Percona Backup for MongoDB
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Percona Backup for MongoDB (PBM) is a distributed, low-impact solution for achieving
consistent backups of MongoDB sharded clusters and replica sets. Percona Backup for MongoDB supports Percona Server for MongoDB and MongoDB Community Edition v3.6 and higher.
For more information about PBM components and how to use it, see
Percona Backup for MongoDB documentation
Percona Backup for MongoDB includes the following features:
- Backup and restore for both classic non-sharded replica sets and sharded clusters
- Point-in-Time recovery
- Simple command-line management utility
- Replica set and sharded cluster consistency through oplog capture
- Distributed transaction consistency with MongoDB 4.2+
- Simple, integrated-with-MongoDB authentication
- No need to install a coordination service on a separate server
- Use of any S3-compatible storage
- Support of locally-mounted remote filesystem backup servers.
Percona Backup for MongoDB consists of the following components:
- pbm-agent is a process running on every mongod node within the cluster or a replica set that performs backup and restore operations.
- pbm CLI is a command-line utility that instructs pbm-agents to perform an operation.
- PBM Control collections are special collections in MongoDB that store the configuration data and backup states
- Remote backup storage as either s3-compatible or filesystem type storage
Read more about PBM architecture.
You can install Percona Backup for MongoDB in the following ways:
- from Percona repository (recommended)
- build from source code
Find the installation instructions in the official documentation
Alternaively, you can run Percona Backup for MongoDB as a Docker container.
Submit Bug Report / Feature Request
If you find a bug in Percona Backup for MongoDB, you can submit a report to the project's JIRA issue tracker.
As a general rule of thumb, please try to create bug reports that are:
- Reproducible. Include steps to reproduce the problem.
- Specific. Include as much detail as possible: which version, what environment, etc.
- Unique. Do not duplicate existing tickets.
- Scoped to a Single Bug. One bug per report.
When submitting a bug report or a feature, please attach the following information:
The output of the pbm status
The output of the pbm logs
command. Use the following filters:
.. code-block:: bash
$ pbm logs -x -s D -t 0
.. note::
When reporting an issue with a certain event or a node, you can use the following filters to receive a more specific data set:
.. code-block:: bash
#Logs per node
$ pbm logs -x -s D -t 0 -n replset/host:27017
#Logs per event
$ pbm logs -x -s D -t 0 -e restore/2020-10-06T11:45:14Z
Percona is dedicated to keeping open source open. Wherever possible, we strive to include permissive licensing for both our software and documentation. For this project, we are using the Apache License 2.0 license.
How to get involved
We encourage contributions and are always looking for new members that are as dedicated to serving the community as we are.
The Contributing Guide contains the guidelines how you can contribute.
You can reach us: