Flyscrape is a command-line web scraping tool designed for those without
advanced programming skills, enabling precise extraction of website data.
Installation · Documentation · Releases
- Standalone: Flyscrape comes as a single binary executable.
- jQuery-like: Extract data from HTML pages with a familiar API.
- Scriptable: Use JavaScript to write your data extraction logic.
- System Cookies: Give Flyscrape access to your browsers cookie store.
- Browser Mode: Render JavaScript heavy pages using a headless Browser.
This example scrapes the first few pages form Hacker News, specifically the New, Show and Ask sections.
export const config = {
urls: [
// Cache request for later.
cache: "file",
// Enable JavaScript rendering.
browser: true,
headless: false,
// Follow pagination 5 times.
depth: 5,
follow: ["a.morelink[href]"],
export default function ({ doc, absoluteURL }) {
const title = doc.find("title");
const posts = doc.find(".athing");
return {
title: title.text(),
posts: => {
const link = post.find(".titleline > a");
return {
title: link.text(),
url: link.attr("href"),
$ flyscrape run hackernews.js
"url": "",
"data": {
"title": "New Links | Hacker News",
"posts": [
"title": "Show HN: flyscrape - An standalone and scriptable web scraper",
"url": ""
Check out the examples folder for more detailed examples.
The easiest way to install flyscrape
is via its install script.
curl -fsSL | bash
For macOS users flyscrape
is also available via homebrew:
brew install flyscrape
Pre-compiled binary
is available for MacOS, Linux and Windows as a downloadable binary from the releases page.
Compile from source
To compile flyscrape from source, follow these steps:
Install Go: Make sure you have Go installed on your system. If not, you can download it from
Install flyscrape: Open a terminal and run the following command:
go install
flyscrape run SCRIPT [config flags]
# Run the script.
$ flyscrape run example.js
# Set the URL as argument.
$ flyscrape run example.js --url ""
# Enable proxy support.
$ flyscrape run example.js --proxies "http://someproxy:8043"
# Follow paginated links.
$ flyscrape run example.js --depth 5 --follow ".next-button > a"
# Set the output format to ndjson.
$ flyscrape run example.js --output.format ndjson
# Write the output to a file.
$ flyscrape run example.js --output.file results.json
Below is an example scraping script that showcases the capabilities of flyscrape. For a full documentation of all configuration options, visit the documentation page.
export const config = {
// Specify the URL to start scraping from.
url: "",
// Specify the multiple URLs to start scraping from. (default = [])
urls: [
// Enable rendering with headless browser. (default = false)
browser: true,
// Specify if browser should be headless or not. (default = true)
headless: false,
// Specify how deep links should be followed. (default = 0, no follow)
depth: 5,
// Speficy the css selectors to follow. (default = ["a[href]"])
follow: [".next > a", ".related a"],
// Specify the allowed domains. ['*'] for all. (default = domain from url)
allowedDomains: ["", ""],
// Specify the blocked domains. (default = none)
blockedDomains: [""],
// Specify the allowed URLs as regex. (default = all allowed)
allowedURLs: ["/posts", "/articles/\d+"],
// Specify the blocked URLs as regex. (default = none)
blockedURLs: ["/admin"],
// Specify the rate in requests per minute. (default = no rate limit)
rate: 60,
// Specify the number of concurrent requests. (default = no limit)
concurrency: 1,
// Specify a single HTTP(S) proxy URL. (default = no proxy)
// Note: Not compatible with browser mode.
proxy: "",
// Specify multiple HTTP(S) proxy URLs. (default = no proxy)
// Note: Not compatible with browser mode.
proxies: [
// Enable file-based request caching. (default = no cache)
cache: "file",
// Specify the HTTP request header. (default = none)
headers: {
"Authorization": "Bearer ...",
"User-Agent": "Mozilla ...",
// Use the cookie store of your local browser. (default = off)
// Options: "chrome" | "edge" | "firefox"
cookies: "chrome",
// Specify the output options.
output: {
// Specify the output file. (default = stdout)
file: "results.json",
// Specify the output format. (default = json)
// Options: "json" | "ndjson"
format: "json",
export default function ({ doc, url, absoluteURL }) {
// doc - Contains the parsed HTML document
// url - Contains the scraped URL
// absoluteURL(...) - Transforms relative URLs into absolute URLs
Query API
// <div class="element" foo="bar">Hey</div>
const el = doc.find(".element")
el.text() // "Hey"
el.html() // `<div class="element">Hey</div>` // div
el.attr("foo") // "bar"
el.hasAttr("foo") // true
el.hasClass("element") // true
// <ul>
// <li class="a">Item 1</li>
// <li>Item 2</li>
// <li>Item 3</li>
// </ul>
const list = doc.find("ul")
list.children() // [<li class="a">Item 1</li>, <li>Item 2</li>, <li>Item 3</li>]
const items = list.find("li")
items.length() // 3
items.first() // <li>Item 1</li>
items.last() // <li>Item 3</li>
items.get(1) // <li>Item 2</li>
items.get(1).prev() // <li>Item 1</li>
items.get(1).next() // <li>Item 3</li>
items.get(1).parent() // <ul>...</ul>
items.get(1).siblings() // [<li class="a">Item 1</li>, <li>Item 2</li>, <li>Item 3</li>] => item.text()) // ["Item 1", "Item 2", "Item 3"]
items.filter(item => item.hasClass("a")) // [<li class="a">Item 1</li>]
// <div>
// <h2 id="aleph">Aleph</h2>
// <p>Aleph</p>
// <h2 id="beta">Beta</h2>
// <p>Beta</p>
// <h2 id="gamma">Gamma</h2>
// <p>Gamma</p>
// </div>
const header = doc.find("div h2")
header.get(1).prev() // <p>Aleph</p>
header.get(1).prevAll() // [<p>Aleph</p>, <h2 id="aleph">Aleph</h2>]
header.get(1).prevUntil('div,h1,h2,h3') // <h2 id="aleph">Aleph</h2>
header.get(1).next() // <p>Beta</p>
header.get(1).nextAll() // [<p>Beta</p>, <h2 id="gamma">Gamma</h2>, <p>Gamma</p>]
header.get(1).nextUntil('div,h1,h2,h3') // <p>Beta</p>
Flyscrape API
Document Parsing
import { parse } from "flyscrape";
const doc = parse(`<div class="foo">bar</div>`);
const text = doc.find(".foo").text();
File Downloads
import { download } from "flyscrape/http";
download("") // downloads as "image.jpg"
download("", "other.jpg") // downloads as "other.jpg"
download("", "dir/") // downloads as "dir/image.jpg"
// If the server offers a filename via the Content-Disposition header and no
// destination filename is provided, Flyscrape will honor the suggested filename.
// E.g. `Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=""`
download("", "dir/") // downloads as "dir/"
Issues and Suggestions
If you encounter any issues or have suggestions for improvement, please submit an issue.