PaySuper Tax Service
PaySuper performs like a tax agent for its customers. PaySuper Tax Service determines tax rates for different regions.
Tax legislation in different regions is quite complex. For example, the EU rules require at least two unambiguous factors in determining the tax rate, Russia requires to pay taxes if the BIN card is issued in Russia, in the US taxes vary not only of the state and city, but even, in some cases, depending on the street names in the same city.
- Determining the VAT rate for a specified user's region.
- Using a user's provided information and autodetecting information by a user's IP address.
Table of Contents
How it works
PaySuper Tax uses two types of information from a request:
- information provided by a user himself - this data has the highest priority in determining the taxes.
- information received by a user's IP address - this data is used if information provided by user is not enough or for some reason, we cannot get the tax rates from that.
Additional factors such as the user's language, time zone location and other criteria must be calculated before requesting this service.
Application can be launched with Kubernetes and handles all configuration from the environment variables:
Variable |
Description |
Postgress DSN string |
Http port to expose /health endpoint. Default is 8080 . |
Should be true to launch in k8 mode. Default is false . |
Contributing, Feature Requests and Support
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Chances are, you like what we have already but you may require a custom integration, a special license or something else big and specific to your needs. We're generally open to such conversations.
If you have a question and can't find the answer yourself, you can raise an issue and describe what exactly you're trying to do. We'll do our best to reply in a meaningful time.
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PaySuper welcomes contributions from anyone and everyone. Please refer to our contribution guide to learn more.
The project is available as open source under the terms of the GPL v3 License.