User deployable service which implements a pipeline consisting of a small Go app and a promtail sidecar process. It presents a CF compatible logdrainer endpoint which accepts RFC5424 messages, forwards them to the promtail sidecar process, which in turn forwards the log messages to Loki , done.
Deployment should be performed using the bundled Terraform module. It injects the proper promtail config for you.
module "loki_logdrain" {
source = "./modules/loki-cf-logdrain"
name_postfix = var.postfix
cf_domain = var.cf_domain
cf_space_id = var.cf_space_id
loki_username = "loki"
loki_password = "some-secret-password"
loki_push_endpoint = "https://loki.some-fiesta-cluster.terrakube.com/loki/api/v1/push"
resource "cloudfoundry_user_provided_service" "loki_logdrain" {
name = "tf-loki-logdrain-${var.postfix}"
space = var.cf_space_id
syslog_drain_url = module.loki_logdrain.logdrain_url
You can bind CF apps to the above created draining service to start delivery of logs to your Loki instance.
License is MIT