What is block-listener
block-listener.go connects to a peer in order to receive block and chaincode
events (if there are chaincode events being sent). Currently, this example only
works with TLS disabled in the environment.
To Run
1. go build
2. ./block-listener -events-address=<peer-address> -events-from-chaincode=<chaincode-id> -events-mspdir=<msp-directory> -events-mspid=<msp-id>
Please note that the default MSP under fabric/sampleconfig will be used if no
MSP parameters are provided.
Example with the e2e_cli example
In order to use the block listener with the e2e_cli example, make sure that TLS
has been disabled by setting CORE_PEER_TLS_ENABLED=false in
, base/docker-compose-base.yaml
Next, run the e2e_cli example.
Once the "All in one" command:
./network_setup.sh up
has completed, attach the event client to peer peer0.org1.example.com by doing
the following (assuming you are running block-listener in the host environment):
./block-listener -events-address= -events-mspdir=$GOPATH/src/github.com/hyperledger/fabric/examples/e2e_cli/crypto-config/peerOrganizations/org1.example.com/users/Admin@org1.example.com/msp -events-mspid=Org1MSP
The event client should output "Event Address:" and wait for
Exec into the cli container:
docker exec -it cli bash
Setup the environment variables for peer0.org1.example.com
Create an invoke transaction:
peer chaincode invoke -o orderer.example.com:7050 -C $CHANNEL_NAME -n mycc -c '{"Args":["invoke","a","b","10"]}'
Now you should see the block content displayed in the terminal running the block

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