It's load generator platform designed to test performance of system. In case of tuning system or finding limitation of a system, we need a comfortable and stable tool. It've been developed by Golang, which uses less memory footprint.
System Architecture
There are three components.
Web Control, It's rich and simple user interface which helps an user to control Tsunami. It provides several commands including start, restart, stop, metrics and so on.
Ocean, It's master node that be used to receive command from an user and control Tsunami(woker node)
Tsunami, It's worker node that generates load requests to target
Ocean Blueprint(Master node)
Tsunami Blueprint(Worker node)
Prerequisite for a client
For linux, there are limitations or security that must be unlocked before testing, such as open file, tcp_fin_timeout, tcp_tw_recycle and tcp_tw_reuse
Open file ,
check number of open files by using ulimit -n
setting open files
ulimit -n 65536
Setting open files permanently
open /etc/security/limits.conf add add the below config.