Roughtime port for SCION network
Roughtime is a project that aims to provide secure time synchronisation. More information on the project can be found on the original repository
This implementation also allows users who have a ThinkerForge board with GPS 2 and RTC bricklet to use accurate GPS time.
Install roughtime library:
cd $GOPATH/src/
git clone
Build server:
cd $GOPATH/src/
go get
go build
Build client:
cd $GOPATH/src/
go get
go build
Running the project
Running this project consists of two phases
- Generating server(s) configuration and running the server
- Register server's configuration on client and running client
Step one - Generate server configuration
Roughtime protocol requires server to have public-key signature, so necessary keypair must be generated with following command:
cd timeserver
./timeserver configure <SCION_ADDRESS> --private_key <PATH_TO_PRIVATE_KEY> --config_file <PATH_TO_SERVER_CONFIGURATION> --name <SERVER_NAME>
Example for running command:
./timeserver configure 2-12,[]:2233 --private_key p.key --config_file server.json --name server
will generate server configuration file server.json
that looks like this:
"name": "server1",
"publicKeyType": "ed25519",
"publicKey": "LIuImI0iDkFsyjtmwPtJX6wXwsMTuuDsCJW+zqQjPzo=",
"addresses": [
"protocol": "udp4",
"address": "2-12,[]:2233"
and file p.key
that will contain servers private key.
Running server can be done by running following command:
In order to run client it is necessary to register available roughtime servers. This is done by creating a json file and copying configuration from multiple servers into it as an array, example of such a configuration file can be seen below:
"name": "server1",
"publicKeyType": "ed25519",
"publicKey": "30suULz9FakYxDXlZA2SItJ+0KO6OC+/MP1Dx7qnkxk=",
"addresses": [
"protocol": "udp4",
"address": "1-11,[]:2233"
"name": "server2",
"publicKeyType": "ed25519",
"publicKey": "ra/l2mVx6Bynqo8VQQyvDhTnlWpZ4nkeoYRp0Qpb1NA=",
"addresses": [
"protocol": "udp4",
"address": "1-12,[]:2233"
This configuration file can contain arbitrary number of servers.
Running the client
Running client is done by specifying client's SCION address and path to the file containing list of available servers.
Running GPS time daemon
If necessary Thinkerforge hardware is available, Brick Daemon is running and necessary python library ntplib is installed, additional script
in timeserver/gps_time_daemon
can be started with following command:
sudo ./
This script will use GPS time to update system time, which is used by roughtime server.
Time daemon uses 3 sources of time:
- GPS time
- Time from RTC clock
- Time obtained from NTP
Every time GPS time is received it is compared with other time sources to verify they are close to each other. If its impossible to match GPS time with either RTC or NTP time, time won't be updated. (Next version will uze OLED display and buzzer to notify the user of situation).