Demo application for authorization
The application demonstrates basic authorization scenarios and environment settings.
You will need an auth1 and
ORY Hydra authorization server to operate.
Download Hydra and edit docker-compose.yml if necessary. The main thing you may need to
do is to change the value of the environment variables in it:
- endpoint address on public hydra URL
- endpoint address for user login and password request (project
- endpoint address to request user scopes (project auth1)
If you want Hydra to work on non-standard ports (4444 for public requests and 4445 for
administrative requests), change them in the ports
Also note that the endpoints of Hydra requests are also listed in the configuration file
of the auth1 project, located in the etc
The first step is to create the space, application and user in the auth1 project.
To do this, use the API requests described in the project specification at
. You can also use the queries prepared for the Postman application,
which are located in the /spec/postman_collection
Create space using /api/space
(Postman: Management > Space > Create space). Using the
space identifier, create an application by executing a request to /api/app
Management > Application > Create application). At creation of the application in a
field auth_redirect_urls
specify an end point of your application which will validate
the received code from a server of authorisation (for this demonstration application the
address is used).
The response received after creating the application will contain a secret key that
should be used for authorization, for example:
"id": "5c5bfc434c1efd4fb8e2d266",
"space_id": "5c1bbe564c1efd4428629bdd",
"name": "Test2",
"description": "Initial application",
"is_active": true,
"auth_secret": "ejJu8SLQnt5Bx2DiqZSIoQbWCPK5eIeYNyjGQLsL7ZwAeipZMY1W6BnsJOBZGVpC",
"auth_redirect_urls": [
Use the resulting id
, auth_secret
and auth_redirect_urls
to configure your test
conf := jwtverifier.Config{
ClientID: "",
ClientSecret: "",
Scopes: []string{"openid", "offline"},
RedirectURL: "",
Issuer: "http://localhost:8080",
Issuer is the domain where paysuper authorization server is located (without a slash at the end of the line,
this is important). Change the domain name and port, if necessary.
Almost everything's ready.)
The only thing left to do is to create a user by sending a request to auth1 api at
(Postman: SignUp > SignUp), and then open the main page of the test
application and click on the Auth me
After successful authentication, the user will be returned to and in the application console you will see the
authentication tokens that can be used further in the application as you wish.