What is block-listener
block-listener.go will connect to a peer and receive block and chaincode events (if there are chaincode events being set).
Currently, this example only runs with TLS disabled.
To Run
1. go build
2. ./block-listener -events-address=< event address > -events-from-chaincode=< chaincode ID > -events-mspdir=< msp directory > -events-mspid=< msp id >
Please be noted that if no msp info provided, it uses default MSP under fabric/sampleconfig.
Example with e2e
Please make sure you have finished running the e2e_cli example. Before doing that, don't forget to make sure that TLS has been disabled by setting the CORE_PEER_TLS_ENABLED=false in docker-compose-cli.yaml
, base/docker-compose-base.yaml
and base/peer-base.yaml
Suppose you just finished the All-in-one:
./network_setup.sh up
Attach event client to peer peer0.org1.example.com (suppose you are running block-listener in the host environment):
./block-listener -events-address= -events-mspdir=<peer0.org1.example.com's msp directory > -events-mspid=Org1MSP
Event client should output "Event Address:" and wait for events.
Exec into the cli container:
docker exec -it cli bash
Setup the environment variables for peer0.org1.example.com
Create an invoke transaction:
peer chaincode invoke -o orderer.example.com:7050 -C $CHANNEL_NAME -n mycc -c '{"Args":["invoke","a","b","10"]}'
Now you should see the block content received in events client.

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