github webhook listener that wil (re)build satis in an docker when events are received.
docker (only server, this app uses the client SDK)
The config is based on yaml with the following properties:
# The address to listen on for incoming github events
# default: :8080
# listen: <string>
# The secret that can be configured for signing/validating
# the github events.
# see:
# secret: <string>
# The user to run the container, defauls to user that runs this container
# user: <string>
# The repositories to manage and when resieving an push event from on of
# those repositories it will rebuid satis
repositories: <list>
# The default satis config in an yaml structure
# see:
# Docker container specific config
# container:
# the name of the image, can be used to set an specific version
# default: composer/satis
# name:
# auto remove image when finished
# default: true
# remove:
# log driver to read back container output
# default: syslog
# see:
# log-type:
# log driver options
# log-args:
# Directories for binding in the conatiner
# the ssh directory which has keys that has access to you repository
# composer directory for persistent cache
# composer:
# build directory which will be used to dump the satis config and
# in {build}/out will contain the generated satis files
# default: {cwd}/build