: Playing Tic-Tac-Toe on Polkadot in Realtime using Perun Channels
This repository demonstrates a CLI client that uses Perun Channels for trustlessly playing Tic-Tac-Toe for Polkadot tokens in real time.
> set 1 1
Proposing state update: Set mark at (1, 1)
Game state:
x| |
| |
| |
Next actor: Player 2
Balances: [20 0]
Waiting for other player.
The repository contains a CLI client that uses perun-polkadot-backend and go-perun to realize the functionality.
: The off-chain definition of the Tic Tac Toe app.
: The CLI interface.
: The Tic Tac Toe game client.
The client can be started using Go.
It takes as input a config file.
go run . -cfg alice.config.json
Once the client is started, an overview of the available commands can be printed using the help
> help
Testrun instructions
In the following, we describe how to test the client with a local Polkadot node.
- Start a local Polkadot node with the Perun Pallet and the Tic Tac Toe app installed.
For example, you can do so using Docker.
docker run --rm -it -p9944:9944
- Start client Alice in one terminal.
go run . -cfg alice.config.json
- Then start client Bob in a second terminal.
go run . -cfg bob.config.json
- Propose game to Bob with stake 10.
propose bob 10
- In Bob's terminal, accept the proposal.
- In Alice's terminal, set the first mark, e.g., at
(2, 2)
set 2 2
- In Bob's terminal, set the next mark, e.g., at
(1, 1)
set 1 1
- Play until game is in final state.
- Conclude the game and withdraw the outcome.
If the other client isn't responding, you can enforce an action on-chain.
force_set 3 3
At any time, the game can be forced to an end. The funds will be payed out according to the most recent state.
This project has been supported through the German Ministry for Education and Research (BMBF) and the Web3 Foundation.
Copyright 2022 PolyCrypt GmbH.
Use of the source code is governed by the Apache License, Version 2.0.