
package module
v1.1.1 Latest Latest

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Published: Nov 17, 2024 License: Apache-2.0 Imports: 28 Imported by: 1



go get github.com/permadao/goar
Send AR or Winston
package main

import (

func main() {
	wallet, err := goar.NewWalletFromPath("./test-keyfile.json", "https://arweave.net")
	if err != nil {

	tx, err := wallet.SendAR(
  //id, err := wallet.SendWinston( 
		big.NewFloat(1.0), // AR amount
		{{target}}, // target address

	fmt.Println(tx.ID, err)

Send Data
tx, err := wallet.SendData(
  []byte("123"), // Data bytes
      Name:  "testSendData",
      Value: "123",

fmt.Println(id, err) // {{id}}, nil
Send Data SpeedUp

Arweave occasionally experiences congestion, and a low Reward can cause a transaction to fail; use speedUp to accelerate the transaction.

speedUp := int64(50) // means reward = reward * 150%
tx, err := wallet.SendDataSpeedUp(
  []byte("123"), // Data bytes
      Name:  "testSendDataSpeedUp",
      Value: "123",

fmt.Println(tx.ID, err)
  • GetInfo
  • GetTransactionByID
  • GetTransactionStatus
  • GetTransactionField
  • GetTransactionData
  • GetTransactionPrice
  • GetTransactionAnchor
  • SubmitTransaction
  • Arql(Deprecated)
  • GraphQL
  • GetWalletBalance
  • GetLastTransactionID
  • GetBlockByID
  • GetBlockByHeight
  • BatchSendItemToBundler
  • GetBundle
  • GetTxDataFromPeers
  • BroadcastData
  • GetUnconfirmedTx
  • GetPendingTxIds
  • GetBlockHashList
  • ConcurrentDownloadChunkData

Initialize the instance:

arClient := goar.NewClient("https://arweave.net")

// if your network is not good, you can config http proxy
proxyUrl := ""
arClient := goar.NewClient("https://arweave.net", proxyUrl)
  • SendAR
  • SendARSpeedUp
  • SendWinston
  • SendWinstonSpeedUp
  • SendData
  • SendDataSpeedUp
  • SendTransaction
  • CreateAndSignBundleItem
  • SendBundleTxSpeedUp
  • SendBundleTx
  • SendPst

Initialize the instance, use a keyfile.json:

arWallet := goar.NewWalletFromPath("./keyfile.json")

// if your network is not good, you can config http proxy
proxyUrl := ""
arWallet := NewWalletFromPath("./keyfile.json", "https://arweave.net", proxyUrl)
  • SignTx
  • SignMsg
  • Owner
signer := goar.NewSignerFromPath("./keyfile.json")

Package for Arweave develop toolkit.

  • Base64Encode
  • Base64Decode
  • Sign
  • Verify
  • DeepHash
  • GenerateChunks
  • ValidatePath
  • OwnerToAddress
  • OwnerToPubKey
  • TagsEncode
  • TagsDecode
  • PrepareChunks
  • GetChunk
  • SignTransaction
  • GetSignatureData
  • VerifyTransaction
  • NewBundle
  • NewBundleItem
  • SubmitItemToBundlr
  • SubmitItemToArSeed
make test

About chunks
  1. First, we use Chunk transactions for all types of transactions in this library, so we only support transactions where format equals 2.
  2. Second, the library already encapsulates a common interface for sending transactions : e.g SendAR; SendData. The user only needs to call this interface to send the transaction and do not need to worry about the usage of chunks.
  3. The third,If the user needs to control the transaction such as breakpoint retransmission and breakpoint continuation operations. Here is how to do it.
chunked uploading advanced options
upload all transaction data

The method of submitting a data transaction is to use chunk uploading. This method will allow larger transaction sizes, resuming a transaction upload if it's interrupted and give progress updates while uploading. Simple example:

arNode := "https://arweave.net"
w, err := goar.NewWalletFromPath("../example/testKey.json", arNode) // your wallet private key
anchor, err := w.Client.GetTransactionAnchor()
if err != nil {
data, err := ioutil.ReadFile("./2.3MBPhoto.jpg")
if err != nil {

reward, err := w.Client.GetTransactionPrice(data, nil)
if err != nil {

tx := &schema.Transaction{
  Format:   2,
  Target:   "",
  Quantity: "0",
  Tags:     utils.TagsEncode(tags),
  Data:     utils.Base64Encode(data),
  DataSize: fmt.Sprintf("%d", len(data)),
  Reward:   fmt.Sprintf("%d", reward*(100+speedFactor)/100),

tx.LastTx = anchor
tx.Owner = utils.Base64Encode(w.PubKey.N.Bytes())

if err = utils.SignTransaction(tx, w.PubKey, w.Signer.PrvKey); err != nil {

id = tx.ID

uploader, err := goar.CreateUploader(w.Client, tx, nil)
if err != nil {

err = uploader.Once()
if err != nil {
Breakpoint continuingly

You can resume an upload from a saved uploader object, that you have persisted in storage some using json.marshal(uploader) at any stage of the upload. To resume, parse it back into an object and pass it to getUploader() along with the transactions data:

uploaderBuf, err := ioutil.ReadFile("./jsonUploaderFile.json")
lastUploader := &txType.TransactionUploader{}
err = json.Unmarshal(uploaderBuf, lastUploader)
assert.NoError(t, err)

// new uploader object by last time uploader
newUploader, err := txType.CreateUploader(wallet.Client, lastUploader.FormatSerializedUploader(), bigData)
assert.NoError(t, err)
for !newUploader.IsComplete() {
  err := newUploader.UploadChunk()
  assert.NoError(t, err)

When resuming the upload, you must provide the same data as the original upload. When you serialize the uploader object with json.marshal() to save it somewhere, it will not include the data.

Breakpoint retransmission

You can also resume an upload from just the transaction ID and data, once it has been mined into a block. This can be useful if you didn't save the uploader somewhere but the upload got interrupted. This will re-upload all of the data from the beginning, since we don't know which parts have been uploaded:

bigData, err := ioutil.ReadFile(filePath)
txId := "myTxId"

// get uploader by txId and post big data by chunks
uploader, err := goar.CreateUploader(wallet.Client, txId, bigData)
assert.NoError(t, err)
assert.NoError(t, uploader.Once())

About Arweave Bundles
  1. goar implemented creating, editing, reading and verifying bundles tx
  2. This is the ANS-104 standard protocol and refers to the arbundles js-lib implement
Create Bundle Item
signer, err := goar.NewSignerFromPath("./testKey.json") // rsa signer
// or 
signer, err := goether.NewSigner("0x.....") // ecdsa signer

bundler, err := goar.NewBundler(signer)

// Create Item
data := []byte("aa bb cc dd")
target := "" // option 
anchor := "" // option
tags := []schema.Tags{}{} // option bundle item tags
item01, err := bundler.CreateAndSignItem(data, target, anchor, tags)    
// Same as create item

assemble bundle and send to arweave network

You can send items directly to the arweave network

items := []schema.BundleItem{item01, item02, item03 ...}
bundle, err := utils.NewBundle(items...)

w, err := goar.NewWalletFromPath("./key.json", arNode)

arTxTags := []schema.Tags{}{} // option
tx, err := w.SendBundleTx(bd.BundleBinary, arTxtags)

Verify Bundle Items

// verify
for _, item := range bundle.Items {
  err = utils.VerifyBundleItem(item)
  assert.NoError(t, err)




This section is empty.


This section is empty.


This section is empty.


type Bundler

type Bundler struct {
	SignType int

	Owner   string // only rsa has owner
	Address string
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewBundler

func NewBundler(signer interface{}) (*Bundler, error)

func (*Bundler) CreateAndSignItem

func (b *Bundler) CreateAndSignItem(data []byte, target string, anchor string, tags []schema.Tag) (bItem schema.BundleItem, err error)

func (*Bundler) CreateAndSignNestedItem

func (b *Bundler) CreateAndSignNestedItem(target string, anchor string, tags []schema.Tag, items ...schema.BundleItem) (schema.BundleItem, error)

func (*Bundler) Sign

func (b *Bundler) Sign(item *schema.BundleItem) error

type Client

type Client struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewClient

func NewClient(nodeUrl string, proxyUrl ...string) *Client

func NewTempConn

func NewTempConn() *Client

func (*Client) Arql

func (c *Client) Arql(arql string) (ids []string, err error)

Arql is Deprecated, recommended to use GraphQL

func (*Client) BroadcastData

func (c *Client) BroadcastData(txId string, data []byte, numOfNodes int64, peers ...string) error

func (*Client) ConcurrentDownloadChunkData

func (c *Client) ConcurrentDownloadChunkData(id string, concurrentNum int) ([]byte, error)

func (*Client) ConcurrentDownloadChunkDataStream

func (c *Client) ConcurrentDownloadChunkDataStream(id string, concurrentNum int) (dataFile *os.File, err error)

func (*Client) DataSyncRecord

func (c *Client) DataSyncRecord(endOffset string, intervalsNum int) ([]string, error)

DataSyncRecord you can use GET /data_sync_record/<end_offset>/<number_of_intervals> to fetch the first intervals with end offset >= end_offset; set Content-Type: application/json to get the reply in JSON

func (*Client) DownloadChunkData

func (c *Client) DownloadChunkData(id string) ([]byte, error)

func (*Client) DownloadChunkDataStream

func (c *Client) DownloadChunkDataStream(id string) (*os.File, error)

func (*Client) ExistTxData

func (c *Client) ExistTxData(arId string) (bool, error)

func (*Client) GetBlockByHeight

func (c *Client) GetBlockByHeight(height int64) (block *schema.Block, err error)

func (*Client) GetBlockByID

func (c *Client) GetBlockByID(id string) (block *schema.Block, err error)


func (*Client) GetBlockFromPeers

func (c *Client) GetBlockFromPeers(height int64, peers ...string) (*schema.Block, error)

func (*Client) GetBlockHashList

func (c *Client) GetBlockHashList(from, to int) ([]string, error)

func (*Client) GetBundleItems

func (c *Client) GetBundleItems(bundleInId string, itemsIds []string) (items []*schema.BundleItem, err error)

func (*Client) GetInfo

func (c *Client) GetInfo() (info *schema.NetworkInfo, err error)

func (*Client) GetLastTransactionID

func (c *Client) GetLastTransactionID(address string) (id string, err error)

func (*Client) GetPeers

func (c *Client) GetPeers() ([]string, error)

func (*Client) GetPendingTxIds

func (c *Client) GetPendingTxIds() ([]string, error)

func (*Client) GetTransactionAnchor

func (c *Client) GetTransactionAnchor() (anchor string, err error)

func (*Client) GetTransactionByID

func (c *Client) GetTransactionByID(id string) (tx *schema.Transaction, err error)

GetTransactionByID status: Pending/Invalid hash/overspend

func (*Client) GetTransactionData

func (c *Client) GetTransactionData(id string, extension ...string) ([]byte, error)

func (*Client) GetTransactionDataByGateway

func (c *Client) GetTransactionDataByGateway(id string) (body []byte, err error)


func (*Client) GetTransactionDataStream

func (c *Client) GetTransactionDataStream(id string, extension ...string) (*os.File, error)

func (*Client) GetTransactionDataStreamByGateway

func (c *Client) GetTransactionDataStreamByGateway(id string) (*os.File, error)

func (*Client) GetTransactionField

func (c *Client) GetTransactionField(id string, field string) (string, error)

func (*Client) GetTransactionPrice

func (c *Client) GetTransactionPrice(dataSize int, target *string) (reward int64, err error)

func (*Client) GetTransactionStatus

func (c *Client) GetTransactionStatus(id string) (*schema.TxStatus, error)


func (*Client) GetTransactionTags

func (c *Client) GetTransactionTags(id string) ([]schema.Tag, error)

func (*Client) GetTxDataFromPeers

func (c *Client) GetTxDataFromPeers(txId string, peers ...string) ([]byte, error)

func (*Client) GetTxFromPeers

func (c *Client) GetTxFromPeers(arId string, peers ...string) (*schema.Transaction, error)

func (*Client) GetUnconfirmedTx

func (c *Client) GetUnconfirmedTx(arId string) (*schema.Transaction, error)

func (*Client) GetUnconfirmedTxFromPeers

func (c *Client) GetUnconfirmedTxFromPeers(arId string, peers ...string) (*schema.Transaction, error)

func (*Client) GetWalletBalance

func (c *Client) GetWalletBalance(address string) (arAmount *big.Float, err error)


func (*Client) GetWalletWinstonBalance

func (c *Client) GetWalletWinstonBalance(address string) (arAmount *big.Int, err error)

func (*Client) GraphQL

func (c *Client) GraphQL(query string) ([]byte, error)

func (*Client) SetTempConnUrl

func (c *Client) SetTempConnUrl(url string)

func (*Client) SetTimeout

func (c *Client) SetTimeout(timeout time.Duration)

func (*Client) SubmitChunks

func (c *Client) SubmitChunks(gc *schema.GetChunk) (status string, code int, err error)

func (*Client) SubmitToWarp

func (c *Client) SubmitToWarp(tx *schema.Transaction) ([]byte, error)

func (*Client) SubmitTransaction

func (c *Client) SubmitTransaction(tx *schema.Transaction) (status string, code int, err error)

type SerializedUploader

type SerializedUploader struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

type Signer

type Signer struct {
	Address string
	PubKey  *rsa.PublicKey
	PrvKey  *rsa.PrivateKey

func NewSigner

func NewSigner(b []byte) (*Signer, error)

func NewSignerByPrivateKey

func NewSignerByPrivateKey(privateKey *rsa.PrivateKey) *Signer

func NewSignerFromPath

func NewSignerFromPath(path string) (*Signer, error)

func (*Signer) Owner

func (s *Signer) Owner() string

func (*Signer) SignMsg

func (s *Signer) SignMsg(msg []byte) ([]byte, error)

func (*Signer) SignTx

func (s *Signer) SignTx(tx *schema.Transaction) error

type TransactionUploader

type TransactionUploader struct {
	Client             *Client `json:"-"`
	ChunkIndex         int
	TxPosted           bool
	Transaction        *schema.Transaction
	Data               []byte
	DataReader         *os.File
	LastRequestTimeEnd int64
	TotalErrors        int // Not serialized.
	LastResponseStatus int
	LastResponseError  string

func CreateUploader

func CreateUploader(api *Client, upload interface{}, data []byte) (*TransactionUploader, error)

CreateUploader @param upload: Transaction | SerializedUploader | string, @param Data the Data of the Transaction. Required when resuming an upload.

func (*TransactionUploader) ConcurrentOnce

func (tt *TransactionUploader) ConcurrentOnce(ctx context.Context, concurrentNum int) error

func (*TransactionUploader) FormatSerializedUploader

func (tt *TransactionUploader) FormatSerializedUploader() *SerializedUploader

func (*TransactionUploader) FromSerialized

func (tt *TransactionUploader) FromSerialized(serialized *SerializedUploader, data []byte) (*TransactionUploader, error)


  • Reconstructs an upload from its serialized state and data.
  • Checks if data matches the expected data_root. *
  • @param serialized
  • @param data

func (*TransactionUploader) FromTransactionId

func (tt *TransactionUploader) FromTransactionId(id string) (*SerializedUploader, error)


  • Reconstruct an upload from the tx metadata, ie /tx/<id>. *
  • @param api
  • @param id
  • @param data

func (*TransactionUploader) IsComplete

func (tt *TransactionUploader) IsComplete() bool

func (*TransactionUploader) Once

func (tt *TransactionUploader) Once() (err error)

func (*TransactionUploader) PctComplete

func (tt *TransactionUploader) PctComplete() float64

func (*TransactionUploader) TotalChunks

func (tt *TransactionUploader) TotalChunks() int

func (*TransactionUploader) UploadChunk

func (tt *TransactionUploader) UploadChunk() error


  • Uploads the next part of the Transaction.
  • On the first call this posts the Transaction
  • itself and on any subsequent calls uploads the
  • next chunk until it completes.

func (*TransactionUploader) UploadedChunks

func (tt *TransactionUploader) UploadedChunks() int

type Wallet

type Wallet struct {
	Client *Client
	Signer *Signer

func NewWallet

func NewWallet(b []byte, clientUrl string, proxyUrl ...string) (w *Wallet, err error)

func NewWalletFrom added in v1.1.1

func NewWalletFrom(path string, clientUrl string, proxyUrl ...string) (*Wallet, error)

func NewWalletFromPath

func NewWalletFromPath(path string, clientUrl string, proxyUrl ...string) (*Wallet, error)

proxyUrl: option

func NewWalletWithSigner added in v1.1.1

func NewWalletWithSigner(signer *Signer, clientUrl string, proxyUrl ...string) *Wallet

func (*Wallet) Owner

func (w *Wallet) Owner() string

func (*Wallet) SendAR

func (w *Wallet) SendAR(amount *big.Float, target string, tags []schema.Tag) (schema.Transaction, error)

func (*Wallet) SendARSpeedUp

func (w *Wallet) SendARSpeedUp(amount *big.Float, target string, tags []schema.Tag, speedFactor int64) (schema.Transaction, error)

func (*Wallet) SendBundleTx

func (w *Wallet) SendBundleTx(ctx context.Context, concurrentNum int, bundleBinary []byte, tags []schema.Tag) (schema.Transaction, error)

func (*Wallet) SendBundleTxSpeedUp

func (w *Wallet) SendBundleTxSpeedUp(ctx context.Context, concurrentNum int, bundleBinary interface{}, tags []schema.Tag, txSpeed int64) (schema.Transaction, error)

func (*Wallet) SendBundleTxStream

func (w *Wallet) SendBundleTxStream(ctx context.Context, concurrentNum int, bundleReader *os.File, tags []schema.Tag) (schema.Transaction, error)

func (*Wallet) SendData

func (w *Wallet) SendData(data []byte, tags []schema.Tag) (schema.Transaction, error)

func (*Wallet) SendDataConcurrentSpeedUp

func (w *Wallet) SendDataConcurrentSpeedUp(ctx context.Context, concurrentNum int, data interface{}, tags []schema.Tag, speedFactor int64) (schema.Transaction, error)

func (*Wallet) SendDataSpeedUp

func (w *Wallet) SendDataSpeedUp(data []byte, tags []schema.Tag, speedFactor int64) (schema.Transaction, error)

SendDataSpeedUp set speedFactor for speed up eg: speedFactor = 10, reward = 1.1 * reward

func (*Wallet) SendDataStream

func (w *Wallet) SendDataStream(data *os.File, tags []schema.Tag) (schema.Transaction, error)

func (*Wallet) SendDataStreamSpeedUp

func (w *Wallet) SendDataStreamSpeedUp(data *os.File, tags []schema.Tag, speedFactor int64) (schema.Transaction, error)

func (*Wallet) SendTransaction

func (w *Wallet) SendTransaction(tx *schema.Transaction) (schema.Transaction, error)

SendTransaction: if send success, should return pending

func (*Wallet) SendTransactionConcurrent

func (w *Wallet) SendTransactionConcurrent(ctx context.Context, concurrentNum int, tx *schema.Transaction) (schema.Transaction, error)

func (*Wallet) SendWinston

func (w *Wallet) SendWinston(amount *big.Int, target string, tags []schema.Tag) (schema.Transaction, error)

func (*Wallet) SendWinstonSpeedUp

func (w *Wallet) SendWinstonSpeedUp(amount *big.Int, target string, tags []schema.Tag, speedFactor int64) (schema.Transaction, error)


Path Synopsis

Jump to

Keyboard shortcuts

? : This menu
/ : Search site
f or F : Jump to
y or Y : Canonical URL