PaySuper Recurring Repository
PaySuper Recurring Repository contains the business logic to work with information about a customer's payment.
The main PaySuper architecture scheme with the "paysuper-recurring-repository"
microservice in the PCI DSS Data
- Securely stores information about customer payments to simplify next payments.
- Finds all saved customer's payment methods.
- Finds one saved customer's payment method.
- Removes a saved customer's payment method.
Table of Contents
We use the GitFlow as a branching model for Git.
Docker deployment
docker build -f Dockerfile -t paysuper_recurring_repository
docker run -d -e "MONGO_DSN=mongodb://" -e "METRICS_PORT=8081" paysuper_recurring_repository
Environment variables
Name |
Description |
MongoDB DSN connection string |
Indicates the user's preference on reads from MongoDB. Default is "primary". |
Http server port for health and metrics request. Default is 8085. |
Contributing, Feature Requests and Support
If you like this project then you can put a ⭐ on it. It means a lot to us.
If you have an idea of how to improve PaySuper (or any of the product parts) or have general feedback, you're welcome to submit a feature request.
Chances are, you like what we have already but you may require a custom integration, a special license or something else big and specific to your needs. We're generally open to such conversations.
If you have a question and can't find the answer yourself, you can raise an issue and describe what exactly you're trying to do. We'll do our best to reply in a meaningful time.
We feel that a welcoming community is important and we ask that you follow PaySuper's Open Source Code of Conduct in all interactions with the community.
PaySuper welcomes contributions from anyone and everyone. Please refer to our contribution guide to learn more.
The project is available as open source under the terms of the GPL v3 License.