Index ¶
- func CompletionErrorQuark() glib.Quark
- func FileLoaderErrorQuark() glib.Quark
- type BracketMatchType
- type Buffer
- func (recv *Buffer) BeginNotUndoableAction()
- func (recv *Buffer) CanRedo() bool
- func (recv *Buffer) CanUndo() bool
- func (recv *Buffer) ConnectHighlightUpdated(callback BufferSignalHighlightUpdatedCallback) int
- func (recv *Buffer) ConnectRedo(callback BufferSignalRedoCallback) int
- func (recv *Buffer) ConnectSourceMarkUpdated(callback BufferSignalSourceMarkUpdatedCallback) int
- func (recv *Buffer) ConnectUndo(callback BufferSignalUndoCallback) int
- func (recv *Buffer) DisconnectHighlightUpdated(connectionID int)
- func (recv *Buffer) DisconnectRedo(connectionID int)
- func (recv *Buffer) DisconnectSourceMarkUpdated(connectionID int)
- func (recv *Buffer) DisconnectUndo(connectionID int)
- func (recv *Buffer) EndNotUndoableAction()
- func (recv *Buffer) EnsureHighlight(start *gtk.TextIter, end *gtk.TextIter)
- func (recv *Buffer) Equals(other *Buffer) bool
- func (recv *Buffer) GetHighlightMatchingBrackets() bool
- func (recv *Buffer) GetHighlightSyntax() bool
- func (recv *Buffer) GetLanguage() *Language
- func (recv *Buffer) GetMaxUndoLevels() int32
- func (recv *Buffer) GetStyleScheme() *StyleScheme
- func (recv *Buffer) GetUndoManager() *UndoManager
- func (recv *Buffer) Object() *gobject.Object
- func (recv *Buffer) Redo()
- func (recv *Buffer) SetHighlightMatchingBrackets(highlight bool)
- func (recv *Buffer) SetHighlightSyntax(highlight bool)
- func (recv *Buffer) SetLanguage(language *Language)
- func (recv *Buffer) SetMaxUndoLevels(maxUndoLevels int32)
- func (recv *Buffer) SetStyleScheme(scheme *StyleScheme)
- func (recv *Buffer) SetUndoManager(manager *UndoManager)
- func (recv *Buffer) TextBuffer() *gtk.TextBuffer
- func (recv *Buffer) ToC() unsafe.Pointer
- func (recv *Buffer) Undo()
- type BufferClass
- type BufferPrivate
- type BufferSignalHighlightUpdatedCallback
- type BufferSignalRedoCallback
- type BufferSignalSourceMarkUpdatedCallback
- type BufferSignalUndoCallback
- type Completion
- func (recv *Completion) AddProvider(provider *CompletionProvider) (bool, error)
- func (recv *Completion) BlockInteractive()
- func (recv *Completion) Buildable() *gtk.Buildable
- func (recv *Completion) ConnectActivateProposal(callback CompletionSignalActivateProposalCallback) int
- func (recv *Completion) ConnectHide(callback CompletionSignalHideCallback) int
- func (recv *Completion) ConnectMoveCursor(callback CompletionSignalMoveCursorCallback) int
- func (recv *Completion) ConnectMovePage(callback CompletionSignalMovePageCallback) int
- func (recv *Completion) ConnectPopulateContext(callback CompletionSignalPopulateContextCallback) int
- func (recv *Completion) ConnectShow(callback CompletionSignalShowCallback) int
- func (recv *Completion) CreateContext(position *gtk.TextIter) *CompletionContext
- func (recv *Completion) DisconnectActivateProposal(connectionID int)
- func (recv *Completion) DisconnectHide(connectionID int)
- func (recv *Completion) DisconnectMoveCursor(connectionID int)
- func (recv *Completion) DisconnectMovePage(connectionID int)
- func (recv *Completion) DisconnectPopulateContext(connectionID int)
- func (recv *Completion) DisconnectShow(connectionID int)
- func (recv *Completion) Equals(other *Completion) bool
- func (recv *Completion) GetInfoWindow() *CompletionInfo
- func (recv *Completion) GetProviders() *glib.List
- func (recv *Completion) GetView() *View
- func (recv *Completion) Hide()
- func (recv *Completion) MoveWindow(iter *gtk.TextIter)
- func (recv *Completion) Object() *gobject.Object
- func (recv *Completion) RemoveProvider(provider *CompletionProvider) (bool, error)
- func (recv *Completion) Show(providers *glib.List, context *CompletionContext) bool
- func (recv *Completion) ToC() unsafe.Pointer
- func (recv *Completion) UnblockInteractive()
- type CompletionActivation
- type CompletionClass
- type CompletionContext
- func (recv *CompletionContext) AddProposals(provider *CompletionProvider, proposals *glib.List, finished bool)
- func (recv *CompletionContext) ConnectCancelled(callback CompletionContextSignalCancelledCallback) int
- func (recv *CompletionContext) DisconnectCancelled(connectionID int)
- func (recv *CompletionContext) Equals(other *CompletionContext) bool
- func (recv *CompletionContext) GetActivation() CompletionActivation
- func (recv *CompletionContext) GetIter() (bool, *gtk.TextIter)
- func (recv *CompletionContext) InitiallyUnowned() *gobject.InitiallyUnowned
- func (recv *CompletionContext) Object() *gobject.Object
- func (recv *CompletionContext) ToC() unsafe.Pointer
- type CompletionContextClass
- type CompletionContextPrivate
- type CompletionContextSignalCancelledCallback
- type CompletionError
- type CompletionInfo
- func (recv *CompletionInfo) Bin() *gtk.Bin
- func (recv *CompletionInfo) Buildable() *gtk.Buildable
- func (recv *CompletionInfo) ConnectBeforeShow(callback CompletionInfoSignalBeforeShowCallback) int
- func (recv *CompletionInfo) Container() *gtk.Container
- func (recv *CompletionInfo) DisconnectBeforeShow(connectionID int)
- func (recv *CompletionInfo) Equals(other *CompletionInfo) bool
- func (recv *CompletionInfo) GetWidget() *gtk.Widget
- func (recv *CompletionInfo) ImplementorIface() *atk.ImplementorIface
- func (recv *CompletionInfo) InitiallyUnowned() *gobject.InitiallyUnowned
- func (recv *CompletionInfo) MoveToIter(view *gtk.TextView, iter *gtk.TextIter)
- func (recv *CompletionInfo) Object() *gobject.Object
- func (recv *CompletionInfo) SetWidget(widget *gtk.Widget)
- func (recv *CompletionInfo) ToC() unsafe.Pointer
- func (recv *CompletionInfo) Widget() *gtk.Widget
- func (recv *CompletionInfo) Window() *gtk.Window
- type CompletionInfoClass
- type CompletionInfoPrivate
- type CompletionInfoSignalBeforeShowCallback
- type CompletionItem
- func CastToCompletionItem(object *gobject.Object) *CompletionItem
- func CompletionItemNew(label string, text string, icon *gdkpixbuf.Pixbuf, info string) *CompletionItem
- func CompletionItemNewFromC(u unsafe.Pointer) *CompletionItem
- func CompletionItemNewFromStock(label string, text string, stock string, info string) *CompletionItem
- func CompletionItemNewWithMarkup(markup string, text string, icon *gdkpixbuf.Pixbuf, info string) *CompletionItem
- type CompletionItemClass
- type CompletionItemPrivate
- type CompletionPrivate
- type CompletionProposal
- func (recv *CompletionProposal) Changed()
- func (recv *CompletionProposal) ConnectChanged(callback CompletionProposalSignalChangedCallback) int
- func (recv *CompletionProposal) DisconnectChanged(connectionID int)
- func (recv *CompletionProposal) Equal(other *CompletionProposal) bool
- func (recv *CompletionProposal) Equals(other *CompletionProposal) bool
- func (recv *CompletionProposal) GetIcon() *gdkpixbuf.Pixbuf
- func (recv *CompletionProposal) GetInfo() string
- func (recv *CompletionProposal) GetLabel() string
- func (recv *CompletionProposal) GetMarkup() string
- func (recv *CompletionProposal) GetText() string
- func (recv *CompletionProposal) Hash() uint32
- func (recv *CompletionProposal) ToC() unsafe.Pointer
- type CompletionProposalIface
- type CompletionProposalSignalChangedCallback
- type CompletionProvider
- func (recv *CompletionProvider) ActivateProposal(proposal *CompletionProposal, iter *gtk.TextIter) bool
- func (recv *CompletionProvider) Equals(other *CompletionProvider) bool
- func (recv *CompletionProvider) GetActivation() CompletionActivation
- func (recv *CompletionProvider) GetIcon() *gdkpixbuf.Pixbuf
- func (recv *CompletionProvider) GetInfoWidget(proposal *CompletionProposal) *gtk.Widget
- func (recv *CompletionProvider) GetInteractiveDelay() int32
- func (recv *CompletionProvider) GetName() string
- func (recv *CompletionProvider) GetPriority() int32
- func (recv *CompletionProvider) GetStartIter(context *CompletionContext, proposal *CompletionProposal) (bool, *gtk.TextIter)
- func (recv *CompletionProvider) Match(context *CompletionContext) bool
- func (recv *CompletionProvider) Populate(context *CompletionContext)
- func (recv *CompletionProvider) ToC() unsafe.Pointer
- func (recv *CompletionProvider) UpdateInfo(proposal *CompletionProposal, info *CompletionInfo)
- type CompletionProviderIface
- type CompletionSignalActivateProposalCallback
- type CompletionSignalHideCallback
- type CompletionSignalMoveCursorCallback
- type CompletionSignalMovePageCallback
- type CompletionSignalPopulateContextCallback
- type CompletionSignalShowCallback
- type CompletionWords
- func (recv *CompletionWords) CompletionProvider() *CompletionProvider
- func (recv *CompletionWords) Equals(other *CompletionWords) bool
- func (recv *CompletionWords) Object() *gobject.Object
- func (recv *CompletionWords) Register(buffer *gtk.TextBuffer)
- func (recv *CompletionWords) ToC() unsafe.Pointer
- func (recv *CompletionWords) Unregister(buffer *gtk.TextBuffer)
- type CompletionWordsClass
- type CompletionWordsPrivate
- type DrawSpacesFlags
- type Encoding
- type File
- type FileClass
- type FileLoader
- type FileLoaderClass
- type FileLoaderError
- type FileLoaderPrivate
- type FilePrivate
- type FileSaver
- type FileSaverClass
- type FileSaverPrivate
- type Gutter
- func (recv *Gutter) Equals(other *Gutter) bool
- func (recv *Gutter) GetPadding(xpad int32, ypad int32)
- func (recv *Gutter) GetRendererAtPos(x int32, y int32) *GutterRenderer
- func (recv *Gutter) Object() *gobject.Object
- func (recv *Gutter) SetPadding(xpad int32, ypad int32)
- func (recv *Gutter) ToC() unsafe.Pointer
- type GutterClass
- type GutterPrivate
- type GutterRenderer
- func (recv *GutterRenderer) Activate(iter *gtk.TextIter, area *gdk.Rectangle, event *gdk.Event)
- func (recv *GutterRenderer) Begin(cr *cairo.Context, backgroundArea *gdk.Rectangle, cellArea *gdk.Rectangle, ...)
- func (recv *GutterRenderer) ConnectActivate(callback GutterRendererSignalActivateCallback) int
- func (recv *GutterRenderer) ConnectQueryActivatable(callback GutterRendererSignalQueryActivatableCallback) int
- func (recv *GutterRenderer) ConnectQueryData(callback GutterRendererSignalQueryDataCallback) int
- func (recv *GutterRenderer) ConnectQueryTooltip(callback GutterRendererSignalQueryTooltipCallback) int
- func (recv *GutterRenderer) ConnectQueueDraw(callback GutterRendererSignalQueueDrawCallback) int
- func (recv *GutterRenderer) DisconnectActivate(connectionID int)
- func (recv *GutterRenderer) DisconnectQueryActivatable(connectionID int)
- func (recv *GutterRenderer) DisconnectQueryData(connectionID int)
- func (recv *GutterRenderer) DisconnectQueryTooltip(connectionID int)
- func (recv *GutterRenderer) DisconnectQueueDraw(connectionID int)
- func (recv *GutterRenderer) Draw(cr *cairo.Context, backgroundArea *gdk.Rectangle, cellArea *gdk.Rectangle, ...)
- func (recv *GutterRenderer) End()
- func (recv *GutterRenderer) Equals(other *GutterRenderer) bool
- func (recv *GutterRenderer) GetAlignment() (float32, float32)
- func (recv *GutterRenderer) GetAlignmentMode() GutterRendererAlignmentMode
- func (recv *GutterRenderer) GetBackground() (bool, *gdk.RGBA)
- func (recv *GutterRenderer) GetPadding() (int32, int32)
- func (recv *GutterRenderer) GetSize() int32
- func (recv *GutterRenderer) GetView() *gtk.TextView
- func (recv *GutterRenderer) GetVisible() bool
- func (recv *GutterRenderer) GetWindowType() gtk.TextWindowType
- func (recv *GutterRenderer) InitiallyUnowned() *gobject.InitiallyUnowned
- func (recv *GutterRenderer) Object() *gobject.Object
- func (recv *GutterRenderer) QueryActivatable(iter *gtk.TextIter, area *gdk.Rectangle, event *gdk.Event) bool
- func (recv *GutterRenderer) QueryData(start *gtk.TextIter, end *gtk.TextIter, state GutterRendererState)
- func (recv *GutterRenderer) QueryTooltip(iter *gtk.TextIter, area *gdk.Rectangle, x int32, y int32, ...) bool
- func (recv *GutterRenderer) QueueDraw()
- func (recv *GutterRenderer) SetAlignment(xalign float32, yalign float32)
- func (recv *GutterRenderer) SetAlignmentMode(mode GutterRendererAlignmentMode)
- func (recv *GutterRenderer) SetBackground(color *gdk.RGBA)
- func (recv *GutterRenderer) SetPadding(xpad int32, ypad int32)
- func (recv *GutterRenderer) SetSize(size int32)
- func (recv *GutterRenderer) SetVisible(visible bool)
- func (recv *GutterRenderer) ToC() unsafe.Pointer
- type GutterRendererAlignmentMode
- type GutterRendererClass
- type GutterRendererPixbuf
- func (recv *GutterRendererPixbuf) Equals(other *GutterRendererPixbuf) bool
- func (recv *GutterRendererPixbuf) GetGicon() *gio.Icon
- func (recv *GutterRendererPixbuf) GetIconName() string
- func (recv *GutterRendererPixbuf) GetPixbuf() *gdkpixbuf.Pixbuf
- func (recv *GutterRendererPixbuf) GetStockId() string
- func (recv *GutterRendererPixbuf) GutterRenderer() *GutterRenderer
- func (recv *GutterRendererPixbuf) InitiallyUnowned() *gobject.InitiallyUnowned
- func (recv *GutterRendererPixbuf) Object() *gobject.Object
- func (recv *GutterRendererPixbuf) SetGicon(icon *gio.Icon)
- func (recv *GutterRendererPixbuf) SetIconName(iconName string)
- func (recv *GutterRendererPixbuf) SetPixbuf(pixbuf *gdkpixbuf.Pixbuf)
- func (recv *GutterRendererPixbuf) SetStockId(stockId string)
- func (recv *GutterRendererPixbuf) ToC() unsafe.Pointer
- type GutterRendererPixbufClass
- type GutterRendererPixbufPrivate
- type GutterRendererPrivate
- type GutterRendererSignalActivateCallback
- type GutterRendererSignalQueryActivatableCallback
- type GutterRendererSignalQueryDataCallback
- type GutterRendererSignalQueryTooltipCallback
- type GutterRendererSignalQueueDrawCallback
- type GutterRendererState
- type GutterRendererText
- func (recv *GutterRendererText) Equals(other *GutterRendererText) bool
- func (recv *GutterRendererText) GutterRenderer() *GutterRenderer
- func (recv *GutterRendererText) InitiallyUnowned() *gobject.InitiallyUnowned
- func (recv *GutterRendererText) Measure(text string) (int32, int32)
- func (recv *GutterRendererText) MeasureMarkup(markup string) (int32, int32)
- func (recv *GutterRendererText) Object() *gobject.Object
- func (recv *GutterRendererText) SetMarkup(markup string, length int32)
- func (recv *GutterRendererText) SetText(text string, length int32)
- func (recv *GutterRendererText) ToC() unsafe.Pointer
- type GutterRendererTextClass
- type GutterRendererTextPrivate
- type Language
- func (recv *Language) Equals(other *Language) bool
- func (recv *Language) GetGlobs() []string
- func (recv *Language) GetHidden() bool
- func (recv *Language) GetId() string
- func (recv *Language) GetMetadata(name string) string
- func (recv *Language) GetMimeTypes() []string
- func (recv *Language) GetName() string
- func (recv *Language) GetSection() string
- func (recv *Language) GetStyleIds() []string
- func (recv *Language) GetStyleName(styleId string) string
- func (recv *Language) Object() *gobject.Object
- func (recv *Language) ToC() unsafe.Pointer
- type LanguageClass
- type LanguageManager
- func (recv *LanguageManager) Equals(other *LanguageManager) bool
- func (recv *LanguageManager) GetLanguage(id string) *Language
- func (recv *LanguageManager) GetLanguageIds() []string
- func (recv *LanguageManager) GetSearchPath() []string
- func (recv *LanguageManager) Object() *gobject.Object
- func (recv *LanguageManager) SetSearchPath(dirs []string)
- func (recv *LanguageManager) ToC() unsafe.Pointer
- type LanguageManagerClass
- type LanguageManagerPrivate
- type LanguagePrivate
- type Map
- func (recv *Map) Buildable() *gtk.Buildable
- func (recv *Map) Container() *gtk.Container
- func (recv *Map) Equals(other *Map) bool
- func (recv *Map) ImplementorIface() *atk.ImplementorIface
- func (recv *Map) InitiallyUnowned() *gobject.InitiallyUnowned
- func (recv *Map) Object() *gobject.Object
- func (recv *Map) Scrollable() *gtk.Scrollable
- func (recv *Map) TextView() *gtk.TextView
- func (recv *Map) ToC() unsafe.Pointer
- func (recv *Map) View() *View
- func (recv *Map) Widget() *gtk.Widget
- type MapClass
- type Mark
- type MarkAttributes
- func (recv *MarkAttributes) Equals(other *MarkAttributes) bool
- func (recv *MarkAttributes) GetBackground() (bool, *gdk.RGBA)
- func (recv *MarkAttributes) GetGicon() *gio.Icon
- func (recv *MarkAttributes) GetIconName() string
- func (recv *MarkAttributes) GetPixbuf() *gdkpixbuf.Pixbuf
- func (recv *MarkAttributes) GetStockId() string
- func (recv *MarkAttributes) GetTooltipMarkup(mark *Mark) string
- func (recv *MarkAttributes) GetTooltipText(mark *Mark) string
- func (recv *MarkAttributes) Object() *gobject.Object
- func (recv *MarkAttributes) RenderIcon(widget *gtk.Widget, size int32) *gdkpixbuf.Pixbuf
- func (recv *MarkAttributes) SetBackground(background *gdk.RGBA)
- func (recv *MarkAttributes) SetGicon(gicon *gio.Icon)
- func (recv *MarkAttributes) SetIconName(iconName string)
- func (recv *MarkAttributes) SetPixbuf(pixbuf *gdkpixbuf.Pixbuf)
- func (recv *MarkAttributes) SetStockId(stockId string)
- func (recv *MarkAttributes) ToC() unsafe.Pointer
- type MarkAttributesClass
- type MarkAttributesPrivate
- type MarkClass
- type MarkPrivate
- type PrintCompositor
- type PrintCompositorClass
- type PrintCompositorPrivate
- type SearchContext
- type SearchContextClass
- type SearchContextPrivate
- type SearchSettings
- type SearchSettingsClass
- type SearchSettingsPrivate
- type SmartHomeEndType
- type Style
- type StyleClass
- type StyleScheme
- type StyleSchemeChooser
- type StyleSchemeChooserButton
- func (recv *StyleSchemeChooserButton) Actionable() *gtk.Actionable
- func (recv *StyleSchemeChooserButton) Activatable() *gtk.Activatable
- func (recv *StyleSchemeChooserButton) Bin() *gtk.Bin
- func (recv *StyleSchemeChooserButton) Buildable() *gtk.Buildable
- func (recv *StyleSchemeChooserButton) Button() *gtk.Button
- func (recv *StyleSchemeChooserButton) Container() *gtk.Container
- func (recv *StyleSchemeChooserButton) Equals(other *StyleSchemeChooserButton) bool
- func (recv *StyleSchemeChooserButton) ImplementorIface() *atk.ImplementorIface
- func (recv *StyleSchemeChooserButton) InitiallyUnowned() *gobject.InitiallyUnowned
- func (recv *StyleSchemeChooserButton) Object() *gobject.Object
- func (recv *StyleSchemeChooserButton) StyleSchemeChooser() *StyleSchemeChooser
- func (recv *StyleSchemeChooserButton) ToC() unsafe.Pointer
- func (recv *StyleSchemeChooserButton) Widget() *gtk.Widget
- type StyleSchemeChooserButtonClass
- type StyleSchemeChooserInterface
- type StyleSchemeChooserWidget
- func (recv *StyleSchemeChooserWidget) Bin() *gtk.Bin
- func (recv *StyleSchemeChooserWidget) Buildable() *gtk.Buildable
- func (recv *StyleSchemeChooserWidget) Container() *gtk.Container
- func (recv *StyleSchemeChooserWidget) Equals(other *StyleSchemeChooserWidget) bool
- func (recv *StyleSchemeChooserWidget) ImplementorIface() *atk.ImplementorIface
- func (recv *StyleSchemeChooserWidget) InitiallyUnowned() *gobject.InitiallyUnowned
- func (recv *StyleSchemeChooserWidget) Object() *gobject.Object
- func (recv *StyleSchemeChooserWidget) StyleSchemeChooser() *StyleSchemeChooser
- func (recv *StyleSchemeChooserWidget) ToC() unsafe.Pointer
- func (recv *StyleSchemeChooserWidget) Widget() *gtk.Widget
- type StyleSchemeChooserWidgetClass
- type StyleSchemeClass
- type StyleSchemeManager
- func (recv *StyleSchemeManager) AppendSearchPath(path string)
- func (recv *StyleSchemeManager) Equals(other *StyleSchemeManager) bool
- func (recv *StyleSchemeManager) ForceRescan()
- func (recv *StyleSchemeManager) GetScheme(schemeId string) *StyleScheme
- func (recv *StyleSchemeManager) GetSchemeIds() []string
- func (recv *StyleSchemeManager) GetSearchPath() []string
- func (recv *StyleSchemeManager) Object() *gobject.Object
- func (recv *StyleSchemeManager) PrependSearchPath(path string)
- func (recv *StyleSchemeManager) SetSearchPath(path []string)
- func (recv *StyleSchemeManager) ToC() unsafe.Pointer
- type StyleSchemeManagerClass
- type StyleSchemeManagerPrivate
- type StyleSchemePrivate
- type UndoManager
- type UndoManagerIface
- type View
- func (recv *View) Buildable() *gtk.Buildable
- func (recv *View) ConnectLineMarkActivated(callback ViewSignalLineMarkActivatedCallback) int
- func (recv *View) ConnectRedo(callback ViewSignalRedoCallback) int
- func (recv *View) ConnectShowCompletion(callback ViewSignalShowCompletionCallback) int
- func (recv *View) ConnectUndo(callback ViewSignalUndoCallback) int
- func (recv *View) Container() *gtk.Container
- func (recv *View) DisconnectLineMarkActivated(connectionID int)
- func (recv *View) DisconnectRedo(connectionID int)
- func (recv *View) DisconnectShowCompletion(connectionID int)
- func (recv *View) DisconnectUndo(connectionID int)
- func (recv *View) Equals(other *View) bool
- func (recv *View) GetAutoIndent() bool
- func (recv *View) GetCompletion() *Completion
- func (recv *View) GetDrawSpaces() DrawSpacesFlags
- func (recv *View) GetHighlightCurrentLine() bool
- func (recv *View) GetIndentOnTab() bool
- func (recv *View) GetIndentWidth() int32
- func (recv *View) GetInsertSpacesInsteadOfTabs() bool
- func (recv *View) GetMarkAttributes(category string, priority int32) *MarkAttributes
- func (recv *View) GetRightMarginPosition() uint32
- func (recv *View) GetShowLineNumbers() bool
- func (recv *View) GetShowRightMargin() bool
- func (recv *View) GetSmartHomeEnd() SmartHomeEndType
- func (recv *View) GetTabWidth() uint32
- func (recv *View) GetVisualColumn(iter *gtk.TextIter) uint32
- func (recv *View) ImplementorIface() *atk.ImplementorIface
- func (recv *View) InitiallyUnowned() *gobject.InitiallyUnowned
- func (recv *View) Object() *gobject.Object
- func (recv *View) Scrollable() *gtk.Scrollable
- func (recv *View) SetAutoIndent(enable bool)
- func (recv *View) SetDrawSpaces(flags DrawSpacesFlags)
- func (recv *View) SetHighlightCurrentLine(highlight bool)
- func (recv *View) SetIndentOnTab(enable bool)
- func (recv *View) SetIndentWidth(width int32)
- func (recv *View) SetInsertSpacesInsteadOfTabs(enable bool)
- func (recv *View) SetMarkAttributes(category string, attributes *MarkAttributes, priority int32)
- func (recv *View) SetRightMarginPosition(pos uint32)
- func (recv *View) SetShowLineNumbers(show bool)
- func (recv *View) SetShowRightMargin(show bool)
- func (recv *View) SetSmartHomeEnd(smartHomeEnd SmartHomeEndType)
- func (recv *View) SetTabWidth(width uint32)
- func (recv *View) TextView() *gtk.TextView
- func (recv *View) ToC() unsafe.Pointer
- func (recv *View) Widget() *gtk.Widget
- type ViewClass
- type ViewGutterPosition
- type ViewPrivate
- type ViewSignalLineMarkActivatedCallback
- type ViewSignalRedoCallback
- type ViewSignalShowCompletionCallback
- type ViewSignalUndoCallback
Constants ¶
This section is empty.
Variables ¶
This section is empty.
Functions ¶
func CompletionErrorQuark ¶
CompletionErrorQuark is a wrapper around the C function gtk_source_completion_error_quark.
func FileLoaderErrorQuark ¶
FileLoaderErrorQuark is a wrapper around the C function gtk_source_file_loader_error_quark.
Types ¶
type BracketMatchType ¶
type BracketMatchType C.GtkSourceBracketMatchType
type Buffer ¶
type Buffer struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Buffer is a wrapper around the C record GtkSourceBuffer.
func BufferNew ¶
func BufferNew(table *gtk.TextTagTable) *Buffer
BufferNew is a wrapper around the C function gtk_source_buffer_new.
func BufferNewFromC ¶
func BufferNewWithLanguage ¶
BufferNewWithLanguage is a wrapper around the C function gtk_source_buffer_new_with_language.
func CastToBuffer ¶
CastToWidget down casts any arbitrary Object to Buffer. Exercise care, as this is a potentially dangerous function if the Object is not a Buffer.
func (*Buffer) BeginNotUndoableAction ¶
func (recv *Buffer) BeginNotUndoableAction()
BeginNotUndoableAction is a wrapper around the C function gtk_source_buffer_begin_not_undoable_action.
func (*Buffer) ConnectHighlightUpdated ¶
func (recv *Buffer) ConnectHighlightUpdated(callback BufferSignalHighlightUpdatedCallback) int
ConnectHighlightUpdated connects the callback to the 'highlight-updated' signal for the Buffer.
The returned value represents the connection, and may be passed to DisconnectHighlightUpdated to remove it.
func (*Buffer) ConnectRedo ¶
func (recv *Buffer) ConnectRedo(callback BufferSignalRedoCallback) int
ConnectRedo connects the callback to the 'redo' signal for the Buffer.
The returned value represents the connection, and may be passed to DisconnectRedo to remove it.
func (*Buffer) ConnectSourceMarkUpdated ¶
func (recv *Buffer) ConnectSourceMarkUpdated(callback BufferSignalSourceMarkUpdatedCallback) int
ConnectSourceMarkUpdated connects the callback to the 'source-mark-updated' signal for the Buffer.
The returned value represents the connection, and may be passed to DisconnectSourceMarkUpdated to remove it.
func (*Buffer) ConnectUndo ¶
func (recv *Buffer) ConnectUndo(callback BufferSignalUndoCallback) int
ConnectUndo connects the callback to the 'undo' signal for the Buffer.
The returned value represents the connection, and may be passed to DisconnectUndo to remove it.
func (*Buffer) DisconnectHighlightUpdated ¶
DisconnectHighlightUpdated disconnects a callback from the 'highlight-updated' signal for the Buffer.
The connectionID should be a value returned from a call to ConnectHighlightUpdated.
func (*Buffer) DisconnectRedo ¶
DisconnectRedo disconnects a callback from the 'redo' signal for the Buffer.
The connectionID should be a value returned from a call to ConnectRedo.
func (*Buffer) DisconnectSourceMarkUpdated ¶
DisconnectSourceMarkUpdated disconnects a callback from the 'source-mark-updated' signal for the Buffer.
The connectionID should be a value returned from a call to ConnectSourceMarkUpdated.
func (*Buffer) DisconnectUndo ¶
DisconnectUndo disconnects a callback from the 'undo' signal for the Buffer.
The connectionID should be a value returned from a call to ConnectUndo.
func (*Buffer) EndNotUndoableAction ¶
func (recv *Buffer) EndNotUndoableAction()
EndNotUndoableAction is a wrapper around the C function gtk_source_buffer_end_not_undoable_action.
func (*Buffer) EnsureHighlight ¶
EnsureHighlight is a wrapper around the C function gtk_source_buffer_ensure_highlight.
func (*Buffer) Equals ¶
Equals compares this Buffer with another Buffer, and returns true if they represent the same GObject.
func (*Buffer) GetHighlightMatchingBrackets ¶
GetHighlightMatchingBrackets is a wrapper around the C function gtk_source_buffer_get_highlight_matching_brackets.
func (*Buffer) GetHighlightSyntax ¶
GetHighlightSyntax is a wrapper around the C function gtk_source_buffer_get_highlight_syntax.
func (*Buffer) GetLanguage ¶
GetLanguage is a wrapper around the C function gtk_source_buffer_get_language.
func (*Buffer) GetMaxUndoLevels ¶
GetMaxUndoLevels is a wrapper around the C function gtk_source_buffer_get_max_undo_levels.
func (*Buffer) GetStyleScheme ¶
func (recv *Buffer) GetStyleScheme() *StyleScheme
GetStyleScheme is a wrapper around the C function gtk_source_buffer_get_style_scheme.
func (*Buffer) GetUndoManager ¶
func (recv *Buffer) GetUndoManager() *UndoManager
GetUndoManager is a wrapper around the C function gtk_source_buffer_get_undo_manager.
func (*Buffer) Redo ¶
func (recv *Buffer) Redo()
Redo is a wrapper around the C function gtk_source_buffer_redo.
func (*Buffer) SetHighlightMatchingBrackets ¶
SetHighlightMatchingBrackets is a wrapper around the C function gtk_source_buffer_set_highlight_matching_brackets.
func (*Buffer) SetHighlightSyntax ¶
SetHighlightSyntax is a wrapper around the C function gtk_source_buffer_set_highlight_syntax.
func (*Buffer) SetLanguage ¶
SetLanguage is a wrapper around the C function gtk_source_buffer_set_language.
func (*Buffer) SetMaxUndoLevels ¶
SetMaxUndoLevels is a wrapper around the C function gtk_source_buffer_set_max_undo_levels.
func (*Buffer) SetStyleScheme ¶
func (recv *Buffer) SetStyleScheme(scheme *StyleScheme)
SetStyleScheme is a wrapper around the C function gtk_source_buffer_set_style_scheme.
func (*Buffer) SetUndoManager ¶
func (recv *Buffer) SetUndoManager(manager *UndoManager)
SetUndoManager is a wrapper around the C function gtk_source_buffer_set_undo_manager.
func (*Buffer) TextBuffer ¶
func (recv *Buffer) TextBuffer() *gtk.TextBuffer
TextBuffer upcasts to *TextBuffer
type BufferClass ¶
type BufferClass struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
BufferClass is a wrapper around the C record GtkSourceBufferClass.
func BufferClassNewFromC ¶
func BufferClassNewFromC(u unsafe.Pointer) *BufferClass
func (*BufferClass) Equals ¶
func (recv *BufferClass) Equals(other *BufferClass) bool
Equals compares this BufferClass with another BufferClass, and returns true if they represent the same GObject.
func (*BufferClass) ToC ¶
func (recv *BufferClass) ToC() unsafe.Pointer
type BufferPrivate ¶
type BufferPrivate struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
BufferPrivate is a wrapper around the C record GtkSourceBufferPrivate.
func BufferPrivateNewFromC ¶
func BufferPrivateNewFromC(u unsafe.Pointer) *BufferPrivate
func (*BufferPrivate) Equals ¶
func (recv *BufferPrivate) Equals(other *BufferPrivate) bool
Equals compares this BufferPrivate with another BufferPrivate, and returns true if they represent the same GObject.
func (*BufferPrivate) ToC ¶
func (recv *BufferPrivate) ToC() unsafe.Pointer
type BufferSignalHighlightUpdatedCallback ¶
BufferSignalHighlightUpdatedCallback is a callback function for a 'highlight-updated' signal emitted from a Buffer.
type BufferSignalRedoCallback ¶
type BufferSignalRedoCallback func()
BufferSignalRedoCallback is a callback function for a 'redo' signal emitted from a Buffer.
type BufferSignalSourceMarkUpdatedCallback ¶
BufferSignalSourceMarkUpdatedCallback is a callback function for a 'source-mark-updated' signal emitted from a Buffer.
type BufferSignalUndoCallback ¶
type BufferSignalUndoCallback func()
BufferSignalUndoCallback is a callback function for a 'undo' signal emitted from a Buffer.
type Completion ¶
type Completion struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Completion is a wrapper around the C record GtkSourceCompletion.
func CastToCompletion ¶
func CastToCompletion(object *gobject.Object) *Completion
CastToWidget down casts any arbitrary Object to Completion. Exercise care, as this is a potentially dangerous function if the Object is not a Completion.
func CompletionNewFromC ¶
func CompletionNewFromC(u unsafe.Pointer) *Completion
func (*Completion) AddProvider ¶
func (recv *Completion) AddProvider(provider *CompletionProvider) (bool, error)
AddProvider is a wrapper around the C function gtk_source_completion_add_provider.
func (*Completion) BlockInteractive ¶
func (recv *Completion) BlockInteractive()
BlockInteractive is a wrapper around the C function gtk_source_completion_block_interactive.
func (*Completion) Buildable ¶
func (recv *Completion) Buildable() *gtk.Buildable
Buildable returns the Buildable interface implemented by Completion
func (*Completion) ConnectActivateProposal ¶
func (recv *Completion) ConnectActivateProposal(callback CompletionSignalActivateProposalCallback) int
ConnectActivateProposal connects the callback to the 'activate-proposal' signal for the Completion.
The returned value represents the connection, and may be passed to DisconnectActivateProposal to remove it.
func (*Completion) ConnectHide ¶
func (recv *Completion) ConnectHide(callback CompletionSignalHideCallback) int
ConnectHide connects the callback to the 'hide' signal for the Completion.
The returned value represents the connection, and may be passed to DisconnectHide to remove it.
func (*Completion) ConnectMoveCursor ¶
func (recv *Completion) ConnectMoveCursor(callback CompletionSignalMoveCursorCallback) int
ConnectMoveCursor connects the callback to the 'move-cursor' signal for the Completion.
The returned value represents the connection, and may be passed to DisconnectMoveCursor to remove it.
func (*Completion) ConnectMovePage ¶
func (recv *Completion) ConnectMovePage(callback CompletionSignalMovePageCallback) int
ConnectMovePage connects the callback to the 'move-page' signal for the Completion.
The returned value represents the connection, and may be passed to DisconnectMovePage to remove it.
func (*Completion) ConnectPopulateContext ¶
func (recv *Completion) ConnectPopulateContext(callback CompletionSignalPopulateContextCallback) int
ConnectPopulateContext connects the callback to the 'populate-context' signal for the Completion.
The returned value represents the connection, and may be passed to DisconnectPopulateContext to remove it.
func (*Completion) ConnectShow ¶
func (recv *Completion) ConnectShow(callback CompletionSignalShowCallback) int
ConnectShow connects the callback to the 'show' signal for the Completion.
The returned value represents the connection, and may be passed to DisconnectShow to remove it.
func (*Completion) CreateContext ¶
func (recv *Completion) CreateContext(position *gtk.TextIter) *CompletionContext
CreateContext is a wrapper around the C function gtk_source_completion_create_context.
func (*Completion) DisconnectActivateProposal ¶
func (recv *Completion) DisconnectActivateProposal(connectionID int)
DisconnectActivateProposal disconnects a callback from the 'activate-proposal' signal for the Completion.
The connectionID should be a value returned from a call to ConnectActivateProposal.
func (*Completion) DisconnectHide ¶
func (recv *Completion) DisconnectHide(connectionID int)
DisconnectHide disconnects a callback from the 'hide' signal for the Completion.
The connectionID should be a value returned from a call to ConnectHide.
func (*Completion) DisconnectMoveCursor ¶
func (recv *Completion) DisconnectMoveCursor(connectionID int)
DisconnectMoveCursor disconnects a callback from the 'move-cursor' signal for the Completion.
The connectionID should be a value returned from a call to ConnectMoveCursor.
func (*Completion) DisconnectMovePage ¶
func (recv *Completion) DisconnectMovePage(connectionID int)
DisconnectMovePage disconnects a callback from the 'move-page' signal for the Completion.
The connectionID should be a value returned from a call to ConnectMovePage.
func (*Completion) DisconnectPopulateContext ¶
func (recv *Completion) DisconnectPopulateContext(connectionID int)
DisconnectPopulateContext disconnects a callback from the 'populate-context' signal for the Completion.
The connectionID should be a value returned from a call to ConnectPopulateContext.
func (*Completion) DisconnectShow ¶
func (recv *Completion) DisconnectShow(connectionID int)
DisconnectShow disconnects a callback from the 'show' signal for the Completion.
The connectionID should be a value returned from a call to ConnectShow.
func (*Completion) Equals ¶
func (recv *Completion) Equals(other *Completion) bool
Equals compares this Completion with another Completion, and returns true if they represent the same GObject.
func (*Completion) GetInfoWindow ¶
func (recv *Completion) GetInfoWindow() *CompletionInfo
GetInfoWindow is a wrapper around the C function gtk_source_completion_get_info_window.
func (*Completion) GetProviders ¶
func (recv *Completion) GetProviders() *glib.List
GetProviders is a wrapper around the C function gtk_source_completion_get_providers.
func (*Completion) GetView ¶
func (recv *Completion) GetView() *View
GetView is a wrapper around the C function gtk_source_completion_get_view.
func (*Completion) Hide ¶
func (recv *Completion) Hide()
Hide is a wrapper around the C function gtk_source_completion_hide.
func (*Completion) MoveWindow ¶
func (recv *Completion) MoveWindow(iter *gtk.TextIter)
MoveWindow is a wrapper around the C function gtk_source_completion_move_window.
func (*Completion) Object ¶
func (recv *Completion) Object() *gobject.Object
Object upcasts to *Object
func (*Completion) RemoveProvider ¶
func (recv *Completion) RemoveProvider(provider *CompletionProvider) (bool, error)
RemoveProvider is a wrapper around the C function gtk_source_completion_remove_provider.
func (*Completion) Show ¶
func (recv *Completion) Show(providers *glib.List, context *CompletionContext) bool
Show is a wrapper around the C function gtk_source_completion_show.
func (*Completion) ToC ¶
func (recv *Completion) ToC() unsafe.Pointer
func (*Completion) UnblockInteractive ¶
func (recv *Completion) UnblockInteractive()
UnblockInteractive is a wrapper around the C function gtk_source_completion_unblock_interactive.
type CompletionActivation ¶
type CompletionActivation C.GtkSourceCompletionActivation
type CompletionClass ¶
type CompletionClass struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
CompletionClass is a wrapper around the C record GtkSourceCompletionClass.
func CompletionClassNewFromC ¶
func CompletionClassNewFromC(u unsafe.Pointer) *CompletionClass
func (*CompletionClass) Equals ¶
func (recv *CompletionClass) Equals(other *CompletionClass) bool
Equals compares this CompletionClass with another CompletionClass, and returns true if they represent the same GObject.
func (*CompletionClass) ToC ¶
func (recv *CompletionClass) ToC() unsafe.Pointer
type CompletionContext ¶
type CompletionContext struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
CompletionContext is a wrapper around the C record GtkSourceCompletionContext.
func CastToCompletionContext ¶
func CastToCompletionContext(object *gobject.Object) *CompletionContext
CastToWidget down casts any arbitrary Object to CompletionContext. Exercise care, as this is a potentially dangerous function if the Object is not a CompletionContext.
func CompletionContextNewFromC ¶
func CompletionContextNewFromC(u unsafe.Pointer) *CompletionContext
func (*CompletionContext) AddProposals ¶
func (recv *CompletionContext) AddProposals(provider *CompletionProvider, proposals *glib.List, finished bool)
AddProposals is a wrapper around the C function gtk_source_completion_context_add_proposals.
func (*CompletionContext) ConnectCancelled ¶
func (recv *CompletionContext) ConnectCancelled(callback CompletionContextSignalCancelledCallback) int
ConnectCancelled connects the callback to the 'cancelled' signal for the CompletionContext.
The returned value represents the connection, and may be passed to DisconnectCancelled to remove it.
func (*CompletionContext) DisconnectCancelled ¶
func (recv *CompletionContext) DisconnectCancelled(connectionID int)
DisconnectCancelled disconnects a callback from the 'cancelled' signal for the CompletionContext.
The connectionID should be a value returned from a call to ConnectCancelled.
func (*CompletionContext) Equals ¶
func (recv *CompletionContext) Equals(other *CompletionContext) bool
Equals compares this CompletionContext with another CompletionContext, and returns true if they represent the same GObject.
func (*CompletionContext) GetActivation ¶
func (recv *CompletionContext) GetActivation() CompletionActivation
GetActivation is a wrapper around the C function gtk_source_completion_context_get_activation.
func (*CompletionContext) GetIter ¶
func (recv *CompletionContext) GetIter() (bool, *gtk.TextIter)
GetIter is a wrapper around the C function gtk_source_completion_context_get_iter.
func (*CompletionContext) InitiallyUnowned ¶
func (recv *CompletionContext) InitiallyUnowned() *gobject.InitiallyUnowned
InitiallyUnowned upcasts to *InitiallyUnowned
func (*CompletionContext) Object ¶
func (recv *CompletionContext) Object() *gobject.Object
Object upcasts to *Object
func (*CompletionContext) ToC ¶
func (recv *CompletionContext) ToC() unsafe.Pointer
type CompletionContextClass ¶
type CompletionContextClass struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
CompletionContextClass is a wrapper around the C record GtkSourceCompletionContextClass.
func CompletionContextClassNewFromC ¶
func CompletionContextClassNewFromC(u unsafe.Pointer) *CompletionContextClass
func (*CompletionContextClass) Equals ¶
func (recv *CompletionContextClass) Equals(other *CompletionContextClass) bool
Equals compares this CompletionContextClass with another CompletionContextClass, and returns true if they represent the same GObject.
func (*CompletionContextClass) ToC ¶
func (recv *CompletionContextClass) ToC() unsafe.Pointer
type CompletionContextPrivate ¶
type CompletionContextPrivate struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
CompletionContextPrivate is a wrapper around the C record GtkSourceCompletionContextPrivate.
func CompletionContextPrivateNewFromC ¶
func CompletionContextPrivateNewFromC(u unsafe.Pointer) *CompletionContextPrivate
func (*CompletionContextPrivate) Equals ¶
func (recv *CompletionContextPrivate) Equals(other *CompletionContextPrivate) bool
Equals compares this CompletionContextPrivate with another CompletionContextPrivate, and returns true if they represent the same GObject.
func (*CompletionContextPrivate) ToC ¶
func (recv *CompletionContextPrivate) ToC() unsafe.Pointer
type CompletionContextSignalCancelledCallback ¶
type CompletionContextSignalCancelledCallback func()
CompletionContextSignalCancelledCallback is a callback function for a 'cancelled' signal emitted from a CompletionContext.
type CompletionError ¶
type CompletionError C.GtkSourceCompletionError
type CompletionInfo ¶
type CompletionInfo struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
CompletionInfo is a wrapper around the C record GtkSourceCompletionInfo.
func CastToCompletionInfo ¶
func CastToCompletionInfo(object *gobject.Object) *CompletionInfo
CastToWidget down casts any arbitrary Object to CompletionInfo. Exercise care, as this is a potentially dangerous function if the Object is not a CompletionInfo.
func CompletionInfoNew ¶
func CompletionInfoNew() *CompletionInfo
CompletionInfoNew is a wrapper around the C function gtk_source_completion_info_new.
func CompletionInfoNewFromC ¶
func CompletionInfoNewFromC(u unsafe.Pointer) *CompletionInfo
func (*CompletionInfo) Buildable ¶
func (recv *CompletionInfo) Buildable() *gtk.Buildable
Buildable returns the Buildable interface implemented by CompletionInfo
func (*CompletionInfo) ConnectBeforeShow ¶
func (recv *CompletionInfo) ConnectBeforeShow(callback CompletionInfoSignalBeforeShowCallback) int
ConnectBeforeShow connects the callback to the 'before-show' signal for the CompletionInfo.
The returned value represents the connection, and may be passed to DisconnectBeforeShow to remove it.
func (*CompletionInfo) Container ¶
func (recv *CompletionInfo) Container() *gtk.Container
Container upcasts to *Container
func (*CompletionInfo) DisconnectBeforeShow ¶
func (recv *CompletionInfo) DisconnectBeforeShow(connectionID int)
DisconnectBeforeShow disconnects a callback from the 'before-show' signal for the CompletionInfo.
The connectionID should be a value returned from a call to ConnectBeforeShow.
func (*CompletionInfo) Equals ¶
func (recv *CompletionInfo) Equals(other *CompletionInfo) bool
Equals compares this CompletionInfo with another CompletionInfo, and returns true if they represent the same GObject.
func (*CompletionInfo) GetWidget ¶
func (recv *CompletionInfo) GetWidget() *gtk.Widget
GetWidget is a wrapper around the C function gtk_source_completion_info_get_widget.
func (*CompletionInfo) ImplementorIface ¶
func (recv *CompletionInfo) ImplementorIface() *atk.ImplementorIface
ImplementorIface returns the ImplementorIface interface implemented by CompletionInfo
func (*CompletionInfo) InitiallyUnowned ¶
func (recv *CompletionInfo) InitiallyUnowned() *gobject.InitiallyUnowned
InitiallyUnowned upcasts to *InitiallyUnowned
func (*CompletionInfo) MoveToIter ¶
func (recv *CompletionInfo) MoveToIter(view *gtk.TextView, iter *gtk.TextIter)
MoveToIter is a wrapper around the C function gtk_source_completion_info_move_to_iter.
func (*CompletionInfo) Object ¶
func (recv *CompletionInfo) Object() *gobject.Object
Object upcasts to *Object
func (*CompletionInfo) SetWidget ¶
func (recv *CompletionInfo) SetWidget(widget *gtk.Widget)
SetWidget is a wrapper around the C function gtk_source_completion_info_set_widget.
func (*CompletionInfo) ToC ¶
func (recv *CompletionInfo) ToC() unsafe.Pointer
func (*CompletionInfo) Widget ¶
func (recv *CompletionInfo) Widget() *gtk.Widget
Widget upcasts to *Widget
func (*CompletionInfo) Window ¶
func (recv *CompletionInfo) Window() *gtk.Window
Window upcasts to *Window
type CompletionInfoClass ¶
type CompletionInfoClass struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
CompletionInfoClass is a wrapper around the C record GtkSourceCompletionInfoClass.
func CompletionInfoClassNewFromC ¶
func CompletionInfoClassNewFromC(u unsafe.Pointer) *CompletionInfoClass
func (*CompletionInfoClass) Equals ¶
func (recv *CompletionInfoClass) Equals(other *CompletionInfoClass) bool
Equals compares this CompletionInfoClass with another CompletionInfoClass, and returns true if they represent the same GObject.
func (*CompletionInfoClass) ToC ¶
func (recv *CompletionInfoClass) ToC() unsafe.Pointer
type CompletionInfoPrivate ¶
type CompletionInfoPrivate struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
CompletionInfoPrivate is a wrapper around the C record GtkSourceCompletionInfoPrivate.
func CompletionInfoPrivateNewFromC ¶
func CompletionInfoPrivateNewFromC(u unsafe.Pointer) *CompletionInfoPrivate
func (*CompletionInfoPrivate) Equals ¶
func (recv *CompletionInfoPrivate) Equals(other *CompletionInfoPrivate) bool
Equals compares this CompletionInfoPrivate with another CompletionInfoPrivate, and returns true if they represent the same GObject.
func (*CompletionInfoPrivate) ToC ¶
func (recv *CompletionInfoPrivate) ToC() unsafe.Pointer
type CompletionInfoSignalBeforeShowCallback ¶
type CompletionInfoSignalBeforeShowCallback func()
CompletionInfoSignalBeforeShowCallback is a callback function for a 'before-show' signal emitted from a CompletionInfo.
type CompletionItem ¶
type CompletionItem struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
CompletionItem is a wrapper around the C record GtkSourceCompletionItem.
func CastToCompletionItem ¶
func CastToCompletionItem(object *gobject.Object) *CompletionItem
CastToWidget down casts any arbitrary Object to CompletionItem. Exercise care, as this is a potentially dangerous function if the Object is not a CompletionItem.
func CompletionItemNew ¶
func CompletionItemNew(label string, text string, icon *gdkpixbuf.Pixbuf, info string) *CompletionItem
CompletionItemNew is a wrapper around the C function gtk_source_completion_item_new.
func CompletionItemNewFromC ¶
func CompletionItemNewFromC(u unsafe.Pointer) *CompletionItem
func CompletionItemNewFromStock ¶
func CompletionItemNewFromStock(label string, text string, stock string, info string) *CompletionItem
CompletionItemNewFromStock is a wrapper around the C function gtk_source_completion_item_new_from_stock.
func CompletionItemNewWithMarkup ¶
func CompletionItemNewWithMarkup(markup string, text string, icon *gdkpixbuf.Pixbuf, info string) *CompletionItem
CompletionItemNewWithMarkup is a wrapper around the C function gtk_source_completion_item_new_with_markup.
func (*CompletionItem) CompletionProposal ¶
func (recv *CompletionItem) CompletionProposal() *CompletionProposal
CompletionProposal returns the CompletionProposal interface implemented by CompletionItem
func (*CompletionItem) Equals ¶
func (recv *CompletionItem) Equals(other *CompletionItem) bool
Equals compares this CompletionItem with another CompletionItem, and returns true if they represent the same GObject.
func (*CompletionItem) Object ¶
func (recv *CompletionItem) Object() *gobject.Object
Object upcasts to *Object
func (*CompletionItem) ToC ¶
func (recv *CompletionItem) ToC() unsafe.Pointer
type CompletionItemClass ¶
type CompletionItemClass struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
CompletionItemClass is a wrapper around the C record GtkSourceCompletionItemClass.
func CompletionItemClassNewFromC ¶
func CompletionItemClassNewFromC(u unsafe.Pointer) *CompletionItemClass
func (*CompletionItemClass) Equals ¶
func (recv *CompletionItemClass) Equals(other *CompletionItemClass) bool
Equals compares this CompletionItemClass with another CompletionItemClass, and returns true if they represent the same GObject.
func (*CompletionItemClass) ToC ¶
func (recv *CompletionItemClass) ToC() unsafe.Pointer
type CompletionItemPrivate ¶
type CompletionItemPrivate struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
CompletionItemPrivate is a wrapper around the C record GtkSourceCompletionItemPrivate.
func CompletionItemPrivateNewFromC ¶
func CompletionItemPrivateNewFromC(u unsafe.Pointer) *CompletionItemPrivate
func (*CompletionItemPrivate) Equals ¶
func (recv *CompletionItemPrivate) Equals(other *CompletionItemPrivate) bool
Equals compares this CompletionItemPrivate with another CompletionItemPrivate, and returns true if they represent the same GObject.
func (*CompletionItemPrivate) ToC ¶
func (recv *CompletionItemPrivate) ToC() unsafe.Pointer
type CompletionPrivate ¶
type CompletionPrivate struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
CompletionPrivate is a wrapper around the C record GtkSourceCompletionPrivate.
func CompletionPrivateNewFromC ¶
func CompletionPrivateNewFromC(u unsafe.Pointer) *CompletionPrivate
func (*CompletionPrivate) Equals ¶
func (recv *CompletionPrivate) Equals(other *CompletionPrivate) bool
Equals compares this CompletionPrivate with another CompletionPrivate, and returns true if they represent the same GObject.
func (*CompletionPrivate) ToC ¶
func (recv *CompletionPrivate) ToC() unsafe.Pointer
type CompletionProposal ¶
type CompletionProposal struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
CompletionProposal is a wrapper around the C record GtkSourceCompletionProposal.
func CompletionProposalNewFromC ¶
func CompletionProposalNewFromC(u unsafe.Pointer) *CompletionProposal
func (*CompletionProposal) Changed ¶
func (recv *CompletionProposal) Changed()
Changed is a wrapper around the C function gtk_source_completion_proposal_changed.
func (*CompletionProposal) ConnectChanged ¶
func (recv *CompletionProposal) ConnectChanged(callback CompletionProposalSignalChangedCallback) int
ConnectChanged connects the callback to the 'changed' signal for the CompletionProposal.
The returned value represents the connection, and may be passed to DisconnectChanged to remove it.
func (*CompletionProposal) DisconnectChanged ¶
func (recv *CompletionProposal) DisconnectChanged(connectionID int)
DisconnectChanged disconnects a callback from the 'changed' signal for the CompletionProposal.
The connectionID should be a value returned from a call to ConnectChanged.
func (*CompletionProposal) Equal ¶
func (recv *CompletionProposal) Equal(other *CompletionProposal) bool
Equal is a wrapper around the C function gtk_source_completion_proposal_equal.
func (*CompletionProposal) Equals ¶
func (recv *CompletionProposal) Equals(other *CompletionProposal) bool
Equals compares this CompletionProposal with another CompletionProposal, and returns true if they represent the same GObject.
func (*CompletionProposal) GetIcon ¶
func (recv *CompletionProposal) GetIcon() *gdkpixbuf.Pixbuf
GetIcon is a wrapper around the C function gtk_source_completion_proposal_get_icon.
func (*CompletionProposal) GetInfo ¶
func (recv *CompletionProposal) GetInfo() string
GetInfo is a wrapper around the C function gtk_source_completion_proposal_get_info.
func (*CompletionProposal) GetLabel ¶
func (recv *CompletionProposal) GetLabel() string
GetLabel is a wrapper around the C function gtk_source_completion_proposal_get_label.
func (*CompletionProposal) GetMarkup ¶
func (recv *CompletionProposal) GetMarkup() string
GetMarkup is a wrapper around the C function gtk_source_completion_proposal_get_markup.
func (*CompletionProposal) GetText ¶
func (recv *CompletionProposal) GetText() string
GetText is a wrapper around the C function gtk_source_completion_proposal_get_text.
func (*CompletionProposal) Hash ¶
func (recv *CompletionProposal) Hash() uint32
Hash is a wrapper around the C function gtk_source_completion_proposal_hash.
func (*CompletionProposal) ToC ¶
func (recv *CompletionProposal) ToC() unsafe.Pointer
type CompletionProposalIface ¶
type CompletionProposalIface struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
CompletionProposalIface is a wrapper around the C record GtkSourceCompletionProposalIface.
func CompletionProposalIfaceNewFromC ¶
func CompletionProposalIfaceNewFromC(u unsafe.Pointer) *CompletionProposalIface
func (*CompletionProposalIface) Equals ¶
func (recv *CompletionProposalIface) Equals(other *CompletionProposalIface) bool
Equals compares this CompletionProposalIface with another CompletionProposalIface, and returns true if they represent the same GObject.
func (*CompletionProposalIface) ToC ¶
func (recv *CompletionProposalIface) ToC() unsafe.Pointer
type CompletionProposalSignalChangedCallback ¶
type CompletionProposalSignalChangedCallback func()
CompletionProposalSignalChangedCallback is a callback function for a 'changed' signal emitted from a CompletionProposal.
type CompletionProvider ¶
type CompletionProvider struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
CompletionProvider is a wrapper around the C record GtkSourceCompletionProvider.
func CompletionProviderNewFromC ¶
func CompletionProviderNewFromC(u unsafe.Pointer) *CompletionProvider
func (*CompletionProvider) ActivateProposal ¶
func (recv *CompletionProvider) ActivateProposal(proposal *CompletionProposal, iter *gtk.TextIter) bool
ActivateProposal is a wrapper around the C function gtk_source_completion_provider_activate_proposal.
func (*CompletionProvider) Equals ¶
func (recv *CompletionProvider) Equals(other *CompletionProvider) bool
Equals compares this CompletionProvider with another CompletionProvider, and returns true if they represent the same GObject.
func (*CompletionProvider) GetActivation ¶
func (recv *CompletionProvider) GetActivation() CompletionActivation
GetActivation is a wrapper around the C function gtk_source_completion_provider_get_activation.
func (*CompletionProvider) GetIcon ¶
func (recv *CompletionProvider) GetIcon() *gdkpixbuf.Pixbuf
GetIcon is a wrapper around the C function gtk_source_completion_provider_get_icon.
func (*CompletionProvider) GetInfoWidget ¶
func (recv *CompletionProvider) GetInfoWidget(proposal *CompletionProposal) *gtk.Widget
GetInfoWidget is a wrapper around the C function gtk_source_completion_provider_get_info_widget.
func (*CompletionProvider) GetInteractiveDelay ¶
func (recv *CompletionProvider) GetInteractiveDelay() int32
GetInteractiveDelay is a wrapper around the C function gtk_source_completion_provider_get_interactive_delay.
func (*CompletionProvider) GetName ¶
func (recv *CompletionProvider) GetName() string
GetName is a wrapper around the C function gtk_source_completion_provider_get_name.
func (*CompletionProvider) GetPriority ¶
func (recv *CompletionProvider) GetPriority() int32
GetPriority is a wrapper around the C function gtk_source_completion_provider_get_priority.
func (*CompletionProvider) GetStartIter ¶
func (recv *CompletionProvider) GetStartIter(context *CompletionContext, proposal *CompletionProposal) (bool, *gtk.TextIter)
GetStartIter is a wrapper around the C function gtk_source_completion_provider_get_start_iter.
func (*CompletionProvider) Match ¶
func (recv *CompletionProvider) Match(context *CompletionContext) bool
Match is a wrapper around the C function gtk_source_completion_provider_match.
func (*CompletionProvider) Populate ¶
func (recv *CompletionProvider) Populate(context *CompletionContext)
Populate is a wrapper around the C function gtk_source_completion_provider_populate.
func (*CompletionProvider) ToC ¶
func (recv *CompletionProvider) ToC() unsafe.Pointer
func (*CompletionProvider) UpdateInfo ¶
func (recv *CompletionProvider) UpdateInfo(proposal *CompletionProposal, info *CompletionInfo)
UpdateInfo is a wrapper around the C function gtk_source_completion_provider_update_info.
type CompletionProviderIface ¶
type CompletionProviderIface struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
CompletionProviderIface is a wrapper around the C record GtkSourceCompletionProviderIface.
func CompletionProviderIfaceNewFromC ¶
func CompletionProviderIfaceNewFromC(u unsafe.Pointer) *CompletionProviderIface
func (*CompletionProviderIface) Equals ¶
func (recv *CompletionProviderIface) Equals(other *CompletionProviderIface) bool
Equals compares this CompletionProviderIface with another CompletionProviderIface, and returns true if they represent the same GObject.
func (*CompletionProviderIface) ToC ¶
func (recv *CompletionProviderIface) ToC() unsafe.Pointer
type CompletionSignalActivateProposalCallback ¶
type CompletionSignalActivateProposalCallback func()
CompletionSignalActivateProposalCallback is a callback function for a 'activate-proposal' signal emitted from a Completion.
type CompletionSignalHideCallback ¶
type CompletionSignalHideCallback func()
CompletionSignalHideCallback is a callback function for a 'hide' signal emitted from a Completion.
type CompletionSignalMoveCursorCallback ¶
type CompletionSignalMoveCursorCallback func(step gtk.ScrollStep, num int32)
CompletionSignalMoveCursorCallback is a callback function for a 'move-cursor' signal emitted from a Completion.
type CompletionSignalMovePageCallback ¶
type CompletionSignalMovePageCallback func(step gtk.ScrollStep, num int32)
CompletionSignalMovePageCallback is a callback function for a 'move-page' signal emitted from a Completion.
type CompletionSignalPopulateContextCallback ¶
type CompletionSignalPopulateContextCallback func(context *CompletionContext)
CompletionSignalPopulateContextCallback is a callback function for a 'populate-context' signal emitted from a Completion.
type CompletionSignalShowCallback ¶
type CompletionSignalShowCallback func()
CompletionSignalShowCallback is a callback function for a 'show' signal emitted from a Completion.
type CompletionWords ¶
type CompletionWords struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
CompletionWords is a wrapper around the C record GtkSourceCompletionWords.
func CastToCompletionWords ¶
func CastToCompletionWords(object *gobject.Object) *CompletionWords
CastToWidget down casts any arbitrary Object to CompletionWords. Exercise care, as this is a potentially dangerous function if the Object is not a CompletionWords.
func CompletionWordsNew ¶
func CompletionWordsNew(name string, icon *gdkpixbuf.Pixbuf) *CompletionWords
CompletionWordsNew is a wrapper around the C function gtk_source_completion_words_new.
func CompletionWordsNewFromC ¶
func CompletionWordsNewFromC(u unsafe.Pointer) *CompletionWords
func (*CompletionWords) CompletionProvider ¶
func (recv *CompletionWords) CompletionProvider() *CompletionProvider
CompletionProvider returns the CompletionProvider interface implemented by CompletionWords
func (*CompletionWords) Equals ¶
func (recv *CompletionWords) Equals(other *CompletionWords) bool
Equals compares this CompletionWords with another CompletionWords, and returns true if they represent the same GObject.
func (*CompletionWords) Object ¶
func (recv *CompletionWords) Object() *gobject.Object
Object upcasts to *Object
func (*CompletionWords) Register ¶
func (recv *CompletionWords) Register(buffer *gtk.TextBuffer)
Register is a wrapper around the C function gtk_source_completion_words_register.
func (*CompletionWords) ToC ¶
func (recv *CompletionWords) ToC() unsafe.Pointer
func (*CompletionWords) Unregister ¶
func (recv *CompletionWords) Unregister(buffer *gtk.TextBuffer)
Unregister is a wrapper around the C function gtk_source_completion_words_unregister.
type CompletionWordsClass ¶
type CompletionWordsClass struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
CompletionWordsClass is a wrapper around the C record GtkSourceCompletionWordsClass.
func CompletionWordsClassNewFromC ¶
func CompletionWordsClassNewFromC(u unsafe.Pointer) *CompletionWordsClass
func (*CompletionWordsClass) Equals ¶
func (recv *CompletionWordsClass) Equals(other *CompletionWordsClass) bool
Equals compares this CompletionWordsClass with another CompletionWordsClass, and returns true if they represent the same GObject.
func (*CompletionWordsClass) ToC ¶
func (recv *CompletionWordsClass) ToC() unsafe.Pointer
type CompletionWordsPrivate ¶
type CompletionWordsPrivate struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
CompletionWordsPrivate is a wrapper around the C record GtkSourceCompletionWordsPrivate.
func CompletionWordsPrivateNewFromC ¶
func CompletionWordsPrivateNewFromC(u unsafe.Pointer) *CompletionWordsPrivate
func (*CompletionWordsPrivate) Equals ¶
func (recv *CompletionWordsPrivate) Equals(other *CompletionWordsPrivate) bool
Equals compares this CompletionWordsPrivate with another CompletionWordsPrivate, and returns true if they represent the same GObject.
func (*CompletionWordsPrivate) ToC ¶
func (recv *CompletionWordsPrivate) ToC() unsafe.Pointer
type DrawSpacesFlags ¶
type DrawSpacesFlags C.GtkSourceDrawSpacesFlags
type Encoding ¶
type Encoding struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Encoding is a wrapper around the C record GtkSourceEncoding.
func EncodingNewFromC ¶
type File ¶
type File struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
File is a wrapper around the C record GtkSourceFile.
func CastToFile ¶
CastToWidget down casts any arbitrary Object to File. Exercise care, as this is a potentially dangerous function if the Object is not a File.
func FileNewFromC ¶
type FileClass ¶
type FileClass struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
FileClass is a wrapper around the C record GtkSourceFileClass.
func FileClassNewFromC ¶
type FileLoader ¶
type FileLoader struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
FileLoader is a wrapper around the C record GtkSourceFileLoader.
func CastToFileLoader ¶
func CastToFileLoader(object *gobject.Object) *FileLoader
CastToWidget down casts any arbitrary Object to FileLoader. Exercise care, as this is a potentially dangerous function if the Object is not a FileLoader.
func FileLoaderNewFromC ¶
func FileLoaderNewFromC(u unsafe.Pointer) *FileLoader
func (*FileLoader) Equals ¶
func (recv *FileLoader) Equals(other *FileLoader) bool
Equals compares this FileLoader with another FileLoader, and returns true if they represent the same GObject.
func (*FileLoader) Object ¶
func (recv *FileLoader) Object() *gobject.Object
Object upcasts to *Object
func (*FileLoader) ToC ¶
func (recv *FileLoader) ToC() unsafe.Pointer
type FileLoaderClass ¶
type FileLoaderClass struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
FileLoaderClass is a wrapper around the C record GtkSourceFileLoaderClass.
func FileLoaderClassNewFromC ¶
func FileLoaderClassNewFromC(u unsafe.Pointer) *FileLoaderClass
func (*FileLoaderClass) Equals ¶
func (recv *FileLoaderClass) Equals(other *FileLoaderClass) bool
Equals compares this FileLoaderClass with another FileLoaderClass, and returns true if they represent the same GObject.
func (*FileLoaderClass) ToC ¶
func (recv *FileLoaderClass) ToC() unsafe.Pointer
type FileLoaderError ¶
type FileLoaderError C.GtkSourceFileLoaderError
type FileLoaderPrivate ¶
type FileLoaderPrivate struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
FileLoaderPrivate is a wrapper around the C record GtkSourceFileLoaderPrivate.
func FileLoaderPrivateNewFromC ¶
func FileLoaderPrivateNewFromC(u unsafe.Pointer) *FileLoaderPrivate
func (*FileLoaderPrivate) Equals ¶
func (recv *FileLoaderPrivate) Equals(other *FileLoaderPrivate) bool
Equals compares this FileLoaderPrivate with another FileLoaderPrivate, and returns true if they represent the same GObject.
func (*FileLoaderPrivate) ToC ¶
func (recv *FileLoaderPrivate) ToC() unsafe.Pointer
type FilePrivate ¶
type FilePrivate struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
FilePrivate is a wrapper around the C record GtkSourceFilePrivate.
func FilePrivateNewFromC ¶
func FilePrivateNewFromC(u unsafe.Pointer) *FilePrivate
func (*FilePrivate) Equals ¶
func (recv *FilePrivate) Equals(other *FilePrivate) bool
Equals compares this FilePrivate with another FilePrivate, and returns true if they represent the same GObject.
func (*FilePrivate) ToC ¶
func (recv *FilePrivate) ToC() unsafe.Pointer
type FileSaver ¶
type FileSaver struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
FileSaver is a wrapper around the C record GtkSourceFileSaver.
func CastToFileSaver ¶
CastToWidget down casts any arbitrary Object to FileSaver. Exercise care, as this is a potentially dangerous function if the Object is not a FileSaver.
func FileSaverNewFromC ¶
func (*FileSaver) Equals ¶
Equals compares this FileSaver with another FileSaver, and returns true if they represent the same GObject.
type FileSaverClass ¶
type FileSaverClass struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
FileSaverClass is a wrapper around the C record GtkSourceFileSaverClass.
func FileSaverClassNewFromC ¶
func FileSaverClassNewFromC(u unsafe.Pointer) *FileSaverClass
func (*FileSaverClass) Equals ¶
func (recv *FileSaverClass) Equals(other *FileSaverClass) bool
Equals compares this FileSaverClass with another FileSaverClass, and returns true if they represent the same GObject.
func (*FileSaverClass) ToC ¶
func (recv *FileSaverClass) ToC() unsafe.Pointer
type FileSaverPrivate ¶
type FileSaverPrivate struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
FileSaverPrivate is a wrapper around the C record GtkSourceFileSaverPrivate.
func FileSaverPrivateNewFromC ¶
func FileSaverPrivateNewFromC(u unsafe.Pointer) *FileSaverPrivate
func (*FileSaverPrivate) Equals ¶
func (recv *FileSaverPrivate) Equals(other *FileSaverPrivate) bool
Equals compares this FileSaverPrivate with another FileSaverPrivate, and returns true if they represent the same GObject.
func (*FileSaverPrivate) ToC ¶
func (recv *FileSaverPrivate) ToC() unsafe.Pointer
type Gutter ¶
type Gutter struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Gutter is a wrapper around the C record GtkSourceGutter.
func CastToGutter ¶
CastToWidget down casts any arbitrary Object to Gutter. Exercise care, as this is a potentially dangerous function if the Object is not a Gutter.
func GutterNewFromC ¶
func (*Gutter) Equals ¶
Equals compares this Gutter with another Gutter, and returns true if they represent the same GObject.
func (*Gutter) GetPadding ¶
GetPadding is a wrapper around the C function gtk_source_gutter_get_padding.
func (*Gutter) GetRendererAtPos ¶
func (recv *Gutter) GetRendererAtPos(x int32, y int32) *GutterRenderer
GetRendererAtPos is a wrapper around the C function gtk_source_gutter_get_renderer_at_pos.
func (*Gutter) SetPadding ¶
SetPadding is a wrapper around the C function gtk_source_gutter_set_padding.
type GutterClass ¶
type GutterClass struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
GutterClass is a wrapper around the C record GtkSourceGutterClass.
func GutterClassNewFromC ¶
func GutterClassNewFromC(u unsafe.Pointer) *GutterClass
func (*GutterClass) Equals ¶
func (recv *GutterClass) Equals(other *GutterClass) bool
Equals compares this GutterClass with another GutterClass, and returns true if they represent the same GObject.
func (*GutterClass) ToC ¶
func (recv *GutterClass) ToC() unsafe.Pointer
type GutterPrivate ¶
type GutterPrivate struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
GutterPrivate is a wrapper around the C record GtkSourceGutterPrivate.
func GutterPrivateNewFromC ¶
func GutterPrivateNewFromC(u unsafe.Pointer) *GutterPrivate
func (*GutterPrivate) Equals ¶
func (recv *GutterPrivate) Equals(other *GutterPrivate) bool
Equals compares this GutterPrivate with another GutterPrivate, and returns true if they represent the same GObject.
func (*GutterPrivate) ToC ¶
func (recv *GutterPrivate) ToC() unsafe.Pointer
type GutterRenderer ¶
type GutterRenderer struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
GutterRenderer is a wrapper around the C record GtkSourceGutterRenderer.
func CastToGutterRenderer ¶
func CastToGutterRenderer(object *gobject.Object) *GutterRenderer
CastToWidget down casts any arbitrary Object to GutterRenderer. Exercise care, as this is a potentially dangerous function if the Object is not a GutterRenderer.
func GutterRendererNewFromC ¶
func GutterRendererNewFromC(u unsafe.Pointer) *GutterRenderer
func (*GutterRenderer) Activate ¶ added in v0.0.12
Activate is a wrapper around the C function gtk_source_gutter_renderer_activate.
func (*GutterRenderer) Begin ¶
func (recv *GutterRenderer) Begin(cr *cairo.Context, backgroundArea *gdk.Rectangle, cellArea *gdk.Rectangle, start *gtk.TextIter, end *gtk.TextIter)
Begin is a wrapper around the C function gtk_source_gutter_renderer_begin.
func (*GutterRenderer) ConnectActivate ¶ added in v0.0.12
func (recv *GutterRenderer) ConnectActivate(callback GutterRendererSignalActivateCallback) int
ConnectActivate connects the callback to the 'activate' signal for the GutterRenderer.
The returned value represents the connection, and may be passed to DisconnectActivate to remove it.
func (*GutterRenderer) ConnectQueryActivatable ¶ added in v0.0.12
func (recv *GutterRenderer) ConnectQueryActivatable(callback GutterRendererSignalQueryActivatableCallback) int
ConnectQueryActivatable connects the callback to the 'query-activatable' signal for the GutterRenderer.
The returned value represents the connection, and may be passed to DisconnectQueryActivatable to remove it.
func (*GutterRenderer) ConnectQueryData ¶
func (recv *GutterRenderer) ConnectQueryData(callback GutterRendererSignalQueryDataCallback) int
ConnectQueryData connects the callback to the 'query-data' signal for the GutterRenderer.
The returned value represents the connection, and may be passed to DisconnectQueryData to remove it.
func (*GutterRenderer) ConnectQueryTooltip ¶
func (recv *GutterRenderer) ConnectQueryTooltip(callback GutterRendererSignalQueryTooltipCallback) int
ConnectQueryTooltip connects the callback to the 'query-tooltip' signal for the GutterRenderer.
The returned value represents the connection, and may be passed to DisconnectQueryTooltip to remove it.
func (*GutterRenderer) ConnectQueueDraw ¶
func (recv *GutterRenderer) ConnectQueueDraw(callback GutterRendererSignalQueueDrawCallback) int
ConnectQueueDraw connects the callback to the 'queue-draw' signal for the GutterRenderer.
The returned value represents the connection, and may be passed to DisconnectQueueDraw to remove it.
func (*GutterRenderer) DisconnectActivate ¶ added in v0.0.12
func (recv *GutterRenderer) DisconnectActivate(connectionID int)
DisconnectActivate disconnects a callback from the 'activate' signal for the GutterRenderer.
The connectionID should be a value returned from a call to ConnectActivate.
func (*GutterRenderer) DisconnectQueryActivatable ¶ added in v0.0.12
func (recv *GutterRenderer) DisconnectQueryActivatable(connectionID int)
DisconnectQueryActivatable disconnects a callback from the 'query-activatable' signal for the GutterRenderer.
The connectionID should be a value returned from a call to ConnectQueryActivatable.
func (*GutterRenderer) DisconnectQueryData ¶
func (recv *GutterRenderer) DisconnectQueryData(connectionID int)
DisconnectQueryData disconnects a callback from the 'query-data' signal for the GutterRenderer.
The connectionID should be a value returned from a call to ConnectQueryData.
func (*GutterRenderer) DisconnectQueryTooltip ¶
func (recv *GutterRenderer) DisconnectQueryTooltip(connectionID int)
DisconnectQueryTooltip disconnects a callback from the 'query-tooltip' signal for the GutterRenderer.
The connectionID should be a value returned from a call to ConnectQueryTooltip.
func (*GutterRenderer) DisconnectQueueDraw ¶
func (recv *GutterRenderer) DisconnectQueueDraw(connectionID int)
DisconnectQueueDraw disconnects a callback from the 'queue-draw' signal for the GutterRenderer.
The connectionID should be a value returned from a call to ConnectQueueDraw.
func (*GutterRenderer) Draw ¶
func (recv *GutterRenderer) Draw(cr *cairo.Context, backgroundArea *gdk.Rectangle, cellArea *gdk.Rectangle, start *gtk.TextIter, end *gtk.TextIter, state GutterRendererState)
Draw is a wrapper around the C function gtk_source_gutter_renderer_draw.
func (*GutterRenderer) End ¶
func (recv *GutterRenderer) End()
End is a wrapper around the C function gtk_source_gutter_renderer_end.
func (*GutterRenderer) Equals ¶
func (recv *GutterRenderer) Equals(other *GutterRenderer) bool
Equals compares this GutterRenderer with another GutterRenderer, and returns true if they represent the same GObject.
func (*GutterRenderer) GetAlignment ¶
func (recv *GutterRenderer) GetAlignment() (float32, float32)
GetAlignment is a wrapper around the C function gtk_source_gutter_renderer_get_alignment.
func (*GutterRenderer) GetAlignmentMode ¶
func (recv *GutterRenderer) GetAlignmentMode() GutterRendererAlignmentMode
GetAlignmentMode is a wrapper around the C function gtk_source_gutter_renderer_get_alignment_mode.
func (*GutterRenderer) GetBackground ¶
func (recv *GutterRenderer) GetBackground() (bool, *gdk.RGBA)
GetBackground is a wrapper around the C function gtk_source_gutter_renderer_get_background.
func (*GutterRenderer) GetPadding ¶
func (recv *GutterRenderer) GetPadding() (int32, int32)
GetPadding is a wrapper around the C function gtk_source_gutter_renderer_get_padding.
func (*GutterRenderer) GetSize ¶
func (recv *GutterRenderer) GetSize() int32
GetSize is a wrapper around the C function gtk_source_gutter_renderer_get_size.
func (*GutterRenderer) GetView ¶
func (recv *GutterRenderer) GetView() *gtk.TextView
GetView is a wrapper around the C function gtk_source_gutter_renderer_get_view.
func (*GutterRenderer) GetVisible ¶
func (recv *GutterRenderer) GetVisible() bool
GetVisible is a wrapper around the C function gtk_source_gutter_renderer_get_visible.
func (*GutterRenderer) GetWindowType ¶
func (recv *GutterRenderer) GetWindowType() gtk.TextWindowType
GetWindowType is a wrapper around the C function gtk_source_gutter_renderer_get_window_type.
func (*GutterRenderer) InitiallyUnowned ¶
func (recv *GutterRenderer) InitiallyUnowned() *gobject.InitiallyUnowned
InitiallyUnowned upcasts to *InitiallyUnowned
func (*GutterRenderer) Object ¶
func (recv *GutterRenderer) Object() *gobject.Object
Object upcasts to *Object
func (*GutterRenderer) QueryActivatable ¶ added in v0.0.12
func (recv *GutterRenderer) QueryActivatable(iter *gtk.TextIter, area *gdk.Rectangle, event *gdk.Event) bool
QueryActivatable is a wrapper around the C function gtk_source_gutter_renderer_query_activatable.
func (*GutterRenderer) QueryData ¶
func (recv *GutterRenderer) QueryData(start *gtk.TextIter, end *gtk.TextIter, state GutterRendererState)
QueryData is a wrapper around the C function gtk_source_gutter_renderer_query_data.
func (*GutterRenderer) QueryTooltip ¶
func (recv *GutterRenderer) QueryTooltip(iter *gtk.TextIter, area *gdk.Rectangle, x int32, y int32, tooltip *gtk.Tooltip) bool
QueryTooltip is a wrapper around the C function gtk_source_gutter_renderer_query_tooltip.
func (*GutterRenderer) QueueDraw ¶
func (recv *GutterRenderer) QueueDraw()
QueueDraw is a wrapper around the C function gtk_source_gutter_renderer_queue_draw.
func (*GutterRenderer) SetAlignment ¶
func (recv *GutterRenderer) SetAlignment(xalign float32, yalign float32)
SetAlignment is a wrapper around the C function gtk_source_gutter_renderer_set_alignment.
func (*GutterRenderer) SetAlignmentMode ¶
func (recv *GutterRenderer) SetAlignmentMode(mode GutterRendererAlignmentMode)
SetAlignmentMode is a wrapper around the C function gtk_source_gutter_renderer_set_alignment_mode.
func (*GutterRenderer) SetBackground ¶
func (recv *GutterRenderer) SetBackground(color *gdk.RGBA)
SetBackground is a wrapper around the C function gtk_source_gutter_renderer_set_background.
func (*GutterRenderer) SetPadding ¶
func (recv *GutterRenderer) SetPadding(xpad int32, ypad int32)
SetPadding is a wrapper around the C function gtk_source_gutter_renderer_set_padding.
func (*GutterRenderer) SetSize ¶
func (recv *GutterRenderer) SetSize(size int32)
SetSize is a wrapper around the C function gtk_source_gutter_renderer_set_size.
func (*GutterRenderer) SetVisible ¶
func (recv *GutterRenderer) SetVisible(visible bool)
SetVisible is a wrapper around the C function gtk_source_gutter_renderer_set_visible.
func (*GutterRenderer) ToC ¶
func (recv *GutterRenderer) ToC() unsafe.Pointer
type GutterRendererAlignmentMode ¶
type GutterRendererAlignmentMode C.GtkSourceGutterRendererAlignmentMode
type GutterRendererClass ¶
type GutterRendererClass struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
GutterRendererClass is a wrapper around the C record GtkSourceGutterRendererClass.
func GutterRendererClassNewFromC ¶
func GutterRendererClassNewFromC(u unsafe.Pointer) *GutterRendererClass
func (*GutterRendererClass) Equals ¶
func (recv *GutterRendererClass) Equals(other *GutterRendererClass) bool
Equals compares this GutterRendererClass with another GutterRendererClass, and returns true if they represent the same GObject.
func (*GutterRendererClass) ToC ¶
func (recv *GutterRendererClass) ToC() unsafe.Pointer
type GutterRendererPixbuf ¶
type GutterRendererPixbuf struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
GutterRendererPixbuf is a wrapper around the C record GtkSourceGutterRendererPixbuf.
func CastToGutterRendererPixbuf ¶
func CastToGutterRendererPixbuf(object *gobject.Object) *GutterRendererPixbuf
CastToWidget down casts any arbitrary Object to GutterRendererPixbuf. Exercise care, as this is a potentially dangerous function if the Object is not a GutterRendererPixbuf.
func GutterRendererPixbufNew ¶
func GutterRendererPixbufNew() *GutterRendererPixbuf
GutterRendererPixbufNew is a wrapper around the C function gtk_source_gutter_renderer_pixbuf_new.
func GutterRendererPixbufNewFromC ¶
func GutterRendererPixbufNewFromC(u unsafe.Pointer) *GutterRendererPixbuf
func (*GutterRendererPixbuf) Equals ¶
func (recv *GutterRendererPixbuf) Equals(other *GutterRendererPixbuf) bool
Equals compares this GutterRendererPixbuf with another GutterRendererPixbuf, and returns true if they represent the same GObject.
func (*GutterRendererPixbuf) GetGicon ¶
func (recv *GutterRendererPixbuf) GetGicon() *gio.Icon
GetGicon is a wrapper around the C function gtk_source_gutter_renderer_pixbuf_get_gicon.
func (*GutterRendererPixbuf) GetIconName ¶
func (recv *GutterRendererPixbuf) GetIconName() string
GetIconName is a wrapper around the C function gtk_source_gutter_renderer_pixbuf_get_icon_name.
func (*GutterRendererPixbuf) GetPixbuf ¶
func (recv *GutterRendererPixbuf) GetPixbuf() *gdkpixbuf.Pixbuf
GetPixbuf is a wrapper around the C function gtk_source_gutter_renderer_pixbuf_get_pixbuf.
func (*GutterRendererPixbuf) GetStockId ¶
func (recv *GutterRendererPixbuf) GetStockId() string
GetStockId is a wrapper around the C function gtk_source_gutter_renderer_pixbuf_get_stock_id.
func (*GutterRendererPixbuf) GutterRenderer ¶
func (recv *GutterRendererPixbuf) GutterRenderer() *GutterRenderer
GutterRenderer upcasts to *GutterRenderer
func (*GutterRendererPixbuf) InitiallyUnowned ¶
func (recv *GutterRendererPixbuf) InitiallyUnowned() *gobject.InitiallyUnowned
InitiallyUnowned upcasts to *InitiallyUnowned
func (*GutterRendererPixbuf) Object ¶
func (recv *GutterRendererPixbuf) Object() *gobject.Object
Object upcasts to *Object
func (*GutterRendererPixbuf) SetGicon ¶
func (recv *GutterRendererPixbuf) SetGicon(icon *gio.Icon)
SetGicon is a wrapper around the C function gtk_source_gutter_renderer_pixbuf_set_gicon.
func (*GutterRendererPixbuf) SetIconName ¶
func (recv *GutterRendererPixbuf) SetIconName(iconName string)
SetIconName is a wrapper around the C function gtk_source_gutter_renderer_pixbuf_set_icon_name.
func (*GutterRendererPixbuf) SetPixbuf ¶
func (recv *GutterRendererPixbuf) SetPixbuf(pixbuf *gdkpixbuf.Pixbuf)
SetPixbuf is a wrapper around the C function gtk_source_gutter_renderer_pixbuf_set_pixbuf.
func (*GutterRendererPixbuf) SetStockId ¶
func (recv *GutterRendererPixbuf) SetStockId(stockId string)
SetStockId is a wrapper around the C function gtk_source_gutter_renderer_pixbuf_set_stock_id.
func (*GutterRendererPixbuf) ToC ¶
func (recv *GutterRendererPixbuf) ToC() unsafe.Pointer
type GutterRendererPixbufClass ¶
type GutterRendererPixbufClass struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
GutterRendererPixbufClass is a wrapper around the C record GtkSourceGutterRendererPixbufClass.
func GutterRendererPixbufClassNewFromC ¶
func GutterRendererPixbufClassNewFromC(u unsafe.Pointer) *GutterRendererPixbufClass
func (*GutterRendererPixbufClass) Equals ¶
func (recv *GutterRendererPixbufClass) Equals(other *GutterRendererPixbufClass) bool
Equals compares this GutterRendererPixbufClass with another GutterRendererPixbufClass, and returns true if they represent the same GObject.
func (*GutterRendererPixbufClass) ToC ¶
func (recv *GutterRendererPixbufClass) ToC() unsafe.Pointer
type GutterRendererPixbufPrivate ¶
type GutterRendererPixbufPrivate struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
GutterRendererPixbufPrivate is a wrapper around the C record GtkSourceGutterRendererPixbufPrivate.
func GutterRendererPixbufPrivateNewFromC ¶
func GutterRendererPixbufPrivateNewFromC(u unsafe.Pointer) *GutterRendererPixbufPrivate
func (*GutterRendererPixbufPrivate) Equals ¶
func (recv *GutterRendererPixbufPrivate) Equals(other *GutterRendererPixbufPrivate) bool
Equals compares this GutterRendererPixbufPrivate with another GutterRendererPixbufPrivate, and returns true if they represent the same GObject.
func (*GutterRendererPixbufPrivate) ToC ¶
func (recv *GutterRendererPixbufPrivate) ToC() unsafe.Pointer
type GutterRendererPrivate ¶
type GutterRendererPrivate struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
GutterRendererPrivate is a wrapper around the C record GtkSourceGutterRendererPrivate.
func GutterRendererPrivateNewFromC ¶
func GutterRendererPrivateNewFromC(u unsafe.Pointer) *GutterRendererPrivate
func (*GutterRendererPrivate) Equals ¶
func (recv *GutterRendererPrivate) Equals(other *GutterRendererPrivate) bool
Equals compares this GutterRendererPrivate with another GutterRendererPrivate, and returns true if they represent the same GObject.
func (*GutterRendererPrivate) ToC ¶
func (recv *GutterRendererPrivate) ToC() unsafe.Pointer
type GutterRendererSignalActivateCallback ¶ added in v0.0.12
type GutterRendererSignalActivateCallback func(iter *gtk.TextIter, area *gdk.Rectangle, event *gdk.Event)
GutterRendererSignalActivateCallback is a callback function for a 'activate' signal emitted from a GutterRenderer.
type GutterRendererSignalQueryActivatableCallback ¶ added in v0.0.12
type GutterRendererSignalQueryActivatableCallback func(iter *gtk.TextIter, area *gdk.Rectangle, event *gdk.Event) bool
GutterRendererSignalQueryActivatableCallback is a callback function for a 'query-activatable' signal emitted from a GutterRenderer.
type GutterRendererSignalQueryDataCallback ¶
type GutterRendererSignalQueryDataCallback func(start *gtk.TextIter, end *gtk.TextIter, state GutterRendererState)
GutterRendererSignalQueryDataCallback is a callback function for a 'query-data' signal emitted from a GutterRenderer.
type GutterRendererSignalQueryTooltipCallback ¶
type GutterRendererSignalQueryTooltipCallback func(iter *gtk.TextIter, area *gdk.Rectangle, x int32, y int32, tooltip *gtk.Tooltip) bool
GutterRendererSignalQueryTooltipCallback is a callback function for a 'query-tooltip' signal emitted from a GutterRenderer.
type GutterRendererSignalQueueDrawCallback ¶
type GutterRendererSignalQueueDrawCallback func()
GutterRendererSignalQueueDrawCallback is a callback function for a 'queue-draw' signal emitted from a GutterRenderer.
type GutterRendererState ¶
type GutterRendererState C.GtkSourceGutterRendererState
type GutterRendererText ¶
type GutterRendererText struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
GutterRendererText is a wrapper around the C record GtkSourceGutterRendererText.
func CastToGutterRendererText ¶
func CastToGutterRendererText(object *gobject.Object) *GutterRendererText
CastToWidget down casts any arbitrary Object to GutterRendererText. Exercise care, as this is a potentially dangerous function if the Object is not a GutterRendererText.
func GutterRendererTextNew ¶
func GutterRendererTextNew() *GutterRendererText
GutterRendererTextNew is a wrapper around the C function gtk_source_gutter_renderer_text_new.
func GutterRendererTextNewFromC ¶
func GutterRendererTextNewFromC(u unsafe.Pointer) *GutterRendererText
func (*GutterRendererText) Equals ¶
func (recv *GutterRendererText) Equals(other *GutterRendererText) bool
Equals compares this GutterRendererText with another GutterRendererText, and returns true if they represent the same GObject.
func (*GutterRendererText) GutterRenderer ¶
func (recv *GutterRendererText) GutterRenderer() *GutterRenderer
GutterRenderer upcasts to *GutterRenderer
func (*GutterRendererText) InitiallyUnowned ¶
func (recv *GutterRendererText) InitiallyUnowned() *gobject.InitiallyUnowned
InitiallyUnowned upcasts to *InitiallyUnowned
func (*GutterRendererText) Measure ¶
func (recv *GutterRendererText) Measure(text string) (int32, int32)
Measure is a wrapper around the C function gtk_source_gutter_renderer_text_measure.
func (*GutterRendererText) MeasureMarkup ¶
func (recv *GutterRendererText) MeasureMarkup(markup string) (int32, int32)
MeasureMarkup is a wrapper around the C function gtk_source_gutter_renderer_text_measure_markup.
func (*GutterRendererText) Object ¶
func (recv *GutterRendererText) Object() *gobject.Object
Object upcasts to *Object
func (*GutterRendererText) SetMarkup ¶
func (recv *GutterRendererText) SetMarkup(markup string, length int32)
SetMarkup is a wrapper around the C function gtk_source_gutter_renderer_text_set_markup.
func (*GutterRendererText) SetText ¶
func (recv *GutterRendererText) SetText(text string, length int32)
SetText is a wrapper around the C function gtk_source_gutter_renderer_text_set_text.
func (*GutterRendererText) ToC ¶
func (recv *GutterRendererText) ToC() unsafe.Pointer
type GutterRendererTextClass ¶
type GutterRendererTextClass struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
GutterRendererTextClass is a wrapper around the C record GtkSourceGutterRendererTextClass.
func GutterRendererTextClassNewFromC ¶
func GutterRendererTextClassNewFromC(u unsafe.Pointer) *GutterRendererTextClass
func (*GutterRendererTextClass) Equals ¶
func (recv *GutterRendererTextClass) Equals(other *GutterRendererTextClass) bool
Equals compares this GutterRendererTextClass with another GutterRendererTextClass, and returns true if they represent the same GObject.
func (*GutterRendererTextClass) ToC ¶
func (recv *GutterRendererTextClass) ToC() unsafe.Pointer
type GutterRendererTextPrivate ¶
type GutterRendererTextPrivate struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
GutterRendererTextPrivate is a wrapper around the C record GtkSourceGutterRendererTextPrivate.
func GutterRendererTextPrivateNewFromC ¶
func GutterRendererTextPrivateNewFromC(u unsafe.Pointer) *GutterRendererTextPrivate
func (*GutterRendererTextPrivate) Equals ¶
func (recv *GutterRendererTextPrivate) Equals(other *GutterRendererTextPrivate) bool
Equals compares this GutterRendererTextPrivate with another GutterRendererTextPrivate, and returns true if they represent the same GObject.
func (*GutterRendererTextPrivate) ToC ¶
func (recv *GutterRendererTextPrivate) ToC() unsafe.Pointer
type Language ¶
type Language struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Language is a wrapper around the C record GtkSourceLanguage.
func CastToLanguage ¶
CastToWidget down casts any arbitrary Object to Language. Exercise care, as this is a potentially dangerous function if the Object is not a Language.
func LanguageNewFromC ¶
func (*Language) Equals ¶
Equals compares this Language with another Language, and returns true if they represent the same GObject.
func (*Language) GetGlobs ¶
GetGlobs is a wrapper around the C function gtk_source_language_get_globs.
func (*Language) GetHidden ¶
GetHidden is a wrapper around the C function gtk_source_language_get_hidden.
func (*Language) GetMetadata ¶
GetMetadata is a wrapper around the C function gtk_source_language_get_metadata.
func (*Language) GetMimeTypes ¶
GetMimeTypes is a wrapper around the C function gtk_source_language_get_mime_types.
func (*Language) GetSection ¶
GetSection is a wrapper around the C function gtk_source_language_get_section.
func (*Language) GetStyleIds ¶
GetStyleIds is a wrapper around the C function gtk_source_language_get_style_ids.
func (*Language) GetStyleName ¶
GetStyleName is a wrapper around the C function gtk_source_language_get_style_name.
type LanguageClass ¶
type LanguageClass struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
LanguageClass is a wrapper around the C record GtkSourceLanguageClass.
func LanguageClassNewFromC ¶
func LanguageClassNewFromC(u unsafe.Pointer) *LanguageClass
func (*LanguageClass) Equals ¶
func (recv *LanguageClass) Equals(other *LanguageClass) bool
Equals compares this LanguageClass with another LanguageClass, and returns true if they represent the same GObject.
func (*LanguageClass) ToC ¶
func (recv *LanguageClass) ToC() unsafe.Pointer
type LanguageManager ¶
type LanguageManager struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
LanguageManager is a wrapper around the C record GtkSourceLanguageManager.
func CastToLanguageManager ¶
func CastToLanguageManager(object *gobject.Object) *LanguageManager
CastToWidget down casts any arbitrary Object to LanguageManager. Exercise care, as this is a potentially dangerous function if the Object is not a LanguageManager.
func LanguageManagerGetDefault ¶
func LanguageManagerGetDefault() *LanguageManager
LanguageManagerGetDefault is a wrapper around the C function gtk_source_language_manager_get_default.
func LanguageManagerNew ¶
func LanguageManagerNew() *LanguageManager
LanguageManagerNew is a wrapper around the C function gtk_source_language_manager_new.
func LanguageManagerNewFromC ¶
func LanguageManagerNewFromC(u unsafe.Pointer) *LanguageManager
func (*LanguageManager) Equals ¶
func (recv *LanguageManager) Equals(other *LanguageManager) bool
Equals compares this LanguageManager with another LanguageManager, and returns true if they represent the same GObject.
func (*LanguageManager) GetLanguage ¶
func (recv *LanguageManager) GetLanguage(id string) *Language
GetLanguage is a wrapper around the C function gtk_source_language_manager_get_language.
func (*LanguageManager) GetLanguageIds ¶
func (recv *LanguageManager) GetLanguageIds() []string
GetLanguageIds is a wrapper around the C function gtk_source_language_manager_get_language_ids.
func (*LanguageManager) GetSearchPath ¶
func (recv *LanguageManager) GetSearchPath() []string
GetSearchPath is a wrapper around the C function gtk_source_language_manager_get_search_path.
func (*LanguageManager) Object ¶
func (recv *LanguageManager) Object() *gobject.Object
Object upcasts to *Object
func (*LanguageManager) SetSearchPath ¶
func (recv *LanguageManager) SetSearchPath(dirs []string)
SetSearchPath is a wrapper around the C function gtk_source_language_manager_set_search_path.
func (*LanguageManager) ToC ¶
func (recv *LanguageManager) ToC() unsafe.Pointer
type LanguageManagerClass ¶
type LanguageManagerClass struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
LanguageManagerClass is a wrapper around the C record GtkSourceLanguageManagerClass.
func LanguageManagerClassNewFromC ¶
func LanguageManagerClassNewFromC(u unsafe.Pointer) *LanguageManagerClass
func (*LanguageManagerClass) Equals ¶
func (recv *LanguageManagerClass) Equals(other *LanguageManagerClass) bool
Equals compares this LanguageManagerClass with another LanguageManagerClass, and returns true if they represent the same GObject.
func (*LanguageManagerClass) ToC ¶
func (recv *LanguageManagerClass) ToC() unsafe.Pointer
type LanguageManagerPrivate ¶
type LanguageManagerPrivate struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
LanguageManagerPrivate is a wrapper around the C record GtkSourceLanguageManagerPrivate.
func LanguageManagerPrivateNewFromC ¶
func LanguageManagerPrivateNewFromC(u unsafe.Pointer) *LanguageManagerPrivate
func (*LanguageManagerPrivate) Equals ¶
func (recv *LanguageManagerPrivate) Equals(other *LanguageManagerPrivate) bool
Equals compares this LanguageManagerPrivate with another LanguageManagerPrivate, and returns true if they represent the same GObject.
func (*LanguageManagerPrivate) ToC ¶
func (recv *LanguageManagerPrivate) ToC() unsafe.Pointer
type LanguagePrivate ¶
type LanguagePrivate struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
LanguagePrivate is a wrapper around the C record GtkSourceLanguagePrivate.
func LanguagePrivateNewFromC ¶
func LanguagePrivateNewFromC(u unsafe.Pointer) *LanguagePrivate
func (*LanguagePrivate) Equals ¶
func (recv *LanguagePrivate) Equals(other *LanguagePrivate) bool
Equals compares this LanguagePrivate with another LanguagePrivate, and returns true if they represent the same GObject.
func (*LanguagePrivate) ToC ¶
func (recv *LanguagePrivate) ToC() unsafe.Pointer
type Map ¶
type Map struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Map is a wrapper around the C record GtkSourceMap.
func CastToMap ¶
CastToWidget down casts any arbitrary Object to Map. Exercise care, as this is a potentially dangerous function if the Object is not a Map.
func MapNewFromC ¶
func (*Map) Equals ¶
Equals compares this Map with another Map, and returns true if they represent the same GObject.
func (*Map) ImplementorIface ¶
func (recv *Map) ImplementorIface() *atk.ImplementorIface
ImplementorIface returns the ImplementorIface interface implemented by Map
func (*Map) InitiallyUnowned ¶
func (recv *Map) InitiallyUnowned() *gobject.InitiallyUnowned
InitiallyUnowned upcasts to *InitiallyUnowned
func (*Map) Scrollable ¶
func (recv *Map) Scrollable() *gtk.Scrollable
Scrollable returns the Scrollable interface implemented by Map
type MapClass ¶
type MapClass struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MapClass is a wrapper around the C record GtkSourceMapClass.
func MapClassNewFromC ¶
type Mark ¶
type Mark struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Mark is a wrapper around the C record GtkSourceMark.
func CastToMark ¶
CastToWidget down casts any arbitrary Object to Mark. Exercise care, as this is a potentially dangerous function if the Object is not a Mark.
func MarkNewFromC ¶
type MarkAttributes ¶
type MarkAttributes struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MarkAttributes is a wrapper around the C record GtkSourceMarkAttributes.
func CastToMarkAttributes ¶
func CastToMarkAttributes(object *gobject.Object) *MarkAttributes
CastToWidget down casts any arbitrary Object to MarkAttributes. Exercise care, as this is a potentially dangerous function if the Object is not a MarkAttributes.
func MarkAttributesNew ¶
func MarkAttributesNew() *MarkAttributes
MarkAttributesNew is a wrapper around the C function gtk_source_mark_attributes_new.
func MarkAttributesNewFromC ¶
func MarkAttributesNewFromC(u unsafe.Pointer) *MarkAttributes
func (*MarkAttributes) Equals ¶
func (recv *MarkAttributes) Equals(other *MarkAttributes) bool
Equals compares this MarkAttributes with another MarkAttributes, and returns true if they represent the same GObject.
func (*MarkAttributes) GetBackground ¶
func (recv *MarkAttributes) GetBackground() (bool, *gdk.RGBA)
GetBackground is a wrapper around the C function gtk_source_mark_attributes_get_background.
func (*MarkAttributes) GetGicon ¶
func (recv *MarkAttributes) GetGicon() *gio.Icon
GetGicon is a wrapper around the C function gtk_source_mark_attributes_get_gicon.
func (*MarkAttributes) GetIconName ¶
func (recv *MarkAttributes) GetIconName() string
GetIconName is a wrapper around the C function gtk_source_mark_attributes_get_icon_name.
func (*MarkAttributes) GetPixbuf ¶
func (recv *MarkAttributes) GetPixbuf() *gdkpixbuf.Pixbuf
GetPixbuf is a wrapper around the C function gtk_source_mark_attributes_get_pixbuf.
func (*MarkAttributes) GetStockId ¶
func (recv *MarkAttributes) GetStockId() string
GetStockId is a wrapper around the C function gtk_source_mark_attributes_get_stock_id.
func (*MarkAttributes) GetTooltipMarkup ¶
func (recv *MarkAttributes) GetTooltipMarkup(mark *Mark) string
GetTooltipMarkup is a wrapper around the C function gtk_source_mark_attributes_get_tooltip_markup.
func (*MarkAttributes) GetTooltipText ¶
func (recv *MarkAttributes) GetTooltipText(mark *Mark) string
GetTooltipText is a wrapper around the C function gtk_source_mark_attributes_get_tooltip_text.
func (*MarkAttributes) Object ¶
func (recv *MarkAttributes) Object() *gobject.Object
Object upcasts to *Object
func (*MarkAttributes) RenderIcon ¶
RenderIcon is a wrapper around the C function gtk_source_mark_attributes_render_icon.
func (*MarkAttributes) SetBackground ¶
func (recv *MarkAttributes) SetBackground(background *gdk.RGBA)
SetBackground is a wrapper around the C function gtk_source_mark_attributes_set_background.
func (*MarkAttributes) SetGicon ¶
func (recv *MarkAttributes) SetGicon(gicon *gio.Icon)
SetGicon is a wrapper around the C function gtk_source_mark_attributes_set_gicon.
func (*MarkAttributes) SetIconName ¶
func (recv *MarkAttributes) SetIconName(iconName string)
SetIconName is a wrapper around the C function gtk_source_mark_attributes_set_icon_name.
func (*MarkAttributes) SetPixbuf ¶
func (recv *MarkAttributes) SetPixbuf(pixbuf *gdkpixbuf.Pixbuf)
SetPixbuf is a wrapper around the C function gtk_source_mark_attributes_set_pixbuf.
func (*MarkAttributes) SetStockId ¶
func (recv *MarkAttributes) SetStockId(stockId string)
SetStockId is a wrapper around the C function gtk_source_mark_attributes_set_stock_id.
func (*MarkAttributes) ToC ¶
func (recv *MarkAttributes) ToC() unsafe.Pointer
type MarkAttributesClass ¶
type MarkAttributesClass struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MarkAttributesClass is a wrapper around the C record GtkSourceMarkAttributesClass.
func MarkAttributesClassNewFromC ¶
func MarkAttributesClassNewFromC(u unsafe.Pointer) *MarkAttributesClass
func (*MarkAttributesClass) Equals ¶
func (recv *MarkAttributesClass) Equals(other *MarkAttributesClass) bool
Equals compares this MarkAttributesClass with another MarkAttributesClass, and returns true if they represent the same GObject.
func (*MarkAttributesClass) ToC ¶
func (recv *MarkAttributesClass) ToC() unsafe.Pointer
type MarkAttributesPrivate ¶
type MarkAttributesPrivate struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MarkAttributesPrivate is a wrapper around the C record GtkSourceMarkAttributesPrivate.
func MarkAttributesPrivateNewFromC ¶
func MarkAttributesPrivateNewFromC(u unsafe.Pointer) *MarkAttributesPrivate
func (*MarkAttributesPrivate) Equals ¶
func (recv *MarkAttributesPrivate) Equals(other *MarkAttributesPrivate) bool
Equals compares this MarkAttributesPrivate with another MarkAttributesPrivate, and returns true if they represent the same GObject.
func (*MarkAttributesPrivate) ToC ¶
func (recv *MarkAttributesPrivate) ToC() unsafe.Pointer
type MarkClass ¶
type MarkClass struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MarkClass is a wrapper around the C record GtkSourceMarkClass.
func MarkClassNewFromC ¶
type MarkPrivate ¶
type MarkPrivate struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MarkPrivate is a wrapper around the C record GtkSourceMarkPrivate.
func MarkPrivateNewFromC ¶
func MarkPrivateNewFromC(u unsafe.Pointer) *MarkPrivate
func (*MarkPrivate) Equals ¶
func (recv *MarkPrivate) Equals(other *MarkPrivate) bool
Equals compares this MarkPrivate with another MarkPrivate, and returns true if they represent the same GObject.
func (*MarkPrivate) ToC ¶
func (recv *MarkPrivate) ToC() unsafe.Pointer
type PrintCompositor ¶
type PrintCompositor struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
PrintCompositor is a wrapper around the C record GtkSourcePrintCompositor.
func CastToPrintCompositor ¶
func CastToPrintCompositor(object *gobject.Object) *PrintCompositor
CastToWidget down casts any arbitrary Object to PrintCompositor. Exercise care, as this is a potentially dangerous function if the Object is not a PrintCompositor.
func PrintCompositorNewFromC ¶
func PrintCompositorNewFromC(u unsafe.Pointer) *PrintCompositor
func (*PrintCompositor) DrawPage ¶
func (recv *PrintCompositor) DrawPage(context *gtk.PrintContext, pageNr int32)
DrawPage is a wrapper around the C function gtk_source_print_compositor_draw_page.
func (*PrintCompositor) Equals ¶
func (recv *PrintCompositor) Equals(other *PrintCompositor) bool
Equals compares this PrintCompositor with another PrintCompositor, and returns true if they represent the same GObject.
func (*PrintCompositor) Object ¶
func (recv *PrintCompositor) Object() *gobject.Object
Object upcasts to *Object
func (*PrintCompositor) ToC ¶
func (recv *PrintCompositor) ToC() unsafe.Pointer
type PrintCompositorClass ¶
type PrintCompositorClass struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
PrintCompositorClass is a wrapper around the C record GtkSourcePrintCompositorClass.
func PrintCompositorClassNewFromC ¶
func PrintCompositorClassNewFromC(u unsafe.Pointer) *PrintCompositorClass
func (*PrintCompositorClass) Equals ¶
func (recv *PrintCompositorClass) Equals(other *PrintCompositorClass) bool
Equals compares this PrintCompositorClass with another PrintCompositorClass, and returns true if they represent the same GObject.
func (*PrintCompositorClass) ToC ¶
func (recv *PrintCompositorClass) ToC() unsafe.Pointer
type PrintCompositorPrivate ¶
type PrintCompositorPrivate struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
PrintCompositorPrivate is a wrapper around the C record GtkSourcePrintCompositorPrivate.
func PrintCompositorPrivateNewFromC ¶
func PrintCompositorPrivateNewFromC(u unsafe.Pointer) *PrintCompositorPrivate
func (*PrintCompositorPrivate) Equals ¶
func (recv *PrintCompositorPrivate) Equals(other *PrintCompositorPrivate) bool
Equals compares this PrintCompositorPrivate with another PrintCompositorPrivate, and returns true if they represent the same GObject.
func (*PrintCompositorPrivate) ToC ¶
func (recv *PrintCompositorPrivate) ToC() unsafe.Pointer
type SearchContext ¶
type SearchContext struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
SearchContext is a wrapper around the C record GtkSourceSearchContext.
func CastToSearchContext ¶
func CastToSearchContext(object *gobject.Object) *SearchContext
CastToWidget down casts any arbitrary Object to SearchContext. Exercise care, as this is a potentially dangerous function if the Object is not a SearchContext.
func SearchContextNewFromC ¶
func SearchContextNewFromC(u unsafe.Pointer) *SearchContext
func (*SearchContext) Equals ¶
func (recv *SearchContext) Equals(other *SearchContext) bool
Equals compares this SearchContext with another SearchContext, and returns true if they represent the same GObject.
func (*SearchContext) Object ¶
func (recv *SearchContext) Object() *gobject.Object
Object upcasts to *Object
func (*SearchContext) ToC ¶
func (recv *SearchContext) ToC() unsafe.Pointer
type SearchContextClass ¶
type SearchContextClass struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
SearchContextClass is a wrapper around the C record GtkSourceSearchContextClass.
func SearchContextClassNewFromC ¶
func SearchContextClassNewFromC(u unsafe.Pointer) *SearchContextClass
func (*SearchContextClass) Equals ¶
func (recv *SearchContextClass) Equals(other *SearchContextClass) bool
Equals compares this SearchContextClass with another SearchContextClass, and returns true if they represent the same GObject.
func (*SearchContextClass) ToC ¶
func (recv *SearchContextClass) ToC() unsafe.Pointer
type SearchContextPrivate ¶
type SearchContextPrivate struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
SearchContextPrivate is a wrapper around the C record GtkSourceSearchContextPrivate.
func SearchContextPrivateNewFromC ¶
func SearchContextPrivateNewFromC(u unsafe.Pointer) *SearchContextPrivate
func (*SearchContextPrivate) Equals ¶
func (recv *SearchContextPrivate) Equals(other *SearchContextPrivate) bool
Equals compares this SearchContextPrivate with another SearchContextPrivate, and returns true if they represent the same GObject.
func (*SearchContextPrivate) ToC ¶
func (recv *SearchContextPrivate) ToC() unsafe.Pointer
type SearchSettings ¶
type SearchSettings struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
SearchSettings is a wrapper around the C record GtkSourceSearchSettings.
func CastToSearchSettings ¶
func CastToSearchSettings(object *gobject.Object) *SearchSettings
CastToWidget down casts any arbitrary Object to SearchSettings. Exercise care, as this is a potentially dangerous function if the Object is not a SearchSettings.
func SearchSettingsNewFromC ¶
func SearchSettingsNewFromC(u unsafe.Pointer) *SearchSettings
func (*SearchSettings) Equals ¶
func (recv *SearchSettings) Equals(other *SearchSettings) bool
Equals compares this SearchSettings with another SearchSettings, and returns true if they represent the same GObject.
func (*SearchSettings) Object ¶
func (recv *SearchSettings) Object() *gobject.Object
Object upcasts to *Object
func (*SearchSettings) ToC ¶
func (recv *SearchSettings) ToC() unsafe.Pointer
type SearchSettingsClass ¶
type SearchSettingsClass struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
SearchSettingsClass is a wrapper around the C record GtkSourceSearchSettingsClass.
func SearchSettingsClassNewFromC ¶
func SearchSettingsClassNewFromC(u unsafe.Pointer) *SearchSettingsClass
func (*SearchSettingsClass) Equals ¶
func (recv *SearchSettingsClass) Equals(other *SearchSettingsClass) bool
Equals compares this SearchSettingsClass with another SearchSettingsClass, and returns true if they represent the same GObject.
func (*SearchSettingsClass) ToC ¶
func (recv *SearchSettingsClass) ToC() unsafe.Pointer
type SearchSettingsPrivate ¶
type SearchSettingsPrivate struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
SearchSettingsPrivate is a wrapper around the C record GtkSourceSearchSettingsPrivate.
func SearchSettingsPrivateNewFromC ¶
func SearchSettingsPrivateNewFromC(u unsafe.Pointer) *SearchSettingsPrivate
func (*SearchSettingsPrivate) Equals ¶
func (recv *SearchSettingsPrivate) Equals(other *SearchSettingsPrivate) bool
Equals compares this SearchSettingsPrivate with another SearchSettingsPrivate, and returns true if they represent the same GObject.
func (*SearchSettingsPrivate) ToC ¶
func (recv *SearchSettingsPrivate) ToC() unsafe.Pointer
type SmartHomeEndType ¶
type SmartHomeEndType C.GtkSourceSmartHomeEndType
type Style ¶
type Style struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Style is a wrapper around the C record GtkSourceStyle.
func CastToStyle ¶
CastToWidget down casts any arbitrary Object to Style. Exercise care, as this is a potentially dangerous function if the Object is not a Style.
func StyleNewFromC ¶
type StyleClass ¶
type StyleClass struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
StyleClass is a wrapper around the C record GtkSourceStyleClass.
func StyleClassNewFromC ¶
func StyleClassNewFromC(u unsafe.Pointer) *StyleClass
func (*StyleClass) Equals ¶
func (recv *StyleClass) Equals(other *StyleClass) bool
Equals compares this StyleClass with another StyleClass, and returns true if they represent the same GObject.
func (*StyleClass) ToC ¶
func (recv *StyleClass) ToC() unsafe.Pointer
type StyleScheme ¶
type StyleScheme struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
StyleScheme is a wrapper around the C record GtkSourceStyleScheme.
func CastToStyleScheme ¶
func CastToStyleScheme(object *gobject.Object) *StyleScheme
CastToWidget down casts any arbitrary Object to StyleScheme. Exercise care, as this is a potentially dangerous function if the Object is not a StyleScheme.
func StyleSchemeNewFromC ¶
func StyleSchemeNewFromC(u unsafe.Pointer) *StyleScheme
func (*StyleScheme) Equals ¶
func (recv *StyleScheme) Equals(other *StyleScheme) bool
Equals compares this StyleScheme with another StyleScheme, and returns true if they represent the same GObject.
func (*StyleScheme) Object ¶
func (recv *StyleScheme) Object() *gobject.Object
Object upcasts to *Object
func (*StyleScheme) ToC ¶
func (recv *StyleScheme) ToC() unsafe.Pointer
type StyleSchemeChooser ¶
type StyleSchemeChooser struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
StyleSchemeChooser is a wrapper around the C record GtkSourceStyleSchemeChooser.
func StyleSchemeChooserNewFromC ¶
func StyleSchemeChooserNewFromC(u unsafe.Pointer) *StyleSchemeChooser
func (*StyleSchemeChooser) Equals ¶
func (recv *StyleSchemeChooser) Equals(other *StyleSchemeChooser) bool
Equals compares this StyleSchemeChooser with another StyleSchemeChooser, and returns true if they represent the same GObject.
func (*StyleSchemeChooser) ToC ¶
func (recv *StyleSchemeChooser) ToC() unsafe.Pointer
type StyleSchemeChooserButton ¶
type StyleSchemeChooserButton struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
StyleSchemeChooserButton is a wrapper around the C record GtkSourceStyleSchemeChooserButton.
func CastToStyleSchemeChooserButton ¶
func CastToStyleSchemeChooserButton(object *gobject.Object) *StyleSchemeChooserButton
CastToWidget down casts any arbitrary Object to StyleSchemeChooserButton. Exercise care, as this is a potentially dangerous function if the Object is not a StyleSchemeChooserButton.
func StyleSchemeChooserButtonNewFromC ¶
func StyleSchemeChooserButtonNewFromC(u unsafe.Pointer) *StyleSchemeChooserButton
func (*StyleSchemeChooserButton) Actionable ¶
func (recv *StyleSchemeChooserButton) Actionable() *gtk.Actionable
Actionable returns the Actionable interface implemented by StyleSchemeChooserButton
func (*StyleSchemeChooserButton) Activatable ¶
func (recv *StyleSchemeChooserButton) Activatable() *gtk.Activatable
Activatable returns the Activatable interface implemented by StyleSchemeChooserButton
func (*StyleSchemeChooserButton) Bin ¶
func (recv *StyleSchemeChooserButton) Bin() *gtk.Bin
Bin upcasts to *Bin
func (*StyleSchemeChooserButton) Buildable ¶
func (recv *StyleSchemeChooserButton) Buildable() *gtk.Buildable
Buildable returns the Buildable interface implemented by StyleSchemeChooserButton
func (*StyleSchemeChooserButton) Button ¶
func (recv *StyleSchemeChooserButton) Button() *gtk.Button
Button upcasts to *Button
func (*StyleSchemeChooserButton) Container ¶
func (recv *StyleSchemeChooserButton) Container() *gtk.Container
Container upcasts to *Container
func (*StyleSchemeChooserButton) Equals ¶
func (recv *StyleSchemeChooserButton) Equals(other *StyleSchemeChooserButton) bool
Equals compares this StyleSchemeChooserButton with another StyleSchemeChooserButton, and returns true if they represent the same GObject.
func (*StyleSchemeChooserButton) ImplementorIface ¶
func (recv *StyleSchemeChooserButton) ImplementorIface() *atk.ImplementorIface
ImplementorIface returns the ImplementorIface interface implemented by StyleSchemeChooserButton
func (*StyleSchemeChooserButton) InitiallyUnowned ¶
func (recv *StyleSchemeChooserButton) InitiallyUnowned() *gobject.InitiallyUnowned
InitiallyUnowned upcasts to *InitiallyUnowned
func (*StyleSchemeChooserButton) Object ¶
func (recv *StyleSchemeChooserButton) Object() *gobject.Object
Object upcasts to *Object
func (*StyleSchemeChooserButton) StyleSchemeChooser ¶
func (recv *StyleSchemeChooserButton) StyleSchemeChooser() *StyleSchemeChooser
StyleSchemeChooser returns the StyleSchemeChooser interface implemented by StyleSchemeChooserButton
func (*StyleSchemeChooserButton) ToC ¶
func (recv *StyleSchemeChooserButton) ToC() unsafe.Pointer
func (*StyleSchemeChooserButton) Widget ¶
func (recv *StyleSchemeChooserButton) Widget() *gtk.Widget
Widget upcasts to *Widget
type StyleSchemeChooserButtonClass ¶
type StyleSchemeChooserButtonClass struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
StyleSchemeChooserButtonClass is a wrapper around the C record GtkSourceStyleSchemeChooserButtonClass.
func StyleSchemeChooserButtonClassNewFromC ¶
func StyleSchemeChooserButtonClassNewFromC(u unsafe.Pointer) *StyleSchemeChooserButtonClass
func (*StyleSchemeChooserButtonClass) Equals ¶
func (recv *StyleSchemeChooserButtonClass) Equals(other *StyleSchemeChooserButtonClass) bool
Equals compares this StyleSchemeChooserButtonClass with another StyleSchemeChooserButtonClass, and returns true if they represent the same GObject.
func (*StyleSchemeChooserButtonClass) ToC ¶
func (recv *StyleSchemeChooserButtonClass) ToC() unsafe.Pointer
type StyleSchemeChooserInterface ¶
type StyleSchemeChooserInterface struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
StyleSchemeChooserInterface is a wrapper around the C record GtkSourceStyleSchemeChooserInterface.
func StyleSchemeChooserInterfaceNewFromC ¶
func StyleSchemeChooserInterfaceNewFromC(u unsafe.Pointer) *StyleSchemeChooserInterface
func (*StyleSchemeChooserInterface) Equals ¶
func (recv *StyleSchemeChooserInterface) Equals(other *StyleSchemeChooserInterface) bool
Equals compares this StyleSchemeChooserInterface with another StyleSchemeChooserInterface, and returns true if they represent the same GObject.
func (*StyleSchemeChooserInterface) ToC ¶
func (recv *StyleSchemeChooserInterface) ToC() unsafe.Pointer
type StyleSchemeChooserWidget ¶
type StyleSchemeChooserWidget struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
StyleSchemeChooserWidget is a wrapper around the C record GtkSourceStyleSchemeChooserWidget.
func CastToStyleSchemeChooserWidget ¶
func CastToStyleSchemeChooserWidget(object *gobject.Object) *StyleSchemeChooserWidget
CastToWidget down casts any arbitrary Object to StyleSchemeChooserWidget. Exercise care, as this is a potentially dangerous function if the Object is not a StyleSchemeChooserWidget.
func StyleSchemeChooserWidgetNewFromC ¶
func StyleSchemeChooserWidgetNewFromC(u unsafe.Pointer) *StyleSchemeChooserWidget
func (*StyleSchemeChooserWidget) Bin ¶
func (recv *StyleSchemeChooserWidget) Bin() *gtk.Bin
Bin upcasts to *Bin
func (*StyleSchemeChooserWidget) Buildable ¶
func (recv *StyleSchemeChooserWidget) Buildable() *gtk.Buildable
Buildable returns the Buildable interface implemented by StyleSchemeChooserWidget
func (*StyleSchemeChooserWidget) Container ¶
func (recv *StyleSchemeChooserWidget) Container() *gtk.Container
Container upcasts to *Container
func (*StyleSchemeChooserWidget) Equals ¶
func (recv *StyleSchemeChooserWidget) Equals(other *StyleSchemeChooserWidget) bool
Equals compares this StyleSchemeChooserWidget with another StyleSchemeChooserWidget, and returns true if they represent the same GObject.
func (*StyleSchemeChooserWidget) ImplementorIface ¶
func (recv *StyleSchemeChooserWidget) ImplementorIface() *atk.ImplementorIface
ImplementorIface returns the ImplementorIface interface implemented by StyleSchemeChooserWidget
func (*StyleSchemeChooserWidget) InitiallyUnowned ¶
func (recv *StyleSchemeChooserWidget) InitiallyUnowned() *gobject.InitiallyUnowned
InitiallyUnowned upcasts to *InitiallyUnowned
func (*StyleSchemeChooserWidget) Object ¶
func (recv *StyleSchemeChooserWidget) Object() *gobject.Object
Object upcasts to *Object
func (*StyleSchemeChooserWidget) StyleSchemeChooser ¶
func (recv *StyleSchemeChooserWidget) StyleSchemeChooser() *StyleSchemeChooser
StyleSchemeChooser returns the StyleSchemeChooser interface implemented by StyleSchemeChooserWidget
func (*StyleSchemeChooserWidget) ToC ¶
func (recv *StyleSchemeChooserWidget) ToC() unsafe.Pointer
func (*StyleSchemeChooserWidget) Widget ¶
func (recv *StyleSchemeChooserWidget) Widget() *gtk.Widget
Widget upcasts to *Widget
type StyleSchemeChooserWidgetClass ¶
type StyleSchemeChooserWidgetClass struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
StyleSchemeChooserWidgetClass is a wrapper around the C record GtkSourceStyleSchemeChooserWidgetClass.
func StyleSchemeChooserWidgetClassNewFromC ¶
func StyleSchemeChooserWidgetClassNewFromC(u unsafe.Pointer) *StyleSchemeChooserWidgetClass
func (*StyleSchemeChooserWidgetClass) Equals ¶
func (recv *StyleSchemeChooserWidgetClass) Equals(other *StyleSchemeChooserWidgetClass) bool
Equals compares this StyleSchemeChooserWidgetClass with another StyleSchemeChooserWidgetClass, and returns true if they represent the same GObject.
func (*StyleSchemeChooserWidgetClass) ToC ¶
func (recv *StyleSchemeChooserWidgetClass) ToC() unsafe.Pointer
type StyleSchemeClass ¶
type StyleSchemeClass struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
StyleSchemeClass is a wrapper around the C record GtkSourceStyleSchemeClass.
func StyleSchemeClassNewFromC ¶
func StyleSchemeClassNewFromC(u unsafe.Pointer) *StyleSchemeClass
func (*StyleSchemeClass) Equals ¶
func (recv *StyleSchemeClass) Equals(other *StyleSchemeClass) bool
Equals compares this StyleSchemeClass with another StyleSchemeClass, and returns true if they represent the same GObject.
func (*StyleSchemeClass) ToC ¶
func (recv *StyleSchemeClass) ToC() unsafe.Pointer
type StyleSchemeManager ¶
type StyleSchemeManager struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
StyleSchemeManager is a wrapper around the C record GtkSourceStyleSchemeManager.
func CastToStyleSchemeManager ¶
func CastToStyleSchemeManager(object *gobject.Object) *StyleSchemeManager
CastToWidget down casts any arbitrary Object to StyleSchemeManager. Exercise care, as this is a potentially dangerous function if the Object is not a StyleSchemeManager.
func StyleSchemeManagerGetDefault ¶
func StyleSchemeManagerGetDefault() *StyleSchemeManager
StyleSchemeManagerGetDefault is a wrapper around the C function gtk_source_style_scheme_manager_get_default.
func StyleSchemeManagerNew ¶
func StyleSchemeManagerNew() *StyleSchemeManager
StyleSchemeManagerNew is a wrapper around the C function gtk_source_style_scheme_manager_new.
func StyleSchemeManagerNewFromC ¶
func StyleSchemeManagerNewFromC(u unsafe.Pointer) *StyleSchemeManager
func (*StyleSchemeManager) AppendSearchPath ¶
func (recv *StyleSchemeManager) AppendSearchPath(path string)
AppendSearchPath is a wrapper around the C function gtk_source_style_scheme_manager_append_search_path.
func (*StyleSchemeManager) Equals ¶
func (recv *StyleSchemeManager) Equals(other *StyleSchemeManager) bool
Equals compares this StyleSchemeManager with another StyleSchemeManager, and returns true if they represent the same GObject.
func (*StyleSchemeManager) ForceRescan ¶
func (recv *StyleSchemeManager) ForceRescan()
ForceRescan is a wrapper around the C function gtk_source_style_scheme_manager_force_rescan.
func (*StyleSchemeManager) GetScheme ¶
func (recv *StyleSchemeManager) GetScheme(schemeId string) *StyleScheme
GetScheme is a wrapper around the C function gtk_source_style_scheme_manager_get_scheme.
func (*StyleSchemeManager) GetSchemeIds ¶
func (recv *StyleSchemeManager) GetSchemeIds() []string
GetSchemeIds is a wrapper around the C function gtk_source_style_scheme_manager_get_scheme_ids.
func (*StyleSchemeManager) GetSearchPath ¶
func (recv *StyleSchemeManager) GetSearchPath() []string
GetSearchPath is a wrapper around the C function gtk_source_style_scheme_manager_get_search_path.
func (*StyleSchemeManager) Object ¶
func (recv *StyleSchemeManager) Object() *gobject.Object
Object upcasts to *Object
func (*StyleSchemeManager) PrependSearchPath ¶
func (recv *StyleSchemeManager) PrependSearchPath(path string)
PrependSearchPath is a wrapper around the C function gtk_source_style_scheme_manager_prepend_search_path.
func (*StyleSchemeManager) SetSearchPath ¶
func (recv *StyleSchemeManager) SetSearchPath(path []string)
SetSearchPath is a wrapper around the C function gtk_source_style_scheme_manager_set_search_path.
func (*StyleSchemeManager) ToC ¶
func (recv *StyleSchemeManager) ToC() unsafe.Pointer
type StyleSchemeManagerClass ¶
type StyleSchemeManagerClass struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
StyleSchemeManagerClass is a wrapper around the C record GtkSourceStyleSchemeManagerClass.
func StyleSchemeManagerClassNewFromC ¶
func StyleSchemeManagerClassNewFromC(u unsafe.Pointer) *StyleSchemeManagerClass
func (*StyleSchemeManagerClass) Equals ¶
func (recv *StyleSchemeManagerClass) Equals(other *StyleSchemeManagerClass) bool
Equals compares this StyleSchemeManagerClass with another StyleSchemeManagerClass, and returns true if they represent the same GObject.
func (*StyleSchemeManagerClass) ToC ¶
func (recv *StyleSchemeManagerClass) ToC() unsafe.Pointer
type StyleSchemeManagerPrivate ¶
type StyleSchemeManagerPrivate struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
StyleSchemeManagerPrivate is a wrapper around the C record GtkSourceStyleSchemeManagerPrivate.
func StyleSchemeManagerPrivateNewFromC ¶
func StyleSchemeManagerPrivateNewFromC(u unsafe.Pointer) *StyleSchemeManagerPrivate
func (*StyleSchemeManagerPrivate) Equals ¶
func (recv *StyleSchemeManagerPrivate) Equals(other *StyleSchemeManagerPrivate) bool
Equals compares this StyleSchemeManagerPrivate with another StyleSchemeManagerPrivate, and returns true if they represent the same GObject.
func (*StyleSchemeManagerPrivate) ToC ¶
func (recv *StyleSchemeManagerPrivate) ToC() unsafe.Pointer
type StyleSchemePrivate ¶
type StyleSchemePrivate struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
StyleSchemePrivate is a wrapper around the C record GtkSourceStyleSchemePrivate.
func StyleSchemePrivateNewFromC ¶
func StyleSchemePrivateNewFromC(u unsafe.Pointer) *StyleSchemePrivate
func (*StyleSchemePrivate) Equals ¶
func (recv *StyleSchemePrivate) Equals(other *StyleSchemePrivate) bool
Equals compares this StyleSchemePrivate with another StyleSchemePrivate, and returns true if they represent the same GObject.
func (*StyleSchemePrivate) ToC ¶
func (recv *StyleSchemePrivate) ToC() unsafe.Pointer
type UndoManager ¶
type UndoManager struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
UndoManager is a wrapper around the C record GtkSourceUndoManager.
func UndoManagerNewFromC ¶
func UndoManagerNewFromC(u unsafe.Pointer) *UndoManager
func (*UndoManager) Equals ¶
func (recv *UndoManager) Equals(other *UndoManager) bool
Equals compares this UndoManager with another UndoManager, and returns true if they represent the same GObject.
func (*UndoManager) ToC ¶
func (recv *UndoManager) ToC() unsafe.Pointer
type UndoManagerIface ¶
type UndoManagerIface struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
UndoManagerIface is a wrapper around the C record GtkSourceUndoManagerIface.
func UndoManagerIfaceNewFromC ¶
func UndoManagerIfaceNewFromC(u unsafe.Pointer) *UndoManagerIface
func (*UndoManagerIface) Equals ¶
func (recv *UndoManagerIface) Equals(other *UndoManagerIface) bool
Equals compares this UndoManagerIface with another UndoManagerIface, and returns true if they represent the same GObject.
func (*UndoManagerIface) ToC ¶
func (recv *UndoManagerIface) ToC() unsafe.Pointer
type View ¶
type View struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
View is a wrapper around the C record GtkSourceView.
func CastToView ¶
CastToWidget down casts any arbitrary Object to View. Exercise care, as this is a potentially dangerous function if the Object is not a View.
func ViewNewFromC ¶
func ViewNewWithBuffer ¶
ViewNewWithBuffer is a wrapper around the C function gtk_source_view_new_with_buffer.
func (*View) ConnectLineMarkActivated ¶ added in v0.0.12
func (recv *View) ConnectLineMarkActivated(callback ViewSignalLineMarkActivatedCallback) int
ConnectLineMarkActivated connects the callback to the 'line-mark-activated' signal for the View.
The returned value represents the connection, and may be passed to DisconnectLineMarkActivated to remove it.
func (*View) ConnectRedo ¶
func (recv *View) ConnectRedo(callback ViewSignalRedoCallback) int
ConnectRedo connects the callback to the 'redo' signal for the View.
The returned value represents the connection, and may be passed to DisconnectRedo to remove it.
func (*View) ConnectShowCompletion ¶
func (recv *View) ConnectShowCompletion(callback ViewSignalShowCompletionCallback) int
ConnectShowCompletion connects the callback to the 'show-completion' signal for the View.
The returned value represents the connection, and may be passed to DisconnectShowCompletion to remove it.
func (*View) ConnectUndo ¶
func (recv *View) ConnectUndo(callback ViewSignalUndoCallback) int
ConnectUndo connects the callback to the 'undo' signal for the View.
The returned value represents the connection, and may be passed to DisconnectUndo to remove it.
func (*View) DisconnectLineMarkActivated ¶ added in v0.0.12
DisconnectLineMarkActivated disconnects a callback from the 'line-mark-activated' signal for the View.
The connectionID should be a value returned from a call to ConnectLineMarkActivated.
func (*View) DisconnectRedo ¶
DisconnectRedo disconnects a callback from the 'redo' signal for the View.
The connectionID should be a value returned from a call to ConnectRedo.
func (*View) DisconnectShowCompletion ¶
DisconnectShowCompletion disconnects a callback from the 'show-completion' signal for the View.
The connectionID should be a value returned from a call to ConnectShowCompletion.
func (*View) DisconnectUndo ¶
DisconnectUndo disconnects a callback from the 'undo' signal for the View.
The connectionID should be a value returned from a call to ConnectUndo.
func (*View) Equals ¶
Equals compares this View with another View, and returns true if they represent the same GObject.
func (*View) GetAutoIndent ¶
GetAutoIndent is a wrapper around the C function gtk_source_view_get_auto_indent.
func (*View) GetCompletion ¶
func (recv *View) GetCompletion() *Completion
GetCompletion is a wrapper around the C function gtk_source_view_get_completion.
func (*View) GetDrawSpaces ¶
func (recv *View) GetDrawSpaces() DrawSpacesFlags
GetDrawSpaces is a wrapper around the C function gtk_source_view_get_draw_spaces.
func (*View) GetHighlightCurrentLine ¶
GetHighlightCurrentLine is a wrapper around the C function gtk_source_view_get_highlight_current_line.
func (*View) GetIndentOnTab ¶
GetIndentOnTab is a wrapper around the C function gtk_source_view_get_indent_on_tab.
func (*View) GetIndentWidth ¶
GetIndentWidth is a wrapper around the C function gtk_source_view_get_indent_width.
func (*View) GetInsertSpacesInsteadOfTabs ¶
GetInsertSpacesInsteadOfTabs is a wrapper around the C function gtk_source_view_get_insert_spaces_instead_of_tabs.
func (*View) GetMarkAttributes ¶
func (recv *View) GetMarkAttributes(category string, priority int32) *MarkAttributes
GetMarkAttributes is a wrapper around the C function gtk_source_view_get_mark_attributes.
func (*View) GetRightMarginPosition ¶
GetRightMarginPosition is a wrapper around the C function gtk_source_view_get_right_margin_position.
func (*View) GetShowLineNumbers ¶
GetShowLineNumbers is a wrapper around the C function gtk_source_view_get_show_line_numbers.
func (*View) GetShowRightMargin ¶
GetShowRightMargin is a wrapper around the C function gtk_source_view_get_show_right_margin.
func (*View) GetSmartHomeEnd ¶
func (recv *View) GetSmartHomeEnd() SmartHomeEndType
GetSmartHomeEnd is a wrapper around the C function gtk_source_view_get_smart_home_end.
func (*View) GetTabWidth ¶
GetTabWidth is a wrapper around the C function gtk_source_view_get_tab_width.
func (*View) GetVisualColumn ¶
GetVisualColumn is a wrapper around the C function gtk_source_view_get_visual_column.
func (*View) ImplementorIface ¶
func (recv *View) ImplementorIface() *atk.ImplementorIface
ImplementorIface returns the ImplementorIface interface implemented by View
func (*View) InitiallyUnowned ¶
func (recv *View) InitiallyUnowned() *gobject.InitiallyUnowned
InitiallyUnowned upcasts to *InitiallyUnowned
func (*View) Scrollable ¶
func (recv *View) Scrollable() *gtk.Scrollable
Scrollable returns the Scrollable interface implemented by View
func (*View) SetAutoIndent ¶
SetAutoIndent is a wrapper around the C function gtk_source_view_set_auto_indent.
func (*View) SetDrawSpaces ¶
func (recv *View) SetDrawSpaces(flags DrawSpacesFlags)
SetDrawSpaces is a wrapper around the C function gtk_source_view_set_draw_spaces.
func (*View) SetHighlightCurrentLine ¶
SetHighlightCurrentLine is a wrapper around the C function gtk_source_view_set_highlight_current_line.
func (*View) SetIndentOnTab ¶
SetIndentOnTab is a wrapper around the C function gtk_source_view_set_indent_on_tab.
func (*View) SetIndentWidth ¶
SetIndentWidth is a wrapper around the C function gtk_source_view_set_indent_width.
func (*View) SetInsertSpacesInsteadOfTabs ¶
SetInsertSpacesInsteadOfTabs is a wrapper around the C function gtk_source_view_set_insert_spaces_instead_of_tabs.
func (*View) SetMarkAttributes ¶
func (recv *View) SetMarkAttributes(category string, attributes *MarkAttributes, priority int32)
SetMarkAttributes is a wrapper around the C function gtk_source_view_set_mark_attributes.
func (*View) SetRightMarginPosition ¶
SetRightMarginPosition is a wrapper around the C function gtk_source_view_set_right_margin_position.
func (*View) SetShowLineNumbers ¶
SetShowLineNumbers is a wrapper around the C function gtk_source_view_set_show_line_numbers.
func (*View) SetShowRightMargin ¶
SetShowRightMargin is a wrapper around the C function gtk_source_view_set_show_right_margin.
func (*View) SetSmartHomeEnd ¶
func (recv *View) SetSmartHomeEnd(smartHomeEnd SmartHomeEndType)
SetSmartHomeEnd is a wrapper around the C function gtk_source_view_set_smart_home_end.
func (*View) SetTabWidth ¶
SetTabWidth is a wrapper around the C function gtk_source_view_set_tab_width.
type ViewClass ¶
type ViewClass struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
ViewClass is a wrapper around the C record GtkSourceViewClass.
func ViewClassNewFromC ¶
type ViewGutterPosition ¶
type ViewGutterPosition C.GtkSourceViewGutterPosition
type ViewPrivate ¶
type ViewPrivate struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
ViewPrivate is a wrapper around the C record GtkSourceViewPrivate.
func ViewPrivateNewFromC ¶
func ViewPrivateNewFromC(u unsafe.Pointer) *ViewPrivate
func (*ViewPrivate) Equals ¶
func (recv *ViewPrivate) Equals(other *ViewPrivate) bool
Equals compares this ViewPrivate with another ViewPrivate, and returns true if they represent the same GObject.
func (*ViewPrivate) ToC ¶
func (recv *ViewPrivate) ToC() unsafe.Pointer
type ViewSignalLineMarkActivatedCallback ¶ added in v0.0.12
ViewSignalLineMarkActivatedCallback is a callback function for a 'line-mark-activated' signal emitted from a View.
type ViewSignalRedoCallback ¶
type ViewSignalRedoCallback func()
ViewSignalRedoCallback is a callback function for a 'redo' signal emitted from a View.
type ViewSignalShowCompletionCallback ¶
type ViewSignalShowCompletionCallback func()
ViewSignalShowCompletionCallback is a callback function for a 'show-completion' signal emitted from a View.
type ViewSignalUndoCallback ¶
type ViewSignalUndoCallback func()
ViewSignalUndoCallback is a callback function for a 'undo' signal emitted from a View.