This tool can encrypt clear password that you don't want to expose in config file.
It can be used in conjonction with httpapi_exporter and sql_exporter.
go install
$GOBIN/promu build
This will build the passwd_encrypt tool to crypt/decrypt ciphertext with a shared passphrase.
$ ./passwd_encrypt -h
usage: passwd_crypt [<flags>]
encrypt password wyth a shared key.
-h, --[no-]help Show context-sensitive help (also try --help-long and --help-man).
-d, --[no-]decrypt Decrypt the provided password with key.
-x, --[no-]hexa Encode password in hexastring.(default base64).
-q, --[no-]quiet only ouput the result (no explaination text).
-V, --[no-]version Show application version.
Usage password encryption
If you don't want to write the users' password in clear text in config file (targets files on the exporter), you can encrypt them with a shared password.
How it works:
choose a shared password (passphrase) of 16 24 or 32 bytes length and store it your in your favorite password keeper (keepass for me).
use passwd_encrypt tool:
give the key: must be 16 24 or 32 bytes long
enter key: 0123456789abcdef
enter password: mypassword
Encrypted message hex: CsG1r/o52tjX6zZH+uHHbQx97BaHTnayaGNP0tcTHLGpt5lMesw=
set the user password in the target file or in auth_configs part:
name: hp3parhost
scheme: https
host: ""
port: 8080
baseUrl: /api/v1
# mode: basic(default)|token|[anything else:=> user defined login script]
user: <user>
# password: "/encrypted/base64_encrypted_password_by_passwd_crypt_cmd"
password: /encrypted/CsG1r/o52tjX6zZH+uHHbQx97BaHTnayaGNP0tcTHLGpt5lMesw=
# mode: basic|token|[anything else:=> user defined login script]
mode: <mode>
user: <user>
# password: "/encrypted/base64_encrypted_password_by_passwd_crypt_cmd"
password: /encrypted/CsG1r/o52tjX6zZH+uHHbQx97BaHTnayaGNP0tcTHLGpt5lMesw=
set the shared passphrase in prometheus config (either job or node file)
prometheus jobs with target files:
#--------- Start prometheus hp3par exporter ---------#
- job_name: "hp3par"
metrics_path: /metrics
- files: [ "/etc/prometheus/hp3par_nodes/*.yml" ]
- source_labels: [__address__]
target_label: __param_target
- source_labels: [__tmp_source_host]
target_label: __address__
#--------- End prometheus hp3par exporter ---------#
- targets: [ "hp3par_node_1" ]
__tmp_source_host: ""
# if you have activated password encrypted passphrass
__param_auth_key: 0123456789abcdef
host: ""
# custom labels…
environment: "DEV"
usage in quiet mode
if you want to encrypt/decrypt passwords on the fly without user prompt it is possible to use environment variables :
- CIPHER_KEY : to set the shared secret
- PASSWORD : to set the password to encrypt/decrypt
e.g.: to crypt
$ CIPHER_KEY=0123456789ABCDEF PASSWORD=my_secret_password ./passwd_encrypt -q
e.g.: to decrypt
$ CIPHER_KEY=0123456789ABCDEF PASSWORD="/encrypted/Egj8Jfmqn/DKQTSiS251xMpQmEroLOw5HRbQUcPBHHD51RxsWCVRrcASvJGFbw==" ./passwd_encrypt -qd