VSTS Release Scribe

The goal of this project is to capture VSTS service hooks events, specifically those related with the release process and register the progress in the Freshservice platform.
Documentation: Execution Flow
Web Hooks provides a way to send a JSON representation of an event to any service, to start sending this events go to your VSTS project service hooks page and configure the VSTS event to fire it when any of this event types occurs:
- Release deployment started:
- Release deployment approval pending:
- Release deployment approval completed:
- Release deployment completed:
Service Hook configuration:

Create one service hook for each release deployment event:
For more information about how to configure VSTS service hooks events go to: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/vsts/service-hooks/services/webhooks?view=vsts
This configuration will result in a detailed and realtime updated Freshservice Change, most of the descriptions constains links to each item in Azure DevOps / TFS portal.
Build and execution
Build the docker image:
docker build -t scribe .
Or download the image from docker pull payvisiondevelopment/scribe:1.1.0
Run the image with the required environment variables:
docker run --rm -it
-e SCRIBE_USER="user"
-e SCRIBE_PASS="pass"
-e SCRIBE_FRESHSERVICE_URL="https://foo.freshservice.com"
-e SCRIBE_FRESHSERVICE_EMAIL="hulk@outerspace.com"
-p 8080:8080 scribe
Check the health endpoint:
GET /status HTTP/1.1
"Service": "Scribe",
"Description": "VSTS Release event integration with Freshservice",
"Status": "OK",
"Version": "1.1.0",
"Info": {
"Started": "2018-01-01T00:00:00.000000000+01:00",
"Events": 0