Airlock - Edison
go get -d -u
Setting up your board
Follow the directions at the Edison site:
or just download the setup and follow the setup prompts:
Finding and connecting to the Edison - OSX
- Connect both USB cables to power and establish a serial connection
- Run
ls /dev/cu.usbserial-*
- Copy the cu.usbserial-XXXXXX that is returned
- Run
screen /dev/xx.usbserial-XXXXXXXX 115200 –L
- Press enter twice to login
- Run ifconfig command and look for wlan0 entry
Running the code
When you run any of these examples, you will compile the code on your computer, move the compiled code onto the Intel Edison, and then execute the code on the Intel Edison itself, not on your own computer.
We have included a shell script to make this process easier. You can run it like this:
$ ./ step1
Note: You'll use the IP Address you get during the setup process
script performs the following steps for you:
To compile the code:
$ GOARCH=386 GOOS=linux go build step1.go
Then to move the code to the Intel Edison, it uses the scp
$ scp step1 root@<IP of your device>:/home/root/step1
Lastly, to execute it on your Edison, it uses the ssh
$ ssh -t root@<IP of your device> ./step1
step1.go - Blue LED

Connect the blue LED to D3.
Run the code.
You should see the blue LED blink.

Connect the button to D2.
Run the code.
When you press the button, the blue LED should turn on.

Connect the Green LED to D4.
Run the code.
The green LED should light up. When you press the button, the blue LED should turn on, and the green LED should turn off.
This step has us playing with the Gobot API. No additional hardware needs to be connected.
Run the code.
You can now point your web browser to http://<IP of your device>:3000
and try out the Robeaux web interface.

Connect the buzzer to D6, and connect the touch sensor to D8.
Run the code.
When your finger touches the capacitive touch sensor, the buzzer should sound.

Connect the rotary dial to A0.
Run the code.
Turning the dial will display the current analog reading on your console.

Connect the temperature sensor to A1, and the red LED to D5
Run the code.
By default, if the temperature exceeds 15 degrees, then the red LED will light up.
In case the room is warmer than 15 degrees, change the default temperature in step7.go.
In order to increase the temperature of the sensor, hold it between your fingers and wait for the LED to light up.
To turn the LED off, let go of the temperature sensor (note: the temperature will drop much slower than it increased).

Connect the sound sensor to A2.
Run the code.
When a sound is detected, the blue LED will light up, the sound sensor reading will be displayed on your computer's console.

Connect the light sensor to A3.
Run the code.
When a light is detected, the blue LED will light up, and the light sensor reading will be displayed on your computer's console.

Connect the LCD to any of the I2C ports on the Grove shield.
Run the code.
The LCD display will show informative messages, and also change the backlight color to match the color of whichever of the 3 LEDs is lit.
Copyright (c) 2015-2017 The Hybrid Group. Licensed under the MIT license.