Overview ¶
Package proto implements Juno binary message protocol.
Juno Message ¶
A Juno message looks like
+------------------------+----------------------------------------------------+ | 12-byte message header | message body depending message type(can be absent) | +------------------------+----------------------------------------------------+
Message header
| 0| 1| 2| 3| 4| 5| 6| 7| 0| 1| 2| 3| 4| 5| 6| 7| 0| 1| 2| 3| 4| 5| 6| 7| 0| 1| 2| 3| 4| 5| 6| 7| byte | 0| 1| 2| 3| ------+-----------------------+-----------------------+-----------------------+-----------------------+ 0 | magic number | protocol version | message type flag | | | +-----------------+-----+ | | | type | RQ | ------+-----------------------------------------------+-----------------------+-----------------+-----+ 4 | message size | ------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ 8 | opaque | ------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ magic number: 0x5050 protocol version: 1 message type and flag: type: 0: operational message 1: admin message 2: cluster control message RQ: 0 response 1 two way request 3 one way request
Operational Message ¶
An operational message looks like
+------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 12-byte message header | message body | | +----------------------------+-----------------------------------------+ | | operational message header | operational message body(can be absent) | +------------------------+----------------------------+-----------------------------------------+
========================== operational message header ========================== operational request header |0|1|2|3|4|5|6|7|0|1|2|3|4|5|6|7|0|1|2|3|4|5|6|7|0|1|2|3|4|5|6|7| byte | 0| 1| 2| 3| ------+---------------+---------------+---------------+---------------+ 0 | opcode |flag | shard Id | | +-+-------------+ | | |R| | | ------+---------------+-+-------------+-------------------------------+ operational response header |0|1|2|3|4|5|6|7|0|1|2|3|4|5|6|7|0|1|2|3|4|5|6|7|0|1|2|3|4|5|6|7| byte | 0| 1| 2| 3| ------+---------------+---------------+---------------+---------------+ 0 | opcode |flag | reserved | status | | +-+-------------+ | | | |R| | | | ------+---------------+-+-------------+---------------+---------------+ opcode: 0x00 Nop 0x01 Create 0x02 Get 0x03 Update 0x04 Set 0x05 Destroy 0x81 PrepareCreate 0x82 Read 0x83 PrepareUpdate 0x84 PrepareSet 0x85 PrepareDelete 0x86 Delete 0xC1 Commit 0xC2 Abort (Rollback) 0xC3 Repair 0xC4 MarkDelete 0xE1 Clone 0xFE MockSetParam oxFF MockReSet RQ: 0 response 1 two way request 3 one way request R: 1 if it is for replication shard Id only meaning for request to SS Status: 1 byte, only meaningful for response ======================== Operational message body ======================== An operational message body contains zero or multiple components ============= * Component * ============= +-----------------------+-------------------------+-----------------+----------------+--------------+ | 4-byte component size | 1 byte component Tag/ID | component header| component body | padding to 8 | +-----------------------+-------------------------+-----------------+----------------+--------------+ In Juno protocol version 1, two types of components are defined 1. payload component 2. meta data component ===================================== ** Payload (or KeyValue) Component ** ===================================== Tag/ID: 0x01 A fixed length header followed by the component body defining namespace, key, and value payload component header ------+------------------+-------- | namespace length | 1 byte ------+------------------+-------- | key length | 2 bytes ------+------------------+-------- | value length | 4 bytes ------+------------------+-------- payload component body +---------+-----+-------+-------------------------+ |namespace| key | value | padding to align 8-byte | +---------+-----+-------+-------------------------+ payload value field +---------------------+--------------+ | 1 byte payload type | Payload data | +---------------------+--------------+ payload Type 0: payload data is the actual value passed from client user 1: payload data is encrypted by Juno client library, details not specified 2: payload data is encrypted by Juno proxy with AES-GCM. encryption key length is 256 bits payload data for payload type 2 +--------------------------------+----------------+----------------+ | 4 bytes encryption key version | 12 bytes nonce | encrypted data | +--------------------------------+----------------+----------------+ ==================== ** Meta Component ** ==================== Tag/ID: 0x02 A variable length header followed by a set of meta data fields meta component header | 0| 1| 2| 3| 4| 5| 6| 7| ----+-----------------------+--------- | number of fields | 1 byte ----+--------------+--------+--------- | field tag |sizeType| 1 byte ----+--------------+--------+--------- | ... | ----+-----------------------+--------- | padding to 4 | ----+-----------------------+--------- sizeType: 0 variable length field, for that case, the first 1 byte of the field MUST be the size of the field(padding to 4 byte). The max is 255. n Fixed length: 2 ^ (n+1) bytes meta component body ----+-----------------------+--------- | field data | defined by Field tag ----+-----------------------+--------- | ... | ----+-----------------------+--------- | padding to 8 | ----+-----------------------+--------- ============================== *** Predefined Field Types *** ============================== Tag/ID | Field | SizeType -------+--------------------------------------+------ 0x01 | TimeToLive | 0x01 0x02 | Version | 0x01 0x03 | Creation Time | 0x01 0x04 | Expiration Time | 0x01 0x05 | RequestID/UUID | 0x03 0x06 | Source Info | 0 0x07 | Last Modification time (nano second) | 0x02 0x08 | Originator RequestID/UUID | 0x03 0x09 | Correlation ID | 0 0x0a | RequestHandlingTime | 0x01 0x0b | UDF Name | 0 -------+--------------------------------------+------ Tag/ID: 0x06 +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 0| 1| 2| 3| 4| 5| 6| 7| 0| 1| 2| 3| 4| 5| 6| 7| 0| 1| 2| 3| 4| 5| 6| 7| 0| 1| 2| 3| 4| 5| 6| 7| | 0| 1| 2| 3| +-----------+-----------+--------------------+--+-----------------------+-----------------------+ | size (include padding)| app name length | T| Port | +-----------------------+--------------------+--+-----------------------------------------------+ | IPv4 address if T is 0 or IPv6 address if T is 1 | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | application name, padding to 4-byte aligned | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Tag/ID: 0x09; 0x0b +----+------------------------------------------- | 0 | field size (including padding) +----+------------------------------------------- | 1 | octet sequence length +----+------------------------------------------- | | octet sequence, padding to 4-byte aligned +----+-------------------------------------------
Index ¶
- Constants
- Variables
- func Equal(rid1 RequestId, rid2 RequestId) bool
- func GetOpCodeAndOpStatus(wmsg *RawMessage) (opCode OpCode, opStatus OpStatus, err error)
- func InitializeKeyStore(pType PayloadType, ks IEncryptionKeyStore)
- func RequestIdTextFromBytes(b []byte) string
- func SetOpCode(wmsg *RawMessage, opcode OpCode) (err error)
- func SetOpStatus(wmsg *RawMessage, st OpStatus) (err error)
- func SetRequestHandlingTime(raw *RawMessage, t uint32)
- func SetShardId(wmsg *RawMessage, vid uint16) (err error)
- func StatusText(code int) string
- type Decoder
- type Encoder
- type IEncryptionKeyStore
- type IMessage
- type IRequestId
- type OpCode
- type OpStatus
- type OperationalMessage
- func (m *OperationalMessage) ClearPayload()
- func (op *OperationalMessage) CreateResponse() (resp *OperationalMessage)
- func (op *OperationalMessage) Decode(wmsg *RawMessage) error
- func (op *OperationalMessage) Encode(wMsg *RawMessage) (err error)
- func (m *OperationalMessage) GetAppName() []byte
- func (m *OperationalMessage) GetCorrelationID() []byte
- func (m *OperationalMessage) GetCreationTime() uint32
- func (m *OperationalMessage) GetExpirationTime() uint32
- func (m *OperationalMessage) GetFlags() opMsgFlagT
- func (m *OperationalMessage) GetKey() []byte
- func (m *OperationalMessage) GetKeyHexString() string
- func (m *OperationalMessage) GetLastModificationTime() uint64
- func (m *OperationalMessage) GetNamespace() []byte
- func (m *OperationalMessage) GetOpCode() OpCode
- func (m *OperationalMessage) GetOpCodeText() string
- func (m *OperationalMessage) GetOpStatus() OpStatus
- func (m *OperationalMessage) GetOpStatusText() string
- func (m *OperationalMessage) GetOpaque() uint32
- func (m *OperationalMessage) GetOriginatorRequestID() RequestId
- func (m *OperationalMessage) GetOriginatorRequestIDString() string
- func (m *OperationalMessage) GetPayload() *Payload
- func (m *OperationalMessage) GetPayloadLength() uint32
- func (m *OperationalMessage) GetPayloadValueLength() uint32
- func (m *OperationalMessage) GetRequestHandlingTime() uint32
- func (m *OperationalMessage) GetRequestID() RequestId
- func (m *OperationalMessage) GetRequestIDString() string
- func (m *OperationalMessage) GetShardId() uint16
- func (m *OperationalMessage) GetSrcIP() net.IP
- func (m *OperationalMessage) GetSrcPort() uint16
- func (m *OperationalMessage) GetTimeToLive() uint32
- func (m *OperationalMessage) GetUDFName() []byte
- func (m *OperationalMessage) GetVersion() uint32
- func (m *OperationalMessage) IsForDeleteReplication() bool
- func (m *OperationalMessage) IsForReplication() bool
- func (m *OperationalMessage) IsOriginatorSet() bool
- func (m *OperationalMessage) IsRequest() bool
- func (m *OperationalMessage) IsRequestIDSet() bool
- func (m *OperationalMessage) IsResponse() bool
- func (m *OperationalMessage) IsUDFNameSet() bool
- func (m *OperationalMessage) PrettyPrint(w io.Writer)
- func (m *OperationalMessage) SetAsDeleteReplication()
- func (m *OperationalMessage) SetAsReplication()
- func (m *OperationalMessage) SetAsRequest()
- func (m *OperationalMessage) SetAsResponse()
- func (m *OperationalMessage) SetCorrelationID(id []byte)
- func (m *OperationalMessage) SetCreationTime(value uint32)
- func (m *OperationalMessage) SetExpirationTime(value uint32)
- func (m *OperationalMessage) SetKey(key []byte)
- func (m *OperationalMessage) SetLastModificationTime(value uint64)
- func (op *OperationalMessage) SetMessage(opcode OpCode, key []byte, namespace []byte, payload *Payload, ttl uint32)
- func (m *OperationalMessage) SetNamespace(namespace []byte)
- func (m *OperationalMessage) SetNewRequestID()
- func (m *OperationalMessage) SetOpCode(op OpCode)
- func (m *OperationalMessage) SetOpStatus(s OpStatus)
- func (m *OperationalMessage) SetOpaque(opaque uint32)
- func (m *OperationalMessage) SetOriginatorRequestID(id RequestId)
- func (m *OperationalMessage) SetPayload(payload *Payload)
- func (op *OperationalMessage) SetRequest(opcode OpCode, key []byte, namespace []byte, payload *Payload, ttl uint32)
- func (m *OperationalMessage) SetRequestHandlingTime(value uint32)
- func (m *OperationalMessage) SetRequestID(id RequestId)
- func (m *OperationalMessage) SetShardId(id uint16)
- func (m *OperationalMessage) SetSource(ip net.IP, port uint16, appName []byte)
- func (m *OperationalMessage) SetTimeToLive(value uint32)
- func (m *OperationalMessage) SetUDFName(name []byte)
- func (m *OperationalMessage) SetVersion(version uint32)
- func (m *OperationalMessage) UnSetRequestID()
- type Payload
- func (p *Payload) Clear()
- func (p *Payload) Clone() (PayloadType, []byte)
- func (p *Payload) Decode(raw []byte, copyData bool)
- func (p *Payload) Decrypt() (err error)
- func (p *Payload) EncodeToBuffer(buffer *bytes.Buffer)
- func (p *Payload) Encrypt(pType PayloadType) (err error)
- func (p *Payload) Equal(other *Payload) bool
- func (p *Payload) GetClearValue() (value []byte, err error)
- func (p *Payload) GetData() []byte
- func (p *Payload) GetLength() uint32
- func (p *Payload) GetPayloadType() PayloadType
- func (p *Payload) GetValueLength() uint32
- func (p *Payload) PrettyPrint(w io.Writer)
- func (p *Payload) Set(payload *Payload)
- func (p *Payload) SetPayload(tag PayloadType, data []byte)
- func (p *Payload) SetWithClearValue(value []byte)
- type PayloadType
- type ProtocolError
- type RawMessage
- func (h *RawMessage) Decode(raw []byte) error
- func (m *RawMessage) DeepCopy(from *RawMessage)
- func (m *RawMessage) GetBody() []byte
- func (h *RawMessage) GetMsgSize() uint32
- func (h *RawMessage) GetOpaque() uint32
- func (m *RawMessage) GiveUpBufferOwnership()
- func (m *RawMessage) HexDump()
- func (h *RawMessage) IsSupported() bool
- func (h *RawMessage) PrettyPrint()
- func (m *RawMessage) PrintBytesForTest()
- func (msg *RawMessage) Read(r io.Reader) (n int, err error)
- func (msg *RawMessage) ReadWithHeader(header []byte, r io.Reader) (n int, err error)
- func (m *RawMessage) ReleaseBuffer()
- func (m *RawMessage) Reset()
- func (h *RawMessage) SetAsResponse()
- func (h *RawMessage) SetOpaque(opaque uint32)
- func (m *RawMessage) ShallowCopy(from *RawMessage)
- func (m *RawMessage) ToHexString() string
- func (m *RawMessage) Write(w io.Writer) (n int, err error)
- type RequestId
- func (rid RequestId) Bytes() []byte
- func (rid RequestId) Equal(id RequestId) bool
- func (rid RequestId) IsNotNil() bool
- func (rid RequestId) IsSet() bool
- func (rid RequestId) PrettyPrint(w io.Writer)
- func (rid *RequestId) SetFromBytes(b []byte) error
- func (rid *RequestId) SetFromString(str string) error
- func (rid *RequestId) SetNewRequestId()
- func (rid RequestId) String() string
Constants ¶
View Source
const ( OpCodeNop = OpCode(0) OpCodeCreate = OpCode(1) OpCodeGet = OpCode(2) OpCodeUpdate = OpCode(3) OpCodeSet = OpCode(4) OpCodeDestroy = OpCode(5) OpCodeUDFGet = OpCode(6) OpCodeUDFSet = OpCode(7) OpCodeLastProxyOp = OpCode(8) // add proxy op before this OpCodePrepareCreate = OpCode(0x81) OpCodeRead = OpCode(0x82) OpCodePrepareUpdate = OpCode(0x83) OpCodePrepareSet = OpCode(0x84) OpCodePrepareDelete = OpCode(0x85) OpCodeDelete = OpCode(0x86) OpCodeCommit = OpCode(0xC1) OpCodeAbort = OpCode(0xC2) OpCodeRepair = OpCode(0xC3) OpCodeMarkDelete = OpCode(0xC4) OpCodeClone = OpCode(0xE1) OpCodeVerHandshake = OpCode(0xE2) OpCodeMockGetExtendTTL = OpCode(0xFD) OpCodeMockSetParam = OpCode(0xFE) OpCodeMockReSet = OpCode(0xFF) )
View Source
const ( OpStatusNoError = OpStatus(0) OpStatusBadMsg = OpStatus(1) OpStatusServiceDenied = OpStatus(2) OpStatusBadParam = OpStatus(7) OpStatusNoKey = OpStatus(3) OpStatusDupKey = OpStatus(4) OpStatusRecordLocked = OpStatus(8) OpStatusVersionConflict = OpStatus(19) OpStatusNoStorageServer = OpStatus(12) OpStatusInserting = OpStatus(15) OpStatusAlreadyFulfilled = OpStatus(17) OpStatusNoUncommitted = OpStatus(10) OpStatusBusy = OpStatus(14) OpStatusSSError = OpStatus(21) OpStatusSSOutofResource = OpStatus(22) OpStatusSSReadTTLExtendErr = OpStatus(23) OpStatusKeyMarkedDelete = OpStatus(27) OpStatusCommitFailure = OpStatus(25) OpStatusInconsistent = OpStatus(26) OpStatusReqProcTimeout = OpStatus(24) OpStatusNotSupported = OpStatus(28) )
View Source
const ( PayloadTypeClear = iota PayloadTypeEncryptedByClient PayloadTypeEncryptedByProxy PayloadTypecompressedByClient )
View Source
const ( StatusOk = 0 StatusNoConn = 1 StatusCommErr = 2 StatusTimeout = 3 StatusBadRequest = 4 StatusBadResponse = 5 StatusNoCapacity = 6 StatusSSBusy = 7 StatusRBCleanup = 8 StatusRBExpire = 9 )
View Source
const (
OpStatusInternal = OpStatus(255)
View Source
const (
SnappyCompression string = "Snappy"
Variables ¶
View Source
var ( ErrFailToGetEncryptionKey = errors.New("fail to get encryption key") ErrFailTogetKeyStore = errors.New("fail to get key store") )
View Source
var ( ErrNotSupportedMessage = &ProtocolError{"Message type not supported"} ErrInvalidBufferSize = &ProtocolError{"Buffer size"} ErrInvalidMessageHeader = &ProtocolError{"Invalid Message Header"} ErrInvalidMessageSize = &ProtocolError{"Invalid Message Size"} ErrInvalidMessage = &ProtocolError{"Invalid Message"} ErrInvalidComponentTag = &ProtocolError{"Invalid Component Tag"} ErrInvalidMetaCompHeader = &ProtocolError{"Invalid Meta Component Header"} ErrBufferTooShort = &ProtocolError{"Input buffer too short"} ErrInvalidRequestID = &ProtocolError{"Invalid request ID"} ErrInvalidSourceInfo = &ProtocolError{"Invalid source info"} ErrInvalidByteSequence = &ProtocolError{"Invalid byte sequence"} ErrInvalidIPAddress = &ProtocolError{"Invalid IP Address"} ErrInvalidMetaFieldSize = &ProtocolError{"Invalid Meta Field Size"} )
View Source
var ( ErrClientKeyStoreNotAvailable = fmt.Errorf("client encryption key store not avaliable") ErrServerKeyStoreNotAvailable = fmt.Errorf("server encryption key store not avaliable") ErrUnsupportedPayloadType = fmt.Errorf("unsupported payload type") ErrPayloadNoEncryptionHeader = fmt.Errorf("no encryption header") ErrUnsupportedCompressionType = fmt.Errorf("unsupported compression type") )
View Source
var (
EncByteOrder = binary.BigEndian
View Source
var (
JunoMagic [2]byte = [2]byte{0x50, 0x50}
View Source
var NilRequestId = RequestId{}
Functions ¶
func GetOpCodeAndOpStatus ¶
func GetOpCodeAndOpStatus(wmsg *RawMessage) (opCode OpCode, opStatus OpStatus, err error)
func InitializeKeyStore ¶
func InitializeKeyStore(pType PayloadType, ks IEncryptionKeyStore)
func RequestIdTextFromBytes ¶
func SetOpCode ¶
func SetOpCode(wmsg *RawMessage, opcode OpCode) (err error)
func SetOpStatus ¶
func SetOpStatus(wmsg *RawMessage, st OpStatus) (err error)
func SetRequestHandlingTime ¶
func SetRequestHandlingTime(raw *RawMessage, t uint32)
Set RequestHandlingTime in meta component First meta field should be RequestHandlingTime if any.
func SetShardId ¶
func SetShardId(wmsg *RawMessage, vid uint16) (err error)
func StatusText ¶
Types ¶
type Decoder ¶
type Decoder struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewDecoder ¶
func (*Decoder) Decode ¶
func (dec *Decoder) Decode(op *OperationalMessage) error
type IEncryptionKeyStore ¶
type IRequestId ¶
type OpCode ¶
type OpCode uint8
func GetOpCode ¶
func GetOpCode(wmsg *RawMessage) (opCode OpCode, err error)
func GetOpCodeAndFlag ¶
func GetOpCodeAndFlag(wmsg *RawMessage) (opCode OpCode, flag uint8, err error)
func (OpCode) IsForStorage ¶
func (OpCode) ShortNameString ¶
type OpStatus ¶
type OpStatus uint8
func GetOpStatus ¶
func GetOpStatus(wmsg *RawMessage) (opStatus OpStatus, err error)
func (OpStatus) ShortNameString ¶
type OperationalMessage ¶
type OperationalMessage struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*OperationalMessage) ClearPayload ¶
func (m *OperationalMessage) ClearPayload()
func (*OperationalMessage) CreateResponse ¶
func (op *OperationalMessage) CreateResponse() (resp *OperationalMessage)
func (*OperationalMessage) Decode ¶
func (op *OperationalMessage) Decode(wmsg *RawMessage) error
func (*OperationalMessage) Encode ¶
func (op *OperationalMessage) Encode(wMsg *RawMessage) (err error)
func (*OperationalMessage) GetAppName ¶
func (m *OperationalMessage) GetAppName() []byte
func (*OperationalMessage) GetCorrelationID ¶
func (m *OperationalMessage) GetCorrelationID() []byte
func (*OperationalMessage) GetCreationTime ¶
func (m *OperationalMessage) GetCreationTime() uint32
func (*OperationalMessage) GetExpirationTime ¶
func (m *OperationalMessage) GetExpirationTime() uint32
func (*OperationalMessage) GetFlags ¶
func (m *OperationalMessage) GetFlags() opMsgFlagT
func (*OperationalMessage) GetKey ¶
func (m *OperationalMessage) GetKey() []byte
func (*OperationalMessage) GetKeyHexString ¶
func (m *OperationalMessage) GetKeyHexString() string
func (*OperationalMessage) GetLastModificationTime ¶
func (m *OperationalMessage) GetLastModificationTime() uint64
func (*OperationalMessage) GetNamespace ¶
func (m *OperationalMessage) GetNamespace() []byte
func (*OperationalMessage) GetOpCode ¶
func (m *OperationalMessage) GetOpCode() OpCode
func (*OperationalMessage) GetOpCodeText ¶
func (m *OperationalMessage) GetOpCodeText() string
func (*OperationalMessage) GetOpStatus ¶
func (m *OperationalMessage) GetOpStatus() OpStatus
func (*OperationalMessage) GetOpStatusText ¶
func (m *OperationalMessage) GetOpStatusText() string
func (*OperationalMessage) GetOpaque ¶
func (m *OperationalMessage) GetOpaque() uint32
func (*OperationalMessage) GetOriginatorRequestID ¶
func (m *OperationalMessage) GetOriginatorRequestID() RequestId
func (*OperationalMessage) GetOriginatorRequestIDString ¶
func (m *OperationalMessage) GetOriginatorRequestIDString() string
func (*OperationalMessage) GetPayload ¶
func (m *OperationalMessage) GetPayload() *Payload
func (*OperationalMessage) GetPayloadLength ¶
func (m *OperationalMessage) GetPayloadLength() uint32
func (*OperationalMessage) GetPayloadValueLength ¶
func (m *OperationalMessage) GetPayloadValueLength() uint32
func (*OperationalMessage) GetRequestHandlingTime ¶
func (m *OperationalMessage) GetRequestHandlingTime() uint32
func (*OperationalMessage) GetRequestID ¶
func (m *OperationalMessage) GetRequestID() RequestId
func (*OperationalMessage) GetRequestIDString ¶
func (m *OperationalMessage) GetRequestIDString() string
func (*OperationalMessage) GetShardId ¶
func (m *OperationalMessage) GetShardId() uint16
func (*OperationalMessage) GetSrcIP ¶
func (m *OperationalMessage) GetSrcIP() net.IP
func (*OperationalMessage) GetSrcPort ¶
func (m *OperationalMessage) GetSrcPort() uint16
func (*OperationalMessage) GetTimeToLive ¶
func (m *OperationalMessage) GetTimeToLive() uint32
func (*OperationalMessage) GetUDFName ¶
func (m *OperationalMessage) GetUDFName() []byte
func (*OperationalMessage) GetVersion ¶
func (m *OperationalMessage) GetVersion() uint32
func (*OperationalMessage) IsForDeleteReplication ¶
func (m *OperationalMessage) IsForDeleteReplication() bool
For namespace migration
func (*OperationalMessage) IsForReplication ¶
func (m *OperationalMessage) IsForReplication() bool
func (*OperationalMessage) IsOriginatorSet ¶
func (m *OperationalMessage) IsOriginatorSet() bool
func (*OperationalMessage) IsRequest ¶
func (m *OperationalMessage) IsRequest() bool
func (*OperationalMessage) IsRequestIDSet ¶
func (m *OperationalMessage) IsRequestIDSet() bool
func (*OperationalMessage) IsResponse ¶
func (m *OperationalMessage) IsResponse() bool
func (*OperationalMessage) IsUDFNameSet ¶
func (m *OperationalMessage) IsUDFNameSet() bool
func (*OperationalMessage) PrettyPrint ¶
func (m *OperationalMessage) PrettyPrint(w io.Writer)
func (*OperationalMessage) SetAsDeleteReplication ¶
func (m *OperationalMessage) SetAsDeleteReplication()
func (*OperationalMessage) SetAsReplication ¶
func (m *OperationalMessage) SetAsReplication()
func (*OperationalMessage) SetAsRequest ¶
func (m *OperationalMessage) SetAsRequest()
func (*OperationalMessage) SetAsResponse ¶
func (m *OperationalMessage) SetAsResponse()
func (*OperationalMessage) SetCorrelationID ¶
func (m *OperationalMessage) SetCorrelationID(id []byte)
func (*OperationalMessage) SetCreationTime ¶
func (m *OperationalMessage) SetCreationTime(value uint32)
func (*OperationalMessage) SetExpirationTime ¶
func (m *OperationalMessage) SetExpirationTime(value uint32)
func (*OperationalMessage) SetKey ¶
func (m *OperationalMessage) SetKey(key []byte)
func (*OperationalMessage) SetLastModificationTime ¶
func (m *OperationalMessage) SetLastModificationTime(value uint64)
func (*OperationalMessage) SetMessage ¶
func (*OperationalMessage) SetNamespace ¶
func (m *OperationalMessage) SetNamespace(namespace []byte)
func (*OperationalMessage) SetNewRequestID ¶
func (m *OperationalMessage) SetNewRequestID()
func (*OperationalMessage) SetOpCode ¶
func (m *OperationalMessage) SetOpCode(op OpCode)
func (*OperationalMessage) SetOpStatus ¶
func (m *OperationalMessage) SetOpStatus(s OpStatus)
func (*OperationalMessage) SetOpaque ¶
func (m *OperationalMessage) SetOpaque(opaque uint32)
func (*OperationalMessage) SetOriginatorRequestID ¶
func (m *OperationalMessage) SetOriginatorRequestID(id RequestId)
func (*OperationalMessage) SetPayload ¶
func (m *OperationalMessage) SetPayload(payload *Payload)
func (*OperationalMessage) SetRequest ¶
func (*OperationalMessage) SetRequestHandlingTime ¶
func (m *OperationalMessage) SetRequestHandlingTime(value uint32)
func (*OperationalMessage) SetRequestID ¶
func (m *OperationalMessage) SetRequestID(id RequestId)
func (*OperationalMessage) SetShardId ¶
func (m *OperationalMessage) SetShardId(id uint16)
func (*OperationalMessage) SetSource ¶
func (m *OperationalMessage) SetSource(ip net.IP, port uint16, appName []byte)
func (*OperationalMessage) SetTimeToLive ¶
func (m *OperationalMessage) SetTimeToLive(value uint32)
func (*OperationalMessage) SetUDFName ¶
func (m *OperationalMessage) SetUDFName(name []byte)
func (*OperationalMessage) SetVersion ¶
func (m *OperationalMessage) SetVersion(version uint32)
func (*OperationalMessage) UnSetRequestID ¶
func (m *OperationalMessage) UnSetRequestID()
type Payload ¶
type Payload struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*Payload) Clone ¶
func (p *Payload) Clone() (PayloadType, []byte)
func (*Payload) EncodeToBuffer ¶
func (*Payload) Encrypt ¶
func (p *Payload) Encrypt(pType PayloadType) (err error)
func (*Payload) GetPayloadType ¶
func (p *Payload) GetPayloadType() PayloadType
func (*Payload) GetValueLength ¶
func (*Payload) PrettyPrint ¶
func (*Payload) SetPayload ¶
func (p *Payload) SetPayload(tag PayloadType, data []byte)
func (*Payload) SetWithClearValue ¶
type PayloadType ¶
type PayloadType uint8
func (PayloadType) String ¶
func (t PayloadType) String() string
type ProtocolError ¶
type ProtocolError struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewProtocolError ¶
func NewProtocolError(err error) *ProtocolError
func (*ProtocolError) Error ¶
func (e *ProtocolError) Error() string
type RawMessage ¶
type RawMessage struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*RawMessage) DeepCopy ¶
func (m *RawMessage) DeepCopy(from *RawMessage)
func (*RawMessage) GetBody ¶
func (m *RawMessage) GetBody() []byte
func (*RawMessage) GetMsgSize ¶
func (h *RawMessage) GetMsgSize() uint32
func (*RawMessage) GiveUpBufferOwnership ¶
func (m *RawMessage) GiveUpBufferOwnership()
func (*RawMessage) HexDump ¶
func (m *RawMessage) HexDump()
func (*RawMessage) IsSupported ¶
func (h *RawMessage) IsSupported() bool
func (*RawMessage) PrettyPrint ¶
func (h *RawMessage) PrettyPrint()
func (*RawMessage) PrintBytesForTest ¶
func (m *RawMessage) PrintBytesForTest()
func (*RawMessage) Read ¶
func (msg *RawMessage) Read(r io.Reader) (n int, err error)
Note: read timeout is set at conn level
func (*RawMessage) ReadWithHeader ¶
func (*RawMessage) ReleaseBuffer ¶
func (m *RawMessage) ReleaseBuffer()
func (*RawMessage) Reset ¶
func (m *RawMessage) Reset()
func (*RawMessage) SetAsResponse ¶
func (h *RawMessage) SetAsResponse()
func (*RawMessage) ShallowCopy ¶
func (m *RawMessage) ShallowCopy(from *RawMessage)
func (*RawMessage) ToHexString ¶
func (m *RawMessage) ToHexString() string
type RequestId ¶
type RequestId [16]byte
func (RequestId) PrettyPrint ¶
func (*RequestId) SetFromBytes ¶
func (*RequestId) SetFromString ¶
func (*RequestId) SetNewRequestId ¶
func (rid *RequestId) SetNewRequestId()
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