListing, error)
- func (n *OpenBazaarNode) SignOrder(contract *pb.RicardianContract) (*pb.RicardianContract, error)
- func (n *OpenBazaarNode) SignOrderCompletion(contract *pb.RicardianContract) (*pb.RicardianContract, error)
- func (n *OpenBazaarNode) SignOrderConfirmation(contract *pb.RicardianContract) (*pb.RicardianContract, error)
- func (n *OpenBazaarNode) SignOrderFulfillment(contract *pb.RicardianContract) (*pb.RicardianContract, error)
- func (n *OpenBazaarNode) SignPost(post *pb.Post) (*pb.SignedPost, error)
- func (n *OpenBazaarNode) SignRefund(contract *pb.RicardianContract) (*pb.RicardianContract, error)
- func (n *OpenBazaarNode) Spend(args *SpendRequest) (*SpendResponse, error)
- func (n *OpenBazaarNode) StartMessageRetriever()
- func (n *OpenBazaarNode) StartPointerRepublisher()
- func (n *OpenBazaarNode) StartRecordAgingNotifier()
- func (n *OpenBazaarNode) TestNetworkEnabled() bool
- func (n *OpenBazaarNode) Unfollow(peerID string) error
- func (n *OpenBazaarNode) UpdateEachListingOnIndex(updateListing func(*ListingData) error) error
- func (n *OpenBazaarNode) UpdateFollow() error
- func (n *OpenBazaarNode) UpdateListing(listing *pb.Listing, publish bool) error
- func (n *OpenBazaarNode) UpdatePostHashes(hashes map[string]string) error
- func (n *OpenBazaarNode) UpdatePostIndex(post *pb.SignedPost) error
- func (n *OpenBazaarNode) UpdateProfile(profile *pb.Profile) error
- func (n *OpenBazaarNode) ValidateAndSaveRating(contract *pb.RicardianContract) (retErr error)
- func (n *OpenBazaarNode) ValidateCaseContract(contract *pb.RicardianContract) []string
- func (n *OpenBazaarNode) ValidateDirectPaymentAddress(order *pb.Order) error
- func (n *OpenBazaarNode) ValidateDisputeResolution(contract *pb.RicardianContract) error
- func (n *OpenBazaarNode) ValidateModeratedPaymentAddress(order *pb.Order, timeout time.Duration) error
- func (n *OpenBazaarNode) ValidateMultiwalletHasPreferredCurrencies(data repo.SettingsData) error
- func (n *OpenBazaarNode) ValidateOrder(contract *pb.RicardianContract, checkInventory bool) error
- func (n *OpenBazaarNode) ValidateOrderCompletion(contract *pb.RicardianContract) error
- func (n *OpenBazaarNode) ValidateOrderConfirmation(contract *pb.RicardianContract, validateAddress bool) error
- func (n *OpenBazaarNode) ValidateOrderFulfillment(fulfillment *pb.OrderFulfillment, contract *pb.RicardianContract) error
- func (n *OpenBazaarNode) ValidatePaymentAmount(requestedAmount, paymentAmount uint64) bool
- func (n *OpenBazaarNode) VerifySignatureOnDisputeOpen(contract *pb.RicardianContract, peerID string) error
- func (n *OpenBazaarNode) VerifySignaturesOnRefund(contract *pb.RicardianContract) error
- func (n *OpenBazaarNode) WaitForMessageRetrieverCompletion()
- type OrderRatings
- type PurchaseData
- type RatingData
- type SavedRating
- type SpendRequest
- type SpendResponse
Constants ¶
const ( // RatingMin - min raring RatingMin = 1 // RatingMax - max rating RatingMax = 5 // ReviewMaxCharacters - max size for review ReviewMaxCharacters = 3000 )
const ( // VERSION - current version VERSION = "2.2.1-dev" // USERAGENT - user-agent header string USERAGENT = "/Phore-Marketplace-go:" + VERSION + "/" )
const ( // ListingVersion - current listing version ListingVersion = 4 // TitleMaxCharacters - max size for title TitleMaxCharacters = 140 // ShortDescriptionLength - min length for description ShortDescriptionLength = 160 // DescriptionMaxCharacters - max length for description DescriptionMaxCharacters = 50000 // MaxTags - max permitted tags MaxTags = 10 // MaxCategories - max permitted categories MaxCategories = 10 // MaxListItems - max items in a listing MaxListItems = 30 // FilenameMaxCharacters - max filename size FilenameMaxCharacters = 255 // CodeMaxCharacters - max chars for a code CodeMaxCharacters = 20 // WordMaxCharacters - max chars for word WordMaxCharacters = 40 // SentenceMaxCharacters - max chars for sentence SentenceMaxCharacters = 70 // CouponTitleMaxCharacters - max length of a coupon title CouponTitleMaxCharacters = 70 // PolicyMaxCharacters - max length for policy PolicyMaxCharacters = 10000 // AboutMaxCharacters - max length for about AboutMaxCharacters = 10000 // URLMaxCharacters - max length for URL URLMaxCharacters = 2000 // MaxCountryCodes - max country codes MaxCountryCodes = 255 // EscrowTimeout - escrow timeout in hours EscrowTimeout = 1080 // SlugBuffer - buffer size for slug SlugBuffer = 5 // PriceModifierMin - min price modifier PriceModifierMin = -99.99 // PriceModifierMax = max price modifier PriceModifierMax = 1000.00 )
const ( // ChatMessageMaxCharacters - limit for chat msg ChatMessageMaxCharacters = 20000 // ChatSubjectMaxCharacters - limit for chat subject ChatSubjectMaxCharacters = 500 // DefaultPointerPrefixLength - default ipfs pointer prefix DefaultPointerPrefixLength = 14 )
const ( // EscrowReleaseSize - size in bytes for escrow op EscrowReleaseSize = 337 // CryptocurrencyPurchasePaymentAddressMaxLength - max permissible length for an address CryptocurrencyPurchasePaymentAddressMaxLength = 512 )
const ( // PostStatusMaxCharacters - Maximum length of the status field of a post PostStatusMaxCharacters = 280 // PostLongFormMaxCharacters - Maximum length of the longForm field of a post PostLongFormMaxCharacters = 50000 // PostMaximumTotalTags - Maximum number of tags a post can have PostMaximumTotalTags = 50 // PostMaximumTotalChannels - Maximum number of channels a post can be addressed to PostMaximumTotalChannels = 30 // PostTagsMaxCharacters - Maximum character length of a tag PostTagsMaxCharacters = 256 // PostChannelsMaxCharacters - Maximum character length of a channel PostChannelsMaxCharacters = 256 // PostReferenceMaxCharacters - Maximum character length of a reference PostReferenceMaxCharacters = 256 )
Constants for validation
const ConfirmationsPerHour = 6
ConfirmationsPerHour is temporary until the Wallet interface has Attributes() to provide this value
const DefaultCurrencyDivisibility uint32 = 1e8
DefaultCurrencyDivisibility is the Divisibility of the Currency if not defined otherwise
const KeyCachePrefix = "/pubkey/"
Variables ¶
var ( // EscrowTimeLockedError - custom err for time locked escrow EscrowTimeLockedError error // ErrPrematureReleaseOfTimedoutEscrowFunds - custom err for premature escrow funds release ErrPrematureReleaseOfTimedoutEscrowFunds = fmt.Errorf("escrow can only be released when in dispute for %s days", (time.Duration(repo.DisputeTotalDurationHours) * time.Hour).String()) )
var ( // ErrPurchaseUnknownListing - unavailable listing err ErrPurchaseUnknownListing = errors.New("order contains a hash of a listing that is not currently for sale") // ErrListingDoesNotExist - non-existent listing err ErrListingDoesNotExist = errors.New("listing doesn't exist") // ErrListingAlreadyExists - duplicate listing err ErrListingAlreadyExists = errors.New("listing already exists") // ErrListingCoinDivisibilityIncorrect - coin divisibility err ErrListingCoinDivisibilityIncorrect = errors.New("incorrect coinDivisibility") // ErrPriceCalculationRequiresExchangeRates - exchange rates dependency err ErrPriceCalculationRequiresExchangeRates = errors.New("can't calculate price with exchange rates disabled") // ErrCryptocurrencyListingCoinTypeRequired - missing coinType err ErrCryptocurrencyListingCoinTypeRequired = errors.New("cryptocurrency listings require a coinType") // ErrCryptocurrencyPurchasePaymentAddressRequired - missing payment address err ErrCryptocurrencyPurchasePaymentAddressRequired = errors.New("paymentAddress required for cryptocurrency items") // ErrCryptocurrencyPurchasePaymentAddressTooLong - invalid payment address ErrCryptocurrencyPurchasePaymentAddressTooLong = errors.New("paymentAddress required is too long") // ErrCryptocurrencySkuQuantityInvalid - invalid sku qty err ErrCryptocurrencySkuQuantityInvalid = errors.New("cryptocurrency listing quantity must be a non-negative integer") // ErrFulfillIncorrectDeliveryType - incorrect delivery type err ErrFulfillIncorrectDeliveryType = errors.New("incorrect delivery type for order") // ErrFulfillCryptocurrencyTXIDNotFound - missing txn id err ErrFulfillCryptocurrencyTXIDNotFound = errors.New("a transactionID is required to fulfill crypto listings") // ErrFulfillCryptocurrencyTXIDTooLong - invalid txn id err ErrFulfillCryptocurrencyTXIDTooLong = errors.New("transactionID should be no longer than " + strconv.Itoa(MaxTXIDSize)) // ErrUnknownWallet is returned when a wallet is not present on the node ErrUnknownWallet = errors.New("Unknown wallet type") // ErrInvalidSpendAddress is returned when the wallet is unable to decode the string address into a valid destination to send funds to ErrInvalidSpendAddress = errors.New("ERROR_INVALID_ADDRESS") // ErrInsufficientFunds is returned when the wallet is unable to send the amount specified due to the balance being too low ErrInsufficientFunds = errors.New("ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_FUNDS") // ErrSpendAmountIsDust is returned when the requested amount to spend out of the wallet would be considered "dust" by the network. This means the value is too low for the network to bother sending the amount and has a high likelihood of not being accepted or being outright rejected. ErrSpendAmountIsDust = errors.New("ERROR_DUST_AMOUNT") // ErrUnknownOrder is returned when the requested amount to spend is unable to be associated with the appropriate order ErrOrderNotFound = errors.New("ERROR_ORDER_NOT_FOUND") )
var ( ErrShippingRegionMustBeSet = errors.New("shipping region must be set") ErrShippingRegionUndefined = errors.New("undefined shipping region") ErrShippingRegionMustNotBeContinent = errors.New("cannot specify continent as shipping region") )
var ( // ErrPostUnknownValidationPanic - post has an unknown panic error ErrPostUnknownValidationPanic = errors.New("unexpected validation panic") // ErrPostSlugNotEmpty - post slug is empty error ErrPostSlugNotEmpty = errors.New("slug must not be empty") // ErrPostSlugTooLong - post slug longer than max characters error ErrPostSlugTooLong = fmt.Errorf("slug is longer than the max of %d", SentenceMaxCharacters) // ErrPostSlugContainsSpaces - post slug has spaces error ErrPostSlugContainsSpaces = errors.New("slugs cannot contain spaces") // ErrPostSlugContainsSlashes - post slug has file separators ErrPostSlugContainsSlashes = errors.New("slugs cannot contain file separators") // ErrPostInvalidType - post type is invalid error ErrPostInvalidType = errors.New("invalid post type") // ErrPostStatusTooLong - post 'status' is longer than max characters error ErrPostStatusTooLong = fmt.Errorf("status is longer than the max of %d", PostStatusMaxCharacters) // ErrPostBodyTooLong - post 'longForm' is longer than max characters error ErrPostBodyTooLong = fmt.Errorf("post is longer than the max of %d characters", PostLongFormMaxCharacters) // ErrPostTagsTooMany - post tags longer than max length error ErrPostTagsTooMany = fmt.Errorf("tags in the post is longer than the max of %d", PostMaximumTotalTags) // ErrPostTagsEmpty - post has empty tags error ErrPostTagsEmpty = errors.New("tags must not be empty") // ErrPostTagTooLong - post tag has characters longer than max length error ErrPostTagTooLong = fmt.Errorf("tags must be less than max of %d characters", PostTagsMaxCharacters) // ErrPostChannelsTooMany - post channels longer than max length error ErrPostChannelsTooMany = fmt.Errorf("channels in the post is longer than the max of %d", PostMaximumTotalChannels) // ErrPostChannelTooLong - post channel has characters longer than max length error ErrPostChannelTooLong = fmt.Errorf("channels must be less than max of %d characters", PostChannelsMaxCharacters) // ErrPostReferenceEmpty - post has an empty reference error ErrPostReferenceEmpty = errors.New("reference must not be empty") // ErrPostReferenceTooLong - post reference has characters longer than max length error ErrPostReferenceTooLong = fmt.Errorf("reference is longer than the max of %d", PostReferenceMaxCharacters) // ErrPostReferenceContainsSpaces - post reference has spaces error ErrPostReferenceContainsSpaces = errors.New("reference cannot contain spaces") // ErrPostImagesTooMany - post images longer than max error ErrPostImagesTooMany = fmt.Errorf("number of post images is greater than the max of %d", MaxListItems) // ErrPostImageTinyFormatInvalid - post tiny image hash incorrectly formatted error ErrPostImageTinyFormatInvalid = errors.New("tiny image hashes must be properly formatted CID") // ErrPostImageSmallFormatInvalid - post small image hash incorrectly formatted error ErrPostImageSmallFormatInvalid = errors.New("small image hashes must be properly formatted CID") // ErrPostImageMediumFormatInvalid - post medium image hash incorrectly formatted error ErrPostImageMediumFormatInvalid = errors.New("medium image hashes must be properly formatted CID") // ErrPostImageLargeFInvalidormat - post large image hash incorrectly formatted error ErrPostImageLargeFormatInvalid = errors.New("large image hashes must be properly formatted CID") // ErrPostImageOriginalFormatInvalid - post original image hash incorrectly formatted error ErrPostImageOriginalFormatInvalid = errors.New("original image hashes must be properly formatted CID") // ErrPostImageFilenameNil - post image filename is nil error ErrPostImageFilenameNil = errors.New("image file names must not be nil") // ErrPostImageFilenameTooLong - post image filename length longer than max ErrPostImageFilenameTooLong = fmt.Errorf("image filename length must be less than the max of %d", FilenameMaxCharacters) )
var DisputeWg = new(sync.WaitGroup)
DisputeWg - waitgroup for disputes
var ErrCaseNotFound = errors.New("case not found")
ErrCaseNotFound - case not found err
var ErrCloseFailureCaseExpired = errors.New("unable to close expired case")
ErrCloseFailureCaseExpired - tried closing expired case err
var ErrCloseFailureNoOutpoints = errors.New("unable to close case with missing outpoints")
ErrCloseFailureNoOutpoints indicates when a dispute cannot be closed due to neither party including outpoints with their dispute
var ErrInvalidKey = errors.New("invalid key")
var (
ErrInventoryNotFoundForSlug = errors.New("could not find slug in inventory")
var ErrNoListings = errors.New("no listings to set moderators on")
ErrNoListings - no listing error FIXME : This is not used anywhere
var ErrOpenFailureOrderExpired = errors.New("unable to open case because order is too old to dispute")
ErrOpenFailureOrderExpired - tried disputing expired order err
var ErrorProfileNotFound = errors.New("profile not found")
ErrorProfileNotFound - profile not found error
var InitalPublishComplete bool // = false
InitalPublishComplete - indicate publish completion
var (
// MaxTXIDSize - max length for order txnID
MaxTXIDSize = 512
var ModeratorPointerID multihash.Multihash
ModeratorPointerID moderator ipfs multihash
var OfflineMessageWaitGroup sync.WaitGroup
OfflineMessageWaitGroup - used for offline msgs
var PublishLock sync.Mutex
PublishLock seedLock - Unpin the current node repo, re-add it, then publish to IPNS
Functions ¶
func ApplyShippingOptions ¶ added in v0.13.1
func ApplyShippingOptions(sl *pb.SignedListing) error
func AssignMatchingCoupons ¶ added in v0.13.1
func AssignMatchingCoupons(savedCoupons []repo.Coupon, sl *pb.SignedListing) error
func AssignMatchingQuantities ¶ added in v0.13.1
func AssignMatchingQuantities(inventory map[int]int64, sl *pb.SignedListing) error
func CheckAndSetUlimit ¶ added in v0.9.3
func CheckAndSetUlimit() error
CheckAndSetUlimit raises the file descriptor limit
func EncodeMultihash ¶ added in v0.5.1
EncodeMultihash - sha256 encode
func ExtractIDFromPointer ¶ added in v0.5.1
ExtractIDFromPointer Certain pointers, such as moderators, contain a peerID. This function will extract the ID from the underlying PeerInfo object.
func FormatRFC3339PB ¶ added in v0.10.1
func FormatRFC3339PB(ts google_protobuf.Timestamp) string
FormatRFC3339PB returns the given `google_protobuf.Timestamp` as a RFC3339 formatted string
func GetOrderQuantity ¶ added in v0.12.0
func GetOrderQuantity(l *pb.Listing, item *pb.Order_Item) uint64
GetOrderQuantity - return the specified item quantity
func GetSelectedSku ¶ added in v0.5.1
GetSelectedSku - return the specified item SKU
func GetSignedListingFromPath ¶ added in v0.13.1
func GetSignedListingFromPath(p string) (*pb.SignedListing, error)
func NormalizeCurrencyCode ¶ added in v0.12.0
NormalizeCurrencyCode standardizes the format for the given currency code
func ParseContractForListing ¶ added in v0.5.5
ParseContractForListing - return the listing identified by the hash from the contract
func SameSku ¶ added in v0.5.1
func SameSku(selectedVariants []int, sku *pb.Listing_Item_Sku) bool
SameSku - check if the variants have the same SKU
func SetAcceptedCurrencies ¶ added in v0.13.1
func SetAcceptedCurrencies(sl *pb.SignedListing, currencies []string)
func SignPayload ¶ added in v0.13.1
SignPayload produces a signature for the given private key and payload and returns it and the public key or an error
func ValidShippingRegion ¶ added in v0.13.0
func ValidShippingRegion(shippingOption *pb.Listing_ShippingOption) error
func ValidateProfile ¶ added in v0.5.3
ValidateProfile - validate fetched profile
func ValidateRating ¶ added in v0.6.0
ValidateRating - validates rating for API GET and Post/Update
func VerifyPayload ¶ added in v0.13.1
VerifyPayload proves the payload and signature are authentic for the provided public key and returns the peer ID for that pubkey with no error on success
Types ¶
type CodedError ¶ added in v0.12.0
type CodedError struct { Reason string `json:"reason,omitempty"` Code string `json:"code,omitempty"` }
CodedError is an error that is machine readable
func (CodedError) Error ¶ added in v0.12.0
func (err CodedError) Error() string
type ErrCryptocurrencyListingIllegalField ¶ added in v0.12.0
type ErrCryptocurrencyListingIllegalField string
ErrCryptocurrencyListingIllegalField - invalid field err
func (ErrCryptocurrencyListingIllegalField) Error ¶ added in v0.12.0
func (e ErrCryptocurrencyListingIllegalField) Error() string
type ErrCryptocurrencyPurchaseIllegalField ¶ added in v0.12.0
type ErrCryptocurrencyPurchaseIllegalField string
ErrCryptocurrencyPurchaseIllegalField - invalid purchase field err
func (ErrCryptocurrencyPurchaseIllegalField) Error ¶ added in v0.12.0
func (e ErrCryptocurrencyPurchaseIllegalField) Error() string
type ErrMarketPriceListingIllegalField ¶ added in v0.12.0
type ErrMarketPriceListingIllegalField string
ErrMarketPriceListingIllegalField - invalid listing field err
func (ErrMarketPriceListingIllegalField) Error ¶ added in v0.12.0
func (e ErrMarketPriceListingIllegalField) Error() string
type ErrOutOfInventory ¶ added in v0.12.0
type ErrOutOfInventory struct { CodedError RemainingInventory int64 `json:"remainingInventory"` }
ErrOutOfInventory is a codedError returned from vendor nodes when buyers try purchasing too many of an item
func NewErrOutOfInventory ¶ added in v0.12.0
func NewErrOutOfInventory(inventoryRemaining int64) ErrOutOfInventory
NewErrOutOfInventory - return out of inventory err with available inventory
func (ErrOutOfInventory) Error ¶ added in v0.12.0
func (err ErrOutOfInventory) Error() string
type ErrPriceModifierOutOfRange ¶ added in v0.12.1
ErrPriceModifierOutOfRange - customize limits for price modifier
func (ErrPriceModifierOutOfRange) Error ¶ added in v0.12.1
func (e ErrPriceModifierOutOfRange) Error() string
type Inventory ¶ added in v0.12.0
type Inventory map[string]*InventoryListing
Inventory is the complete inventory representation stored on IPFS It maps slug -> quantity information
type InventoryListing ¶ added in v0.12.0
type InventoryListing struct { Inventory int64 `json:"inventory"` LastUpdated string `json:"lastUpdated"` }
InventoryListing is the listing representation stored on IPFS
type ListingData ¶ added in v0.11.0
type ListingData struct { Hash string `json:"hash"` Slug string `json:"slug"` Title string `json:"title"` Tags []string `json:"tags"` Categories []string `json:"categories"` NSFW bool `json:"nsfw"` ContractType string `json:"contractType"` Format string `json:"format"` Description string `json:"description"` Thumbnail thumbnail `json:"thumbnail"` Price price `json:"price"` ShipsTo []string `json:"shipsTo"` FreeShipping []string `json:"freeShipping"` Language string `json:"language"` AverageRating float32 `json:"averageRating"` RatingCount uint32 `json:"ratingCount"` ModeratorIDs []string `json:"moderators"` AcceptedCurrencies []string `json:"acceptedCurrencies"` CoinType string `json:"coinType"` CoinDivisibility uint32 `json:"coinDivisibility"` }
ListingData - represent a listing
type OpenBazaarNode ¶
type OpenBazaarNode struct { // IPFS node object IpfsNode *core.IpfsNode // An implementation of the custom DHT used by OpenBazaar DHT *dht.IpfsDHT // The roothash of the node directory inside the openbazaar repo. // This directory hash is published on IPNS at our peer ID making // the directory publicly viewable on the network. RootHash string // The path to the openbazaar repo in the file system RepoPath string // The OpenBazaar network service for direct communication between peers Service net.NetworkService // Database for storing node specific data Datastore repo.Datastore // Websocket channel used for pushing data to the UI Broadcast chan repo.Notifier // A map of cryptocurrency wallets Multiwallet multiwallet.MultiWallet // Storage for our outgoing messages MessageStorage sto.OfflineMessagingStorage // A service that periodically checks the dht for outstanding messages MessageRetriever *ret.MessageRetriever // OfflineMessageFailoverTimeout is the duration until the protocol // will stop looking for the peer to send a direct message and failover to // sending an offline message OfflineMessageFailoverTimeout time.Duration // A service that periodically republishes active pointers PointerRepublisher *rep.PointerRepublisher // Optional nodes to push user data to PushNodes []peer.ID // The user-agent for this node UserAgent string // A dialer for Tor if available TorDialer proxy.Dialer // Manage blocked peers BanManager *net.BanManager // Allow other nodes to push data to this node for storage AcceptStoreRequests bool // RecordAgingNotifier is a worker that walks the cases datastore to // notify the user as disputes age past certain thresholds RecordAgingNotifier *recordAgingNotifier // Generic pubsub interface Pubsub ipfs.Pubsub // The master private key derived from the mnemonic MasterPrivateKey *hdkeychain.ExtendedKey // The number of DHT records to collect before returning. The larger the number // the slower the query but the less likely we will get an old record. IPNSQuorumSize uint TestnetEnable bool RegressionTestEnable bool }
OpenBazaarNode - represent ob node which encapsulates ipfsnode, wallet etc
var Node *OpenBazaarNode
Node - ob node
func (*OpenBazaarNode) BuildTransactionRecords ¶ added in v0.6.2
func (n *OpenBazaarNode) BuildTransactionRecords(contract *pb.RicardianContract, records []*wallet.TransactionRecord, state pb.OrderState) ([]*pb.TransactionRecord, *pb.TransactionRecord, error)
BuildTransactionRecords - Used by the GET order API to build transaction records suitable to be included in the order response
func (*OpenBazaarNode) CalcOrderID ¶ added in v0.12.3
func (n *OpenBazaarNode) CalcOrderID(order *pb.Order) (string, error)
CalcOrderID - return b58 encoded orderID
func (*OpenBazaarNode) CalculateOrderTotal ¶ added in v0.1.1
func (n *OpenBazaarNode) CalculateOrderTotal(contract *pb.RicardianContract) (uint64, error)
CalculateOrderTotal - calculate the total in satoshi/wei
func (*OpenBazaarNode) CancelOfflineOrder ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (n *OpenBazaarNode) CancelOfflineOrder(contract *pb.RicardianContract, records []*wallet.TransactionRecord) error
CancelOfflineOrder - cancel order
func (*OpenBazaarNode) CloseDispute ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (n *OpenBazaarNode) CloseDispute(orderID string, buyerPercentage, vendorPercentage float32, resolution string, paymentCoinHint *repo.CurrencyCode) error
CloseDispute - close a dispute
func (*OpenBazaarNode) CompleteOrder ¶ added in v0.2.2
func (n *OpenBazaarNode) CompleteOrder(orderRatings *OrderRatings, contract *pb.RicardianContract, records []*wallet.TransactionRecord) error
CompleteOrder - complete the order
func (*OpenBazaarNode) ConfirmOfflineOrder ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (n *OpenBazaarNode) ConfirmOfflineOrder(contract *pb.RicardianContract, records []*wallet.TransactionRecord) error
ConfirmOfflineOrder - confirm offline order
func (*OpenBazaarNode) CreateListing ¶ added in v0.12.0
func (n *OpenBazaarNode) CreateListing(listing *pb.Listing) error
CreateListing - add a listing
func (*OpenBazaarNode) DeleteListing ¶ added in v0.1.1
func (n *OpenBazaarNode) DeleteListing(slug string) error
DeleteListing Deletes the listing directory, removes the listing from the index, and deletes the inventory
func (*OpenBazaarNode) DeletePost ¶ added in v0.10.1
func (n *OpenBazaarNode) DeletePost(slug string) error
DeletePost [Deletes the post directory, and removes the post from the index]
func (*OpenBazaarNode) DisputeIsActive ¶ added in v0.12.1
func (n *OpenBazaarNode) DisputeIsActive(contract *pb.RicardianContract) (bool, error)
DisputeIsActive - check if the dispute is active
func (*OpenBazaarNode) EncryptMessage ¶
func (n *OpenBazaarNode) EncryptMessage(peerID peer.ID, peerKey *libp2p.PubKey, message []byte) (ct []byte, rerr error)
EncryptMessage This is a placeholder until the libsignal is operational.
For now we will just encrypt outgoing offline messages with the long lived identity key. Optionally you may provide a public key, to avoid doing an IPFS lookup
func (*OpenBazaarNode) EstimateOrderTotal ¶ added in v0.5.5
func (n *OpenBazaarNode) EstimateOrderTotal(data *PurchaseData) (uint64, error)
EstimateOrderTotal - returns order total in satoshi/wei
func (*OpenBazaarNode) FetchAvatar ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (n *OpenBazaarNode) FetchAvatar(peerID string, size string, useCache bool) (io.ReadSeeker, error)
FetchAvatar - fetch image avatar from ipfs
func (*OpenBazaarNode) FetchHeader ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (n *OpenBazaarNode) FetchHeader(peerID string, size string, useCache bool) (io.ReadSeeker, error)
FetchHeader - fetch image header from ipfs
func (*OpenBazaarNode) FetchImage ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (n *OpenBazaarNode) FetchImage(peerID string, imageType string, size string, useCache bool) (io.ReadSeeker, error)
FetchImage - fetch ipfs image
func (*OpenBazaarNode) FetchProfile ¶ added in v0.5.0
FetchProfile - fetch peer's profile
func (*OpenBazaarNode) Follow ¶
func (n *OpenBazaarNode) Follow(peerID string) error
Follow - follow a peer
func (*OpenBazaarNode) FulfillOrder ¶ added in v0.2.1
func (n *OpenBazaarNode) FulfillOrder(fulfillment *pb.OrderFulfillment, contract *pb.RicardianContract, records []*wallet.TransactionRecord) error
FulfillOrder - fulfill the order
func (*OpenBazaarNode) GeneratePostSlug ¶ added in v0.10.1
func (n *OpenBazaarNode) GeneratePostSlug(status string) (string, error)
GeneratePostSlug [Create a slug for the post based on the status, if a slug is missing]
func (*OpenBazaarNode) GenerateSlug ¶ added in v0.5.1
func (n *OpenBazaarNode) GenerateSlug(title string) (string, error)
GenerateSlug - slugify the title of the listing
func (*OpenBazaarNode) GetBase64Image ¶ added in v0.6.3
func (n *OpenBazaarNode) GetBase64Image(url string) (base64ImageData, filename string, err error)
GetBase64Image - fetch the image and return it as base64 encoded string
func (*OpenBazaarNode) GetListingCount ¶
func (n *OpenBazaarNode) GetListingCount() int
GetListingCount Return the current number of listings
func (*OpenBazaarNode) GetListingFromHash ¶ added in v0.1.1
func (n *OpenBazaarNode) GetListingFromHash(hash string) (*pb.SignedListing, error)
GetListingFromHash - fetch listing for the specified hash
func (*OpenBazaarNode) GetListingFromSlug ¶ added in v0.1.1
func (n *OpenBazaarNode) GetListingFromSlug(slug string) (*pb.SignedListing, error)
GetListingFromSlug - fetch listing for the specified slug
func (*OpenBazaarNode) GetListings ¶ added in v0.2.3
func (n *OpenBazaarNode) GetListings() ([]byte, error)
GetListings - fetch all listings
func (*OpenBazaarNode) GetLocalInventory ¶ added in v0.12.0
func (n *OpenBazaarNode) GetLocalInventory() (Inventory, error)
GetLocalInventory gets the inventory from the database
func (*OpenBazaarNode) GetLocalInventoryForSlug ¶ added in v0.12.0
func (n *OpenBazaarNode) GetLocalInventoryForSlug(slug string) (*InventoryListing, error)
GetLocalInventoryForSlug gets the local inventory for the given slug
func (*OpenBazaarNode) GetModeratorFee ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (n *OpenBazaarNode) GetModeratorFee(transactionTotal uint64, paymentCoin, currencyCode string) (uint64, error)
GetModeratorFee - fetch moderator fee
func (*OpenBazaarNode) GetPeerStatus ¶
func (n *OpenBazaarNode) GetPeerStatus(peerID string) (string, error)
GetPeerStatus - check if a peer is online/offline
func (*OpenBazaarNode) GetPostCount ¶ added in v0.10.1
func (n *OpenBazaarNode) GetPostCount() int
GetPostCount [Return the current number of posts]
func (*OpenBazaarNode) GetPostFromHash ¶ added in v0.10.1
func (n *OpenBazaarNode) GetPostFromHash(hash string) (*pb.SignedPost, error)
GetPostFromHash [Get a post based on the hash]
func (*OpenBazaarNode) GetPostFromSlug ¶ added in v0.10.1
func (n *OpenBazaarNode) GetPostFromSlug(slug string) (*pb.SignedPost, error)
GetPostFromSlug [Get a post based on the slug]
func (*OpenBazaarNode) GetPosts ¶ added in v0.10.1
func (n *OpenBazaarNode) GetPosts() ([]byte, error)
GetPosts [Get a list of the posts]
func (*OpenBazaarNode) GetProfile ¶
func (n *OpenBazaarNode) GetProfile() (pb.Profile, error)
GetProfile - fetch user profile
func (*OpenBazaarNode) GetPublishedInventoryBytes ¶ added in v0.12.0
GetPublishedInventoryBytes gets a byte slice representing the given peer's inventory that it published to IPFS
func (*OpenBazaarNode) GetPublishedInventoryBytesForSlug ¶ added in v0.12.0
func (n *OpenBazaarNode) GetPublishedInventoryBytesForSlug(p peer.ID, slug string, useCache bool) ([]byte, error)
GetPublishedInventoryBytesForSlug gets a byte slice representing the given slug's inventory from IPFS
func (*OpenBazaarNode) GetRatingCounts ¶ added in v0.9.4
func (n *OpenBazaarNode) GetRatingCounts() (uint32, float32, error)
GetRatingCounts - fetch rating count
func (*OpenBazaarNode) IPFSIdentityString ¶ added in v0.12.0
func (n *OpenBazaarNode) IPFSIdentityString() string
IPFSIdentityString - IPFS identifier
func (*OpenBazaarNode) ImportListings ¶ added in v0.6.3
func (n *OpenBazaarNode) ImportListings(r io.ReadCloser) error
ImportListings - upload/read listings
func (*OpenBazaarNode) IsFulfilled ¶ added in v0.2.1
func (n *OpenBazaarNode) IsFulfilled(contract *pb.RicardianContract) bool
IsFulfilled - check is order is fulfilled
func (*OpenBazaarNode) IsItemForSale ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (n *OpenBazaarNode) IsItemForSale(listing *pb.Listing) bool
IsItemForSale Check to see we are selling the given listing. Used when validating an order. FIXME: This won't scale well. We will need to store the hash of active listings in a db to do an indexed search.
func (*OpenBazaarNode) IsModerator ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (n *OpenBazaarNode) IsModerator() bool
IsModerator - Am I a moderator?
func (*OpenBazaarNode) NewOrderConfirmation ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (n *OpenBazaarNode) NewOrderConfirmation(contract *pb.RicardianContract, addressRequest, calculateNewTotal bool) (*pb.RicardianContract, error)
NewOrderConfirmation - add order confirmation to the contract
func (*OpenBazaarNode) NotifyModerators ¶ added in v0.5.1
func (n *OpenBazaarNode) NotifyModerators(addedMods, removedMods []string) error
NotifyModerators - notify moderators(peers)
func (*OpenBazaarNode) OpenDispute ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (n *OpenBazaarNode) OpenDispute(orderID string, contract *pb.RicardianContract, records []*wallet.TransactionRecord, claim string) error
OpenDispute - open a dispute
func (*OpenBazaarNode) PatchProfile ¶ added in v0.4.3
func (n *OpenBazaarNode) PatchProfile(patch map[string]interface{}) error
PatchProfile - patch user profile
func (*OpenBazaarNode) ProcessDisputeOpen ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (n *OpenBazaarNode) ProcessDisputeOpen(rc *pb.RicardianContract, peerID string) error
ProcessDisputeOpen - process an open dispute
func (*OpenBazaarNode) PublishInventory ¶ added in v0.12.0
func (n *OpenBazaarNode) PublishInventory() error
PublishInventory stores an inventory on IPFS
func (*OpenBazaarNode) Purchase ¶
func (n *OpenBazaarNode) Purchase(data *PurchaseData) (orderID string, paymentAddress string, paymentAmount uint64, vendorOnline bool, err error)
Purchase - add ricardian contract
func (*OpenBazaarNode) RefundOrder ¶ added in v0.2.1
func (n *OpenBazaarNode) RefundOrder(contract *pb.RicardianContract, records []*wallet.TransactionRecord) error
RefundOrder - refund buyer
func (*OpenBazaarNode) RegressionNetworkEnabled ¶ added in v0.11.1
func (n *OpenBazaarNode) RegressionNetworkEnabled() bool
RegressionNetworkEnabled indicates whether the node is operating with regression parameters
func (*OpenBazaarNode) RejectOfflineOrder ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (n *OpenBazaarNode) RejectOfflineOrder(contract *pb.RicardianContract, records []*wallet.TransactionRecord) error
RejectOfflineOrder - reject offline order
func (*OpenBazaarNode) ReleaseFunds ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (n *OpenBazaarNode) ReleaseFunds(contract *pb.RicardianContract, records []*wallet.TransactionRecord) error
ReleaseFunds - release funds
func (*OpenBazaarNode) ReleaseFundsAfterTimeout ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (n *OpenBazaarNode) ReleaseFundsAfterTimeout(contract *pb.RicardianContract, records []*wallet.TransactionRecord) error
ReleaseFundsAfterTimeout - release funds
func (*OpenBazaarNode) RemoveSelfAsModerator ¶ added in v0.1.1
func (n *OpenBazaarNode) RemoveSelfAsModerator() error
RemoveSelfAsModerator - relinquish moderatorship
func (*OpenBazaarNode) SeedNode ¶
func (n *OpenBazaarNode) SeedNode() error
SeedNode - publish to IPNS
func (*OpenBazaarNode) SendBlock ¶ added in v0.9.3
func (n *OpenBazaarNode) SendBlock(peerID string, id cid.Cid) error
SendBlock - send requested ipfs block to peer
func (*OpenBazaarNode) SendCancel ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (n *OpenBazaarNode) SendCancel(peerID, orderID string) error
SendCancel - send order canceled msg to peer
func (*OpenBazaarNode) SendChat ¶ added in v0.3.1
func (n *OpenBazaarNode) SendChat(peerID string, chatMessage *pb.Chat) error
SendChat - send chat msg to peer
func (*OpenBazaarNode) SendDisputeClose ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (n *OpenBazaarNode) SendDisputeClose(peerID string, k *libp2p.PubKey, resolutionMessage *pb.RicardianContract) error
SendDisputeClose - send dispute closed msg to peer
func (*OpenBazaarNode) SendDisputeOpen ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (n *OpenBazaarNode) SendDisputeOpen(peerID string, k *libp2p.PubKey, disputeMessage *pb.RicardianContract) error
SendDisputeOpen - send open dispute msg to peer
func (*OpenBazaarNode) SendDisputeUpdate ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (n *OpenBazaarNode) SendDisputeUpdate(peerID string, updateMessage *pb.DisputeUpdate) error
SendDisputeUpdate - send update dispute msg to peer
func (*OpenBazaarNode) SendFundsReleasedByVendor ¶ added in v0.12.1
func (n *OpenBazaarNode) SendFundsReleasedByVendor(peerID string, marshalledPeerPublicKey []byte, orderID string) error
SendFundsReleasedByVendor - send funds released by vendor msg to peer
func (*OpenBazaarNode) SendModeratorAdd ¶ added in v0.5.1
func (n *OpenBazaarNode) SendModeratorAdd(peerID string) error
SendModeratorAdd - send add moderator msg to peer
func (*OpenBazaarNode) SendModeratorRemove ¶ added in v0.5.1
func (n *OpenBazaarNode) SendModeratorRemove(peerID string) error
SendModeratorRemove - send remove moderator msg to peer
func (*OpenBazaarNode) SendOfflineAck ¶
func (n *OpenBazaarNode) SendOfflineAck(peerID string, pointerID peer.ID) error
SendOfflineAck - send ack to offline peer
func (*OpenBazaarNode) SendOfflineMessage ¶
SendOfflineMessage Supply of a public key is optional, if nil is instead provided n.EncryptMessage does a lookup
func (*OpenBazaarNode) SendOfflineRelay ¶ added in v0.12.4
func (n *OpenBazaarNode) SendOfflineRelay(peerID string, encryptedMessage []byte) error
SendOfflineRelay - send and offline relay message to the peer. Used for relaying messages from a client node to another peer.
func (*OpenBazaarNode) SendOrder ¶ added in v0.1.1
func (n *OpenBazaarNode) SendOrder(peerID string, contract *pb.RicardianContract) (resp *pb.Message, err error)
SendOrder - send order created msg to peer
func (*OpenBazaarNode) SendOrderCompletion ¶ added in v0.2.2
func (n *OpenBazaarNode) SendOrderCompletion(peerID string, k *libp2p.PubKey, completionMessage *pb.RicardianContract) error
SendOrderCompletion - send order completion msg to peer
func (*OpenBazaarNode) SendOrderConfirmation ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (n *OpenBazaarNode) SendOrderConfirmation(peerID string, contract *pb.RicardianContract) error
SendOrderConfirmation - send order confirmed msg to peer
func (*OpenBazaarNode) SendOrderFulfillment ¶ added in v0.2.1
func (n *OpenBazaarNode) SendOrderFulfillment(peerID string, k *libp2p.PubKey, fulfillmentMessage *pb.RicardianContract) error
SendOrderFulfillment - send order fulfillment msg to peer
func (*OpenBazaarNode) SendRefund ¶ added in v0.2.1
func (n *OpenBazaarNode) SendRefund(peerID string, refundMessage *pb.RicardianContract) error
SendRefund - send refund msg to peer
func (*OpenBazaarNode) SendReject ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (n *OpenBazaarNode) SendReject(peerID string, rejectMessage *pb.OrderReject) error
SendReject - send order rejected msg to peer
func (*OpenBazaarNode) SendStore ¶ added in v0.9.3
func (n *OpenBazaarNode) SendStore(peerID string, ids []cid.Cid) error
SendStore - send requested stores to peer
func (*OpenBazaarNode) SetAvatarImages ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (n *OpenBazaarNode) SetAvatarImages(base64ImageData string) (*pb.Profile_Image, error)
SetAvatarImages - set avatar image from the base64 encoded image string
func (*OpenBazaarNode) SetCurrencyOnListings ¶ added in v0.13.1
func (n *OpenBazaarNode) SetCurrencyOnListings(currencies []string) error
SetCurrencyOnListings - set currencies accepted for a listing
func (*OpenBazaarNode) SetHeaderImages ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (n *OpenBazaarNode) SetHeaderImages(base64ImageData string) (*pb.Profile_Image, error)
SetHeaderImages - set header image from the base64 encoded string
func (*OpenBazaarNode) SetListingInventory ¶
func (n *OpenBazaarNode) SetListingInventory(listing *pb.Listing) error
SetListingInventory Sets the inventory for the listing in the database. Does some basic validation
to make sure the inventory uses the correct variants.
func (*OpenBazaarNode) SetModeratorsOnListings ¶ added in v0.4.3
func (n *OpenBazaarNode) SetModeratorsOnListings(moderators []string) error
SetModeratorsOnListings - set moderators for a listing
func (*OpenBazaarNode) SetProductImages ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (n *OpenBazaarNode) SetProductImages(base64ImageData, filename string) (*pb.Profile_Image, error)
SetProductImages - use the original image ina base64 string format and generate tiny, small, medium and large images for the product
func (*OpenBazaarNode) SetSelfAsModerator ¶ added in v0.1.1
func (n *OpenBazaarNode) SetSelfAsModerator(moderator *pb.Moderator) error
SetSelfAsModerator - set self as a moderator
func (*OpenBazaarNode) SetUpRepublisher ¶ added in v0.9.3
func (n *OpenBazaarNode) SetUpRepublisher(interval time.Duration)
SetUpRepublisher - periodic publishing to IPNS
func (*OpenBazaarNode) SignDispute ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (n *OpenBazaarNode) SignDispute(contract *pb.RicardianContract) (*pb.RicardianContract, error)
SignDispute - sign the dispute
func (*OpenBazaarNode) SignDisputeResolution ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (n *OpenBazaarNode) SignDisputeResolution(contract *pb.RicardianContract) (*pb.RicardianContract, error)
SignDisputeResolution - add signature to DisputeResolution
func (*OpenBazaarNode) SignListing ¶
func (n *OpenBazaarNode) SignListing(listing *pb.Listing) (*pb.SignedListing, error)
SignListing Add our identity to the listing and sign it
func (*OpenBazaarNode) SignOrder ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (n *OpenBazaarNode) SignOrder(contract *pb.RicardianContract) (*pb.RicardianContract, error)
SignOrder - add signature to the order
func (*OpenBazaarNode) SignOrderCompletion ¶ added in v0.2.2
func (n *OpenBazaarNode) SignOrderCompletion(contract *pb.RicardianContract) (*pb.RicardianContract, error)
SignOrderCompletion - sign order on completion
func (*OpenBazaarNode) SignOrderConfirmation ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (n *OpenBazaarNode) SignOrderConfirmation(contract *pb.RicardianContract) (*pb.RicardianContract, error)
SignOrderConfirmation - sign the added order confirmation
func (*OpenBazaarNode) SignOrderFulfillment ¶ added in v0.2.1
func (n *OpenBazaarNode) SignOrderFulfillment(contract *pb.RicardianContract) (*pb.RicardianContract, error)
SignOrderFulfillment - add signature to order fulfillment
func (*OpenBazaarNode) SignPost ¶ added in v0.10.1
func (n *OpenBazaarNode) SignPost(post *pb.Post) (*pb.SignedPost, error)
SignPost [Add the peer's identity to the post and sign it]
func (*OpenBazaarNode) SignRefund ¶ added in v0.2.1
func (n *OpenBazaarNode) SignRefund(contract *pb.RicardianContract) (*pb.RicardianContract, error)
SignRefund - add signature to refund
func (*OpenBazaarNode) Spend ¶ added in v0.13.0
func (n *OpenBazaarNode) Spend(args *SpendRequest) (*SpendResponse, error)
Spend will attempt to move funds from the node to the destination address described in the SpendRequest for the amount indicated.
func (*OpenBazaarNode) StartMessageRetriever ¶ added in v0.12.1
func (n *OpenBazaarNode) StartMessageRetriever()
StartMessageRetriever will collect the required options from the OpenBazaarNode and begin the MessageRetriever in the background
func (*OpenBazaarNode) StartPointerRepublisher ¶ added in v0.12.1
func (n *OpenBazaarNode) StartPointerRepublisher()
StartPointerRepublisher - setup republisher for IPNS
func (*OpenBazaarNode) StartRecordAgingNotifier ¶ added in v0.12.1
func (n *OpenBazaarNode) StartRecordAgingNotifier()
StartRecordAgingNotifier - start the notifier
func (*OpenBazaarNode) TestNetworkEnabled ¶ added in v0.11.1
func (n *OpenBazaarNode) TestNetworkEnabled() bool
TestNetworkEnabled indicates whether the node is operating with test parameters
func (*OpenBazaarNode) Unfollow ¶
func (n *OpenBazaarNode) Unfollow(peerID string) error
Unfollow - unfollow a peer
func (*OpenBazaarNode) UpdateEachListingOnIndex ¶ added in v0.11.1
func (n *OpenBazaarNode) UpdateEachListingOnIndex(updateListing func(*ListingData) error) error
UpdateEachListingOnIndex will visit each listing in the index and execute the function with a pointer to the listing passed as the argument. The function should return an error to further processing.
func (*OpenBazaarNode) UpdateFollow ¶
func (n *OpenBazaarNode) UpdateFollow() error
UpdateFollow This function updates the follow and following lists in the node's root directory
as well as adds the current follow, following, and listing counts to the profile. We only do this when a user updates his node to avoid needing to make network calls each time a new follower or unfollow request comes in.
func (*OpenBazaarNode) UpdateListing ¶ added in v0.12.0
func (n *OpenBazaarNode) UpdateListing(listing *pb.Listing, publish bool) error
UpdateListing - update the listing
func (*OpenBazaarNode) UpdatePostHashes ¶ added in v0.10.1
func (n *OpenBazaarNode) UpdatePostHashes(hashes map[string]string) error
UpdatePostHashes [Update the hashes in the posts.json file]
func (*OpenBazaarNode) UpdatePostIndex ¶ added in v0.10.1
func (n *OpenBazaarNode) UpdatePostIndex(post *pb.SignedPost) error
UpdatePostIndex [Update the posts index]
func (*OpenBazaarNode) UpdateProfile ¶
func (n *OpenBazaarNode) UpdateProfile(profile *pb.Profile) error
UpdateProfile - update user profile
func (*OpenBazaarNode) ValidateAndSaveRating ¶ added in v0.2.2
func (n *OpenBazaarNode) ValidateAndSaveRating(contract *pb.RicardianContract) (retErr error)
ValidateAndSaveRating - validates rating
func (*OpenBazaarNode) ValidateCaseContract ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (n *OpenBazaarNode) ValidateCaseContract(contract *pb.RicardianContract) []string
ValidateCaseContract - validate contract details
func (*OpenBazaarNode) ValidateDirectPaymentAddress ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (n *OpenBazaarNode) ValidateDirectPaymentAddress(order *pb.Order) error
ValidateDirectPaymentAddress - validate address
func (*OpenBazaarNode) ValidateDisputeResolution ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (n *OpenBazaarNode) ValidateDisputeResolution(contract *pb.RicardianContract) error
ValidateDisputeResolution - validate dispute resolution
func (*OpenBazaarNode) ValidateModeratedPaymentAddress ¶ added in v0.2.1
func (n *OpenBazaarNode) ValidateModeratedPaymentAddress(order *pb.Order, timeout time.Duration) error
ValidateModeratedPaymentAddress - validate moderator address
func (*OpenBazaarNode) ValidateMultiwalletHasPreferredCurrencies ¶ added in v0.13.0
func (n *OpenBazaarNode) ValidateMultiwalletHasPreferredCurrencies(data repo.SettingsData) error
func (*OpenBazaarNode) ValidateOrder ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (n *OpenBazaarNode) ValidateOrder(contract *pb.RicardianContract, checkInventory bool) error
ValidateOrder - check the order validity wrt signatures etc
func (*OpenBazaarNode) ValidateOrderCompletion ¶ added in v0.2.2
func (n *OpenBazaarNode) ValidateOrderCompletion(contract *pb.RicardianContract) error
ValidateOrderCompletion - validate order signatures on completion
func (*OpenBazaarNode) ValidateOrderConfirmation ¶ added in v0.2.1
func (n *OpenBazaarNode) ValidateOrderConfirmation(contract *pb.RicardianContract, validateAddress bool) error
ValidateOrderConfirmation - validate address and signatures for order confirmation
func (*OpenBazaarNode) ValidateOrderFulfillment ¶ added in v0.2.1
func (n *OpenBazaarNode) ValidateOrderFulfillment(fulfillment *pb.OrderFulfillment, contract *pb.RicardianContract) error
ValidateOrderFulfillment - validate order details
func (*OpenBazaarNode) ValidatePaymentAmount ¶ added in v0.4.0
func (n *OpenBazaarNode) ValidatePaymentAmount(requestedAmount, paymentAmount uint64) bool
ValidatePaymentAmount - validate amount requested
func (*OpenBazaarNode) VerifySignatureOnDisputeOpen ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (n *OpenBazaarNode) VerifySignatureOnDisputeOpen(contract *pb.RicardianContract, peerID string) error
VerifySignatureOnDisputeOpen - verify signatures in an open dispute
func (*OpenBazaarNode) VerifySignaturesOnRefund ¶ added in v0.2.1
func (n *OpenBazaarNode) VerifySignaturesOnRefund(contract *pb.RicardianContract) error
VerifySignaturesOnRefund - verify signatures on refund
func (*OpenBazaarNode) WaitForMessageRetrieverCompletion ¶ added in v0.12.1
func (n *OpenBazaarNode) WaitForMessageRetrieverCompletion()
WaitForMessageRetrieverCompletion will return once the MessageRetriever has finished processing messages
type OrderRatings ¶ added in v0.2.2
type OrderRatings struct { OrderID string `json:"orderId"` Ratings []RatingData `json:"ratings"` }
OrderRatings - record ratings for an order
type PurchaseData ¶
type PurchaseData struct { ShipTo string `json:"shipTo"` Address string `json:"address"` City string `json:"city"` State string `json:"state"` PostalCode string `json:"postalCode"` CountryCode string `json:"countryCode"` AddressNotes string `json:"addressNotes"` Moderator string `json:"moderator"` Items []item `json:"items"` AlternateContactInfo string `json:"alternateContactInfo"` RefundAddress *string `json:"refundAddress"` //optional, can be left out of json PaymentCoin string `json:"paymentCoin"` }
PurchaseData - record purchase data
type RatingData ¶ added in v0.2.2
type RatingData struct { Slug string `json:"slug"` Overall int `json:"overall"` Quality int `json:"quality"` Description int `json:"description"` DeliverySpeed int `json:"deliverySpeed"` CustomerService int `json:"customerService"` Review string `json:"review"` Anonymous bool `json:"anonymous"` }
RatingData - record rating in detail
type SavedRating ¶ added in v0.6.0
type SavedRating struct { Slug string `json:"slug"` Count int `json:"count"` Average float32 `json:"average"` Ratings []string `json:"ratings"` }
SavedRating - represent saved rating
type SpendRequest ¶ added in v0.13.0
type SpendRequest struct { Address string `json:"address"` Amount int64 `json:"amount"` FeeLevel string `json:"feeLevel"` Memo string `json:"memo"` OrderID string `json:"orderId"` RequireAssociatedOrder bool `json:"requireOrder"` Wallet string `json:"wallet"` SpendAll bool `json:"spendAll"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
type SpendResponse ¶ added in v0.13.0
Source Files
- completion.go
- confirmation.go
- core.go
- disputes.go
- errors.go
- follow.go
- fulfillment.go
- images.go
- import.go
- inventory.go
- listings.go
- message_retriever.go
- moderation.go
- net.go
- order.go
- pointer_republisher.go
- posts.go
- profile.go
- ratings.go
- record_aging_notifier.go
- refunds.go
- signatures.go
- signed_listings.go
- spend.go
- ulimit_unix.go
- utils.go