Queue data structure for Go
Package queue
implements a double-ended queue (aka "deque") data structure
on top of a slice.
All operations run in (amortized) constant time.
Benchmarks compare favorably to
container/list as well as to
Go's channels.
These queues are not safe for concurrent use.
I tried to stick to the conventions established by
even though I disagree with them (see
for details).
In other words, this data structure is ready for the standard
library (hah!).
In 2013 I was hacking a breadth-first search in Go and needed a queue, but all I could find in the standard library was container/list.
Now in principle there's nothing wrong with container/list, but I had just admonished my students to always think carefully about the number of memory allocations their programs make. In other words, it felt wrong for me to use a data structure that allocates memory for every single vertex we visit during a breadth-first search.
After I got done with my project, I decided to clean up the queue code a little and to push it here to give everybody else what I really wanted to find in the standard library: A queue abstraction that doesn't allocate memory on every single insertion.
Please read
for some perspective.
Some numbers below are most likely "contaminated" in a way that makes
our queues appear worse than they are.
Here are the numbers for my (ancient) home machine:
$ go test -bench=. -benchmem -count=10 >bench.txt
$ benchstat bench.txt
name time/op
PushFrontQueue-2 82.8µs ± 1%
PushFrontList-2 162µs ± 1%
PushBackQueue-2 83.4µs ± 1%
PushBackList-2 158µs ± 3%
PushBackChannel-2 110µs ± 2%
RandomQueue-2 161µs ± 2%
RandomList-2 281µs ± 4%
GrowShrinkQueue-2 110µs ± 1%
GrowShrinkList-2 170µs ± 5%
name alloc/op
PushFrontQueue-2 40.9kB ± 0%
PushFrontList-2 57.4kB ± 0%
PushBackQueue-2 40.9kB ± 0%
PushBackList-2 57.4kB ± 0%
PushBackChannel-2 24.7kB ± 0%
RandomQueue-2 45.7kB ± 0%
RandomList-2 90.8kB ± 0%
GrowShrinkQueue-2 57.2kB ± 0%
GrowShrinkList-2 57.4kB ± 0%
name allocs/op
PushFrontQueue-2 1.03k ± 0%
PushFrontList-2 2.05k ± 0%
PushBackQueue-2 1.03k ± 0%
PushBackList-2 2.05k ± 0%
PushBackChannel-2 1.03k ± 0%
RandomQueue-2 1.63k ± 0%
RandomList-2 3.24k ± 0%
GrowShrinkQueue-2 1.04k ± 0%
GrowShrinkList-2 2.05k ± 0%
$ go version
go version go1.8.1 linux/amd64
$ cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep "model name" | uniq
model name : AMD Athlon(tm) 64 X2 Dual Core Processor 6000+
That's a speedup of 1.55-1.96 over container/list and a speedup of 1.31 over Go's channels. We also consistently allocate less memory in fewer allocations than container/list. (Note that the number of allocations seems off: since we grow by doubling we should only allocate memory O(log n) times.)
The same benchmarks on one of our department's servers:
$ go test -bench=. -benchmem -count=10 >bench.txt
$ benchstat bench.txt
name time/op
PushFrontQueue-8 88.8µs ± 3%
PushFrontList-8 156µs ± 5%
PushBackQueue-8 88.3µs ± 1%
PushBackList-8 159µs ± 2%
PushBackChannel-8 132µs ± 2%
RandomQueue-8 156µs ± 7%
RandomList-8 279µs ±10%
GrowShrinkQueue-8 117µs ± 0%
GrowShrinkList-8 164µs ± 4%
name alloc/op
PushFrontQueue-8 40.9kB ± 0%
PushFrontList-8 57.4kB ± 0%
PushBackQueue-8 40.9kB ± 0%
PushBackList-8 57.4kB ± 0%
PushBackChannel-8 24.7kB ± 0%
RandomQueue-8 45.7kB ± 0%
RandomList-8 90.8kB ± 0%
GrowShrinkQueue-8 57.2kB ± 0%
GrowShrinkList-8 57.4kB ± 0%
name allocs/op
PushFrontQueue-8 1.03k ± 0%
PushFrontList-8 2.05k ± 0%
PushBackQueue-8 1.03k ± 0%
PushBackList-8 2.05k ± 0%
PushBackChannel-8 1.03k ± 0%
RandomQueue-8 1.63k ± 0%
RandomList-8 3.24k ± 0%
GrowShrinkQueue-8 1.04k ± 0%
GrowShrinkList-8 2.05k ± 0%
$ go version
go version go1.7.5 linux/amd64
$ cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep "model name" |uniq
model name : Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5440 @ 2.83GHz
That's a speedup of 1.76-1.80 over container/list and a speedup of 1.49 over Go's channels.
The same benchmarks on a different department server:
$ go test -bench=. -benchmem -count=10 >bench.txt
$ benchstat bench.txt
name time/op
PushFrontQueue-24 89.1µs ± 8%
PushFrontList-24 176µs ± 8%
PushBackQueue-24 86.8µs ± 5%
PushBackList-24 178µs ± 6%
PushBackChannel-24 151µs ±12%
RandomQueue-24 180µs ±24%
RandomList-24 334µs ± 7%
GrowShrinkQueue-24 117µs ± 3%
GrowShrinkList-24 187µs ± 6%
name alloc/op
PushFrontQueue-24 40.9kB ± 0%
PushFrontList-24 57.4kB ± 0%
PushBackQueue-24 40.9kB ± 0%
PushBackList-24 57.4kB ± 0%
PushBackChannel-24 24.7kB ± 0%
RandomQueue-24 45.7kB ± 0%
RandomList-24 90.8kB ± 0%
GrowShrinkQueue-24 57.2kB ± 0%
GrowShrinkList-24 57.4kB ± 0%
name allocs/op
PushFrontQueue-24 1.03k ± 0%
PushFrontList-24 2.05k ± 0%
PushBackQueue-24 1.03k ± 0%
PushBackList-24 2.05k ± 0%
PushBackChannel-24 1.03k ± 0%
RandomQueue-24 1.63k ± 0%
RandomList-24 3.24k ± 0%
GrowShrinkQueue-24 1.04k ± 0%
GrowShrinkList-24 2.05k ± 0%
$ go version
go version go1.7.4 linux/amd64
$ cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep "model name" |uniq
model name : Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2420 0 @ 1.90GHz
That's a speedup of 1.86-2.05 over container/list and a speedup of 1.74 over Go's channels.
The same benchmarks on an old Raspberry Pi Model B Rev 1:
$ benchstat bench.txt
name time/op
PushFrontQueue 788µs ±24%
PushFrontList 2.74ms ±14%
PushBackQueue 1.11ms ± 3%
PushBackList 2.73ms ±14%
PushBackChannel 1.25ms ± 3%
RandomQueue 1.50ms ± 1%
RandomList 4.92ms ± 6%
GrowShrinkQueue 1.26ms ± 0%
GrowShrinkList 2.88ms ± 2%
name alloc/op
PushFrontQueue 16.5kB ± 0%
PushFrontList 33.9kB ± 0%
PushBackQueue 16.5kB ± 0%
PushBackList 33.9kB ± 0%
PushBackChannel 8.45kB ± 0%
RandomQueue 16.5kB ± 0%
RandomList 53.4kB ± 0%
GrowShrinkQueue 24.6kB ± 0%
GrowShrinkList 33.9kB ± 0%
name allocs/op
PushFrontQueue 12.0 ± 0%
PushFrontList 1.03k ± 0%
PushBackQueue 12.0 ± 0%
PushBackList 1.03k ± 0%
PushBackChannel 1.00 ± 0%
RandomQueue 12.0 ± 0%
RandomList 1.63k ± 0%
GrowShrinkQueue 20.0 ± 0%
GrowShrinkList 1.03k ± 0%
$ go version
go version go1.3.3 linux/arm
$ cat /proc/cpuinfo |grep "model name"
model name : ARMv6-compatible processor rev 7 (v6l)
That's a speedup of
over container/list
but only a speedup of
over Go's channels.
(Note that I had to manually repeat the benchmarks and then run benchtest
elsewhere since those features/tools are not available for Go 1.3;
however, the number of allocations seems to be correct here for the first
time, maybe there's some breakage in the more recent benchmarking
Go's channels as queues
Go's channels used to beat our queue implementation by about 22%
for PushBack
That seemed sensible considering that channels are built into the
language and offer a lot less functionality:
We have to size them correctly if we want to use them as a simple
queue in an otherwise non-concurrent setting, they are not
double-ended, and they don't support "peeking" at the next element
without removing it.
That all changed with
in which I replaced the "manual" loop when a queue has to grow with
and the %
operations to wrap indices around the slice with
equivalent &
(The code was originally written without these "hacks" because I wanted to
show it to my "innocent" Java students.)
Those two changes really paid off.
(I used to call channels "ridiculously fast" before and recommended their use in situations where nothing but performance matters. Alas that may no longer be good advice. Either that, or I am just benchmarking incorrectly.)
Hacking queue data structures in Go seems to be a popular way to spend an evening. Kudos to...
- Rodrigo Moraes for posting this gist which reminded me of Go's copy builtin and a similar trick I had previously used in Java.
- Evan Huus for sharing his queue which reminded me of the old "replace % by &" trick I had used many times before.
- Dariusz Górecki for his commit to Evan's queue that simplified Rodrigo's snippet and hence mine.
If you find something in my code that helps you improve yours, feel free to run with it!
Why use this queue?
Looking around at other people's queues shows some "common problems" that this implementation tries to avoid:
- Most queues out there are just that, they are not double-ended. Deques are more general but their implementation is not significantly more complex. Why go for anything less as a general-purpose data structure?
- Some queues panic. Personally I approve of this if it's done right
), but not using panic is a better fit with the rest of the library/language. - Many queues use linked lists with one element per node, leading to the same performance problems container/list has.
- Some queues offer "strange" operations that don't fit the queue/deque abstraction. Call me a purist, but I prefer my interfaces complete yet minimal.
- Some queues are safe for concurrent use, but Go's philosophy seems to be to leave this up to the programmer, not the library designer. The overhead of locking doesn't "disappear" when you don't need it.
- Some queues based on slices use
instead of&
for wrapping indices. That shouldn't matter for performance but in fact it still does (as of Go 1.7.5 anyway). - Some queues based on slices never shrink. In specific applications that may be fine, for a general-purpose data structure it's not.
With that in mind, here's a list of queue/deque implementations that I wouldn't recommend:
- not double-ended, panics, "strange"
operation - not double-ended, linked list
- linked list, safe for concurrent use
- full of semi-arcane concurrency stuff
- not
double-ended, uses
instead of&
, requires starting size not less than 5??? - not double-ended, doesn't shrink,
type - not double-ended, uses
instead of&
, seems to shrink too early (if I am reading the code correctly) - not double-ended,
panics, "strange"
operations, doesn't wrap around in slice
Of course you could always roll your own. I spent a reasonable amount of time on this one, making sure that it works well as a general-purpose queue/deque data structure. But go ahead, you can probably do better.
Where's the actual competition?
- seems pretty good. It uses
a viable alternative representation: a list of blocks. That should "waste"
less memory in some scenarios, but of course the code is more complicated
than ours. Sadly it doesn't have
operations, so the interface isn't complete. But that would be an easy fix...